• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 1,752 Views, 43 Comments

Sweetie Belle Time Travels! - SweetieBelleTimeT

Sweetie Belle, in front of Scootaloo, Applebloom and Rainbow Dash, tries her magic from a tree, however her results are not what she expected.

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Chapter 5 Future: Day 2 - AH! YOU'RE WRINGLY!

Before Sweetie Belle tucked herself into bed, she thought to herself 'My first night in the future... in a nice luxury bed' Sweetie Belle was amazed at how much work was put into mattresses these days, rather than those old ones with springs, it felt like this room was her home, like she was meant to be in the future, after all, she's get a week left before she has to travel across the globe or Equestria to find a scroll to send her back in time.

With the TV still on and yet no idea how to turn it off, she tried for hours to turn it off, she used her voice, movemeants, blowing at it, future TV's looked so much confusing than the 'leaked' black and white TV she saw in the newspaper, and it looked pretty easy to use, but this TV was nothing like it.

A knock is heard on the door, "Sweetie Belle, you have a visitor at your door, your guest is Princess Cadence, would you like to invite her in?" the machine asked, "Yes! Please" Sweetie Belle begged, trying to turn off the annoying TV, "Sweetie Belle, is everything ok?" Cadence asked as she walked through the door, "No, this TV won't turn off at all!" Sweetie Belle gave up trying, "Sorry for not telling you how to turn things on and off in these times, here - Mr. TEEVEE, power down" Cadence ordered the TV, "Yes ma'am" The TV replied, finally, Sweetie Belle's nerves stopped.

"Thank you so much, Cadence! I've trying to turn this off for hours!" said Sweetie Belle, "You're welcome, by the way... here's a guide book for technology today, it may come in handy" Cadence handed a book over to Sweetie Belle, labelled "So you're a newbie to technology?", Sweetie Belle giggled at the title a little, "Alright, you get some sleep now" Cadence left the room to return the throne, even though it was nearly 10pm, she had to finish up some letters, Sweetie Belle climbed onto her new bed... that felt as soft as cotton candy.

Tick... Toc... Tick... Toc... 'Good morning, please prepare for a loud annoying train sound to wake you up, deploying in 3... 2... 1... RRRRRRNNNNNGGGG' What a alarm clock.... "AAAAH What in the hay!? Turn it off!" Swwetie Belle wrapped a pillow over her head after a 'not so good' wake up call, the train sound stops at Sweetie Belle's relief, 'Train alarm is off, would you like to have breakfast in bed and TV?', Is this machine polite or what? Was this machine designed to be like this? "Uhm... sure, Mr. Talking voice..." Sweetie Belle sat up, ready for her breakfast.

"Good morning, Equestria! You're tuned into EBC news, It is now 8:32am Saturday, and we have some upcoming news for you, here are the headlines, the official CMC history book was removed from the CMC HQ is Ponyville under a order by the Captain of the Royal guard, reports say it was for 'Safety reason', accident near Appleloosa, 2 ponies broke their bones under rock in a mining accident, and last, Next week... is Princess Twilight Sparkle's 800 year anniversary! Yes, a huge party will happen in Ponyville and Canterlot is take place, and the legendary 5 ponies aswell, but only in hologram, their buried bodies are brought to life for this-" The News announcer told Equestria.

"Wait... WHAT!?" Sweetie Belle yelled at the TV, the door opens as Luna walks in, "Are you alright, Sweetie Belle?" Luna asks, "Yes, I'm fine, it's... Twilight! Twilight's here, isn't she?" Sweetie Belle thought talking to Twilight would take her home, so asking Luna or Cadence will be the way to go, "Twilight... she's... maybe?" Luna wasn't so sure either, wondering why she hasn't seen Twilight yet in the castle, 'Breakfast is served' a trap door in the ceiling opens up and lowers a tray of food, "I'll go ask Cadence later, besides, I've got a meeting to get to, take care, Sweetie Belle" Luna walked off closing the door behind her.

Good old memories... Twilight the unicorn... now an Alicorn... a lot sure has happened, she thought... right now, the only thing on Sweetie Belle's mind was... FOOD! A good breakfast to start the day.

After 5 minutes of eating, she finishes up, 2 metal hands grabbed the food tray and went through that same trap door in the ceiling, she jumps out of bed and decides to go to Ponyville and check it out, then ask Cadence later, things are crazy, first time travel, second, being told Twilight and her friends died, third, frozen at the castle's train station, fourth, seeing her sister and now Twilight is alive and is a alicorn? What's next? a kangaroo version of king kong in Canterlot?

She takes a trip to Canterlot train station just to be safe, although... on the way she get's lost, but if it wasn't for these flying direction robots, she wasn't lost at all! She finally makes it to the train station! Future trains... how would they work? It was simple when she went to the castle because the Princess did it all, she see's a line for a ticket booth, luckily it was shrinking fast before the train went, about a 2 minute wait.

'Identifying... Sweetie Belle, ID#4526792, Status: Free train trips by Princess Cadence orders, here is your ticket, Sweetie Belle' The ticket booth handed a paper card to Sweetie Belle, Sweetie Belle has really good luck in the future... before she walked through the doors, was a ticket inserter, really? just holy a paper card for 10 seconds and you just insert your ticket? Waste of paper.

Sweetie Belle inserts her ticket, and walks onto the train, and takes a seat at the only one remaining - Near her sister hiding her face behind a newspaper, Rarity doesn't see her enter nor sit down next to her, took about 2 minutes before Rarity notices, Sweetie Belle wasn't really looking at anypony, just looking at the chrome walls... shiny, glossy... the train starts to move giving the chrome effect a nice detail.

"Argh, Sweetie Belle!?" Rarity's bursted out loud, "What? RARITY?!" Sweetie Belle shouted, "AH, YOU'RE WRINGLY!", "AH, YOU YOUNGER THAN I THOUGHT!" These two ponies just kept going AH, "Will you two ponies shut up? You made my little baby cry!" Some female pony shouted down the walkway, "Rarity, I'm not meant to see you!" Sweetie Belle complained, "And you know what? You should see me, I heard that chat with you and Cadence..." Rarity replied with a grin.

"So you know about-" Sweetie Belle was interrupted by Rarity, "Yes, my plan on taking you back in time failed, so... how are you going to get home, Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked, "Well... I don't know much about it... only that I'm going to search around Equestria to go back in time, like a scroll or something" Sweetie Belle kind of worried about what was realy going to happen, not being told that much can make her feel unsafe, "A scroll? and that busts my plan... No scroll in Equestria or no spellbook contains the one you're looking for" Rarity stated, "No? Really, then how do I go back... with you?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Uhmmm... well before I time travelled.. I... know of 5 tombs outside Equestria, each one of them holds 5 different coloured flames, red, blue, green, pink, and yellow, but they're not any flames at all, they're ghosts! Time travelling ghosts or something, but these ghosts didn't send me here, oh no, these flames are the only ones who can send us back" Rarity again stated, Sweetie Belle had a severe case of 'screwed in time', "Rarity... you are telling the truth right?" Sweetie Belle asked, "I am telling the honest truth, and I hope I'm right, but I aged 13 years looking for you, 13 years! That means when we go back, everypony is going to be 13 years older! This is why you shouldn't be hanging from trees practicing spells!" Rarity was starting to be like Doc. Brown... well... a little.

"Anyway, I'm going to Appleloosa to meet somepony, so the next stop is Ponyville which should be right about now, see you soon, Sweetie Belle, and remember... I love you as the greatest screw up sister I ever had!" Rarity nicely stated, "And I love you my wrinkly old sister!" Sweetie Belle giggled and got off her seat, and moved to the door, the train stops and the doors open.

How nice, Sweetie Belle spoke to future Rarity, those wrinkles need to hide Rarity, not giving a toss about anything, Sweetie Belle starts to walk down the streets of... Ponyville... everything is so big... but the only thing that never changed was Twilight's old library, oh well, least that's the same, every building looked like apartments, flats, skyscrapers everywhere!