• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 597 Views, 24 Comments

Zombie Plan - Red Letters

Twilight Sparkle, Gordon Freeman, Guy Montag, and Sherlock Holmes fighting a Draqonequis and Cthulu.

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Psycho S. Osmosis was bored.

He had been stuck in a dorm room with Mr. Slimy Tentacles Face and that dragon...thing ever since the whirling of the cosmos had finally settled and out of the void came some really powerful and really bored monsters.

Psychosis being one of them. He was especially bored now ever since that stinking twin brother of his, Discord, had gone all goody-two-shoes on him. Leaving him to sit alone with Cuddle T. Hulu, or Cthulu, as his mother the Comos calls him, and Mr. Ender. That was all Psycho really knew about the pixelated dragon, besides the fact that every once and a while he would leave for months on end a return badly beaten up.

The Draqonequis sighed and decided to look out he window of his room into the Void of Reality. He peered down and saw a group of candy colored ponies having a picnic.

Psychosis knew these creatures. They were called the Mane 6. They were the ones who had not only at one point turned his brother to stone (which, albeit, made Psycho a little happy, having hated EVERYONE EVER), but also reawakened Discord in order to convert him to liking Friendship. Blech. Psycho didnt like that.

Then, a brilliant idea came into Psychosis's head.

"Hey, Cuddly!" Psychosis called of his friend.

The ancient squid-faced demon god walked up. "I told you," he said, "my name is Cthulu, destroyer of worlds. Not cuddly."

"Sure, whatever, Cuddly," Psychosis said. "I need your help with something."

"Anything you for, bro."

"I need you to go down there to Equestria and start wreaking havoc."

"But...I dont hate ponies."

"Look," Psychosis said, a little annoyed, "you still owe rent from last Era. Now I'm gonna let you off the hook if you just go down to Equestria and cause destruction and anarchy."

Cthulu looked into the void at the cute little ponies. "O...okay...."

"While you're doing that, I'm going to warp you through different dimensions."

"How many are we going to kill?" Cuddly Hulu asked.


"I like killing and all," Cthulu said, "but if we kill everone, who are going to cause misery to after that? We'll be bored for all of eternity."

"We can just, I don't know, restart the Universe or something."

"That makes no sense."

"You still owe rent."

Cthulu groaned and spread his wings. "Fine," he said. "But you'll be bored afterwards."

"I'll think of something. Just start killing everyone in Equestria. I'll do the rest."