• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 2,484 Views, 26 Comments

8th Treble - Slateblu1

Octavia has finally found Vinyl. But is it to late?

  • ...


8th Treble

Five years of searching had all lead to this moment. Five years of dead ends, misinformation, and at times, just plain lies. But tonight it would all be worth it. I had finally found her. A barman had pointed me down an alleyway, saying a mare lived down there. A unicorn, he knew that, though anything more was hard to tell from the layers of grime encrusted into her coat. I thanked him for his time and set off.

A short while later I found a small tent. Nothing much to be honest, just a tarp strung up on a few planks, making a small roof to keep the rain off. Underneath the tarp lay a unicorn, her sides slowly rising and falling with her breaths. I smiled, knowing this was her. Her glasses lay next to her, still in as perfect condition as the last time I saw her. She sighed, hearing me approach. “Who are you and what do you want?” Her voice was just as rough and uncouth as the last time I had heard it, though much more hoarse. I smiled and said nothing, just standing, staring at her. I didn’t know what to say. “If you’re with the city state department, I’ll tell you what I told all the others. I aint hurtin’ nopony, so get lost.” She curled up further, dragging what could only be called a rag up over her.

I sat down, a few tears streaming down my cheeks, falling soundlessly to the ground. “It's me Vinyl.” I whispered, barely able to make a sound. Her ears perked up as she heard me. A moment later, she slowly rose to her hooves, turning to face me.

“What do you want, Octavia? I’m just a worthless bum. I don’t even have my cutie mark. Just a waste of space and oxygen.” Vinyl glared at me as she spoke, her words slurring together. I could tell she was drunk, though it was hard to miss. If the numerous bottles surrounding her, or the smell on her breath didn’t do it, her inability to stay standing would have.

I sighed, knowing this would be a long night, and an even more painful morning. “I want you to come back with me Vinyl. I’ve been worried ever since you left in the middle of the night. I’ve been searching everywhere for you. I hired as many people as I could to find you. And I finally have.” I knew it would be hard to convince her, but she needed my help. And I needed her back.

“Well, what do you want me back for?” the unicorn shot back. I could hear the venom in her voice, dripping from every word she spoke. “I’m just a cutie mark-less, filly-fooling drunk. You said so yourself. I left because I knew you were going to kick me out the next day. I didn’t bother to let you.” Her words reminded me of that night. On that night, five years ago, I had just been trying to flirt. And in the process, I tore her heart apart.


“Hey there Vinyl!” my words slurred together as I called out to her. Tonight was the night I was going to admit my love for her. I knew she loved me, she made it obvious. Every time she had made an advance though, I shot her down. Said I wasn’t ready for something like that yet. I was just afraid. I couldn’t admit my love for her. It was a stupid fear, I know, but still one I held.

“Tavi, are you drunk?” she replied, hearing the wobble in my voice.

“Not at all!” I replied sarcastically, stumbling into her. She caught me as I began to fall over, slowly leading me over to the couch.

“You are drunk, you silly mare. What’s the special occasion?”

“Iz got shomething to tell youz.” I replied, my words slurring further together. I looked up to see two Vinyls, standing side by side. “Why there two of youz? I wana talks to Vinyl.”

She shook her head, replying “It’s just me here. What’s up?” I giggled as both Vinyls spoke together. She sighed, coming over to sit next to me. “You silly drunk.”

“Hey! I said I’m not drunk!” I tipped over slightly as I spoke, Vinyl tipping me back upright.

‘How dare she say I’m drunk?’ I thought incredulously. “A lady does not get drunk. She gets slightly inebriated.”

“Tavi, you’re drunk. Drunk as a skunk I might say. Lie down and relax. You’re going to have one hell of a hangover.”

“I said I’m not drunk!” I yelled back, starting to get annoyed. She should know better than anyone that I don’t drink heavily. Not after that one time. I keep myself to a glass of wine, nothing more.

She sighed, placing her face gently in her hoof. “Alright, whatever Tavi.” I fell into her lap at this, giggling like a mad mare. She reached down and began absentmindedly stroking my mane. It felt good.

“You said you wanted to talk to me about something?”

“Ohh, yes, right.” I looked up at her, those beautiful red eyes gazing lovingly back. “You have pretty eyes.” I commented, lost in their beauty.

“Thanks Tavi. You’re still the only pony who’s seen them.”

I giggled lightly at her comment. “I must be something special to you then.”

“You know you are Tavi. I love you.”

And there it was. The whole reason I needed to talk to her. To admit my feelings for her. Even drunk as I was, I was still terrified. Didn’t know why though, just was. “Come here Vinyl, I got something to say.” She leaned it, giving me a gentle nuzzle as she did, the light contact sending chills of pleasure up my spine. With her ear barely an inch from mine I stopped her, it was now or never. “You silly mare, go get a drink, join me!”

‘Well, that wasn’t what I wanted to say, but it would have to do. Maybe we could have silly drunken sex later!’ I thought to myself, watching as she made her way into the kitchen, glad to get a peek at her flank as her tail swished hypnotically back and forth. I heard clanking from the kitchen, then the sound of a drink being poured. Vinyl came back in with two drinks floating in the air next to her. I sat up, glad at the prospect of another drink myself.

“Here you go Tavi. I think you could use this.” She set one of the glasses down in front of me, taking a sip of the other herself. I looked into the glass to see a clear liquid.

‘Vodka’ I thought to myself. “Vinyl, you know I’m not one for Vodka, but I shall drink it anyways!” I exclaimed, grabbing the glass and drinking it down in one gulp. That beautiful white unicorn just gazed at me, laughing quietly as I set the glass down.

We played drinking games for a while, slowly getting more and more drunk. I knew now was the time I would have to pony up and admit my feelings for her. I trotted over to her, swaying slightly as I fought to stay upright. Sadly, I lost the battle, though I thankfully fell into her waiting forelegs. She went back to stroking my mane, the shivers returning, though now punctuated by waves of heat rolling off me.

“I love you Tavi.” She whispered into my ear, gently nibbling on it.

“I love you too Vinyl.” I mumbled, barely loud enough to hear my own voice.

“What was that sexy? Didn’t hear you.”

“I love you too Vinyl.” I repeated, my voice still barely above a whisper. “You cutie-mark-less, filly-fooling drunk.” I added, my voice rising slightly above normal as I did.

“Tavi, why would you say that?” I heard her voice crack softly.

I looked into Vinyl’s eyes, confused as to why she seemed hurt. “You know exactly why.” I responded, doing my best to sound sexy. Even as I said it I knew it sounded more menacing than sexy.

“Tavi, what’s wrong? Did I do something?” Her voice quavered and broke as she spoke. I could see tears starting to stream down her face.

‘That’s odd’ I thought, ‘she should be happy. I’m finally returning her feelings for me. Maybe they’re tears of joy.’ “You know exactly what you did Vinyl. Don’t play innocent.” Again, I tried for sexy, but just came over menacing. I stood up, trying to brush my tail playfully along her cheeks, but instead whipped it across her face. ‘Ohh well, knowing her, she likes it rough.’ “Now come on you cutie mark-less, filly-fooling, drunk. It’s time for your, punishment.” To my delight I could tell I got the voice down right, knowing I sounded sexy.

From behind me I heard tears, then the sound of hooves. I took off, trying to evade her and lead her to the bedroom. Before I could get there though, I heard a door slam. I turned around and made my way slowly back to the living room. The door bore the signs of being recently slammed, and hard. I stood there, dumbfounded as to why Vinyl would run off. ‘Must be off to get something for us. I’ll wait in the bed for her.’

The next morning I awoke, my head screaming in agony. “Damn hangovers.” I mumbled to myself, flinching at the sound. I looked over, expecting to see Vinyl curled up next to me like always, but was instead greeted with an empty bed. I was about to open my mouth to ponder her location when I felt a horrible churning in my stomach. Knowing what was coming, after all, I had seen Vinyl go through enough of them, I bolted to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before vomiting.

As I lay there, head over the toilet, mane falling around my face, I kept wondering where Vinyl was. I began replaying the night in my mind, trying to figure out what happened. I had gotten drunk, waiting for Vinyl to return home. I had decided to admit my feelings for her. ‘She got home, we had a short quarrell about me being drunk and then... Oh. Right.’ I thought to myself as the events from the previous night came rushing back to me. I threw up a final time, then collapsed to the side of the toilet, crying.


I shook my head, coming out of the memories. Those next few days had been the most painful of my life. I walked the last few steps to her and sat down, inches away from her. “I know I said those things. I was drunk too. Wasted, as you would say. And you should know better than anyone that I lose control when I’m drunk.” I sighed again, knowing that what I had to say next would be the hardest. “And yes, I know I had to feel those things to say them. And yes, what I said was true, and what I felt. I said those things because right then, there was one difference between us. That beautiful, pure white flank of yours. Which you seem so keen on covering up with some little mark, thinking it would make a world of difference.” I turned to look her in the eyes, or glasses rather, as I spoke. I hadn’t noticed her put them on. While I used to be so good at reading her mood, even with those things on, I couldn’t make out a single emotion on her face.

“One difference Tavi?” I smiled inside as she used her nickname for me. It wasn’t much, but it showed she was starting to let her guard down. “Oh sure, I’ll believe that we’re both great musicians. But you can’t get me to believe you like mares Tavi. You’ve never once shown any interest in anyone other than yourself.”

I let out a long sigh, knowing she got my point. At least, half of it. “You’re right Vinyl. I never showed interest in mares.” I did my best to emphasize the plural part of that noun. “I’ve only ever been interested in one.” I looked at her as I said these words, hoping she would get the hint.

“Ohh, then why aren’t you off chasing after that special flank? Why are you here bothering with me?” Again, the venom was dripping off her words, slowly beginning to eat through my heart. It burned, knowing that she still felt such hatred towards me. Hopefully, it was just the alcohol talking, and not my closest friend. If that was how she felt about me now, it would kill me inside.

“I already have, Vinyl.” I leaned in slowly, trying to build the courage to kiss her. “I’ve been chasing after her for five years, ever since she walked out of our apartment. Ever since I realized that I love her as much as she loves me.” As I finished speaking, my muzzle less than an inch from the back of her neck, Vinyl having long since turned away from me, I found I couldn’t. As much as I loved her, I couldn’t push myself on her like that. So instead, I simply laid my head on her shoulder, gently nuzzling her.

She stayed put for a moment, seeming as if she wanted to lean in, but quickly pulled away. “Why should I believe you Octavia? You insulted who I am, and now, after five years, five long years without a word between us, you expect me to believe that you love me? That you actually care about me?” I looked down, not able to face her, knowing in my heart she was right. Before she left I had done everything I could to deny my feelings for her. When she admitted hers for me, I blew her off. Said I wanted to stay with her, but that I wasn’t ready for something like that. Then I shouted at her, hurting her in more ways than I realized.

I stared at her for a moment, fighting back the tears in my eyes. “Then let me prove it Vinyl. I know I’m about five years too late, but still. I love you Vinyl, always have, and always will.”

She turned away from me, not saying a word. She just lay back down under her little tent, ignoring me. I snapped. I wasn’t going to take that. She hadn’t said no, and even if she had, she needed help, a warm place to sleep, and a solid meal. And there are certain, useful, benefits to being an earth pony.

I walked over to her, standing at her side. She still didn’t look at me, turning her head to face away. Well fine, if she didn’t want to talk, she didn’t have to. I stuck my head under her belly and hoisted. She had lost so much weight from living on the streets I easily lifted her onto my back. “Hey!” she screamed, flailing about. “Put me down Octavia!”

I shook my head, thankful that her drunken mind would keep her from doing magic. Even if she tried she wouldn’t be able to concentrate enough to do anything more than make a few sparks. I walked out of the alleyway, shifting to keep her on my back as she tried to get away. Waiting at the end was the cart I had ridden over here in, the strong stallion waiting as I had asked.

“Thank you sir. I would ask that you return me and my friend here to my apartment building.” I tossed Vinyl in the cart, and then climbed in before she could try to escape. I tossed the fare to the stallion and he took off. Soon we were bumping down the uneven roads of Manehattan, on our way back home.

Though it took awhile, I finally managed to get Vinyl into our flat. She had grumbled the entire way, though thankfully had walked. As we had walked into the lobby, Loose Change had smiled at us, clearly pleased to see Vinyl returning. By the time we reached the stairs he was already digging through the drawers of his desk. I would no doubt find the extra set of keys he kept, waiting for her to return, sitting in my mailbox in the morning.

As soon as we entered Vinyl stormed off into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. I had expected as much. I had prepared to sleep out in the living room, not wanting to disturb her. I also knew of her penchant for sneaking out in the middle of the night. So I dragged our sofa into the hallway, knowing she would have to get past me if she wanted out. I climbed onto the cushions and immediately felt the wetness my tears had left from the previous night. Hopefully after this, I would never have to cry myself to sleep, alone, again.

I woke the next morning to the sound of retching. I knew it was a wise decision to not block her access to the bathroom. She was going to need it. I quickly made my way over, franticly opening the door to find Vinyl over the toilet, head hanging low. I dashed over to her and gently lifted her head, helping to support her. “Morning Vinyl” I whisper, not wanting to aggravate her no doubt horrendous hangover. Her eyes stayed closed as she merely nodded at my words. “How long have you been here? And how many times have you vomited?”

I could tell she considered opening her mouth, but quickly thought better of it. Instead she lightly tapped her hoof once before a pause, then four much harder taps. So less than an hour, and four times already. She was having a horrible morning. I held her up with one hoof, the other reaching over to flush the toilet. The mere stench would easily be enough to get her to vomit again. It was almost enough to drive myself over the edge. After the bowl had been cleaned I leaned her back over, knowing she likely needed it. “How much longer do you think?” I asked, hoping she would get past this part of her morning quickly.

This time I received no taps, Vinyl instead leaning back in my arms. It felt wonderful having her this close after so long. She took a few deep breaths, calming herself as she looked at me. “Thanks.” She whispered weakly, quickly closing her mouth again, her eyes going wide. Quickly turning back to the bowl she opened her mouth, her body convulsing in my arms. After several dry heaves she stopped, going limp in my arms. I held her close, gently stroking her mane.

“How about you take a quick shower, get all this cleaned off you. Then I’ll take you to the kitchen and serve you breakfast.” I held her close as I made my offer, resolved to doing both no matter her response. Slowly she nodded, though stayed in my arms. I helped her to the tub, lifting her in before turning to the water. Knowing she preferred a cold shower during a hangover, I turned the water to a somewhat cold setting. She let the spray wash over her for a moment, not noticing me joining her until I brushed up against her.

She gave me a quizzical look, obviously confused as to my motives. In response I reached over and took the body wash, squirt it out onto her back before rubbing it in, slowly cleaning her. After I finished her fur I moved onto her mane and tail, making sure to clean those just as well. She sighed under my touch, relaxing as I cleaned her. When I finished I turned off the water, climbing out and grabbing a towel. I dried myself off after her, and helped her out of the tub.

We walked into the hallway together, my friend leaning on me for support. When we reached the couch I had moved, I gently leaned her against the wall, knowing it would be hard for her to stand on her own. I pushed the sofa enough for us to pass, and then led her into the kitchen. She sat down at our small table, seemingly happy at the familiar surroundings. I made her pancakes, her favorite meal, especially after a hangover.

I passed them to her one at a time, wanting to make sure she didn’t eat too fast. Every time she tried I took the plate away, and though she gave me an evil glare, she accepted it, knowing she needed to take it slow. I had joined her in eating, enjoying the plain pancakes with her. Eventually she finished as much as she was going to, laying back in her chair. “Thank you Tavi.” She whispered, still obviously hoarse from earlier.

I smiled, giving her a gentle hug, which she slowly returned. We broke after a moment, and I smiled at her again. “Anything for you Vinyl.” I whispered, helping her down from the chair. “Now, let’s get you to bed, you need some rest. I’ll be with you the whole time.”

She smiled, leaning against me as I led her back to our room. She climbed back into bed and under the covers, curling up. “Thank you Tavi.” she whispered again before drifting to sleep.

I kept my word, staying by her the entire day. She finally woke around two, groggily looking around. I set down the book I was reading, looking up into her beautiful eyes. “Well hey there,” I said, keeping my voice low. “Would you like something to eat?” She nodded slowly, still tired. I again helped her to the kitchen, this time making us a pair of banana sandwiches, knowing they would help calm her. She ate her meal happily, though quietly.

“Tavi, we need to talk,” I heard her mumble. I brought her a glass of water, which she gratefully drank down. “Thanks. Where do you want to talk?”

Her voice was much better and I smiled. “Let’s go to the couch. And yes, we need to talk.” I again led her, making sure she was stable. She had recovered greatly from this morning, though I could tell she still needed the help. I sat her down gently, climbing up next to her.

We sat there for a while, neither of us sure what to say. Eventually she broke the silence, blurting out “Do you really love me Tavi?”

So like her, tactless, getting straight to the point. Just one of the many things I admired about her. I allowed myself a small smile as I responded. “Yes Vinyl. I do. I have for a long time. I’m sorry I didn’t admit my feelings for you sooner.” I looked away from her, both unable to look her in the eyes, and not wanting her to see my tears. They had begun to freely flow from my eyes, no matter how hard I tried to hold them in. A heavy silence filled the air again, smothering us both.

The silence lasted, slowly crushing us. It was becoming unbearable and I was about to speak, just to break it, when she did. “I’m sorry about last night. I was mad, drunk and-”

I cut her off without looking up, knowing how she felt. “It’s okay Vinyl. I understand. I’m just glad that you don’t actually hate me.” I gave a small hiccup as I spoke, betraying my tears to my love.

“I don’t hate you Tavi. I never could. And I’m sorry for leaving. I love you too. It broke my heart to leave.” Her voice cracked as she spoke, the words tumbling out of her. I looked up at the crack in her voice, seeing her coat stained with her tears. They were flowing from her eyes just as freely and strongly as mine. I lept forward and grabbed her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

“Never again. Please, let’s promise to never fight like that again. I missed you so much.” I continued to sob into her shoulder, holding her close. I could feel her tears flowing just as strongly as mine, her head furiously nodding in response. I lay back on the couch, keeping her in my arms, holding her close. We lay like that for a while, curled up in each other’s arms.

Comments ( 26 )

2405944 Why thank you.

I Loved this story a lot. You did a good job!
Liked and favourited :pinkiehappy:

2406570 A thank you to you as well.

that...was beautiful :raritystarry:

sad in the beggining:raritycry: and so beautiful and nice in the ending good job hope to see more good stories

2408205 Why thank you. And I do have more stories that I've written. You may find 'A Techies Memories' enjoyable as well. :twilightsmile:

Oh the feels.
Nicely written, good job! :twilightsmile:

2421033 I thank thee for thine comment. i.imgur.com/fH5FO.png

I don't usually cry, but this made me tear up a little... :fluttercry: one of the most beautiful stories i read so far...

2427167 Thank you for your kind words. If I may be so bold as to suggest it, I have another written works you may enjoy.

I love this one sooo much im currently making a Octavia Vinyl one as well and i hope it does as well as this one:fluttercry:

2508954 To be honest, this one hasn't done that well on the site. But, don't let that discourage you. Write what you want. And if you'll take some friendly advice, don't worry about how your story does. Just write it. Even if you don't think it's going to do well, put it up anyways. No matter what, there will be those who read it, and enjoy it. And trust me, it's the little comments here and there that make it all worth while.

But, anyways, thank you. It's always nice seeing someone enjoy my work.

I'm really hoping that you you make it... I, myself, am an octascrach fan too... So it's allways good to see a new one...

2535349 thank you I really does hope it does end up being good with me being a amateur at this sorta stuff....

If I could cry, this would be one of the fanfics that I would cry to. This is absolutely fantastic and is an awesome representation of two of my favorite characters. Keep it up. :)

Bravo, simply bravo. :twilightsmile:

Even I came close to crying at this. The feels are strong with this one. Well done

Honestly this is amazing. :heart:

4827216 That moment when you have no idea which story is which.
Thank you very much!

WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME CRY!!! :fluttercry:

Please make a sequel or two one for there time before the argument like how they met the incident were tavi first got drunk and where vinyl went after the fight and one detailing the aftermath and the 5years they was separated

Oh TAVI..fillyfooler

Vinyl could been a tad more sassy...
But really enjoyed it anyways :twilightsmile:

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