• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 1,752 Views, 43 Comments

Sweetie Belle Time Travels! - SweetieBelleTimeT

Sweetie Belle, in front of Scootaloo, Applebloom and Rainbow Dash, tries her magic from a tree, however her results are not what she expected.

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Chapter 5 Past: 5 months later - Sweetie Belle's birthday.

"Ok, Pinkie! Lime Jelly is here to see you!" Mrs. Cake called for Pinkie Pie, "Lime Jelly? Yay!" Pinkie Pie rushed downstairs at the speed of sound, "Pinkie, you remember Gilda?" Lime Jelly asked, "Gilda... Gilda.. Gilda... Nope, I don't know such pony! What's she like? What is he like if it's a boy? Gilda sounds more like a girls name.... who's Gilda?" asked Pinkie Pie, "Gilda? The Griffin?" Lime Jelly's hoping she's got her at this question, "Hmmm... I never thrown a party for a griffin before, is she here? I must throw a party for her!" Pinkie was giving no hope, but just plain old Pinkie Pie.

"Ugh... You know what, never mind... and no, Gilda isn't here, she's.... gone, for a really long time" Lime Jelly left Sugar Cube Corner, with a frown, "Oh come on! Don't leave with a saddy waddy face" Pinkie Pie started to pull faces at Lime Jelly to make her laugh, no success, Lime Jelly felt left out, so instead of letting herself back into friendship, she only taken sorrow.

5 months ever since Sweetie Belle disappeared, most ponies gave up now for this investigation, but Twilight and Rarity, along with Scootaloo and Applebloom are still looking for clues, however since Twilight is now a princess, she can get as much help out of it, but instead it stayed low, many ponies in Ponyville still haven't forgotten about Sweetie Belle yet, and will always be happy to assist, but most of them got a no.

Today was Sweetie Belle's birthday, Sweetie Belle always wanted a giant teddy bear, as big as her bed, maybe twice the size! She wasn't there to unwrap the big present in the town square, although everypony wanted to see it, they couldn't, unwrapping somepony else's present is rude.

The party was going to be at the Town hall, called "The Sweetie Party", ponies thought Sweetie Belle was a really great gifted unicorn who used her magic in the wrong way, so they wouldn't miss this one to celebrate, even more ponies showed up when they found out Twilight was going to be there aswell.

"Twilight, you are such a wonderful friend, I could you ever repay you?" asked Rarity, "Nothing really, it's what friends do, besides I'm still thankful to you, and I always will be, right, you go have fun, I'll check everything is ok!" replied Twilight, Twilight had been more friendly ever since Princess Coronation day, and been giving Spike less jobs.

With a surprise... a non-invited but famous pony appeared to the party, "Hello ponies, who's ready for chaotic fun?" Discord shouted, most of the ponies cheered for Discord since it was a great surprise, even Twilight was happy to see him, "Discord, long time! How have you been?" Fluttershy asked, "Oh just been using my powers for 'Celestia' who hasn't been asking me to use my magic for 2 months now, otherwise being myself in my Chaos room" replied Discord, "Chaos room?" Rarity asked, "Rarity! Hello! Anyway, my Chaos room is under the castle where I can be myself, use my magic as long as I want without effecting the ponies in the castle or Canterlot, but I keep digging up the rock for some reason..." Discord replied, by Fluttershy's thought, digging up rocks is more space underground, but who knows?

"Sounds fun, I would love to see it one day" Fluttershy responded, "Discord, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked, "I just came to party with you ponies, I need fun once in a while" replied Discord, the town hall was packed with ponies, one party over a little filly, dancing to the music Vinyl Scratch was playing, eating food from the table, getting drunk, it was just one of the biggest parties in Ponyville, huge!

"Twilight, it's a letter from Princess Celestia" Spike handed a letter to Twilight.
"To my most faithful little princess.
I heard about that party in Ponyville, I might come but that is not the reason why am I writing to you, I am requesting you to come to the castle Next week for the Equestria's protection over a tomb that might be deadly and to keep ponies secured when it arrives, me, Luna and hopefully you will speak with Shining Armor and Cadence, please come if possible.

Your dearest as always,
Princess Celestia"

One of Celestia's short letters again, but exciting! Getting to see Cadence and Shining, Twilight casted a teleportation spell on the letter to go to her house, "Ladies and Gentlecolts! Thank you for coming to the party!" a voice exploded, everypony went silent and excited, "It is the Great and Apologetic Trixie's honor to present to you... the biggest cake Trixie has ever seen!" Mini-fireworks down the stages lit up as the cake rolled down the walkway, "This cake is over 2.5 meters tall, and 2 meters wide, 3 cakes piled like a wedding cake! Filled with jam layering and chocolate icing! With Strawberries surrounding and optional ice cream! Baked by the greatest bakers in Equestria, doesn't that look mouthwatering? The cake will be cut soon and ready to be handed out to everypony, so you will get a cake, all of you! There is enough for everypony!" Trixie's loud and exciting announcement got everypony really... greedy.

The cake rolled to the back of the stage to be cut, everypony got really hungry just looking at the giant wedding like cake! 30 minutes later, the cake is cut, everypony got a slice, even Discord, the taste was as good the first time you had your first big cake, the taste was brilliant, Sweetie Belle's slice was taken, because she wasn't there, but Rarity promised herself anything she didn't get, she gets on the day she comes back home...

It's near midnight, everypony was leaving, after that great time they had, "Twilight, ah'm surpised you invited Trixe" Applejack stated, "Well she offered really, besides, she said she still wants to make it up for everything she did, and that brilliant stage performance" replied Twilight, "She offered? Really? Well I accept the fact Trixie wants to repay the damage she's done, that's the Trixie ah can live with!" Applejack cheered, "Thank you so much, Twilight for letting Trixie repay for what's she's done!" happily cried Trixie, she put her magic hat and her cloak on before she left, "Trixie, may I ask, do you want to stay out of that rusty old caravan?" Twilight asked, "Trixie doesn't like carrying around her own carriage that much, why do you ask?" Trixie replied, "Well... since you are a traveler, how about I get you a house in Ponyville, or Canterlot!" Twilight was being to kind here to Trixie.

"Twilight, Trixie would love a home closeby here, Trixie does prefer Ponyville rather than Canterlot" Trixie replies, "Well, ok, I'll sell you a house for... 150 bits? most houses in Ponyville are over 80000 bits, cheapest is 50000" Twilight offered, "Deal, Trixie accepts the offer, thank you so much Twilight!" Trixie handed a bag of coins to Twilight, and Twilight gave Trixie the key to the house, and a note of what's already in it, a bed, sofas, and some basic kitchen stuff.

Trixie ran straight out to see her new house, bursting with happiness, "Hello, Twilight, everypony gone already?" Celestia questioned, "Yeah, it's a shame you missed it, but it was great fun!" Twilight was a little woozy with the amount of punch she had, not something Twilight would normally do but it's fun! "I see, what a mess it is in here... must of been a big one and -Discord, is that you?" Celestia was surprised to see Discord here, "Oh... Hey... it's y-you, Celestia... umm... I had a great time here... oh my head is so dizzy, I think I drank to much wine, hey look... it's... it's..." Discord tripped over and fell on the floor... he's snoring...

"Anyway, as I was saying, will you be able to attend the meeting next week?" Celestia asks, "Yep, I can make it, just need to write it down... and stick it on my noticeboard" Twilight replied, "Well it's great to see you, see you soon Twilight" Celestia left with 2 royal guards pulling her back to Canterlot, Twilight and Applejack didn't have too much to drink, but Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and even Fluttershy is doing drunken talk.

But Rarity... she could still remember what she promised.

7am in the morning, Rarity, Discord and Fluttershy fell asleep in the town hall, with bottles of wine next to them each, "Ugh... my head... I had too much to drink... that's not like me drinking..." Fluttershy told herself, she got up on all 4's, still abit drunk, but able to move and do normal day stuff, "Discord, wake up... wake up Discord" Fluttershy giggled how Discord can't keep his drinking in, "Uh... Fluttershy, hello... where am I? Oh yeah... the party" Discord stretched himself out, he felt like just woken from stone, "That was the greatest party ever! I really need to go to parties now..." Discord clicked and teleported with a echoing 'Bye!' to Fluttershy, "Uh... bye Discord, who else is in here? Uhmm, Rarity, Rarity... hello? Rarity?" Fluttershy tried to wake Rarity up, but she wouldn't, she wasn't even breathing.

"Uh... ok, I'll go get Twilight, wake up before I go? No? Ok" Fluttershy walked to Twilight's, the streets were pretty empty at this time of day, nice and peaceful, Fluttershy knocked on Twilight's door, "Hello? Fluttershy! Do you need anything?" Spike answered, "Yeah, it's just Rarity's not waking up in the town hall, I think she may of had a bit too much" Fluttershy states, "Fluttershy? Did I hear you correctly? Rarity isn't waking up?" Twilight shouted from upstairs, "Yeah, she's not waking up at all" Fluttershy replied, "Well I'm going to see her, abit worrying what you said there" Twilight flew downstairs looking for a book, "Spike, can you find me books about Detection spells while I'm gone?" Twilight asks, "Sure thing, Twilight!" Spike started to look around, Twilight went outside and closed the door.

Fluttershy and Twilight walked to the town hall, and see's Rarity in the middle of the floor, "Rarity, wake up" Twilight pushed Rarity onto her back, and see's a cut going down Rarity's belly, "Oh no, this can't be happening, Fluttershy, get me some healing herbs, Zecora might have some" Twilight quickly requested, Twilight starts using healing magic and started to heal her insides before her outsides, Twilight was really hoping this wasn't the end...