• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 306 Views, 0 Comments

Mystery in Equestria - EndlessKnight980

short story about a P I solving Mystery

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Chapter 1: Were Are my Books?

Twilight and Spike enter the library. They been out to another party. Pinky Pie had been on a party bender. Twilight was really tier and wanted to get to bed. But spike wanted a drink. She lit some candles and went to the kitchen. She pour a glass of water for the little dragon. She turn to give the glass to the little dragon. However he was still in the book room. He had lit the room and was starring around the room.

“Here Spike.” she yawn passing the glass to him. “Twilight.”

She yawn again and started to head upstairs. “Yes Spike.”

“I’m I dreaming.” he ask.

“No Spike. But I like to be.” she said yawning again.

“Twilight. I think we have a problem.” he said.

“It can it wait until morning?” She ask yawning once again.

“I don’t think so.” he said putting the glass of water on the table. Twilight sigh and walk down the stairs.

“What the problem? I’m really tier Spike.” she yawn again. Spike pointed at the bookshelf. Twilight rase an eyebrow.

“What is it spike? One of the books out of order?” she said turning to face the bookshelf. It was hard to see. It was still too dark. She floated a candle in front of herself. She yawn again and lit another candle. The bookshelf lit up as the light from the candle alienated. Twilight drop the candle. Spike dove. Catching it before it hit the ground.


“Yes Twilight.”

“Were are all my Books?” she ask. Now fully awake. She look at the empty bookshelf’s. she was confuse. Who would steal books?

“I don’t know twilight. Some pony must have come while we were at the party.” Spike answering her question.

“What do we do know Twilight?” he ask.

“We need to call the pony polices.” she said picking up the phone.

------------------------(1 Hour Later)---------------

“And when we got home they were gone.” Twilight finish telling the Pegasus officer.

“Don’t worry miss. We’ll fine out who stole you books. They couldn’t have gotten that far.” he said flipping his note pad close.

“What do I do now?” she ask.

“By the look of things. We’re looking for a red Pegasus.” he said picking up a red feather.

“If I were you. I get a good night sleep and not worry. You got the PVPD on the job. Were the best in all of Equestria.” he said.

“Ha” A loud laugh eco from the doorway. A Green Unicorn in a Brown suit and black hat was standing there. Behind him was a orange Pegasus mare.

“You call yourself the best. That hard to believe.” He said walking in. He started to look at the bookshelf. He pick up a blue feather and stuck it in his pocket.

“Excuse me. This is a crime seen. You can’t just walking in here and do as you like. Who do you thing you are?” The officer ask.

“I’m Kindle Wood. Privets investigator. And this is my companion. Fireball.” he said as he look over muddy hove prints on the ground.

“What are you doing here.” the officer said Que mad.

“I’m here to help my friend Twilight. I believe I own you a det.” he said look over to Twilight.

“Yes. That right. But you really don’t have to. The PVPD are on the job.” Twilight said.

“O but I insist. I always pay back my det’s” he said sitting in one of the library’s chairs.

“You know I can pay you for this.” She said. Kindle put his hove up.

“I wouldn’t dream of charging you Twilight. This one on the house.” he said standing up. He was now holding a dirty gray rag.

“Now if you’ll excuse me I best be off. This case isn’t going to solve itself.” he said leaving with Fireball.

“Some pony’s. Don’t worry miss Twilight. We’ll solve this case before him.” the officer left with his pony’s. Twilight sigh.

“I just want my book’s back.” she said walking up stairs and heading to bed.

-------------------(Back with Kindle & Fireball)-------------------------

“Kindle. What do you mean your not charging her?” Fireball ask.

“Don’t worry about.” he said pulling the feather out and spinning it.

“Don’t worry. How am I suppose to do that? We need the money.” she said.

“Not to worry my dear Fireball. There are more ways to make money then charging friends.” he said. Fireball sigh. She knew that Twilight was a friend. But it was hard to work when your out of food and money.

“Beside. This case won’t take long.” he said. Fireball know Kindle had a clue. He been messing with the red feather since they left Twilight.

“So what the plan?” she ask.

“First. I need to find a free ride to cloud’s dal. I believe we’ll find more clues to this case there.” he said tucking the feather back in his pocket. Fireball rolled her eyes. A free ride to clouds dal. How was he going to manage this one.

-----------------------------(an hour later)--------------------

“I don’t know how you did it? But I can believe you did it.” she said as they floated up in a bright pink basket. Party balloons holding them up.

“It was easy. I just promise that she could throw me a surprise party on my birthday.” he said.

“Your in for que the surprise party them. By the way. When is your birthday?” she ask as clouds dal came into view.

“In the dead of winter.” he smile. He really didn’t know. All he knew was it was in the winter. The Basket landed on the cloud.

“So how this going to work? You’re a unicorn. You can’t walk on clouds.” Fireball ask as she step onto the cloud.

“Don’t worry. I’ve cast the cloud walking charm on myself.” he said walking onto the cloud. They tie the basket down and turn to face the cloud city.

“Alright Fireball. We need to head to the cloud dal Art district.” he said. Fireball look confuse.

“Well don’t look at me for deracinates. This is my first time here.” she said. Kindle sigh.

“It would seem. That we need a guide.” he said looking around.

“But were to fine one?” he said. Fireball flew up into the air. Kindle watch as she talk to a blue Pegasus with a Rainbow mane. Fireball then flew down with the Pegasus.

“Kindle. I would like you to meet Rainbow Dash. She another one of Twilight friends.” She told him.

“A pleasure. I’m Kindle Wood. P I.” he said putting a hove out.

“Nice to meet you. So Fireball tells me your helping Twilight out.” she said smacking his hove.

“Yes. But we kind of stuck. You see. Nether of us have ever been here and we need to find the art deracinates.” he told her. Rainbow dash put her hove to her chin.

“I guess I could help. But I’m busy today. So it will have to be quick.” she said.

“Aright then. Let get going.” he said.

----------------------------(clouds dale Art deracinates)------------------------

“Thank you Miss Dash. You’ve been a great help.” he said waving goodbye to her. Kindle look around.

“Now what?” fireball ask looking at the cloud art. There were clouds shape like different pony’s and other shapes. Some more adult then others.

“I believe I would like to see this shop here. Come fireball. We’re on a time crunch.” he said walking to a cloud building. The word Equestria Clay pots. The inside of the shop was amazing. There were clay pots with wild pattens. The color were span into the clay themself. Fireball notices the floor was wooden. A light blue Pegasus walk out from the back room. She had a black mane with brown chucks of clay stuck to it.

“Hello and welcome to Equestria Clay Pots. How can I help you today.” she ask as she wipe her hooves with a dirty gray rag. Kindle was looking a large red pot. It was twice his size.

“Yes I’m very interested in this pot here. Did you make it?” he ask.

“Yes I make all the Pots here.” she said.

“I see. So how has business been lately?” he ask.

“Why are you asking that?” she ask.

“Well I see you have a lot of colorful pots. I was just wondering if business was slow.” he told her.

“We’re not selling as many as we use to. The business is failing. But we hope to turn that around.” she said.

“Ah good. Away good to hear that a pony trying getting by. But back to the vase. Do you use the same clay in all your pots?” he ask looking back to the large red pot.

“Yes. We gather our clay from ponyville and bring it back here. Once here I craft it into the art you see before you.” she told him.

“I must know why you made this vase completely red?” he ask. There was an odd silences. Fireball saw the Pegasus was a little confuse.

“Well you see. Not every pony buys colorful vases Mr.”

“O how rude of me. I’m Kindle wood and this is my companion Fireball. And you are?”

“Well. Mr. Wood. I’m Patty Clay. Nice to meet you.” she said.

“Well miss Clay. I was wondering about you.” she look confuse again.

“Me? Why?” she ask.

“Before making an art purchase I like to know the artless. What they enjoy to do. For example. Do you read book’s?” he ask.


“Yes Book’s. I like to go to the library once a week and pick up a good book. But sadly the library in ponyville was rob. I didn’t get to read a new book this week. Do you read?” he ask.

“No I don’t read much. I just make clay pots.” she said.

“Well that a shame. Books are the gateway to the mind. They let us enter are own little worlds. They educate the young. They give us knowledge. I just love a good book.” he said.

“I use to read. But that was back in school.” she said.

“Well that good. It a good habit to have. O my look at the time we really must be going.” he said pulling out his pocket watch.

“What about the vase?” she ask.

“Don’t worry we’ll be back.” he said walking out the door.

Once outside Fireball finally had time to talk. “What was that all about?”

“There were also muddy hove prints all around the library.”he told her.

“So some pony that work with clay. That could be a lot of different jobs. Why the pottery shops?” she ask.

“Fireball. How many Pegasus do you know that are red?” she look at Kindle confuse. She knew one she went to school with but that was it.

“Not many. Why?” she ask. Kindle pull the feather out as they walk. He pass it to her.

“Smell it.” he said. She sniff it. I smell odd. Like glass paint. She didn’t like the smell. Passing the feather back.

“O. What is that?” she ask. Rubbing her nose.

“Glaze. Red Glaze to more preside. I found it odd that a Glaze cover feather would be in a library.” he told her. He pull out a dirty gray rag.

“I also found this at the library.” Fireball look at it.

“That look just like a normal rag.” Kindle rolled his eyes.

“Look closely. There bits of Glaze and clay smear on it.” she look at him.

“So Patty Clay stole the books?” she ask.

“I don’t know. But it look that way. I won’t know for shore until we head to other shops.” he said opening a door to another shop. Fireball walk in. Knowing he was going to be a pain the rest of the day.

--------(A Few Hours Later at clouds dal Police department)----------

“Hello officer. I never did get your name. When last we met.” Kindle said walking into the Clouds dal police department. The officer turn to face him.

“It Gray Hove. Inspector Gray Hove.” he said putting his chest out. Showing his badge.

“Now. How may I help you today. Mr. Wood?” he ask angrily. He orbitally didn’t like him. But he didn’t care. He knew who had stolen the books and how they were moving them.

“Well Inspector. I would like said I’m sorry for back at the Library.” he started.

“That alright. Just don’t make a habit of it.” Kindle smile.

“I’ll try not to. But now. I have news for you.” he said.

“What would that be?” he ask.

“I know who stole Library’s books.” he said. Gray cocked and eyebrow.

“You do now. And are you willing to tell me?” he had a flare of sarcasm in his voice.

“If you be willing to follow me. My companion is waiting. And bring you officers. We’ll need them.” he said walking away. Gray call for a few of his officer to follow.

----------------(night time at clouds dale Art deracinates)------------------

Fireball sit on a cloud bench. She was waiting and watching for Patty Clay. Kindle hadn’t told her anything. He always did this made her work at it. Make her think about everything. The door to the shop open. Patty Clay walk out backward. She was pulling a large crate.

“Hello Fireball. How are you enjoying yourself.” he said hopping down next to her.

“She just pull that out.” she pointed.

“And now she heading back in.” he said as Patty return inside the shop. Two large Pegasus walk up pulling a cart. They look left and right. Then pick the crate onto they cart. Then left a black bag by the door. They walk around the corner.

“Don’t worry. The Inspector officers will pick them up.” he told her. They watch Patty open her door and grab the bag.

“Alright let go.” he said standing up and heading for the shop. They open the door and enter the shop. A little bell rang. Kindle look around and saw the large vase was gone.

“I’m sorry we’re close. I was just about to lock up.” she said entering the room. The black bag on her side.

“I’m sorry. This won’t take long. Do you remember me?” Kindle ask.

“Aa yes. You were looking at my giant red vase. Sadly I’ve sold it.” she said.

“I’m afraid that not why I’m here.” he said.

“Then why are you here?” she ask looking confuse.

“I’m here about those book’s you stole.” he said. Patty took a step back.

“I don’t know what your....” Kindle put a hove up.

“Talking about. Yes. Yes I’ve hear it all before. Can we just cut to the chase. Here. I believe you left these at the library.” he cut her off. Then pull out her feather and rage out. Patty face turn into terror. She turn and ran.

“I believe that you queue.” he said turning to Fireball. Fireball flew pass him and chase Patty out the back door. Patty flew into the air. Fireball on her heels. Fireball watch as Patty flew. She was having trouble. The black bag was weighting her down. Fireball smile she know she could take her. She flew faster and tackle her. Bringing her down to the cloud ground.

“Thank you miss Fireball. I’ll take it from here.” Fireball look up to see four officer and inspector looking down at her. Kindle walk up from behind her. Fireball stood up. Letting Patty Clay go. She try to run again. Two officer grab her. Inspector gray pull the black bag off her back. He open it showing a large amount of gold.

“Well now. For a failing business. You seem to be doing well for yourself.” Kindle said.

“How? How did you know it was me?” she ask trying to get losses. Kindle smile.

“It was easy. You left to many clues.” he said.

“Clues?” she said. Now settling down.

“First. Was the muddy prints you left on the floor. I found clay in the mud. Second I found a red feather. At first I though it was a red Pegasus. But after looking at it more closely. I discover that the feather was coated in glaze. At this time I knew it had to be a potter. But it was this rag that gave you away.” he said pulling out the rag.

“When I enter you shop for the first time I saw that you were wiping your hooves off with the same type of rag. That however didn’t make you a suspect. Until I visited the other shops. Not one other shop us the same rag. Also. Your large rad vase was a died giveaway. I knew right away that you were hiding the books there. The only one thing I don’t understand. Why steal book’s? I mean there move valuable thing to steal. Why books?” he ask her. Patty sigh.

“I took the books because I had a buyer. This isn’t the first time. I’ve been stealing things and smuggling them out of the kingdom in my pottery. In all these years I never made a mistake. But now it off to the big house for me.” she said smiling.

“Yes and your partner in crime.” Kindle said floating a green Pegasus over to the officer. Patty look shock.

“Who this then?” inspector gray ask.

“This is her fences. The pony who’s been finding her buyers.” he said.

“But how did you know he was working with me?” She ask.

“When I was talking with you. You continue to use the word we.” he told her. She face hove.

“Inspector. I have a request. If you indulge me?” Kindle ask.

----------------(outside the library in ponyville)--------

“Excuse me. Miss Twilight. Can you help me?” Apple bloom ask.

“What can I do for you?” she ask.

“I need to find out about old Canterlot. Do you have a book on it?” she ask. Twilight started to tear up. Spike quickly jump in.

“I’m sorry Apple bloom. But we still don’t have any book’s yet.” he told her. Apple bloom look down disappointed. A book landed in front of Apple bloom. It was the book she was looking for.

“NO NEED TO WORRY TWILIGHT SPARKLE.” Everyone look up. Kindle was riding a large crate in a Pink basket. He was popping party balloons. Fireball was pushing the basket. The basket landed with a thud.

“What is this?” she ask. Kindle floated the crate out of the basket. Fireball still holding it. The basket and remain balloons shot up. Taking her with it. Kindle look up.

“Sorry.” He said and then turn back to Twilight.

“What is all of this?” she ask again. Kindle smile.

“I Believe these belong to you.” he kick the large crate. The crate fell apart. A large red vase remain.

“I’m a confuse. I don’t own any large red vases.” she said. Kindle look up.

“If you would miss Fireball.” he said stepping back. Fireball flew down with a large hammer. She slam the vase. It shatter into a cloud of dust. Ever pony was watching and waiting for the dust to clear.

“O My.” Twilight said. Kindle was standing on a mound of book’s.

“As Promise. I have return your books.” Twilight ran up to him. She was going to give him a big kiss. But she stop. Fireball slam Kindle in the head with the hammer. Sending in flying.

“THAT FOR NOT TYING THE BASKET DOWN!” She scream. Shaking her hove in the air. Twilight look at her in shock.

“I miss the first time.” she told her as her stomach growl.

---------(Kindle flying through the air)--------

“I really should have told her about the other bag of money I found.” he put his hove to his chin.

“O well. She find it in her bag soon enough.” he look up. He was heading for a mountain. He sigh.

“I really hate this. Tell me she not going to do this every time we solve a case.” he close his eyes. The mountain only hooves away.

Author's Note:

Keep this in mind. my editor told me to post stuff and he fix it. he take time to fix them. English is not my first languish. i'm not from this planet. cut me some slacks. then i can wear them.