• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 597 Views, 24 Comments

Zombie Plan - Red Letters

Twilight Sparkle, Gordon Freeman, Guy Montag, and Sherlock Holmes fighting a Draqonequis and Cthulu.

  • ...

The Doctor is In

There was a crash as the Doctor, Rainbow Dash, and the Time Traveler ran through the streets.

"This is not the way it is supposed to be," the Doctor said. "The TARDIS was supposed to go to Earth. This looks like Earth. I guess it is Earth. But why are there ZOMBIES?"

A horde of the undead burst through some of the shaky wooden walls and started ambling towards the survivors who ran for their lives.

"Could be because of all the warps," Rainbow Dash said.

"But it just doesn't make sense," the Doctor replied. "WHY ARE THERE ZOMBIES?"

The screen of the TARDIS shook a bit.

Holmes was the only one who was still in the chamber. He slowly ambled over to it.

The screen suddenly turned on, showing only static for a few seconds.

It then turned off.

Sherlock Holmes stared at the screen a bit. He looked around the room a bit, then grabbed his cane and smacked the screen.

The screen once again jolted on, and displayed a video of a street. It seemed as though it was a security camera. The video had horrible quality. Static once and a while blurred on the screen, and the sound was muted and fuzzy.

As Sherlock watched, into the view of the camera ran a brown pony with a tie. This equine ran up to the camera and glared into it.

"This is on?" he asked, poking the camera. "I found the wiring a while back and I used the sonic to home in on the TARDIS. Don't ask how," he said to no one in particular.

He looked into the camera. "Is anyone there?" he asked. "Please tell me someone is in there, please! We're searching the streets and I'm pretty sure I found you guys, but listen. I need some backup."

A moan was heard from the streets behind the Doctor as Rainbow Dash and the Time Traveler ran past the camera. The shadows of zombies approaching appeared within view of the camera.

"We need backup," the Doctor said. "We need help."

The decayed foot of a zombie stepped on screen.

The Doctor turned and ran as fast as he could, galloping after his two companions. Zombies started to flood the screen.

All of a sudden, the screen started to slowly become static, as the images of zombies slowly faded to a screen of every-moving black, grey, and white.

The TARDIS shook a bit as a laughing sound came from the screen right before it shut down.

Sherlock Holmes grabbed his cane and adjusted his hat. Time for backup.

"What were you doing back there?" Rainbow Dash asked as the Doctor caught up with them.

"Calling the TARDIS," the Doctor said.

The zombies let loose a collective moan as the three ran forwards. A shout of terror rang from the rooftops.

"What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The Doctor glanced up at the rooftops and saw three skeletal figures charging across the structure of the building.

"Run," the Doctor said.

"Run?" the Time Traveler asked. "What is a run?"

One of the skeletal zombies leapt from the rooftops and landed in front of the three. The creature was soon followed by the other two.

The zombies behind the companions ambled forward, just as the first of the three skeletal zombies let loose another cry and ran towards them.

Rainbow Dash, in a jolt of courage, ran forward and jumped up, propelling herself with her wings. As she jumped up, she kicked the first of the beasts in the back of the head.

The creature's head easily fell off. Yet the skeleton beast was not so easily killed.

The pieces of flesh that still hung on swayed as the creature ran blindly about, bumping into one of its kind.

The Time Traveler turned around. "They're getting closer," he said.

The Doctor looked at Rainbow Dash as she landed abruptly beside him, just before he turned and kicked the second running zombie that approached. This one was not so easily slain, as it simply shook its almost decayed skull and glared back at the two equines. The headless skeletal creature had crawled its way towards the Doctor and Rainbow Dash as well.

The Time Traveler had successfully kicked the other zombie away from him. Screaming and shouting rent the air as the three struggled to survive.

Where was the backup?

Just as the moans grew louder and the zombies closed in on the three companions.

A shout of "I say!" pierced the air as Sherlock's cane laid a fatal blow to the second skeletal zombie, then swiped fast enough to bash the headless one away. The Time Traveler startled as the crowbar-dude cut into the zombie's back, then violently ripped out its spine.

The Doctor, the Time Traveler, and Rainbow Dash got up and were about to thank their saviors as the walking zombies finally caught up with them.

Just as the companions started to run, Montag charged towards the horde.

"Let...loose...HELL!" he exclaimed as the companions got behind him.

A torrent of fire burst from his flamethrower as the horde of zombies began to burn. Though they were many, and though they were vicious and hungry, filled with avarice of all kinds, they could not stand up to the burning flames of the weapon that the fireman held. As they burned, a stench rose up in the air, and the corpses now fully dead lay on the ground, burnt.

The horde slowly diminished to ashes.

The threat was gone.

Montag turned around and nodded.

The Doctor nodded solemnly.

So many dead.

He turned to Sherlock Holmes. "I would like to thank you for service," he said.

Holmes nodded. "I would like to compliment you on your ship. Extraordinary thing it is. Although I have to say, you still have some residue of coal from when you went to the coals in China. Hanging on the handrails. But, still, you're vessel is extraordinary."

The Doctor stopped, then looked at the Time Traveler. "Who is this guy?"

The Time Traveler shrugged.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Doctor," Holmes said. "My name is Sherlock Holmes."

The Doctor nodded. "I've met you before. Or maybe I'm going to meet you later. But I should have recognized you, no doubt. Ahh, well. Good work by the way, although the mines were in Mongolia, not China. Southern Mongolia, though. Close enough anyway."

"I should have guessed," Holmes said. "The mines from China sometimes lead to Mongolia. Same mineral composition."

"Almost exactly the same," the Doctor said.

Montag looked at the Time Traveler, who, in an effort to be social, awkwardly shrugged.

A moment of silence and happiness waited in that instant.

"Shall we...return to the TARDIS?" the Doctor asked. "I have some ponies awaiting me."

Before another word could be said, an incredibly loud burst of sound rippled through the air as the entire realm of the city shook.

The set of companions turned and stared at the sky. Above them, a dozen glowing green objects were falling from the sky into the city, landing with an earth-rattling pound each time.

In the distance, large machines began to appear.

"Let's," Montag said. He started to jog towards the direction the TARDIS was in, the others following close behind.

The companions ran through the abandoned city streets as more and more rattling noises were heard behind them. Great shaking vessels seemed to be approaching.

A few zombies began to leak out of the alleyways and the abandoned houses and ambled after the companions, who began to sprint.

"How far away is the TARDIS?" the Doctor asked Montag.

"Not two blocks," Montag said.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder being violently let go from the hands of some malevolent god rushed through the air. A beam of greenish white smacked one of the taller buildings, sending it crashing down just as the companions escaped its destruction.

"What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked as they continued to run forward.

The howl of the skeletal zombies pierced the air again as a few more of them started running after the team of heroes. The air grew thick with tension.

Another heat ray blasted across the path that the three were headed for, leaving a slight trail of white fire on the bricks, right before it hit a wooden house and set the entire thing on fire.

The companions carefully ran their way across the fire (Rainbow Dash flew over it) just as the running zombies caught up with them.

The first of the two ran through the flames and caught the flesh that still hung onto him on fire, creating the effect of a demonic skeleton figure light with green flame running at full speed. He did not last long, he collapsed just as he caught up with the companions.

The second dodged the flames, but to no avail: another heat ray wiped across the landscape, scorching him to a crisp.

As numerous waves of ungodly flame started to completely decimate the city, the companions got to the TARDIS in the middle of the street. The Doctor was the first to get to the doors of the police call box. He quickly and swiftly pulled out a key and opened the door just long enough to let the others in.

Derpy and Twilight ran into the room, confused and scared, as the TARDIS door slammed shut.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Doctor!" Derpy shouted.

The Doctor ran up to the control panel and placed his hooves on the levers and buttons atop it. "No time now, Derpy!" he shouted. He pulled one of the levers down, and the TARDIS lights dimmed.

"Someone was messing with the control panel," the Doctor observed, pressing a button that turned the lights back on. "No matter. I can deal with this." He pulled up one of the screens and started typing onto a keyboard below it. He looked at the screen for a second as it flashed a few details, then pushed it away and ran over to another part of the controls.

The TARDIS shook as that lighting sound of vengeance of the heat rays came from outside.

"D-Doctor..." Derpy said.

"Yes," the Doctor said, "their are, in fact, Martian invaders out there, yes, they have the power to break down the TARDIS doors, yes, I am trying to get us out of here, and no, I still don't fully understand why their are zombies!"

The Doctor pulled another few levers and reached underneath the panel to pull a lever below. The TARDIS shook again, then started to whirr with a sort of surreal power.

The TARDIS shook even more violently. The door vibrated, and the howls of avarice filled zombies came from outside.

The Doctor reached over and pulled another lever, then reached over, turned over a small hatch, and pressed a large red button that was positioned below the hatch.

The TARDIS shook the most it had, sparks flying, people and ponies tumbling to the ground, lights flickering, just before the lights went out, the shaking stopped, and silence filled the TARDIS.