• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 1,749 Views, 43 Comments

Sweetie Belle Time Travels! - SweetieBelleTimeT

Sweetie Belle, in front of Scootaloo, Applebloom and Rainbow Dash, tries her magic from a tree, however her results are not what she expected.

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Chapter 3 Future: Time lost sisters.

After seeing a bunch of ponies walking to the mess hall, she catches up with them, and tries to look at that... Rarity pony, although it's impossible, how did Rarity time travel? It's advanced magic, Sweetie Belle decides to ignore it and go for food, after all, that crazy day must of made her hungry! Sweetie Belle gets in line and waits.

After a few minutes of waiting, Sweetie Belle sees all kinds of new foods she never seen before, but luckily, most of the foods she ate in the past are on the menu, "Next" The cook called out to the line, "Alright kid, what do you want?" The grump cook asked, "Um... one chocolate milkshake... one salad sandwich... and some potato chips please" Sweetie Belle ordered, "Here you go kid... don't screw your future", Sweetie Belle got a bit confused since she doesn't use magic yet... she looks at a sign that says "These trays are hoof free and floats", well that made Sweetie Belle's day.

Sweetie Belle decides to sit next to that "Rarity", but her table is full, well apart from one seat, she attempts to get it before anypony takes it, she sits down on the plastic stall, the hover tray settles in front of her and dispenses a fork for the chips, Sweetie Belle looks to her left, one the other side of the table was that Rarity, Sweetie Belle kept an eye on her, she begins to dig into her food.

She listened, she watched, Sweetie Belle would dare loose eye contact from that pony...

"So Rarity, hows that search for your lost friend?" A male pony asks, "Not very well... I don't think I'll ever see her again, it's been 10 years searching for her, but I will have to leave soon, far far away" Future Rarity replies to the male pony, "Well that's a bummer, what does she look like? I might of seen her" The male pony asks, Sweetie Belle couldn't see the male pony because she was small, "This is what she looks like..." Rarity hands over a picture of Sweetie Belle, but Sweetie Belle's size is really helping stay away, "Oh, no, sorry, but I never seen this pony before" The male pony hands the picture pack to Rarity.

Sweetie Belle quickly eats her food and takes a laaaarge sip out of her milkshake, "Careful little one, rushing on milkshake gives you a brain freeze!" A female sky blue pony says to Sweetie Belle, Sweetie Belle finishes the milkshake and runs off to find Princess Cadence, Rarity sees the end of her tail but didn't see Sweetie Belle fully, so she didn't bother to look.

After traveling around the castle to the throne room, she finally finds it, "Princess Cadence, I think my older sister is here!" Sweetie Belle shouted, Cadence sitting on the throne flicking through papers looks at Sweetie Belle, "Your old sister is here? But that's impossible" Cadence replies, "No, really, I saw her, ponies kept calling her Rarity, she looks 100% like her, maybe a few wrinkles" Sweetie Belle stated, "If 'Rarity' was here, I would of saw her, but I think you're just missing her so your mind is playing tricks on you" Cadence replied.

"She looked very real!" Sweetie Belle describes, "If you think it's that Rarity, I suggest you stay away from her, I don't want a Paradox happening, it could ruin the whole universe, sorry, but if she offers you to go back in time, just say no, no matter what, you got me?" Cadence ordered, "But... what if... you know what? You're right... but if finding this scroll to take me home works, would that destroy this universe?" Sweetie Belle asks, she's worried for all of Equestria here, and she won't kill many ponies from a Paradox, "It won't, don't worry, this scroll will not create a paradox, only Future Rarity would... sadly pass away because she would of never of came here, and everypony who saw you will forget you in a blink of an eye, me and Luna won't, because we're protected" Cadence replies.

"So Future Rarity goes, but the Rarity I know would still stay?" Sweetie Belle questioned, "Yes, so there is no need to fear, just stay out of Future Rarity's way" Cadence replies, Cadence smiles at Sweetie Belle, and Sweetie Belle begins to trust her.

Future Rarity finishes up her food, and leaves, she puts up a paper poster on the mess hall, and leaves, "I miss you, Sweetie Belle... I would do anything to see your- Sweetie Belle?" Rarity hears Sweetie Belle's voice, she closed up against the wall to hear Sweetie Belle's chat with Cadence, "So Future Rarity goes, but the Rarity I know would still stay?" Sweetie Belle questioned, "Yes, so there is no need to fear, just stay out of Future Rarity's way" Cadence replies.

"Oh my gosh... this is bad... " Rarity panics, she thinks and thinks how to pull this one through, "How'd Sweetie Bell see me?" Rarity asks herself, she listens to more...

"I'm sorry Sweetie Belle, but what happens, happens..." Cadence felt sorry for Sweetie Belle, with Rarity spying, she is willing to do anything to get Sweetie Belle back home, but now wasn't the right time, Rarity takes a look at her watch, 'You have 1.8 years remaining in the future' the watch shows, Rarity gets out her radar and fins Sweetie Belle, she selects Sweetie Belle to be on her track list, Rarity walks off to pack her stuff, and get's ready to follow them.

"Also, Cadence, you said earlier today you wanted to show me something, is now a good time?" Sweetie Belle asks, "Now is the right time, please follow me to the garden" Cadence replies, and starts to walk to the garden with Sweetie Belle following her, they get to the garden door after a 5 minute walk in the big castle, there laid some grass, hedges, roses, and a golden statue of Sweetie Belle, the statue was twice Sweetie Belle's size.

"Wow... who built this?" Sweetie Belle asks, she walks to the statue and looks left to right, admiring the garden, "I do not know, but it was a request from some pony from your time..." Cadence replied, thinking back into her past with all those good memories from the past, "I wonder who built it for me..." Sweetie Belle looks into her golden statue...

"Rarity, have you found your friend yet?" the male pony from the mess hall asks, "Yes, I have, Walkers, but Cadence has put orders on her not to see me" Rarity replied, Rarity and Walkers walk into a hotel room in Canterlot, "Orders?" Walkers asks, "If I told you everything from start to finish, it will all make sense, but they say if I take her back home, a time event happens, crushing the future" Rarity lies to Walkers, "So your friend is depended on Cadence to stop this Paradox?" Walkers questioned, "Yes, it would, but if I can't take her home, I may as well help them later on... whenever that would be..." Rarity replies, "Well I've got to go see my girl friend, Rarity, see you soon, I hope you can see your friend soon" Walkers walks out of the room, leaving Rarity sad about loosing her life after everything she done that got her that far would erase her life but her past self stays...