• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 8,236 Views, 276 Comments

7 Days in Heaven - Jacetheponysculptor

You. Dash. Seven days. You know in your heart it probably means nothing. But maybe, just maybe...

Comments ( 44 )

An update? How unexpected! Enjoy :pinkiehappy:

I'm curious where you're going to take this. The chapter is good, if not what my emotions needed at the moment.

I'll give it another read through if I have the time to find minor nit-picks as well as a better critique, but as-is, it's rather good.

That said, seriously, this story needs an alternate clop-happy version with a happy (harem) ending. You're more than a good enough writer to pull it off. Do eeeeetttttt :rainbowwild:

Edit: Also, holy fuck first aside from the author. Yay firsties! That's the first time that's happened for me! There are advantages to staying up late. :rainbowlaugh:

Good chapter. I wonder what'll happen next...

Oh, and also this:

Me and Fluttershy

Shouldn't it be "Fluttershy and I"?

I approve of this :pinkiehappy:

It's actually refreshing to see that not everything was sunshine and happiness after the cabin incident, and that life is a bit more...turbulent? in this world than it is presented normally.

Goddammit, myself. What have I done?!


This seems interesting, can't wait to see were it goes.

Um, Rartity, I think you're going the wrong way


Btw this can fit before or after he wanted RD. I read it pretty fast but it was talking about the cabin and getting a day each with him so is it before or after?

1742955 Hmm... it's on my list of things to do, but right now that list is pretty large. After I do a few more chapters of the sequel, I'm probably going to go back and edit some of the earlier chapters for clarity, and so it flows better with the later chapters. On top of that I have an unfinished story that does need to be finished up eventually. But after all that, I'll do it.

1742972 Will fix, thank you.

1743016 I actually think this world IS pretty turbulent, it just happened to be the protagonists lucky week. But I've been wanting to do this for a while. I mean, I've always thought about how an experience like this might actually affect people. I realized it wouldn't be all roses and happiness. And thus the next chapter was born.

1743112 Fixed, thanks. This takes place six months after they all met up at the cabin. The part with them meeting up was Twilight remembering the first time they met and talked about the cabin. I should also note this takes place six months before the epilogue of the story.

This looks VERY promising. How often do you expect to get updates out by any chance?


Did someone say 'new story arc'? Awesome.
This is the only humanized pony fic I've ever read and it's seriously good. Great to see it updating again.

Blimey, a continuation, I was not expecting that. I'm again finding myself wishing the reader ended up with Fluttershy, but as this before the epilogue, I suppose that wont happen. Still, this looks to be a very interesting story.

Oh yes, I am so glad this is coming back. This is going to be good.


I'm looking forward to seeing how this all works out now. Yay realism! :yay:

Although given the ending of the last chapter, things look like they'll turn out okay. But that's not going to prevent a crapload of drama now is it? :raritywink:

Not too sure I care for this addition. I think I know what's going to happen, and I'm not sure I want to see it. :unsuresweetie:

Nobody expects the Jace inquisition!
We shall all see how the rest of this story plays out I guess

1742827 You crafty bastard. I'm really looking forward to this now.

It looks great and the update was an unexpected surprise (the good kind)

1743571 Next update by this Sunday! It's already completed, I just need to go over it, synch it up and stuff.

1743966 Thank you sir. Glad you like it!

1745079 Alternate endings are also on my list. My massive, massive list.

1745306 :pinkiehappy:

1745576 Oh yes. There will be drama.

1745753 Awwwww give it a chance :pinkiesad2:

1745847 It's only a flesh wound!

1746586 Cool! Hope I live up to your expectations.

1746735 Thank you!

1746767 Yay! Sequels inside the story! I love it! :pinkiehappy:

1746767 on an unrelated note, are you going to Gatecrash in Feb?

1748173 Hell yeah, Simic ftw. Unfortunately I didn't qualify for the tour this time, and probably wont since I work for the rest of the PTQ season. But next PTQ season I have a sick modern brew that I feel like is the nuts. And, uh, I apologize to everyone who doesn't play magic the gathering lol. That probably made no sense.

So I decide to take a small break after studying for 6 hours straight, and low and behold I see this update. Needless to say, I am more than happy with this fic. I had always wondered how the other girls would resolve their issues, nothing is simply over unless you the problem. I can't wait to see where this is going.

1748368 I personally don't go pro, I mostly just play with some buds, but I do suspect that maybe two of them could go pro and survive more than five turns. I don't think a single one of them is going Simic, but one of them switched from Gruul to Dimir, which is bad because I wanted a monopoly on Dimir cards this time around. Oh well, what can you do? Besides unsummon him.....


So an epilogue/prologue? Put 6 months ago as a section header or something.

1755705 I put six months later in the story title, so I thought people would get it. I'll try to be a little more clear.


Alright. Your story gives me feels. It's a very emotional story of reality.

Wow, this fic's back, huh? Well, glad to see it so. It's not often I see stuff like this; quite inspirational. :twilightsmile:

Next update will be one or two days late, work and real life blah blah blah. I'm also in the process of editing the older chapters. The edit of the first chapter will go up either later tonight or tomorrow. I'll gauge reactions, see if I should continue to edit the rest of the chapters. Thanks for understanding! Also I'm editing these myself, so if there's any mistakes please let me know! I will not be offended or upset, it's helping me grow as an author.

Okay, the first chapter has been re-edited. Let me know what you all think. Next chapter up ASAP, aiming for early tomorrow, maybe even tonight if this coffee kicks in.

Now, I've read some good fics in my time, but this takes the cake. This was unbelievably incredible! How do you come up with this?! :pinkiehappy:

Honestly, this outdoes everything else i've read on this site, you deserve WAY more credit than you're getting! But there is one teeny tiny problem, it says it's complete, but it doesn't feel like it... It feels too inconclusive and I wasn't sure what happened at the end. :derpytongue2:

All in all, 100/10, excellent job buddy!

So, did this die? Seems like nothing came after this, despite your adamant insistence that the next chapter was on its way. :raritydespair:

This was a really awesome story. Probably one of my favorites. Too bad it seems you discontinued it ... :fluttercry:

My god, it says it's complete yet it doesn't feel complete and there's no damn sequel. Otherwise, it's awesome.

Comment posted by fatalerror328 deleted Jul 22nd, 2013
Comment posted by whiteline0101 deleted Oct 8th, 2013

(still not completly done with this story) but i am loving it im on pinkie pie's day (almost done with that one) and OMG u can get somone immensed in a story. i cant stop reading. ITS SOOO GOOOD :heart::heart::heart: like i feel for the characters it makes me have the feels. i wish there was more to it and im not even done yet just knowing u unded it makes me sad like there is soooo much more here.

Comment posted by spazmagic the brony deleted Feb 16th, 2014

Holy mother of motherfucking GOD!!! Just update the DAMN THING!!!!:raritydespair::twilightangry2::facehoof::pinkiesick:

Sorry your m.c. is to femme.

Comment posted by Compass The Pegasus deleted Feb 20th, 2022

Hmmm. Mixed feelings on this story, trending negative. Unfortunately I distracted myself while reading this so I don't think I can really do it justice in a review, but I'll give it a shot.

The prevailing feeling I got from this was "dream-like". Not in the sense that it was especially fantastical, exotic or unintelligible, but it just felt like the product of an imagination within the story. There's this sense of things existing outside of time and space, of characters materializing when needed and disappearing afterwards, of nothing else existing outside of Dash's cabin and the paths leading there. The non-linear nature of the story helped with that impression as well. Near the end, when some characters start to wonder why things happened the way they did, It seemed possible they might realize they were in a dream.

That impression was broken in the final chapter, where we learn that these people do have lives, and there is a world out there, but, for some reason, they can't get over what happened. It's like in Lost, where anyone who escapes the island is compelled to return to it, even if it just makes them miserable.

The story says "On Hiatus", and otherwise it's hard to tell how conclusive an ending the latest chapter is, but there's something powerful about the lack of closure here. You, the POV character, never get to see what happens in the second cabin gathering, because You aren't invited. Perhaps the reader isn't meant to know either.

Perhaps the mane six have resolved their own stories, by way of leaving this one unresolved.

Anyway, it was neat. Good work.

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