• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 597 Views, 24 Comments

Zombie Plan - Red Letters

Twilight Sparkle, Gordon Freeman, Guy Montag, and Sherlock Holmes fighting a Draqonequis and Cthulu.

  • ...

So We Meet

The lights of the TARDIS lit up again, and the steady thrum of her energy echoed across the infinite space of the ship.

The Doctor groaned and stood up. He stood for a moment, then smiled. "Well, that was rather fun, wasn't it!"

A few groans came from the other passengers of the spacetimeship. Twilight stood up, followed by the Time Traveler.

"What was that?" Twilight asked before falling over again.

"Those, my dear purple unicorn friend," the Doctor said, "were Martians. A lot of Martians, all teleported to that part of Earth spacetime."

"Teleported?" the Time Traveler said, helping Montag up.

"Why, yes," the Doctor said. "Oh, the Martians are completely capable of flying to Earth themselves. But this isn't the Earth they were aiming for."

"I'm confused," Twilight said, still on the floor.

"Well, it is kind of confusing, I guess," the Doctor said. "But there are, if you think of it, infinite dimensions, all with different characteristics. And all of them have something in them. Obviously. But all of them have something...important in them. And some sort of extrauniversal force is messing with these dimensions."

The Time Traveler walked over to where the pony timelord stood. "That makes sense," he said.

More and more of the passengers were standing up as the Doctor walked over to the Control Board.

"There, there, TARDIS," he said, "did you miss me?"

The Time Traveler stumbled over and stood near the Control Board. He looked at the Doctor, who was busy talking to his ship, then turned and looked at the Control Board.

"Where are we?" the Time Traveler asked suddenly.

Twilight got up and shook her head, then looked at the Doctor. "Yeah," she said, "where are we?"

The Doctor grinned wildly. "Let me show you," he said.

As he turned, he was greeted by a hoof to the face.

"OW!" he exclaimed, stumbling back a bit. He looked sheepishly at Derpy.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" Derpy exclaimed. "I was worried sick!"

"This isn't the first time that I've been gone," the Doctor said. "I was just keeping you and the Universe safe!"

Derpy sighed and hugged the Doctor.

The Time Traveler looked over at Montag, who shrugged.

The Doctor smiled. "I'm sorry," he said. "But at least you're safe."

"I t-try my best," the wall-eyed Pegasus said.

"You tried very good," the Doctor replied, walking around Derpy. He trotted over to the door of the TARDIS, beckoning his followers to come.

The crowd of passengers and travelers all walked over to the door. The Doctor grinned as he opened it.

Stars. Stars everywhere.

"The final frontier," the Doctor said, staring off into the void in front of them.

There it was: space. All around them. Everywhere.

There was a pause. The Time Traveler spoke up.

"How are we not being vacuumed into the black void of space right now?" he asked.

"Good question," the Doctor said, closing the door.

The group of friends gathered around. Sherlock Holmes was smoking his pipe, the Time Traveler was trying to fell the fabric of Holmes's waistcoat. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were talking for a bit, and Montag was standing patiently. Derpy was staring at the Doctor.

Before the Doctor could make an address, the screen on the control panel flickered.

The snarling and smirking face of a Draqonequis came on screen. "Hello?" he asked. "Hellllloooooo?"

"Dis-oh wait," Twilight said.

"Not, I'm not Discord," the omnipotent chimera said. "I'm not a pansy like him. I'm good old Draqonequis, and I'm here to say hello!"

The Doctor stepped forward from the crowd. "Why are you contacting us?" he asked.

"I know a lot of the people on board here like a mystery," the creature said. "So I'm ruining your fun and revealing myself! I'm the bad guy!"

"Oh, joy," Montag said.

"He seems quite crazy, doesn't he?" Holmes said.

"You'd be crazy too, Holmes, if you knew as much as I did!" Psychosis said. "My name is Psycho. Discord is my brother. He's a pansy. Did I already say that?"

"Hinted at it," the Doctor said. "Sort of."

"He's a pansy," Psychosis said.

"And you're the one, then," the Doctor said, "who is messing up all the dimensions and warping spacetime?"

"Duh," Psychosis said. "I already said that."

"Well, I just have to say," the Doctor replied, smiling, "that you're dealing with forces you shouldn't be dealing with. I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor of what?" Psychosis asked.

"...just the Doctor," the earth pony said. "Have you ever heard of me?"

"I know all about you," the Draqonequis said. "I know it all. All of it. You kind of know a lot when you have millennium to sit and watch things happen."

The Doctor grimaced. "I know you aren't intimidated," he said, "but you will be."

"Nah," the Draqonequis said. "I don't think I will be."

The dragon creature snapped his fingers, and the doors of the TARDIS suddenly flung open, revealing the insides of a technologically advanced spaceship. "Oopsy," Psychosis said. "I guess you've been sent to another dimension. Let's hope nothing bad happens here, shall we?"

A maniacal laughter rent the air as the screen shut down. As if on cue, a series of well dressed soldiers came in.

"This is the Star Fleet Voyager," a voice said, "and you have trespa- Ensign? Call Janeway. We've got more of these pony things on board."