Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic

by Immortan Joe

First published

Frank West was in the midst of battle with his one and only foe TK during their battle Frank West about to defeat him when all of a sudden a bright flash of light engulfed both men sending them both into a unkown world.

In his battle against TK in the fortune city arena. Frank West was just about to defeat TK, when all of a sudden both men where caught in a blinding flash of light sending them both to a unknown world...
Story Reviewed by: Shahrazard
From the Equestrian Critic Society.
Story got: 6/10
Review can be seen here.


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Deadrising Case: Equetdemic

By: Dark Nebula

Assisted by: Mr.Coxen5


TK ran foward grabbing Frank by his throat blood dripping off his upper right part of his forehead. A wicked grin spreaded across his bruised face as he stared deep into Frank's eyes. Frank planted his hands on TK's chest trying to force him off but he couldn't find the strength to do so. TK Proceeded to push Frank towards the edge of the cat-walk. "You gotta be able to risk it all." He said quoting a line from the old terror is reality show. He rammed Frank against the guard rail of the balacony Frank peeked over the guard rail to see dozens of zombies and special infected glaring up at them with hungry looks in their eyes.

'Shit' Frank thought quickly trying to figure out a plan to get out of the situation he was in at this very moment. Still TK continued to quot his favorite line, "If you ever wanna win-" quickly an idea came into Franks mind. He moved his hands under TK's arms and twisted his body violantly, lifting TK off the ground and over the railing.


TK yelled with a look of defeat in his eyes as he plummeted to depths below. The zombies roared with delight and raised there arms to catch there next meal which was plummeting towards them. With a sigh of relief Frank sat back relaxing only for a moment before getting back up to go help Rebecca. But before Frank could even reach her there was a bright flash of light which engulfed the entire arena blinding Frank causing him to step back and slip on TK's mic which he then fell back, hitting his head on the floor of the cat-walk causing his entire world to swirl into darkness.

Chapter 1: A Whole New World

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Chapter 1: A Whole New World

Frank woke up in a daze; the world blurred and swayed his back felt weird as if he was laying on a soft bed. He smiled and laid his head back in comfort. He just wanted to lay there all day and sleep. But then the memorys of TK and Rebecca's gunshot wound flooded his mind. Frank snapped out of his stupor, tilting his head he looked around confused he realized he wasn't in the arena anymore. He was in a small open field surronded by trees. 'What the Hell?' Frank thought to himself, 'Where am I?' he ran his hand across the ground realizing the soft bed he was on was grass.

Frank sat up from where he was laying there was a loud crack coming from his back causing Frank to wince."Ouch!" Frank yelped reaching for his back. A nearby groan reached Frank's ears causing him to snap his head back "Hello?" he called out, his eyes darting left and right. Another faint moan drew his attention towards a few bushs to his left. Slowly Frank climbed up onto his feet, stumbling slightly he slowly made his way towards the bushs to inspect the strange moaning he had been hearing. "Hello?" Frank said peering over the bushs. The moan then caught him by the ears looking down a large lump caught in Frank's throat.

There TK laid behind the bushs unconsciousness. Frank was stunned, was he dreaming?... No he didn't feel like he was dreaming. Then what the Hell was going on? TK stirred his eyes shook and slowly began to open. "Oh crap!" Frank yelped jumping back readying himself for yet another fight. TK then stood up and just like Frank looked around confused, TK looked around until his eyes fell on one particuler foe. TK's eyebrows furrowed then his expression softend then he began to slowly clap.

"Well well well. Isn't this convient Frankie I'm not dead. Yet the last thing I remember is you throwing me off the cat-walk and look at where we are right now!" He motioned his hand around at the field. Frank frowned and glared at TK

"Where are we TK!?" Frank yelled at TK, TK laughed

"How the Hell am I supposed to know Frankie?" TK said stretching out his arms causing each one to pop. Frank approached TK getting ready to hit him. "Oh! So now you wanna fight?" TK said casting his right arm to the side. Frank grabbed TK by the collar and pulled him in close.

"You better tell me where the Hell we are TK. Or I'll beat the shit out of you so hard, you're gonna wish that you actually hit the ground when I threw you off that cat-walk." TK's eyes got wide and in a mimicking voice he said,

"Aw please Mr.West don't beat me up I'm sorry for all those times I tried to kill you back at Fortune City. I swear I learned my lesson and I will never do it-" Before Frank could even let TK fininsh Frank's fist collieded into TK's face knocking him to the ground clutching his nose.

"Ah! Fuck man learn to take a joke!" Frank glared at TK who was stumbling back onto his feat blood dripping from his nostrils.

"And everthing you say just pisses me off!"

TK glared at Frank, rage boiling up inside, and with a smirk TK lunged at Frank shoving him in the chest. Catching him off gaurd Frank fell over and onto the ground. When Frank landed on his back he felt something in his jacket smack against his chest something pretty heavy. When Frank stood up he reached into his jacket to figure out that he had a loaded handgun on him all this time.

'Well isn't this just covienent.' Frank thought as he stood up and revealing the handgun Frank aimed right at TK. TK raised an eyebrow.

"Well that just ain't fair now Frankie." TK said. "How come I don't get a weapon?" Frank respounded with the flick of a switch as he turned the gun's safety off.

"I guess your game is over TK." Before Frank could respound with the pull of the gun's trigger. TK bounded for the trees Frank fired off one shot but only getting TK by a slight graze of his left sholder. 'Dammit!' Frank thought. 'There's no way I can keep up with him'

Frank frowned shoving the gun back into his jacket 'Wait' Frank drew a large smile across his face.'He forgot about his Zombrex'

As fast as Frank's smile came it quickly faded away.


As if on cue Frank's watch began to beep signaling the time he is supposed to take his dose of Zombrex. He quickly began to pat down his coat looking for any sign of Zombrex. Praying that TK might have forgot to loot him before there fight back at the arena.

With a sigh of relief Frank pulled out three boxs of Zombrex. "Oh thank God Zombrex!" Just above the sun slowly began to set apon the new world. In the distance Frank heard the sound of distant animals howling as the night crawlers began to creep out of their homes. Frank looked around then quickly ripped open the box taking out the syringe and injecting himself with the drug. Frank sighed again with relief as he shot the fluids into his body, with that done he took the other two boxs and shoved them into his jacket.

"I now have 72 hours to get back home." Frank said with a smirk. "Again how convient it's like I always have 72 hours to get out of a sticky situation." Frank chuckled to himself after that Frank proceeded deep with in the woods in search of shelter.

As night settled in Frank began to grow uneasy. He never liked the night not ever since willimette just imagine walking through an almost pitch black mall surronded by hundreds of zombies. With nothing but a toy sword to light your path, even the sound of a snapping tree branch caused Frank to reach for his handgun just to find it was just a racoon or a another small creature.

'I'm safe,' Frank thought, 'There aren't any zombies out here, just chill'

After about an hour of walking through darkness Frank found an old dirt road leading some where. 'I wonder where this could lead to' Frank wonderd. 'This road could go on for miles and lead no where for all I know the nearest town, if there even is one, could be that way' Frank thought after playin Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe on which direction to go in. Frank landed on going right. With a shrugg that's the direction he now planned on heading in.

Another few hours passed and the moon was now about to set and the sun was about to rise. And Frank felt exhausted, His stomach growled and all he wanted to do is find something to eat then instantly go striaght to bed no questions asked. As he continued to walk his vision began to blur "Oh no you don't" Frank said out loud swatting himself on the forehead trying to keep himself awake. But Exhuastion seemed to overwhelm him. "Alright fine." He yawned. Sitting down leaning up against a nearby tree. "Maybe I can rest for a few minutes and..." Sleep over took Frank before he could fininsh his sentence.

The sun flared into his eyes causing him to sit up and shield his face from the buring flares of the sun. Frank then sat up rubbing his eyes "Man its morning already?" He said taking his eyes away from his face. After a few moments of rest Frank sat up from his spot in front of the tree. After another yawn and another crack of his back he then proceeded back down the road. A few moments passed and Frank came across a large cottage at the top of a hill.

'Huh?' Frank thought to himself.'That is a very nice cottage... I wonder if anyone is home.'

Frank sat there in a few moments of silence. Which was soon interupted by his stomach growling. Frank then got hit by a wave of nausea "Ah. Damn I really need something to eat and soon." He said out loud to himself then proceeded towards the cottage.

Frank bounded up the stone steps towards the cottages front door. When Frank reached the top and was standing by the front door he realized something very strange. The door was smaller then him, and why did have a split in the middle as if it was too doors on top of each other. Confused by the thought Frank decided not to presue it Frank then was just about to kick the door open out of sheer habit until a thought came to him.

'Wait! I'm not in Fortune City nor Willimette I can't just barge into people's houses or stores anymore.'

Of course how could Frank so easily forget his manners. So after a few cautious breaths Frank raised his fist and met the door with three gentle knocks. After a few moments of waitng no one answered the door. So he then knocked again after a few more moments later Frank was greeted by the one and only answer that no one was home. Frank's stomach growled again and another wave of nausea washed over him, he needed food now and Frank wasn't going to wait any longer than he has too. So out of sheer fustration Frank did the only thing he was really good at... Brute force. With all his strength Frank brought his leg up, and smashed his right leg into the door so hard the double door flew off it's hinges and Frank was greeted by an unexpected sight.

Creatures of different kinds ran around the house in sheer panic of being startled by the random door being kicked off its hinges by an almost six foot tall giant. Frank stared bewildered by what he is seeing right now, either the owner is really bad at cleaning this place and rodents have so easily taken over the premisis or this person has a fetish with keeping wild animals locked up in there home. Squirls, birds, rabbits, mice, and many other creatures ran or flew around the cottage in a paniced state. Frank tried his best to shoo the creatures away from him but more just flew towards him. Again out of pure fustration Frank pulled out his handgun and aimed at the floor firing off one shot. This in which caused the animals to panic even more but this time actually drawing them out of the house. After all the animals left Frank grinned now at the fact that it was actually quiet.

Frank stepped cautiously into the living room making sure that all the annoying creatures were actually gone. With a sigh of relief Frank then turned his attention to what he thought was the kitchen, and it turned out he was right he was in the kitchen. He then began to search the kitchen which he did gently, and cleaned any mess he made just in case the owner did return he/she won't be to angry with him. Besides the fact that he destroyed the door and left a large gaping hole in the floor from the bullet he fired from his gun.

Frank opened the refrigerator hoping to find food but was greeted by mostly fruits and other green foods which some he had no idea if they were ediable or not. Frank then reached in and pulled out an apple he gently closed the door in fustration and thought to himself.

'Damn where's the meat?' Frank brought the apple up close to his mouth and took a large bite out of it. The juices of the apple filled Franks mouth fully engulfing his tounge with the wonderful delicousness of his treat he held before him.

"Damn!" He said with a wild grin. "This is probably one of the best damn apples I ever eaten in my entire life." After Frank took his second bite of the tasty apple Frank then chucked it into a nearby trash can and began searching the pantrys. Reminding himself to compliment who ever grown it. If he ever meets him/her.

But all he was able to mostly fine was animal food. "Bird seeds? No. Cat food? No. Dog food? No. Nuts? Tempting but no." Frank closed the pantry. "Where is the freaking meat!?" Frank pounded on the table in fustration. A small scittering noise came out of the living room. Frank stopped and looked around confused with a smirk he pounded the table once again but harder this time and it was again followed by more scittering noises coming from the living room. Frank walked back into the living room and in a lone corner was a small beaver huddled with large frightend eyes. It was panting heavily almost at the verge of hyperventalating and passing out. Instead of feeling sorry for the creature Frank smiled.

'I never had beaver before.' Frank thought heading back into the kitchen where he found a large chef knife.He held it up having the light glisten his reflection on it showing his large grin on his face.

'But it wouldn't hurt to see how they taste...' Frank laughed hysterically.

Chapter 2: Da Faq?

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Chapter 2: Da Faq?

That morning a yellow and pink maned pegasus was walking home back from the local market. Humming a sweat tune to herself, as she hopped up the steps of her lovely cottage. She was then abrubtly cut off and shocked by the sight of that her home has been broken into. She squealed with fear and quickly flew behind a tree she shook with fear not wanting to go inspect the damage the tresspasser may have caused.

'What if the burgaler is still in there?' she thought. From inside her lovely home came a loud and obnoxious belch, causing the poor terrified mare to jump and go further behind the tree.


Frank West patted his stomach and tossed yet another bone to the side. "Ah. Way to go Frank..." He said stuffeling another burp. "You have yet again suceeded to satisfy yourself." He chuckled Frank looked up from the couch he had been laying on and saw that he had one more piece of the deliciously cooked beaver he killed laying there on the nice China he found in a cabinet. "Ah. What the Hell I don't mind having one more piece."

Frank sat up and reached for the plate to be startled by a muffled scream. "What the Fu-!" Frank's head quickly snapped to his left to see a completely terrified horse like creature glaring at him. 'Must be the owner's pet or somrthin' he thought. Frank smiled nervously, realizing the small horse was looking at the China Frank raised an eyebrow, "Oh... Heh beaver?" Frank asked raising the China up offering the creature food. The creature had to be at least half of Franks size it was yellow and had a long pink mane. As Frank's eyes rolled across the horse like creature Frank came across a set of wings, which this fact completely bewilderd Frank. Instinctivly Frank began to reach for his camera, when the creature turned quickly and spreaded its wings another thing caught Frank off gaurd.

'It has a tatoo on its ASS?' he flipped 'Is it like part of a gang or something'

"W-Wait! I'm not going to hurt you I promise!" Frank yelled stoping the pegasus in mid flight out the door'Does it understand what I'm saying?' Frank thought. The pegasus stopped and turned and stared straight into Frank's eyes. Confused Frank rubbed his sleeve across his face

"Is there something on my face?" he asked again rubbing his face.

"I-it's n-not working!?" the pegasus shrieked and flew out the door and down the dirt road at immense speeds. Frank bolted out the door trailing behind the flying creature.

"HHHEEYY Wait!!" Frank yelled waving his right arm back and foward. But it was to late the pegasus had already flown out of earshot. "Dammit!" Frank sighed and began to walk in the direction the pegasus went. Who know's maybe there's a town up ahead.


'It spoke to me, did it really just speak to me back there?' Frank kept repeatedly asking himself the same question over and over.

'And what was with the tatoo on it's ass?' Frank then frowned.

'I must be going crazy or something there had to have been something in that beaver that I ate. I'm probably just on that couch either high off my mind or asleep.'

Frank strolled down the dirt road until he was stopped by an opening in the trees revealing a small town in the distance. Instead of being amazed Frank was actually blinded by the mass amount of bright colors hitting his eyes. "Ah crap!" Frank shielded his eyes reaching into his front pocket in his jacket he pulled out his favorite pair of sunglasses. Putting them on Frank sighed with relief "Much better." Frank smiled and observed the town ahead of him.

There were large houses and stores scatterd all around pulling out his camera not only to get pictures but to get a closer look of the town before descending down into it. When he zoomed in he realized there was nobody outside in the town was completely desterted. Frank hated desterted towns it reminded him of being in willimette when the American military came in and killed almost all the zombies. It's quiet and just flat out creepy knowing that they're guys with guns walking around looking for you to kill you. Shaking the memory from his head Frank began to head towards the the town. As Frank was walking he came across a sign that said

"Welcome to Ponyville"
"Pop: 1,512"
"Ponyville, eh?" Frank smirked. "Well isn't that a cute name?"

Frank strolled through the empty streets of the the desterted Village. "Hello?" Frank called out if anyone was really in the general vicinity. "Is anyone here I promise I'm not here to hurt anyone I'm just lost and in need of some help!" Frank patted the sides of his legs waiting for a response that he was positive he wasn't going to get one.

As Frank was walking he kicked a nearby apple that seemed to have fallen out of a cart. Leaning down and picking it up he stared at it rubbing it on his jacket and placing it back in the cart. Frank was startled by a young southern accent saying.

"Th-thank you mister." Frank jumped spinning around quickly and looking down into the eyes of a small baby horse. Instantly Frank was tempted to punt the freaking thing, one for startling him, and also by the fact it was a talking animal! That crap wasn't just natural! But Frank kept his cool and decided to play along as if nothing was wrong, looking down at the young...

'What did animal planet call the young horses... Calfs no thats for cows... It started with an F... Fi... Filly! Yeah that's it Filly.' Frank pulled on a broad fake smile and kneeled down in front of the young filly even kneeling down Frank still did not meet eye to eye he was still at least two feet taller.

"Hello there?" Frank said trying to keep his voice at a calm and comforting level. "Whats your name?" Frank asked.

'God this is so weird!' Frank thought to himself trying to keep a straight poker face. While waiting for the young filly to reply.

"M-mah name is Ap-Apple Bloom." The filly ran a hoof through her red mane. Frank smirked, but on the inside Frank bellowed with laughter.

'Apple Bloom what type of freaking name is that!?' Frank laughed on the inside. But again on the outside he just smirked "Well isn't that such a pleasent name." 'Pssh. No it's not it's stupid as Hell! Frank smiled he hasn't done this in a long time. Frank stood up and smiled looking into the sky then back down at the Filly waiting for her next question even though he already knew what the question was going to be.

"Mister whats your name?"


"Well kid my name is Frank. Frank West I'm a freelance Photographer." That was probably the first time in at least two years since Frank actually introduced properly himself to some one who didn't know him. Something about it just boosts his ego, the filly looked up at Frank with confusion

"Frank." She repeated. "I have never heard that name before in my life?" Frank stared back down at the filly now he was confused. But after a few moments the filly shook her head disregarding the name. "So mister what is a freelance photagraferr." She said trying to pronounce the word but couldn't get her tongue to say it right. Frank chuckled.

"Well it's when I go out and discover mysteries and take pictures of them to uncover the truth of top secret stuff I take pictures and write about them so the general plublic can read and see stuff that most people aren't aloud to see." Frank said with a proud smile on his face. The little filly's epression changed completely now she bounced up and down saying repeatedly.

"So your like a spy!?" She asked jumping up and down. Frank raised an eyebrow,

"Well..." Frank trailed off thinking about it. "You could say so."

"Oh thats so cool!" The filly squealed with joy. The young filly stopped bouncing up and down and stared at Frank with a confused look. "Wait my sister told me that spying on other ponies and writing about them is bad." Frank raised an eyebrow of confusion.

"Well at times yes, depends on what you're writing. Why did you get in trouble or something?" Frank asked.

"Well because one time me and all mah friends got together and we started doin somethin similar and we all got in trouble for it." Frank stared at the young filly not knowing how to reply to her statement. Another voice with a even thicker accent hollered,

"Apple Bloom what in tarnashion! Do you think your doin talkin to that monster!" Frank turned to see another horse galloping full speed towards him.

"Oh shit!" Frank at the last second dove out of the way causing the orange blound maned horse to crash into the apple stand causing all the apples to crumple to the ground.

"Hey! Would'da do that for!" Another Tomboy'ish voice hollered in the distance. Frank rolled his eyes and stood back up, pointing a finger at the mare who just crashed into the apple stand.

"Hey chill out for a second lady! I was just talking to the young girl so just calm down for a second okay!" Frank brushed his pants off.

"Yeah sis!" The little filly chirped.

Frank frowned. Looking down at the filly "That's your sister?" He asked jamming his thumb at the mare who was attempting to get back up onto her hooves. The filly nodded.

"That's my sister Apple Jack you can just call her AJ for short."

"AJ huh?" Frank said scratching the back of his head.

"Why I outta kick your haunchs for making me ruin my apple stand." AJ grumbled while climbing back onto her hooves.

"Hey well maybe you shouldn't go chargeing at random strangers when they've done nothing wrong!" Frank snapped back.

"Hey! I was talking to you!" The tomboy voice yelled again. Frank turned to see a cyan colored pegasus with a rainbow mane was flying at jet like speeds right towards him preparing to tackle him while leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

"Aw! Not again!" Frank again dove to the ground avoiding another collosion forcing the pegasus to dig her hooves into the ground to avoid a head on collosion with the neighboring building. "Crap!" Frank stood up drawing out his handgun.

The organge farm horse and cyan pegasus climbed back onto there hooves bearing their teeth and growling as they approached Frank. Suprisingly though Frank showed no sign of fear he faced far more terrifying things then two angry horses. He aimed his gun at the two horses. "Back up!" Frank yelled loudly that his voice echoed across the town. The two horses stopped for a second then shared an uneasy glance with each other but then quickly turned to face Frank again.

"Where do you get off beating up my friends!?" The cyan pegasus growled getting into a pouncing postion.

"Hey shut the Hell up you hippy!" Frank aimed his handgun at the rainbow colored maned pegasus she then seemed to take a large offense to Franks comment. "I didn't even lay a hand on her I just dove out of the way it's her fault that she crashed into the stand not mine she should've been looken where she was going."

"Well ya'll shouldn't have been talken to Mah sister then you crazy monster!" The farm horse said furrowing her eyebrows..

Frank glared at the farm pony now taking his aim off the cyan pegasus he trained the gun on the orange mare. "Did you just call me a monster?" Frank asked flicking the safety off his gun now.

"Well eh... Yeah?" Apple Jack took a step back taking her eye's off the creature who held the weird contraption in his hands. What ever it was it had to be some sort of weapon and she did not wan't to figure out what it did.

"Well let me tell you this..." Frank said sliding his finger towards the trigger. "I am a human being. I'm not a monster I simply came here in search of food water and shelter. Instead I'm greeted by two dim wits who come out and attack me because what! I simply look differen't!" Frank was starting to lose his nerves. He pulled the lever back on the handgun slider "Well let me tell you this where I come from that's just flat out racism. And you two should be ashamed of yourselves." Frank flicked the safety on and pushed the hammer back up and slid the the handgun back into his jacket. AJ sat back on her haunchs with a dissipointed look.

"Sorry mister I'm just a bit over protective of my sister sometimes."

Frank nodded and turned his glance back over the the cyan pegasus.

"I bet I can still kick your but in ten seconds flat!"

Frank pulled out the handgun flicked the safety off and pulled the hammer back and planted the gun on the pegasus's head faster then any human being/other creature could blink. And with a wicked smile showing off all his teeth and and murdours look in his eyes he said,

"Come at me bitch!"

Chapter 3: Magic

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Chapter 3: Magic

Before anyone could even do anything, both creatures felt a strange feeling wrap around them as a weightlessness feeling envolped around their bodies.

"What the Hell!?" Frank said startled as he was actually lifted up off the ground.

"Danget Twilight I told you not to interupt me!" The cyan pegasus streched her wings and flapped them hysterically trying to get away from the forces that held her in place.

"Rainbow Dash!" Another but much calmer voice snapped. "As you just saw that creature could have just killed you right there in just one swift move of the pull of that trigger on his metal weapon." Rainbow Dash stopped squirming and ran a hoof through her rainbow colored mane.

"Oh." Is all she could say. After a few moments she said, "But he attacked AJ!" She said pointing her right hoof at Frank.

"Whoa! No I didn't!" Frank replied crossing his arms after placing his gun away. "I simply rolled out of the way before she could even "Attack" me! And even if I did attack back it would only been out of self defense!"

The cyan pegasus stuck her tongue out at Frank "Freaking Lesbian..." Frank said turning his head away.

The cyan pegasus eyes flared with anger "Did you just call me gay!" Frank looked back raising an eyebrow.

"In a way yes. But technically I did not say the excact words of you are gay. I simply used the litteral meaning of the word that refers to females such as yourself. In theroy yes. I said you are gay-"


Frank finally looked over at the mare who had lifted them off the ground. There stood a purple unicorn with a dark blueish colored mane with a dark pink and purple stripe going down the middle. Frank then stared into her dark purple eyes in awe,

'Was she really the one holding us off the ground right now. But how?' he thought to himself

'She must have telekinesis like powers or something or even the force!?'

The unicorn's horn glowed with some dark pink which also seemed to wrap around him and the pegasus who seemed to grow impatient by the minute.

"Now I'm going to set both of you down." Said the unicorn. "And what I expect from both of you is to not jump at each others throats okay?" The unicorn raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. Frank just simply nodded his head not really knowing what to believe anymore. The fact that he was being literally held up against his will, or the fact that the creatures containing him were all animals. Back in his country it would be the other way around. Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out and crossed her hooves in fustration.

"Fine but if he pulls anything out of the ordinary out of his cloths again I swear I'm going to kick his but so hard-"

Frank snorted. "I doubt you will even lay a single finger-I mean hoof on me before I'm done with you." Frank snarled.

"Oh really now!?" Dash turned her gaze back towards Frank squinting her eyes and furrowing her brow.

"Really!" Frank said.
"Really!" Dash replied
"Really!!" Frank roared back at Dash causing her to flinch.

"HEY!" The unicorn screamed out in fustration of the two immature creatures bickering back and forth with each other. All she really wanted to do earlier was lay down in bed with a fresh book.

But before she could even do that Flutter Shy came bursting through the door in tears telling her about a strange and also rude creature who broke into her house and ate Beaver Mc.Beaverton. So as quickly as Twilight could she gathered some of her things and left in search of this creature it wasn't that hard to find all she had to do was listen for the sound of constant bickering coming from these two.

"Alright..." Twilight took a deep breath. "I want both of you right now to apoligize to each other right now. And if you cant do that without breaking out into a constant arguing. I will let both of you go." Twilight explained to them about what she wanted them to do again before releasing them. "You got that?"

"Yes ma'am." Frank said sarcasticly crossing his legs over each other and laying back in mid air. Honsestly he had to admit floating in the air like this was actually pretty amazing. Except for the part when gravity finally takes back over, feeling heavy again Frank felt himself being brought back down to Earth. Landing with a loud thud, Frank groaned and sat back up rubbing his back. When Frank opened his eyes he noticed a familiar cyan pegasus giving him the death glare.

"Honestly for a Tomboy you really act like a girl." Frank smirked but as quickly as it came it went away at the sight of a very angry looking unicorn. "Oh... Eh sorry about putting a gun against your head earlier." Frank smiled rubbing the back of his neck. The unicorn then smiled and looked back over at Rainbow Dash who seemed to be trying to fight the urge to say something insulting. But finally after a look of defeat she sighed and said,

"I'm sorry for trying to attack you earlier." Twilight smiled and looked back over at both of them.

"Now I wan't both of you to shake hoofs-eh hoof and hand with each other." The pegasus and Frank glared at Twilight as if she was a few screws short of a work bench. But she just simply shook her head and said, "Come on we don't got all day."

The pegasus approached Frank slowly then brought her hoof up but before sticking it out she then spat into it the stuck it out towards Frank. Disgusted he grabbed her hoof and then shook.

"Fat so." Dash whisperd.

"Lesbo." Frank replied.

Rainbow Dash turned her head away offened. 'Hah serves you right bitch. Score one for Frank zero for the rainbow maned hippy.'

"Good." The unicorn said. "Now that we got everything settled I wan't to talk to you privately." Twilight said pointing her hoof towards Frank.

"Wait me?" Frank asked jabbing his own thumb into his chest. The unicorn just simply nodded her head, and began walking to her left motioning her head for Frank to follow. Frank shrugged shooting one last glare at the cyan pegasus he returned it by pounding both her hooves together. Frank just smiled and turned back towards the unicorn who was just staring at him with a aggravated look.

"Hey she started-" Frank began but was a immediatly cut off by the unicorn sighing.

"But you where the one who kept the arguement going now just drop it and move on."

Frank sighed and said, "Alright fine what is it that you want anyway? If you want money sorry I'm broke an Autograph well I'm sorry I don't got a pencil nor pen. If you want your picture taken just ask." Frank sighed not caring about anything at the moment besides trying to figure out a way to get that pegasus back.

"Who are you, what are you, and where did you come from?" The unicorn asked

Frank raised his hand and pointed a finger at her. "Sorry but have we met before?" Frank asked shaking his finger at her.

"Excuse me?" She asked

"I don't even know your name yet and your bombarding me with all these questions?" Frank said

"My name is not important right now but this is now please answer my questions!" The unicorn glared into Franks sunglasses.

Frank sighed and said, "I'm really sorry miss unicorn lady but I don't have time to play twenty questions I really need to figure out a way back home. Back to 'real life.'" Frank put quotations around the word real life.

"I might know why you're here." She said catching Frank off gaurd.

"Wait what?" Frank asked confused.

"Last night I preformed a spell that had to do with transfering items through time and space but the spell back fired on me." The unicorn said quickly, at this Frank frowned.

"A spell?" He asked. "What is this DnD?"

"Spells as in magic yes. I was preforming a spell last night that had to deal with transfering items through time and space."She repeated.

Frank glared at the unicorn still slightly confused. "What does this have to do with with me being here?" Frank asked starting to get interested into what she was saying.

The unicorn gulped. "Well... The spell I was working on would transfer or summon stuff around time and space like... How could I say this with out confusing you." The unicorn said starting to make circles in the ground with her hoof.

"Are you declaring I'm stupid?" Frank asked the unicorn seeming slightly offended.

"What!? No after what I seen what you almost do to Rainbow Dash. No I don't want to make you angry!"

"Well anyways what I'm trying to say in our world we have this stuff called magic and magic you could say is like..."
After about thirty minutes of Unicorn explaning the terms of magic in the way Frank wouldn't get confused... He just yawned.

"So..." Frank began. "In a way just like my world we humans use machines powered by gas or electricty to do everything for us like fly or drive cars. But you horses-"

"W-w-wait I just have to stop you right there." The unicorn cutted Frank off. "We 'Ponies' are not called horses so please don't say that. In a way its like an offensive term." The unicorn explained.

'What's the difference?'

"But yes I know what you mean." Unicorn said. "And what did you call yourself a minute ago... humane?"

Frank glared at the unicorn and slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. "No its not 'humane' its human theres no e at the end of it."

"So... Humane?" She asked.

"NO!... Its Human. H-U-M-A-N."

"OH. Sorry." The unicorn giggled. Frank sighed and continued face palming.

About an hour or so later...

The unicorn began leading Frank through out the town over the last hour the rest of the town's "Ponies." turned out to be hiding indoors. And were now just coming outside learning the fact that Frank is "some what peaceful." though most of them did not look at him with happy epressions. Some though did stare with awe, others though did with disgust, hatered and down right fear. "So your saying for every action with magic there is always going to be a reaction or effect?" Frank asked as they walked into town square. The unicorn nodded.

"My spell most have caused a such powerful effect that it must've pulled you from your world and dropped you into our's." Frank scratched his head not knowing how to piece it together... But then it hit him... Really.... Really hard.

"W-wait-wa-what! WHAT!" The unicorn flinched and took a few steps back. Other ponies quickly ran off.

"I-I'm sorry it was an accident! Please try not to be angry but there is a way we can fix this a way we can send you back to your home." The unicorn reassured Frank. Frank though covered his ears and sat back on the ground trying to calm himself. With that Franks watch began to beep. Frank brought the watch up to his face and looked at the time.

"Why 7:00 already." he chuckled and reached into his jacket and pulled out his second box of Zombrex.

"Wh-Whats that?" The unicorn asked flinching when Frank took the syringe and jammed it into the side of his neck.

"It's called Zombrex." Frank sighed with relief as all his nerves began to calm and his muscles relaxed. "In a way I'm sick." Frank continued. "I got stung by this type of bug back in my world called a Queen it looks like some sort of wasp. You know what a wasp is right?" Frank asked.

"Yes. We have wasps in this world." Frank stood up and swatted off all the dirt off his pants.

"Well anyways the Queens where enginered and created by man. They were made to stop world hunger or something even till this day I don't fully understand it. But instead of helping us they kind of turned against us well they set off some kind of extremely contagious disease of some sort. And lets just say I am infected with that virus and every 24 hours I have to take this drug or I will die. And trust me you don't wan't to die because if I do this world would be in grave danger."

The unicorn looked at Frank slightly confused but also with a hint of pity for Frank. "Thats a cruel and terriable fate. But why would we be in danger?" Frank looked at the unicorn.

"We will cross that bridge when it comes. But for the mean time you said something about how you could send me back?" The unicorn then looked away from Frank as if she was thinking of a reply then she looked back at him with a warm smile.

"Yes but it may take some time?" She said.

"How much time?" Frank asked slightly worried now?

"About a..." She then trailed off into silence once again.

"Come on I don't got all day." Frank motioned his hand for her to continue.

"A month." This fact struck Frank a like a lucamotive train.

"Oh... No. Oh no not good at all!" Frank repeated running his hands through his hair.

"W-whats wrong?" The unicorn asked worried.

"That drug I told you about I only had enough for 72 hours. But now that I just took the drug I have about 48 hours left." The unicorn tilted her head.

"Tell me what excactly does this drug do." The unicorn led Frank over to a nearby bench.

Frank took a deep breath. "I guess were crossing the bridge now..." He sighed," Its supposed to retard the infection. By that I mean it slows it down making it stupid knocking it away. All it is just post poning the inevatable really."

The unicorn shook her head, but then stopped then right away her face brightend up. "Hey let me see that box of that Zombrex stuff."

"What? O-okay." Frank handed her the box which she took it using her magic.

'This whole magic shit I'm never going to get used to it.'

The unicorn began mumbling to herself the ingriedients and slowly drew a large smile across her face.

"Wh-what is it?" Frank asked her

"I might actually be able to make some more for you?"

A glisten of hope sprung up in Frank's chest which he smiled but then it died quickly. "Impossible." He said. "That would require the hormones of Queens but the Queens do not exsist in this world." Frank grabbed his camera and began cleaning the lense.

"Do you even know who you're talking to human?" Frank looked at the unicorn.

"I would know but you still haven't even told me your name yet." Frank said. The unicorn smiled and stuck out a hoof towards Frank.

"My name it Twilight Sparkle, the element of Magic."

Frank smiled and began to shake her hoof. "My names Frank. Frank West Freelance Photagrapher."

Chapter 4: Past Tales

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Chapter 4 : Past Tales

After the previous incident earlier with the cyan Pegasus. Twilight led Frank back to her home which also known as the Golden Oaks Library.

'She lives in a freaking tree.' Thought Frank. Frank sighed 'And I thought the Rainbow Maned Lesbian was a hippy. This place just keeps getting weirder by the minute.'

"So about the Dash girl whats up her but?" Frank asked while Twilight opened the door.

"Hey watch what you say about her Frank she's my friend too?" Twilight said. "But yeah she's just a little over protective of her friends sometimes. But don't worry she will soon grow on you." Twilight opened the door and a large lizard like creature tackled her to the ground.

"Twilight thank Celestia you're okay! There has been word of a monster going around town and I heard it beat up Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash at the same time-" A sound of a click of Franks gun at the back of his head caused him to stop talking.

"You have five measly seconds to get off her pal."

"Frank!" Twilight shouted.

"What!?" Frank looked at Twilight

"Put your weapon away this is my number one assistant Spike!" Spike turned his head slowly crossing his eyes as the barrel of the gun was placed in between.

"ARGH!!" Spike screamed and dove back inside. "Its the m-m-monster!!"

"Hey! I'm not a monster you little punk-" Twilight stomped her hoof on Frank's foot.

"Ah shit!" Frank grabbed his foot.

"Can you go for five minutes with out pointing that thing in somepony's face!" Twilight snapped.

"Hey first off lady!" Regaining his composure, "It's not a thing it is called a 9mm pistol and it's it's a projectile weapon. My species uses it as a common weapon!" Frank explained.

"Projectile weapon?" Twilight asked intrigued. "Show me."

Frank raised in eyebrow. "Are you sure this gun is very loud and the bullet goes faster then a cheetah on crack. And can penetrate through wood as if it was made of butter."

"Okay... So." Twilight said. Frank shrugged.

"What ever but when the police comes knocking on your little tree house door. I'm blaming you."

Frank raised the gun and fired, and a loud crack came from the gun causing Twilight to drop and cover her ears, Frank just stood there not even phased by the how loud and strong the recoil was.

"What in the name of Celestia was that!" Spike shouted running back outside. Seeing Twilight on the ground still covering her ears. Spike glared at Frank. "What did you do to her you monster!?"

"Hey!" Frank was getting real annoyed of constantly being called a monster. "She wanted to see what my gun was capable of and I showed her what it does. And please stop calling me a monster my name is Frank. Frank West.!"

Twilight stood up shaking her head "Oh dear Celestia that was probably one of the loudest things I have ever heard in my entire life." She said rubbing one of her temples with her free hoof. Down the street lights began to come on in nearby houses as confused and startled ponies stepped out looking for the answer of what caused the mysterious sound.

"Yeah I think we should go inside now." Frank mentioned


"Spike get a quill and a piece of paper ready." Twilight ordered as Spike complied and ran to go get the items Twilight requested. As the iguana looking creature ran off, Frank smiled and looked at Twilight while he leaned back up against one of the book shelves.

"Nice pet you got there what is he an Iguana or something. No offense I just wanna know." Despite Franks 'No offense' statement Twilight still seemed to be slightly offended but she just shook her head. But she shook it off and answered with,

"He's not a pet nor an Iguana he's a Dragon."

"Oh that's neat a pet Dra- Wait What!?" Frank glared at Twilight confused and utterly amazed. "You got dragons in this world!?" He asked.

Twilight stared at him confused. "What you don't have any in yours?"

"Look." Frank said "Back where I came from there is no dragons, griffins, fairy's, ponies... Well there is ponies but they don't have horns or wings and they also can't talk. Where I come from there all labeled under fiction or myth's. There is no such thing as magic from where I come from well the only type of magic there is was the magic of science." Frank explained Twilight sat back in a chair waiting for Spike to get the items which he seemed to be having a tough time finding. Twilight leaned forward intrigued by what Frank was explaining. "We humans don't have wings so in order to fly we built this machine called an airplane. Which was this giant metal contraption that was way bigger than this tree house. It held over about a hundred people counting the workers all at once." Frank finished and sat down. "The only creature in my world I came across that humanity thought was to be myth..." Frank trailed off into silence.

"Was what?" Spike asked walking up with only a quill but with no paper. Frank stared at the palm of his hands imagining all the blood on his hands while slicing through the endless hordes of what were ordinary people but were turned into the living dead.

"Zombies." He said

Twilight raised an eyebrow. While Spike grinned and looked at Twilight, "I told you they're real." Frank thought he heard him mumble.

"Zombies?" Twilight said. "There's no such thing as walking corpses it's impossible."

Frank starred at her "Really now... Take a look at this." Frank took his camera off his neck and turned it on and walked towards her. He showed her picture after picture of zombies killing people and also a few of the psychopaths he encountered back in Fortune City.

Twilight covered her mouth at the sight of a poor man getting his intestines ripped out of him. Frank could still remember the moment.

Frank was leading two survivors back to the safe house, Chad and Doris. The zombies were beginning to surround them and Frank was running out of ammo and Queens.

"Frank!" Chad yelled at Frank.

"Yeah!" Frank replied flipping a zombie over his shoulders. Chad pumped his shotgun and blasted a few zombies with a single shot. He turned to face Frank.

"You get my beloved Doris out of here okay?" He said

"What are you talking about Chad?" Frank said turning around popping a zombie in the face with his gun before it got to close.

"I'm saying you grab her right now and go! I'll hold em off!" Frank stared at Chad with disbelief. Chad loaded the last of his shots into the gun and pumped it.

"No!" Doris screamed at Chad.

"You got to go now or we all won't make it honey!" Chad snapped back butting a zombie in the face with his gun. Doris embraced Chad in a sobbing hug.

"NOW GO!!"

Chad raised his shotgun and fired blowing a small hole in the horde of zombies only wide enough for Frank and Doris to fit through. Prying Doris off Chad, Frank carried her into the Royal Flush Plaza despite her screams and cries of protest. Frank turned getting one last glance of Chad who then tipped his hat at him with a warm smile as he then turned to face the endless onslaught of zombies who now stand before him with hungry looks in there eyes.

"Alright ya hunks of rotten flesh COME AT ME!!" Chad fired off his last two shots dropping six zombies. Chad then turned his shotgun upside down holding it by the barrel. "ARGH!" Chad cried out in pain as a zombie that was behind him ripped a chunk of flesh out of his back! Chad turned and swung the shotgun stock into the zombies skull cracking it open and sending it crumpling to the ground. He spun back around quickly swinging it into another fat zombies face. Chad then dove into the crowed of zombies and began pushing through the horde despite the amount of zombies who bit into his flesh Chad kept on trucking through the horde of zombies making his way towards a small kiosk.

Chad climbed on top of the Kiosk looking down on the zombies who began to slowly climb up it. But something then caught the corner of his eye it was a flash of a camera. Chad turned and saw Frank in the distance behind a window they seemed to have made it inside okay. This made a single tear stroll down Chad's face as a smile spreaded across his cheeks knowing that his wife was in the care of Frank. Chad began to raise his arm to wave at him until something caught his leg and brought him down onto his back, a shrieking pain erupted out of his left leg as a zombie has seemed to reach the top and was now biting into his leg. Chad dropped the shotgun into the horde of zombies below "Get the FUCK OFF ME!" Chad kicked the zombie in the side of the head causing it to tumble back into the horde below. But it didn't help the fact that more zombies were all ready climbing on top of the kiosk. Chad tried to climb to his feet but the shrieking pain in his left leg sent him back down onto his back. As Chad stared at the afternoon sky making his peace with God when a unexpected sight caught off guard as his zombified wife Dorris pulled him close and sank her teeth into his neck...

Frank sat back onto the couch returning back to reality or what he thought was reality anyways. He rubbed the corners of his eyes which he then realized he was actually crying. Quickly he wiped his face and toughened up.

"Wow... When did you take these." Twilight asked she seemed to have taken the camera from him when he had his little flashback. She figured out how to flip through the pictures.

"About a few days ago." He said Twilight looked up at him thank God she didn't notice him crying a few seconds back. Just imagine how embarrassing that would have been.

"Seriously!?" Twilight asked stunned.

Frank nodded "But I also been in another outbreak besides Fortune city. A small town called Willamette..."

"Thats a weird name for a town." Twilight said cutting off Frank.

"Thanks for cutting me off." Frank said looking up at Twilight from where he sat.

"Oh sorry please continue tell me everything..."

"Twilight Twilight! I found the paper!" Spike said running up to Twilight holding a long piece of paper in his right hand.

"Never mind I'm going to bed..." Frank yawned while raising an eyebrow at Twilight. "Where do you want me to sleep tonight?" Frank asked Twilight.

"You mean you aren't going to tell me the story?" She asked disappointed.

"Sorry I'm just to tired. Its like..." Frank raised his watch up to see that it is four in the morning. "Its four in the morning back in my world I would be asleep three hours ago."

"I understand." Twilight said "There is a spare bed up in the guest room up stairs first door on the right."

Frank nodded and headed up stairs to get some shut eye.

"May I go to bed Twilight, I am quite tired." Spike asked.

"Sorry Spike not yet. I need you to send out two letters for me in a few minutes. One to Zeccora another to the Princess."

"Oh... Okay." Spike said bummed. Twilight then patted him on the back.

"Its okay Spike I'll let you sleep in, in the morning okay. I'll have Frank help me with the morning chores."

Frank listened through the guest bedroom door. 'Why does she need to send a letter to the this 'Princess' And who the Hell is Zeccora sounds like some stereotypical African name or something.'. Frank shook his head and turned back towards the very small bed. "There's nothing to worry about Frank." He spoke to himself in third person. "In the meantime everything is okay. You got some weird unicorn girl that's gonna supply with some zombrex and there's no more TK nor Zombies." Frank turned and sat back on the bed. With a loud snap the bed crumpled to the floor sending dozens of splinters flying across the room. "Shit!" Frank heard the sound of hooves bounding up the stairs as a worried unicorn flung open the door.

"Is everything okay I heard a loud crash!" Twilight's eyes fell on Frank who was now on the floor with a very angry expression.

"Sorry I'll pay for it later." Frank said climbing back onto his feet. Twilight chuckled and shook her head side to side.

"No need to watch this." Twilight's horn glowed as all the splinters from the shattered legs of the bed began to hover up off the ground and began forming back together. With in a few moments the bed was completely fixed as if nothing ever happened.

"Whoa." Is all Frank could say.

"Mhmm. Pretty amazing isn't it. A lot better then that 'Gun' you have in your pocket." Twilight with emphasis on the word gun.

"Hell yeah if I could repair my weapons back in Willamette like that man everything would have been a lot easier." Frank smiled. "But I guess I'm just gonna sleep on the floor if you don't mind." Twilight smiled

"Sure go ahead." She said. Frank nodded

"Good night." Frank said.

"Good night Frank." Twilight turned but before she left Frank said,

"Oh Twilight." Twilight turned to face him. "I just wanted to say thank your the only pers- I mean pony to actually treat me like a human being instead a monster. I'm just saying I'm really thankful if it weren't for you I would probably be sleeping outside-

"I know Frank and your welcome." She said cutting him off. "Now good night." She quietly pulled the door closed.


Frank opened and closed the cupboards looking for something to eat. Despite how late it took him to actually fall asleep the previous night (an extra two hours after Twilight and Spike fell asleep.) he was actually the first to wake up, "Damn I wish there was another beaver nearby I could shoot or something." Frank opened the fridge. Just like the fridge at the Pegasus cottage all it was filled with was food and veggies. Frustrated Frank walked into the living room and grabbed his jacket off the couch (Which he had taken off when he woke up.) and wrapped his arms through the sleeves and grabbed his camera. After fixing his hair in the mirror he grabbed his gun and loaded it. After twirling it a few times he heard a voice behind him

"What are you doing?" Frank turned to find the young dragon Spike looking at him with a slight of fear in his eyes.

"Going hunting." Frank said pulling the slider back on his hand gun cocking it. This in which made Spike flinch

"W-what your gonna go out in the forest and kill a poor animal!?" Spike didn't look to pleased.

"Well I need to eat something." Frank said glaring down at spike now.

"And your gonna eat the poor creature!?" Spike gaped at Frank

"Of course we humans are carnivores by the way, well omnivores to be precise but I prefer meat..." Frank stopped and planted his hand on his chin thinking. "Hmm. I wonder what baby dragon tastes like." Spike yelped and coward in a corner.

"Twilight!" Spike called out in a wavering voice. Frank smiled and gently placed his hand on Spike's head.

"Calm down squirt I'm only kidding besides why would I hurt a friend's loyal servant anyways." Frank stood up "When Twilight wakes up tell her I went out to get bite to eat." With that Frank left the Tree house and headed down towards the forest.

It was near the afternoon and the mist began to fade away from the forest floor. Frank meandered his way through an old ditch crouched down looking for his soon to be meal. Has Frank ever gone hunting before; you may be thinking? Well he has once during one of his scoops when he was out covering wars. Was he good at it? Back then no but through constant weapon usage during the outbreak Frank's accuracy increased greatly. As Frank climbed out of the ditch he heard a faint noise come from his left in a nearby river. Frank smiled and climbed onto his stomach and army crawled his way towards the noise.

When Frank broke through nearby bush and retrieved his camera to get a closer look. Frank found a group of beavers huddled around a pile of bark and other nuts and junk. Frank smirked "I know what I'm having again for tonight." Frank sat his camera aside and replaced it with his handgun. With precise aim and timing Frank fired off one shot taking out one of the oldest of the group of beavers who was seemed to be enjoying a mouth full of nuts. Blood sprayed from the open head wound as the beaver then crumpled onto its back. With all the confusion going on Frank used this to his advantage, firing off two mores shots dropping two more of the beavers only leaving four. Three young ones and one middle aged beaver, Frank smiled and sprang out from under the bush firing off as many shots as it took to drop the other four beavers. Firing off a shot and popping one of the younger beavers in the head killing it instantly. The other three beavers cried in horror and began to run for the bushes. But Frank couldn't allow that now, could he? Picking up a nearby rock Frank chucked it striking the middle aged beaver in his back causing it's knees to buckle up and plunging it deep with in the river. "Damn! Didn't want that to happen." Frank cursed to himself. Frank then began to give chase to the other two beavers chasing them deep within the forest.

The chase ended with Frank cornering the other two beavers against a large rock. One of the beavers stepped up and glared at Frank then let out a large squeaky roar and charged at him. Frank only smiled and pulled the trigger making it fall to the ground with a descent sized bullet hole in between his eyes. The other beaver cried out and ran towards the dead beaver Frank stepped forward and place the gun to the beaver's head execution style. The beaver stared up at Frank and closed its eyes, Frank smirked "Your gonna make a good meal." Frank pulled the trigger sadly though the power of the bullet caused blood to spray all over Franks face and jacket. "Aw! DAMMIT!" Frank wiped his face causing the blood to smear. "Agh! I'll clean it off when I get back hopefully no one will notice.

Frank returned to the scene where he first began the beaver genocide. And began collecting the bodies "I really should have brought a bag." A low muffled cry came from in front of Frank. "Huh? Did I miss one?" he whispered. Frank stood up and approached the low cries coming from over the bush. Frank cleared away the bushes to find a lone beaver in a fetal position sobbing his freaking eyes out. "Da Hell?" Frank pulled out his handgun and aimed it at the beaver. When Frank closed in on the beaver. The beaver lifted his head and stared at Frank.

"So it was you who did this!" The beaver roared in a old raspy voice. Causing Frank to jumped back startled. "You come back into our forest and slaughter my friends and family and for what!?" The Beaver climbed to his feet. Tears streaming down his already drenched face. "For pleasurement, food!?"

"I would have to go with the second part." Frank said staring down at the Beaver with stern expression.

"Why when the forest is full of food there's berries and mushrooms. But no! You decided to come- t-t-to come and ruin a perfect family reunion." The Beaver sobbed those final words. The Beaver paced grasping the sides of his head as he sobbed. "M-m-y wif-f-f-e is g-g-gone m-m-my child is g-g-gone. P-please make it stop! Just e-end it all!" The Beaver sobbed as he leaned up against a tree bringing his legs close to his chest rocking back and foward. "Just e-end it all I can't take it!!' He sobbed "Just make it sto-"

Frank fired the pistol round into the side of the beavers head sending it to the forest floor. "And I guess you'll make tomorrows breakfast."

Chapter 5: The Monarchs

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Chapter 5: The Monarchs

Frank arrived a few more hours late then he expected. When Frank arrived at the Golden Oaks Library he found Spike working on some plants in the front yard.

"Hey Spike!" Frank motioned Spike to come here. Spike turned, and walked over to Frank.

"What?" Spike asked. He stilled seemed to be bit angry cause of Frank's joke about eating dragons.

"Wanna see a dead body?" Frank flung the dead beavers over his sholder slamming them into the ground. Spike screamed in fear and instantly ran inside. Frank bellowed with laughter his gut began to hurt as he fell back because he was laughing so hard. "Oh my God the look on his face." Frank wiped the sweat off his forehead and stood back up. "Well time for lunch."

After finishing his lunch Frank stepped into the Library. (Spike wouldn't let him bring the beavers inside to cook so he locked him out and forced him to cook them outside.) Frank looked over to see Twilight running around and quickly tiding up the place.

"Hey Twilight do you got meat locker or some type of cooler?" Frank asked. "And whats with all this obnoxious cleaning?"

"Yes I got a cooler in the basement but thats used for potions. Also the Princess's are coming and I need to clean up the place and-" Twilight stopped cleaning and looked at Frank confused. "Why do you need cooler?" She asked as Frank was already dragging in the rest of the dead beavers.

"Heh... Eh... Long story." Frank said kicking the bodies back outside and turning back to her with a wide grin. Twilight approached Frank with suspicion. Twilight looked close at Frank's jacket she then looked back up at him with confused eyes and said,

"You got red on you..." She looked back at him then completely unexpected she sniffed Frank.

"What the Hell are you doing!?" Frank jumped as Twilight got in Frank's personal space. Disgusted Twilight brought her head back shaking away the bad smell.

"Is-Is that blood!?" Twilight asked.

"Eh... Maybe... Yes." Frank shook his head.

"See Twilight I told you he's a murdrous monster!" Spike pointed at Frank with an accusing claw.

"That's it you little Inguana you're in for it now." Frank lunged at Spike with all antentions of hurting him. But Frank was stopped by a invisble barrier that Twilight quickly thrown up in between them.

"Stop!" Twilight barked. "Both of you I'm tired of all this fighting. Can't we all just kick back and relax for one day with out worrying about sliting each other's throats?" Twilight asked looking at Frank then back at Spike. "You see Spike, Frank had a good reason for doing what he did." She said quietly at Spike.

"But he murderd that poor family of beavers." Spike said looking back up at Twilight.

"What don't you understand!?" Frank asked shaking his head at the baby dragon. "I'm a carnivor a meat eater yes I can eat plants and stuff too but I prefer meat. God I can't believe you even have the right to call yourself a dragon... Aren't Drangons carnivors?" Frank asked scratching his head.

"Well I'm a vegitarien. For your information. Monster." Spike said crossing his arms. This seemed to drive Frank over the edge.


Frank roared his voice matching maybe even over powering Luna's royal Canterlot voice. Twilight flinched and took a few step back Spike backed into a corner. Frank bared his teeth "I'm tired of all you fucking horses- I mean ponies calling me a monster or thing, it, whatever. God just because I look different or eat meat doesn't make me a monster! I bet you there are many other creatures in your world who eat meat and I doubt you guys treat them like monsters!" Franks voice still boomed causing Twilight to take a few more steps back until her back hit one of her book shelves. "I can't take it anymore!" Frank turned and began heading towards the door.

"Frank!?" Twilight shook her head knocking her out of her shocked state. "Where you going?"

"On a walk!" he replied back.

"But what about the Princesses?" She asked

"Fuck'em" Frank slammed the door shut behind him. Twilight then turned and glared at Spike. Then just shook her head.


Frank was angry not happy at all. He was tired of constantly being called a monster, it, a thing. He was tired of how all those other ponies just stared at him. He needed a way to blow off some steam a way to just sit back and just calm down. So he decided to look for some one... Or somepony in specifics a familiar cyan mare with a Rainbow colored mane to be exact. Frank gave a wide smile.

Frank was walking just outside town when a familiar voice caught his ears.

"Hey fatso where do you think you're going!?" The Tomboy swooped overhead and landed with a thud in front of Frank. Frank wasn't startled nor confused. Matter of fact this is what he was hoping for, now he really does have a chance to blow off some steam.

"What's it to you hippy?" Frank cocked an eyebrow. The comment Frank made seemed to get under the cyan pegasus's coat.

"Stop calling me a hippy!" Rainbow yelled at Frank bending down getting into a pounce postion.

"Well then dye your mane a different color, but till then your always going to hippy to me." Frank chuckled to himself. Dash growled at him.

"Keep talken see what happens!" She threatend.

"Oh really now?" Frank reached for his gun but hesitated.

'No.' He thought himself. 'Lets see how tough she really is with out using a weapon.'

Frank brought his hands away from his gun and cracked his neck. "You wanna fight?" Frank smiled baring his teeth and getting in a fighting stance. "WELL COME AT ME BITCH!"

Dash lunged at Frank with super sonic speeds. Frocing Frank to jump out of the way just barely grazing his jacket

"I guess Twilight wasn't lying about you being the fastest flier in this country after all!" Frank called out in joy. He always loved a challenge.

"STUFF IT!" Dash zoomed towards Frank for another dive bomb. But Frank was prepared this time, timing his jump right Frank prepelled himself foward towards the oncoming cyan pegasus. Extending his right leg out Frank rammed his shoe into the pegasus's face sending her into the ground with a perfect jump kick.

"Hah! Guess you weren't expecting that!" Frank gloated. Rainbow Dash panted she was amazed by Franks strength, but after a few moments she shook her head and glared at Frank with a wide look of hate. "What'cha doin down there the fights up here, or are you to lazy to even get up?" Frank asked laughing to himself.

"ARGH! WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP!!" Dash screamed flying at him even faster then the previous times. Frank not paying attention, was struck hard in the gut with a mighty kick caused by Rainbow Dash. Sending Frank spiraling backwards,

"Ah! Shit!" Frank heaved himself back onto his feet. Blood dripped from his lower lip he must have busted it on the landing. "Oh you just caused yourself a whole world of pain to come." Frank wiped the blood off his lower lip with his sleeve. Grinning Frank bolted towards Dash who quickly spiraled out of the way turning back and flying at him for another kick to the back. But Frank was expecting this turning around with a crazed look in his eyes he grabbed her leg before she could even make contact with phycotic grin spreading across his face he said,

"Big mistake!" Dash gasped Frank spun in circles twirling her around then finally letting go sending her forward. But Dash was luckly able to recover before striking the ground. But before she could act Frank was already on her tackling her to the ground.

"Oh NO You Don't!" Dash planted her back left leg on Franks gut and shoved him off. Dash jumped to her hooves and round house kicked Frank in the face sending him to the ground seeing nothing but stars. Frank's vision blurred,

"Shit!" Frank turned to see many blurry images of a cyan pegasus charging at him. Not knowing which is which Frank performed one of the most common moves he performed at back in williamete. He performed the Double Lariate Frank stuck out both his arms and spun like maniac. This move may sound stupid but this move got Frank out of many sticky situations back at the mall and in Fortune City.

Dash stopped confused by what Frank was doing but not knowing what was going on was big mistake. Unexpectedly one of Frank's fists collided with Dash's skull sending her to the ground knocking her into a daze. Dash laid there at the edge of consciousness, Frank stopped spinning and fell to the ground right next to Dash. Dizziness and blurry vision did not fit together so well Frank probably had a concusion for all he knew. Dash stared up at the sky trying to regain her senses. Frank then randomnly began laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dash asked in a harsh tone.

"Haha..." Frank took a breath. "You're not all that bad." he said with a grin. Confusion struck Dash's face as she felt a warm substance trikle down her face. She reached up and wiped her forehead to find out it was blood she frowned and looked over at Frank.

"What do you mean?" She asked aggravated.

"I'm saying you're not all that bad. In other words I think your cool." This struck Dash like a brick wall. She looked back over at Frank but not with anger but with confusion.

"Really?" She asked. Frank nodded

"You may be a lesbian or a hippy but your still cool. And thats coming from me, Frank West, the man who uncovered the truth behind the Willamette incident. And trust me back in my world I'm actually famous... Eh. Well, was famous." Dash smiled brushing past the whole lesbian and hippy part. Frank continued, "I remember back when I was young, I was like you no offense but I was stubborn and trying to be all cool. Which I'm still am don't get me wrong, but when my father introduced me to photography and journalism. I just fell in love with it and to think that if I never would have done any of that I wouldn't be here right now." Dash had no Idea what Frank was talking about he's probably delirious from how hard she hit him in the head earlier. The thought though made Dash chuckle,

"You know what Frank you're not all that bad either..." Dash said looking back up into the sky watching the clouds over head pass by.


"Aw crow feathers. Twi I can't find him anywhere?" Apple Jack said walking up to Twilight.

"What about Rarity has she seen him anywhere?" Twilight asked looking into a trash can. Apple Jack shook her head


"What about Rainbow Dash or Flutter Shy or Pinkie Pie." Apple Jack sighed,

"Well Flutter Shy won't leave her cottage, Pinkie said she'll try to do her best but has to finish a cake order first, and RD well I cant find her either. She's probably just sleeping on a cloud somewhere."

"Argh! We gotta find him the Princesses will be here in a hour maybe less and they requested a private meeting with him. Please Apple Jack find him." Apple Jack nodded her head.

"Don't fret Twi ah'll do my best." Apple Jack dusted her hat off and placed back on her head.

"Ah'll go find RD she can do a sweep of the town from up above sure'ly we can find him then." Twilight nodded.

"Alright lets split up." Twilight replied. The two mares nodded a headed off in opposite directions.


After about an hour of basking in the sunlight. Frank was caught off gaurd by a familiar voice hollering his name and Rainbow Dash's name. Frank chuckled.

"I think your girlfriends callen your name." Rainbow Dash's violate eyes sent a angry glance towards Frank who just looked back with a grin.

"I thought we had a truce?" Dash asked annoyed.

"Hey doesn't mean I'm gonna stop messing with you completely. I'm just not gonna keep constantly harrasing you like before." Frank Chuckled. Trying so sit up but was quickly hit by a wave nasuea and a large mygrane "Ah! Shit!"
Frank cradled his head in his hands.

"You think thats bad I think I'm bleeding and have terrible headache cause of you" Dash said looking over at Frank with a dry smear of a blood trail running down her face. Here and there a bit of blood will start to seep out but it's not as bad as Franks minor concussion he had at the moment.

"I think you gave me a concussion with that last attack of yours..." Frank moaned as the mygrane seemed to only scream when ever he spoke. Over in the distants a silhouette appeared on the horizon


"Hey thats Apple Jack!" Rainbow Dash shot up from where she was laying just to be instantly brought back down cradeling her head like Frank. Her fast actions she preformed then caused the wound in her head to start seepings small amounts of blood. "Oooohh..." She groaned rolling onto her back.

"Come on Skittles get up!" Frank orderd stumbling to his feet trying to ignore the screaming pain in his head.

"I don't wanna it hurts too much." She replied with another groan. Frank could only chuckle,

"Think of it as pay back from earlier now come on!" Frank grabbed one of her hooves and yanked her up onto his shoulders. "Can you walk?"

"Pssh. Of course I can!" Dash snapped.

"Alright then." Frank dropped Dash in which the moment her hooves landed on the ground she fell face first into the dirt. Which caused her to yelp in pain. "E'yup that's how I expected it to go." Frank bent down picking up the rainbow maned pegasus wrapping a hoof around one shoulder Frank then cradeld the pegasus in his arms and began limping towards AJ

"Oh dear lord what in the name of Celestia happened to you two?" Apple Jack asked as her green eyes darted from Frank to Rainbow Dash. Observing their wounds "It looks like yall try to fight a pack of timber wolves or somethin."

"Well we kind of did." Rainbow Dash lied. AJ looked over at Rainbow who was still in Frank's arms. AJ then looked up at Frank for clarification.

"I never seen a timber wolf in my life. So don't come to me for answers." Rainbow Dash shot Frank a frustrated look. "We got into a fight. A fist fight... Eh. Or should I say a Fist Hoof fight." AJ gasped.

"Why!?" She asked glaring at Frank and Rainbow Dash.

"Well AJ if you could think back to yesterday. We never really liked each other. Even right now I still don't think I like him," Rainbow Dash again glanced at Frank with an angry look. Franks face scrunched up and in a mimicking voice of a crying boy

"Y-y-you don't Like me?..." he pouted Rainbow Dash and AJ sent him a concerned look.

"Y-you don't friends and h-hang out i-in st-s-stuff!?" he blubbered

Dash half closed her eyes and frowned.

"Yes you're absolutly correct."

"Okay!" Frank smiled and dropped Rainbow Dash on the ground who cried out in pain. "Our truce is over ye done broke it! Bye bitchs." Frank turned to walk away but was stopped by two hooves knocking him to the ground. Frank turned to see a cyan pegasus with a large smile on her face who was standing right ontop of him.

"Oh Frankie you think you could just end our pact without my say so!" Dash's eyes twinkled as a small trail of blood began to seep down her forehead. "That type of act will require punishment."

"Pffff! Thats what she said!" Frank chuckled. Dash stopped confused. "Think about the last sentence you said, think real closely." After about a minute Dash bellowed with laughter.

"Ew! That's just wrong!" AJ in the back took off her hat and covered her face.

"Apple Jack! Frank! Rainbow Dash!" Twilight hollered as she ran up the hill. "Oh thank Celestia I found you guys. Speaking of the Princess she's-" Twilight stopped at the sight of Rainbow Dash and Frank and the sight of their injuries. "What happened to you two!?" Twilight stared at Frank and Rainbow Dash who just laughed harder. Twilight shook her head "Never mind just tell me on the way back to the library."


"And I was like I don't even eat pasta!" Frank finished his joke and the others laughed, Twilight opened the door and ushered Frank through. The library was pitch black "What the Hell, why is it so Dark-" Frank took a few steps and he was greeted by a bright flash of light which blinded him and a face of a pink wriggely maned pony screaming,

"Surprise!!" Frank was utterly terrified so startled that he instinctivly flung out his fist collieding with the pink pony's snout sending a shock of pain through her body and sending her a few feet back and into a nearby book shelf. Causing a few books to fall and bonk her over the head.

"Oh my God I am so sorry!" Frank apologized. "Just please don't scare the shit out of me like that again." Frank looked around and saw that many other ponies from around town stared at Frank mouths hung open in shock. The pink pony stood up rubbing her snout as her pink mane began to deflate and her eyes teared. "Oh no please don't be like that I'm sorry." The pink pony looked up at Frank who on the outside was apologizing but on the inside he was like,


"I-its okay I didn't mean to scare you." She stood up and slowly her mane began to poof again. Frank sighed

'Nice save their Frank' he complimented himself.

"ALRIGHT EVERYPONY! LETS PARTY!" The pink pony jumped and all the other ponies cheered. Frank smiled as he watched all the other ponies party.

"Frank! Frank!" Frank turned to see Twilight galloping towards him. "The Princesses they wish to see you upstairs in my room."

"Pssh. Thats what-" he began but Twilight then shoved a cup cake in his mouth.

"Stuff it Frank." Frank swollowed his delicous treat whole which actually hurt his throat. Twilight then guided Frank upstairs towards her room.

Twilight opened the door and on the balacony right outside her room were two horses. Well besides the fact they both have wings and horns they kind of looked like horses. One was as tall as Frank she had white coat and a endless flowing mane with wonderful colors and had tattoo of a sun on her ass. The other was about a foot or two smaller then Frank but she was as dark as night, with green eyes and a mane just like the other, endlessly flowing, but this one was dark blue and looked like it had stars shining in the mane.

"Whoa." Is all what Frank managed to say. Twilight looked up at Frank and said.

"Frank these are the two Princesses I told you about, the two rulers of Equestria." Frank looked back at Twilight

"Equest- what?" The tall white Princess chuckled turning to face Frank.

"Equestria is the name of our country." The Princess said. "My name is Princess Celestia. And this is my sister Luna." Luna turned towards him nodded she then said,

"Hello." Frank nodded.

"So I guess you two are the Monarchs then." Celestia nodded. "hmm. Intresting. Do you mind if I can get a picture of you two?" Frank said raising his camera. Celestia looked over at Luna for an answer. But before they even could reply with a yes or a no Frank had already snapped a few pictures with out them even knowing.

"Fantastic." He whispered to himself. Celestia looked over at Twilight,

"Sorry Twilight but may I please ask you to step out of the room. I need to talk to this creature in private." Twilight complied and left the room. Frank was now alone with the two Princesses and he did not like it what so ever.

"Eh... Am I in some sort of trouble." The Princesses smiled and shook her head no.

"Of course not why would you be. Yes I heard about the whole beaver situation and about the time you arrived. But those were just natural problems. But the reason why I wish to speak with you is because I want to learn more about you." She said quietly. Frank was about to say, "Thats what she said." but he had to forcefully stop himself. Frank's watch began to beep he raised it and saw that it was 7:00.

"Dammit already." Frank reached reached deep into his almost empty pocket in his jacket and revealed his third and last box of Zombrex. "Oh. No..." Frank said. "Shit this can't be the last box. I don't think Twilight has even started on the creation of more!" Frank began to panic. But before he could fully drive himself over the edge. He opened the box and injected himself with the drug. With a sigh of relief Frank tossed the box onto Twilight's bed.

"What was that?" Luna asked

"Wh-Oh that." Frank sighed. "I'm sick." he said.

"What do you have the pony flu or something." Celestia asked with a look of concern. Frank shook his head no.

"No something for more worse then your flu something that could put this world in grave danger and even chaos." Frank walked over to the edge of the balacony and rested his arms on it and watched over the town. "If I don't get this drug in the next 24 hours I will surely die." Celestia's and luna's mouths hung open.

"What a terrible fate." Celestia said.

"You think thats bad. When I die this sickness which back in my world we refer to it as the Zombification process. When I die I will come back as a Zombie. A real monster one that will kill and eat. For example." Frank pointed at Luna "If I were to bite you if I was a zombie. You too will shortly die and become a zombie."

"And all this will happen if you don't get this drug in the next 24 hours." Celestia asked, Frank nodded.

"That is terrible." Luna said with a small look of pity in her eyes.

"Please don't show pity on me. It was my fault that I got infected with the virus. I was young, stupid and arrogant."

"What happened?" Celestia asked. Frank leaned back against the guard rail and looked up into the night time sky observing the beautiful stars. Frank sighed this could be the last time that he will ever be able to see the night time sky.

"It was about 5 years ago I was a man on a mission. To uncover the true story about what had happened in the small town of Willamette. I was dropped off ontop of the willamette shopping mall. I had three days to get my scoop and get out, but what I didn't know that the real thing that happened was a zombie outbreak. Some douche bag named Carlito caused the zombie outbreak killing thousands of innocent people and turning them into zombies. In the end though I was able to defeat him and escape but. I was stung by some sort of wasp which we humans call queens they are the ones who spread the zombie virus. And now if I don't get that drug called Zombrex I will die and I don't want to cause another zombie outbreak. I'm literally a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off!" Silence fell over the room...

"Huh..." Celestia said.

"But Twilight said that she's gonna contact some person named Zecorra and she will make me some more, but I don't know how long that will take-" Frank was interupted by the sound of a frantic ringing going off in his jacket. Frank stopped and reached into his jacket and pulled out in a orange Walkie-Talkie. Wide eyed and confused on how in the Hell did he get a walkie-talkie, Frank stared at it and gently pressed the talk button.

"H-Hello? Who is this-"

"Oh hello there Frankie. I guess you know who this is dont'cha." Frank stared at the walkie-talkie with disbelief.

"And I gotta ask you this Frankie... Would'da like to play a game?"

Chapter 6: Terror is Reality

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Chapter 6: Terror is Reality

"So Frankie would ya like to play a game?" TK repeated the question Frank stood there stunned.

'How was TK still alive!?' Frank thought.'Its been two days since I arrived here and he is not a zombie!?'

"TK!' Frank roared into the walkie-talkie

"Oh sheesh Frankie no need to be so loud!" TK laughed

"You son of a bitch! How are you still alive!?" Frank asked grinding his teeth. Celestia and Luna shared uneasy glances with each other.

"Well well Frankie no need to ask questions when you haven't even answered mine." TK chuckled to himself. A muffled scream made its way through the walkie-talkie's speakers. "Quiet you dumb bitch!" TK yelled the sound of a women crying pierced the speakers as the sound of TK beating some one angered Frank!

"Wait!?" Frank said. "Who else is there with you?" Frank asked. TK chuckled before answering,

"Oh you know." TK trailed off into silence as he approached his victim. "Hey sweatie mind saying hello?" TK trailed off into silence again.

"FRANK!!" Rebecca's voice screamed through the speakers but was quickly cut off by a cry of pain.

"You dumb Asian bitch! I said don't scream when I take that gag off your mouth!" Rebecca's cries boiled Frank alive as anger began to erupt out of his voice!

"Stop it TK let her go!" Frank roared

"Nuh uh!!" TK's voice danced. "I cant do that now Frankie. Not until you get a little somethin' somethin' for me." Frank growled finally excepting the challenge TK has to offer.

"What do you need?" Frank asked.

"Zombrex!" TK shouted Into the walkie-talkie. Frank stared into the walkie-talkie with disbelief

"I don't have anymore." Frank snarled into the transmiter.

"Well either you go find some or this little bitch right here dies. But I'll be quick if I were you Frankie. Because the Dead are Rising and man are they pissed. Soon the terror of this world falling to the hands of the relentlys jaws of the undead will soon become a reality." TK said with joy in his voice.

"What are you talking about TK?" Frank asked a question he already knew the answer to.

"ZOMMMBBIIEESS!" TK yelled into the walkie-talkie the same way he did at his game show.

"Zombies?" Frank walked into Twilights bedroom and sat down on her bed gently enough so it won't break.

"Thats right Frankie. So when you get the stuff meet me at the ruins of some old castle I found in the forest okay?"

Another voice pierced the speakers.

"No Frank don't do this it's trap! He'll kill us both Frank he'll kill us bo-"

"I said shut up you dumb bitch!" Frank stood up and screamed as loud as he could into the walkie-talkie


And with that TK hung up. Frank roared with out rage and slammed the walkie-talkie on the bed he leant down and cradled his head breathing heavily. Celestia and Luna approached Frank with concerned looks in their eyes

"Who was that? Celestia asked slowly approaching Frank.

"TK, an old enemy of mine back in Fortune City. But I can't answer anymore questions I must go find Rebecca." Frank pulled out his gun and checked his ammo. Two magazines and a half that would roughly make about thirty-eight bullets hopefully that will be enough.

"Wait he said a castle in a forest right?" Luna asked. Frank nodded "Well you can't go out there thats the Everfree forest he's talking about. You'll get yourself hurt maybe more!"

"And whats this talk about the dead are rising?" Celestia asked. Frank sighed and stared at both of them.

"I think TK managed to some how bring a queen into this world or he probably extracted his infected blood and some how recreated the Zombie virus. So please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe TK is going to start another outbreak." Celestia's and Luna's mouths hung open for a good minute.

"Quickly." Celestia said. "Hop on my back!"

"Wait what are you-" Before Frank could finish his sentence he felt the feeling of being weightless as he was then picked up off the ground and placed on Celestia's back.

"Oh dear me you're heavy." She said wincing under his weight.

"Hey can it lady this was your idea in the first place!" And with that they took off towards the Everfree forest. Leaving a very confused and worried Twilight still waiting behind the door.


The moon traveled across the sky above the dark misty forest as the two princessess and Frank soared through the open sky. Frank clung onto Celestias neck for dear life.

"You're squeezing to hard!" Celestia choked.

"I'm sorry but I have never flown on a horse before!" Frank tried taking his gaze off the ground but his eyes wouldn't let him. Celestia then abrubtly shook and descended a few dozen feet. Frank yelped and squeezed harder.

"Sorry but we may exprience some minor turbulence!" In the distance in the woods Frank could barely make out a shape of what seemed to be a castle spire.

"What in the name of God is that?" Frank asked squinting his eyes.

"That is the Castle of the Two ancient royal sisters. It used to be my and Luna's home before the great war between Nightmare Moon and I." Celestia explained.

"Nightmare What?" Frank asked confused. "You mean you peaceful creatures been in wars before?"

"Two to be exact but over all that was about it. The Chaos War and the Great War." Frank raised an eyebrow.

"Huh. I never would've figured you guys actually been in a war. Despite how peaceful this place looks except for the forest it actually does look dangerous-" There was a bright flash of light as the sound of an explosion caught Franks ear. Immense heat and the force of shock wave threw Celestia to the side. Frank was flung off Celestia and now hung by just a few fingers. "Shit!" The weight of Frank being casted to the right side of Celestia caused her balance to be thrown off causing her to descended downward.

"Frank! I need you to let go!" Celestia called.

"What! Are you crazy! I'll fall I don't have wings like you!" Frank dangled trying not to get hit by Celestia's wings.

"Please trust me!" From the top of the castle's tower was another bright flash as another flaming misslie was hurdleing towards them.

'Shit it's TK where the Hell did he get a rocket launcher!?' Frank thought still dangling from the side of Celestia.

"Frank please let go! If you dont' we'll both crash!" Celestia hollerd. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath Frank released his grip and plummeted to the depths below. The wind howling in his ears his cloths rippling and flapping falling at such immense speeds he was sure he'll feel no pain when he struck. Uttering one last prayer and waiting for the innevitible to come. After about few seconds nothing happend...

'Am I dead? Did I hit the ground-' A loud explosion rocked Franks ears forcing him to open his eyes to find him being carried by very uncomfortable Luna.

"You are very heavy!" She squeaked.

"Is that supposed to be fat joke?" Frank asked raising an eyebrow.

"Wait where's Sis?" Luna asked her eyes darting side to side looking for her.

"We can't stop and look for her!" Frank said, "We have to stop TK be-" There was a bright flash of light as large explosion flung Luna and Frank to the ground. "Oh shit!" Frank paniced as he landed on a tree branch catching himself before he could hit the ground. Pain surged through his body as adrenalen kicked in "Luna!? Celestia!?" Frank called out there was no reply.

'Dammit!' Frank raged 'Where could they be?' With that a loud static caught Franks ear as the Walkie-Talkie came to life.

"Well Frankie do you really think you could just come and take her with out getting my stuff first?" TK asked Frank while he hauld himself up onto the tree branch into a sitting postition.

"Dammit TK how the Hell did you get a hold of a rocket launcher!?" Frank asked.

"Well Frankie it turns out that magic does exsist in this new world full of the mystical creatures!" TK laughed

"Pssh... Figures." Frank said. Frank stopped and pounderd on the thought of summoning. "Why couldn't you just summon yourself some Zombrex?" He asked. TK laughed

"You must be more stupider then I thought Frankie. Not only did you fall for my most obvious trap, but you think I didn't summon some Zombrex. Of course I did! I have enough to last me for months on end." Frank stopped and thought this over in his head.

'If I can defeat TK I can take his Zombrex and figure out a way to get out of this Hell hole.'

"But I would hurry Frankie... These Zombies are getting hungry and I ran out of food to give them." TK said. Low faint zombie groan sounded in the back ground. "I guess you wont mind if I feed them this here Asian bitch." Rebbeca's cries caught Franks ears.

"Don't you fucking touch her TK!" Frank dove out of the tree and landed with a combat roll ten feet below. Frank stashed the walkie-talkie in his jacket. Frank looked up into the night time sky in search of the castle ruins, it wasn't that hard to find despite how close he was it it. Frank looked to his right and found an unconscious Luna her coat was slightly singed in soom areas but over all she was okay. Frank turned his attention back towards the castle TK was hidden in one of the three spires that still stood. Assuming Frank began heading towards the tallest spire of them all... The throne room of the two ancient sisters.


The castle was dark and musty. Frank sneezed a few times but he was okay.

"God damn its musty in here." He said wiping his nose. A female's cry caught Frank off gaurd making him jump revealing his pistol. Frank looked to his right was a long dark corridor except for the light at the very end. It casted off a light golden glow. There was then a bright flash of white light forcing Frank to cover his eyes with his left arm. "What the Hell is going on-" Frank was cut off by some hysterical laughter filing in behind it was slow following clap. Frank then proceeded down this hallway.

Frank peeked his head around the corner of door way leading to a stair case heading upwards this appears to be where the gold light is coming from. Frank then cautiously strolled up the stairs the laughing only seem to grow louder as Frank got closer to his target.

After a few minutes of casually going up a stair case Frank was greeted by two large doors. With a large symbol of two Alicorns who appear to be making a yin & yang symbol. Below the crease of the door was a faint golden light.

"I guess I'm here then." Frank said placing his glasses on just in case TK attempts to blinde him or something. But before Frank opened the door. "Wait a second this is way to easy... Why would TK have an army of Zombies yet he doesn't try to stall me or stop me with him. He has no gaurds set up either... Huh." Frank then opened the door to be greeted by spray of bullets forcing him to jump down the stairs.

"Well Frankie it seems you've found me!" TK laughed while reloading his M3-Sub Machine Gun.

"What the Hell where did you get that weapon!?" Frank asked dodgeing another wave of bullets. Frank took cover behind a piller.

"Sorry Frankie but I can't answer your questions just yet." He said completely ripping to the pilliar to pieces.

"What are talking about? You told me about the rocket launcher!" Frank said returning fire. TK raised an eyebrow

"Huh. I guess I did. Well I was just probably getting to carried away with myself. But never mind that Frankie prepare to die!" TK sprinted at Frank head on.

'Wow thats a stupid move to make run head on at a guy with a gun.' Frank spun around the pilliar and shot at TK. Who instantly faded from exsistance. 'What the Hell!?' TK then reappeared above Frank weilding his gun in one hand and a large sword in the other getting ready to strike Frank down.

"Shit!" Frank dove out of the way before TK could strike him down. Quickly getting back up onto his feet TK rammed Frank in the gut with the hilt of the sword. Knocking the wind out of Frank, Frank dropped to his knees winded

'God I'm getting way to old for this shit! Frank thought defeated. TK laughed histerically TK took the sword and placed on Franks right sholder then slowly lifted it and placed it on his left.

"May I now grant you the title of the Stupidest Fat Ass who actually thought could defeat-" TK cried out in pain a young Asian girl impaled TK in the back with large dagger. TK cried out in out rage as he turned around and fired a few rounds into Rebecca's right leg. Frank took this to his advantage Frank lunged at TK wrapping his arms around his waist lifting him up and throwing him onto a large concrete stage looking thing right in front of a large stain glass window that had the same symbol that the door had. Light pierced through the window as the morning sun began rise high in the sky.

"How the fuck did you get out of those bonds?" TK heaved as he spat some blood onto the floor that glistened in the morning light. TK stumbled to his feet.

"I let her go." Said Celestia her face stern and serouis a few burns marked her face. TK laughed, he laughed so hard he began hacking up blood.

"I don't know whats fucken funnier the fact that I'm talking to a fucking horse, or the fact that your tall skinny ass intimidates me!" Celestias face grew angry and her horn flared in out rage. Frank approached TK picking up the M3 he dropped when Frank threw him. Frank trained the gun on TK,

"You better start talken TK before I fill you up with led." TK roared with laughter.

"What is there to talk about Frankie." TK spreaded his arms apart and a large smile bearing all his teeth spreaded across his face.

"The Zombies! TK where are they!?" TK smiled and in low whisper he said,

"I thought you'd never ask." With snap of his fingers a large door at the other end of the room opened revealing a massive wave of undead ponies.

"Oh dear God that is not what I expected at all!" About a hundred undead ponies of all kind sauntered their way towards the four of them. Ponies of different types were scatterd about from pegasi to earth ponies and unicorns shambled their way towards them.

"Welcome to the grand company picnic! I'm sorry I couldn't convince your live friends to come but I was able to bring most of their shambling decomposing corpses! HAHA!" TK bellowed with laughter.

"ARGH!" Frank turned unleashing a Hell storm of bullets into TK's chest. Blood sprayed all over TK's body as his body jerked back bullets ripping clean through his chest and breaking through the window behind him. TK though still laughed hysterically. After Frank cleaned the M3 dry of all its bullets TK stood there his back slunched foward his head hung low his arms dangeling there. Blood dripped from the dozen of bullet holes in his chest TK raised his head slowly a grin still sat there on his lips blood seeping through the cracks. Slowly he stood up fully stretching his back out causing it to pop. Frank stared with disbelief.

"H-how are you still alive?" he stutterd. TK smiled

"Well Frankie thats a secert for next time." TK brought his hand back towards his back pocket. Frank reached for his gun but TK quickly brought his hand back revealing a Glock "Think Fast!" He shouted firing off a single shot striking Frank in the chest Celestia quickly flared up her magic throwing TK through the stain glass window where he then plummeted to his eminent demise.

"Frank!" Rebecca limped her way towards Frank who laid on the ground clutching his chest.

"Don't worry I'm not dead yet." He said with a full-hearted grin.

"Not trying to ruin your reunion here, but I think we may have a problem." Celestia turned her attention back towards Frank who stared wide eye'd at a whole army of undead ponies who just now began climbing up the steps towards them...

"Aw.. Shit here we go again."

Chapter 7: A Friend in Need

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Chapter 7: A Friend in Need

Twilight jumped at the sound of Frank yelling.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER TK! OR I'LL FIND YOU AND I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! YOU HERE ME? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" And with that all went silent again. She wanted to go in there and see what was going on. Also who was this TK Frank was yelling at? There was only two ponies in there that Frank could possibly be talking to and those were the Princesses.

"Hey Twilight?" Pinkie voice called from bellow.

"Yeah Pinkie what do you want?" Twilight asked.

"What are you and Mister Mc.Meanie Pants doin up there?" She asked sucking in a baloon full of helium.

"His names Frank and he's talking to the Princesses right now.-" And with that Twilight quickly cupped her own mouth with her hooves. She wasn't supposed to tell anypony else about the Princesses visit. How could she be so arrogant and forget something that important.

"Wait." Said Pinkie in a very high pitched squeak. "You're telling me the Princesses are here?" her voice would have been hysterical if Twilight wasn't so embarassed with herself.

"Please Pinkie!" Twilight said comming down the stairs locking eyes with the energetic Earth Pony. "Don't tell anypo-"

"That's just wonderful!" Pinkie voice chirped now coming back to its original octive. Pinkie turned to the crowed of partying ponies and shouted, "Hey everypony the Pri-" In a instant Twilight lunged out and cupped Pinkies mouth with her hoof.

"Please Pinkie." She hissed into her ear. "Don't tell anypony else about this! It was originally supposed to be a secret between Me, Apple Jack, Frank, and Rainbow Dash but I forgot." Pinkie raised an eyebrow and began talking but because of Twilight's hoof over her mouth all that came out was spit and a bunch of muffles. Twilight quickly brought her leg away in disgust and wiped it on the floor.

"So do you want me tell everypony?" She asked. Twilight nodded

"Pinkie Promise." Twilight said.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly! Shove a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie jammed her hoof into her right eye at the end and Twilight winced.

'How does she do that with out hurting herself?' Twilight asked herself. And in a instant Pinkie quickly turned back towards the and shouted,

"Hey everypony! The Princesses are here!!" Everypony in the party stopped and looked over at Pinkie. Twilight mouth dropped and her pupils shrunk.

"Pinkie! I told you not to tell anypony about this! You even Pinkie promised not to tell!" Pinkie turned back towards Twilight with a bit of confusion strung over her face.

"Silly filly I said 'Do you want me to tell everypony?' and you nodded your head and made me Pinkie promise." Twilight rammed a hoof into her forehead.

'How could've I fallen for such a stupid trick!' Twilight scolded herself. After a few minutes of silence all the other ponies at the party went back to enjoying themselves and talking to each other. Twilight shook her head in annoyance.

"I'm gonna go check on the Princesses..." Twilight groaned slowly returning up the stairs.

"OH! OH! Can I come!?" Pinkie bounced up and down her blue eyes full of exciment. Twilight raised an eyebrow,

"Pinkie excactly how many cup cakes and other sugary treats have had over the passed hour." Pinkie stopped and stared up in the air. Pondering over the question Twilight just asked.

"I dunno I lost track after... twenty." Twilight smiled and shook her head.

"Oh Pinkie Pie..."


Twilight knocked on her bedroom door, after waiting a few moments and recieving no reply Twilight opened her bedroom door. Nopony was in there.

"Hello?" Twilight krept in slowly the room was dark and empty. Twilight looked over and saw her balacony door has been left open. "That's strange." She said scratching her head with her right hoof. "Where did they-" Twilight was knocked to the ground by a very energetic earth pony holding two confetie launchers in her hoofs. Blasting confetie in every direction she shouted,

"Happy birthday!!" Twilight jumped back falling over onto her haunchs.

"Pinkie what in the name of Celestia are you doing?" Pinkie stood up confused looking around the room. Ignoring Twilight's question.

"Where is everypony?" Pinkie asked. Twilight stood brushing the dust off her coat.

"I don't know Pinkie. But whatever it is I hope Frank's okay..." Twilight came to a stop when she saw a bright flash coming from her window followed by a distant rumble that sounded like thunder. "Huh. That's strange Rainbow never said anything about a storm." Twilight said approaching her window to get a better look.

"Maybe it's like a suprise or something! EP! I love suprises!" Twilight shook her head and peeked through the window sill. In the distance just above the Everfree Forest Twilight saw a small red streak fly through the sky then ended in a bright red flash again followed by a low rumble. Pinkie took in a large breath of astonishment , "Are those fireworks!? Oh I love fireworks look how bright they are! And they're so loud I wish I had those types!-" Twilight shot her hoof up over Pinkie's mouth.

"Pinkie! I don't think those are fireworks, and I don't think those are used for ponies entertainment either." Before Pinkie could reply Twilight took her hoof off before Pinkie could salivate all over it.

"Maybe that's where Celestia, Luna, and Frank are!" Twilight looked back out the window.

"Maybe Pinkie, maybe you're right." Twilight stepped back and approached her desk taking a set of parchment and quill she began writing a note.

"What'cha doin there?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm writing a note for Spike if he ever starts wondering where we're at. Now Pinkie go round up the others, because were going on a quest."

Chapter 8: Help is on its way

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Chapter 8: A Helping Hoof

Frank swung TK's old broad sword into the side of a Zombie Pony's head with a lethal shunk. Rebecca stood back weilding Frank's pistol firing a shot off here and there trying her best to stand and hold off the on coming onslaught of zombified ponies. Frank clutched his chest with every swing pain surged through his body, "Hey Princess you think you could fly us out of here or somethin?" Frank winced as he swung his blade decapitating another zombie blood splashing all across his face and clothing.

"I wish I could Mr.West but that explosion earlier was something I have never exprienced before in my life." Frank shot a quick glance at Celestia before turning to impale another zombie in it's chest.

"What the Hell does that statement have to do with anything!?" Frank planted his foot on a zombie's head and shoved it back down the stairs knocking down a few more undead.

"What I'm saying is since I wasn't expecting it the magical barrier that protects my body wasn't up at the time so I took most of the full effect of the explosion!" Celestia shot out a magical bolt of lighting striking down a few zombies casuing there singedbodies to crumple to the floor. Which they then slowly began to stand back up.

"So you're saying you have some sort of defense system? Like a force field or something?" Frank asked taking a step back towards the window. The zombies began climbing farther up the stairs pushing the three of them back.

"Frank have you seen my sister Luna?" Celestia asked before shooting out a small shock wave throwing a large group of the zombified ponies back, and also completely ignoring Frank's question.

"Last I saw her was laying down outside unconsciousness." Frank swung his sword slicing a zombie in the chest. The mangled pony lunged out at Frank planting it's fore hooves on his chest knocking Frank down. "Shit!" there was a loud bang and a spray of blood splatterd across Frank's face. The Zombified pony's body stiffend and toppled over, Frank looked back to see Rebecca her face covered in pain and fear. "Alright we can't stay here in any longer."

"Agreed." Celestia said blasting another horde of zombies with a ray of pure heat burning their flesh causing it to peel off their bones. Celestia winced at the sight, "Why would such a pony do this to other ponies." Frank frowned looking over at Celestia.

"You mean person right? Because TK was a guy. Not a pony." Frank corrected.

"I know what I said." Celestia stated. Frank sighed.

"Okay what ever then. Come on Rebecca." Frank stepped over to Rebecca who sat back reloading Frank's pistol. Frank knelt down to pick up Rebecca but yelped at the pain in his chest.

"Frank! Are you okay!?" Rebecca asked limping towards Frank to check up on him.

"I'm fine... .I just have bullet in my chest, I'm probably have internal bleeding or somethin... .But I'm okay." Frank said sarcasticly. "But don't worry." He said standing back up growing more serious. "I covered wars you know." Frank said with a lop sided smile Rebecca just rolled her eyes and sighed. From behind Frank came Celestia,

"Don't worry Frank I'll take care of her!" Frank stood back up thinking back in his mind searching for a possible escape route he must've came across on his way up towards the spire. Frank looked to his left and found a door leading to another room, "Hey! Over there we can get away from there!" A zombie lunged at Frank but he quickly swung his sword spearing it inbetween the eyes. Frank planted his foot on it's chest and pushed it away forcing the sword out of it's head. "Alright, lets go!"


Frank slammed the door behind him pushing all of his body up against it for support. The zombified ponies though continued to pounding on the door. Luckly though none them were able to break through it though, Frank sighed with relief "Oh crap!" He said.

"What wrong Frank?" Rebecca asked,

"TK said he had enough Zombrex here to last him at least a good month. He might also have other supplies I might be able to use. The thing that sucks though is I don't know where they're at!"

"I thought you said that Zecorra will be making you more." Celestia said.

"Yeah but that won't be for another few days." Frank replied.

"Don't worry Frank we'll find you some Zombrex." Rebecca said lying back on Celestia taking in all the surrondings with a sigh she said, "I still can't believe this place. It's just so weird."

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked,

"Well just this, talking ponies, no offense, castles, ex cetera. Like where Frank and I come from we don't have any of this stuff. Well castles yeah but talking ponies? Pssh. Seriously?" Frank took his eyes away off the two girls realizing he never had time to exctually observe his surrondings. The room they were in wasn't to big, it consisted of a few old worn out empty book shelves. A few dry rotted tables and broken out window Frank pushed off the door after a few moments of realizing that nothing is going to break through for a while. He made his way through the dry rotted tables and book shelves clutching his wound that was in his chest. Every step caused a gasping breath to escape his lips, the pain in his chest was now starting to settle in.

"Frank where are you going?" Asked Rebecca. Frank shook his head and looked back at her.

"Obviously what does it look like, I'm trying to figure out a way out of here. Also I can probably find TK's Zombrex." He said. Frank turned around continueing his search.


Loud bangs pierced the sky followed by the sound of a constant cracking noise. Twilight flinched at the sound of every gunshot she heard, "Oh. I hope Frank is okay-" Twilight flinched again at the sound of the new gun which instead of letting off a single bang let off a constant more faster pace of bangs.

"I have to say darling what is that dredful noise?" Asked Rarity who was trying to make her way around a puddle. The girls where heading towards the castle trying to catch up with Frank and the Princesses.

"I believe that is Frank." Said Rainbow Dash who hovered just above the ground by a few feet. "It sounds like he's battleing something-" Rainbow Dash was cut off by low groan coming from their side. Dash turned to see Luna laying helplessly on the ground. Her body singed in a few areas but over all she looked okay,

"Oh my!" Rarity gasped.

"Princess Luna are you okay!?" Apple Jack galloped towards the hurt Alicorn who tried to pull herself back up onto her hooves.

"Yes we are okay." She whispered.

"What happened?" Twilight asked, giving the Princess support on her right side.

"A creature, just like your friend attacked us! Unlike your friend though this one is evil." Luna mumbled while finally finding her balance.

"Thank you girls I believe I can walk now." She said, almost falling over right after she said that.

"No Princess you're in no condition to move. Please let us help you." Says Fluttershy, Luna shook her head,

"No child, I am fine just let me be." says Luna shaking while running a hoof through her flowing mane. "That was quiet a trip I been through." Twilight shook her head and stepped back,

"So you said there is another creature like Frank running around here?" She asked, Luna nodded her expression growing stern,

"Yes but this one is evil, I can feel it just like the time when I was Nightmare Moon, I can feel the dark magic flowing through his veins. Every second he grows stronger and stronger-" Just then the sound of rapid fire explosions erupted out of the castle catching all the girls off guared making them all jump. After a good few seconds the explosions stopped, Twilight was the first to shoot up from where she was hiding.

"That sounded a lot like Frank's weapon!"

"Darling!" Squeaked Rarity, "I don't think that was a weapon!" She laid on the ground covering her head with her fore legs.

"I'll explain what it is afterwords, trust me I didn't understand it either until last night." Twilight said running towards the castle, "Come on girls!"


"Ah ha!" Frank cheered.

"Did you find us a way out of here?" Celestia and Rebecca asked simoltaniously both holding the door so the Zombified ponies don't break through.

"Eh... No but I found TK's supply stash!" Frank said grinning sheepishly, the door bucked wildly pieces of wood flinging off the door wish each strike!

"Frank I know your happy you found Zombrex but could you hurry the Hell up and figure out a way out of here! I really don't wanna become horse chow!... Eh. No offense Celestia." Rebecca said looking over at the Alicorn Princess.

"Non taken, I don't wish to be horse chow either." Frank sighed.

"Alright alright." He said picking up TK's spare pistol. Looking over at Celestia Frank grinned, "Celestia you use to live here."

"Yes, yes I did." She said pushing her back against the door while it bucked even harder. The sounds of the Zombified Ponies growing louder as more crowded the door.

"So you should know this place like the back of your hand... I mean hoof." Celestia looked at Frank a small frown spreaded across her face signaling that she was in deep thought. After a few moments of silence between the three of them, she smiled and nodded her head.

"You see that old burnt up painting over there?" She said motioning her head towards the back of the room. Frank looked back and on the wall was a life size painting. It was deterioated so bad that you even couldn't tell what the painting supposed to be of, running over to it Frank grabbed both sides and ripped it off the wall. Revealing nothing... He frowned,

"Okay how the Hell is this supposed to help us! There's nothing here!" Celestia frowned this time actually dissipointed.

"Oh!... That trick must be back at Canterlot." Frank face palmed

'And I thought there wasn't any blondes here.'

Looking up Frank smiled, "Well when there isn't any other choice there's only one last thing we can do." Grabbing his sword Frank held it in his left hand, and on the right was his pistol.

"What's that?" Asked Rebecca.

"We Chop Till We Drop..."

Chapter 9: Chop Till I Drop

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Chapter 9: Chop Till I Drop

Warning: Chapter may contain some Gore and Graphic content

Swinging the bag of supplies on his shoulders, Frank kicked open the door sending a few Zombified Ponies flying back, flaing his sword like maniac. Frank began severing the Zombie's heads, firing his handgun at any Zombie that dared to venture to close to him. Celestia filed in behind Frank using her magic to hold off Zombies, not kill them just hold them off. While Rebecca sat on her back shooting any Zombies with Frank's original handgun.

Even though Frank's chest flared with pain he ignored it, slashing his sword left and right he slowly made his way through the horde. 'Where the Hell did TK get all these ponies!?' Frank thought while jamming his handgun into a stallion's mouth and blowing it's brains out.

"Frank!" Celestia shouted, Frank sighed

"Oh dear God not this shit all over again." He whispered to himself,

"Frank!" Celestia shouted again,

"What!?" Frank said elbowing a Zombie in the face,

"We need your help!" Celestia fired a bolt of magic knocking a few undead ponies back towards the broken stainglass window. Frank noticed the window and looked over at Celestia and Rebecca for a brief moment, remembering that Celestia's an Alicorn Frank smiled.

"Just go!" He shouted stabbing a zombie in it's chest, and blasting a hole in it's head with the gun. Celestia looked at Frank mouth agape, "You heard me go! Fly git on outta here!" A Unicorn zombie lunged at Frank bitting him on the wrist, "Ah Fuck!" dropping his gun Frank grabbed the pony by it's throat and hoisted it off the ground. Taking his sword he sliced the unicorns neck open spewing blood all over the ground and on his pant legs. Throwing the now dead zombie to the side Frank turned back to Celestia. "Now go!" He shouted one last time, the ponies began to over run Frank, they climbed their way ontop of him forming a giant dog pile.

Clestia looked over towards Frank who was now buried in a heaping pile of rotting flesh. She then turned her head back towards Rebecca who just stared wide eyed at the mess. With one last glance at Frank she nodded, extending her wings Celestia took flight, leaving Frank behind at the hooves of the undead.


Fluttershy flinched at the sound of another gunshot, "C-can we go now, I don't like this place." She whispered. Twilight sighed and shook her head,

"I'm sorry Fluttershy but you heard Princess Luna, Frank and Celestia are in danger and they need our help."

"Wait a second!" Dash flew in front of Twilight, "Why would the Princesses need our help?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "Like seriously they're the Princesses for pete's sake! They should have done like some super awesome attack or somethin and defeat this bad guy, like give him the old one two." Dash said punching the air.

The other five ponies just sat there confused, every so often glancing at one each other raising an eyebrow. Dash soon took notice of this and frowned.

"Aw come on! You can't be serious, how could something so easily defeat Princess Luna? That's impossible!" Dash sighed and rubbed her tempals. "You know what never-"

"Ooooh LOOK! There's a Pony over there! Wait! NO! There's a few ponies over there!" Said Pinkie excitedly jumping up and down and pointing her right fore hoof at the ruins entrance.

"Oh darling I highly doubt that were in the Everfree forest, nopony would ever venture this far in the... Oh you're right. I must say who are they?" Said Rarity. Twilight frowned and looked over at the castle, sure enough there was at least ten ponies scattered about the castle entrance. But something wasn't right, no not at all. These Ponies were sauntering around, some even tripping over their hooves. Something wasn't right,

"Is it just me, or do those ponies look like they're drunk of there minds on cider?" Says Applejack. Twilight glanced over at Applejack.

"You noticed it too?" Asked Twilight, Applejack nodded.

"Oh my Twilight how could you not notice such a horrendous sight! Just look them, they're covered in dirt and filth! It's as if they've been out here for weeks on end!" Rarity brought a hoof up to her head and sighed following back just to land on a sofa that appeared to have come from nowhere. Twilight raised an eyebrow at the sofa that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere but sighed. Looking away back over the rope bridge Twilight saw a sight that almost scared her half to death.

Pinkie Pie was on the other side of the bridge standing infront of two drunk ponies, talking her mind off about Cupcakes, and her new friend Frank.



Cried Twilight, Pinkie who wasn't paying attention and more focused on her story. Didn't notice the two drunk Ponies lunge at her. Looking up Pinkie saw one of the drunk ponies tackle her to the ground.

"I'm going over there!" Said Twilight charging up her magic getting ready to teleport over to Pinkie to help her.

"Don't worry Twilight I got this!" Said Rainbow Dash who zipped her way over to Pinkie. 'Hey get off her you jerks!" Dash flew into one of the Drunken ponies ramming him off Pinkie. Dash heared and felt are snap in the ponies ribs as he then barrle rolled across the ground and flew into the side of the ruins.

Dash landed next to Pinkie, who's mane had deflated and she was shaking with fear. More druken ponies turned their way. Staring at the Ponies Dash noticed something, something extremely disturbing. The Mare who was on the side that was also knocked away by Dash's attack stood up. Staring at her Dash wanted to puke, the mare's left eye socket was empty and black, her lips seemed to have been toren off her face revealing nothing but crooked chipped teeth. Her once yellow cut was stained in mud and blood. Her green and yellow stripped mane was ragged and stained, her one good eye was white and lifeless yet! She still moved.

Letting out a gurgled moan, which caused blood to dribble out of the corner of her mouth. "Come on Pinkie we gott a get of here! Here take my hoof!" Dash couldn't take her gaze off the Mare who was having trouble climbing up onto her hooves. Dash stook out her hoof to help Pinkie up, but she didn't take it, "Come on Pinkie we don't got all day!-"

"H-he tried to b-b-bite me! H-h-he was t-t-t-trying to eat me!" Pinke stuttered. Dash looked down at her terrified friend who sat there tears pouring down her face. Dash frowned at what Pinkie was saying,

"What do you mean they were trying to eat you?" Pinkie looked up Dash a shadow over casting the both of them, Pinkies expression changed and her eyes grew even wider.

"Dash watch out!" Dash turned but she was too late, the mare that was on the ground shoved Rainbow to the ground with intense strength. Causing Dash to stumble back and land on Pinkie, the mare stumbled her way towards Dash and dropped to her knees climbing ontop of her. Dash yelled trying with all her might to shove the mare off her, the mare slammed her right hoof into Dash's face pushing her head aside exposing her neck.

"T-T-Twwwilllight!" Dash Cried out, the mare clamped her teeth around Dash's neck.


Frank shoved the the zombies off him using all his strength, the wound in his chest becoming even more unbearable. Picking his pistol back up Frank raised it, pulling the trigger the slider flew back but no bullet came out, leaving Frank with the lousy click that let's you know you're out of bullets. Frank sighed backing away from the Zombies he shoved the the handgun back into his jacket. Frank looked over towards the entrance to the room he was in, a few zombies seemed to have made their way out of here. But that wouldn't be a problem, a pegasus to Frank's right rammed into him knocking Frank back a few feet. Frank regained his balance seconds later, looking around for another weapon Frank found TK's M3 laying idlely on the ground waiting to be picked up. Running over to it clutching his throbbing chest Frank was able to retrieve the gun.

Aiming it at the zombies Frank pulled the trigger.

Click... Click... Clickclickclickclick!

'God Dammit!'

Swinging the bag over his sholders and back onto the ground, Frank began to rifle his way through the items. After a few seconds of searching Frank pulled out three magazines. "Haha!" He said putting the bag back onto his sholders, Frank took the M3's empty mag out and replaced it with a fresh new one. After a chambering the first round Frank raised the gun and fired a volley of lead into the crowd of undead.

Bodies dropped to the floor coating it in a sticky red, Frank ran towards the exit pushing his way through the horde of zombies. After a few push and shoves Frank reached the end, panting like dog he looked at the stairs.

'Thank God they're not as crowded.

With one last deep breath Frank grinned and began to make his way down the flight of stairs.


Frank froze dead in his tracks,

'Who just screamed Twilight's name? It sounded familiar! But he was it?'

Another cry reached Frank's ear, then it dawned him.

"Oh shit it's the Hippy!!" Frank bolted down the stair case shoving over zombies who dared stepped in his way. Frank leaped down the stair case landing on the floor in mid combat roll. Getting back to his feet he sprinted towards the main entrance. Not many zombies were getting in his way due to the fact most were on the upper floors of the castle, but still here and there he would come across one.

Another scream reached Frank's ears causing him to pick up his pace, "God dammit I really need to start dieting!" Frank gasped his breaths becoming more ragged and drawn out. Rounding the final corner Frank saw the entrance to the castle, "Don't worry Rainbow Dash I'm coming for ya!"


"What in tarnashin is going on over there!?" Applejack asked quickly making her way over the rope bridge,

"Twiiillight! Get this mare off of me!" Using her magic Twilight teleported herself over to the other side, while Fluttershy began backing away farther from the scene.

Rainbow Dash pushed with all her might trying to get the crazy mare off her, but the mare wouldn't let go of Dash's neck. Every growing second the mare seemed to be applying more pressure to her neck, Dash began to gag as the mare began choking her.

Twilight reappeared seconds later right beside Rainbow using her magic Twilight wrapped the mare with her magic trying to pull her off. But the mare wouldn't let go, "Come on get off her will yo-" Twilight cried out in fear as a stallion tackled her to the ground, Twilight's magic flared and the stallion stumbled back. Twilight quickly scrambled back onto her hooves, looking over at the stallion she gasped in fear.

His body was mangled and beaten, as if he was attacked by a pack of Timber Wolves. A large gash outlined his throat as if a knife was drawn across it slitting it open. Fresh blood dripped from the open wound coating the grass in blood making it glisten in the afternoon sunlight. The way he walked was in a weak shamble, dragging his hooves across the grass slowly making his way over to her.

"Th-th-that's impossible there is no way you can even be alive!" Twilight trembled she wanted to vomit, she felt as if the entire world would give way from beneath her. Just the sight of this poor stallion just made her stomach cringe.

"Get away from her you dang varmin!" Out from the corner Twilight saw Applejack trying to force the mare of Rainbow Dash. Taking her gaze off the Stallion for a split second Twilight saw that they were surrounded,

"Oh no, this was a bad idea!"


Rarity glanced over at Fluttershy who was hiding away in a bush. Rarity was nervous, scared for her friends. She needed to help them but how? What could she do, what smother then in cloth!? Looking back over at her friends she saw the disgraceful looking ponies surround them, Applejack was trying to force the mare who was choking Dash off of her. While Twilight stood there in shock by what was going on. Well Pinkimena laid there on the ground being crushed by Dash and the mare.

'I could run,' she thought but quickly shook her head, 'No! I'll not leave my friends behind like this, they need my help!'

Levitating a rock off the ground, Rarity grinned "Oh, It.Is.On!" Rarity charged over the bridge, a stallion who heard her coming turned around and opened his mouth wide. Revealing his jagged chipped teeth, Rarity winced at the sight but kept on charging.

Bringing the rock back Rarity swung forward bashing the Stallion over the head, Rarity saw the his head cave in his left eye popping out of it's socket as blood gushed out of the new head wound. The stallion's knees buckled and he crumpled to the ground.

Rarity stopped, terrified by what she had just done. Did she just kill that pony? Not paying any attention to her surroundings Rarity didn't realize the amount of ponies she attracted to herself. Looking up Rarity saw five ponies one unicorn, two pegasi, and three earth ponies. Who were sauntering their way towards her,

Rarity smiled, "Oh this is going to be fun." Hopping over the dead stallion Rarity trotted her way towards the mare who stood in her path. "Excuse me darling." Rarity said smashing the mares face in with the rock, causing small amounts of blood to squirt on Rarity's coat. The mare crumpled to the ground face planting when she landed, Rarity just stepped over her and made her way towards the first pegasus pony. Raising the rock over her head she brought it down with tremendous force, the rock slammed into the pegasus stallion's head causing a gut churning crack. Blood trickled down his face his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Falling onto his side Rarity smiled,

From her left came a large built unicorn who slammed into her side, Rarity let out a yelp and fell to the ground. Dropping her weapon in the process, trying to climb to her hooves the stallion pressed his right front hoof into her throat. Crushing her jugular, Rarity tried using her magic but due to the lack of air she kept losing her focus. She gasped and choked, pounding the unicorn's hoof. The stallion raised his hoof allowing Rarity to breath, but before Rarity could act the Stallion brought his hoof down onto Rarity's face...


Rainbow Dash cried out in pain as the mare's teeth slowly began to break through her skin, Dash tried moving her legs but the mare slammed her front hooves down onto her legs. Ceasing all movement from Dash,

'I don't want to die like this!'

Dash cried out in her thoughts, blood began to trickle down her neck as the mare began to break skin. Dash cried out in agony and began thrashing back and forth. Which was a terrible mistake as it just made the pain worse,


Dash's cry for help was cut short as blood erupted out of her neck as her neck gave way to the mare's bite. She felt the teeth from the mare rip into her throat, causing blood to gush from her now open wound. The pain was unbearable for Dash as she let out a holler of pain. The mare pulled away from Dash tearing a chunk of her flesh off her body.

"Dang nabbit get away from her!" Applejack attempted to charge the mare but was cut off by three more ponies. "RD! RD! RD!!!" AJ cried out. Pinkie began sobbing as the blood from Rainbow Dash began dripping onto her, covering her head with her fore hooves she began crying quietly.

Dash continued to cry out in pain as the mare came back and delve deeper into her flesh, the mare pulled back again ripping more of dash's tissue away. Blood began pouring out of her throat like an open faucet, blood flooded into Dash's mouth replacing her cries with helpless gurgles.

The mare let out a delight filled gurgle as she swallowed Dash's flesh. The mare lent down again getting ready to take another bite, slowly gradually getting closer she opened her mouth and bit down on Dash. Dash cried out one last time before finally passing out due to the pain.

A loud bang rocked everypony's ears stopping the crazed mayhem. All ponies heads turned towards the castle entrance except for one mare.

Blood dripped onto Dash's face, the mare laying on top of her slumped over onto the ground. A large bullet hole in between her eyes. Her body lat out one last spasm before finally coming to a halt,

Frank West stood at the center of the palace entrance, with a stern expression and the smoke billowing out of the pistol's barrel Frank furrowed his brow.

"Stay the Fuck away from her..."

Chapter 10: Please God

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Chapter 10: Please God

Frank charged at the first zombie he saw, cocking his arm back. He swung the sword decapitating the stallion in front of him. Turning towards Applejack who was surrounded by three zombies Frank raised his gun and fired a few rounds. The bullet whizzing through the air punctured the three zombies in the sides of their heads. Small amounts of blood splashed onto AJ's face, AJ looked over at Frank in deep surprise and fear.

'So that's what that metal thing does... She thought. A pegasus zombie lunged at Frank grasping onto the side of his right arm, Frank frowned and spun around quickly jabbing his left hand into the zombies gut. His fingers ripping through it's weak decayed flesh grasping his fingers around it's entrails, Frank brought his arm out disemboweling the zombie. The guts cold and grey dripping with weeks worth of old cold blood, Franks stomach began to churn as he sighed and tossed'em aside.

Frank looked towards Twilight and saw she was having trouble fighting off a large stallion, turning his head to the right he saw Rarity about to get eaten by four other zombies. 'I freaking hate choosing!' Jamming the gun in his pocket Frank didn't want to risk shooting Rarity by accident. Frank took out TK's old sword and charged at the small group of Zombies,

Frank jumped in the air shouting, "Incoming!"

The sword rammed into the side of the stallions head tearing clean through, twisting his wrist Frank swung the sword diagonally splitting it's head down the middle. Turning around quickly Frank swung again slicing through a earth pony's shoulder tearing through the flesh slicing off it's right fore leg. The zombie crumpled to the ground trying to climb back onto it's hooves. Frank curb stomped the zombie's head in blood splashing onto his body, 'Two down, three to go!

Moaning came from behind Frank, raising an eyebrow he quickly drawed out his gun and blasted the unicorn mare in the face. The zombie's body twitched and crumpled to the ground, "That was easy-" Frank was cut off by large striking pain in his back, "Argh! What the..." a large Unicorn stallion just a foot or two shorter than Frank bit into Frank's shoulder ripping through his jacket!

"God dammit this was a new jacket!" Frank spun around and stabbed the Stallion in the gut, taking his handgun he jammed the barrel under it's chin and blasted it's brains into the air in a red mist. The stallion released one last gurgling moan and flopped to the ground.

Frank heard a scream coming from his left, looking over he saw Twilight on the ground with the stallion on top of her. "Shit!" Sprinting as fast as he could, he aimed his pistol and began popping off as many shots as he could. Even though this was extremely dangerous and he could accidentally kill Twilight. He needed to get that zombie off of her as fast as he could.

One of Frank's bullets skimmed through the air, striking the stallion in the side of the neck. Blood sprayed out of the open wound dousing Twilight in the face. Twilight's expression turned from fear to complete disgust, finally close enough Frank took his sword and rammed it into the side of the stallion knocking it off Twilight.

The stallion fell onto the ground right in front of Frank, ripping the sword out of the side of the Stallion Frank then repeatedly began stabbing it in the face. Frank continued to stab the stallion till it's face didn't even look a like a pony anymore, instead it looked like a pile of meat with multiple holes in it.

With one final swing Frank gouged the sword through it's eyesocket leaving it there for the time being. Dropping to his knees Frank panted, "Are... You guys... Alright?" He asked, after waiting a few seconds Frank recieved no respounse... Save for the quiet weeping he heard. Raising an eyebrow Frank slowly climbed back onto his feet, grabbing his new sword he turned.

Five ponies laid scattered around something, all five of the girls crying. 'Wait a second... 1, 2, 3... Frank counted the girls, 'I thought there were... Remembering back to when he first arrived to save them, he remembered that Rainbow Dash was pinned under a zombie.

"Oh fuck! Skittles!" Frank shouted quickly making his way towards the girls scattered around RD. Rainbow Dash laid there on the ground blood gushing out of the severe bite wound on her neck. "No, no, no, no not good not good at all." Bending down Frank placed his index finger an her neck checking for a pluse. It was weak very weak, with a sigh of relief Frank looked back up at the others. Who stared at him with looks of confusion, "Don't worry she's not dead." Frank assured them. The five ponies let out a sigh of relief as they then began to wipe the tears out of their eyes.

"Well what ya'll waitin for we need to get her to a doctor!" Said AJ, Frank shook his head.

"We will but there's one more thing I have to do before we leave." Swinging his pack off his shoulders Frank unzipped it and pulled out a box of Zombrex. At the sight of this Twilight's eyes widened in horror,

"N-n-no, she can't be... That's impossible she can't have the sickness!" Twilight stammered,

"I'm sorry Twilight but it's true, Rainbow Dash has the virus inside of her. If I don't give this to her now she'll become one of them." He said pulling out the syringe,

"But what about when you run out, Zeccora won't be able to make enough to keep both of you alive." Twilight said,

"Well she better start," Frank said flicking the needle before jamming it into Rainbow's leg causing her to gasp,

"What are ya'll talking about? What virus, and what do you mean if she doesn't take that medicine she'll become one of them?" AJ asked,

"If Rainbow's sick then I'll be able to take care of her... If that's okay with you at least." Fluttershy whispered, "I'll make sure she gets well rested and cured by the end of this." Frank raised up his hand,

"I'm sorry... Eh..." Frank leaned over towards Twilight, "What's her name?"

"That's Fluttershy she owns the cottage you broke into when you first got here. She was also the owner of that beaver you killed." Frank's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

"Oh yeah... That was though a damn good beaver." He said pulling on a goofy smile, Fluttershy's ears went flat and she stepped away whimpering. Twilight and the rest of the girls glared at Frank with irritated looks, "Uh... Sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean to eat your beaver but don't worry, it didn't die in vain because that beaver accomplished something. It... It... It satisfied my appetite yeah... That's what it did.... Fuck I'm bad at this." Frank sighed looking down at the grass. Shaking his head he glanced at Twilight.

"Twilight I need you to teleport you and Rainbow Dash back to town and get help!" Frank said with a stern expression. Twilight shook her head,

"I-I can't." She said almost at the verge of tears, Frank frowned,

"Why not! You have to, if not she'll die from losing to much blood!" Frank's voice began to rise. Twilight cringed,

"I don't think I have enough magic to do so." She whimpered, Frank sighed, there's only one thing left he could do. Taking Dash in his arms, he swung her mangled body of his shoulders.

The five ponies looked at him with confused expressions, looking down at them he asked, "Which way is your town?" He asked, instantly all five ponies pointed in the direction of the rope bridge. Frank grinned, "Alright at least we're getting somewhere."


Frank sprinted through the trees leaving the other five ponies behind, quickly making his way through the Everfree forest. The sun now stood at high noon, rays of light seeping through the branches of the trees looked as if they were creating a path of light for Frank to follow. Rainbow Dash sat limply on Frank's shoulders, 'Come on Dash, don't die on me now!' he thought.

Frank yelled out when his foot caught onto a uprooted root. "Crap!" Frank flew forward, landing on the ground with a thud. Dash too flew off his shoulders hitting the ground she began to roll down a nearby hill which led deeper into the woods.

"NO!" Frank quickly got up and ran towards Dash, Frank dived forward extending out his arm he grasped Dash by her right fore hoof. Frank sighed with relief, "I'm getting too old for this shit..." gritting his teeth Frank was able to pull Dash back up, Dash and Frank fell back. Frank coughed trying to catch his breath, to his right Dash began gagging, coughing uncontrollably. Her body began convulsing, Frank glanced over at Dash with fear filled eyes.

"No! NO! NO!" He cried out, blood spurted out of Dash's mouth. The drug seemed to not have an effect on her! 'It can't be too late! I should still have six more hours! Reaching into his bag Frank pulled out another syringe of Zombrex, "Work dammit!" Frank yelled while jamming the the syringe into his dying friend, "please fucking work!" he said while jamming his finger on the plunger he injected the drug through out her body. Dash's convulsing slowly died down to a low state of shivering, her coat was freezing . Her original bright cyan color was slowly beginning to fade, the sight made Frank shuttered. "I should've told you guys never to follow me..." He let out a guilty sigh.

"Frank! Frank! Where are you!" Shouted Twilight and her friends in the distance. Glancing sadly back at Dash Frank sighed,

"Come on Dash we need to get going." He said picking her back up, glancing in the direction he was heading in he saw a light at the end of his tunnel. In the distance he could see the end of the tree line, with one last breath Frank began heading in that direction.


Kicking open the door to the Ponyville hospital Frank ran in with Dash still on his shoulders, "We need a doctor!" He shouted, ponies all around glared at Frank in horror. "Please somebody! This girl needs help!" All around the ponies snapped out of their startled states and began rushing over to help. Taking Rainbow Dash to a nearby back room Frank sighed. Taking a seat by the door he rested his head up against the back wall and closed his eyes...

Frank eyes snapped open to see a group of smiling faces, "GAH!" He flinched, "What the Hell why are you looking over me while I sleep you know how creepy that is!" He shouted, the five ponies giggled. Twilight smiled and looked up at Frank,

"You wouldn't believe it Frank but the doctor says Dash is okay!" Twilight beamed, Frank frowned and shook his head,

"I'm glad to here that Twilight but Dash is not okay," Instantly all color drained from Twilight's face, her friends too all stared at Frank with hate filled expressions, "I'm sorry but it's true, on my way back here Dash began acting strange. She began showing symptoms of turning... Your friend Twilight is not cured, also the drug doesn't have the full effect on her like it does me. Your friend is infected with the Zombification virus, and unlike me instead of Twenty four hours it looks as if Dash only has few hours." He said cradling his head into palms of his hands, "This is all my fault..." Twilight shook her head,

"No Frank," She said holding back tears, "It's not your fault... It's my fault... If I would've never messed with those spells and brought you here. None of this would be happening," She took a breath, "Come on girls we should be heading home it's getting late." Frank sighed,

"I'll stay here and watch over Dash, encase she begins to turn..." He said, "And thank you Twilight..." He said before getting up and heading to Dash's room.

Authors message
I'm terribly sorry about this chapter, I dislike this chapter very much. But yeah again sorry, I'll come back to this at some point and rewrite it. Trust me on that,also if you guys find any mistakes please point them out to me. But yeah expect next chapter sometime next month. And like always, have a nice day.