• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,642 Views, 50 Comments

Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic - Immortan Joe

Frank West was in the midst of battle with his one and only foe TK during their battle Frank West about to defeat him when all of a sudden a bright flash of light engulfed both men sending them both into a unkown world.

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Chapter 1: A Whole New World

Chapter 1: A Whole New World

Frank woke up in a daze; the world blurred and swayed his back felt weird as if he was laying on a soft bed. He smiled and laid his head back in comfort. He just wanted to lay there all day and sleep. But then the memorys of TK and Rebecca's gunshot wound flooded his mind. Frank snapped out of his stupor, tilting his head he looked around confused he realized he wasn't in the arena anymore. He was in a small open field surronded by trees. 'What the Hell?' Frank thought to himself, 'Where am I?' he ran his hand across the ground realizing the soft bed he was on was grass.

Frank sat up from where he was laying there was a loud crack coming from his back causing Frank to wince."Ouch!" Frank yelped reaching for his back. A nearby groan reached Frank's ears causing him to snap his head back "Hello?" he called out, his eyes darting left and right. Another faint moan drew his attention towards a few bushs to his left. Slowly Frank climbed up onto his feet, stumbling slightly he slowly made his way towards the bushs to inspect the strange moaning he had been hearing. "Hello?" Frank said peering over the bushs. The moan then caught him by the ears looking down a large lump caught in Frank's throat.

There TK laid behind the bushs unconsciousness. Frank was stunned, was he dreaming?... No he didn't feel like he was dreaming. Then what the Hell was going on? TK stirred his eyes shook and slowly began to open. "Oh crap!" Frank yelped jumping back readying himself for yet another fight. TK then stood up and just like Frank looked around confused, TK looked around until his eyes fell on one particuler foe. TK's eyebrows furrowed then his expression softend then he began to slowly clap.

"Well well well. Isn't this convient Frankie I'm not dead. Yet the last thing I remember is you throwing me off the cat-walk and look at where we are right now!" He motioned his hand around at the field. Frank frowned and glared at TK

"Where are we TK!?" Frank yelled at TK, TK laughed

"How the Hell am I supposed to know Frankie?" TK said stretching out his arms causing each one to pop. Frank approached TK getting ready to hit him. "Oh! So now you wanna fight?" TK said casting his right arm to the side. Frank grabbed TK by the collar and pulled him in close.

"You better tell me where the Hell we are TK. Or I'll beat the shit out of you so hard, you're gonna wish that you actually hit the ground when I threw you off that cat-walk." TK's eyes got wide and in a mimicking voice he said,

"Aw please Mr.West don't beat me up I'm sorry for all those times I tried to kill you back at Fortune City. I swear I learned my lesson and I will never do it-" Before Frank could even let TK fininsh Frank's fist collieded into TK's face knocking him to the ground clutching his nose.

"Ah! Fuck man learn to take a joke!" Frank glared at TK who was stumbling back onto his feat blood dripping from his nostrils.

"And everthing you say just pisses me off!"

TK glared at Frank, rage boiling up inside, and with a smirk TK lunged at Frank shoving him in the chest. Catching him off gaurd Frank fell over and onto the ground. When Frank landed on his back he felt something in his jacket smack against his chest something pretty heavy. When Frank stood up he reached into his jacket to figure out that he had a loaded handgun on him all this time.

'Well isn't this just covienent.' Frank thought as he stood up and revealing the handgun Frank aimed right at TK. TK raised an eyebrow.

"Well that just ain't fair now Frankie." TK said. "How come I don't get a weapon?" Frank respounded with the flick of a switch as he turned the gun's safety off.

"I guess your game is over TK." Before Frank could respound with the pull of the gun's trigger. TK bounded for the trees Frank fired off one shot but only getting TK by a slight graze of his left sholder. 'Dammit!' Frank thought. 'There's no way I can keep up with him'

Frank frowned shoving the gun back into his jacket 'Wait' Frank drew a large smile across his face.'He forgot about his Zombrex'

As fast as Frank's smile came it quickly faded away.


As if on cue Frank's watch began to beep signaling the time he is supposed to take his dose of Zombrex. He quickly began to pat down his coat looking for any sign of Zombrex. Praying that TK might have forgot to loot him before there fight back at the arena.

With a sigh of relief Frank pulled out three boxs of Zombrex. "Oh thank God Zombrex!" Just above the sun slowly began to set apon the new world. In the distance Frank heard the sound of distant animals howling as the night crawlers began to creep out of their homes. Frank looked around then quickly ripped open the box taking out the syringe and injecting himself with the drug. Frank sighed again with relief as he shot the fluids into his body, with that done he took the other two boxs and shoved them into his jacket.

"I now have 72 hours to get back home." Frank said with a smirk. "Again how convient it's like I always have 72 hours to get out of a sticky situation." Frank chuckled to himself after that Frank proceeded deep with in the woods in search of shelter.

As night settled in Frank began to grow uneasy. He never liked the night not ever since willimette just imagine walking through an almost pitch black mall surronded by hundreds of zombies. With nothing but a toy sword to light your path, even the sound of a snapping tree branch caused Frank to reach for his handgun just to find it was just a racoon or a another small creature.

'I'm safe,' Frank thought, 'There aren't any zombies out here, just chill'

After about an hour of walking through darkness Frank found an old dirt road leading some where. 'I wonder where this could lead to' Frank wonderd. 'This road could go on for miles and lead no where for all I know the nearest town, if there even is one, could be that way' Frank thought after playin Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe on which direction to go in. Frank landed on going right. With a shrugg that's the direction he now planned on heading in.

Another few hours passed and the moon was now about to set and the sun was about to rise. And Frank felt exhausted, His stomach growled and all he wanted to do is find something to eat then instantly go striaght to bed no questions asked. As he continued to walk his vision began to blur "Oh no you don't" Frank said out loud swatting himself on the forehead trying to keep himself awake. But Exhuastion seemed to overwhelm him. "Alright fine." He yawned. Sitting down leaning up against a nearby tree. "Maybe I can rest for a few minutes and..." Sleep over took Frank before he could fininsh his sentence.

The sun flared into his eyes causing him to sit up and shield his face from the buring flares of the sun. Frank then sat up rubbing his eyes "Man its morning already?" He said taking his eyes away from his face. After a few moments of rest Frank sat up from his spot in front of the tree. After another yawn and another crack of his back he then proceeded back down the road. A few moments passed and Frank came across a large cottage at the top of a hill.

'Huh?' Frank thought to himself.'That is a very nice cottage... I wonder if anyone is home.'

Frank sat there in a few moments of silence. Which was soon interupted by his stomach growling. Frank then got hit by a wave of nausea "Ah. Damn I really need something to eat and soon." He said out loud to himself then proceeded towards the cottage.

Frank bounded up the stone steps towards the cottages front door. When Frank reached the top and was standing by the front door he realized something very strange. The door was smaller then him, and why did have a split in the middle as if it was too doors on top of each other. Confused by the thought Frank decided not to presue it Frank then was just about to kick the door open out of sheer habit until a thought came to him.

'Wait! I'm not in Fortune City nor Willimette I can't just barge into people's houses or stores anymore.'

Of course how could Frank so easily forget his manners. So after a few cautious breaths Frank raised his fist and met the door with three gentle knocks. After a few moments of waitng no one answered the door. So he then knocked again after a few more moments later Frank was greeted by the one and only answer that no one was home. Frank's stomach growled again and another wave of nausea washed over him, he needed food now and Frank wasn't going to wait any longer than he has too. So out of sheer fustration Frank did the only thing he was really good at... Brute force. With all his strength Frank brought his leg up, and smashed his right leg into the door so hard the double door flew off it's hinges and Frank was greeted by an unexpected sight.

Creatures of different kinds ran around the house in sheer panic of being startled by the random door being kicked off its hinges by an almost six foot tall giant. Frank stared bewildered by what he is seeing right now, either the owner is really bad at cleaning this place and rodents have so easily taken over the premisis or this person has a fetish with keeping wild animals locked up in there home. Squirls, birds, rabbits, mice, and many other creatures ran or flew around the cottage in a paniced state. Frank tried his best to shoo the creatures away from him but more just flew towards him. Again out of pure fustration Frank pulled out his handgun and aimed at the floor firing off one shot. This in which caused the animals to panic even more but this time actually drawing them out of the house. After all the animals left Frank grinned now at the fact that it was actually quiet.

Frank stepped cautiously into the living room making sure that all the annoying creatures were actually gone. With a sigh of relief Frank then turned his attention to what he thought was the kitchen, and it turned out he was right he was in the kitchen. He then began to search the kitchen which he did gently, and cleaned any mess he made just in case the owner did return he/she won't be to angry with him. Besides the fact that he destroyed the door and left a large gaping hole in the floor from the bullet he fired from his gun.

Frank opened the refrigerator hoping to find food but was greeted by mostly fruits and other green foods which some he had no idea if they were ediable or not. Frank then reached in and pulled out an apple he gently closed the door in fustration and thought to himself.

'Damn where's the meat?' Frank brought the apple up close to his mouth and took a large bite out of it. The juices of the apple filled Franks mouth fully engulfing his tounge with the wonderful delicousness of his treat he held before him.

"Damn!" He said with a wild grin. "This is probably one of the best damn apples I ever eaten in my entire life." After Frank took his second bite of the tasty apple Frank then chucked it into a nearby trash can and began searching the pantrys. Reminding himself to compliment who ever grown it. If he ever meets him/her.

But all he was able to mostly fine was animal food. "Bird seeds? No. Cat food? No. Dog food? No. Nuts? Tempting but no." Frank closed the pantry. "Where is the freaking meat!?" Frank pounded on the table in fustration. A small scittering noise came out of the living room. Frank stopped and looked around confused with a smirk he pounded the table once again but harder this time and it was again followed by more scittering noises coming from the living room. Frank walked back into the living room and in a lone corner was a small beaver huddled with large frightend eyes. It was panting heavily almost at the verge of hyperventalating and passing out. Instead of feeling sorry for the creature Frank smiled.

'I never had beaver before.' Frank thought heading back into the kitchen where he found a large chef knife.He held it up having the light glisten his reflection on it showing his large grin on his face.

'But it wouldn't hurt to see how they taste...' Frank laughed hysterically.

Author's Note:

Besides the countless spelling errors and grammical errors that I believe to be in there. Please tell me what you think of it so far. I Was going to make this part longer but I thought to myself and said, "Right here would be a perfect spot to end this."
And please do not fret the Mane 6 will be appearing in the next chapter and trust me things will go so good.