• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 597 Views, 24 Comments

Zombie Plan - Red Letters

Twilight Sparkle, Gordon Freeman, Guy Montag, and Sherlock Holmes fighting a Draqonequis and Cthulu.

  • ...

Voyage to Dawn

The Doctor and his motley crew of human-pony companions were escorted through the halls of Voyager.

A few guards who would probably die as soon as confrontation arose surrounded them, and the lead man, an African American with very pointy ears, told them that they would be seeing someone called 'Captain Janeway'.

As they walked through the halls, Derpy walked up to the Doctor.

"What are they gonna do to us?" Derpy asked.

"No worries, Miss Derpy," the Doctor answered. "I've been on a Star Fleet ship before, and these people are good. They have no intention of hurting us...I hope."

Derpy stuttered. "Y-you don't sound t-to sure of yourself."

"I'm not. Isn't that fantastic?"

Derpy shrugged. "I'm kinda used t-to it now."

The guards rounded yet another corner in the immense complex of hallways.

"Excuse me," the Doctor said, suddenly. "What are you going to do with my TARDIS?"

The lead guard turned. "Pardon?"

"My TARDIS," the Doctor said. "My ship. What are you going to do with it?"

"We're going to beam it to the hangar," The guard said. "There, you can leave if you must."

There was a beeping noise. The lead guard pressed a button on his chest.

"Yes Captain?"

"There's a large human ship approaching. Just an update, team: this might be it."

The guard nodded. "Affirmative, captain. Tuvok out."

Tuvok pressed the button again and continued to walk forward.

There were a few more corners to turn, and then, finally, they stepped into the Bridge.

When they entered, all of the people working at the helm of the spaceship turned towards the crew of human and pony friends. Then, a woman in red walked forward.

"It's a pleasure to have you onboard, friends," she said. "My name is Captain Janeway, of the Starship Voyager."

"Pleasure to be taken hostage," the Doctor said. "Joking, joking. This is my crew: there are some of the denizens of Equestria here, as well as some humans."

"Ponies," Janeway said. "Yes, we know about them."

The Doctor looked skeptically up at the Captain. "What century is this?

"The 24th."

"I don't remember the human race having the ability to travel through dimensions in the 24th century," the Doctor said, breaking off from the crowd. "Ohhhhhhh, so there must have been a pony who got onboard somehow because of the Rift. Fantastic!"

"Correct," Janeway said. "She's safe onboard. In fact, her and another crew member, 7 of 9, are having a tea party in the mess hall as we speak."

"Another pony?" Twilight asked, walking forward.

"Yes," Janeway said. "A Pegasus, I believe."

Rainbow Dash laughed. "I bet that Pegasus thinks it's all fast, but wait till I shot it!"

"She calls herself Fluttershy," Janeway said.

Twilight and Rainbow stopped dead in their tracks.

"Do you know her?" Janeway asked.

Rainbow jumped up and hovered in front of the captain's face. "KNOW her? She's our best friend!"

"We need to go see her!" Twilight said.

Janeway stopped and stared at them. "We'll arrange it as soon as we can," she said affirmatively. "But right now, we need to find out what is going on."

The captain looked behind to see Sherlock, Montag, and the Time Traveler standing awkwardly. "Humans, I see."

"You can talk to us directly, you know," Montag said. "We are kind of...here."

"She was still talking with the Twinkle pony," Sherlock intruded. "It would have been rather rude of her to just stop and talk to us. Manners and all. Bothersome, I say."

"Might I ask your names?" Janeway asked.

Sherlock nodded. There was a pause.

"...what are they?" Janeway asked after a second.

"I am Guy Montag," Montag said, stepping in before Holmes could interrupt him. "These are my friends, the Time Traveler and Sherlock Holmes."
] "Sherlock Holmes?"

"Sherlock Holmes."

"You mean...THE Sherlock Holmes?" Janeway asked, incredulous.

"No, my dear," Sherlock said. "He means the other one."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Holmes," Janeway said, ignoring the detective's sarcastic comeback.

"Well, cheerio," the Doctor said. "Now that that is all honey and rainbows, could you please let my friends go and talk to their friend? I can answer any questions you have. I am the Doctor, you know."

Janeway turned and nodded towards Tuvok, who began to escort the ponies to their friend.

"Captain," Paris, the pilot, said. "The ship is approaching."

"Onscreen," Janeway said.

The giant screen flashed as the scene appeared. Floating in space was the giant cylindrical ship. It looked torn and ripped apart, as if it had been sawn in half, and only half of it had made its way there. Displayed on its sides, in human lettering, were the words 'UNSC Forward Unto Dawn'.

"It's not a federation ship," Paris said. "Yet it is definitely human."

Janeway stopped and turned towards the three humans and the two ponies who were still there. "I need answers," she said.

"Hold you're horses, if you excuse my saying," the Doctor said, trotting over to where Janeway stood at the helm. "We aren't your puppets."

"Listen," Janeway said, "I need someone to tell me what is going on with this warp. Cause right now, I don't know if that ship is hostile or not. And the life of not only my crewmembers but also YOUR crewmembers is in my hands."

The Doctor smiled and nodded, obviously unaffected. "You are a good captain. Quite affirmative. Not that it will matter if all of Tartarus breaks loose on your ship."

The Doctor turned and trotted to where Paris sat. "Which, with this warp, just might be the case. That ship. I don't know anything about it. But, from intuition, it looks like a human ship from a different timeline. In this one, humans have, apparently, gotten past all wars, famine, and disease. That is, that's what you think. Its debatable, really. Regardless, this human ship is from a different era."

"An era where warfare is quite present," Sherlock chimed in. "And obviously, the ship was damaged by an actual warp. It was going through one of those...holes in space. Whatever they are called, Wormtongues or whatnot. Only half of it made it."

"Brilliant," the Doctor said. "And Holmes is correct, madam. You can tell it is warfare oriented. You can tell it was cut in half by slipstream effects...now, for the obvious part. Scan for signs of life."

The deed was done.

Only one survivor.

"Probably in cryogenic suspension," the Doctor surmised. "And I'm guessing that this person is either incredibly important or incredibly not. Have you tried hailing the ship?"

"We tried," Janeway said. "But we don't know if it go along with our signal, seeing as how its from an entire different timeline."

"Try again," the Doctor said. "Just for kicks."

Janeway nodded. The signal was sent.

Chekotay looked up. "We're being hailed," he said.

"Onscreen," Janeway said.

Again the screen flashed. This time, the bluish figure of a holographic woman was on the screen.

There was a pause. "Woah," the Time Traveler said.

"This is Cortana," the bluish figure said. "State your affiliation to the UNSC."

"Cortana," Janeway said, "this is slightly confusing. But you aren't in the dimension you knew."

"Alternate timelines," Cortana said. "So there is no UNSC?"

Janeway shook her head. "We are the Starship Voyager, from Star Fleet. We've been stranded in the Delta quadrant for a few years now."

"I've been stranded as well," Cortana said. "Well...the survivor and I have."

Cortana suddenly flashed red for a brief second. It stopped.

"Could the Starship Voyager have a ship come over and pick the survivor and I up? Or you could use radio transmissions to insert me into the computer of your vessel-"

"That won't be necessary," Janeway said. "Lock onto the life form and teleport him here. Then get the AI. We need them to get to the bottom of this."

Comments ( 2 )

Ah yes, the best way to do things is to just grab em and shove it all together in one giant clusterfuck.

I'm just thanking my lucky as hell stars that every serise so far I've been familiar with, so as I'm not completely lost.

You just combined the following things:
H.P Lovecraft
Half Life
Doctor Who
Star Trek
What next? Doom? Left 4 Dead? Minecraft? Skyrim? Spiderman? Hulk? Slenderman and other Creepypastas? The SCP Foundation? Godzilla? Jaws? Termimator? Xenomorphs? Predators? Star Wars?

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