• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 306 Views, 0 Comments

Mystery in Equestria - EndlessKnight980

short story about a P I solving Mystery

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Chapter 7:The Odd key Part 2-3

Kindle walk out of the office. It was late. But he needed to head down to the auction house. He needed to find Ox and talk to him about who had bought the other two music boxes. The only thing he remember from the auction. Was the green unicorn and the yellow pony in the blue sun dress. He heard hoof steps behind him. He look over his shoulder. The Green unicorn in the robe was following him again. But this time he had two others with him. One rather large red earth pony. He carry a large claymore. The other was a Pegasus with claw weapon on her front hoofs. He saw an ally up a head. He know it was a dead end.
“I believe it time to get some answers.” He said to himself with a smile. He walk down the ally. When he reach the end he turn and face to the three pony’s.

“Hello. Let me intrudes myself. I’m Kindle wood. An you are?” he ask. They stood there quietly. Then the green unicorn set forward.

“Were is the key?” he ask.

“Key? What key?” Kindle ask. Know very well what they were talk about.

“The key in the book. The one you receive from Princess Twilight.” he said.

“Ah. That key. It gone. Stolen by the thieves guild.” he said.

“That to bad. If you had it. You may have live.” he said. Kindle laugh.

“That rich. Your going to kill me.” he said still laughing.

“We know your not going to die. But our employer has told us how we may harm you.” he said. Kindle rase an eyebrow.

“And how partial are you going to do that?” he ask.

“Simple. We will remove your limbs one by one. Until only your head remains.” he said as they ready they weapons.

Kindle prepare himself for battle. He didn’t like the sound of losing his legs or head for that matter. He knew any wounds would heal. But growing back a whole leg. Let alone a body. That could be a problem. The red pony charge first. He jump into the air and swag his claymore down. Kindle step to the side. The sword smash into the ground. He quickly kick at him. He duck and sweep with a low kick. Kindle jump and kick him in the head. Two arrow hit his right side as he landed. The unicorn was aiming another shot up as the Pegasus ran up. Her claws slide down her legs as she swag. They return back up after each swing. He wive and bobbed as she swag. He duck and jump as she swag her legs in furry. She open her front legs wide. She swag both down at the same time. Cutting into his chest. He scream in pain. She claw his face next follow by his front right leg. She raise her legs again. He quickly kick her in the face with his hind legs. She flew back onto the ground. Another arrow hit. This time in his back left knee.

(Forth wall brake. Warning really bad joke coming. “Discord here. Time for a bad joke. He was once a great Private investigate. Until he took an arrow to the knee. I know it bad. but some one had to say it. Now back to the fight.”)

He look over to the green unicorn. He drew another arrow. The red Pony was standing again. He grab his sword and charge. Kindle floated his knife out of pocket and set it flying into his chest. He fell to the ground. His sword slide across the ground and stopping inches from Kindles hoofs. Another arrow hit his shoulder. He was loading another. He pull back on the bow and fire. Kindle quickly floated the claymore into the air. The arrow bounce off the side of it. He sent the claymore back at him. It struck him in the chest. He flew back a few feet and fell to the ground.

“That was fun.” he said sitting down. The earth pony and Pegasus moaned. He started to pull the arrows out. He look down and watch as his wounds as they started to heal. A small amount of black smoke pouring from each. The curse had it benefit. But he didn’t like the down side. As long as he live he could never have a family. Shore he could have all the sex he wanted. But he could never have a child. He could marry. But his wife would age and die. He never be able to join her in death. Worst part was that there was no cure. Celestia had told him this when she curse him in her fit of anger. He felt a cold breeze. He look up and saw a dark figure standing at the end of the ally.

“I see. So your next.” He said standing up. The glow of yellow eyes fill the ally. It was follow with a bright red smile.

“Your doomed.” The figure said with a hiss. A blast of cold hit him. He slam into the wall. He look down. He was frozen in a block of ice to the wall. His head was the only thing left. The dark figure pull the claymore out of the Green unicorn. Blood drip off the blade. It walk closer. Dragging the blade. It slam down the sword into the ground. Cutting the head off the red Pony. It walk closer. He struggle as he try to free himself. It Swag the sword down once again. This time the Pegasus head was remove. He understood it intent. It plan to remove his head. He couldn’t move. If he could move one leg he could get free.

“Your head will look lovely on my mantle.” it said with a long hiss. He felt weak. Like something was draining his strength. It felt familiar. That when it hit him. He knew what he was facing. It walk closer. It rase the sword. He had an idea. As it was swinging the claymore. He focuses hard.

Clage” he smile as the sword stop inches from his neck. A claw blocking it.

“What is this?” it ask in confusion.

“Seeing as she dead. I figure she wouldn’t mind if I use her body.” he said floating the headless Pegasus to it hoofs. It look like a rage doll. It was very difficult to control. Not only physical. but mentally as well. He could hear a ringing in his head as he move the body. His horn glowing a dark black. The dark figure move backward. It swag the sword at the Pegasus body. He move it and swag the front hoofs. A claw shot out and hit the figure across the left eye. It scream in pain and step back. Dropping the sword as it grab it eye.

“You’ll pay for this.” It said as loud whistles fill the air. A flash of green energy fill the ally. He watch as it flew away. He drop the headless body and let out a sigh of relieve. Four uniform office rounded the corner into the ally.

“Thank the moon you’re here offices. I was just attack. Now can you get me down?” he told them. The officer look at each other. Then one said.

“I’m sorry Mr. Wood. But I can’t do that.” he said.

“Why the hell not?” he ask. They look at each other again.

“Because. We were told to arrest you.” he said.

-----(Ponyville Police Department holding cell)-------

Kindle look around. Another jail cell. All that was missing was Celestia and her deals. The cells next’s to him were empty. He lean back on the bed. He was glad to be out of the ice. He look to the door. He could see the head of a guard in the tined window. He was leaning on the door. He decided to think about everything.

Ok. Let start front the beginning. The things sold in the auction house. Were once owned by Proffer K. L. White. He or she was an inventor of some kind. But until I know. I’ll call it a him. I wonder how he pass. Seeing as this group is looking into his invention. It must be worth the risk. The notes I translate only made an oil that burn easy and made a lot of black smoke. The music boxes are the confusing part. What could they possible use for? I open up fireballs and didn’t see anything odd about it. It look like any normal music box. Then there was the Silver Key. It either. Unlock something. Or maybe started whatever they were after.

The guard head move. The door open. Inspector gray walk in. He was follow by dark blue unicorn in a suit.

“Hello inspector. So why am I here?” he ask.

“You’re here for the murder of Ox. The auction House owner.” The dark blue Unicorn said.

“First. I didn’t kill Ox. Second. I was on my way to see him when I was attack in that ally. By those three thugs. Third and finally. Who the bloody hell are you?” he said. They both look a little shock at him.

“Kindle. This is my Sargent and the chief of the Ponyville police.” Gary said.

“O. Very nice to meet you. But as I was saying. I didn’t kill Ox. But I am wondering. Why do you think I did it?” he ask. They look to each other.

“Your name was written in blood all over the crime scene.” The Chief Told him.

“Well that doesn’t mean I kill him. It sound more like someone trying to get my attention. And they got it.” he said. They look at each other once again.

“Now. If you don’t have anything here to hold me on. Would you be so kind and let me out of here? Then I’ll solve the case and make you all look better in Celestia eyes.” he said with a wink. They whisper for a few moments. Then the Blue unicorn said.

“Alright. But don’t leave town.” Gary open the cell door. He walk out and headed for the door. He stop right before it.

“Quick question. Do either of you know where Proffer K. L. White lives?” he ask. The chief smile.

“I’m sorry to tell you this but she died.” he said. Kindle smile. He was wrong. The proffer was a Filly.

“I know that. But were did she live?” he ask again.

“In the old water wheel place. By the old dry up river.” he said.

“Water wheel?” he ask confuse.

“Ya. It an old water wheel. That they turn into a house.” he told him.

“And how did she die?” he ask.

“In her bed. She die in her sleep. Naturally.” he said.

“Thank you. I’ll see you later when I solve this case.” he told them leaving.

--------(Kindle Private Investigator)------

Fireball finish hiding everything like Kindle had ask. She knew whatever this was all about. That he knew what he was doing. The front door open. It was Rose. She was back with supplies. She place the weapons on the table. There were crossbows, knifes and swords.

“What do you need with all these?” she ask. Fireball smile.

“I’m going to use them to fight.” she said. Rose look down. She didn’t like her fighting. She wasn’t like Kindle. If she got hurt. She shook her head.

“Don’t worry. I’ve been in 100's of battles.” she told her. The door open. It was kindle. He was bleeding from the head.

“What happen to you?” Rose ask.

“Just got into a small fight. I’m fine.” he said. He turn to fireball.

“I need the key. Can you get it for me?” he ask. Fireball look a him a little confuse. He had told her to hide it and not tell him. She sigh and roll her eyes.

“1 second. I’ll be right back with it.” she said leaving the room. Rose walk over to the medicine cabinet and pull a bandage down. When she turn around. Kindle was look at the music box again.

“Where did we get this music box?” he ask. She raise an eyebrow.

“From a little green pony that grant your every wish.” she said making fun of him.

“Really? That odd.” he said not laughing. Rose was a little confuse. She figure that the wound on his head. Fireball return with the key. Kindle ran over and grab the key. He then ran outside. They look at each other and laugh.

“Ok. He gone crazy.” Fireball said.

“You know. I think it that wound on his head.” Rose told her. But before they say another word. The door flew open again. This time two uniform office stood there.

“Hello officers. How can we help you?” Fireball ask.

“We here to inform you that Kindle wood has been arrested.” one said.

“That was fast. What he do?” she ask.

“He been arrested for the murder of Ox the auction house owner.” he said.

“WHAT?” both Filly said at the same time.

“But he was just here.” Rose said. The officers look confuse.

“That can’t be ma. We just left him in a cell down at the HQ.” he said.

“O no.” Rose said. She look over to Fireball. Her face said it all. They had been trick. Her face turn from shock to pure anger.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” She scream. The two officers ran out the door. Rose step back as she grab a chair and throw it against the wall. Bits of wood flew everywhere. She grab another chair and sent it at the mantel. It smash into the vases and other thing. Braking everything as she went. She grab a sword off the table and throw it into Kindle desk. It stuck through the top. She grab her large wooden hammer and slam it into the wall. Leaving a large hole. She hit the wall a few more times and fell to her knees. She was breathing hard. Rose walk over and hug her from behind.

“It ok. I’ll tell him it was my mistake.” she said kissing her on top of her head. She look up to her.

“No. I’m not worry about him blaming me. I just hate being made a fool.” she said standing up. The door open.

“WO. What happen here?” Kindle ask. Fireball ran over and slam him in the head with her hammer. His head sticking half way into the wall. She remove her hammer. He fell to the ground. Lifeless.

“I’ll get some rope.” Rose said as she ran to the bedroom.

-----------(few minute later)-----------

“Oooooo. My head. What hit me?” he ask as he try to open his eyes. His left eye wouldn’t open. His right however had a nice pool of blood over it. He open it anyway. He saw two blurry figure standing in front of him. One holding what look to be a sword and the other holding something that look like a large hammer. Another sharp pain ran through his head again.

“Ooooooo. Why did you hit me?” he ask. Still confuse. He was still coming out of a daze.

“Were the key?” The Figure with the hammer ask.

“Key? What Key?” he ask. The figure slam the hammer on his knee. He scream out in pain.

“The Key you stole from us.” it said. He try to rum his ear. Everything was fuzzy. But found his hooves had be tie to a chair. He look around as everything started to become clearer. He was in his office. Rose was holding a sword and Fireball had her hammer out.

“FIREBALL! Have you lost your mind?” he ask.

“Nice try. But we know the real Kindle been arrested and is stilling in a jail cell right now.” she said. He let out a sigh. He know what was going on. Someone must have portending to be him and stole the key. He knew what he had to do. But he wasn’t going to like it.

“Ok. If I’m not the real Kindle. Then you can kill me. So take the sword and stab me.” he said, Looking to Rose. She look over to Fireball.

“You think we’re stupid. Your just trying to get us to kill you. So we don’t find out what you did with the key.” she said cracking him in his other knee. He cry out in pain as he felt the bone brake.

“Ok. If you won’t do it.” he said floating the sword out of her hoofs and stab himself into his chest. His head drop lifeless. They look at him in shock.

“Great. Our only lead and now he dead.” Fireball said. She slam her hammer down on Kindle desk. Rose walk over to her and hug her.

“Let go down to the station and get Kindle out.” she said.

“That won’t be necessary.” they both jump as Kindle magically put the sword from his chest.

“Now will someone get me out of this and tell me what going on.” he said as black smoke pour from his chest. They didn’t move. Still surprise from how his wound was healing.

“Don’t worry. It just depends on the size of the wound. Now untie me.” he told them.

---------(A few minute later)--------

“That better. Now were the music box?” he ask as he enter his bedroom.

“I think it time for a new look.” he said as He pull out brown box. Inside was black and green strip suit under it was a small brown box. Rarity had made it for him after solving a small case for her. He pick it up and look at it. He like it.

“So your not mad about the key?” Fireball ask as he got dress.

“No. It worthless without the music box.” he said. He pull out the small brown box. He smile as he open it. He close it and put it in his packet.

“Right let get going.” he said walking pass her. She look back at the box and then back to him and wonder. What was in that small box. She put it out of his mind.

“Fireball. Were the Music box?” he cry out. She walk over to the table and pull it out from under it. She had tape it there.

“Right now follow me.” he told the two Filly’s. He floated the music box into his bag and throw it on. They look at him confuse.

“Were?” They ask.

“We’re going to visit the dead.” he said with a creepy smile.

---------(Ponyville cemetery)----------

Fireball and Rose look to each other confuse. Kindle was moving from stone to stone. The undertaker walk with them as he lead the way to the grave. Fireball was still confuse. She didn’t know why they needed to see the grave of this pony.

“Hay I know this pony. He owed the house down the street from my parents.” Kindle said in front of a head stone. The undertaker roll his eyes.

“Sir. That pony live over a 1000 years ago. You couldn’t have known him.” he said.

“That sound about right.” he said. The undertaker was about to say something. But decided not to. They soon found the grave. Someone had dug it up.

“This isn’t suppose to be like this.” he said.

“Well of course not. You would never leave a grave uncover. We’re just a little late to the party.” Kindle said.

“But who would steal a body?” Rosa ask.

“Who in deed.” he said putting his hoof to his chin.

“I’m sorry. But I’ll have to ask you to leave. I need to call the police.” The undertaker told them. Kindle walk around the grave and look around it.

“Right. Well we need to get going anyway. Got many stop today.” he said.

“We do?” Fireball ask.

“Yes. Now let get going.” he said walking for the exit. The two filly ran up to each side of him.

“So were to next?” Rose ask.

“Were going to see the undertaker brother. I believe you know him. Tombstone.” He said. Fireball froze. A shiver ran down her back.

“What was that about?” Rose ask.

“He just very creepy and he has a thing for me.” she told her. Kindle laugh as he walk out the front gate.

“Come on girls. Let go make his day.” he said.

“This is not going to be fun.” she said as they ran after him.

----------(Ponyville Morgue)----------

“Hello fireball my sweet. How may this lonely little pony help you today?” Tombstone ask as they enter. She step behind Rose and Kindle.

“No time for the flirting Tombstone. I need to talk to you about a body.” Kindle said cutting off his view of her. He frond.

“Alright. Follow me.” he said. He lead them down the stairs and into a cold damp room. Rose was shaking.

“Are you alright?” Fireball ask.

“Ya. I’ll be fine. Just as long as were not down here for long.” she said.

“That right. You told me. Your kind don’t like cold weather.” Fireball said. Kindle ear perk up at this. He smile.

“So here we are.” he said waving a hoof over three white sheets.

“I’m a little confuse tho. Why you need to see them. See as you gave them to me.” he said as he grab the first sheet.

“WAIT.” Kindle said. Tombstone stop.

“What?” he ask.

“I don’t need to see any body’s. I needed to ask you about one.” he said. He look over to Rose and Fireball. They look relieve that he had stop him.

“Right then. Who.” he said as he took a seat.

“Proffer K. L. White. I like to know how she die and if you saw anything odd.” he said. Tombstone turn to a file cabinet and pull a folder out. He open it.

“Right. She was 78 year old brown unicorn. Her cutie mark was a brain. She die of a heart attack in her sleep. That putting it simple.” he said as he pass the file to kindle. He open it and flip through the pages.

“Now did you see anything odd?” he ask.

“Funny you should ask. When I was removing her organs. Her stomach was really thin. But in older mare that not uncommon. But the really odd thing was her liver. It had a tint of green to it.” he said. Kindle put his hoof to his chin.

“Alright. Thank you tombstone. I believe your brother could use your help.” he said as the sound of hoof steps eco from about.

“Come girls. We need to go.” he said heading for the stair. They move fast and ran ahead of him. Kindle smile. He knew Rose wanted to get warm and fireball just wanted to get away from Tombstone.

He pass the undertaker as he ran after the girls. He found them sitting on a bench outside. Fireball was hugging Rose. Trying to warm her up.

“Right. Let get going.” he said walking past them.

“Can you wait for just a minute? She need to warm up.” she said rubbing Rose back.

“She warm up faster as we run. We need to hurry there.” he said pulling at them. They yell as he pull them along.

----------(Water Wheel house)-----------

“Right. This is Proffer K. L. White house. Now we may run into trouble here.” Kindle told the girls as they walk to the front door. Kindle knock on the door. It open slowly with a wine.

“Right them. Let crack on.” he said walking in. It was dark. Kindle horn glow and three small ball of light floated from it. One floated about each of them.

“Stay together and see if you can find a light switch.” Fireball said. But as soon as she said that. A large bright light flash on. They put they hoofs up. Trying to block the bright light.

“Welcome Kindle Wood. I was wondering how long you keep me waiting.” A voice said with a hiss.

“Well. I’m sorry. But I needed to make a few stops.” he said. Still blinded by the light.

“Hey get off me.” he hear both the girls yell as some pony grab him. He soon found himself tie to a chair. His bags taken. The large light turn off and a normal set of house light turn on. He look over to Fireball and Rose. They were tie to chairs as well. They had been gagged.

“So I think it about time we meet properly.” Kindle said as four rather large pony’s move the girls back to back with him. A dark figure walk alone the shadow of the light. One yellow eye gleaming at him. It walk forward into the light. She was a dark purple Pegasus with a green mane. She had a snow flack on her flank.

“I am winter storm. The leader of the pony underground.” she said. Kindle laugh.

“Ha. That a good one. The Leader of the Pony underground.” he laugh. She was getting mad. She walk up and smack him.

“Come now. No reason to get mad. It just hard to believe. That a changeling is in charge of the pony underground.” he said. Rose and Fireball mound. He look back at them. They look both shock and confuse at the same time.

“Well now. I’m surprise you figure that out. Tell me what else do you know?” she ask as she turn into her true form. Kindle smile. She was a Changeling queen. Horn and wings. Thing were starting to become clearer.

“Well. Beside the fact that your after Proffer K. L. White’s invention. That you need all the music boxes to find it. That you stole the key from my friends here. Not much.” he said as she walk around them.

“Then. You know what I want.” she said. She was face to face with him.

“The music box.” he said with a smile.

“Were is it?” she ask.

“I’ll tell you. Only if you tell me why you need it.” he said. She frond and step back.

“Seeing as your not going to leave this place. I see no harm in telling you. Me and my associates. Need it to unlock a musical lock.” she said.

“Musical lock?” he ask

“Yes. You see. The Proffer enjoy her music. So she built a musical lock. The three music boxes unlock the safe.” she said.

“That Que enough Storm. Let not tell him every thing. After all. He mine. Once he tell you about your music box.” Kindle look up. He know that voice but couldn’t place it. Who was it?

“So were where we? Right the music box. Where did you hide it?” she ask.

“It in my bag over there.” he said nodding to it. She walk over and open it. She pull the music box out and began to laugh.

“Now that you have what you want storm. I’ll ask you to leave. Me and Kindle have old business to discuss.” The pony on the upper level said.

“Just remember. The Girl and her father get the two Filly’s.” She said. She left the room. The pony from the upper level walk down. Kindle frond as he saw him.

“Jarvis Solar. I thought you were in the Cantalot dungeon.” he said.

“Yes. But I’m not the only one who here.” he said. A loud thud shock the ground as the girls started to scream with the gags in they mouths. He look over and saw Mr. Lily and his Daughter. She had a large curve knife.

“You see. For helping Winter storm with her plan. We all get what we want.” he said. He wave the other pony’s over.

“Now were going to take a little trip back to my home. And when we get there. Your going to tell me everything I want to know.” he said. His thugs pick the chair up and started to carry him away.

“Don’t worry girls. Everything going to be alright.” he yell as they carry him out.

“Now that they gone. You two are going to make this fun. So please struggle. It will make it all the better.” Mr. Lily said. He lick his lips around him mouth. His daughter laugh wild. She wave the blade into the air. Flipping it around. They close they eyes.

Author's Note:

now i'm sorry for the two week wait on the last few chapter. my life has been real heckdick. with a new girl in my life and work. i've had trouble getting time to post. i hardly get time for myself now a days. and if anyone has a problem with the skyrim joke. i really don't care. i put a warning up. i know it a bad joke. but some people like it. now i will try ti wrap up this chapter final part next week. but don't put your hopes up. i'm working 4 days this week and have things plan with my new GF. so i only need to finish the last part of the next chapter. get it edited and post it. keep in mind that my editor need a few hours to do his job. so it not a bad on that end. he just need me to hurry up on my end. Please keep in mind. English is not my first languish. it my 3 or 5Th. so be kind.

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