• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 597 Views, 24 Comments

Zombie Plan - Red Letters

Twilight Sparkle, Gordon Freeman, Guy Montag, and Sherlock Holmes fighting a Draqonequis and Cthulu.

  • ...

The Knock on the Door

The TARDIS hummed.

Derpy was walking in the main chamber, sighing as she examined the room with both of her eyes and thought about the Doctor.

Montag had found the library in the bowels of the TARDIS and had found a book called 'the Illustrated Man', which he took to as he sat near the wall and read it quietly and solemnly. The wall-eyed Pegasus took little mind to him as she walked around.

The TARDIS rumbled a bit. Montag looked up.

"Don't worry," the wall-eyed mare said, seeing the human's distress. "They c-can't get in here."

Montag nodded and looked down at his book. He looked back up again. "Might I ask," he said, "why you did not seem surprised to see me, a human?"

Derpy looked back at Guy. "The Doctor is a h-human...o-or, was, or someth-thing like that. H-he told me a-all about what h-humans are like. I kn-knew what you w-were."

There was a pause as Derpy resumed walking around aimlessly and Montag resumed reading. After a while, Montag looked up again.

"Would you mind me asking," he said, "about your walled eyes?"

Derpy blushed immensely and looked down at the ground, making Montag immediately regret asking.

"Wh-wh-what a-about th-them?"

Montag shook his head. "N...nevermind."

Derpy sighed slowly and walked up to the control panel. She stared at the screen for a bit, then turned around to start walking back to her room.

Montag looked at the Pegasus again. "So, this Doctor," he said, "how did you meet him?"

Derpy sighed. "It's a long story," she said. "It's rather c-complicated."

Montag nodded. "That's fine," he said.

A bang resounded against the door of the TARDIS just as Twilight walked into the room.

"What was that?" the purple unicorn asked.

"Don't worry," Derpy said, smiling at the librarian she had always given mail to. "The zombies can't get in."

Twilight looked anxiously at the door, not exactly reassured.

Another slamming noise against the door of the vessel.

"I'm getting kind of worried," Montag said.

"I know," Twilight shuddered. "Are you sure we're safe, Ditzy?"

"Actually," Montag corrected, "I was talking about the story I'm reading. This author, he's really good. Ray Manburrow or something. There's this future, and these kids with a nursery that simulates stuff, and it's come to life and the father of the kids is locked in there."

Montag smiled and looked at Derpy, who was looking at the human quizzically.

Another banging noise against the door.

Twilight trotted over to where Montag sat with his book. "Where'd you get that book?" she asked anxiously.

"The library," Montag said. "It's not too hard to find, it's past the kitchen."

Another banging noise against the door.

Twilight gasped. "Ditzy!" she said suddenly.

Derpy ran over. "Yes, T-Twilight?"

Twilight grabbed Derpy's shoulders and shook her. "You have a library and you didn't tell me?"

Derpy rolled her eyes.

"What kind of books do you like to read, Twilight?" Montag asked.



Twilight glared at Montag. "Books."

"So, books."

"Any kind of book. As long as it is a book."

Montag looked at Derpy, who shrugged.

"I just love books," Twilight said. "Books, books, books books books. Hehe. Hahahahaha."

Twilight's mane rustled a little out of place as she laughed. After her laughing, she looked to see Montag staring at her oddly.

"What?" Twilight asked. "I haven't read a good book in over forty eight hours. I'm having withdrawals."

Montag smiled and handed Twilight his copy of the Illustrated Man. "You might like this one, then."

Twilight giggled as she took it. "Thank you," she said.

Montag smiled.

One more loud burst hit the door, making all those present in the room jump. This sound was followed by the voice of an arrogant Brit.

"Back! Back I say, ruffians! Do you know who I am!"

Derpy glanced for a brief second at Twilight, then ran to the door. Montag was close behind her, holding his flame thrower.

The wall eyed pony clumsily opened the door, and in stumbled a tall man, dressed in English clothing, with a large hunting hat on and a pipe in his mouth. He had a cane that was, at the moment, being used to bash in the skulls of one of the zombies that clung to his foot.

The human was suddenly pulled from the clutch of the undead creature by the clumsy gray equine, and he watched as another human ran up and proceeded to burn the zombie to a crisp and close the door.

Derpy fell on the floor, as did her cargo. His hat fell off, revealing a head of matted black hair.

The Englishman stood up and puffed out some smoke from his pipe. He glanced at Derpy. "An equine with wings and eyes that don't match," he said plainly. He turned to look at Montag. "And a...man with a flamethrower. Nothing that unusual, I suppose. But blasted undead beasts lurking in the dark! They aren't even traditional Haitian zombies, actual living people drugged to be mindless workers for witch doctors. No, these are the actual thing! Blasted fate."

Montag lowered his flamethrower. "And...who are you?"

The man picked up his hat and placed it on his head. "Why, haven't you heard of me? Oh, well, nevermind. Something must be happening with the Universe that places me in the care and possession of a man outside of my time. Sorry about that." He puffed a bit of smoke. "As for me, I am called Holmes."

Montag blinked. "Sherlock Holmes?"

Holmes smiled. "I see you have heard of me. Well then. I guess it is time to find out what is going on here. I didn't even mention the fact that I'm inside a structure that's bigger on the outside, or that there are apparently two equines here."

Montag stared at the other human. "You mean...THE Sherlock Holmes?"

Holmes looked at Montag. "Well, are there any others? Now come on, man." He smirked. "We have a mystery to solve."