• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,647 Views, 50 Comments

Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic - Immortan Joe

Frank West was in the midst of battle with his one and only foe TK during their battle Frank West about to defeat him when all of a sudden a bright flash of light engulfed both men sending them both into a unkown world.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Chop Till I Drop

Chapter 9: Chop Till I Drop

Warning: Chapter may contain some Gore and Graphic content

Swinging the bag of supplies on his shoulders, Frank kicked open the door sending a few Zombified Ponies flying back, flaing his sword like maniac. Frank began severing the Zombie's heads, firing his handgun at any Zombie that dared to venture to close to him. Celestia filed in behind Frank using her magic to hold off Zombies, not kill them just hold them off. While Rebecca sat on her back shooting any Zombies with Frank's original handgun.

Even though Frank's chest flared with pain he ignored it, slashing his sword left and right he slowly made his way through the horde. 'Where the Hell did TK get all these ponies!?' Frank thought while jamming his handgun into a stallion's mouth and blowing it's brains out.

"Frank!" Celestia shouted, Frank sighed

"Oh dear God not this shit all over again." He whispered to himself,

"Frank!" Celestia shouted again,

"What!?" Frank said elbowing a Zombie in the face,

"We need your help!" Celestia fired a bolt of magic knocking a few undead ponies back towards the broken stainglass window. Frank noticed the window and looked over at Celestia and Rebecca for a brief moment, remembering that Celestia's an Alicorn Frank smiled.

"Just go!" He shouted stabbing a zombie in it's chest, and blasting a hole in it's head with the gun. Celestia looked at Frank mouth agape, "You heard me go! Fly git on outta here!" A Unicorn zombie lunged at Frank bitting him on the wrist, "Ah Fuck!" dropping his gun Frank grabbed the pony by it's throat and hoisted it off the ground. Taking his sword he sliced the unicorns neck open spewing blood all over the ground and on his pant legs. Throwing the now dead zombie to the side Frank turned back to Celestia. "Now go!" He shouted one last time, the ponies began to over run Frank, they climbed their way ontop of him forming a giant dog pile.

Clestia looked over towards Frank who was now buried in a heaping pile of rotting flesh. She then turned her head back towards Rebecca who just stared wide eyed at the mess. With one last glance at Frank she nodded, extending her wings Celestia took flight, leaving Frank behind at the hooves of the undead.


Fluttershy flinched at the sound of another gunshot, "C-can we go now, I don't like this place." She whispered. Twilight sighed and shook her head,

"I'm sorry Fluttershy but you heard Princess Luna, Frank and Celestia are in danger and they need our help."

"Wait a second!" Dash flew in front of Twilight, "Why would the Princesses need our help?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "Like seriously they're the Princesses for pete's sake! They should have done like some super awesome attack or somethin and defeat this bad guy, like give him the old one two." Dash said punching the air.

The other five ponies just sat there confused, every so often glancing at one each other raising an eyebrow. Dash soon took notice of this and frowned.

"Aw come on! You can't be serious, how could something so easily defeat Princess Luna? That's impossible!" Dash sighed and rubbed her tempals. "You know what never-"

"Ooooh LOOK! There's a Pony over there! Wait! NO! There's a few ponies over there!" Said Pinkie excitedly jumping up and down and pointing her right fore hoof at the ruins entrance.

"Oh darling I highly doubt that were in the Everfree forest, nopony would ever venture this far in the... Oh you're right. I must say who are they?" Said Rarity. Twilight frowned and looked over at the castle, sure enough there was at least ten ponies scattered about the castle entrance. But something wasn't right, no not at all. These Ponies were sauntering around, some even tripping over their hooves. Something wasn't right,

"Is it just me, or do those ponies look like they're drunk of there minds on cider?" Says Applejack. Twilight glanced over at Applejack.

"You noticed it too?" Asked Twilight, Applejack nodded.

"Oh my Twilight how could you not notice such a horrendous sight! Just look them, they're covered in dirt and filth! It's as if they've been out here for weeks on end!" Rarity brought a hoof up to her head and sighed following back just to land on a sofa that appeared to have come from nowhere. Twilight raised an eyebrow at the sofa that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere but sighed. Looking away back over the rope bridge Twilight saw a sight that almost scared her half to death.

Pinkie Pie was on the other side of the bridge standing infront of two drunk ponies, talking her mind off about Cupcakes, and her new friend Frank.



Cried Twilight, Pinkie who wasn't paying attention and more focused on her story. Didn't notice the two drunk Ponies lunge at her. Looking up Pinkie saw one of the drunk ponies tackle her to the ground.

"I'm going over there!" Said Twilight charging up her magic getting ready to teleport over to Pinkie to help her.

"Don't worry Twilight I got this!" Said Rainbow Dash who zipped her way over to Pinkie. 'Hey get off her you jerks!" Dash flew into one of the Drunken ponies ramming him off Pinkie. Dash heared and felt are snap in the ponies ribs as he then barrle rolled across the ground and flew into the side of the ruins.

Dash landed next to Pinkie, who's mane had deflated and she was shaking with fear. More druken ponies turned their way. Staring at the Ponies Dash noticed something, something extremely disturbing. The Mare who was on the side that was also knocked away by Dash's attack stood up. Staring at her Dash wanted to puke, the mare's left eye socket was empty and black, her lips seemed to have been toren off her face revealing nothing but crooked chipped teeth. Her once yellow cut was stained in mud and blood. Her green and yellow stripped mane was ragged and stained, her one good eye was white and lifeless yet! She still moved.

Letting out a gurgled moan, which caused blood to dribble out of the corner of her mouth. "Come on Pinkie we gott a get of here! Here take my hoof!" Dash couldn't take her gaze off the Mare who was having trouble climbing up onto her hooves. Dash stook out her hoof to help Pinkie up, but she didn't take it, "Come on Pinkie we don't got all day!-"

"H-he tried to b-b-bite me! H-h-he was t-t-t-trying to eat me!" Pinke stuttered. Dash looked down at her terrified friend who sat there tears pouring down her face. Dash frowned at what Pinkie was saying,

"What do you mean they were trying to eat you?" Pinkie looked up Dash a shadow over casting the both of them, Pinkies expression changed and her eyes grew even wider.

"Dash watch out!" Dash turned but she was too late, the mare that was on the ground shoved Rainbow to the ground with intense strength. Causing Dash to stumble back and land on Pinkie, the mare stumbled her way towards Dash and dropped to her knees climbing ontop of her. Dash yelled trying with all her might to shove the mare off her, the mare slammed her right hoof into Dash's face pushing her head aside exposing her neck.

"T-T-Twwwilllight!" Dash Cried out, the mare clamped her teeth around Dash's neck.


Frank shoved the the zombies off him using all his strength, the wound in his chest becoming even more unbearable. Picking his pistol back up Frank raised it, pulling the trigger the slider flew back but no bullet came out, leaving Frank with the lousy click that let's you know you're out of bullets. Frank sighed backing away from the Zombies he shoved the the handgun back into his jacket. Frank looked over towards the entrance to the room he was in, a few zombies seemed to have made their way out of here. But that wouldn't be a problem, a pegasus to Frank's right rammed into him knocking Frank back a few feet. Frank regained his balance seconds later, looking around for another weapon Frank found TK's M3 laying idlely on the ground waiting to be picked up. Running over to it clutching his throbbing chest Frank was able to retrieve the gun.

Aiming it at the zombies Frank pulled the trigger.

Click... Click... Clickclickclickclick!

'God Dammit!'

Swinging the bag over his sholders and back onto the ground, Frank began to rifle his way through the items. After a few seconds of searching Frank pulled out three magazines. "Haha!" He said putting the bag back onto his sholders, Frank took the M3's empty mag out and replaced it with a fresh new one. After a chambering the first round Frank raised the gun and fired a volley of lead into the crowd of undead.

Bodies dropped to the floor coating it in a sticky red, Frank ran towards the exit pushing his way through the horde of zombies. After a few push and shoves Frank reached the end, panting like dog he looked at the stairs.

'Thank God they're not as crowded.

With one last deep breath Frank grinned and began to make his way down the flight of stairs.


Frank froze dead in his tracks,

'Who just screamed Twilight's name? It sounded familiar! But he was it?'

Another cry reached Frank's ear, then it dawned him.

"Oh shit it's the Hippy!!" Frank bolted down the stair case shoving over zombies who dared stepped in his way. Frank leaped down the stair case landing on the floor in mid combat roll. Getting back to his feet he sprinted towards the main entrance. Not many zombies were getting in his way due to the fact most were on the upper floors of the castle, but still here and there he would come across one.

Another scream reached Frank's ears causing him to pick up his pace, "God dammit I really need to start dieting!" Frank gasped his breaths becoming more ragged and drawn out. Rounding the final corner Frank saw the entrance to the castle, "Don't worry Rainbow Dash I'm coming for ya!"


"What in tarnashin is going on over there!?" Applejack asked quickly making her way over the rope bridge,

"Twiiillight! Get this mare off of me!" Using her magic Twilight teleported herself over to the other side, while Fluttershy began backing away farther from the scene.

Rainbow Dash pushed with all her might trying to get the crazy mare off her, but the mare wouldn't let go of Dash's neck. Every growing second the mare seemed to be applying more pressure to her neck, Dash began to gag as the mare began choking her.

Twilight reappeared seconds later right beside Rainbow using her magic Twilight wrapped the mare with her magic trying to pull her off. But the mare wouldn't let go, "Come on get off her will yo-" Twilight cried out in fear as a stallion tackled her to the ground, Twilight's magic flared and the stallion stumbled back. Twilight quickly scrambled back onto her hooves, looking over at the stallion she gasped in fear.

His body was mangled and beaten, as if he was attacked by a pack of Timber Wolves. A large gash outlined his throat as if a knife was drawn across it slitting it open. Fresh blood dripped from the open wound coating the grass in blood making it glisten in the afternoon sunlight. The way he walked was in a weak shamble, dragging his hooves across the grass slowly making his way over to her.

"Th-th-that's impossible there is no way you can even be alive!" Twilight trembled she wanted to vomit, she felt as if the entire world would give way from beneath her. Just the sight of this poor stallion just made her stomach cringe.

"Get away from her you dang varmin!" Out from the corner Twilight saw Applejack trying to force the mare of Rainbow Dash. Taking her gaze off the Stallion for a split second Twilight saw that they were surrounded,

"Oh no, this was a bad idea!"


Rarity glanced over at Fluttershy who was hiding away in a bush. Rarity was nervous, scared for her friends. She needed to help them but how? What could she do, what smother then in cloth!? Looking back over at her friends she saw the disgraceful looking ponies surround them, Applejack was trying to force the mare who was choking Dash off of her. While Twilight stood there in shock by what was going on. Well Pinkimena laid there on the ground being crushed by Dash and the mare.

'I could run,' she thought but quickly shook her head, 'No! I'll not leave my friends behind like this, they need my help!'

Levitating a rock off the ground, Rarity grinned "Oh, It.Is.On!" Rarity charged over the bridge, a stallion who heard her coming turned around and opened his mouth wide. Revealing his jagged chipped teeth, Rarity winced at the sight but kept on charging.

Bringing the rock back Rarity swung forward bashing the Stallion over the head, Rarity saw the his head cave in his left eye popping out of it's socket as blood gushed out of the new head wound. The stallion's knees buckled and he crumpled to the ground.

Rarity stopped, terrified by what she had just done. Did she just kill that pony? Not paying any attention to her surroundings Rarity didn't realize the amount of ponies she attracted to herself. Looking up Rarity saw five ponies one unicorn, two pegasi, and three earth ponies. Who were sauntering their way towards her,

Rarity smiled, "Oh this is going to be fun." Hopping over the dead stallion Rarity trotted her way towards the mare who stood in her path. "Excuse me darling." Rarity said smashing the mares face in with the rock, causing small amounts of blood to squirt on Rarity's coat. The mare crumpled to the ground face planting when she landed, Rarity just stepped over her and made her way towards the first pegasus pony. Raising the rock over her head she brought it down with tremendous force, the rock slammed into the pegasus stallion's head causing a gut churning crack. Blood trickled down his face his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Falling onto his side Rarity smiled,

From her left came a large built unicorn who slammed into her side, Rarity let out a yelp and fell to the ground. Dropping her weapon in the process, trying to climb to her hooves the stallion pressed his right front hoof into her throat. Crushing her jugular, Rarity tried using her magic but due to the lack of air she kept losing her focus. She gasped and choked, pounding the unicorn's hoof. The stallion raised his hoof allowing Rarity to breath, but before Rarity could act the Stallion brought his hoof down onto Rarity's face...


Rainbow Dash cried out in pain as the mare's teeth slowly began to break through her skin, Dash tried moving her legs but the mare slammed her front hooves down onto her legs. Ceasing all movement from Dash,

'I don't want to die like this!'

Dash cried out in her thoughts, blood began to trickle down her neck as the mare began to break skin. Dash cried out in agony and began thrashing back and forth. Which was a terrible mistake as it just made the pain worse,


Dash's cry for help was cut short as blood erupted out of her neck as her neck gave way to the mare's bite. She felt the teeth from the mare rip into her throat, causing blood to gush from her now open wound. The pain was unbearable for Dash as she let out a holler of pain. The mare pulled away from Dash tearing a chunk of her flesh off her body.

"Dang nabbit get away from her!" Applejack attempted to charge the mare but was cut off by three more ponies. "RD! RD! RD!!!" AJ cried out. Pinkie began sobbing as the blood from Rainbow Dash began dripping onto her, covering her head with her fore hooves she began crying quietly.

Dash continued to cry out in pain as the mare came back and delve deeper into her flesh, the mare pulled back again ripping more of dash's tissue away. Blood began pouring out of her throat like an open faucet, blood flooded into Dash's mouth replacing her cries with helpless gurgles.

The mare let out a delight filled gurgle as she swallowed Dash's flesh. The mare lent down again getting ready to take another bite, slowly gradually getting closer she opened her mouth and bit down on Dash. Dash cried out one last time before finally passing out due to the pain.

A loud bang rocked everypony's ears stopping the crazed mayhem. All ponies heads turned towards the castle entrance except for one mare.

Blood dripped onto Dash's face, the mare laying on top of her slumped over onto the ground. A large bullet hole in between her eyes. Her body lat out one last spasm before finally coming to a halt,

Frank West stood at the center of the palace entrance, with a stern expression and the smoke billowing out of the pistol's barrel Frank furrowed his brow.

"Stay the Fuck away from her..."

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter to so long, I've been trying to figure out what the Hell to do with it. So I hope you enjoy my decision I made.