> Mystery in Equestria > by EndlessKnight980 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Were Are my Books? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Spike enter the library. They been out to another party. Pinky Pie had been on a party bender. Twilight was really tier and wanted to get to bed. But spike wanted a drink. She lit some candles and went to the kitchen. She pour a glass of water for the little dragon. She turn to give the glass to the little dragon. However he was still in the book room. He had lit the room and was starring around the room. “Here Spike.” she yawn passing the glass to him. “Twilight.” She yawn again and started to head upstairs. “Yes Spike.” “I’m I dreaming.” he ask. “No Spike. But I like to be.” she said yawning again. “Twilight. I think we have a problem.” he said. “It can it wait until morning?” She ask yawning once again. “I don’t think so.” he said putting the glass of water on the table. Twilight sigh and walk down the stairs. “What the problem? I’m really tier Spike.” she yawn again. Spike pointed at the bookshelf. Twilight rase an eyebrow. “What is it spike? One of the books out of order?” she said turning to face the bookshelf. It was hard to see. It was still too dark. She floated a candle in front of herself. She yawn again and lit another candle. The bookshelf lit up as the light from the candle alienated. Twilight drop the candle. Spike dove. Catching it before it hit the ground. “Spike.” “Yes Twilight.” “Were are all my Books?” she ask. Now fully awake. She look at the empty bookshelf’s. she was confuse. Who would steal books? “I don’t know twilight. Some pony must have come while we were at the party.” Spike answering her question. “What do we do know Twilight?” he ask. “We need to call the pony polices.” she said picking up the phone. ------------------------(1 Hour Later)--------------- “And when we got home they were gone.” Twilight finish telling the Pegasus officer. “Don’t worry miss. We’ll fine out who stole you books. They couldn’t have gotten that far.” he said flipping his note pad close. “What do I do now?” she ask. “By the look of things. We’re looking for a red Pegasus.” he said picking up a red feather. “If I were you. I get a good night sleep and not worry. You got the PVPD on the job. Were the best in all of Equestria.” he said. “Ha” A loud laugh eco from the doorway. A Green Unicorn in a Brown suit and black hat was standing there. Behind him was a orange Pegasus mare. “You call yourself the best. That hard to believe.” He said walking in. He started to look at the bookshelf. He pick up a blue feather and stuck it in his pocket. “Excuse me. This is a crime seen. You can’t just walking in here and do as you like. Who do you thing you are?” The officer ask. “I’m Kindle Wood. Privets investigator. And this is my companion. Fireball.” he said as he look over muddy hove prints on the ground. “What are you doing here.” the officer said Que mad. “I’m here to help my friend Twilight. I believe I own you a det.” he said look over to Twilight. “Yes. That right. But you really don’t have to. The PVPD are on the job.” Twilight said. “O but I insist. I always pay back my det’s” he said sitting in one of the library’s chairs. “You know I can pay you for this.” She said. Kindle put his hove up. “I wouldn’t dream of charging you Twilight. This one on the house.” he said standing up. He was now holding a dirty gray rag. “Now if you’ll excuse me I best be off. This case isn’t going to solve itself.” he said leaving with Fireball. “Some pony’s. Don’t worry miss Twilight. We’ll solve this case before him.” the officer left with his pony’s. Twilight sigh. “I just want my book’s back.” she said walking up stairs and heading to bed. -------------------(Back with Kindle & Fireball)------------------------- “Kindle. What do you mean your not charging her?” Fireball ask. “Don’t worry about.” he said pulling the feather out and spinning it. “Don’t worry. How am I suppose to do that? We need the money.” she said. “Not to worry my dear Fireball. There are more ways to make money then charging friends.” he said. Fireball sigh. She knew that Twilight was a friend. But it was hard to work when your out of food and money. “Beside. This case won’t take long.” he said. Fireball know Kindle had a clue. He been messing with the red feather since they left Twilight. “So what the plan?” she ask. “First. I need to find a free ride to cloud’s dal. I believe we’ll find more clues to this case there.” he said tucking the feather back in his pocket. Fireball rolled her eyes. A free ride to clouds dal. How was he going to manage this one. -----------------------------(an hour later)-------------------- “I don’t know how you did it? But I can believe you did it.” she said as they floated up in a bright pink basket. Party balloons holding them up. “It was easy. I just promise that she could throw me a surprise party on my birthday.” he said. “Your in for que the surprise party them. By the way. When is your birthday?” she ask as clouds dal came into view. “In the dead of winter.” he smile. He really didn’t know. All he knew was it was in the winter. The Basket landed on the cloud. “So how this going to work? You’re a unicorn. You can’t walk on clouds.” Fireball ask as she step onto the cloud. “Don’t worry. I’ve cast the cloud walking charm on myself.” he said walking onto the cloud. They tie the basket down and turn to face the cloud city. “Alright Fireball. We need to head to the cloud dal Art district.” he said. Fireball look confuse. “Well don’t look at me for deracinates. This is my first time here.” she said. Kindle sigh. “It would seem. That we need a guide.” he said looking around. “But were to fine one?” he said. Fireball flew up into the air. Kindle watch as she talk to a blue Pegasus with a Rainbow mane. Fireball then flew down with the Pegasus. “Kindle. I would like you to meet Rainbow Dash. She another one of Twilight friends.” She told him. “A pleasure. I’m Kindle Wood. P I.” he said putting a hove out. “Nice to meet you. So Fireball tells me your helping Twilight out.” she said smacking his hove. “Yes. But we kind of stuck. You see. Nether of us have ever been here and we need to find the art deracinates.” he told her. Rainbow dash put her hove to her chin. “I guess I could help. But I’m busy today. So it will have to be quick.” she said. “Aright then. Let get going.” he said. ----------------------------(clouds dale Art deracinates)------------------------ “Thank you Miss Dash. You’ve been a great help.” he said waving goodbye to her. Kindle look around. “Now what?” fireball ask looking at the cloud art. There were clouds shape like different pony’s and other shapes. Some more adult then others. “I believe I would like to see this shop here. Come fireball. We’re on a time crunch.” he said walking to a cloud building. The word Equestria Clay pots. The inside of the shop was amazing. There were clay pots with wild pattens. The color were span into the clay themself. Fireball notices the floor was wooden. A light blue Pegasus walk out from the back room. She had a black mane with brown chucks of clay stuck to it. “Hello and welcome to Equestria Clay Pots. How can I help you today.” she ask as she wipe her hooves with a dirty gray rag. Kindle was looking a large red pot. It was twice his size. “Yes I’m very interested in this pot here. Did you make it?” he ask. “Yes I make all the Pots here.” she said. “I see. So how has business been lately?” he ask. “Why are you asking that?” she ask. “Well I see you have a lot of colorful pots. I was just wondering if business was slow.” he told her. “We’re not selling as many as we use to. The business is failing. But we hope to turn that around.” she said. “Ah good. Away good to hear that a pony trying getting by. But back to the vase. Do you use the same clay in all your pots?” he ask looking back to the large red pot. “Yes. We gather our clay from ponyville and bring it back here. Once here I craft it into the art you see before you.” she told him. “I must know why you made this vase completely red?” he ask. There was an odd silences. Fireball saw the Pegasus was a little confuse. “Well you see. Not every pony buys colorful vases Mr.” “O how rude of me. I’m Kindle wood and this is my companion Fireball. And you are?” “Well. Mr. Wood. I’m Patty Clay. Nice to meet you.” she said. “Well miss Clay. I was wondering about you.” she look confuse again. “Me? Why?” she ask. “Before making an art purchase I like to know the artless. What they enjoy to do. For example. Do you read book’s?” he ask. “Book’s?” “Yes Book’s. I like to go to the library once a week and pick up a good book. But sadly the library in ponyville was rob. I didn’t get to read a new book this week. Do you read?” he ask. “No I don’t read much. I just make clay pots.” she said. “Well that a shame. Books are the gateway to the mind. They let us enter are own little worlds. They educate the young. They give us knowledge. I just love a good book.” he said. “I use to read. But that was back in school.” she said. “Well that good. It a good habit to have. O my look at the time we really must be going.” he said pulling out his pocket watch. “What about the vase?” she ask. “Don’t worry we’ll be back.” he said walking out the door. Once outside Fireball finally had time to talk. “What was that all about?” “There were also muddy hove prints all around the library.”he told her. “So some pony that work with clay. That could be a lot of different jobs. Why the pottery shops?” she ask. “Fireball. How many Pegasus do you know that are red?” she look at Kindle confuse. She knew one she went to school with but that was it. “Not many. Why?” she ask. Kindle pull the feather out as they walk. He pass it to her. “Smell it.” he said. She sniff it. I smell odd. Like glass paint. She didn’t like the smell. Passing the feather back. “O. What is that?” she ask. Rubbing her nose. “Glaze. Red Glaze to more preside. I found it odd that a Glaze cover feather would be in a library.” he told her. He pull out a dirty gray rag. “I also found this at the library.” Fireball look at it. “That look just like a normal rag.” Kindle rolled his eyes. “Look closely. There bits of Glaze and clay smear on it.” she look at him. “So Patty Clay stole the books?” she ask. “I don’t know. But it look that way. I won’t know for shore until we head to other shops.” he said opening a door to another shop. Fireball walk in. Knowing he was going to be a pain the rest of the day. --------(A Few Hours Later at clouds dal Police department)---------- “Hello officer. I never did get your name. When last we met.” Kindle said walking into the Clouds dal police department. The officer turn to face him. “It Gray Hove. Inspector Gray Hove.” he said putting his chest out. Showing his badge. “Now. How may I help you today. Mr. Wood?” he ask angrily. He orbitally didn’t like him. But he didn’t care. He knew who had stolen the books and how they were moving them. “Well Inspector. I would like said I’m sorry for back at the Library.” he started. “That alright. Just don’t make a habit of it.” Kindle smile. “I’ll try not to. But now. I have news for you.” he said. “What would that be?” he ask. “I know who stole Library’s books.” he said. Gray cocked and eyebrow. “You do now. And are you willing to tell me?” he had a flare of sarcasm in his voice. “If you be willing to follow me. My companion is waiting. And bring you officers. We’ll need them.” he said walking away. Gray call for a few of his officer to follow. ----------------(night time at clouds dale Art deracinates)------------------ Fireball sit on a cloud bench. She was waiting and watching for Patty Clay. Kindle hadn’t told her anything. He always did this made her work at it. Make her think about everything. The door to the shop open. Patty Clay walk out backward. She was pulling a large crate. “Hello Fireball. How are you enjoying yourself.” he said hopping down next to her. “She just pull that out.” she pointed. “And now she heading back in.” he said as Patty return inside the shop. Two large Pegasus walk up pulling a cart. They look left and right. Then pick the crate onto they cart. Then left a black bag by the door. They walk around the corner. “Don’t worry. The Inspector officers will pick them up.” he told her. They watch Patty open her door and grab the bag. “Alright let go.” he said standing up and heading for the shop. They open the door and enter the shop. A little bell rang. Kindle look around and saw the large vase was gone. “I’m sorry we’re close. I was just about to lock up.” she said entering the room. The black bag on her side. “I’m sorry. This won’t take long. Do you remember me?” Kindle ask. “Aa yes. You were looking at my giant red vase. Sadly I’ve sold it.” she said. “I’m afraid that not why I’m here.” he said. “Then why are you here?” she ask looking confuse. “I’m here about those book’s you stole.” he said. Patty took a step back. “I don’t know what your....” Kindle put a hove up. “Talking about. Yes. Yes I’ve hear it all before. Can we just cut to the chase. Here. I believe you left these at the library.” he cut her off. Then pull out her feather and rage out. Patty face turn into terror. She turn and ran. “I believe that you queue.” he said turning to Fireball. Fireball flew pass him and chase Patty out the back door. Patty flew into the air. Fireball on her heels. Fireball watch as Patty flew. She was having trouble. The black bag was weighting her down. Fireball smile she know she could take her. She flew faster and tackle her. Bringing her down to the cloud ground. “Thank you miss Fireball. I’ll take it from here.” Fireball look up to see four officer and inspector looking down at her. Kindle walk up from behind her. Fireball stood up. Letting Patty Clay go. She try to run again. Two officer grab her. Inspector gray pull the black bag off her back. He open it showing a large amount of gold. “Well now. For a failing business. You seem to be doing well for yourself.” Kindle said. “How? How did you know it was me?” she ask trying to get losses. Kindle smile. “It was easy. You left to many clues.” he said. “Clues?” she said. Now settling down. “First. Was the muddy prints you left on the floor. I found clay in the mud. Second I found a red feather. At first I though it was a red Pegasus. But after looking at it more closely. I discover that the feather was coated in glaze. At this time I knew it had to be a potter. But it was this rag that gave you away.” he said pulling out the rag. “When I enter you shop for the first time I saw that you were wiping your hooves off with the same type of rag. That however didn’t make you a suspect. Until I visited the other shops. Not one other shop us the same rag. Also. Your large rad vase was a died giveaway. I knew right away that you were hiding the books there. The only one thing I don’t understand. Why steal book’s? I mean there move valuable thing to steal. Why books?” he ask her. Patty sigh. “I took the books because I had a buyer. This isn’t the first time. I’ve been stealing things and smuggling them out of the kingdom in my pottery. In all these years I never made a mistake. But now it off to the big house for me.” she said smiling. “Yes and your partner in crime.” Kindle said floating a green Pegasus over to the officer. Patty look shock. “Who this then?” inspector gray ask. “This is her fences. The pony who’s been finding her buyers.” he said. “But how did you know he was working with me?” She ask. “When I was talking with you. You continue to use the word we.” he told her. She face hove. “Inspector. I have a request. If you indulge me?” Kindle ask. ----------------(outside the library in ponyville)-------- “Excuse me. Miss Twilight. Can you help me?” Apple bloom ask. “What can I do for you?” she ask. “I need to find out about old Canterlot. Do you have a book on it?” she ask. Twilight started to tear up. Spike quickly jump in. “I’m sorry Apple bloom. But we still don’t have any book’s yet.” he told her. Apple bloom look down disappointed. A book landed in front of Apple bloom. It was the book she was looking for. “NO NEED TO WORRY TWILIGHT SPARKLE.” Everyone look up. Kindle was riding a large crate in a Pink basket. He was popping party balloons. Fireball was pushing the basket. The basket landed with a thud. “What is this?” she ask. Kindle floated the crate out of the basket. Fireball still holding it. The basket and remain balloons shot up. Taking her with it. Kindle look up. “Sorry.” He said and then turn back to Twilight. “What is all of this?” she ask again. Kindle smile. “I Believe these belong to you.” he kick the large crate. The crate fell apart. A large red vase remain. “I’m a confuse. I don’t own any large red vases.” she said. Kindle look up. “If you would miss Fireball.” he said stepping back. Fireball flew down with a large hammer. She slam the vase. It shatter into a cloud of dust. Ever pony was watching and waiting for the dust to clear. “O My.” Twilight said. Kindle was standing on a mound of book’s. “As Promise. I have return your books.” Twilight ran up to him. She was going to give him a big kiss. But she stop. Fireball slam Kindle in the head with the hammer. Sending in flying. “THAT FOR NOT TYING THE BASKET DOWN!” She scream. Shaking her hove in the air. Twilight look at her in shock. “I miss the first time.” she told her as her stomach growl. ---------(Kindle flying through the air)-------- “I really should have told her about the other bag of money I found.” he put his hove to his chin. “O well. She find it in her bag soon enough.” he look up. He was heading for a mountain. He sigh. “I really hate this. Tell me she not going to do this every time we solve a case.” he close his eyes. The mountain only hooves away. > Chapter2: The Missing Apple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindle sat at his desk. His hooves kick up. He was messing with a violin when Fireball walk in. She had a her Seattle bags full of food. Kindle hit a sour note. She jump. Kindle laugh a little. “Do you have to do that?” she ask. “I need to practices.” he said hitting another sour note. Fireball jump again. She grip her teeth. She just had to make it another case. Kindle had bet her that she couldn’t go four cases without hitting him. “Just one. MORE case. JUST. One more. CASE.” she said as he hit more sour notes. “You know I’m going to break that thing over your head.” she said as he put it away. He walk over an pull a bright red apple out. He bit into it. “They shore know how to grew a tasty apple.” he said taking another bit. Kindle sat down in his chair again. He look at the violin case. Pon3 and her roommate gave it to him. The DJ love that he found her favor record. disk. Thing. It was really a simple find. They had left a bag at the train station. The DJ pony handed him the violin as payment. He floated the violin out again. He hit another sour note. “That it. I’ll be at the bar if you need me.” She yell heading for the door. The door flew open. Smashing into the side of Fireball head. She slam into the wall. Kindle held in the laughter. A light brown filly was standing in the doorway. “Hello.” she walk in. Kindle put the violin down. He sat up in his chair. “Hello” she said again. “Yes over here.” he wave her over. “What can I do for you today?” he ask. She look a little lost. “I was looking for the P I. I was told I could fine her here.” Kindle face hove. “Fireball. This once yours.” he call to her. “I’m sorry. Normal I would take your case. But we have a little bet going on.” he walk around to her. “Fireball?” she was out cold. “Well. I guess I will take your case. I’m Kindle Wood.” he said putting a hove out. “I’m Apple Jack.” she said. “Well miss Apple. How can I help you?” he ask. She whisper in his ear. Kindle turn and look down at Fireball. He bent down slowly and grab her with one hove. “FIREBALL I NEED YOU!” he screaming as he slap her face. A few minute later she wake up. Kindle sit there smiling with a fat lip. He won the bet. Fireball walk over. “Ok. Let start looking at the school.” she said. Kindle giggle at her fat nose. “Ya that good and all but.” Kindle started to say. Fireball came face to face with him. “But your going to go anyway.” she said putting a hove under his chin. “Well. When you put it like that.” he said smiling. --------------(school house)------------ Fireball was talking to the teacher. Kindle was watching from a distance. He didn’t like children. They were always making trouble and getting into things. Having one missing for two days was not some he like tho. Two little filly walk over to Fireball. She look down at them and point at him. They walk away. Kindle watch as she walk back. Apple Jack following her. Kindle smile. It was good to let Fireball take the lead on this one. “Rawr.” Kindle jump into the tree above him. He look down to see the two little filly and Fireball laughing. “You can come down now.” she laugh. “I’ll come down when those little monsters are gone.” he yell. They laugh again. “Ok girls. If you find out anything about Apple bloom. Come fine me. Off you go.” she said. The two filly ran off. Kindle lower himself and drop to the ground. “Alright then. Let get going.” he said fixing his bow tie. He follow Fireball. “So. What dose this filly look like?” he ask. She told him what she look like. They stop at the edge of the ever free forest. “Right. Lady. I’ll be heading in alone.” They look at him. Then laugh. “Listen. I can’t protect you if we’re attack. There still a lot of bandits in there. This is not up for debate.” he said walking it. He was just going to go in meet with Zecora find the filly and walk her out. What could go wrong? Damn why did I think that. Zecora had move back into her house. After the whole kidnaping thing. The bandit normal attack at night. Most were gone. But there were small group still around. Kindle saw arrows sticking from the doors. He knock in code that they had set up. The door open. A spear stuck into him. He sigh. “Every time. Can’t I come here once without getting stuck by something.” he said walking in. Zecora pull the spear out. “Sorry immoral. They been attacking us for hours now.” She said. “Then Apple Bloom is here?” he ask. “You’re here for me?” The little filly step out from under a large pot. Kindle step back. “Yes. But stay there please.” he put a hove out. A rock flew through the window. “They back.” Zecora said. Apple Bloom hide under the pot again. “Right. Time to take care of this.” he said opening the door. Arrows flew. Sticking him all over. He close the door. He sat down and pull the arrows out one at a time. They could hear bandits cheer. “I’ll be fine. I can’t die.” he told Apple Bloom. She was watching him. He grunted as he pull another arrow out. She watch as his wound heal. “Child. Why don’t you try to get some sleep.” Zecora told her. She sigh and head down under the table. Zecora look over to Kindle. He remove the last arrow. “I knew you feel pain.” she said. Kindle look over to her. “I’ve can block it out. Beside. I live so long without feeling. It good to feel anything. Even pain.” he told her. He smile. “What is it?” she ask. “It nice to talk about it. Fireball never want to hear it.” he said. “We can talk more. When the Bandits are not attacking.” she said with a wink. Kindle smile. He walk over to the window. They had the place surrounded. “Can I barrow this?” he ask grabbing the spear. She nodded yes. “I’ll be back in a bit. Watch these for me.” he said taking his cloth off. He left his bow tie on. He teleported out of the room. Apple bloom crawl out from under the table and pot. “Zecora. I’m I going to have stay here tonight?” she ask. “I don’t know child. I don’t know.” she said look down at her. ----------------(Ever Free forest)------------ Kindle counted the bandits. There were 23 of them. All earth pony’s. he smile. This was going to be easy. He floated the spear up. He sent it through the air. It stuck into a tree by a bandit head. Kindle jump out sending a Borassus of Fireballs. Most of them making contact. The Bandits yell and charge with sword and dagger drawn. Kindle sent a large gust of wind at them. This slow the bandit down. He quickly sent a wave of water from the ground at them. Sending them back. “Come on it just one pony. Get up and kill him.” he hear one yell. They all ran at him. Kindle smile. He cast an ice spell and stop. He laugh. He walk over to the tree with zecora spear. Pulling it out and walking back to her house. He knock on the door. Zecora open the door. “I return it to you as promise.” He said passing the spear to her. She pass a bag of his cloth to him. Apple Bloom ran out and grab his leg. “Thank you Mr. Kindle.” he wanting to move so bad. But he let her hug it. “Alright. It time to get going. Before it get to dark.” he said pushing her off lightly. “Do not forget. I am here Kindle Wood.” she said with a wink. “Don’t worry my dear zecora. I’ll be back to continue our chat.” he said. ----------------(outside the ever free forest)-------------- Fireball look at the sky. It was getting late. Apple Jack was worrying more about Apple Bloom. “Don’t worry. Kindle will find her.” she told her. Apple Jack let out a small sigh. “I can’t imagine what we all do if something happen to her.” she told her. “Our ears are burning.” Kindle said walking out. Apple Bloom sleeping on his back. Apple Jack ran up to him and look over Apple Bloom. “Don’t worry. She was tier of walking.” he said. He felt something wet run down his side. His first thought was pee. “Get her off. Get her off. Quickly, quickly.” he said floating he to Apple jack. He look over and saw her drawling. He let out a sigh of relieve. “Thank you so much. All your apple will be free from now on.” she said carry Apple Bloom off. “Well that went better then last time.” Fireball said laughing a little. Kindle wipe the drawl. “It lest it not the cake twins again. Last time we ever baby sit.” he said pulling his cloth out of his bag. He found a little piece of paper. He open it. “What that?” she ask. He quickly folded the note and put it in his pocket. “Nothing. Just a thank you note.” he said smiling. “Fireball. Tell the guards that there frozen bandits by zecora house.” he said walking away. She rolled her eye. He always gave her the grunt work. -------(Kindle Privet Investigator)------- Kindle walk into the office. He wanted to sit down and take a break. He flip the light switch. The light flash on and burn out. He sigh. Now he had to fix them. He lit his horn and walk to the closet. He open the door and grab the lightbulb. He close the door. Not seeing the eyes looking at him from across the room. He floated the old bulb out and screw the new one in. “Were is it?” Kindle jump and turn. A brown earth pony with a bow tie. “O you scare me.” he said a hove over his heart. “Were is it?” she ask again. “Were is what?” he ask. “My violin.” she said. That when he remember. She was the DJ pony roommate. Kindle smile. “I left it over here.” he said walking over to were he left the case. He floated it up onto the desk. “I’m getting pretty good.” he laugh and pull it out. He began to play it. He play a sweet song. -----------(outside Kindle Privet Investigator)------- Fireball stop as she hear the music coming form inside. Some pony was playing the violin. She didn’t know who it could be. She walk over to the window and look in. Her eye started to twitch. “That son of a bitch. I’m going to...” she said. She kick the door open a ran at him. Both pony’s jump. Fireball ran over grab the violin out of the air and smash it over Kindle head. He fell to the floor with lump on his head. “That will teach you.” she said holding the neck of the violin. She look to her right. There was a brown earth pony in a bow tie. Her mouth was open. She had tears in her eyes. “What wrong with you?” she ask. She bent down and pick up the small pieces of the violin. > Chapter 3: A Rose in the weeds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a dark and stormy night in ponyville. A gray Pegasus with a green mane was running. She seem to be in a hurry. She ran down an ally way. She look back. A black hooded pony was standing there. She started to run. The hooded pony drew a knife from under the cloak. She turn the corner and found it was block by a large blue box. She turn and saw the cloak pony. “No. No. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The scream fill the air. ------------( Kindle Privet Investigator)----------- Kindle awake to the sound of knocking. It sound like someone using a hammer on his door. He roll out of bed and walk out to the office. He look at the news paper on the table. The headline read “Another Pony Slash” A picture of a bloody crime scene below. Another hammering of knocks. Kindle yawn and open the door. Inspector Gary walk in. He look distort. Water drip off him. “Inspector. Please come in make yourself at home.” Gray grab him and slam him into the wall. Kindle could see his eyes were red. He had been crying. He could smell alcohol on his breath. “DON’T MOCK ME TODAY!” he yell. Fireball ran out holding her large hammer. “Fireball freeze.” he said putting a hove up. “Inspector. What wrong?” he ask. “What wrong! What Wrong! Everything is wrong!” he said slamming his head into the wall three times. “Calm down. Just tell us what wrong.” Fireball said. The Inspector let Kindle down. He back up and fell to his knees. He started to cry. Fireball look to Kindle. “Hit the lights.” he told her. She did as he said. Kindle look over the inspector. He had blood on the sleeves of his brown coat. Something had happen. Something horrible. “Inspector. Who was it? Your wife? Your son?” he ask. Holding the his shoulders. “My Daughter?” he cry out. Fireball put her hooves over her mouth. Dropping her hammer. “Fireball. Stay here with the inspector.” he told her. He walk over and grab his coat and umbrella. “Were are you going?” she ask. He pointed to the inspector. He was sobbing on the floor. “Take care of him. I’ll be back later.” he said grabbing his bags and heading out the door. ----------(crime scene)-------------- Kindle found the crime scene easy. There were officer there setting up tape. Roping off the area. “Sorry I can’t let you in.” A green earth pony in a uniform said putting a hove up. “Inspector gray has ask me to help on the case.” he told him. The pony walk over to a blue unicorn in a brown coat. She walk over. “Alright follow me. But don’t touch anything.” she said lifting the tape. He follow her down the ally. There was a black tarp with blood washing away from under it. She lifted the tarp. Kindle look over the dead body of inspector gray daughter. Her body was all cut up. Her cutie mark had been half remove. The head of the rose was all that was left. He put a hove up. “I’ve seen enough.” he said. She lower the tarp. “She was found an hour ago. We have a witness this time. We believe he saw her and had to stop.” she told him. “Yes I can see that. He normal cut they marks off completely. But what worry me is who saw him. That and why she didn’t run down this way.” he said pointing down the clear ally. “I don’t know. But we’re got to catch this son of a bitch.” she said. “Who found the body?” he ask. “She did.” she pointed at a gray Pegasus. Kindle sigh and look down. “You know her?” she ask. “Ya. That inspector gray exwife.” he said. “O my.” she said. “You could say that again.” he said walking over to her. “Miss gray. I’m sorry about your lose.” she look at him. “Thank you.” she said tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry but I have to ask you. Why were you out here tonight?” she look at him confuse. “I live here. Apartment 5.” she said. He saw the morgtisions pull up with they cart. “Maybe we should move there and get out of this rain.” he told her. She nodded and lead the way. The apartment was small and very clean. There was a cabins with glass plate inside. There was plastic on all the furniture. he thought Fireball would die if she was her roommate. He walk over to the window and look down. They had remove the body. he look down at the rug. There was a large stain. “Walk me through what happen tonight.” he said spinning to face her. “I was making tea. I was about to sit down and I hear her scream.” she pause. Kindle look back out the window. “Then I walk to the window. I saw a Pony in a black hood. He was. He was.” she broke down in tears again. “I know it hard. But I need you to try to remember anything about the pony.” “I don’t know.” she said. “Ok. Calm down. Let take it slowly. You hear the scream. You walk to the window. You saw the pony in the hood.” she nodded. “What happen next?” he ask. “He rase the knife.” “What kind? Like a stack knife?” he ask. “No. It was curve. Like wage from and orange.” she said. Kindle pull out his sketch book. “Can you draw it?” he pass her a pencil. She drew the shape of the blade. “There what it look like.” she said putting the pencil down. He look at it. “Now try and remember anything else. Did you see what color the pony was?” he ask. “No. I scream and he look at me.” she said. “Did you see his face?” he ask. “No. I could see pass his hood.” she started to cry. Kindle pass her a rag. Now he turn his mind to the ally. Something seem a miss. “Miss gray. That ally. Was there anything there early?” he said “Yes. There was a large blue box in a cart.” she said. She blow her nose. “I believe it been there for a few days now.” she told him as she try to pass him his rag back. He put his hove out. “Keep it.” she withdraw her hove. “Alright. I have to get going. If you remember anything. Come down to my office.” he said gathering his things and head out the door. -----------------(Kindle Privet Investigator)----------------- Fireball found a towel. Inspector gray was taking a shower. She made him. Hopping to get the alcohol out of his system. But there were no towels. She pull two off the shelf. She carry them to bathroom. She open the door a crack and set them on the sink. “Hey. I like to thank you.” inspector gray said from the shower. “It no problem. I can’t say I understand how hard it is to lose someone you care about. But I’m here if you want to talk.” she said from the other side of the door. “Thanks. Your really nice.” he said with a drunken slur. Fireball roll her eyes. “Thank you.” she said. “You know what?” he ask crawling out of the shower. “What?” she humor him. “Kindle doesn’t deserve you. You too pretty for him.” She blush a little. They do say drunks speak the truth. She though. “Thank you. I’m flatter. Really. But we’re not together. We just work together.” she told him. “Wait. So your single?” he ask slop over the toilet. “Well yes. But I’m not really looking right now.” she said. “Know what. I’m single to. Had a wife. but wee broke it off.” he said walking to the door. Fireball roll her eyes again. That all I need a drunk hitting on me. The door flew open smacking her in the back of the head. Gary falling onto of her. The front door open. “Fireball. When I told you to take care of him. I didn’t mean that.” Kindle said looking over the two sleeping pony’s. he shook his head and headed to bed. -----------------(next morning)----------- Fireball could smell something. Something good. It smell like blue berry pancakes. She open her eyes and yawn. “Morning. Sleepy head. You two have fun last night?” Kindle ask “Fun?” she ask rubbing her head. She then saw Inspector gray laying on top of her. “O god.” she quickly kick her way out. “We didn’t.” she said standing up and looking over to Kindle. He smile in his chef outfit. “Your both adults. It normal.” he said with a wink. Fireball face turn red. She knew what happen. He open the door and knock her out. But what happen after that was a mystery. She look down at inspector gray. He roll over. “Would you be a dear and wake him. He starting to smell.” he ask her as he flip another pancake. She put a half a smile on. She move to his side and kick him. He moan and roll over. She look around the room. Then smile. “That kind of mean don’t you think?” Kindle ask as he put pancakes on a plate. A loud horn went off by Gray ear. He jump up and ran. He quickly stop and turn around. He look at them both. “What the hell? O my head.” he ask and quickly grab his head. “Hang over. Try this.” Kindle pass him a drink with a egg yoke floating in it. He drank it down without looking at it. “Yak. That was nasty.” he said. “He some pancakes.” he floated three plate to the table along with orange juice, maple syrup, and three glasses. They all took there seats. “What time is it? Gray ask. “7:39.” Kindle said pouring the orange juice. “You two have fun late night?” he ask them. Gray look confuse. “Not really. But everything was a blur.” he ask. Kindle was about to ask another question when Fireball chime in. “What the game plan for today?” she ask. She didn’t want to about last night anymore. “First I need to go to the morgue. Brimstone and me need to talk.” He said. Fireball shiver. She didn’t like Brimstone. He was always talking about death. But worst of all was he like to flirt with her. “But I’ll go alone. Don’t need him destared.” he wink at her. “Then what do you need me to do?” she ask. “You will be protecting Inspector Gray and his exwife.” he told her. They look at each other. “I can’t. I need to go see my doctor today.” she said. “Don’t worry Fireball. You can’t get knock up that fast.” he said with a wink. She kick him under the table. He roll his eyes. “Fine. Inspector. Your exwife will need your protection. Seeing as she witness the event.” The inspector spit his orange juice across the table. “What?” “She live in the apartment over looking it. The murder saw her. So she need police protection.” he told him. Inspector Gray grab his coat and left in a hurry. “Alright. I’m off to the morgue. You have fun finding out if your cherry was pop.” he laugh. She throw her plate like a frisbee into the back of his head. Blood pour down from his head. “It was worth it.” he said heading out the door. --------------(Ponyville morgue)---------------- A Gray and Black zebra was working on a dead body. Kindle enter the room. “Morning Brimstone. What do you have for me?” Brimstone set his tools down. “It the same as the others. She was cut all over her body. The only different was her cutie mark was only half remove.” Kindle look down on the body once again. “Cause of death?” Brimstone sigh. “He throat was cut here. Causing her to bleed out. She was dead within seconds.” he said as he pointed it out on her body. He sigh again. “You know. I hope you catch this sicko soon. Seven pony’s in the last month.” he said looking over to the body lockers. “Thank you for your help. I’m have a good lead. I promise no more body if I can help it.” he said as he left. -------------(outside Ponyville hospitable)---------- Fireball walk out of the hospitable happy. Nothing had happen. That was a weight of her shoulders. “I take it things went well.” She saw Kindle sitting a bench. “If you must knew. Yes it went well.” she said. “That good. So Colt or Filly?” he ask a big smile on his face. She crack him over the head. “Worth it. Anyhow. We need to get going.” he said rubbing his head. “Were?” she ask acting like nothing happen. “I think you need some flowers. For your new colt friend.” he said walking off. She didn’t know weather to hit him or follow. She decided to do both. ----------(Ponyville Market)---------- Fireball was still confuse. There were stands of all kinds in the market. Why flowers. Kindle had been here for hours now. Talking to each stand owner. “Come now Fireball. There nothing here. We need to head to the farm.” he said walk in down the road. “Did you find out anything?” she ask. “We will soon find out.” he said. “Well you at lest tell me what your looking for?” she ask. “A murder. You should know that.” he said. She was ready to hit him again but didn’t. “I mean. Would you share what your thinking?” she ask. “By the time I told you all the details. The reader would be board and stop. Then you would no longer exist. Me I’ve got a back up story.” he said with a wink. “Readers? Story?” she ask. Confuse more then ever. “Don’t mind me. I’m just braking the fourth wall.” he laugh. She cocked her head and question if kindle was still said. --------------------(An hour later.)--------------------- They were at large field of flowers and fruit trees. There were many pony’s working in the field. Kindle walk up to the main house. After knocking on the door a butler pony took them to see the owner. “Mr. Green Lily. I bent meaning to talk to you.” Kindle said to a rather fat green unicorn in an even larger chair. he was the size of four large stations. He was wearing a bright blue suit. “Jives. How is this Colt?” he ask. “He said he work with the police.” the butler said. “Yes. We’re working with them. But more to the point.” Green Lily stood up. The ground shook. “Now listen here. I don’t care if you Princess Celestia herself. I want you out on home now.” he said slamming a hove on the table. “Father is something wrong?” a blue unicorn walk in. She was very beautiful. Kindle started to blush. He quickly stop. “No my dear. Now head back to your room.” he told his daughter. She left the room. “Now then. I would like to talk to you Mr. Lily. About the murders in ponyville.” Kindle said. Mr. Lily raise an eyebrow. “Jives. Leave us.” he said sitting back down. The ground shook as he did. The butler left. “So. I take it that you already know about them. Seeing as you have a stack of the papers here.” he said point at a large stack of news paper. Fireball look at them. They all seem to be about the murders. Thing were cut out. “And you believe me to have some doing in this matter?” he said. A cold look in his eyes. “No. Your to fat to have done these crimes alone. I just need to know one thing.” he said. Mr. Lily didn’t seem to like being call fat. “You’re workers. They use this type of knifes to cut the fruit from the trees. Do they not?” he ask. As he pull out the drawing of miss Grays. “Yes.” he said. “That all I need to know. Good bye.” he said turning around and heading for the door. “Wait.” Kindle stop. “You barge in here. Insult me. Make my daughter worry. And that the only thing you wanted?” he said. “Yes. That right. Don’t bother standing. I’m shore you fall through the floor. We’ll show our self to the door.” he said leaving the room Fireball right behind. They could hear a loud crashing sound as they left. “What now?” Fireball ask as they walk down the path. “I think it time to go dress shopping.” he told her. “Dress?” she said confuse. ----------------(Carousel Boutique)-------------- “Hello and welcome to Carousel Boutique. I am Rarity. Your fashion designer. How may I help you today.” A white pony said as they enter the shop. “Yes I need a dress.” Kindle said. “O well. Let me see.” she said walking up to fireball and measure her. Kindle laugh at her. “Miss I do believe you mishear me.” he said with a smile. ---------(Two Days Later)-------------- It was dark out. The moon was the only light shining in Ponyville. A pony in a pink dress walk down the street. A shadowy figure follow from the sky. The pony continue down a dark ally. The pony stop. There was a large blue box block the ally. A hood figure walk into the ally. It drew a curve blade. “Now!” Light flash on. The hooded pony turn in shook and try to run. Officers fill in. Blocking the ally entrances. It turn back to the pony in the dress. Running over and grab the pony. “No pony move. Or she dies.” The hooded pony yell. “I believe your wrong my dear.” inspector Gray said walking forward. The pony in the dress hit the hooded pony. The hooded pony slice the blade across the neck of the pony in the dress. The pony drop to the ground. “I warned you. I told you.” The hooded pony said holding out the blade. A hove kick up and set the blade into the blue box. “What the?” the hooded pony yell. The pony in the dress stood up. Remove the head covering and reveling Kindle. “Hello my dear.” he said. The hooded pony ran to the box and pounded on it. The side fell open. Inside were four officers. The hooded pony try to run. But ran into Fireball. Who had just landed. Two officer grab the hooded pony. “Now let see who you are.” Kindle said. He fill the hood off. It was a blue unicorn. “Wait who is she?” Fireball ask. “Let me introduce. Miss Lily.” he said. “How? How did you figure it out?” she yell. He smile. “Well. I didn’t. To tell the truth. I though it was some pony working for your father.” he told her. He look over to the large blue box. “Speaking of you father. He sitting in a cell at Police HQ. Since he enjoy watching.” he said. “I’ll Kill You.” she yell. kicking at him. “You won’t be hurting any pony from Canterlot dungeon.” Inspector Gray said as the officers carry her of kicking and screaming. “Inspector. How are you doing?” he ask. “I’ll be fine. As much as I want her dead. I know that not my chose.” he said. “That good. Revenge solve nothing.” he said. “So. How you survive the knife to the neck?” he ask. Kindle pull a piece of wood from the dress. “I’m not dumb. And here our fee.” he said passing him the wood with a paper on it. Then walk away. “Damn he look good in a dress. HOW MUCH!” he said as they walk away. ---------(Transport To Canterlot)---------- Green Lily and his Daughter cuff in a train car. Six offices guarded them. A white smoke fill the car. The officers fall to the floor. “What going on?” Mr. Lily ask feeling light headed. “My new friends. I believe were have much to talk about.” a dark figure said as the smoke clear. > Chapter 4: Sick day. Fireball’s solo case > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fireball walk through ponyville. She took a deep breath. She was feeling good. She had just gotten over a week long cold. It was the worst cold she had ever had. But now that it was over. She could return home and to work. She smile. Kindle had her stay with Pinky Pie until she was better. Remembering his words. “Your sickness is detracting. Can’t you go stay with some other pony?” she mock him. What was she suppose to do? She not immortal like him. As he had once told her. “Nothing can hurt me.” she mock him again. Laughing out loud. She walk up to the office door. “Hey. I’m all better. You here?” she call out. There was an odd moan. “In here.” he cry out from his room. She walk over and open the door. She quickly grab her nose. It smell really back. Like a salty burn potato. Wrap in a poop. “O my god. That really smells bad. What have you been doing?” she ask backing away. A few second later a very pale Kindle walk out wrap in a blanket. He floated bucket out. “What wrong with you?” she ask. “You did this to me.” he said. “What?” she said. “You got me. A CEW. Sick.” he said sneezing. she look at him and started to laugh. “It’s not Funny.” he said with a stuff nose. Fireball laugh even harder. He sounded so funny. “Wait. Wait. I just have to know.” she said rolling on the floor now. “What?” he ask. “How can you be sick? Your immortal.” she said laughing hard. “Nothing can harm you.” she laugh quoting him. He sat there and waited for her to stop. His head was pounding like a drum. The last time he was sick was before Luna was banish to the moon. It was a simple little stomach bug. This however. Had to be the worst thing he had ever had. Fireball final stop laughing. “I guess there is something that can hurt you.” she giggle. “Finish. Because. We have a case.” he said trying to get up. “You can’t go out like this.” she said pushing him down. “But I can’t just let this case go. We’re after an art thief.” he said. He sneezed again. This time his horn lit up and sent a picture across the room. “Ok. I know were to take you. I’m calling in a favor.” she said picking him up. “But what about the art thief?” he ask. “I’ll handle it.” she said carrying him to the door. “You can’t. You need my help.” he said. “I was a royal guard. I think I can handle it.” she said carrying out the door. -------------( Pinky Pie house)--------------- “No. Not her. I can’t stand her.” Kindle yell as Fireball knock on the door. “Don’t worry. Pinky will have you feeling better in no time.” she said as the door open. “Hi pinky. I need your help.” she said. “Really. What do you need? Another P I to help you fight bad pony’s. Or do you need me to go undercover? Or, or.” Fireball put a hove in her mouth. “Pinky. I need you to take care of Kindle. He sick.” she said. “Right.” she said running into her house. Returning in a nurse outfit. “Enter Nurse Pinky.” she said. Kindle rolled his eyes. “Where a hole. I’ll just crawl in there.” he said trying to get away. A few minute later they had him in a very pink room in a pink bed. “O god. To much Pink.” he said. Rolling over. “It not that bad.” Fireball told him. “I’m going to get you so soup. I be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Pinky said leaving the room. Kindle moan. “Ok. If your going to catch our Art thief then I have to tell you what I know.” he told her. A few minute later pinky return with a tray and soup. “Alright Pinky. Keep him here and make shore he get better.” she told her. “Right. I won’t let him go anywhere.” she said. “If you need me. I’ll be at the Ponyville art Museum.” she said as she left Pinky and Kindle alone. “Alright Kindle. Time to make you feel better.” she said with a wink. “O god. This can possibly get any worst.” he said covering his head. ------------------(Ponyville Art Museum)---------- Fireball walk through the museum. She look at all the art on the walls. She was looking for one piece. It was a picture of Princess Luna. It was painted before she turn into Nightmare moon. Back when the dragon wars were still going on. She soon found it. It was amazing. There were two dragon flying in the back. The castle half built. Princess Luna was wearing a amulet and a tear running down her sad face. “It call the Luna’s Dream.” she look to her left and saw a Purple unicorn in a black dress. “It really is something. Don’t you think.” she said. “It amazing. It like it looking into my soul.” Fireball said. “Yes it has that effect on a lot of pony’s.” she said. Fireball look at the painting and wonder. How any pony could steal the huge painting. It was twice the size of her. “It really is a great piece of art. If only I could take it home.” she said. Fireball look over to the pony in the dress as she walk away. An odd feeling fill her. She shook it off. She walk over to a large pillar and lead on it. Kindle had told her to keep an eye out for any pony acting oddly. The pretty unicorn in the dress continue to flash back in her mind. There was something about her. Something that made her fell funny. Like her odd colt friends used to make her fell. She put it out of her head. A few hour later she saw inspector Gray and his officers stop at the picture. He posted to two pony’s at it. He look over and saw her. He walk over to her. “I’m surprise to see you here.” he said. “I’m just enjoying the art.” she said nodding to the Luna Dream. “Ah. I see. So you know some pony has announce he going to steal it.” he said. “How did you know? Kindle said he had figure it out weeks ago.” she said. “Our art thief dare use to stop him.” he said pulling out a note. “Bold thief.” she said. “Yes. Well. I like to see him steal it now. I’ve got officers posted all around the building. Down the hall and at the painting itself.” he said pointing around. “It may work. I wish you luck.” she said. “You think there a way in?” he ask. “I’m still try to wrap my head around. How the thief is going to get the large painting out of here.” she laugh. “Yes that what we are wondering. It won’t fit out the door as it is.” he laugh. This had been the first time she hear him laugh since his daughter was kill. She smile. “So. How have you been?” she ask. His face turn sour. He then fake a smile. She could tell. “Well. Me and my exwife are back together. Were getting marry in the spring.” he said. “How Kindle?” he quickly ask. Trying to change the subject. “He sick.” she said with a smile. “Really. I was wondering why he wasn’t here.” he said. “I got my friend Pinky Pie taking care of him.” she laugh. Thinking about pinky pie going overboard. “She a good kid. She'll have him back on his hooves in no time.” he said. He started to tell her about his old home remades. When the purple Unicorn in the black dress walk pass. The odd feeling return. “I’ve got to check on something. Could you hold that thought.” she said walking after her. She walk out the main door. Fireball try to follow her. But a group of school students block her path. She quickly ran around them and head out the door. She was gone. There was something about her. Something that drove her to find her. Something primal. She turn back and headed inside. ---------(pinky Pie place)---------- Kindle look around. Pinky pie was gone. She had said something about getting him warmer blankets. Now was his chances to get away. He roll out of bed. A farting sound fill the air. Pinky had place whoopee cushions all over the floor. The door flew open. Pinky was carrying a huge stack of heavy blankets. He lay back in bed quickly. “Here you go. Nurse pinky will have you feeling better in no time.” she said throwing the heavy blankets over him. He could hardly move. The weight of the Blankets held him down. “Now. It time for an old family trick for colds.” she said pulling out ten different bottles. He look over as she mix the content into a large bowl. A empty bottle fell off the table. He read it. Hot sauce. She finish. “Ok. Time to take your medicine.” she said pouring it into a glass. He close his mouth tight and shook his head no. “come on. Open your mouth for the train.” she said treating him like a little colt. He shook his head no. Pinky raise and eyebrow an look like she was thinking. She ran off and headed out of the room. She soon return holding something behind her back. “Ok. Let try this.” she said shoving a funnel in his mouth. He try to spit it out. But it was to late. She pour the bowl of slop into the funnel. He had little chose but to swallow. “There you go.” she remove the funnel. He sat there a minute. He didn’t taste anything. Then it hit him. His mouth felt like lava. He jump from the bed and ran from the room. Pinky right behind. He look around and saw a kitchen with a sink full of water. Without think he leap across the table and dunk his head under the water. After drinking a few mouth fulls. He pull his head out. “WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? KILL ME?” he yell forgetting he was immortal. He was breathing hard. His throat was feeling better and he could breath through his nose. “Nope. Just trying to help.” She said walking to the sink. “But next time. Don’t drink my dirty dish water.” she said as she drain the sink of green water. ----------(Night time at the art museum)------- Fireball sat on a cloud and look down. She let out a small yawn. It was so boarding. She wish she could be back in her bed. Her mind flash back to that unicorn she met earlier. She smile as she continue to think about her. He face. The way she talk. Her lips. Her sweet flank. She sat up. Why am I thinking these things. I like colts. Not mares. She let out a sigh. I can’t spend my time thinking about this. I have to catch this art thief. “Ok let see.” she said rolling over and looking down again. Kindle said the thief was likely to enter from the roof. But she had her doubts. The way the building was built it would be easier to enter from the vents. Then remove the picture from it frame. But that would destroy it. It was old after all. Then again. He had said something about magic. So it could be a unicorn. Any unicorn that study could just teleport in and out with the painting. “Ug this is hurting my head.” she said rolling over and rubbing her mane. “Ok. I give. I need your help Kindle.” she said acting like he was there. “I just can’t see how a thief is going to steal that big picture. It not possible.” it then dawn on her. Who tell the police they going to steal something that can even fit out the front door. The thief wasn’t going to steal the painting. Then what? She roll of the cloud and flew down. Inspector Gray was Waiting at the front door. “Inspector. I don’t think the thief going to strike here.” she said. “What?” he ask in shock. She quickly told him her thought on the subject. “It a sound thinking. But were would he strike. The only other thing in town to steal would be the golden statue of Celestia and Luna in the town square they set up today.” he said. The was an odd silence. “O MY GOD! QUICKLY EVERYONE TO THE TOWN SQUARE.” he yell. The police left for the town Square. Fireball stood there as they ran pass. The area was soon empty. She was the only one standing there. She sigh. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check on the painting.” she said. Walking into the museum. It was dark. She walk over to the paint. The guards left lights shining on it. It really was a nice picture. Her mind flash back to the unicorn. She sigh. “Why can’t I get her out of my head. I know I’m suppose to like colts that way.” she said to herself. “I mean she was really Pretty and seem like a nice pony. But your suppose to like Colts Fireball. Come on. You were raise better.” she put her hove on her head. “At lest you don’t judge. Your just a painting on the wall.” she said look at it. “You know. You shouldn’t worry about what other pony think.” Fireball jump. She look around the voice seem to be coming from everywhere. “Who there?” she cry out. “You should embraces your feelings. There a lot of mare who like other mare.” she was shore it was another mare voice. But it was hard to make out who’s. she knew that voice tho. “I can help you if your scare.” she said. A dark figure walk out. Fireball ran over to one of the light and turn it. “You?” she said. It was the purple unicorn from this morning. She was wearing a black shin tight suit. “You got me.” she said putting her front hoofs up. “But what do you really want? She ask walking forward. “Hey wait. Don’t move.” Fireball said. “You know those things you said were very sweet.” she said getting closer to Fireball. “I was just talking out loud.” she said blushing. embarrassed by any pony hearing her. “But you were speaking the truth.” she walk closer. “And to tell the truth. I’m kind of fond of you.” Fireball stood there in shock. She was kissing her. It was odd. But nice. It was a feeling she never felt before. But she like it. She close her eyes and enjoy it. An odd feeling fill her. She started to feel weak in her knees. Like she was being drain of her energy. She open her eyes and look into the eyes of the Purple unicorn. She had lime green eyes. She wonder how far she would go. At this point she didn’t care. She was having trouble standing. She soon found herself on the ground breathing hard. “I’m sorry my dear. But I need to get to work. It really is a beautiful painting.” she said turning to the painting. “Wait!” Fireball cry out. The Purple Unicorn stop. “Can’t we do some more?” she ask crawling to the purple pony. “I’m afraid we can’t. I have to be gone before the police get back. Thank you for that.” she said. “What your name. I must know.” she ask crawling. The purple unicorn smile. “I’m the Crimson Rose. Greatest thief in all of Equestria.” she said. “CLICK.” “Got ya.” Fireball said closing a cuff to her own leg and Rose’s leg. She pass out. The Rose smile at her. “I love it when they play hard ball.” she pull a pin from her hair and started to work on the cuff lock. ------------(hours later)--------- “FIREBALL WATCH UP! FIREBALL WATCH UP!” Kindle cry out. She roll over a big smile on her face. “Pinky the wake up juice.” he said to Pinky Pie. She pass him the drink from earlier. Fireball roll over on her back. Her mouth open as she let out a snore. He smile as he pour the drink in her mouth. “5. 4. 3. 2. 1.” he counted off. Fireball face turn red. She jump up and ran around. Pinky held out a jug of water. She grab it and down it quickly. “ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?” she yell. “Here.” Kindle held an envelope out. “What this?” she ask taking the note. “It was tape to your flank. It seal with a kiss.” he said. she quickly look at the painting. It was still there. “Who it from?” pinky ask. She look at both of them. Then the note. She stuff it under her wing. Blushing red in the face. “It private.” she said running away. ----------(back in Fireball room)--------- Fireball push a chair against the door and pull all the window shades down. she open the note. “Dear Fireball. I have to thank you for scareing off the guards. If not for that. I would have never met you. I don’t understand how they knew I would be there. I would however like to see more of you again. You got one sweet flank. Your not the only one in equestria that like mares. Sadly tho. I had to leave my mare friend. That little trick you did with the hove cuffs was fun and it did slow me down. The police are returning. So I hope we can try it again some time. Like your room. If you keep your window unlock. Maybe you will have a midnight visiter. Just something to think about. If you really want to have some fun. Take a red rag and hang it from your window. With love The Crimson Rose XOXOXOXOXOX" There was a kiss mark under it. Fireball read the letter a few more times. She smile and went to her dresser. She open the drew and pull a red stocking out. She open her window and close it on the stocking. She jump onto her bed. Smiling and hugging the letter. “I’ll see you again really soon my love.” she whisper. Fill with joy. > Chapter : 5 Killer House Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “We’re Invited?” Kindle Ask confuse. The Massager pony was standing there. Just as confuse as Kindle. “Sir. I don’t know what going on. All I know is that your invited to the party at Solar manor.” he said. “But you don’t know anyone in Solar manor.” Fireball chime in. She stood there her in pajama. Tooth brush hanging from her mouth. Her mane a mess. “I don’t know sir. But I’m just the massager and I have more house to get to today.” he said walking off. He close the door and look at the invite. “What it say?” she ask. Her tooth brush hanging from her mouth. He look at the invite and read it out loud. “Dear Mr. Kindle Wood and Fireball. I would like to invite you two and a guest to attend a celebration in your honors at Solar manor on the 5th of June at 8 o clock at night. This is a black tie even. So please dress apply. There will be food and drinks for all. Then there insurgent on how to get there. And it sign. Your host. A p.s after it with Plus one.” he said. He finish. “That it?” she ask. “It on table card stock. From the desk of Solar Manor. But no name for our hosts. Odd.” he said. “Well. We better get ready. I’m going to the salon and then to rarity for a new dress.” she said final pulling the tooth brush out of her mouth. “Yes and I suppose I will have to get a proper suit. At lest I have the black tie cover.” he said. “Do you know were this place is? She ask walking into her room. “It a little way outside ponyville.” he said looking for his bow tie. “We’ll have to rent a cartage.” “That sound fun. You lucky tho. If we didn’t solve our last case we couldn’t afford to go.” she yell out. “Yes it seem we’re getting good at this. But were in equestria is my tie.” he said. Dumping the dirty cloth out. “I found it.” she said walking out of her room. She pass it to him. “Why was it in there?” he ask. Smelling it. It smell like flowers. Witch was very odd. “I don’t know. It was just on the floor.” She said her back to him. “That Plus one. Do you think they mean me or can we each bring a guest?” she ask. He look down at the invite. “I guess we both can bring a guess.” he said. “Then who are you bringing?” she ask. He stood there. He didn’t know who to bring. He didn’t have friends other then Fireball. The inspector may have a fun time. “I don’t know. The inspector may have fun.” he said. “The inspector. Do you want pony to think you gay.” she said. “What about zecora?” she said. He picture her coming into a party wearing next to nothing. “I’ll check with her and meet you back here at six. Don’t worry about the cartage. I’ll handle everything.” he said walking to the door. “Wait how are you bringing?” he ask in the doorway. ----------(Solar Manor)-------------- Kindle step out of the cartage. In a full black suit and tie. He fiddle with it. Rarity had given him a new tie. It was chocking him a bit. He didn’t like it. It was to new. “Stop messing with it.” Fireball said stepping out of the cartage. She was wearing a dark blue dress. Her hair was nice and nit. She look rather stoning. But the pony she was with even more stoning. A Purple Unicorn in a smocking hot dress. It fit her body in all the right ways. They walk past. He sigh and look to the cartage door. A Gray Pegasus in a junky brown suit step out. Zecora told him she was busy tonight. So the inspector was his only other option. Well not really. But her wasn’t going with Pinky Pie. She drove him crazy. “My word Kindle. This is Que the places. We’re not in ponyville anymore.” Gray said looking at the large manor. Kindle look up. He figure there hade to be at lest 100 rooms. If not more. But the inspector was right. They were far from ponyville. It had taken them over an hour to get here. The sky look dark over head. The clouds were moving in. “Come on Kindle. Let get going. There a lot of hot mares here.” he said. Kindle smile. The inspector was once again single. It seem the death of his daughter didn’t patch things up between him and his exwife. He sigh and follow the three eager pony’s. They reach the door. He reach out to knock but the door open before he could. A red earth pony stood there in a full black suit. He black mane matching it. “Welcome to Solar Manor. I’m Alfred the butler. The rest of the guest are here. Please follow me to the ballroom.” he said. The did as he said and follow. There was a lot of old things in the house. Very clean but still old. They stop in front of two large doors. “If I may have your invite sir.” he ask Kindle for the invite. He quickly pass it to him. He open the doors “Announcing Sir Kindle Wood and Lady Fireball of Ponyville.” he yell. They walk into a room with ten other pony’s. The butler walk over to the bar. There was a table with food and drinks at one end of the hall. Stage with mescal interments but no players. “Mr. Kindle. I been so long.” A Green earth pony walk up to him. He was confuse. He didn’t know him. “Do I know you?” he ask. As the inspector went to the bar. “It me harden steel. I guarded you in the castle.” he said. “Sorry I don’t remember you.” he told him. “It ok. I only guarded you for a week.” he said laughing. “So how you’ve been since you got out?” he ask. “Good.” he said trying to look for a reason to leave. “How are you?” he ask. “O I’m great. My aunt did and I inherit a fortune.” he said. “Then this is your home?” he ask. “No. I receive an invite here in my honor.” he said. He thought about it. “Odd. Mine said the same thing.” he told him. “This party for me.” a black Mare walk up. “And you are?” steel ask. “I am the madam Finn. Owner of Finn fishery.” she said. “That odd. My invite said that I was the guest of honor.” another pony said. Pretty soon the room had groups in an arguments. Kindle walk over to Fireball and her friend. Who name he had yet to get. “What do you make of all this?” he ask them. “It would seem that everyone got the same invite.” The Purple Unicorn said. “Yes. But why miss.” he said. “Rose. And I think we’re about to find out.” she said pointing to the door. A white Unicorn with a black mane stood in the door way. He was wearing a red suit with a blue tie. The butler ran over. “Announcing Lord and master of Solar Manor. Your host. Jarvis Solar” he said. Some pony’s gasp. Rose being one of them. “What the deal with him?” he ask her. “He a lord of the sun family. Said to be related to Celestia herself.” she said. This started to make him think. This had something to do with Celestia. If so. He plan to leave in a hurry. But then again this Jarvis Solar was an odd pony. He watch as Jarvis took a deep breath. “HELLO MY HONOR GUESTS. I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME YOU TO MY HOME. TONIGHT WE CELEBRATE YOU ALL.” He said in the royal canterlot voice. Kindle cringe a little. He had always hated that. He watch as Steel and Miss Finn walk up to him. “I’m sorry to ask. But why have you invited us all here? He ask. “Yes and why are you celebrating us all.” she ask. Jarvis smile. “It very simple really. I pick your names out of random.” he smile. The room fill with Calder. Kindle rase an eye brow. There was more to it then that. He knew that if he was picking pony’s from random. Then he couldn’t very well be pick. There was something else but he couldn’t place his hove on it. “I’m not buying this.” he whisper to Fireball and rose. “Right. Your always suspicious of everything. Just kick back and enjoy the party.” Fireball told him. They walk away as a band enter the room and started to play. He saw the DJ pony in a delightful dress. He cocked his head at the sight of this. Then he saw her roommate sit down at the cello. He remember the violin. He rub his head. Fireball had knock him out. The DJ pony walk over to the bar and set down next to the inspector. He watch as the two started to have a drinking game. He rolled his eyes. That not going to end well. “Ah. Mr. Kindle Wood. Glad you could make it.” Jarvis said walking up to him. He had a rock in his gut. He didn’t care much for this pony. But her put on a smile. “Yes. It seem like a good way to get out of the house. It seem like it be fun.” he said. Jarvis laugh. He watch as the odd pony laugh for a few minute until he finally stop. “So then. I bet your wondering why you were invited.” he said. This pike his interest. “You mean my name wasn’t pick at random?” he ask. Celebrating in his head that he was right. “Come now. We don’t need to play these little games. I know you better then that.” he said. “Really now?” he said. “Yes. You see. I’ve been watching you since I read a story on you in one of the ponyville papers. The story told about your asset in catching those horrible slasher pony’s. ” he said. Kindle look at him. He seem to almost be enthraled with him. “You really are an odd one. But it wasn’t wearing a dress and using yourself as bait.” he continue. Throwing his legs in the air. “But what really interest me. Was how you survive the attack.” he said with a wink. Kindle stood there a little confuse. He wonder were he was going with this. “So I’ve been doing some reading lately. On you.” he said. “Me? I’m flatter.” he said. “Yes. You. I found a something odd. Did you know. A 1000 years ago there was a pony by your name working under Celestia herself.” he said getting closer to him. “Really. I had no idea.” he lie. “Yes. Mr. Kindle. After learning that. I try to follow your family tree. But it seem to just stop.” said with a wink. “That when I came across a little story. It told of a trader. That help Princess Luna escape imprisonment. Even if only for a short time. Then a he reappeared again. When Discord was attacking. It seem odd. Until I found out the name of that pony.” he said with a big smile. Kindle let him continue. Wondering how much he really know and what he wanted. “Now. We both know his name. Now don’t need any other pony’s knowing. But I do wonder. Are there any bad effects?” he ask. “Well that is a great story. But I’m Alfred your mistaken. I did enjoy learning about my family past. See as my family always name the first born after himself.” he said with hopes of making him think he was wrong. “Now. Now. You can’t fool me. I’ve check my facts.” he said with a smile. “Let say I am this pony your going on about. What would you want from me?” he ask. Jarvis smile. “The same gift Celestia gave you. To love forever.” he said. “I’m alfred your wrong. That doesn’t sound like a gift. More like a curse. Can you imagine watching your love ones growing old until they died.” he said a tear rolling down his face. “That sound wonderful. But I must know. Is there any ill effaces?” he ask. Kindle was done with these games. “Look. I’m am not this pony you believe me to be. My family has always name the first born Kindle Wood. It was done so that we may one day bring honor back to our family name. Now I’ve had enough of this.” he told him and walk over to Fireball. who was sitting down by the dance floor. She look tier. He whisper to her. A loud Bang fill the hall. He felt a great pain in his back. Turn and look behind him. A puff of smoke billow from a short metal tube. “Bar the doors and Window.” Jarvis order. Pony in red uniform enter the room and did as he said. The guest panic and scream. “Quiet I say. QUIET!” he yell. “Know then Mr. Wood. I try to be nice about this. But you’ve force my hove. You will tell me what I want to know. Or I will start to shoot my guest. One by one until I get what I want.” he said aiming the metal tube at him. “Your mad.” he said feeling the pain slip away. “No. I just want your gift for myself.” he laugh. “ Now tell me how she did it.” he said shoving the metal tube in his face. “I have a question for you. Before you shot anyone else.” he said blood pouring out on the floor. “What that?” he ask. “If I am this immortal pony you speak of. Then why I bleed? Why can I feel the pain? Tell me. Does that sound like something an immortal does?” he said in pain. “Your just trying to trick me.” he said. “Then put it to the test. Let everyone go. Then shot me in the head. If I survive then I will give you the answer you want.” he said. “Deal. Guards let the others go.” he order. They unlock the doors and every pony ran out. Save Fireball and rose. “Didn’t you hear me? I said go.” he told them. “We can’t he our friend.” Fireball said. “Find with me. You can wait and see him come back from the dead.” he said aiming the tube down. “Girls. Look away. Please.” Kindle said putting his forehead on the barrel. “Any last words?” he ask. “Just one. Inspector.” he cry out. “Inspector?” he said as a scream eco from behind him. As he turn to shot at him. Kindle quickly grab the tube and aim it up. It fire with a loud bang. He quickly got to his hooves. The inspector crash a full bottle of rum over Jarvis head. Knocking him out. The guard all charge at the group. “Take them out.” The inspector cry out in a drunken manor. Kindle quickly broke the metal tube over the head of on of the guards. He follow up with a twin kick from behind. He saw Fireball wrapping her legs around the neck of one guard and had another in a head lock. Rose seem to be holding her own. He could only guess that she had once been on the royal guard with Fireball. And the poor inspector was swing a broken bottle around. The guard not daring to get close. He look around the room. He saw what he could. He quickly flash his horn. “What happen?” Rose ask. “Everything frozen.” Fireball said as the inspector slip and knock himself out. “Yes. I use the punch bowl and flash freeze the place. It not an easy spell. So you’ll have to forgive me for this.” he said passing out over Fireball shoulder. -------------(hour later)------------ “There you go Mr. Wood. I pull the metal ball out.” The doctor said putting bandaging on his wounds. “Thank you. But could you do use a favor and give the Inspector a sedative.” he said as the drunken inspector gray was watering the flowers with his own water. The doctor nodded and head over with his bag. “Some party.” Fireball said walking over with Rose. “The night wasn’t all bad.” he said untying his tie. “I did learn a thing or two.” he said smiling. “Like what?” She ask. “Let Change the subject shell we rose.” he said with a wink. “You know?” she said in shock. “I figure it out in the fight. But I’ll let you tell her when you get back home. For now our cartage await.” he said walking them over. -------------(Fireball room)---------- “Fireball I need to tell you something. Something very important. I’m a....” Fireball put a hove over her mouth. “I don’t care. I just need to know one thing. Do you love me?” She ask remove her hove from roses mouth. “I do.” she said. “Then that all that matter.” she said kissing Rose. Rose stop her and took a step back. “What wrong?” she ask. “You need to know.” she said. Fireball wait as her mare friend turn into a red changeling. “I’m a changeling.” she said. “I know that.” Fireball said walking over to her. “What? How?” she ask. “When we were messing around you change your mane color. I know right then what you were.” she told her. “Then you don’t care if I’m...” she started but found another hove in her mouth. “All that matter is how I feel about you and how you feel about me.” she said. Rose ran over tackling Fireball onto the bed. She was crying and hugging her. “ I love you so much.” she said looking up at Fireball. “I love you to rose.” she said kissing her mare friend. ----------(Prison transport to main Canterlot)----------- Jarvis sit chain. He grumble on about failing and spending the rest of his days in jail. He look at the door and saw white smoke slowly filling the cabin. He held his breath. He watch as the guards fell one by one. The door open and the cloud flew out. “We both want the same thing. Let help each other.” a deep voice said. As a pair of yellow eyes glow from the darkness. “I think we can come to an agreement.” he said with a smile. > Chapter 6: It a Matter of Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindle let out a loud snooze. Fireball and Rose look of from they room. He was leaning back in his chair. His rear hoofs up on the desk. He had a snot bubble hanging out his nose. They look at each other and back to him. “What with him?” Rosa ask pulling a brush out. “He said he was onto something big. Some big breakthrough.” Fireball said as Rose started to brush her hair. “So why he sleeping if it a breakthrough?” she ask as they sat down on the bed. “I don’t know. But he been talking about some crazy stuff.” she said watching his snot bubble grew and shrink with each inhale and exhale. “Like what?” she ask. “Like a blue box and some Pony from another world. Visitor from another world. Not pony’s but things in tine suit and statue moving. Stuff like that.” she said. “Are you shore he hasn’t gone mental yet?” Rose ask looking out to him. “I told you. He was lock in a room for a 1000 years. He had his time to go Mental.” Fireball turn with a smile to Rose. “Beside. I just have idea how we can have some fun.” she said. She kick the door close. The snot bubble pop and the chair slip. Kindle open his eyes and started to fall backward. He hit the floor hard. Cracking his head open. “Damn that hurts.” he said grabbing his head. A little blood on his hoof. He roll to his hooves and walk out to the kitchen. He look in the cabers. He grab the pancake mix. He fill a bowl with water and pancake mix. He mix It into a paste. That when he heard it. It was the sound of the wind being suck in and out. He walk forward. Pause and made shore he was hearing it right. He throw the bowl into the air and floated his bag on his back. He ran out the door and slam it shut. Fireball and Rose pock they head out of the room. “Where are.... KINDLE I’LL KILL YOU!” Fireball yell as the bowl of pancake mix hit her on the head. Pouring out all over her. ----------(Kindle wood)--------- He found it. He was breathing hard. But he found it. He knock on the door of the blue box. It read Police box on the top. He sat down and waited. A few minute pass. He knock again. He pull out his note pad. He needed to see what was the one name. I repeated it self over and over throughout history. There it is. “DOCTOR COME OUT. WE NEED TO TALK.” he yell. Other pony’s on the street look at him oddly. He waited another few minute. “DOCTOR!” He yell again. He waited another minute before it happen. The door open. A light brown pony wearing a brown coat like a collage proffers. Kindle smile. He had a red bow tie just like his. “O hello. Who are you?” the light brown earth pony ask. “I’m Kindle wood and I need your help.” he said. “Really. Wonderful. Well let get started.” he said. “Yes. Right. But before we do. What do it call you?” Kindle ask. He smile. “You already know that.” he said. “Right. Then let get going doctor.” he said walking into the blue Police box. He stop. Look outside and then back in. He ran around it. Then stop in from of the Doctor. “It bigger on the inside then it is on the outside. It another dimension.” he said with a smile. The Doctor laugh. “That brilliant. You figure it out faster then most people.” he said. “Right then. We have a problem in canterlot and I can’t take my partner.” he told the Doctor as he walk into the blue police box. “Right. So I only have one question.” the Doctor said. “What?” he ask as he took a seat. “When did we last meet?” he ask. “Well. Let see. I figure out that you’re a time traveler. That your not a normal pony. You’re an alien of some kind. You solve problem through space, time, and other dimension. So you ask me. When did we last met? Well. I have a to say this to you.” he pause. “Hello Doctor. My name is Kindle Wood. Nice to meet you for the first time.” he said putting a hoof out. The Doctor stood there speechless. Then he smile. “It nice to meet you. Your brilliant. Just brilliant. I have to say I never thought anyone could figure me out that fast. But then again you are the second best detective in Equestria.” he said with a laugh. “Second best? Who the firsts?” he ask. “SPOILERS” he turn to see a White earth pony with a golden mane. She was stoning. “River Song. Nice to meet you.” she said putting a hoof out. He shook it and smile. “Right then off to Canterlot. Then.” The Doctor said head up to the control panel. He throw a switch down and the room shook. The sound of wind sucking in and out fill the air. Then it stop. “Alright. Were here.” he said jumping down and walking to the door. Kindle walk outside. They were in the canterlot garden. “Right. So what the Mystery today?” he ask him. Kindle look around and saw it. “There.” he said running away. The Doctor and River on his heels. He stop in front of a statue of a mare. “So what is it?” he ask turning to them. River look to the Doctor. “It a statue.” River said as the doctor pull out a little wand like thing. It glow green on the end. “No river it far worst.” he said. “I know. I did my research.” Kindle said. “Come on sweety. What is it?” she said. “It a weeping Mare.” They both told her. She look at both of them. “Right. A what?” she ask. “River I know your new to this. Dimension jumping. But think of it like a weeping angel.” he said. Her face turn to horror. “But what it doing here?” she ask. “Well if you were a weeping mare. Why not a garden.” he said. Running around it waving his wand around. “Right. So why are we here?” he ask Kindle who was watching the statue. “There 100's of these things all over canterlot. They started to show up two week ago. With no one clamming to make them. Some pony’s have even taken them into there homes.” he told them. “Doctor this is bad. If those things are like weeping angels and there...” she said. “Everywhere. Then they planning something big. That why the TARDIS brought us here. We need to help these pony’s and stop these weeping mares.” he said. Walking away from the weeping mare. “Doctor were are you going?” Kindle yell. “I’m going to meet the Princess.” he said fixing his bow tie. Kindle look to river and back to him. They ran after him. --------(Throne room)------------ “Hello Princess Celestia. That River Song and I do believe you know Kindle wood. And before you ask. I’m here to solve you statue problem. Well they not really statue. They weeping Mares and they here to take over.” he said kicking in the door and walking up to Celestia. Who was in shock of an odd pony in a red bow tie. Kindle stood behind both River and the Doctor. A look of distaste on his face. Celestia clear her throat. “Hello Kindle. Who your friend and what is he talking about?” she ask looking past them they look at him. He really didn’t want to be here. He clear his throat and walk forward. “Princess. This is The Doctor and you have a problem. He the only one who can solve it.” he said. “Doctor? Doctor Who?” she ask. “That right. I’m the Doctor.” The Doctor said. “Doctor Who?” she ask again. “He the Doctor. Just the Doctor.” Kindle said. “Yes I understand he a Doctor. But what his name?” she ask. “The Doctor.” River said. “Doctor who?” she ask again. Kindle smile. “You really are that dents. His Name Is THE DOCTOR.” he said slowly. She frond at him. They look at him. “What? If we spent all our time here then we won’t be able to solve the weeping mare problem.” he said. “Weeping mares?” Celestia ask. “Yes. Right. Sorry. But your kingdom is full of living statue. I don’t know what they want.” The Doctor said. She look confuse. He eyes move from the Doctor back to Kindle. “This is your doing. Your trying to kill me again.” she said. “No. I gave my word to Princess Luna. I would not harm you. At lest as long a Luna lives.” he said. She look at him. She was trying to tell if he was lying. She smile. “Alright. So Doctor. Why are these weeping mares here?” she ask. “I don’t know. But I can tell you it never good.” he said. There were four knock on the door. Everyone jump and face the door. Four more knocks. The wood started to break. “Doctor.” River said. “Yes I know. They here.” he said. He turn to Celestia. “They can’t move if you look at them. So keep looking at them no matter what.” he said running around. “Doctor. The roof.” River said pointing up. There were statue in window. “River I know. Ah here we are.” he said pulling a candle stick holder down. A hidden door open in the wall. “Right. Everyone through here. Hurry, hurry.” he said heading in. His wand glowing the path. They follow him. “Doctor. What is that thing you have there?” Celestia ask. “It my sonic screwdriver.” he said. They walking a small room. “Right them. So were does this passage lead?” he ask Celestia. “It an old escape passage. It leads to maze in the garden.” she said pointing up. There was a little round door above them. There was loud bang from behind. “Let get going them.” Kindle said. “We can’t the door only open from the outside.” she said. There was a loud pop sound above. “I’ll check it out.” Kindle said heading up the ladder. -----------(Garden Maze)---------- Kindle pop his head out. A large flat rock on his head. He push it aside. “Clear.” he said climbing out. He help river out of the hole. Follow by the Doctor. He walk away as Celestia came up. “Right. So. First we need to get out of here.” The doctor said. “Do you even have a plan?” Celestia ask. “I always have a plan. But first I need to get to my Tardis. Then I can deal with these weeping mares.” he said. “Follow me. I know all turns in this maze.” Celestia said. “I hope it wasn’t that way.” Kindle said looking at a weeping mare. “Keep looking at it. It can’t move as long as you watch it.” River said. “Quick this way.” Celestia said heading for an opening in the maze. Kindle walk backward slowly. As he reach the opening he quickly turn and ran. Following the others as they head through the maze. Right, left, left, right, left, left, right, right, left. There seem to be a patten. Celestia stop. He ran into The doctor. “Owf. Why you stop?” he ask. But he didn’t need an answer. Five weeping mare stood in they way. He look behind them. “We need to head back.” celestia said. “There one back here to.” he said. “Doctor what are we going to do?” he ask. “Princess. Fly out of here. We’ll be fine.” The Doctor said calmly. “What. I can’t just leave you.” she said. “Your not. Your just going to get help.” he smile. She nodded and flew away. “Great. So now what? She going to bring back her guards.” Kindle said. “We wait.” he said facing the weeping mares. Kindle sigh and continue to watch the one angel. He wanted to blink. River and the Doctor watch the others. “Doctor I know you believe we can wait. But I’m going to blink any second now.” he said. “Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long.” he said. Kindle was confuse. What did he mean? He felt River bump into him. “Doctor.” River cry. “What going on?” Kindle ask. “Nothing to worry about.” The Doctor said. “I hope you know what your doing sweety.” she said. “Don’t worry River. I know what I’m doing.” he said. Kindle didn’t know about it. He had a feeling what he was planning but it odds of working were a million to one. “Right. When I said now. Everyone jump to the right and follow me.” he said. Kindle blink. Two more weeping mare join the one he was looking at. “Doctor there more here.” he said. “Now!” the Doctor yell. He did as the doctor said. He slam into the bush wall and bounce off. He landed on the ground with Both of them. He Quickly look up. The weeping mares were still there. They hadn’t move. He look around. They all seem to be looking at each other. “There we go. Now back to the Tardis.” he said calmly. Kindle stood up and look at him. “How did you do that?” he ask. “Simple really. They can’t move as long as they being watch. So I move them around and aim them at each other.” he boosted. Kindle face hoof. ------------(outside the maze)---------------- “I’m glad to be out of there.” Kindle said. He never like mazes to start with. “DOCTOR!” River yell. She was pointing and looking to the right. Kindle look over with terror. It mush have been every weeping mare in canterlot. “No one blink. No one move. Stay still.” The Doctor told them. They watch the weeping mares. They stood still. It was like they were ready to attack. They eyes seem to look right through them. “What are we going to do?” River ask. “You two leave. I got this.” Kindle said standing up. He continue to stair at the weeping mares. “I can’t leave you Kindle.” The Doctor said. “Look I’m not saying to just to leave me. Just go get your TARDIS and come back.” he said. The doctor smile. “Right. Don’t blink.” he said running off with River. Kindle smile. He know he couldn’t hold out for long. He was going to blink any second. He try to think of a way to stop them. He remember reading about them. They couldn’t be destroy by anything. They just absorb any thing throw at them. He blink. The weeping mares move closer. They could sent you back in time as well. He smile. he only had one thing left to do. “Ok. You monster. You want me. Then come get me.” he said turn around and running. It sounded like a rock slide behind him. He turn around the edge of the castle. The sound got closer. He ran faster. There was a sports field up ahead. He jump over a large bush that boarder the field. He quickly turn and face them. He was breathing hard. The weeping mares were standing still. Some were holding others up. It look like they were going to throw them. “Ok. Let see. I’m not going to out run you. I can’t fight you. What can I do then?” he said as he talk to himself. He close his eyes. -----(Doctor)-------- “Doctor they got him.” River yell looking out the door from the flying tardis. He ran to the door. “River keep watching them.” he said running back to the controls. “Doctor he back.” she said. Kindle was waving at them. “Need a lift?” River call out as the doctor flew the TARDIS. She throw a rope down. Kindle grab it. They pull him in. “Look out. Here they come.” River yell. The doctor push him to the wall. The front door flash. The TARDIS started to shack. “What going on?” he yell. “We’re trapping them in the TARDIS.” The Doctor Yell. “What?” he yell. The TARDIS stop shacking. “I said. I Trapping them in the TARDIS. Putting them in another dimension for a short time. But I need to work fast.” he said running to the control panel. He flip switches and turn nobs. River helping his as they move around it. “There we go.” River said as she walk up to the door. She open it. Kindle look outside. They were in space. There was a large black hole below them. “All set sweety. Let them go.” she said. The doctor flip a lever and the weeping mares drop into the black hole. -------------(hour later back in ponyville)---------------- “Thank you Doctor. I couldn’t have solve this case without you.” Kindle said as he walk out of the TARDIS and into ponyville. “Well. You know. I do what I can.” The doctor said fixing his bow tie. “One thing before you go.” he said. “What?” he ask. “I want to know. How did you escape the Angels?” he ask. “That my little secret. Your not the only one who a 1200 years old pony.” he laugh. “Ok doctor. I’ll see you around.” he said fixing his bow tie. He walking away laughing. “Come on sweety. We have all of space and time to say goodbyes.” River call from the TARDIS. “It never goodbye river. We’ll see him again one day. But he’ll have the worlds best detective with him.” he said heading back in the TARDIS. ----------(Kindle Private investigator)------------- Kindle walk in. He was ready for a nice night of sleep. He flip the light switch. But the light didn’t turn on. He sigh. He lit his horn and walk to his room. His bed look wonderful. He yawn and walk over and lay down. A large red blanket drop on top of him. He roll over as he saw Fireball and Rose holding him down. “What going on here?” he ask. “Revenge for this morning.” Fireball said. She grab a large bowl and started to pour it on him. “I think he knock out.” Rose said. Poking him. “Let me check.” she said cracking a bat in two over his head. A large lump grew on his head next to his horn. “Look at that. Now he really horny.” Rose laugh. Fireball just roll her eyes. “Your luck I love you.” she said kissing her on the cheek. > Chapter 7: The Odd key Part 1-3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ok. so my friend came up with a idea. this is not that idea. but his idea will be coming up later. but it a Movie chapter. just think of this three parter as a movie." So the writer type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright morning as a blue unicorn with green mane name Ox. he was preparing for the auction. He ran the Ponyville auction house and was the auctioneer. He had a lot of things to auction off today. Some poor pony had pass away and his family was selling everything. He remember that he was some professor of some kind. It didn’t matter to him. All he know was that there was some odd things to sell today. He look over the things he was selling today. He pull out his clipboard and quill. He talk to himself as he went down the list. Checking thing off things as he went. “Let see. We got a 12 piece dinning room set. Grand father clock. Box of small paintings. Box of books. Some science equipment. A globe of equestria. A recliner. A queen size bed and frame. Three small music boxes. And this large wooden star map.” he said as he check them off. He put a sign on it that read. Lot 1. He look over to the clock on the wall. He had two hours before the auction started. He still had a lot to do. Other lots to sort and get ready. “Excuse me sir.” he turn to face a Yellow Mare in a light blue sun dress and big hat with feather in it. “Yes how may I help you.” he said. “I was wondering if I could buy that lot there.” she said pointing at Lot 1. “I’m sorry miss. But you’ll have to bid on it just like every other pony.” he said. “O please. I really would like to buy them now.” she said with big puppy dog eyes. “I’m sorry miss. I can’t do that. But you can bid on them in two hours. That when we start biding.” he said. “Alright them.” she said walking away. --------------(2 hour later)----------- Ox started the auction with dinning room set. It went to a lovely couple for 120 bits. Then the globe went to the school teacher. She got it for 5 bits. The bed and grand father clock went to a regular name Rose for 200 bits total. Princess Twilight enter the hall soon after the star map was sold. She took a seat next to Miss Rose. “Alright Mare and stallions. Next up is these boxes. Each one has something different in them. The seller has ask us to make these a Mystery box. So you could win big or small.” Ox told the crowd. The crowd talk to each other. He love this. There was going to be a good biding war. “Let start with this box here. Who will give me 10 bits.” he said. Twilight put her hoof up. “Now 20.” he said. The Mare from earlier put her hoof up. “Now 30.” he said. Rose put her up. “Now 40.” Twilight put her hoof up. “And 50.” The blue mare put her up. “100 bits.” Everyone turn and saw Kindle with his hoof up. Ox was speechless. “Any other bids?” he ask. No one put they hoof up. “It yours. Now let see what you got.” he said opening the box. “Random science equipment.” he said. The crowd laugh a little as he took a seat next Rose and Twilight. “Why did you just spent that may bits on a box?” Twilight ask. “I needed some lab equipment and I saw it was on the lots list.” he told them. “But still 100 bits. That not easy to come by.” she said. “Don’t worry miss. Kindle has been saving his money for Que some time now. He made a sum of money.” Rose said with a wink at Twilight. “Ok onto the next box.” Ox said before Twilight say another word. “Let start the biding a 30 bits.” he said. Rose put her hoof up. “100 bit.” The blue mane said. “110.” a green unicorn call out. “130.” a purple Pegasus call out. “200.” The Blue mare call out. The biding stop. “200 bit going once.” Ox call out. “Twice.” “Sol...” “500 bits.” Twilight call out. Everyone gasp. She had a paper in her hoof. Kindle had pass it to her. “500 bits?” Ox ask. Making shore he hear her right. She nodded. “Any other bids?” he ask. He look to the blue mare. “Then sold to Princess Twilight Sparkle for the amount of 500 bits.” Ox said pulling the box forward. He open it. Inside was books. “Well Twilight. Look like you got what you wanted and it only cost you 500 bits.” Kindle said making fun of her. “Being a Princess has it perks.” she said with a smile. “But thank you. How did you know it was going to be books?” she ask. He was going to tell them but Ox started with the next box. “Alright. On to the next and finally box. Let start the biding low.” Ox said. “100 bit.” Kindle cry out. “Any other bids? No? Then sold. You got a box of paintings.” Ox said opening the box. “I’ll give you 110 bits for those.” Rose told him. “Deal.” he said with a laugh. Twilight roll her eyes. “Now for our final items for this lot. These three music boxes. Each one plays a lovely little tune. We’ll be selling them off one at a time. We’ll start the biding a 20 bits.” Ox said. The blue mare put her hoof up. follow by the other in the hall. Kindle watch as the bidding soon reach 75 bit. It was a nice little music box. A green unicorn won it. Kindle decided to bid on the next one and give it to Fireball. See as her birthday was this Friday. “Alright let get onto the next one. Let start at 40 bits.” Ox said. Kindle put his hoof up. “60 bits” The blue mare call out. She shoot him a mean look. He surge it off and decided to let her have it. “Sold for 60 bits.” Ox said. She seem over joy. “Alright. Now onto out last one before we take a break. Let start at 50 bit.” Ox said. “80 bit.” Kindle said. “Any other bids? Sold. Now we’ll take a short break and clear the stage and bring the next lot up.” Ox said. ------------(Friday)------------- “SURPRISE FIREBALL!” Everyone yell as Fireball enter the offices. She jump into the air. “Happy birthday Fireball.” Pinky pie said running up to her. She look around the room. The place had been decorated in blue and green banners. Everyone one was here. Even Princess Twilight. She smile. “Thank you. I didn’t except this.” she said. “Come on Fireball. Get over here and take the seat of honor.” Kindle said pulling his desk Chair out. She walk over and sat down. She was surprise by Kindle. He must have plan this whole thing. “Ok let get the gifts out of the way. Rose if you would.” he said look to Rose. “I have a few gifts for you. But for now here.” she pass her a painting with a card on it. It was a copied of Luna Dream. She pull the card off and read it. He face turn a light shade of red. A few minute later Twilight enter. She had a few books. One with a bow wrap on it. “Happy Birthday Fireball. I brought you a book on fighting.” she said setting down. “Thank you Princess.” she said looking at the book. She put on a fake smile. She didn’t care much for books. But it was a nice gift. Twilight look over to Kindle. She walk up to him and whisper in his ear. “Can I talk with you outside.” she said and walk outside. Kindle fix his bow tie and follow. ----------(outside)---------- “Yes Princess. What did you want?” he ask. She floated two books out of her bag. “When I was going through the books I got at the auction. I found these two books. The first had all these notes in it.” she said passing him the book. “Science short hand.” he said looking it over. “The second had this.” she floated the other book up. It read: Star reading for beginners. She open it. Inside was a Sliver key. “It seem odd to hide a Key in a book.” she said. “So what do you want me to do?” he ask. She smile. “Well right now I would to know what you think about this?” she ask. He was quiet and seem to be thinking. “Well. It seem that the pony who put these books up for auction. Didn’t know what they had. But I’ll take the case.” he said. She look at him a little surprise. “What case?” she ask. “Not to alarm you. But your being watch right now.” he said nodding behind her. She look back at a green unicorn in a hooded robe. “I’m a Princess. I’m always being watch.” she said. “Yes. I know. But are all you subjects arm?” he ask. She look back at the green unicorn. He had a bow on his back. “Now I’ll take the books. And if you could. I need you send your little dragon over with a book about science short hand.” he said taking the books. She was speechless. “One more thing. If you can have him here soon. It be all the better.” he said heading into the house. Twilight stood there and walk away. Heading back to the Library. -------(back at the party)-------- Kindle walk in and saw inspector gray downing a bottle of his rum. He frond. He was saving that. Well at lest he didn’t find my brandy. He head to his room but was stop by fireball. “Hey. Stop right there.” she stood in his way. She seem mad. “What did I do this time?” he ask. “You forgot to get me a gift.” she said. “O right.” he floated his drew open and floated a little box out. “Here you are.” he place it in front of her. She open it. “A music box?” she ask. “It seem like a nice gift for all your hard work.” he said. She smile. “Thank you.” she said hugging him. “Yes. Yes. Your Parse is all I need. But I need to go.” he said pushing her off and heading into his room. They all look at him oddly. The sound of glass and metal banging came from his room. Fireball was about to open the door. When Pinky Pie enter the room with a large cake. “Fireball. Blow out the candles and make a wish.” she said. Fireball walk up to the large cake. She look around at all them. She smile and blow the candle out. “What did you wish for?” Pinky ask. But before she could answer the top blow off. Rose standing on top. Everyone cheer. Kindle snuck pass as they all watch her. He floated two boxes outside. Once outside he head to the library. Meeting spike halfway there. One he had the on science short hand. He headed of the ever free forest. The Green unicorn follow him the whole way. --------(zecora house)------- “Hello immortal. How can I help you today?” she ask as he enter. “Just need a little help with something.” he said setting his boxes on the table. He open them and started to put pecker’s and jars on little metal stands. “What all this?” she ask. “Stuff I got at an auction. The same auction twilight got these books.” he said setting the two book down. She look them over. She open the note book. “What is are all these chicken scratches?” she ask. “Science short hand. But this book should solve that problem.” he said setting the other book next to it. he continue to set up more pecker and burners. She open the other book and a Sliver Key fell out. “Don’t lose that.” he said floating the key into the air and set on the table. “What does it unlock?” she ask. “A Lock.” he smile. She laugh a little. “Right then. Now let start on that book.” he said pulling out a quill and paper. “I have one more question immortal.” she said. “What?” he ask. “Why did you come here?” she ask. He turn to face her. She blush a little. He smile. “Your home is the safest place right now.” he said. “Nothing else?” she ask batting her eyes at him. “Well. There are other benefit of being here.” he said facing her. She smile with a wink as she walk into the back room. He smile and lock the door. Walking into the back room. ---------(12 hours later)------- Kindle smile. Wow what a mare. He look over to her. She finally pass out. He sigh. He didn’t have time to sleep now. He need to get back to work. He climb out of bed and got dress. He walk into the other room and started to translate the book. -------(3 hour later)-------- zecora could smell something burning. She got up and walk out into the main room. Kindle had the window open and was waving a large fan. Blowing the smoke out. “What happen Kindle.” she ask. He look at her. This was the first time she had use his name. “Just burn some chemicals trying to solve this problem.” he said floating a piece of paper up. It had his writing all over it. The smoke clear. He close the window. “How did you sleep zecora?” he ask. She smile. “I was lonely.” she said walking up to him. She kiss him on the cheek and headed over to her kitchen. She started to cook. Kindle continue to work with his books. “I GOT IT!” he yell. Zecora drop a pan as he did. “What?” she ask. “These are not chemical formula. They plan to build something. Or maybe. For something he already built.” he said closing the book. She look at him as he gather his things. He put the Sliver key in his coat pocket. She pick up her pan and started to cook. He put his bag on his back. “Can I offer you something to eat Kindle? She ask. Holding a frying pan out. It had two eggs and hash browns. He smile. “Ok I have a few minutes.” he said as he set his bags down. She places a plate down in front of him. She smile and look across the table at him. “Last night was fun.” she said as he had a mouthful. “I was wondering Kindle. If you would visit more often?” she ask. He swallow. “I may be able to free up some time. But you know.” he pause. “You don’t have to wait for me. You can come to my place anytime you want.” he said. She smile. “I would like that.” she said. He finish his meal and kiss her. Then headed to the door. He stop as he unlock it. “You should know. If we are going to try this. That there are always dangerous pony’s after me.” he said heading out the door. “I’m aware of that. Kindle the immortal.” she said with a smile. ---------(Ponyville auction house)---------- Ox crawl for his life. His back legs were broken. He was bleeding badly. He needed help. He could see the back door. It was open. If he could get there then he could call for help. He crawl faster. But each time he pull. The pain ran up his legs. He continue on. He still didn’t understand. Why we they were doing this? What did they want? He told them all sales were final and that he didn’t have the names of those who purchase the items. “Were do you think your going?” he froze. A large shadowy figure stood in the doorway. “I don’t have what you want.” he said putting his hoofs up. “I know that. But you know who does. Now tell me or I let her at you again.” he said. Not stepping out of the shadows. Ox turn to see the pony who had attack him. A large blade floated magically in the air. It drip with his blood. “I don’t know. We have a lot of customers.” he said in a panic. “I’ll ask. One last time. And if you don’t answers. Well. I like to very it a bit. But in the end you die. So. Who Did you sell the music Boxes to?” he ask. “Ok. Ok. I think one went to a green unicorn. He not a regular. The other went to a yellow mare in a blue sun dress with a large feathery hat.” he said in fear. “And the last?” he ask. The bloody blade was above his head. Blood drop onto it. “Some rich detective.” he yell. The shadow figure walk to the door. “Good. That all we needed.” he said. “So now you’ll go and leave me alone?” he ask. “I’m sorry. But no.” he said. “What?” Ox yell. “You see. My associate here. She does enjoy the act of killing. So it out of my hoofs. But I do thank you for all you help in this matter.” he said walking away. Ox turn over and look. She star at him. “Please don’t.” he beg. He could see her smile as the blade slash down. -----------(Kindle wood)---------- Kindle enter the office. Party supplies cover the floor. There was a large cake sitting in the middle of the floor. He walk over to his desk. He pick his trash bin over on his desk. He was looking for the auction flyer. It had a list of items from the lot. He found it and look it over. “Ponyville auction House. This months items include the following. Lot 1: A large wooden star map. Sciences equipment. 12 piece dinning room set. Box of small paints. A box of books. A Grand father clock. A globe of equestria. A recliner. A queen size bed and frame. Three small music boxes. All item sold will help the family of Proffer K. L. White. Lot 2: Maps, charts, 6 oak desks.....” It continue on. He look at lot 1 again. He pull out his notes. He continue to look back and forward between the auction House flyer and his notes. “That is.” he said. He walk over to Fireballs room and open the door. The two mares jump as he enter. He saw the grandfather clock in the corner. He open it and look inside. “What do you think your doing.” Fireball ask. “I’ve taking a case.” he said. They both look at him oddly. “Ok. But why are you looking in my clock.” Rose ask. “It was at the auction.” he said turning to them. They were in the queen size bed. “So wasn’t this.” he said knocking on the wooden post. They watch him as if he was crazy. “Seem normal. But what about the mattes?” he said pulling the blanket off the two girls. A red plastic rod fell to the floor. The mares blush. “I really don’t care. I need to see if there anything in the mattes.” he said pulling a knife out. “Wait. It not the same mattes.” Rose said putting her hoofs up. “Then were the old one?” he ask. She pointed out the window. Two garbage pony’s were loading it into a wagon. He ran out of the room. The girls watch as he wave to the two pony’s down. He jump into the wagon and started to cut the mattes. A few minute later he return. “The painting. were are they?” he ask. The knife still floating in the air. “O no. you are not cutting up my paintings.” Rose said. He laugh a little. “No I don’t thing there anything in them. But they may give me a clue to what they after.” he said. They look at him. “Who?” they ask. “Who ever was following Twilight around. The one who are following me now.” he told them. “Who are they?” Fireball ask as Rose gather her paintings. “Don’t know.” he said as they move into the main office. Rose set the paint out on the table. “What do they want?” she ask. “This key and the books the came with it.” he said setting them down on the table next to the stack of Paintings. “What make them so valuable?” she ask. “Fireball I need your gifts we gave you.” he said not answering her question. She gather the Paint and Music box. She place them on the table. He open the book the key was in. He look in the lower corner of the page. It had two letters wrote down by the page number. “Ok. Rose. I need your help here. I’m going to call out 2 letters. I need you to find the painting name match it.” he told her. He look down at the page. He figure they had some meaning. He started to read them off. When they finish he ask. “Rose. Is there anything odd about these painting?” he ask. “Other then they fakes and have been alter slightly.” she said. “Alter?” he ask. “Yes. Any copies of a picture are always alter. This keep them from being sold as the real ones.” she said and point a few out. After she was done. He study the paintings. He couldn’t figure it out. Fireball was messing with her music box. It started to play. It was a sweet luaby. That when it hit him. He floated the music box out of her hoofs and set it onto his desk. He walk over and floated his tools over. They watch as he poke at it. “Ok now I get it. They after this.” he said. “But why. I wouldn’t even steal that.” Rose said. “Because it just one piece to a larger puzzle.” he said. > Chapter 7:The Odd key Part 2-3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kindle walk out of the office. It was late. But he needed to head down to the auction house. He needed to find Ox and talk to him about who had bought the other two music boxes. The only thing he remember from the auction. Was the green unicorn and the yellow pony in the blue sun dress. He heard hoof steps behind him. He look over his shoulder. The Green unicorn in the robe was following him again. But this time he had two others with him. One rather large red earth pony. He carry a large claymore. The other was a Pegasus with claw weapon on her front hoofs. He saw an ally up a head. He know it was a dead end. “I believe it time to get some answers.” He said to himself with a smile. He walk down the ally. When he reach the end he turn and face to the three pony’s. “Hello. Let me intrudes myself. I’m Kindle wood. An you are?” he ask. They stood there quietly. Then the green unicorn set forward. “Were is the key?” he ask. “Key? What key?” Kindle ask. Know very well what they were talk about. “The key in the book. The one you receive from Princess Twilight.” he said. “Ah. That key. It gone. Stolen by the thieves guild.” he said. “That to bad. If you had it. You may have live.” he said. Kindle laugh. “That rich. Your going to kill me.” he said still laughing. “We know your not going to die. But our employer has told us how we may harm you.” he said. Kindle rase an eyebrow. “And how partial are you going to do that?” he ask. “Simple. We will remove your limbs one by one. Until only your head remains.” he said as they ready they weapons. Kindle prepare himself for battle. He didn’t like the sound of losing his legs or head for that matter. He knew any wounds would heal. But growing back a whole leg. Let alone a body. That could be a problem. The red pony charge first. He jump into the air and swag his claymore down. Kindle step to the side. The sword smash into the ground. He quickly kick at him. He duck and sweep with a low kick. Kindle jump and kick him in the head. Two arrow hit his right side as he landed. The unicorn was aiming another shot up as the Pegasus ran up. Her claws slide down her legs as she swag. They return back up after each swing. He wive and bobbed as she swag. He duck and jump as she swag her legs in furry. She open her front legs wide. She swag both down at the same time. Cutting into his chest. He scream in pain. She claw his face next follow by his front right leg. She raise her legs again. He quickly kick her in the face with his hind legs. She flew back onto the ground. Another arrow hit. This time in his back left knee. (Forth wall brake. Warning really bad joke coming. “Discord here. Time for a bad joke. He was once a great Private investigate. Until he took an arrow to the knee. I know it bad. but some one had to say it. Now back to the fight.”) He look over to the green unicorn. He drew another arrow. The red Pony was standing again. He grab his sword and charge. Kindle floated his knife out of pocket and set it flying into his chest. He fell to the ground. His sword slide across the ground and stopping inches from Kindles hoofs. Another arrow hit his shoulder. He was loading another. He pull back on the bow and fire. Kindle quickly floated the claymore into the air. The arrow bounce off the side of it. He sent the claymore back at him. It struck him in the chest. He flew back a few feet and fell to the ground. “That was fun.” he said sitting down. The earth pony and Pegasus moaned. He started to pull the arrows out. He look down and watch as his wounds as they started to heal. A small amount of black smoke pouring from each. The curse had it benefit. But he didn’t like the down side. As long as he live he could never have a family. Shore he could have all the sex he wanted. But he could never have a child. He could marry. But his wife would age and die. He never be able to join her in death. Worst part was that there was no cure. Celestia had told him this when she curse him in her fit of anger. He felt a cold breeze. He look up and saw a dark figure standing at the end of the ally. “I see. So your next.” He said standing up. The glow of yellow eyes fill the ally. It was follow with a bright red smile. “Your doomed.” The figure said with a hiss. A blast of cold hit him. He slam into the wall. He look down. He was frozen in a block of ice to the wall. His head was the only thing left. The dark figure pull the claymore out of the Green unicorn. Blood drip off the blade. It walk closer. Dragging the blade. It slam down the sword into the ground. Cutting the head off the red Pony. It walk closer. He struggle as he try to free himself. It Swag the sword down once again. This time the Pegasus head was remove. He understood it intent. It plan to remove his head. He couldn’t move. If he could move one leg he could get free. “Your head will look lovely on my mantle.” it said with a long hiss. He felt weak. Like something was draining his strength. It felt familiar. That when it hit him. He knew what he was facing. It walk closer. It rase the sword. He had an idea. As it was swinging the claymore. He focuses hard. “Clage” he smile as the sword stop inches from his neck. A claw blocking it. “What is this?” it ask in confusion. “Seeing as she dead. I figure she wouldn’t mind if I use her body.” he said floating the headless Pegasus to it hoofs. It look like a rage doll. It was very difficult to control. Not only physical. but mentally as well. He could hear a ringing in his head as he move the body. His horn glowing a dark black. The dark figure move backward. It swag the sword at the Pegasus body. He move it and swag the front hoofs. A claw shot out and hit the figure across the left eye. It scream in pain and step back. Dropping the sword as it grab it eye. “You’ll pay for this.” It said as loud whistles fill the air. A flash of green energy fill the ally. He watch as it flew away. He drop the headless body and let out a sigh of relieve. Four uniform office rounded the corner into the ally. “Thank the moon you’re here offices. I was just attack. Now can you get me down?” he told them. The officer look at each other. Then one said. “I’m sorry Mr. Wood. But I can’t do that.” he said. “Why the hell not?” he ask. They look at each other again. “Because. We were told to arrest you.” he said. -----(Ponyville Police Department holding cell)------- Kindle look around. Another jail cell. All that was missing was Celestia and her deals. The cells next’s to him were empty. He lean back on the bed. He was glad to be out of the ice. He look to the door. He could see the head of a guard in the tined window. He was leaning on the door. He decided to think about everything. “Ok. Let start front the beginning. The things sold in the auction house. Were once owned by Proffer K. L. White. He or she was an inventor of some kind. But until I know. I’ll call it a him. I wonder how he pass. Seeing as this group is looking into his invention. It must be worth the risk. The notes I translate only made an oil that burn easy and made a lot of black smoke. The music boxes are the confusing part. What could they possible use for? I open up fireballs and didn’t see anything odd about it. It look like any normal music box. Then there was the Silver Key. It either. Unlock something. Or maybe started whatever they were after.” The guard head move. The door open. Inspector gray walk in. He was follow by dark blue unicorn in a suit. “Hello inspector. So why am I here?” he ask. “You’re here for the murder of Ox. The auction House owner.” The dark blue Unicorn said. “First. I didn’t kill Ox. Second. I was on my way to see him when I was attack in that ally. By those three thugs. Third and finally. Who the bloody hell are you?” he said. They both look a little shock at him. “Kindle. This is my Sargent and the chief of the Ponyville police.” Gary said. “O. Very nice to meet you. But as I was saying. I didn’t kill Ox. But I am wondering. Why do you think I did it?” he ask. They look to each other. “Your name was written in blood all over the crime scene.” The Chief Told him. “Well that doesn’t mean I kill him. It sound more like someone trying to get my attention. And they got it.” he said. They look at each other once again. “Now. If you don’t have anything here to hold me on. Would you be so kind and let me out of here? Then I’ll solve the case and make you all look better in Celestia eyes.” he said with a wink. They whisper for a few moments. Then the Blue unicorn said. “Alright. But don’t leave town.” Gary open the cell door. He walk out and headed for the door. He stop right before it. “Quick question. Do either of you know where Proffer K. L. White lives?” he ask. The chief smile. “I’m sorry to tell you this but she died.” he said. Kindle smile. He was wrong. The proffer was a Filly. “I know that. But were did she live?” he ask again. “In the old water wheel place. By the old dry up river.” he said. “Water wheel?” he ask confuse. “Ya. It an old water wheel. That they turn into a house.” he told him. “And how did she die?” he ask. “In her bed. She die in her sleep. Naturally.” he said. “Thank you. I’ll see you later when I solve this case.” he told them leaving. --------(Kindle Private Investigator)------ Fireball finish hiding everything like Kindle had ask. She knew whatever this was all about. That he knew what he was doing. The front door open. It was Rose. She was back with supplies. She place the weapons on the table. There were crossbows, knifes and swords. “What do you need with all these?” she ask. Fireball smile. “I’m going to use them to fight.” she said. Rose look down. She didn’t like her fighting. She wasn’t like Kindle. If she got hurt. She shook her head. “Don’t worry. I’ve been in 100's of battles.” she told her. The door open. It was kindle. He was bleeding from the head. “What happen to you?” Rose ask. “Just got into a small fight. I’m fine.” he said. He turn to fireball. “I need the key. Can you get it for me?” he ask. Fireball look a him a little confuse. He had told her to hide it and not tell him. She sigh and roll her eyes. “1 second. I’ll be right back with it.” she said leaving the room. Rose walk over to the medicine cabinet and pull a bandage down. When she turn around. Kindle was look at the music box again. “Where did we get this music box?” he ask. She raise an eyebrow. “From a little green pony that grant your every wish.” she said making fun of him. “Really? That odd.” he said not laughing. Rose was a little confuse. She figure that the wound on his head. Fireball return with the key. Kindle ran over and grab the key. He then ran outside. They look at each other and laugh. “Ok. He gone crazy.” Fireball said. “You know. I think it that wound on his head.” Rose told her. But before they say another word. The door flew open again. This time two uniform office stood there. “Hello officers. How can we help you?” Fireball ask. “We here to inform you that Kindle wood has been arrested.” one said. “That was fast. What he do?” she ask. “He been arrested for the murder of Ox the auction house owner.” he said. “WHAT?” both Filly said at the same time. “But he was just here.” Rose said. The officers look confuse. “That can’t be ma. We just left him in a cell down at the HQ.” he said. “O no.” Rose said. She look over to Fireball. Her face said it all. They had been trick. Her face turn from shock to pure anger. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” She scream. The two officers ran out the door. Rose step back as she grab a chair and throw it against the wall. Bits of wood flew everywhere. She grab another chair and sent it at the mantel. It smash into the vases and other thing. Braking everything as she went. She grab a sword off the table and throw it into Kindle desk. It stuck through the top. She grab her large wooden hammer and slam it into the wall. Leaving a large hole. She hit the wall a few more times and fell to her knees. She was breathing hard. Rose walk over and hug her from behind. “It ok. I’ll tell him it was my mistake.” she said kissing her on top of her head. She look up to her. “No. I’m not worry about him blaming me. I just hate being made a fool.” she said standing up. The door open. “WO. What happen here?” Kindle ask. Fireball ran over and slam him in the head with her hammer. His head sticking half way into the wall. She remove her hammer. He fell to the ground. Lifeless. “I’ll get some rope.” Rose said as she ran to the bedroom. -----------(few minute later)----------- “Oooooo. My head. What hit me?” he ask as he try to open his eyes. His left eye wouldn’t open. His right however had a nice pool of blood over it. He open it anyway. He saw two blurry figure standing in front of him. One holding what look to be a sword and the other holding something that look like a large hammer. Another sharp pain ran through his head again. “Ooooooo. Why did you hit me?” he ask. Still confuse. He was still coming out of a daze. “Were the key?” The Figure with the hammer ask. “Key? What Key?” he ask. The figure slam the hammer on his knee. He scream out in pain. “The Key you stole from us.” it said. He try to rum his ear. Everything was fuzzy. But found his hooves had be tie to a chair. He look around as everything started to become clearer. He was in his office. Rose was holding a sword and Fireball had her hammer out. “FIREBALL! Have you lost your mind?” he ask. “Nice try. But we know the real Kindle been arrested and is stilling in a jail cell right now.” she said. He let out a sigh. He know what was going on. Someone must have portending to be him and stole the key. He knew what he had to do. But he wasn’t going to like it. “Ok. If I’m not the real Kindle. Then you can kill me. So take the sword and stab me.” he said, Looking to Rose. She look over to Fireball. “You think we’re stupid. Your just trying to get us to kill you. So we don’t find out what you did with the key.” she said cracking him in his other knee. He cry out in pain as he felt the bone brake. “Ok. If you won’t do it.” he said floating the sword out of her hoofs and stab himself into his chest. His head drop lifeless. They look at him in shock. “Great. Our only lead and now he dead.” Fireball said. She slam her hammer down on Kindle desk. Rose walk over to her and hug her. “Let go down to the station and get Kindle out.” she said. “That won’t be necessary.” they both jump as Kindle magically put the sword from his chest. “Now will someone get me out of this and tell me what going on.” he said as black smoke pour from his chest. They didn’t move. Still surprise from how his wound was healing. “Don’t worry. It just depends on the size of the wound. Now untie me.” he told them. ---------(A few minute later)-------- “That better. Now were the music box?” he ask as he enter his bedroom. “I think it time for a new look.” he said as He pull out brown box. Inside was black and green strip suit under it was a small brown box. Rarity had made it for him after solving a small case for her. He pick it up and look at it. He like it. “So your not mad about the key?” Fireball ask as he got dress. “No. It worthless without the music box.” he said. He pull out the small brown box. He smile as he open it. He close it and put it in his packet. “Right let get going.” he said walking pass her. She look back at the box and then back to him and wonder. What was in that small box. She put it out of his mind. “Fireball. Were the Music box?” he cry out. She walk over to the table and pull it out from under it. She had tape it there. “Right now follow me.” he told the two Filly’s. He floated the music box into his bag and throw it on. They look at him confuse. “Were?” They ask. “We’re going to visit the dead.” he said with a creepy smile. ---------(Ponyville cemetery)---------- Fireball and Rose look to each other confuse. Kindle was moving from stone to stone. The undertaker walk with them as he lead the way to the grave. Fireball was still confuse. She didn’t know why they needed to see the grave of this pony. “Hay I know this pony. He owed the house down the street from my parents.” Kindle said in front of a head stone. The undertaker roll his eyes. “Sir. That pony live over a 1000 years ago. You couldn’t have known him.” he said. “That sound about right.” he said. The undertaker was about to say something. But decided not to. They soon found the grave. Someone had dug it up. “This isn’t suppose to be like this.” he said. “Well of course not. You would never leave a grave uncover. We’re just a little late to the party.” Kindle said. “But who would steal a body?” Rosa ask. “Who in deed.” he said putting his hoof to his chin. “I’m sorry. But I’ll have to ask you to leave. I need to call the police.” The undertaker told them. Kindle walk around the grave and look around it. “Right. Well we need to get going anyway. Got many stop today.” he said. “We do?” Fireball ask. “Yes. Now let get going.” he said walking for the exit. The two filly ran up to each side of him. “So were to next?” Rose ask. “Were going to see the undertaker brother. I believe you know him. Tombstone.” He said. Fireball froze. A shiver ran down her back. “What was that about?” Rose ask. “He just very creepy and he has a thing for me.” she told her. Kindle laugh as he walk out the front gate. “Come on girls. Let go make his day.” he said. “This is not going to be fun.” she said as they ran after him. ----------(Ponyville Morgue)---------- “Hello fireball my sweet. How may this lonely little pony help you today?” Tombstone ask as they enter. She step behind Rose and Kindle. “No time for the flirting Tombstone. I need to talk to you about a body.” Kindle said cutting off his view of her. He frond. “Alright. Follow me.” he said. He lead them down the stairs and into a cold damp room. Rose was shaking. “Are you alright?” Fireball ask. “Ya. I’ll be fine. Just as long as were not down here for long.” she said. “That right. You told me. Your kind don’t like cold weather.” Fireball said. Kindle ear perk up at this. He smile. “So here we are.” he said waving a hoof over three white sheets. “I’m a little confuse tho. Why you need to see them. See as you gave them to me.” he said as he grab the first sheet. “WAIT.” Kindle said. Tombstone stop. “What?” he ask. “I don’t need to see any body’s. I needed to ask you about one.” he said. He look over to Rose and Fireball. They look relieve that he had stop him. “Right then. Who.” he said as he took a seat. “Proffer K. L. White. I like to know how she die and if you saw anything odd.” he said. Tombstone turn to a file cabinet and pull a folder out. He open it. “Right. She was 78 year old brown unicorn. Her cutie mark was a brain. She die of a heart attack in her sleep. That putting it simple.” he said as he pass the file to kindle. He open it and flip through the pages. “Now did you see anything odd?” he ask. “Funny you should ask. When I was removing her organs. Her stomach was really thin. But in older mare that not uncommon. But the really odd thing was her liver. It had a tint of green to it.” he said. Kindle put his hoof to his chin. “Alright. Thank you tombstone. I believe your brother could use your help.” he said as the sound of hoof steps eco from about. “Come girls. We need to go.” he said heading for the stair. They move fast and ran ahead of him. Kindle smile. He knew Rose wanted to get warm and fireball just wanted to get away from Tombstone. He pass the undertaker as he ran after the girls. He found them sitting on a bench outside. Fireball was hugging Rose. Trying to warm her up. “Right. Let get going.” he said walking past them. “Can you wait for just a minute? She need to warm up.” she said rubbing Rose back. “She warm up faster as we run. We need to hurry there.” he said pulling at them. They yell as he pull them along. ----------(Water Wheel house)----------- “Right. This is Proffer K. L. White house. Now we may run into trouble here.” Kindle told the girls as they walk to the front door. Kindle knock on the door. It open slowly with a wine. “Right them. Let crack on.” he said walking in. It was dark. Kindle horn glow and three small ball of light floated from it. One floated about each of them. “Stay together and see if you can find a light switch.” Fireball said. But as soon as she said that. A large bright light flash on. They put they hoofs up. Trying to block the bright light. “Welcome Kindle Wood. I was wondering how long you keep me waiting.” A voice said with a hiss. “Well. I’m sorry. But I needed to make a few stops.” he said. Still blinded by the light. “Hey get off me.” he hear both the girls yell as some pony grab him. He soon found himself tie to a chair. His bags taken. The large light turn off and a normal set of house light turn on. He look over to Fireball and Rose. They were tie to chairs as well. They had been gagged. “So I think it about time we meet properly.” Kindle said as four rather large pony’s move the girls back to back with him. A dark figure walk alone the shadow of the light. One yellow eye gleaming at him. It walk forward into the light. She was a dark purple Pegasus with a green mane. She had a snow flack on her flank. “I am winter storm. The leader of the pony underground.” she said. Kindle laugh. “Ha. That a good one. The Leader of the Pony underground.” he laugh. She was getting mad. She walk up and smack him. “Come now. No reason to get mad. It just hard to believe. That a changeling is in charge of the pony underground.” he said. Rose and Fireball mound. He look back at them. They look both shock and confuse at the same time. “Well now. I’m surprise you figure that out. Tell me what else do you know?” she ask as she turn into her true form. Kindle smile. She was a Changeling queen. Horn and wings. Thing were starting to become clearer. “Well. Beside the fact that your after Proffer K. L. White’s invention. That you need all the music boxes to find it. That you stole the key from my friends here. Not much.” he said as she walk around them. “Then. You know what I want.” she said. She was face to face with him. “The music box.” he said with a smile. “Were is it?” she ask. “I’ll tell you. Only if you tell me why you need it.” he said. She frond and step back. “Seeing as your not going to leave this place. I see no harm in telling you. Me and my associates. Need it to unlock a musical lock.” she said. “Musical lock?” he ask “Yes. You see. The Proffer enjoy her music. So she built a musical lock. The three music boxes unlock the safe.” she said. “That Que enough Storm. Let not tell him every thing. After all. He mine. Once he tell you about your music box.” Kindle look up. He know that voice but couldn’t place it. Who was it? “So were where we? Right the music box. Where did you hide it?” she ask. “It in my bag over there.” he said nodding to it. She walk over and open it. She pull the music box out and began to laugh. “Now that you have what you want storm. I’ll ask you to leave. Me and Kindle have old business to discuss.” The pony on the upper level said. “Just remember. The Girl and her father get the two Filly’s.” She said. She left the room. The pony from the upper level walk down. Kindle frond as he saw him. “Jarvis Solar. I thought you were in the Cantalot dungeon.” he said. “Yes. But I’m not the only one who here.” he said. A loud thud shock the ground as the girls started to scream with the gags in they mouths. He look over and saw Mr. Lily and his Daughter. She had a large curve knife. “You see. For helping Winter storm with her plan. We all get what we want.” he said. He wave the other pony’s over. “Now were going to take a little trip back to my home. And when we get there. Your going to tell me everything I want to know.” he said. His thugs pick the chair up and started to carry him away. “Don’t worry girls. Everything going to be alright.” he yell as they carry him out. “Now that they gone. You two are going to make this fun. So please struggle. It will make it all the better.” Mr. Lily said. He lick his lips around him mouth. His daughter laugh wild. She wave the blade into the air. Flipping it around. They close they eyes.