• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Mystery in Equestria - EndlessKnight980

short story about a P I solving Mystery

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Chapter 3: A Rose in the weeds

It was a dark and stormy night in ponyville. A gray Pegasus with a green mane was running. She seem to be in a hurry. She ran down an ally way. She look back. A black hooded pony was standing there. She started to run. The hooded pony drew a knife from under the cloak. She turn the corner and found it was block by a large blue box. She turn and saw the cloak pony.

“No. No. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The scream fill the air.

------------( Kindle Privet Investigator)-----------

Kindle awake to the sound of knocking. It sound like someone using a hammer on his door. He roll out of bed and walk out to the office. He look at the news paper on the table. The headline read

“Another Pony Slash” A picture of a bloody crime scene below. Another hammering of knocks. Kindle yawn and open the door. Inspector Gary walk in. He look distort. Water drip off him.

“Inspector. Please come in make yourself at home.” Gray grab him and slam him into the wall. Kindle could see his eyes were red. He had been crying. He could smell alcohol on his breath.

“DON’T MOCK ME TODAY!” he yell. Fireball ran out holding her large hammer.

“Fireball freeze.” he said putting a hove up.

“Inspector. What wrong?” he ask.

“What wrong! What Wrong! Everything is wrong!” he said slamming his head into the wall three times.

“Calm down. Just tell us what wrong.” Fireball said. The Inspector let Kindle down. He back up and fell to his knees. He started to cry. Fireball look to Kindle.

“Hit the lights.” he told her. She did as he said. Kindle look over the inspector. He had blood on the sleeves of his brown coat. Something had happen. Something horrible.

“Inspector. Who was it? Your wife? Your son?” he ask. Holding the his shoulders.

“My Daughter?” he cry out. Fireball put her hooves over her mouth. Dropping her hammer.

“Fireball. Stay here with the inspector.” he told her. He walk over and grab his coat and umbrella.

“Were are you going?” she ask. He pointed to the inspector. He was sobbing on the floor.

“Take care of him. I’ll be back later.” he said grabbing his bags and heading out the door.

----------(crime scene)--------------

Kindle found the crime scene easy. There were officer there setting up tape. Roping off the area.

“Sorry I can’t let you in.” A green earth pony in a uniform said putting a hove up.

“Inspector gray has ask me to help on the case.” he told him. The pony walk over to a blue unicorn in a brown coat. She walk over.

“Alright follow me. But don’t touch anything.” she said lifting the tape. He follow her down the ally. There was a black tarp with blood washing away from under it. She lifted the tarp. Kindle look over the dead body of inspector gray daughter. Her body was all cut up. Her cutie mark had been half remove. The head of the rose was all that was left. He put a hove up.

“I’ve seen enough.” he said. She lower the tarp.

“She was found an hour ago. We have a witness this time. We believe he saw her and had to stop.” she told him.

“Yes I can see that. He normal cut they marks off completely. But what worry me is who saw him. That and why she didn’t run down this way.” he said pointing down the clear ally.

“I don’t know. But we’re got to catch this son of a bitch.” she said.

“Who found the body?” he ask.

“She did.” she pointed at a gray Pegasus. Kindle sigh and look down.

“You know her?” she ask.

“Ya. That inspector gray exwife.” he said.

“O my.” she said.

“You could say that again.” he said walking over to her.

“Miss gray. I’m sorry about your lose.” she look at him.

“Thank you.” she said tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry but I have to ask you. Why were you out here tonight?” she look at him confuse.

“I live here. Apartment 5.” she said. He saw the morgtisions pull up with they cart.

“Maybe we should move there and get out of this rain.” he told her. She nodded and lead the way.

The apartment was small and very clean. There was a cabins with glass plate inside. There was plastic on all the furniture. he thought Fireball would die if she was her roommate. He walk over to the window and look down. They had remove the body. he look down at the rug. There was a large stain.

“Walk me through what happen tonight.” he said spinning to face her.

“I was making tea. I was about to sit down and I hear her scream.” she pause. Kindle look back out the window.

“Then I walk to the window. I saw a Pony in a black hood. He was. He was.” she broke down in tears again.

“I know it hard. But I need you to try to remember anything about the pony.”

“I don’t know.” she said.

“Ok. Calm down. Let take it slowly. You hear the scream. You walk to the window. You saw the pony in the hood.” she nodded.

“What happen next?” he ask.

“He rase the knife.”

“What kind? Like a stack knife?” he ask.

“No. It was curve. Like wage from and orange.” she said. Kindle pull out his sketch book.

“Can you draw it?” he pass her a pencil. She drew the shape of the blade.

“There what it look like.” she said putting the pencil down. He look at it.

“Now try and remember anything else. Did you see what color the pony was?” he ask.

“No. I scream and he look at me.” she said.

“Did you see his face?” he ask.

“No. I could see pass his hood.” she started to cry. Kindle pass her a rag. Now he turn his mind to the ally. Something seem a miss.

“Miss gray. That ally. Was there anything there early?” he said

“Yes. There was a large blue box in a cart.” she said. She blow her nose.

“I believe it been there for a few days now.” she told him as she try to pass him his rag back. He put his hove out.

“Keep it.” she withdraw her hove.

“Alright. I have to get going. If you remember anything. Come down to my office.” he said gathering his things and head out the door.

-----------------(Kindle Privet Investigator)-----------------

Fireball found a towel. Inspector gray was taking a shower. She made him. Hopping to get the alcohol out of his system. But there were no towels. She pull two off the shelf. She carry them to bathroom. She open the door a crack and set them on the sink.

“Hey. I like to thank you.” inspector gray said from the shower.

“It no problem. I can’t say I understand how hard it is to lose someone you care about. But I’m here if you want to talk.” she said from the other side of the door.

“Thanks. Your really nice.” he said with a drunken slur. Fireball roll her eyes.

“Thank you.” she said.

“You know what?” he ask crawling out of the shower.

“What?” she humor him.

“Kindle doesn’t deserve you. You too pretty for him.” She blush a little. They do say drunks speak the truth. She though.

“Thank you. I’m flatter. Really. But we’re not together. We just work together.” she told him.

“Wait. So your single?” he ask slop over the toilet.

“Well yes. But I’m not really looking right now.” she said.

“Know what. I’m single to. Had a wife. but wee broke it off.” he said walking to the door. Fireball roll her eyes again. That all I need a drunk hitting on me. The door flew open smacking her in the back of the head. Gary falling onto of her. The front door open.

“Fireball. When I told you to take care of him. I didn’t mean that.” Kindle said looking over the two sleeping pony’s. he shook his head and headed to bed.

-----------------(next morning)-----------

Fireball could smell something. Something good. It smell like blue berry pancakes. She open her eyes and yawn.

“Morning. Sleepy head. You two have fun last night?” Kindle ask

“Fun?” she ask rubbing her head. She then saw Inspector gray laying on top of her.

“O god.” she quickly kick her way out.

“We didn’t.” she said standing up and looking over to Kindle. He smile in his chef outfit.

“Your both adults. It normal.” he said with a wink. Fireball face turn red. She knew what happen. He open the door and knock her out. But what happen after that was a mystery. She look down at inspector gray. He roll over.

“Would you be a dear and wake him. He starting to smell.” he ask her as he flip another pancake. She put a half a smile on. She move to his side and kick him. He moan and roll over. She look around the room. Then smile.

“That kind of mean don’t you think?” Kindle ask as he put pancakes on a plate. A loud horn went off by Gray ear. He jump up and ran. He quickly stop and turn around. He look at them both.

“What the hell? O my head.” he ask and quickly grab his head.

“Hang over. Try this.” Kindle pass him a drink with a egg yoke floating in it. He drank it down without looking at it.

“Yak. That was nasty.” he said.

“He some pancakes.” he floated three plate to the table along with orange juice, maple syrup, and three glasses. They all took there seats.

“What time is it? Gray ask.

“7:39.” Kindle said pouring the orange juice.

“You two have fun late night?” he ask them. Gray look confuse.

“Not really. But everything was a blur.” he ask. Kindle was about to ask another question when Fireball chime in.

“What the game plan for today?” she ask. She didn’t want to about last night anymore.

“First I need to go to the morgue. Brimstone and me need to talk.” He said. Fireball shiver. She didn’t like Brimstone. He was always talking about death. But worst of all was he like to flirt with her.

“But I’ll go alone. Don’t need him destared.” he wink at her.

“Then what do you need me to do?” she ask.

“You will be protecting Inspector Gray and his exwife.” he told her. They look at each other.

“I can’t. I need to go see my doctor today.” she said.

“Don’t worry Fireball. You can’t get knock up that fast.” he said with a wink. She kick him under the table. He roll his eyes.

“Fine. Inspector. Your exwife will need your protection. Seeing as she witness the event.” The inspector spit his orange juice across the table.


“She live in the apartment over looking it. The murder saw her. So she need police protection.” he told him.

Inspector Gray grab his coat and left in a hurry.

“Alright. I’m off to the morgue. You have fun finding out if your cherry was pop.” he laugh. She throw her plate like a frisbee into the back of his head. Blood pour down from his head.

“It was worth it.” he said heading out the door.

--------------(Ponyville morgue)----------------

A Gray and Black zebra was working on a dead body. Kindle enter the room.

“Morning Brimstone. What do you have for me?” Brimstone set his tools down.

“It the same as the others. She was cut all over her body. The only different was her cutie mark was only half remove.” Kindle look down on the body once again.

“Cause of death?” Brimstone sigh.

“He throat was cut here. Causing her to bleed out. She was dead within seconds.” he said as he pointed it out on her body. He sigh again.

“You know. I hope you catch this sicko soon. Seven pony’s in the last month.” he said looking over to the body lockers.

“Thank you for your help. I’m have a good lead. I promise no more body if I can help it.” he said as he left.

-------------(outside Ponyville hospitable)----------

Fireball walk out of the hospitable happy. Nothing had happen. That was a weight of her shoulders.

“I take it things went well.” She saw Kindle sitting a bench.

“If you must knew. Yes it went well.” she said.

“That good. So Colt or Filly?” he ask a big smile on his face. She crack him over the head.

“Worth it. Anyhow. We need to get going.” he said rubbing his head.

“Were?” she ask acting like nothing happen.

“I think you need some flowers. For your new colt friend.” he said walking off. She didn’t know weather to hit him or follow. She decided to do both.

----------(Ponyville Market)----------

Fireball was still confuse. There were stands of all kinds in the market. Why flowers. Kindle had been here for hours now. Talking to each stand owner.

“Come now Fireball. There nothing here. We need to head to the farm.” he said walk in down the road.

“Did you find out anything?” she ask.

“We will soon find out.” he said.

“Well you at lest tell me what your looking for?” she ask.

“A murder. You should know that.” he said. She was ready to hit him again but didn’t.

“I mean. Would you share what your thinking?” she ask.

“By the time I told you all the details. The reader would be board and stop. Then you would no longer exist. Me I’ve got a back up story.” he said with a wink.

“Readers? Story?” she ask. Confuse more then ever.

“Don’t mind me. I’m just braking the fourth wall.” he laugh. She cocked her head and question if kindle was still said.

--------------------(An hour later.)---------------------

They were at large field of flowers and fruit trees. There were many pony’s working in the field. Kindle walk up to the main house. After knocking on the door a butler pony took them to see the owner.

“Mr. Green Lily. I bent meaning to talk to you.” Kindle said to a rather fat green unicorn in an even larger chair. he was the size of four large stations. He was wearing a bright blue suit.

“Jives. How is this Colt?” he ask.

“He said he work with the police.” the butler said.

“Yes. We’re working with them. But more to the point.” Green Lily stood up. The ground shook.

“Now listen here. I don’t care if you Princess Celestia herself. I want you out on home now.” he said slamming a hove on the table.

“Father is something wrong?” a blue unicorn walk in. She was very beautiful. Kindle started to blush. He quickly stop.

“No my dear. Now head back to your room.” he told his daughter. She left the room.

“Now then. I would like to talk to you Mr. Lily. About the murders in ponyville.” Kindle said. Mr. Lily raise an eyebrow.

“Jives. Leave us.” he said sitting back down. The ground shook as he did. The butler left.

“So. I take it that you already know about them. Seeing as you have a stack of the papers here.” he said point at a large stack of news paper. Fireball look at them. They all seem to be about the murders. Thing were cut out.

“And you believe me to have some doing in this matter?” he said. A cold look in his eyes.

“No. Your to fat to have done these crimes alone. I just need to know one thing.” he said. Mr. Lily didn’t seem to like being call fat.

“You’re workers. They use this type of knifes to cut the fruit from the trees. Do they not?” he ask. As he pull out the drawing of miss Grays.

“Yes.” he said.

“That all I need to know. Good bye.” he said turning around and heading for the door.

“Wait.” Kindle stop.

“You barge in here. Insult me. Make my daughter worry. And that the only thing you wanted?” he said.

“Yes. That right. Don’t bother standing. I’m shore you fall through the floor. We’ll show our self to the door.” he said leaving the room Fireball right behind. They could hear a loud crashing sound as they left.

“What now?” Fireball ask as they walk down the path.

“I think it time to go dress shopping.” he told her.

“Dress?” she said confuse.

----------------(Carousel Boutique)--------------

“Hello and welcome to Carousel Boutique. I am Rarity. Your fashion designer. How may I help you today.” A white pony said as they enter the shop.

“Yes I need a dress.” Kindle said.

“O well. Let me see.” she said walking up to fireball and measure her. Kindle laugh at her.

“Miss I do believe you mishear me.” he said with a smile.

---------(Two Days Later)--------------

It was dark out. The moon was the only light shining in Ponyville. A pony in a pink dress walk down the street. A shadowy figure follow from the sky. The pony continue down a dark ally. The pony stop. There was a large blue box block the ally. A hood figure walk into the ally. It drew a curve blade.


Light flash on. The hooded pony turn in shook and try to run. Officers fill in. Blocking the ally entrances. It turn back to the pony in the dress. Running over and grab the pony.

“No pony move. Or she dies.” The hooded pony yell.

“I believe your wrong my dear.” inspector Gray said walking forward. The pony in the dress hit the hooded pony. The hooded pony slice the blade across the neck of the pony in the dress. The pony drop to the ground.

“I warned you. I told you.” The hooded pony said holding out the blade. A hove kick up and set the blade into the blue box.

“What the?” the hooded pony yell. The pony in the dress stood up. Remove the head covering and reveling Kindle.

“Hello my dear.” he said. The hooded pony ran to the box and pounded on it. The side fell open. Inside were four officers. The hooded pony try to run. But ran into Fireball. Who had just landed. Two officer grab the hooded pony.

“Now let see who you are.” Kindle said. He fill the hood off. It was a blue unicorn.

“Wait who is she?” Fireball ask.

“Let me introduce. Miss Lily.” he said.

“How? How did you figure it out?” she yell. He smile.

“Well. I didn’t. To tell the truth. I though it was some pony working for your father.” he told her. He look over to the large blue box.

“Speaking of you father. He sitting in a cell at Police HQ. Since he enjoy watching.” he said.

“I’ll Kill You.” she yell. kicking at him.

“You won’t be hurting any pony from Canterlot dungeon.” Inspector Gray said as the officers carry her of kicking and screaming.

“Inspector. How are you doing?” he ask.

“I’ll be fine. As much as I want her dead. I know that not my chose.” he said.

“That good. Revenge solve nothing.” he said.

“So. How you survive the knife to the neck?” he ask. Kindle pull a piece of wood from the dress.

“I’m not dumb. And here our fee.” he said passing him the wood with a paper on it. Then walk away.

“Damn he look good in a dress. HOW MUCH!” he said as they walk away.

---------(Transport To Canterlot)----------

Green Lily and his Daughter cuff in a train car. Six offices guarded them. A white smoke fill the car. The officers fall to the floor.

“What going on?” Mr. Lily ask feeling light headed.

“My new friends. I believe were have much to talk about.” a dark figure said as the smoke clear.

Author's Note:

ok this chapter get gory. i know thing are kind of simple. but they get better. they all can't be winner right? o and the thing at the end of chapter. you may want to pay attention to those. i have something very special plan.