• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,642 Views, 50 Comments

Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic - Immortan Joe

Frank West was in the midst of battle with his one and only foe TK during their battle Frank West about to defeat him when all of a sudden a bright flash of light engulfed both men sending them both into a unkown world.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Monarchs

Chapter 5: The Monarchs

Frank arrived a few more hours late then he expected. When Frank arrived at the Golden Oaks Library he found Spike working on some plants in the front yard.

"Hey Spike!" Frank motioned Spike to come here. Spike turned, and walked over to Frank.

"What?" Spike asked. He stilled seemed to be bit angry cause of Frank's joke about eating dragons.

"Wanna see a dead body?" Frank flung the dead beavers over his sholder slamming them into the ground. Spike screamed in fear and instantly ran inside. Frank bellowed with laughter his gut began to hurt as he fell back because he was laughing so hard. "Oh my God the look on his face." Frank wiped the sweat off his forehead and stood back up. "Well time for lunch."

After finishing his lunch Frank stepped into the Library. (Spike wouldn't let him bring the beavers inside to cook so he locked him out and forced him to cook them outside.) Frank looked over to see Twilight running around and quickly tiding up the place.

"Hey Twilight do you got meat locker or some type of cooler?" Frank asked. "And whats with all this obnoxious cleaning?"

"Yes I got a cooler in the basement but thats used for potions. Also the Princess's are coming and I need to clean up the place and-" Twilight stopped cleaning and looked at Frank confused. "Why do you need cooler?" She asked as Frank was already dragging in the rest of the dead beavers.

"Heh... Eh... Long story." Frank said kicking the bodies back outside and turning back to her with a wide grin. Twilight approached Frank with suspicion. Twilight looked close at Frank's jacket she then looked back up at him with confused eyes and said,

"You got red on you..." She looked back at him then completely unexpected she sniffed Frank.

"What the Hell are you doing!?" Frank jumped as Twilight got in Frank's personal space. Disgusted Twilight brought her head back shaking away the bad smell.

"Is-Is that blood!?" Twilight asked.

"Eh... Maybe... Yes." Frank shook his head.

"See Twilight I told you he's a murdrous monster!" Spike pointed at Frank with an accusing claw.

"That's it you little Inguana you're in for it now." Frank lunged at Spike with all antentions of hurting him. But Frank was stopped by a invisble barrier that Twilight quickly thrown up in between them.

"Stop!" Twilight barked. "Both of you I'm tired of all this fighting. Can't we all just kick back and relax for one day with out worrying about sliting each other's throats?" Twilight asked looking at Frank then back at Spike. "You see Spike, Frank had a good reason for doing what he did." She said quietly at Spike.

"But he murderd that poor family of beavers." Spike said looking back up at Twilight.

"What don't you understand!?" Frank asked shaking his head at the baby dragon. "I'm a carnivor a meat eater yes I can eat plants and stuff too but I prefer meat. God I can't believe you even have the right to call yourself a dragon... Aren't Drangons carnivors?" Frank asked scratching his head.

"Well I'm a vegitarien. For your information. Monster." Spike said crossing his arms. This seemed to drive Frank over the edge.


Frank roared his voice matching maybe even over powering Luna's royal Canterlot voice. Twilight flinched and took a few step back Spike backed into a corner. Frank bared his teeth "I'm tired of all you fucking horses- I mean ponies calling me a monster or thing, it, whatever. God just because I look different or eat meat doesn't make me a monster! I bet you there are many other creatures in your world who eat meat and I doubt you guys treat them like monsters!" Franks voice still boomed causing Twilight to take a few more steps back until her back hit one of her book shelves. "I can't take it anymore!" Frank turned and began heading towards the door.

"Frank!?" Twilight shook her head knocking her out of her shocked state. "Where you going?"

"On a walk!" he replied back.

"But what about the Princesses?" She asked

"Fuck'em" Frank slammed the door shut behind him. Twilight then turned and glared at Spike. Then just shook her head.


Frank was angry not happy at all. He was tired of constantly being called a monster, it, a thing. He was tired of how all those other ponies just stared at him. He needed a way to blow off some steam a way to just sit back and just calm down. So he decided to look for some one... Or somepony in specifics a familiar cyan mare with a Rainbow colored mane to be exact. Frank gave a wide smile.

Frank was walking just outside town when a familiar voice caught his ears.

"Hey fatso where do you think you're going!?" The Tomboy swooped overhead and landed with a thud in front of Frank. Frank wasn't startled nor confused. Matter of fact this is what he was hoping for, now he really does have a chance to blow off some steam.

"What's it to you hippy?" Frank cocked an eyebrow. The comment Frank made seemed to get under the cyan pegasus's coat.

"Stop calling me a hippy!" Rainbow yelled at Frank bending down getting into a pounce postion.

"Well then dye your mane a different color, but till then your always going to hippy to me." Frank chuckled to himself. Dash growled at him.

"Keep talken see what happens!" She threatend.

"Oh really now?" Frank reached for his gun but hesitated.

'No.' He thought himself. 'Lets see how tough she really is with out using a weapon.'

Frank brought his hands away from his gun and cracked his neck. "You wanna fight?" Frank smiled baring his teeth and getting in a fighting stance. "WELL COME AT ME BITCH!"

Dash lunged at Frank with super sonic speeds. Frocing Frank to jump out of the way just barely grazing his jacket

"I guess Twilight wasn't lying about you being the fastest flier in this country after all!" Frank called out in joy. He always loved a challenge.

"STUFF IT!" Dash zoomed towards Frank for another dive bomb. But Frank was prepared this time, timing his jump right Frank prepelled himself foward towards the oncoming cyan pegasus. Extending his right leg out Frank rammed his shoe into the pegasus's face sending her into the ground with a perfect jump kick.

"Hah! Guess you weren't expecting that!" Frank gloated. Rainbow Dash panted she was amazed by Franks strength, but after a few moments she shook her head and glared at Frank with a wide look of hate. "What'cha doin down there the fights up here, or are you to lazy to even get up?" Frank asked laughing to himself.

"ARGH! WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP!!" Dash screamed flying at him even faster then the previous times. Frank not paying attention, was struck hard in the gut with a mighty kick caused by Rainbow Dash. Sending Frank spiraling backwards,

"Ah! Shit!" Frank heaved himself back onto his feet. Blood dripped from his lower lip he must have busted it on the landing. "Oh you just caused yourself a whole world of pain to come." Frank wiped the blood off his lower lip with his sleeve. Grinning Frank bolted towards Dash who quickly spiraled out of the way turning back and flying at him for another kick to the back. But Frank was expecting this turning around with a crazed look in his eyes he grabbed her leg before she could even make contact with phycotic grin spreading across his face he said,

"Big mistake!" Dash gasped Frank spun in circles twirling her around then finally letting go sending her forward. But Dash was luckly able to recover before striking the ground. But before she could act Frank was already on her tackling her to the ground.

"Oh NO You Don't!" Dash planted her back left leg on Franks gut and shoved him off. Dash jumped to her hooves and round house kicked Frank in the face sending him to the ground seeing nothing but stars. Frank's vision blurred,

"Shit!" Frank turned to see many blurry images of a cyan pegasus charging at him. Not knowing which is which Frank performed one of the most common moves he performed at back in williamete. He performed the Double Lariate Frank stuck out both his arms and spun like maniac. This move may sound stupid but this move got Frank out of many sticky situations back at the mall and in Fortune City.

Dash stopped confused by what Frank was doing but not knowing what was going on was big mistake. Unexpectedly one of Frank's fists collided with Dash's skull sending her to the ground knocking her into a daze. Dash laid there at the edge of consciousness, Frank stopped spinning and fell to the ground right next to Dash. Dizziness and blurry vision did not fit together so well Frank probably had a concusion for all he knew. Dash stared up at the sky trying to regain her senses. Frank then randomnly began laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dash asked in a harsh tone.

"Haha..." Frank took a breath. "You're not all that bad." he said with a grin. Confusion struck Dash's face as she felt a warm substance trikle down her face. She reached up and wiped her forehead to find out it was blood she frowned and looked over at Frank.

"What do you mean?" She asked aggravated.

"I'm saying you're not all that bad. In other words I think your cool." This struck Dash like a brick wall. She looked back over at Frank but not with anger but with confusion.

"Really?" She asked. Frank nodded

"You may be a lesbian or a hippy but your still cool. And thats coming from me, Frank West, the man who uncovered the truth behind the Willamette incident. And trust me back in my world I'm actually famous... Eh. Well, was famous." Dash smiled brushing past the whole lesbian and hippy part. Frank continued, "I remember back when I was young, I was like you no offense but I was stubborn and trying to be all cool. Which I'm still am don't get me wrong, but when my father introduced me to photography and journalism. I just fell in love with it and to think that if I never would have done any of that I wouldn't be here right now." Dash had no Idea what Frank was talking about he's probably delirious from how hard she hit him in the head earlier. The thought though made Dash chuckle,

"You know what Frank you're not all that bad either..." Dash said looking back up into the sky watching the clouds over head pass by.


"Aw crow feathers. Twi I can't find him anywhere?" Apple Jack said walking up to Twilight.

"What about Rarity has she seen him anywhere?" Twilight asked looking into a trash can. Apple Jack shook her head


"What about Rainbow Dash or Flutter Shy or Pinkie Pie." Apple Jack sighed,

"Well Flutter Shy won't leave her cottage, Pinkie said she'll try to do her best but has to finish a cake order first, and RD well I cant find her either. She's probably just sleeping on a cloud somewhere."

"Argh! We gotta find him the Princesses will be here in a hour maybe less and they requested a private meeting with him. Please Apple Jack find him." Apple Jack nodded her head.

"Don't fret Twi ah'll do my best." Apple Jack dusted her hat off and placed back on her head.

"Ah'll go find RD she can do a sweep of the town from up above sure'ly we can find him then." Twilight nodded.

"Alright lets split up." Twilight replied. The two mares nodded a headed off in opposite directions.


After about an hour of basking in the sunlight. Frank was caught off gaurd by a familiar voice hollering his name and Rainbow Dash's name. Frank chuckled.

"I think your girlfriends callen your name." Rainbow Dash's violate eyes sent a angry glance towards Frank who just looked back with a grin.

"I thought we had a truce?" Dash asked annoyed.

"Hey doesn't mean I'm gonna stop messing with you completely. I'm just not gonna keep constantly harrasing you like before." Frank Chuckled. Trying so sit up but was quickly hit by a wave nasuea and a large mygrane "Ah! Shit!"
Frank cradled his head in his hands.

"You think thats bad I think I'm bleeding and have terrible headache cause of you" Dash said looking over at Frank with a dry smear of a blood trail running down her face. Here and there a bit of blood will start to seep out but it's not as bad as Franks minor concussion he had at the moment.

"I think you gave me a concussion with that last attack of yours..." Frank moaned as the mygrane seemed to only scream when ever he spoke. Over in the distants a silhouette appeared on the horizon


"Hey thats Apple Jack!" Rainbow Dash shot up from where she was laying just to be instantly brought back down cradeling her head like Frank. Her fast actions she preformed then caused the wound in her head to start seepings small amounts of blood. "Oooohh..." She groaned rolling onto her back.

"Come on Skittles get up!" Frank orderd stumbling to his feet trying to ignore the screaming pain in his head.

"I don't wanna it hurts too much." She replied with another groan. Frank could only chuckle,

"Think of it as pay back from earlier now come on!" Frank grabbed one of her hooves and yanked her up onto his shoulders. "Can you walk?"

"Pssh. Of course I can!" Dash snapped.

"Alright then." Frank dropped Dash in which the moment her hooves landed on the ground she fell face first into the dirt. Which caused her to yelp in pain. "E'yup that's how I expected it to go." Frank bent down picking up the rainbow maned pegasus wrapping a hoof around one shoulder Frank then cradeld the pegasus in his arms and began limping towards AJ

"Oh dear lord what in the name of Celestia happened to you two?" Apple Jack asked as her green eyes darted from Frank to Rainbow Dash. Observing their wounds "It looks like yall try to fight a pack of timber wolves or somethin."

"Well we kind of did." Rainbow Dash lied. AJ looked over at Rainbow who was still in Frank's arms. AJ then looked up at Frank for clarification.

"I never seen a timber wolf in my life. So don't come to me for answers." Rainbow Dash shot Frank a frustrated look. "We got into a fight. A fist fight... Eh. Or should I say a Fist Hoof fight." AJ gasped.

"Why!?" She asked glaring at Frank and Rainbow Dash.

"Well AJ if you could think back to yesterday. We never really liked each other. Even right now I still don't think I like him," Rainbow Dash again glanced at Frank with an angry look. Franks face scrunched up and in a mimicking voice of a crying boy

"Y-y-you don't Like me?..." he pouted Rainbow Dash and AJ sent him a concerned look.

"Y-you don't friends and h-hang out i-in st-s-stuff!?" he blubbered

Dash half closed her eyes and frowned.

"Yes you're absolutly correct."

"Okay!" Frank smiled and dropped Rainbow Dash on the ground who cried out in pain. "Our truce is over ye done broke it! Bye bitchs." Frank turned to walk away but was stopped by two hooves knocking him to the ground. Frank turned to see a cyan pegasus with a large smile on her face who was standing right ontop of him.

"Oh Frankie you think you could just end our pact without my say so!" Dash's eyes twinkled as a small trail of blood began to seep down her forehead. "That type of act will require punishment."

"Pffff! Thats what she said!" Frank chuckled. Dash stopped confused. "Think about the last sentence you said, think real closely." After about a minute Dash bellowed with laughter.

"Ew! That's just wrong!" AJ in the back took off her hat and covered her face.

"Apple Jack! Frank! Rainbow Dash!" Twilight hollered as she ran up the hill. "Oh thank Celestia I found you guys. Speaking of the Princess she's-" Twilight stopped at the sight of Rainbow Dash and Frank and the sight of their injuries. "What happened to you two!?" Twilight stared at Frank and Rainbow Dash who just laughed harder. Twilight shook her head "Never mind just tell me on the way back to the library."


"And I was like I don't even eat pasta!" Frank finished his joke and the others laughed, Twilight opened the door and ushered Frank through. The library was pitch black "What the Hell, why is it so Dark-" Frank took a few steps and he was greeted by a bright flash of light which blinded him and a face of a pink wriggely maned pony screaming,

"Surprise!!" Frank was utterly terrified so startled that he instinctivly flung out his fist collieding with the pink pony's snout sending a shock of pain through her body and sending her a few feet back and into a nearby book shelf. Causing a few books to fall and bonk her over the head.

"Oh my God I am so sorry!" Frank apologized. "Just please don't scare the shit out of me like that again." Frank looked around and saw that many other ponies from around town stared at Frank mouths hung open in shock. The pink pony stood up rubbing her snout as her pink mane began to deflate and her eyes teared. "Oh no please don't be like that I'm sorry." The pink pony looked up at Frank who on the outside was apologizing but on the inside he was like,


"I-its okay I didn't mean to scare you." She stood up and slowly her mane began to poof again. Frank sighed

'Nice save their Frank' he complimented himself.

"ALRIGHT EVERYPONY! LETS PARTY!" The pink pony jumped and all the other ponies cheered. Frank smiled as he watched all the other ponies party.

"Frank! Frank!" Frank turned to see Twilight galloping towards him. "The Princesses they wish to see you upstairs in my room."

"Pssh. Thats what-" he began but Twilight then shoved a cup cake in his mouth.

"Stuff it Frank." Frank swollowed his delicous treat whole which actually hurt his throat. Twilight then guided Frank upstairs towards her room.

Twilight opened the door and on the balacony right outside her room were two horses. Well besides the fact they both have wings and horns they kind of looked like horses. One was as tall as Frank she had white coat and a endless flowing mane with wonderful colors and had tattoo of a sun on her ass. The other was about a foot or two smaller then Frank but she was as dark as night, with green eyes and a mane just like the other, endlessly flowing, but this one was dark blue and looked like it had stars shining in the mane.

"Whoa." Is all what Frank managed to say. Twilight looked up at Frank and said.

"Frank these are the two Princesses I told you about, the two rulers of Equestria." Frank looked back at Twilight

"Equest- what?" The tall white Princess chuckled turning to face Frank.

"Equestria is the name of our country." The Princess said. "My name is Princess Celestia. And this is my sister Luna." Luna turned towards him nodded she then said,

"Hello." Frank nodded.

"So I guess you two are the Monarchs then." Celestia nodded. "hmm. Intresting. Do you mind if I can get a picture of you two?" Frank said raising his camera. Celestia looked over at Luna for an answer. But before they even could reply with a yes or a no Frank had already snapped a few pictures with out them even knowing.

"Fantastic." He whispered to himself. Celestia looked over at Twilight,

"Sorry Twilight but may I please ask you to step out of the room. I need to talk to this creature in private." Twilight complied and left the room. Frank was now alone with the two Princesses and he did not like it what so ever.

"Eh... Am I in some sort of trouble." The Princesses smiled and shook her head no.

"Of course not why would you be. Yes I heard about the whole beaver situation and about the time you arrived. But those were just natural problems. But the reason why I wish to speak with you is because I want to learn more about you." She said quietly. Frank was about to say, "Thats what she said." but he had to forcefully stop himself. Frank's watch began to beep he raised it and saw that it was 7:00.

"Dammit already." Frank reached reached deep into his almost empty pocket in his jacket and revealed his third and last box of Zombrex. "Oh. No..." Frank said. "Shit this can't be the last box. I don't think Twilight has even started on the creation of more!" Frank began to panic. But before he could fully drive himself over the edge. He opened the box and injected himself with the drug. With a sigh of relief Frank tossed the box onto Twilight's bed.

"What was that?" Luna asked

"Wh-Oh that." Frank sighed. "I'm sick." he said.

"What do you have the pony flu or something." Celestia asked with a look of concern. Frank shook his head no.

"No something for more worse then your flu something that could put this world in grave danger and even chaos." Frank walked over to the edge of the balacony and rested his arms on it and watched over the town. "If I don't get this drug in the next 24 hours I will surely die." Celestia's and luna's mouths hung open.

"What a terrible fate." Celestia said.

"You think thats bad. When I die this sickness which back in my world we refer to it as the Zombification process. When I die I will come back as a Zombie. A real monster one that will kill and eat. For example." Frank pointed at Luna "If I were to bite you if I was a zombie. You too will shortly die and become a zombie."

"And all this will happen if you don't get this drug in the next 24 hours." Celestia asked, Frank nodded.

"That is terrible." Luna said with a small look of pity in her eyes.

"Please don't show pity on me. It was my fault that I got infected with the virus. I was young, stupid and arrogant."

"What happened?" Celestia asked. Frank leaned back against the guard rail and looked up into the night time sky observing the beautiful stars. Frank sighed this could be the last time that he will ever be able to see the night time sky.

"It was about 5 years ago I was a man on a mission. To uncover the true story about what had happened in the small town of Willamette. I was dropped off ontop of the willamette shopping mall. I had three days to get my scoop and get out, but what I didn't know that the real thing that happened was a zombie outbreak. Some douche bag named Carlito caused the zombie outbreak killing thousands of innocent people and turning them into zombies. In the end though I was able to defeat him and escape but. I was stung by some sort of wasp which we humans call queens they are the ones who spread the zombie virus. And now if I don't get that drug called Zombrex I will die and I don't want to cause another zombie outbreak. I'm literally a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off!" Silence fell over the room...

"Huh..." Celestia said.

"But Twilight said that she's gonna contact some person named Zecorra and she will make me some more, but I don't know how long that will take-" Frank was interupted by the sound of a frantic ringing going off in his jacket. Frank stopped and reached into his jacket and pulled out in a orange Walkie-Talkie. Wide eyed and confused on how in the Hell did he get a walkie-talkie, Frank stared at it and gently pressed the talk button.

"H-Hello? Who is this-"

"Oh hello there Frankie. I guess you know who this is dont'cha." Frank stared at the walkie-talkie with disbelief.

"And I gotta ask you this Frankie... Would'da like to play a game?"

Author's Note:

Hello everybody sorry that this chapter took a little longer then I expected. But I mostly been planning and developing the plot. But yeah as you can see Frank and RD are starting to become friends. And yeah not really much to say besides the fact tha Mr.coxen5 still hates Megamouth sharks.

Oh yeah forgot that Me and Mr.Coxen 5 are now editing and changing chapters so if you could please return to previous chapters for any fixs and changes we have made. Like there not big plot changers there just small little tweaks and fixs. Well any ways hope you guys enjoy the story now if you have any questions or thoughts please post them in the comment section below.