• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Mystery in Equestria - EndlessKnight980

short story about a P I solving Mystery

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Chapter 6: It a Matter of Time

Kindle let out a loud snooze. Fireball and Rose look of from they room. He was leaning back in his chair. His rear hoofs up on the desk. He had a snot bubble hanging out his nose. They look at each other and back to him.

“What with him?” Rosa ask pulling a brush out.

“He said he was onto something big. Some big breakthrough.” Fireball said as Rose started to brush her hair.

“So why he sleeping if it a breakthrough?” she ask as they sat down on the bed.

“I don’t know. But he been talking about some crazy stuff.” she said watching his snot bubble grew and shrink with each inhale and exhale.

“Like what?” she ask.

“Like a blue box and some Pony from another world. Visitor from another world. Not pony’s but things in tine suit and statue moving. Stuff like that.” she said.

“Are you shore he hasn’t gone mental yet?” Rose ask looking out to him.

“I told you. He was lock in a room for a 1000 years. He had his time to go Mental.” Fireball turn with a smile to Rose.

“Beside. I just have idea how we can have some fun.” she said. She kick the door close. The snot bubble pop and the chair slip. Kindle open his eyes and started to fall backward. He hit the floor hard. Cracking his head open.

“Damn that hurts.” he said grabbing his head. A little blood on his hoof. He roll to his hooves and walk out to the kitchen. He look in the cabers. He grab the pancake mix. He fill a bowl with water and pancake mix. He mix It into a paste. That when he heard it. It was the sound of the wind being suck in and out. He walk forward. Pause and made shore he was hearing it right. He throw the bowl into the air and floated his bag on his back. He ran out the door and slam it shut. Fireball and Rose pock they head out of the room.

“Where are.... KINDLE I’LL KILL YOU!” Fireball yell as the bowl of pancake mix hit her on the head. Pouring out all over her.

----------(Kindle wood)---------

He found it. He was breathing hard. But he found it. He knock on the door of the blue box. It read Police box on the top. He sat down and waited. A few minute pass. He knock again. He pull out his note pad. He needed to see what was the one name. I repeated it self over and over throughout history. There it is.

“DOCTOR COME OUT. WE NEED TO TALK.” he yell. Other pony’s on the street look at him oddly. He waited another few minute.

“DOCTOR!” He yell again. He waited another minute before it happen. The door open. A light brown pony wearing a brown coat like a collage proffers. Kindle smile. He had a red bow tie just like his.

“O hello. Who are you?” the light brown earth pony ask.

“I’m Kindle wood and I need your help.” he said.

“Really. Wonderful. Well let get started.” he said.

“Yes. Right. But before we do. What do it call you?” Kindle ask. He smile.

“You already know that.” he said.

“Right. Then let get going doctor.” he said walking into the blue Police box. He stop. Look outside and then back in. He ran around it. Then stop in from of the Doctor.

“It bigger on the inside then it is on the outside. It another dimension.” he said with a smile. The Doctor laugh.

“That brilliant. You figure it out faster then most people.” he said.

“Right then. We have a problem in canterlot and I can’t take my partner.” he told the Doctor as he walk into the blue police box.

“Right. So I only have one question.” the Doctor said.

“What?” he ask as he took a seat.

“When did we last meet?” he ask.

“Well. Let see. I figure out that you’re a time traveler. That your not a normal pony. You’re an alien of some kind. You solve problem through space, time, and other dimension. So you ask me. When did we last met? Well. I have a to say this to you.” he pause. “Hello Doctor. My name is Kindle Wood. Nice to meet you for the first time.” he said putting a hoof out. The Doctor stood there speechless. Then he smile.

“It nice to meet you. Your brilliant. Just brilliant. I have to say I never thought anyone could figure me out that fast. But then again you are the second best detective in Equestria.” he said with a laugh.

“Second best? Who the firsts?” he ask.

“SPOILERS” he turn to see a White earth pony with a golden mane. She was stoning.

“River Song. Nice to meet you.” she said putting a hoof out. He shook it and smile.

“Right then off to Canterlot. Then.” The Doctor said head up to the control panel. He throw a switch down and the room shook. The sound of wind sucking in and out fill the air. Then it stop.

“Alright. Were here.” he said jumping down and walking to the door. Kindle walk outside. They were in the canterlot garden.

“Right. So what the Mystery today?” he ask him. Kindle look around and saw it.

“There.” he said running away. The Doctor and River on his heels. He stop in front of a statue of a mare.

“So what is it?” he ask turning to them. River look to the Doctor.

“It a statue.” River said as the doctor pull out a little wand like thing. It glow green on the end.

“No river it far worst.” he said.

“I know. I did my research.” Kindle said.

“Come on sweety. What is it?” she said.

“It a weeping Mare.” They both told her. She look at both of them.

“Right. A what?” she ask.

“River I know your new to this. Dimension jumping. But think of it like a weeping angel.” he said. Her face turn to horror.

“But what it doing here?” she ask.

“Well if you were a weeping mare. Why not a garden.” he said. Running around it waving his wand around.

“Right. So why are we here?” he ask Kindle who was watching the statue.

“There 100's of these things all over canterlot. They started to show up two week ago. With no one clamming to make them. Some pony’s have even taken them into there homes.” he told them.

“Doctor this is bad. If those things are like weeping angels and there...” she said.

“Everywhere. Then they planning something big. That why the TARDIS brought us here. We need to help these pony’s and stop these weeping mares.” he said. Walking away from the weeping mare.

“Doctor were are you going?” Kindle yell.

“I’m going to meet the Princess.” he said fixing his bow tie. Kindle look to river and back to him. They ran after him.

--------(Throne room)------------

“Hello Princess Celestia. That River Song and I do believe you know Kindle wood. And before you ask. I’m here to solve you statue problem. Well they not really statue. They weeping Mares and they here to take over.” he said kicking in the door and walking up to Celestia. Who was in shock of an odd pony in a red bow tie. Kindle stood behind both River and the Doctor. A look of distaste on his face. Celestia clear her throat.

“Hello Kindle. Who your friend and what is he talking about?” she ask looking past them they look at him. He really didn’t want to be here. He clear his throat and walk forward.

“Princess. This is The Doctor and you have a problem. He the only one who can solve it.” he said.

“Doctor? Doctor Who?” she ask.

“That right. I’m the Doctor.” The Doctor said.

“Doctor Who?” she ask again.

“He the Doctor. Just the Doctor.” Kindle said.

“Yes I understand he a Doctor. But what his name?” she ask.

“The Doctor.” River said.

“Doctor who?” she ask again. Kindle smile.

“You really are that dents. His Name Is THE DOCTOR.” he said slowly. She frond at him. They look at him.

“What? If we spent all our time here then we won’t be able to solve the weeping mare problem.” he said.

“Weeping mares?” Celestia ask.

“Yes. Right. Sorry. But your kingdom is full of living statue. I don’t know what they want.” The Doctor said. She look confuse. He eyes move from the Doctor back to Kindle.

“This is your doing. Your trying to kill me again.” she said.

“No. I gave my word to Princess Luna. I would not harm you. At lest as long a Luna lives.” he said. She look at him. She was trying to tell if he was lying. She smile.

“Alright. So Doctor. Why are these weeping mares here?” she ask.

“I don’t know. But I can tell you it never good.” he said. There were four knock on the door. Everyone jump and face the door. Four more knocks. The wood started to break.

“Doctor.” River said.

“Yes I know. They here.” he said. He turn to Celestia.

“They can’t move if you look at them. So keep looking at them no matter what.” he said running around.

“Doctor. The roof.” River said pointing up. There were statue in window.

“River I know. Ah here we are.” he said pulling a candle stick holder down. A hidden door open in the wall.

“Right. Everyone through here. Hurry, hurry.” he said heading in. His wand glowing the path. They follow him.

“Doctor. What is that thing you have there?” Celestia ask.

“It my sonic screwdriver.” he said. They walking a small room.

“Right them. So were does this passage lead?” he ask Celestia.

“It an old escape passage. It leads to maze in the garden.” she said pointing up. There was a little round door above them. There was loud bang from behind.

“Let get going them.” Kindle said.

“We can’t the door only open from the outside.” she said. There was a loud pop sound above.

“I’ll check it out.” Kindle said heading up the ladder.

-----------(Garden Maze)----------

Kindle pop his head out. A large flat rock on his head. He push it aside.

“Clear.” he said climbing out. He help river out of the hole. Follow by the Doctor. He walk away as Celestia came up.

“Right. So. First we need to get out of here.” The doctor said.

“Do you even have a plan?” Celestia ask.

“I always have a plan. But first I need to get to my Tardis. Then I can deal with these weeping mares.” he said.

“Follow me. I know all turns in this maze.” Celestia said.

“I hope it wasn’t that way.” Kindle said looking at a weeping mare.

“Keep looking at it. It can’t move as long as you watch it.” River said.

“Quick this way.” Celestia said heading for an opening in the maze. Kindle walk backward slowly. As he reach the opening he quickly turn and ran. Following the others as they head through the maze. Right, left, left, right, left, left, right, right, left. There seem to be a patten. Celestia stop. He ran into The doctor.

“Owf. Why you stop?” he ask. But he didn’t need an answer. Five weeping mare stood in they way. He look behind them.

“We need to head back.” celestia said.

“There one back here to.” he said.

“Doctor what are we going to do?” he ask.

“Princess. Fly out of here. We’ll be fine.” The Doctor said calmly.

“What. I can’t just leave you.” she said.

“Your not. Your just going to get help.” he smile. She nodded and flew away.

“Great. So now what? She going to bring back her guards.” Kindle said.

“We wait.” he said facing the weeping mares. Kindle sigh and continue to watch the one angel. He wanted to blink. River and the Doctor watch the others.

“Doctor I know you believe we can wait. But I’m going to blink any second now.” he said.

“Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long.” he said. Kindle was confuse. What did he mean? He felt River bump into him.

“Doctor.” River cry.

“What going on?” Kindle ask.

“Nothing to worry about.” The Doctor said.

“I hope you know what your doing sweety.” she said.

“Don’t worry River. I know what I’m doing.” he said. Kindle didn’t know about it. He had a feeling what he was planning but it odds of working were a million to one.

“Right. When I said now. Everyone jump to the right and follow me.” he said. Kindle blink. Two more weeping mare join the one he was looking at.

“Doctor there more here.” he said.

“Now!” the Doctor yell. He did as the doctor said. He slam into the bush wall and bounce off. He landed on the ground with Both of them. He Quickly look up. The weeping mares were still there. They hadn’t move. He look around. They all seem to be looking at each other.

“There we go. Now back to the Tardis.” he said calmly. Kindle stood up and look at him.

“How did you do that?” he ask.

“Simple really. They can’t move as long as they being watch. So I move them around and aim them at each other.” he boosted. Kindle face hoof.

------------(outside the maze)----------------

“I’m glad to be out of there.” Kindle said. He never like mazes to start with.

“DOCTOR!” River yell. She was pointing and looking to the right. Kindle look over with terror. It mush have been every weeping mare in canterlot.

“No one blink. No one move. Stay still.” The Doctor told them. They watch the weeping mares. They stood still. It was like they were ready to attack. They eyes seem to look right through them.

“What are we going to do?” River ask.

“You two leave. I got this.” Kindle said standing up. He continue to stair at the weeping mares.

“I can’t leave you Kindle.” The Doctor said.

“Look I’m not saying to just to leave me. Just go get your TARDIS and come back.” he said. The doctor smile.

“Right. Don’t blink.” he said running off with River. Kindle smile. He know he couldn’t hold out for long. He was going to blink any second. He try to think of a way to stop them. He remember reading about them. They couldn’t be destroy by anything. They just absorb any thing throw at them. He blink. The weeping mares move closer. They could sent you back in time as well. He smile. he only had one thing left to do.

“Ok. You monster. You want me. Then come get me.” he said turn around and running. It sounded like a rock slide behind him. He turn around the edge of the castle. The sound got closer. He ran faster. There was a sports field up ahead. He jump over a large bush that boarder the field. He quickly turn and face them. He was breathing hard. The weeping mares were standing still. Some were holding others up. It look like they were going to throw them.

“Ok. Let see. I’m not going to out run you. I can’t fight you. What can I do then?” he said as he talk to himself. He close his eyes.


“Doctor they got him.” River yell looking out the door from the flying tardis. He ran to the door.

“River keep watching them.” he said running back to the controls.

“Doctor he back.” she said. Kindle was waving at them.

“Need a lift?” River call out as the doctor flew the TARDIS. She throw a rope down. Kindle grab it. They pull him in.

“Look out. Here they come.” River yell. The doctor push him to the wall. The front door flash. The TARDIS started to shack.

“What going on?” he yell.

“We’re trapping them in the TARDIS.” The Doctor Yell.

“What?” he yell. The TARDIS stop shacking.

“I said. I Trapping them in the TARDIS. Putting them in another dimension for a short time. But I need to work fast.” he said running to the control panel. He flip switches and turn nobs. River helping his as they move around it.

“There we go.” River said as she walk up to the door. She open it. Kindle look outside. They were in space. There was a large black hole below them.

“All set sweety. Let them go.” she said. The doctor flip a lever and the weeping mares drop into the black hole.

-------------(hour later back in ponyville)----------------

“Thank you Doctor. I couldn’t have solve this case without you.” Kindle said as he walk out of the TARDIS and into ponyville.

“Well. You know. I do what I can.” The doctor said fixing his bow tie.

“One thing before you go.” he said.

“What?” he ask.

“I want to know. How did you escape the Angels?” he ask.

“That my little secret. Your not the only one who a 1200 years old pony.” he laugh.

“Ok doctor. I’ll see you around.” he said fixing his bow tie. He walking away laughing.

“Come on sweety. We have all of space and time to say goodbyes.” River call from the TARDIS.

“It never goodbye river. We’ll see him again one day. But he’ll have the worlds best detective with him.” he said heading back in the TARDIS.

----------(Kindle Private investigator)-------------

Kindle walk in. He was ready for a nice night of sleep. He flip the light switch. But the light didn’t turn on. He sigh. He lit his horn and walk to his room. His bed look wonderful. He yawn and walk over and lay down. A large red blanket drop on top of him. He roll over as he saw Fireball and Rose holding him down.

“What going on here?” he ask.

“Revenge for this morning.” Fireball said. She grab a large bowl and started to pour it on him.

“I think he knock out.” Rose said. Poking him.

“Let me check.” she said cracking a bat in two over his head. A large lump grew on his head next to his horn.

“Look at that. Now he really horny.” Rose laugh. Fireball just roll her eyes.

“Your luck I love you.” she said kissing her on the cheek.

Author's Note:

this was kind of a side chapter. but there a spoiler hidden in this chapter. next week chapter will be the start of a long chapter. a really long chapter. at less by my standers. 10 page of ms word. plu another 15. and finally a big 20 pages. total of 45 pages. all in one big mystery. many new and old face will be invold in this big mystery. think of it like a movie.