• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Wilder memories

Author's Note:

A follow-up chapter to The Wildest Memories where Ash reminisces about events that happened in the movies.

If you haven't seen these movies yet, this is some major spoiler territory.

Equestria, Bidoof Beach, late afternoon.

Currently, Ash, Twilight and the others have decided to relax at a beautiful new area in Equestria called Bidoof Beach. An area that was very close to both Lapras Lake and Ponyville.

With its calming seas and gentle Bidoof running around, it was a perfect place to relax. Not only that but many other ponies had decided to do the same. It was deserved after all the crazy events that have happened involving Pokemon over the past months. A whole year was closing in anyways.

Even Princess Celestia and Luna were here. Celestia has been taking a few breaks frequently ever since the whole Passion debacle. So this was just another one of them. Although, she still finds her royal duties much more important, even when the ponies don't mind her taking a break.

Luna was here since she was originally planning to tackle the seventh gym to advance onwards in the Equestria League. But surprisingly, the Gym Leader wasn't present at the moment. So now here she is.

They had spent hours just enjoying their time at the beach, taking in the golden sun. Some ponies were almost grabbed by Palossand. A Pokemon that is known for pulling down its prey by controlling the sand itself, and then sucks out their souls, leaving behind bones of those who had their vitality drained.

Thankfully, the Palossand here was a friendly one so no soul-sucking today. They had a blast at the beach but very soon, each of them would have to head home. Celestia and Luna still had Canterlot to be at even though Pyrestar has offered to take things from here whilst they have a short break.

"I wonder if Max and Ralts met up again..." Ash said to himself, looking in the distance.

"Hey, Ash!" The CMC cried his name out.

"Hm? What's up?"

"We were wondering you could continue from where you left off last time!" Sweetie Belle grinned. "Before we head home anyway."

"Where I left off last time?" Ash raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know. When you were foalsitting us. You told us about your past adventures and how crazy they get!"

"Oh, yeah!" Ash remembered. "I didn't get to tell you the rest, huh?"

"What's this about past adventures?" Twilight's attention was grabbed by those words along with the rest of her friends.

"Ah, I remember you three telling us about it after Ash finished foalsitting you." Rarity said. "What was it again? Pirates and sea temples?"

"Oooh. I'm intrigued." Pinkie slid in. "Tell me what you know!"

"I guess I can continue. But man...there's a lot to remember." Ash closed his eyes, thinking back to all his past adventures. There really was a lot to choose from. Each with their own Legendary and Mythical Pokemon involved. In more ways than one.

"Come to think of it...we never did get to know a lot about your past adventures, Ash. We just hear parts about how you've met certain Pokemon here and there." Fluttershy flew up.

"Yeah. Give us some juicy details, Ketchum." Rainbow nudged his shoulder.

"Alright. You guys wanna hear? Then gather around. I've got a lot up my sleeve!" Ash sat down on a rock, rubbing his hands together.

Most of the ponies gathered around as if they were apart of a campfire. It even felt like a campfire story was about to be told at the moment.

"I was gonna continue to my Sinnoh experiences but I'll save it for later. Sinnoh is a whole another type of wild. I'll just skip to Unova. When I first met Keldeo and the Swords of Justice."

"Swords of Justice?" Celestia sat up from her beach chair. "Involving Cobalion?"

"Yeah." Ash nodded.

"...Go on." The Sun Princess was now intrigued as well.

"Well. Iris, Cilan and I were off to a new city as always, when all of a sudden, Keldeo showed up. In pretty bad shape too. Mostly because he was trying to escape from Kyurem."

"Kyurem?" Many ponies collectively said, unaware of that Pokemon.

"Right. You see, Kyurem wasn't too happy with Keldeo. At all. Not only that but a bunch of Cryoganal's were with him. A lot happened but I'll get to the big parts."

Roshan City, Night. The Unova Region.

Currently, at this time, Ash, Iris, Cilan and Keldeo were taking a break after finally managing to escape from Kyurem back at the train. They needed it due to how intense it was starting to get.

Keldeo was going on about how he was going to save the Swords of Justice from being frozen due to some words of encouragement by Ash. Ash, Iris and Cilan were willing to help Keldeo achieve his goal of saving the Swords whilst defeating Kyurem at the same time.

With them making a promise, they were ready to eat first and then get out there. The current dinner choice was none other than the Darumaka lunch boxes with a multitude of food inside.

"First, it's boxed lunchtime!" Cilan spoke up. "We can't battle on an empty stomach now, can we?"

"Oh, yeah! Darumaka boxed lunch, alright!" Ash raised the cover of the lunch box in excitement. "With a cool box!"

"It looks delish!" said Iris.



"Go ahead and dig in, Keldeo." Ash insisted.

The Colt Pokemon went up to the food, curious about how it would taste. He ended up sniffing it first for clarity since he's never really eaten human food before. After sniffing it, he took a single bite out of the lunch. After tasting it for a few seconds, he reached a verdict.

"Ah, delicious!" Keldeo said.

"Isn't it great?" Ash grinned. Both him and Keldeo started going to town on their lunch without showing any signs of slowing down. Unfortunately, their speed eating ended up making them both choke on the food as they grumbled and hit their chests.

"You two..." Iris sighed. "What a couple of little kids."

"Water! Water!" Keldeo cried out.

"There's plenty. No need to eat so quickly." Cilan chuckled.

Whilst they enjoy their lunch, unbeknownst to them, Kyurem was much closer than they think. Even if they managed to escape him earlier, Kyurem could easily catch up to his prey thanks to him having the always handy scent of a dragon.

An indication that Kyurem was coming came in the form of an icy mist that closed in on the city. Not only that, but this icy mist was starting to freeze the entire lake in a matter of seconds.

The Cryogonals that were also with Kyurem had shown up, flying in circles whilst being above the frozen lake. But one part of it wouldn't stay frozen for long.

Kyurem had erupted from the ground itself with overwhelming force packed behind his rise. The Boundary Pokemon came across the city, easily picking up on Keldeo's scent thanks to his dragon nose. Wherever it is.

Kyurem ordered the Cryogonals to follow him into the city as the Boundary Pokemon bolted off, picking up some speed before flying into the air.

One unique thing about Kyurem is that he used to be one whole Pokemon. The Original Dragon. Reshiram and Zekrom were once apart of Kyurem, but they had split up, weakening the Boundary Pokemon severely.

However, despite parts of his power being separated, Kyurem was still a force to be reckoned with. Not only that, but he could tap into the leftover DNA of Reshiram and Zekrom, giving him two brand new forms.

The one had currently transformed into was White Kyurem. An orb of fire surrounded the Boundary Pokemon's body whilst he was airborne. This orb then transformed into a beam of fire that followed Kyurem the higher he flew up.

The flames ended up disappearing once Kyurem picked up speed, revealing his White Kyurem form. The once Original Dragon was in hot pursuit of its prey as he would go through extreme measures to reach this one single Pokemon.

Once Ash and the others finished their lunch, they had got a move on to save the Swords of Justice from their icy prison. They weren't too far from here after all.

Whilst they walked through the city, they noticed that an icy mist was suddenly forming out of nowhere. The mist ended up freezing the fountain near them in just 3 seconds.

"Huh?!" Ash and Cilan pulled back.

"What's going on? I can't stand the cold!" Iris shivered.

"Cryogonal's?!" Cilan exclaimed.

"Careful. They're friends of Kyurem!" said Keldeo.

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "Who's Kyurem?"

"Hm? Oh right. Well, Kyurem's the Original Dragon. He used to be both Reshiram and Zekrom at the same time, but he kinda got split up. But he can go into two forms that have Reshiram and Zekrom's DNA."

"A Pokemon that used to be one?" Twilight stood up. "What does its true form look like?"

"Uh... about that." Ash rubbed the back of his head. "No one actually has a clue on what Kyurem's true form really looks like. So all we got is White Kyurem and Black Kyurem."

"Oooh...I bet if it comes together with both of those Pokemon, it'll be the strongest ever!" Scootaloo yelled.

"You could be right on that." Ash nodded.

"So then what happened next once Kyurem found you all?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, right. Well since Kyurem managed to find us in Roshan City, it was his Cryogonal's that ended up attacking us first before he did. But when Kyurem did attack, things got pretty dicey.

The Cryoganal's initiated an attack by shooting Ice Beams towards the group. With Ash and company avoiding the Ice Beam and making a run for it, along came the Boundary Pokemon who flew beside them.

"White Kyurem!" Iris gasped.

"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded Pikachu to attack Kyurem.

"Pika...Chuuu!" The Electric Mouse Pokemon sent a bolt of 100,000 volts towards the opposing Pokemon in hopes of slowing him down.

Once the bolt hit the Boundary Pokemon, he immediately swapped forms, changing into Black Kyurem. Now an orb of lightning surrounded him whilst blue volts sparked ferociously, revealing his other form.

"It changed again?!" Cilan yelled.

"Now it's black Kyurem!" Iris exclaimed.

Kyurem growled at his prey, preparing to unleash a Dragon Pulse as fiery hot energy flared from its mouth. Once he unleashed the Dragon Pulse, the ground continued to make a run for it whilst Kyurem destroyed the part of the building they were inside.

Kyurem flew higher up into the air, changing his strategy. He went up to the city's satellite tower, pouring volts inside of it. All for the sake of overriding the entire city's energy supply.

Ash the others were unaware of what Kyurem was doing as they were too focused on escaping him and the Cryogonal's. Ash, Pikachu and Keldeo advanced forward whilst Iris, Axew and Cilan took the stairs that lead downwards.

"Hey, Ash! Where are you going?!" Iris asked.

"Cryo...." The Cryogonal's spun around whilst approaching the group. The way they were moving in unison was like a snake creeping up on its prey.

"Pikachu! Use Iron Tail!"

"Pika!" Pikachu hopped off his buddy's shoulder, flying past Keldeo as he ironized his tail. "Chu...Pika!" With a swift swing, Pikachu struck one Cryogonal which caused a domino effect against the others since they were perfectly lined up.

"Thanks, Pikachu! Ash!" Keldeo thanked them.

As Ash gave a thumbs up, he noticed how there were ice crystals dropping from above. These crystals came from the other Cryogonal's as they ascended into the air, charging up an Ice Beam in front of Ash.

Keldeo wasn't about to let his friend get hit by this chilling beam as he galloped forward. The Colt Pokemon leapt up, smashing his head on the Cryogonal's, causing yet another domino effect.

"Yeah! Great Keldeo!" Ash said.


"Gonal!" Even still, more Cryogonal's were on their way. The number of them seemed to be endless at this point.

"Pikachu! Electro Ball!"

"Pika! Chu-Pi!" As he built up electricity whilst running behind Ash and Keldeo, Pikachu did a frontflip whilst tossing a ball of electricity from his tail. The Electro Ball was launched from behind, striking the Cryogonal's.

Ash, Pikachu and Keldeo were eventually surrounded by the Cryogonal's as the Crystallizing Pokemon circled the trio whilst charging an Ice Beam.

"Ash! Pikachu! Grab on!" Keldeo spoke up. The trainer and his Pokemon held onto the Colt Pokemon's back as he used Hydro Pump from his hooves to fly up into the air, avoiding Ice Beam. Not only that, but it also did some heavy damage to the Cryogonal's due to the range it had.

Keldeo kept using Hydro Pump to gain a boost of speed as he, Ash and Pikachu were moving frantically across the city. Keldeo couldn't exactly fully control his manoeuvrability with Hydro Pump so it was a bit of a shaky ride.

They swayed from left to right, spun around and almost hit a wall but luckily, Ash used his legs to run up the wall, saving Keldeo from crashing. Eventually, Keldeo had stopped using Hydro Pump as he landed on safely on the ground without any casualties whatsoever.

"Hey, thanks! Let's go!" Ash dashed off.


The trio continued on their way. However, despite Keldeo's rapid movements, the Cryogonal's still caught up to them thanks to their speed.

"Cryo!" The Cryogonal's used Ice Beam to freeze the water near the bridge that the trio stood on.

"Ash! We're over here!" Iris called for him as she and Cilan were on a higher level. They were lucky to be there since the ice was transforming the water beneath them.

Keldeo jumped off the bridge, landing on the icy floor as he slid on it. Whilst spinning on the ice, the Colt Pokemon fired a Focus Blast mid-slide, taking out four Cryogonal's. But it wasn't enough.

"Boldore! I choose you!" Ash joined in, sending one of his Pokemon out to assist.


The Cryogonal's surrounded Keldeo with Ice Beam, keeping the Colt Pokemon from going anywhere as the blue lights from the Ice-Type move circled the Colt Pokemon's body.

"Keldeo!" Ash exclaimed. He and Pikachu were on Boldore's back as the Ore Pokemon was sliding on the ice. Boldore acted like a means of transportation on this icy ground. "Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt! Let's go!"

"Pika...Chu!" Pikachu forced the Cryogonal's away from Keldeo with a quick burst of lightning flying forward. As Boldore closed in, Keldeo hopped on the Ore Pokemon's back, joining his friends along for the ride.

Now that Keldeo was beside them, he could also chime in via Focus Blast, taking out all the Cryogonals. The group ended up finally reaching a safe spot with Boldore landing on a wooden bridge where Iris and Cilan where.

"Ash! We're over here!" Cilan waved his arms.

"Boldore, return!" Ash returned his Pokemon. They made a successful escape from Cryogonal at the moment. But Kyurem was still around, messing with the city's power.

"That Cryogonal chase sounded pretty rough." Applejack said.

"Rough is right. Those Cryogonal's sure were persistent, weren't they buddy?"

"Pikachu." Pikachu nodded.

"So, you guys ended up freeing the Swords of Justice, right?" Scootaloo asked. "And Keldeo defeated Kyurem and finally became an official Sword of Justice, right?"

"Well...two of those things actually ended up happening. The Swords were free, Keldeo became one of them, but beating Kyurem..."

After a long journey, the group had finally reached the area where the Swords had been frozen. Kyurem was there, expecting Keldeo to arrive for his friends. Ash and his Pokemon were tasked with freeing Cobalion, Virizion and Terrakion from their icy prison with everything they had. From a steel pipe, Pignite's Flamethrower, Boldore's Rock Smash and Pikachu's Iron Tail.

After many doubts and fears, Keldeo finally felt brave enough to challenge Kyurem for real this time. He told Kyurem the truth about their first encounter. How Keldeo wasn't an official Sword. He was just training to be one. Realistically, he had no business challenging Kyurem.

However, he did it anyway. He wanted to battle Kyurem even if he wasn't a sword. And he made that very clear due to the fire in his eyes. Ash had encouraged Keldeo, telling him that he wasn't alone in all of this. After all, he had his friends beside him to help him power through this entire debacle.

Knowing that he was never alone, Keldeo broke past his fears and worries, finally reaching his true form.

The Resolute Form.

A form of Keldeo that shows he is now a true Sword of Justice. He was ready to face Kyurem a second time.

"Here I come, Kyurem!" Keldeo said.

"Then come." Kyurem grinned.

Keldeo galloped forward, making the first move out of the two. By running straight towards the Boundary Pokemon, he fired a powered up Focus Blast due to his Resolute Form giving him an extra boost in everything.

However, Kyurem managed to cut the ball of energy in half with Shadow Claw, creating a huge explosion in the process. Kyurem dashed through the smoke, smacking Keldeo to the side with Shadow Claw still active.

As the Colt Pokemon tumbled on the ground, he made a quick recovery by running up the crystal walls with his agile movements. Due to his Resolute Form being his ultimate state, he became much swifter with hard to follow jumps.

Keldeo jumped from crystal to crystal before returning to the ground. The Colt Pokemon had used Double Team, splitting himself into multiple clones that each bolted themselves towards the opposing Kyurem.

The clones moved around in circles with each of them charging up a Focus Blast. Their rapid movements made it hard for Kyurem to really keep track of every single of them. However, he could tell when they were about to attack as he flew up, avoiding their synchronized Focus Blasts.

The Boundary Pokemon stood atop a higher platform, firing an Ice Beam from his always closed mouth. Keldeo made a run for it. However, this Ice Beam wasn't like the Cryogonal's. It was much faster and could practically be considered instant due to the speed it was moving at.

But thanks to Keldeo's Resolute Form making him swifter, he managed to evade it. Although, the aftershock definitely got him. Kyurem jumped down, unleashing a Dragon Pulse in front of Keldeo at point-blank range.

Keldeo with his heightened senses leapt into the air, avoiding the devastating Dragon-Type move. Whilst airborne, the Colt Pokemon sent yet another Focus Blast forward as it was his only way of dealing super-effective damage to Kyurem.

Finally, Kyurem had been hit by an attack. The Boundary Pokemon veered back, feeling the effects of Focus Blast really hit his body. But even with that super-effective damage, Kyurem is too durable.

"Way to go, Keldeo!" Ash cheered as he kept on trying to break the Swords free. Iris and Cilan had chimed in as well. Their efforts to free Swords was actually working with the ice slowly cracking.

Keldeo rushed towards Kyurem at full-speed, recklessly throwing his entire body at the Dragon-Ice-Type. Kyurem used the hard wings on his back to grab Kyurem, tossing him away in the process.

"You'll never defeat me with that sword!" Kyurem declared.

And so far, he was right. Despite Keldeo entering his Resolute Form, he was still struggling against this ferocious Pokemon. There is a reason why Kyurem is considered to be the strongest Dragon-Type in the world, even if no one has seen its true form yet and what it's truly capable of.

Keldeo breathed in and out, already starting to wear down due to all his constant dodging. And with how Kyurem was charging up another Dragon Pulse, it was time to get a move on yet again.

Keldeo dashed off whilst avoiding the incoming Dragon Pulse. The Dragon-Type move was destroying everything it came in contact with, even the crystal gates that Kyurem had formed.

Keldeo had to perform acrobatics that he's never done before, resulting in him almost getting hit by Dragon Pulse with each dodge. The entire mine that they were all inside was trembling from Kyurem's destructive power as even the Cryogonal's flew away.

Kyurem ceased Dragon Pulse, approaching the Colt Pokemon with an intimidating aura around him. He saw how Keldeo was already feeling fatigued as he took this opportunity to freeze the Colt Pokemon. With a hyper-fast Ice Beam, Kyurem froze Keldeo's hoof in place, forcing him to stay where he was.

"Hrrgh..." Keldeo strained, trying to pull his hoof out of the ice.

"Is that it...?" Cilan uttered, thinking that this might be the end.

And with the way that Kyurem was transforming into Black Kyurem, it might be. The Boundary Pokemon took the skies, charging up the move Freeze Shock. A ball of light-bluish and white energy formed in front of the Dragon-Ice-Type as it had both the properties of Electricity and Ice at the same time.

"Kyurem! That's enough!" Ash shouted.


But Kyurem wasn't listening. It really looked like he was about to attack a fatigued and defenceless Pokemon right here, right now with a move that devastating.

"Quick, Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Pika! Pika..." Pikachu charged up 100,000 volts lightning within his body, ready to save his friend.

However, Keldeo fired a small Focus Blast at Pikachu, preventing him from taking any further action. He wanted to do this alone.


"This battle..." Keldeo was starting to break free. "Is far...from over!" The Colt Pokemon broke out of his icy prison by using Hydro Pump to do so, showing that he still had a lot left in him. With Hydro Pump being utilized, Keldeo took the air, using the move as a means of manoeuvrability once more.

The Colt Pokemon continued his battle against Kyurem despite his current condition. By leaping forward and using Double Team along with Focus Blast, Keldeo retaliated against Freeze Shock with his own ranged attack.

Kyurem finally finished charging the Ice-Type move as he held it in his claws. The Boundary Pokemon was prepared to fire it, but Keldeo's multiple Focus Blast's actually managed to interrupt him, causing an explosion.

The aftershock of the explosion sent a powerful shockwave that even went far out of the mine, almost destroying it. This shockwave was also just enough to free the Swords of Justice from their icy prison, finally.

"Ugh.." Terrakion shook his head, removing a huge ice shard off of him. He and the other two went in front of Ash, Iris and Cilan as their towering figures could be seen.

"The Swords of Justice!" Ash exclaimed with a smile on his face.


"Ash. You have our gratitude." Virizion thanked him.

"How do you know my name?"

"We heard you through the ice." Cobalion said.

"Thank you for saving Keldeo." Terrakion bowed his head.

Keldeo was happy to see the Swords of Justice free and in perfectly good shape too. That's all he really wanted since he got them into this mess in the first place.

But it's not over yet. Kyurem was still active. The Boundary Pokemon reverted to his normal form, narrowing his already narrowed eyes at the Colt Pokemon. Kyurem now knew that he shouldn't underestimate Keldeo. If he's not careful, this little Pokemon could take him out before he even realizes it.

Keldeo rushed over at Kyurem, going for an up-close body tackle. However, the Dragon-Ice-Type whacked Keldeo away like a tennis ball with Shadow Claw. Keldeo crashed against the hard icy walls, taking some heavy damage from Shadow Claw.

Even with his boundless determination and Resolute form, the battle was still heavily one-sided. Keldeo has barely managed to keep up with Kyurem. He couldn't take anymore at this rate. And the others could see that.

"Please, you gotta stop this!" Iris pleaded to the Swords of Justice.

"It's not our battle. It's Keldeo's." Virizion shook her head.

"Only Keldeo can end this." Cobalion replied.

"Ngh..." Keldeo got back up anyway. His resiliency was something to admire. And Kyurem sure did.

The Boundary Pokemon blasted a fast-moving Dragon Pulse at Keldeo's direction, but the Colt Pokemon still had a little bit of speed left in him. That Resolute form was really helping him with his swiftness.

But it wasn't just that. He was starting to remember the lessons that the Swords of Justice taught him.

"Never take your eyes off your opponent. Keep up your concentration until the very end!" Words from Terrakion. Keldeo made sure to keep his eyes on Kyurem at all costs.

"Fear is your greatest enemy. You must conquer the fear that lives in your heart." Words from Virizion. The Colt Pokemon ran up the crystal pillars, bucking his hooves backwards as he shot Hydro Pump out of them.

The pump of water was quickly frozen by Kyurem's Ice Beam with no issue whatsoever.

"It is what you learn from defeat, that is truly important." And finally, words from Cobalion. With all those words coming back to him, the Colt Pokemon suddenly gained a jolt of confidence and energy.

With a Dragon Pulse coming his way, Water-Fighting-Type ducked whilst sliding on the icy floor, using it as a way to avoid the attack. Keldeo approached Kyurem who kept on firing Dragon Pulse constantly. And with each blast, Keldeo evaded it.

The Colt Pokemon made a quick turn, running from Kyurem this time. He was planning on hitting the Boundary Pokemon from afar since getting up close and personal won't do.

With a Dragon Pulse almost hitting him, Keldeo jumped onto a crystal pillar, using two moves at the same time. He fired a single Focus Blast and then propelled himself forward with Hydro Pump.

He moved at such speeds that he became one with Focus Blast, adding some extra power to it. With a mighty yell, Keldeo smashed into Kyurem, dealing the heaviest damage he's done the Boundary Pokemon so far.

The impact was so powerful that it managed to launch a Pokemon as heavy as Kyurem in the air. A little pony like Keldeo was capable of doing that to a dragon such as Kyurem.

The Boundary Pokemon crashed on the ground whilst Keldeo flew back from his own attack, showing just how strong it really was.

The Colt Pokemon stood up with a smile on his face. He could finally see that his lessons were paying off. He never imagined that he would be able to launch Kyurem of all Pokemon.

"Keldeo is battling well." said Terrakion.

"Now if he can only use his sword..." Virizion uttered.

"Hm..." Cobalion nodded.

"Way to go, Keldeo!" Ash and Pikachu cheered him on.


"Ash...Pikachu..." Keldeo turned to them. But it wasn't time to look at his friends. He quickly snapped his head back to the direction that Kyurem was at.

The Boundary Pokemon transformed into his Black Kyurem form once more, ready to continue this battle.

"So? What happened?" Scootaloo and the others leaned forward. "If Keldeo was able to finally to do some major damage on Kyurem, then he won the whole thing, right?"

"It would've been great but...Keldeo didn't win." Ash shook his head.

"He didn't?!" They all exclaimed.

"Heh. Guess we know who's winning a fight between a Dragon and pony, huh?" Spike grinned, nudging Twilight's hoof.

"The reason he didn't win wasn't that Kyurem was too strong. It was because he defended us from an incoming attack, instead of continuing the battle." Ash explained further. But...even if Keldeo didn't win. Kyurem was still honourable and respected him for having the courage to protect us. Speaking of which...I guess I should talk about how Keldeo finally managed to get his sword."

During the battle, Keldeo managed to obtain his sword by breaking free of the ice prison Kyurem trapped him in. He had learned the move Secret Sword in that instance.

They all believed that Keldeo could do it. He could defeat Kyurem thanks to this sudden burst of power. Although, due to their battle amping up in intensity, it was only a matter of time before Ash and the others were put in danger because of it.

Kyurem's Freeze Shock had been deflected by Keldeo's Secret Sword, but that deflection is what caused the attack to head straight for his friends. The Colt Pokemon tossed himself at the attack, cutting it in half with Secret Sword. All for the safety of his friends.

It was that self-sacrifice that Kyurem had made a verdict.

"Rather than pursue victory, you protected your friends...You have a fine sword."

"Kyurem..." Keldeo gasped.

The Boundary Pokemon turned around, declaring this battle over. There was no need to continue. Keldeo had proven himself. It wasn't winning the battle that determined him as a Sword of Justice. Not at all. Defending his friends and putting them over everything else was much more important than a scuffle.

Keldeo returned to his normal form due to exhaustion. He battled well after all. Although, it was on the fence if he could've actually defeated Kyurem if they continued.

"Keldeo!" Ash and the others ran over. "That was an amazing battle!"


"And look at that! Your horn grew back!" Iris noticed.


"Now you understand the true weight of the sword." Cobalion said.


"Pika! Pika!"

"Right." Keldeo nodded.

Although everything wasn't smooth at the moment. Since Kyurem and Keldeo's battle went overboard, it was only a matter of time until the mines were heavily affected by the end of it all.

The Boundary Pokemon noticed that the entire place was starting to come down as some scaffolding fell over. Soon, everyone could see that it wasn't safe to be here.

"Climb aboard!" Cobalion commanded.

Iris hopped on Virizion's back, Cilan on Terrakion and Ash on Cobalion. The Swords of Justice made a run for it, hopping from platform to platform whilst everything comes tumbling down around them.

As for Kyurem, he knew that the only way to stop this was to freeze it all. It would mean that he would have to get rid of his home. However, Kyurem had a better alternative to some dusty old mine.

He transformed into White Kyurem, taking to the skies. By using the DNA splicers on his back, the Boundary Pokemon used the move Ice Burn. A combination of Fire and Ice. He sent a ferocious, circular, reddish-purple blast of energy at the crumbling mines, immediately freezing it in just two seconds flat.

Kyurem froze the mines for two reasons. The obvious first one was to prevent the whole place from falling. But the second reason was that he was creating a new home that was made entirely out of ice.

In fact, it wasn't just a home at this point. It looked like a castle. Kyurem took some liberties and made himself an entire ice castle. It was a fairly glorious sight to see. The Boundary Pokemon knew how to make something look dazzling and ferocious at the same time.

Ash and everyone looked over at the newly-created castle by Kyurem. "It's like a castle made out of ice!" Cilan said.

"It looks kinda cold though..." Ash scratched his hair.

"I hate the cold!" Iris shuddered as they all laughed.

Kyurem found this new home to be perfect. It was much better than the mine since there wasn't any dust around to get inside of his nose. Wherever it is. The Boundary Pokemon headed into a secluded area within the castle to rest. Even a Pokemon as powerful as Kyurem needed it.

"So yeah. It was by far the craziest moment I had in Unova for sure. I'd say it's in the top 5."

"Wow...Keldeo's amazing!" Sweetie Belle gawked.

"So is Kyurem!" Spike stood up. "Strongest Dragon Pokemon, right?"

"Yep. And if he's that strong by swapping forms, I can only imagine how powerful he must've been when he was whole." Ash nodded.


"I wish Cobalion did more...But it was still great to hear." Celestia said.

"Well...I believe we should all be going now." Luna flew up. "Your stories are something interesting, Ash. Perhaps at another time, you can continue telling us more about your many adventures throughout your world."

"Sure thing! I'd love to!" Ash gave a thumbs up.


"So like...Kyurem's castle...you think one day we could go there?" Spike nudged Ash's shoulder.

"Spike. Do you wanna go there because you plan to catch Kyurem?" Applejack narrowed her eyes at the baby dragon.

"What? Pssh...no!" Spike scoffed. "I just wanna see the strongest Dragon Pokemon of them all!"

"Maybe one day. I'm sure Kyurem wouldn't mind." Ash reassured that one day, he'll take them to see Kyurem's Ice Castle.

After hearing about one of Ash's many adventures, the ponies returned home, feeling satisfied with the day. They had fun at the beach and got to hear about an epic battle between a pony and a dragon. It was worth it all. Ash still has a lot of adventures swirling around in his head for everypony in Equestria to hear as the journey continues.

Chapter 243 End.

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