• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 597 Views, 24 Comments

Zombie Plan - Red Letters

Twilight Sparkle, Gordon Freeman, Guy Montag, and Sherlock Holmes fighting a Draqonequis and Cthulu.

  • ...

The Device has been Modified

The Time Traveler thought about what he had just gone through.

His time machine had apparently caused a warp that took a large amount of vicious animals into an abandoned laboratory filled with dangerous experiments where a rainbow Pegasus pony was using portals to get through test chambers. And then they tried to escape. And then another time traveler, who turned out to be a pony, had run in and was apparently worried about an enormous demon of destruction chasing him.

He loved his job.

Not that he had any real, actual job. Being a gentleman of high class in Britain had its perks. But it also had a lot of downsides to it.

Like, for example, having so much free time on your hands that you just go and build a time machine.

Now the Time Traveler, having gone almost insane trying to convince his scientific colleagues that he had actually invented a working time machine, had forgotten his name, most of his family, and quite a few of his friends. He did, however, remember that he had gone to the far future, where evolution had created two different sub species of human.

The first race lived happily and nicely in the sunlight, yet they had an uncanny fear of the darkness. After living with them for a while, the Time Traveler soon figured out why.

The Morlocks were the second race. The Gollum-like beasts who prowled the caverns and loathed the sun. The creatures who preyed upon the first of the two.

And now, he was stuck in a laboratory with them.

The Time Traveler ducked below a pipe and followed the two marshmallow-equestrian creatures. They had somehow escaped the scourge of Morlocks when the time traveling pony, who called himself the Doctor, had arrived through the warp.

"Now we just need to find a way out of the lab," the Doctor said a millionth time. He looked around in the dim light of one of the lamps that was hanging menacingly above.

The three companions walked forward and stopped. The metal walkway had ended.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Now what?" she asked.

The Time Traveler looked at the wall near the metal walkway. It was white. He then turned and saw another white wall across the enormous canyon of metal they were over. This white wall was right near another metal walkway.

"Rainbow," the Time Traveler said, "can you portal us over there?"

The Pegasus turned and looked at the white wall, then used the device she had been given by the robot to move her and her companions over the gap to the next walkway.

This occurred a couple of times during the adventures behind the panels. All the while, an eerie silence hung over the companions.

The three had gone through these portals, walked over the walkways, almost ten times before something interesting happened. That is to say, more interesting than tunneling through time.

In the almost pitch blackness of the metallic underground, a red laser pointed through the shadows.

Rainbow Dash stopped as soon as she saw it and placed her hoof out to stop the Doctor from walking into it.

"What?" the Doctor asked. "What is it?"

Rainbow Dash pointed at the laser.

"...oh," the Doctor said. "A turret, eh? Nasty little buggahs. What should we do then?"

The Time Traveler walked up and saw the red line. A soft metallic voice said, "I'm different."

To the shock of the two equines he was with, the British human grabbed the white, round, pale, metallic thing filled with bullets and stared it in the eye.

The two of his companions braced for impact. This could not end well.

The silence filled the room. It was a calming silence.

Mostly because the other option was the sound of pain and gunshots.

But there was silence.

The Doctor was the first of the two equestrians to open his eyes.

"I'm different," the turret said softly.

The Time Traveler stood, holding the turret not two feet away from his face, looking at it. The red laser was aimed directly at the human's forehead.

"You're different," the Time Traveler said. "You don't look different, though. Tell me about it."

The turret's insides whirred as it examined the human's face.

"I'm different," it said again.

"Yes," the Time Traveler said. "I know that. Why are you different?"

There was a pause. The Doctor walked up.

"It won't work."

"What won't work?" the Time Traveler asked.

A pause.

"I'm different."

"You already said that."

"It won't work."

"You said that too. You shouldn't repeat yourself. You just shouldn't repeat yourself. Wait, I just did repeat myself. Isn't that interesting. I repeated myself. Whatever."

"Her name is Caroline," the turret said.

"That's quite a lovely name. Now why are you different."

"Prometheus was cast into the bowels of the earth for giving the gift of knowledge to man."

"Actually, he gave them fire, but that's besides the point. How are you different?"

"He was cast into the bowels of the earth and pecked by birds."

"Well, he actually had an eagle come down every day and rip out his liver right before that organ grew back so it could be ripped out again." The Time Traveler pondered a bit. "Or was it his kidneys? Nevermind."

"Get mad."

"Why should I get mad? I want to keep my stress levels down, thank you very much."

"Don't make lemonade."

"Why not? Lemonade isn't bad, it's actually quite good on a hot summer day and-"

The Doctor reached up, grabbed the turret from the Time Traveler, and threw him down into the pit.


The Time Traveler paused for a second, then turned and looked at the brown earth pony. "Well what was that for?"

"I'm sorry," the Doctor said. "But we just can't waste time. We need to find the closest warp and try to get out of here."

A crashing sound echoed throughout the enormous chamber. A horrifying roar resounded soon after, followed by the sound of the gnashing teeth of the pale, hungry Morlocks.

"Cthulu," the Doctor said, glancing behind his shoulder. "Come on. We need to go."

The Doctor started galloping away from the sound of the crash. Rainbow Dash flew after him, and she was quickly followed by the human.

They rounded a few corners before coming across a door into a control room. What the control room did, none of the companions knew, but they ran into it anyway.

As the door closed, a metal crate fell down and broke the metal walkway, blocking off all paths to any escape.

In the darkness, the Time Traveler could see a few Morlocks climbing the metallic walls.

"We need to think of a plan and fast," Rainbow Dash said, bracing the wall with her back.

The Time Traveler watched as the Doctor ran towards the screen and pulled out a small, metallic device. He aimed it at the screen and activated it, the device glowing green.

The screen flashed a bit, then popped with sparks.

"The sonic is picking up a few things," the pony said," but I need more power. And I need something else to connect to."

"What are you trying to do?" the Time Traveler asked.

"Call for help," the Doctor said.

Another roar ripped the air as one of the Morlocks slammed on the door.

"D-Doctor?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Hold on for a jiffy," the earth pony said as he continued to point the sonic screwdriver at the screen.

The screen blared with static.

"What exactly are you a Doctor of?" the Time Traveler asked.

"Not important," the Doctor said as he pulled down one of the levers on the screen.

An image appeared.


What followed the transmission was a blur to the Time Traveler.

He vaguely remembered seeing an enormous death beast with a tentacle face, enormous black wings, and fire in his eyes. He remembered the Morlocks breaking in.

Then, all of a sudden, there was a lot of red lasers everywhere.

And then bullets. And screaming.

And then the floor beneath the three companions disappeared, and into the darkness they fell.

The Time Traveler dwelled on this as he sat up in a large, plain white room, with the Doctor to his left, and the rainbow one to his right.

"I have had a lot of things happen to me," a female robotic voice said. "But now this. An ancient demon and a horde of future beasts together, in my lab. And you know what? I'm not even angry. Not at all."

A buzzing sound whirred on the intercom, followed by what sounded like a censoring noise.

"--it, I'm very mad. I thought that after the other human left everything would be fine. And you know what? You little things have brought more trouble on me than--"

Another buzzing noise, followed by what sounded like a sigh.

"You know what?" GLaDOS asked. "I'm done. I'm finished." A hole opened up in the floor in front of the companions, and what looked like a portal device came up from the ground.

"I've been working on this ever since the last incident," GLaDOS said. "To find the Borealis. But you know what? (Censoring noise) the Borealis. Take it. Leave. It will portal you somewhere else. I don't really know where. Just go."

What sounded like another censoring noise followed for a period of time longer than most curse words. It ended, and silence filled the room.

Before the two equines could say anything, the Time Traveler got up, walked over to the portal device, and placed it on his arm.

He glanced at the two equines, then aimed it at the wall and fired.

"Before you say anything," GLaDOS said on the intercom, "the device has been modified."