• Published 18th Jan 2012
  • 11,135 Views, 216 Comments

The Herd - Lighthawk

This is your singing short description I hope it finds you well, you're invited to read this fic cause I think you're really swell! Inside you'll find romance and comedy, won't you come and have some fun with me!

Comments ( 52 )

Wow, I just read the last few chapters and another magically appears!

Awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Heh, today's your lucky day perhaps? Quick, buy a lottery ticket!

And thank you for all the kind words in your previous post. Hope you keep enjoying.

he's abviously has been busy in chicago thus the long wait

I have to say Celestia seriously need to get laid badly. And Spike telling her he's never had any erotic dreams about is a total lie. I'm sure alot of the stallions in Equestria have dreamt about bedding Celestia. I still say eventually Celestia will probably join Spike's harem like Luna joined Big Mac's. I'm sure Spike's talk with Rarity about his magic won't go that well either.

Celestia wants to watch Spike and Rarity :raritywink: Kinky.

Sooo.........Celestia wants to get laid.........with Spike but she is resisting.............but she is going to teach him how to control his magic along side the wonderbolts............and wants to watch Rarity and Spike working on it..........and wants to be there for Spike..............Celestia, for the love of you, train him fast and have sex with him, you want him so much it hurts

I can neither confirm nor deny anything. The council would have a fit if I...shit, I mean...can't say anything! *Flees*

It's good to be the king. It's not so easy being the god empress though. And I can only imagine that in whatever erotic industry Equestria has, images of Celestia are popular.


Ah, if only it was that easy for her. Well maybe it is, maybe she just needs someone to point that out to her.

I've read everything that's been released thus far, minus the comic books. Have all the main books, the side stories, and the RPG.

I may be a little obsessed.

2802635 same though how is the rpg?

Another great chapter with even more world/lore building. You sir have genuine talent and I am glad to be reading such an awesome story.

I was just thinking of this story and literally fist pumped when I saw it in my update list. Can't wait to see later chapters.

Very well put together in my opinion. It's become the preferred system for my gaming group, even though I'm the only one among them who's actually read the series. I think it finds a very nice middle ground between offering players lots of options while letting the GM control things without having to railroad the group.

Thank you, always glad to hear you're still enjoying it. :pinkiehappy:

2802245 Unless I missed something Luna didn't join Mac's herd, she just really wants to sleep with Pinkie.

2802809 Of course. Though I hope Spike can keep his new "magical mating instincts" in check... lord knows how a fight might go down between The Dragon and The Farmer should 'Big Purple' try to move in on 'Big Red's' future herd wives. :flutterrage:

Still hoping to see Fluttershy getting asked to join Big Mac's herd... by Pinkie, of course (heaven forbid an overly enthusiastic Luna asks... I see the poor pegasus gal fainting from sheer shock should the Royal Canterlot Voice be employed). :yay: Though if you decide she should join Spike's little group, I will only be mildly upset but still eager to see how it would work out regardless.:twilightsmile: Anyways, I will be keeping an eye out for updates to not only this story but your other ones too, so till then have a pleasant evening.

my friend you have a talent:eeyup:

You have an amazing talent for describing magic.

It would be interesting if Celestia joined Spike's herd. Curious to see how things go with Big Mac's herd and Luna.

This is right interesting....seems like the majority of our pony protagonists are gonna lean to the side of one of the two developing herds.....Macintosh's herd, and Spike's herd.

So far it looks like Twilight, Dash, and Pinkie (duh!) have started to show up as potential mates of Big Mac....cool. On the other end, Spike doesn't have any official members, but it's implying that Rarity's with him, and now according to this chapter, Celestia looks to be another member,

Wow, one side has the element of Magic, the other potentially has the Ruler of the Sun, they still have to get with the other elements as well as the princesses of the moon and love. No pressure to the two males.....:eeyup::moustache:

Also, that is something quite unique that you've created....Spike the Wonderbolt!! I'm surprised that this idea hasn't been attempted more...

I really hate to say it, and I know I'm gonna get flamed and downvoted faster than lighting the Fourth of July, but implicitly, this is similar to the whole Team Edward vs. Team Jacob thing from those books that I will not mention by name.

Spike's FW

nice job man, this...this is mustache worthy

Lets call that a transitory state of affairs perhaps?

I'm sure Mac would be understanding. He's such a calm and rational individual right?...right? :eeyup:
Yeah, they'd be cool...Twilight on the other hand...:twilightangry2:

Thank you.

Thank you, I really appreciate that.

Interesting might be a bit mild a word, at least in the minds of those in the story. Hopefully if such a thing does happen, it is in fact interesting to read about.

Yup, no pressure at all. Nothing a simple farmhand and a young man just coming to understand what wonderful creatures women are can't handle. I mean these are only the some of the most powerful, influential, and important people in the world. Dear god, the poor bastards.

And no flames or downvotes, it's a fair enough comparison on a very basic level. Hopefully with a lot less nonsense to it though.

Commencing Pattern Recognition
Current Herds(with obvious latter additions):
Neutral Parties:
Discord and Chrysalis are obviously shacking up off-screen.
Spike will end up adding Applejack and Fluttershy to his "herd". This will create a division amongst the Elements just in time for the villains to attack with an army of Changeling/Draconequus hybrids (yes:derpytongue2:).
Cue Power of Love.

You know, it's perfectly possible that each herd won't end up perfectly balanced with a guy, a unicorn, a pegasus, an Earthy, and an alicorn. I mean it could happen, right?


I know:derpytongue2:
In fact, I didn't even realize at first that it would be so completely balanced like that. I just noticed that there were two "unclaimed" mares and Mac's herd outnumbered Spike's by two.
Then I put two and two and two together and came up with Disalis OTP:heart:

Pinkie Pie gave up on her dream too easily. Is there some sort of rule that says a herd can only have one stallion in it?

Not a rule per say, but more social norms and expectations. I'm actually touching on some of the herd stuff right now in the next chapter (which I really ought to have done sooner, but there just hasn't been a point in the story until now where it felt I could really have it discussed realistically).

Anyway, short of it is the current herd model is something of a hold over from older times, when life expectancies were much shorter and a more rigorous childbearing routine was needed to maintain and grow the population. More than one guy in a herd wasn't any advantage, and was in fact something of a disadvantage. The girls only needed the one to get them pregnant, and it was much easier to set up a fair cycle of pregnancies between them having only one guy to deal with. Back then they didn't want every girl in a herd pregnant at one time, they needed to maintain a cycle so that they always had enough able bodies to do the daily hard work the herd needed to survive. So several girls would band up, pick the guy they felt would be best for their herd, and they would manage who he slept with and when to make sure they had children regularly, not too many at once, and not too few.

Plus taking a second guy in a herd could be seen as hording a rare commodity, and was a good way to piss off any herds of mares looking for a stallion. Not a good way to stay on good terms with your neighbors.

Wow... Spike... wow...:moustache::trollestia:

Just got done reading all the chapters and have to say great story so far and I eagerly look forward to future updates.

As much as it looks like the herds are going to be even in the number and types of mares (providing they stay two separate herds) still unsure about Celestia ending with Spike. Even though they had a moment in this chapter it was quickly explained as Spike's magic reacting and urging him to mate with Celestia by stirring up a lot of repressed sexual frustration. Makes me think that this almost uncontrollable lust Celestia is experiencing stems from the two of them walking arm and arm through the garden creating that first physical connection that Spike's magic is now working on her in its attempts to posses. Also is the point that Celestia said that his new appearance is to make him highly attractive to the female eye, obviously by the remarks he received from the group, even the ones from Mac's herd. Then there's the moment's where Celestia has asked Spike if he feels like that towards her it almost seems like he is appalled at the very thought of feeling that way towards her. Then again this could all change during his training, or after observing him and Rarity together. :trollestia:

I'll keep my thoughts about how I think the story will end to myself and patiently wait for more wonderful updates to truly find out.

Keep up the great work.

Well first off thank you for the kind words. It's always nice to hear from someone enjoying what I write.

As for Spike and Celestia, well I think the simplest explanation is "It's complicated". I wouldn't say Spike is appalled about feeling any urges towards Celestia, more that the idea of even showing them, let alone acting on them, rather terrifies the poor guy. The idea of a romantic relationship with her is intimidating; she's got literal centuries of life on him and all the wisdom and experience that comes with that, along with immense power of magical, political, and personal varieties. Trying to measure up to that is a damn tall order for a fellow's ego.

And without giving too much away, I will say that the arm in arm walk was not the starting point.

Well that cleared up any doubts I had . LOL. Keep up the great work and look forward to more.

I'm actually more uncertain about AJ and Fluttershy than I am Celestia - it feels kind of 'pair-the-spares'-like, albeit altered to fit a polyanorous setting.
Fortunately it doesn't seem to have just fallen into place as if it was natural, like a worse writer might have felt, but I really want to see AJ and FS give some reasons that don't amount to 'Mac isn't an option and I feel left out'. Especially Flutters, who doesn't have the family bonds getting in the way.

2802267 :facehoof: Really? You're really going there? UUUGHH

2923994 It's a story about harems, I think we passed there awhile ago.

Crap. I thought this was complete.

2806897>>2808190 Yeah, I too have noticed it seems to be getting 'balanced' in terms of who is currently in Big Mac's herd and who could potentially be mates with Spike.

BUT!!! I am still holding out hope that Fluttershy will join Mac's herd. I've been thinking of how this tale might go, and it made me change stance on an earlier comment I made. That being I think a great plot twist (heh... plot) would be that instead of Pinkie asking/convincing everyone's favorite butter colored, pink maned animal caretaker, it would be Big Macintosh who actually shows some initiative and courts the lovable pegasus. Though I would suggest he do it alone; Twilight is still upset with what happened to her BBBFF, Rainbow (while certainly Flutters oldest friend) might be a bit too forward, and Luna... well... just watched "Luna Eclipsed" to see what I mean about how our Lady of the Moon should NOT be the one inquiring lol.

Anyways, looking forward to future chapters (as well as continuations to Pony Tails, New Moon Rising, and My Little Test Subject). I am getting caught up on Appletank's Dresden Fillies JUST to see what it is like, and as soon as that's done I will give your spin-off of it a read :pinkiehappy:

Cool story! can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter (update soon Plz) can you add Applejack, Fluttershy , Celestia & Zecora spike's harem? plz?!?!?!?!? :moustache::raritystarry::ajsmug::fluttercry:

4065045 Seeing as Zecora hasn't been mentioned I doubt she will appear. Also given Celestia's moral standing in this, I doubt she will be in any harem (not having sex HOWEVER is a different matter).

Still holding out that Pinkie or Big Mac will convince Fluttershy to join their herd (simply because FlutterMac,RainbowShy, TwiShy, and LunaShy sounds awesome).

4066071 maybe, but you never know....plus Fluttershy was with Applejack because she wants to join spike's herd, or she would not have been there

4066514 Or Fluttershy was there simply because Applejack dragged her along in that chapter trying to convince Rarity to let them both join... and being the 'doormat' she usually is she just didn't speak up even though she wanted to. Either way, we will see as the story goes on.

Okay, just caught up with the story now, seriously thought this was done as soon as we got to the 12th chapter, but I couldn't be more happy to be wrong. I only have a couple questions that I hope will be brought to answer in later chapters:

1) Twilight was shown to have very deep and intimate feelings with Celestia ever since she was a foal. If Celestia ends up getting in Spike's herd, or bedding him, whichever comes first, how would Twilight react to this development?

2) Applejack's reason to want to join Spike's herd. I think I can speak for all of us that she's being really stubborn in giving a real legit reason in joining, but what exactly is making her so stubborn? a) Just seeing Spike now gets her so turned on that she needs to get in on this? b) Because her brother's starting a herd, she's only joining Spike's to tick Big Mac off? or c) She's just feeling so left out and desperate in all the relationships going on, and Celestia knows she isn't going to her brother's herd, and is only going to Spike's for the sake of the comfort and intimacy she wants and needs?

3) Fluttershy's reasoning for joining Spike's herd. I can see how she has a 180 turn of interest in the new Spike as she wants to see how well he can sing, or offering to help him to learn such, but what else does she see in him now? I feel she asked Spike and Rarity with Applejack to join not only to help AJ asking them easier, but also serving as an excuse to get herself in as well, yet, we haven't gotten word from why Fluttershy wants to join.

4) Will poor sun butt ever get the excruciating release she so needs, or will her sister moon butt finally one-upped her in not only her reasoning to finding relationships, but being the first and only to commit sexual acts with freedom and no care for her social standards? :trollestia:

Oh how I can't wait to see what comes next. Very well done so far good sir, and please take as much time as you need to make more glorious chapters. :moustache: Oh, and I hope Shining Armor gets better too. Yeah, totally didn't forget to add him until the end. :twilightblush:

More of this, please. There's not enough writing about herds on this site as it is (well, apart from the self-insert wish-fulfillment stuff... but, yeah).

4132232 Remember how I said take as much time as you need to write this? Are you not updating this anymore, or is there something going on?


Only four words to say about these characteres. Ya dense motherfuckeres.

four words

Ya dense motherfuckeres.



So I can see the word in the yellow box at the bottom that says "incomplete" and I know that this is true as I have just finished reading the 12th installment of your simply amazing fic, but then I look at the date of June 30, 2013 and I start crying on the inside because I realize that it has been way more than a full year since this masterpiece of fiction was last updated. So please I am begging you, continue you this story and I will love you forever!:pinkiesad2:

If there is intent to someday continue this story, great. However, if you've simply lost the spark, the courteous thing to do is change the status to canceled.

le sigh another good story gone to waste such a shame

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