• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,643 Views, 50 Comments

Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic - Immortan Joe

Frank West was in the midst of battle with his one and only foe TK during their battle Frank West about to defeat him when all of a sudden a bright flash of light engulfed both men sending them both into a unkown world.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Da Faq?

Chapter 2: Da Faq?

That morning a yellow and pink maned pegasus was walking home back from the local market. Humming a sweat tune to herself, as she hopped up the steps of her lovely cottage. She was then abrubtly cut off and shocked by the sight of that her home has been broken into. She squealed with fear and quickly flew behind a tree she shook with fear not wanting to go inspect the damage the tresspasser may have caused.

'What if the burgaler is still in there?' she thought. From inside her lovely home came a loud and obnoxious belch, causing the poor terrified mare to jump and go further behind the tree.


Frank West patted his stomach and tossed yet another bone to the side. "Ah. Way to go Frank..." He said stuffeling another burp. "You have yet again suceeded to satisfy yourself." He chuckled Frank looked up from the couch he had been laying on and saw that he had one more piece of the deliciously cooked beaver he killed laying there on the nice China he found in a cabinet. "Ah. What the Hell I don't mind having one more piece."

Frank sat up and reached for the plate to be startled by a muffled scream. "What the Fu-!" Frank's head quickly snapped to his left to see a completely terrified horse like creature glaring at him. 'Must be the owner's pet or somrthin' he thought. Frank smiled nervously, realizing the small horse was looking at the China Frank raised an eyebrow, "Oh... Heh beaver?" Frank asked raising the China up offering the creature food. The creature had to be at least half of Franks size it was yellow and had a long pink mane. As Frank's eyes rolled across the horse like creature Frank came across a set of wings, which this fact completely bewilderd Frank. Instinctivly Frank began to reach for his camera, when the creature turned quickly and spreaded its wings another thing caught Frank off gaurd.

'It has a tatoo on its ASS?' he flipped 'Is it like part of a gang or something'

"W-Wait! I'm not going to hurt you I promise!" Frank yelled stoping the pegasus in mid flight out the door'Does it understand what I'm saying?' Frank thought. The pegasus stopped and turned and stared straight into Frank's eyes. Confused Frank rubbed his sleeve across his face

"Is there something on my face?" he asked again rubbing his face.

"I-it's n-not working!?" the pegasus shrieked and flew out the door and down the dirt road at immense speeds. Frank bolted out the door trailing behind the flying creature.

"HHHEEYY Wait!!" Frank yelled waving his right arm back and foward. But it was to late the pegasus had already flown out of earshot. "Dammit!" Frank sighed and began to walk in the direction the pegasus went. Who know's maybe there's a town up ahead.


'It spoke to me, did it really just speak to me back there?' Frank kept repeatedly asking himself the same question over and over.

'And what was with the tatoo on it's ass?' Frank then frowned.

'I must be going crazy or something there had to have been something in that beaver that I ate. I'm probably just on that couch either high off my mind or asleep.'

Frank strolled down the dirt road until he was stopped by an opening in the trees revealing a small town in the distance. Instead of being amazed Frank was actually blinded by the mass amount of bright colors hitting his eyes. "Ah crap!" Frank shielded his eyes reaching into his front pocket in his jacket he pulled out his favorite pair of sunglasses. Putting them on Frank sighed with relief "Much better." Frank smiled and observed the town ahead of him.

There were large houses and stores scatterd all around pulling out his camera not only to get pictures but to get a closer look of the town before descending down into it. When he zoomed in he realized there was nobody outside in the town was completely desterted. Frank hated desterted towns it reminded him of being in willimette when the American military came in and killed almost all the zombies. It's quiet and just flat out creepy knowing that they're guys with guns walking around looking for you to kill you. Shaking the memory from his head Frank began to head towards the the town. As Frank was walking he came across a sign that said

"Welcome to Ponyville"
"Pop: 1,512"
"Ponyville, eh?" Frank smirked. "Well isn't that a cute name?"

Frank strolled through the empty streets of the the desterted Village. "Hello?" Frank called out if anyone was really in the general vicinity. "Is anyone here I promise I'm not here to hurt anyone I'm just lost and in need of some help!" Frank patted the sides of his legs waiting for a response that he was positive he wasn't going to get one.

As Frank was walking he kicked a nearby apple that seemed to have fallen out of a cart. Leaning down and picking it up he stared at it rubbing it on his jacket and placing it back in the cart. Frank was startled by a young southern accent saying.

"Th-thank you mister." Frank jumped spinning around quickly and looking down into the eyes of a small baby horse. Instantly Frank was tempted to punt the freaking thing, one for startling him, and also by the fact it was a talking animal! That crap wasn't just natural! But Frank kept his cool and decided to play along as if nothing was wrong, looking down at the young...

'What did animal planet call the young horses... Calfs no thats for cows... It started with an F... Fi... Filly! Yeah that's it Filly.' Frank pulled on a broad fake smile and kneeled down in front of the young filly even kneeling down Frank still did not meet eye to eye he was still at least two feet taller.

"Hello there?" Frank said trying to keep his voice at a calm and comforting level. "Whats your name?" Frank asked.

'God this is so weird!' Frank thought to himself trying to keep a straight poker face. While waiting for the young filly to reply.

"M-mah name is Ap-Apple Bloom." The filly ran a hoof through her red mane. Frank smirked, but on the inside Frank bellowed with laughter.

'Apple Bloom what type of freaking name is that!?' Frank laughed on the inside. But again on the outside he just smirked "Well isn't that such a pleasent name." 'Pssh. No it's not it's stupid as Hell! Frank smiled he hasn't done this in a long time. Frank stood up and smiled looking into the sky then back down at the Filly waiting for her next question even though he already knew what the question was going to be.

"Mister whats your name?"


"Well kid my name is Frank. Frank West I'm a freelance Photographer." That was probably the first time in at least two years since Frank actually introduced properly himself to some one who didn't know him. Something about it just boosts his ego, the filly looked up at Frank with confusion

"Frank." She repeated. "I have never heard that name before in my life?" Frank stared back down at the filly now he was confused. But after a few moments the filly shook her head disregarding the name. "So mister what is a freelance photagraferr." She said trying to pronounce the word but couldn't get her tongue to say it right. Frank chuckled.

"Well it's when I go out and discover mysteries and take pictures of them to uncover the truth of top secret stuff I take pictures and write about them so the general plublic can read and see stuff that most people aren't aloud to see." Frank said with a proud smile on his face. The little filly's epression changed completely now she bounced up and down saying repeatedly.

"So your like a spy!?" She asked jumping up and down. Frank raised an eyebrow,

"Well..." Frank trailed off thinking about it. "You could say so."

"Oh thats so cool!" The filly squealed with joy. The young filly stopped bouncing up and down and stared at Frank with a confused look. "Wait my sister told me that spying on other ponies and writing about them is bad." Frank raised an eyebrow of confusion.

"Well at times yes, depends on what you're writing. Why did you get in trouble or something?" Frank asked.

"Well because one time me and all mah friends got together and we started doin somethin similar and we all got in trouble for it." Frank stared at the young filly not knowing how to reply to her statement. Another voice with a even thicker accent hollered,

"Apple Bloom what in tarnashion! Do you think your doin talkin to that monster!" Frank turned to see another horse galloping full speed towards him.

"Oh shit!" Frank at the last second dove out of the way causing the orange blound maned horse to crash into the apple stand causing all the apples to crumple to the ground.

"Hey! Would'da do that for!" Another Tomboy'ish voice hollered in the distance. Frank rolled his eyes and stood back up, pointing a finger at the mare who just crashed into the apple stand.

"Hey chill out for a second lady! I was just talking to the young girl so just calm down for a second okay!" Frank brushed his pants off.

"Yeah sis!" The little filly chirped.

Frank frowned. Looking down at the filly "That's your sister?" He asked jamming his thumb at the mare who was attempting to get back up onto her hooves. The filly nodded.

"That's my sister Apple Jack you can just call her AJ for short."

"AJ huh?" Frank said scratching the back of his head.

"Why I outta kick your haunchs for making me ruin my apple stand." AJ grumbled while climbing back onto her hooves.

"Hey well maybe you shouldn't go chargeing at random strangers when they've done nothing wrong!" Frank snapped back.

"Hey! I was talking to you!" The tomboy voice yelled again. Frank turned to see a cyan colored pegasus with a rainbow mane was flying at jet like speeds right towards him preparing to tackle him while leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

"Aw! Not again!" Frank again dove to the ground avoiding another collosion forcing the pegasus to dig her hooves into the ground to avoid a head on collosion with the neighboring building. "Crap!" Frank stood up drawing out his handgun.

The organge farm horse and cyan pegasus climbed back onto there hooves bearing their teeth and growling as they approached Frank. Suprisingly though Frank showed no sign of fear he faced far more terrifying things then two angry horses. He aimed his gun at the two horses. "Back up!" Frank yelled loudly that his voice echoed across the town. The two horses stopped for a second then shared an uneasy glance with each other but then quickly turned to face Frank again.

"Where do you get off beating up my friends!?" The cyan pegasus growled getting into a pouncing postion.

"Hey shut the Hell up you hippy!" Frank aimed his handgun at the rainbow colored maned pegasus she then seemed to take a large offense to Franks comment. "I didn't even lay a hand on her I just dove out of the way it's her fault that she crashed into the stand not mine she should've been looken where she was going."

"Well ya'll shouldn't have been talken to Mah sister then you crazy monster!" The farm horse said furrowing her eyebrows..

Frank glared at the farm pony now taking his aim off the cyan pegasus he trained the gun on the orange mare. "Did you just call me a monster?" Frank asked flicking the safety off his gun now.

"Well eh... Yeah?" Apple Jack took a step back taking her eye's off the creature who held the weird contraption in his hands. What ever it was it had to be some sort of weapon and she did not wan't to figure out what it did.

"Well let me tell you this..." Frank said sliding his finger towards the trigger. "I am a human being. I'm not a monster I simply came here in search of food water and shelter. Instead I'm greeted by two dim wits who come out and attack me because what! I simply look differen't!" Frank was starting to lose his nerves. He pulled the lever back on the handgun slider "Well let me tell you this where I come from that's just flat out racism. And you two should be ashamed of yourselves." Frank flicked the safety on and pushed the hammer back up and slid the the handgun back into his jacket. AJ sat back on her haunchs with a dissipointed look.

"Sorry mister I'm just a bit over protective of my sister sometimes."

Frank nodded and turned his glance back over the the cyan pegasus.

"I bet I can still kick your but in ten seconds flat!"

Frank pulled out the handgun flicked the safety off and pulled the hammer back and planted the gun on the pegasus's head faster then any human being/other creature could blink. And with a wicked smile showing off all his teeth and and murdours look in his eyes he said,

"Come at me bitch!"

Author's Note:

Hello guys I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I said I would be introducing all of the mane 6 but I decided that I'm gonna proabably introduce them either by ones or twos so far we seen Frank meet Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack and Fluttershy obviously it did not turn out so well. Instead I smell a fight between RD and DR's most famous character Frank West is about to go down. Well keep on reading and lets see how this goes down!