• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,643 Views, 50 Comments

Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic - Immortan Joe

Frank West was in the midst of battle with his one and only foe TK during their battle Frank West about to defeat him when all of a sudden a bright flash of light engulfed both men sending them both into a unkown world.

  • ...

Chapter 7: A Friend in Need

Chapter 7: A Friend in Need

Twilight jumped at the sound of Frank yelling.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER TK! OR I'LL FIND YOU AND I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! YOU HERE ME? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" And with that all went silent again. She wanted to go in there and see what was going on. Also who was this TK Frank was yelling at? There was only two ponies in there that Frank could possibly be talking to and those were the Princesses.

"Hey Twilight?" Pinkie voice called from bellow.

"Yeah Pinkie what do you want?" Twilight asked.

"What are you and Mister Mc.Meanie Pants doin up there?" She asked sucking in a baloon full of helium.

"His names Frank and he's talking to the Princesses right now.-" And with that Twilight quickly cupped her own mouth with her hooves. She wasn't supposed to tell anypony else about the Princesses visit. How could she be so arrogant and forget something that important.

"Wait." Said Pinkie in a very high pitched squeak. "You're telling me the Princesses are here?" her voice would have been hysterical if Twilight wasn't so embarassed with herself.

"Please Pinkie!" Twilight said comming down the stairs locking eyes with the energetic Earth Pony. "Don't tell anypo-"

"That's just wonderful!" Pinkie voice chirped now coming back to its original octive. Pinkie turned to the crowed of partying ponies and shouted, "Hey everypony the Pri-" In a instant Twilight lunged out and cupped Pinkies mouth with her hoof.

"Please Pinkie." She hissed into her ear. "Don't tell anypony else about this! It was originally supposed to be a secret between Me, Apple Jack, Frank, and Rainbow Dash but I forgot." Pinkie raised an eyebrow and began talking but because of Twilight's hoof over her mouth all that came out was spit and a bunch of muffles. Twilight quickly brought her leg away in disgust and wiped it on the floor.

"So do you want me tell everypony?" She asked. Twilight nodded

"Pinkie Promise." Twilight said.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly! Shove a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie jammed her hoof into her right eye at the end and Twilight winced.

'How does she do that with out hurting herself?' Twilight asked herself. And in a instant Pinkie quickly turned back towards the and shouted,

"Hey everypony! The Princesses are here!!" Everypony in the party stopped and looked over at Pinkie. Twilight mouth dropped and her pupils shrunk.

"Pinkie! I told you not to tell anypony about this! You even Pinkie promised not to tell!" Pinkie turned back towards Twilight with a bit of confusion strung over her face.

"Silly filly I said 'Do you want me to tell everypony?' and you nodded your head and made me Pinkie promise." Twilight rammed a hoof into her forehead.

'How could've I fallen for such a stupid trick!' Twilight scolded herself. After a few minutes of silence all the other ponies at the party went back to enjoying themselves and talking to each other. Twilight shook her head in annoyance.

"I'm gonna go check on the Princesses..." Twilight groaned slowly returning up the stairs.

"OH! OH! Can I come!?" Pinkie bounced up and down her blue eyes full of exciment. Twilight raised an eyebrow,

"Pinkie excactly how many cup cakes and other sugary treats have had over the passed hour." Pinkie stopped and stared up in the air. Pondering over the question Twilight just asked.

"I dunno I lost track after... twenty." Twilight smiled and shook her head.

"Oh Pinkie Pie..."


Twilight knocked on her bedroom door, after waiting a few moments and recieving no reply Twilight opened her bedroom door. Nopony was in there.

"Hello?" Twilight krept in slowly the room was dark and empty. Twilight looked over and saw her balacony door has been left open. "That's strange." She said scratching her head with her right hoof. "Where did they-" Twilight was knocked to the ground by a very energetic earth pony holding two confetie launchers in her hoofs. Blasting confetie in every direction she shouted,

"Happy birthday!!" Twilight jumped back falling over onto her haunchs.

"Pinkie what in the name of Celestia are you doing?" Pinkie stood up confused looking around the room. Ignoring Twilight's question.

"Where is everypony?" Pinkie asked. Twilight stood brushing the dust off her coat.

"I don't know Pinkie. But whatever it is I hope Frank's okay..." Twilight came to a stop when she saw a bright flash coming from her window followed by a distant rumble that sounded like thunder. "Huh. That's strange Rainbow never said anything about a storm." Twilight said approaching her window to get a better look.

"Maybe it's like a suprise or something! EP! I love suprises!" Twilight shook her head and peeked through the window sill. In the distance just above the Everfree Forest Twilight saw a small red streak fly through the sky then ended in a bright red flash again followed by a low rumble. Pinkie took in a large breath of astonishment , "Are those fireworks!? Oh I love fireworks look how bright they are! And they're so loud I wish I had those types!-" Twilight shot her hoof up over Pinkie's mouth.

"Pinkie! I don't think those are fireworks, and I don't think those are used for ponies entertainment either." Before Pinkie could reply Twilight took her hoof off before Pinkie could salivate all over it.

"Maybe that's where Celestia, Luna, and Frank are!" Twilight looked back out the window.

"Maybe Pinkie, maybe you're right." Twilight stepped back and approached her desk taking a set of parchment and quill she began writing a note.

"What'cha doin there?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm writing a note for Spike if he ever starts wondering where we're at. Now Pinkie go round up the others, because were going on a quest."