• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 1,752 Views, 43 Comments

Sweetie Belle Time Travels! - SweetieBelleTimeT

Sweetie Belle, in front of Scootaloo, Applebloom and Rainbow Dash, tries her magic from a tree, however her results are not what she expected.

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Chapter 6 Future: Oh no... this can't be happening...

As Sweetie Belle happily walked around the streets of the new... big buildings, it's a dream come true, her sister is here, Twilight's here, but what about Applejack? And Pinkie Pie? Sweetie Belle knew the streets were the same way, just smaller, Sweetie Belle decides to go to where Sugar Cube Corner is, a tombstone laid infront of the building 'R.I.P Pinkie Pie', Sugar Cube corner still looked the same, on the outside, but not the inside, as it was re supported by metals.

"Twilight? Is that you?" Sweetie Belle asked, "Yeah, of course it's me, how woul- Sweetie Belle, you're back! How have you been, you crazy little filly?" Twilight asked, "Being crazy Sweetie Belle?" Sweetie Belle replied, "Oh, that reminds, I'm meant to see somepony, Sweetie Belle, meet me in Canterlot" Twilight asked, "Sure, um... how about in 1 hour?" asked Sweetie Belle, "Seems good" Twilight flew off with her wings Appleloosa way, caught seeing her with a black brief case.

Sweetie Belle looked at the cakes on sale, 'Pinkie Pie's iced pink cupcakes', 'Cakes blue iced cakes', 'Applejack's Apple Icing', these ponies really respect the mane 6.

"Would you like anything little filly?" the shop owner asked, "Umm... could I have... the... Oooo that's looks good... Could I have the Twilight Delight?" Sweetie Belle asked for, "You sure can, would you like to buy it through coins or online?" asked the owner, "Um... online?" replied Sweetie Belle, a microphone shot out the desk and asked to say the word 'Confirm' on a small screen on top of it, "Confirm" spoke Sweetie Belle, 'VOICE DETECTED, NAME: Sweetie Belle, BITS: 4000, WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY A: Twilight Delight? PLEASE NOD YES OR NO', Sweetie Belle nodded yes, '4 BITS TAKEN, CURRENT AMOUNT: 3997, LOGGING OUT... ENJOY YOUR: Twilight Delight' the microphone shot back into the desk, while the screen just floated and fitted into a small square in the wall.

"I never seen anything like this..." Sweetie Belle muttered to herself, "Here's your cake, come again soon!" the shop owner settled a regular large size baked cupcake with Purple swirly glittering icing, Sweetie Belle took the cupcake from the counter and left the building.

A giant balloon was being set up near the shop as it was being filled with helium, a red advertising ballon, Sweetie Belle sat down near Sugar Cube Corner, and watched as it was being set up while eating her cupcake, that taste the cupcake had... she never had anything so tasty before, 2 royal guards walked by and noticed Sweetie Belle sitting near the building, "Sweetie Belle, you are requested to come to the castle via teleportation, Princess Twilight has asked for you" One of the royal guards asked, "Really? Ummm... how does this Teleport work?" Sweetie Belle asked, "I see you're new around these parts, basically 3 metal rings will float around you, and you teleport into the castle where Twilight asked for you" the other guard replied, "Ok, that's easy for me..." Sweetie Belle replied, "Good, enjoy your day" the royal guards bowed down as the rings went around Sweetie Belle.

'TELEPORTING IN 3... 2... 1... TELEPORTING...' a voice from the machine stated, one moment in Ponyville, the next moment... in Twilight's room, purple paint on the walls, ceiling is so up high, one huge TV on the wall, showing a history channel about a war before Sweetie Belle's time, "Sweetie Belle, you're here, good, are you aware of your sister being here?" Twilight asked, "Umm... Yeah, is that who you went to see in Appleloosa?" replied Sweetie Belle, "Good guess, yes, I did just go and see your sister just a few minutes ago, anyway, I looked into your profile and... it says you froze right at the castle train station?" Twilight states, "From what the nurse told me, yes, apparently I did froze" Sweetie Belle concluded, "Right, that's not normal, I took a look into some internet books, and the reason why that happened is because of a Time lock, since you time traveled, a time lock is where they become time banned, and takes up to 1 hour to do this, that means you gonna be stuck here until I or somepony else can figure a way out of this" Twilight's words made Sweetie Belle get lost right in the middle of it.

Princess Cadence walked into the room along with 1 guard, "Twilight, you seem to of lightened up since yesterday, anyway... the elements of Harmony has been found" Cadence floated a blue box to Twilight, "Ooo, I can't wait to see what's in here..." Twilight opens the box and finds the other elements black while her's remained purple, "Black cutie marks on the elements?" Twilight asked herself quietly, "Although it doesn't look the same, they are confirmed to be the same ones" the guard told Twilight, "Ok, thank you for bringing these to me, you may leave as I got to talk to somepony privately" Twilight ordered, "Anyway, as I was saying, due to you being time banned... you cannot go back, that means whatever Rarity is up to, it's most likely it won't work, that spell you used though... do you think you can do it again?" Twilight asked, "No... I don't even think it was me that did it in the end anyway, I think I was brought here for a reason..." Sweetie Belle replied, Sweetie Belle didn't really put much effort into this spell, although she tried harder and harder, she didn't feel a thing when she casted the spell.

"Alright... Alright... then yeah... you're stuck here" Twilight responded, "Wait... I can't be stuck here, what about my friends? Applebloom and Scootaloo? I want to see them too! Also... is that sparks I hear coming from the elements?" Sweetie Belle asked, Twilight and Sweetie Belle looked at the blue box noticing little shoots of electricity, Twilight floated the box to her, Sweetie Belle pressed a golden button to open the case, noticing Rarity's element was returning to it's normal colour, and the others were slowly disappearing into thin air.

"That's rather strange... oh no... please don't disappear... no, no, no no no, this can't be happening... please don't..." Twilight kept begging, Applejack's, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's elements disappeared, Twilight got real upset...

"Well... the elements are going to need new holders... wait..." Twilight notices 4 tiny orbs forming into one, a flash of light fills the room blinding Sweetie Belle and Twilight.

A few hours later, Sweetie Belle awakens in her bed, back in time... Sweetie Belle sits up, is she dreaming? Or is she really back home? Sweetie Belle got out of bed feeling well rested and walked to her window in her room, noticing Ponyville was nothing but a nuclear waste, radiation and destroyed buildings, a white pony walks into the door, noticing it was Rarity.

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle whispered to herself, Rarity looked at Sweetie Belle, "Sweetie Belle... that can't be you... you're... back?" Rarity's eyes were pleased to see Sweetie Belle, "Rarity... I think something went wrong, what happened here? How many years have I been away?" Sweetie Belle panicked, knowing that everything went wrong, "Sweetie Belle... you've never left... what are you talking about?" Rarity replied, "You suffered Radiation sickness, and you just collapsed, right infront of me", "Rarity, really, I know I was gone sometime far into the future and everything was fine, buildings stood tall with speed of light trains and Voice activated systems, What is going on!?" Sweetie Belle demanded questions.

"Sweetie Belle, that must of been a dream, besides, we've always been under a nuclear waste land, ever since you were born, just be happy you survived" replied Rarity, "How can I be happy? if I was in Ponyville now, it would be standing tall with all the buildings fixed and shining new, grass would be green, the ground would be freshly wet but not muddy, Twilight would be an Alicorn or-" Sweetie Belle got interrupted by Rarity, "Sweetie Belle, darling, who is Twilight?" Rarity asked.

This is it, Sweetie Belle knew it was going to end badly, she knew this isn't the world she grew up in, she knew this Rarity wasn't her sister, she knew something happened when that orb filled the room, she knew everything here in this world will go to dust.

'Twilight... Twilight... Twilight...' a voice ran through Twilight's head, not knowing who's voice it was, it sounded very familiar, Twilight slowly opened her eyes, noticing she was on the floor, she sat up, rubbed her eyes and yawned, "Sweetie Belle? You here?" Twilight looked around her room, not seeing Sweetie Belle, Twilight thought she might of woken up before her, so Twilight didn't really panic.

'Twilight...' Again goes that voice, who's could that be? Twilight gets up on all fours and walked to the door, she opens them and finds a trail of Blood drops, Twilight decides to follow, minutes later, she comes to a door where the trail ends, Twilight slowly opens the door.

Twilight screamed, echoing down the hallways seeing a room filled with dead ponies covered in blood, one giant room of it, nothing but dead ponies... even Celestia was in the pile... right at the top.

8 guards and Princess Cadence runs up behind Twilight, "Twilight? Are you- Wait... why are there dead ponies in here?" Cadence asked, "I've got no idea... but really, this is just strange" said Twilight, one of the guards, notices the blood drops and follows them the other way to see who it could be.

"Cadence, where's Sweetie Belle?" Twilight asked, "Sweetie Belle? I saw her in your room last, that was a few hours ago, guards, can you track where Sweetie Belle is?" asked Cadence, one of the guard raised the hoof, with a phone watch on his wrist, "Sweetie Belle... isn't detected, in fact, she's nowhere on the planet" the guard replied, "WHAT!?" Twilight and Cadence shouts.

"How can she be missing?" Twilight asked, "Well... it says here she was lost 4 hours ago, in your room, Princess Twilight" replied the guard, Twilight quickly ran to the castle's library, panicking, hoping the elements had nothing to do with it...

Hours later, Sweetie Belle done nothing but sat at the window, all day and night looking at the horrible wasteland, it's been a full day back in the past with a nuclear waste site right outside the house.

"Sweetie Belle? Can you hear me?" Twilight's voice ran though Sweetie Belle's head, Sweetie Belle looked around the room, not seeing Twilight at all, "Twilight? Is that you?" Sweetie Belle asked, "Yes, it's very important that you listen to be in order to get you back here, I want you to tell me what it looks like outside" Twilight asked, "It's... a nuclear waste dump..." replied Sweetie Belle.

"Ok... hold on..." Sweetie Belle could hear Twilight flickering through books, or paper, "Ok, Sweetie Belle, here's what I want you to do... get heaps amount of radiation, just do it, and trust me, I know what I'm doing" Twilight guided Sweetie Belle...

"But... wouldn't that kill me?" Sweetie Belle asked, "No, it won't, although radiation has killed ponies before" Twilight asked, "Ok... please promise me one thing if I get back..." Sweetie Belle lowered her head, "Promise me, when I get back, I want to see my sister, even if Cadence says no, I want to see her" Sweetie Belle slowly walked out her room, and walks down the wobbly stairs, "Ok, Sweetie Belle... I promise" Twilight replied.

Here she goes...

Author's Note:

No, the story doesn't end here, the story is... 8-10% finished? I've got no clue since I got many things to add to this story, this is just 1 in 30.

Comments ( 4 )

Well, that's different. Only 8% done? Good to know there's a lot more coming.

Don't worry, I'm planning something big!
2 chapters on it's way on the same day.
Hopefully I'll have it done soon.

Sorry guys, been real busy, although I stopped being a brony, I'm not going to end it here, I will update it so don't worry.

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