• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2022


30 years old closet brony from the center of Europe. Just happily doing my thing in my corner of the internet.


[Warning: This story is a very little reflexion about (bad) humor - it's not funny and pretty dull]

Pinkie Pie's goal is to make other ponies laugh, have fun and smile. She is the element of laughter. But it so happened that she once doubted her ability to use that talent, as she tried to tell her friends a new joke she had just invented, getting all the reactions but the only one she really expected.

A little journey in Pinkie Pie's learning about jokes and humor.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Well... it is Pinkie Pie-ish enough, I guess.
But too... empty.

i honestly...dont know what the joke was...

I gave you a thumbs up because I felt bad :pinkiesmile:

This story... exists. That's all I can really say about it.

I get this. This is how I feel at work all day every day. It's so bad now with people on edge with Christmas and all that that I don't trust myself to say anything except company approved dialogue. Don't get me wrong, it's just my weird sense of humor and I don't mean anything by them. After all, I'm nopony important so anything I say shouldn't offend you anyway. I'll give it a thumbs up, you know because I can relate, but I agree... it does seem rather flat. Still, good effort and keep writing and posting because that’s how you get better at it. Long story short, it's not the destination, it's the journey that is important.

Oh, you lost the game. :facehoof:

No problem ^^, I pretty much knew that I would get that kind of reaction. To my defense, I made the story as short as possible to make sure that if I had wasted your time, it would be a very little amount of it.

I would like to read it. How is it named?
Or is it only the joke that is overused in english speaking countries? Because I know that it's child level, I just have a weird sense of humor.

The joke is: "This is a joke". It's impossible to say that it's not a joke, because, well, "this is a joke" and, at the same time, this is not a joke in any way if we go by definition. The "you've got to understand" is the clue that tells you that you have to think about the joke to get it. It's also a way of making fun of how we have to ask people to try and get that what we are going to say is a joke before actually telling the joke.
And if you already figured that out and just wanted to know what should have made the story funny. Well, it just wasn't supposed to be. I just wanted to speak about how hard it is when you've got a joke you find very funny and nobody laugh. Useless to say I pretty much stopped trying to do any humor whatsoever in real life. As well as in stories.

Oh, the zebra joke is that the tree was a dead tree fallen on the ground, so the zebra was on the tree, but also on the ground, so unprotected. Originally, Zecora was supposed to invent a fake joke and not tell Pinkie Pie it was a fake one and made not to be funny, and I made a mix between a fake joke and something that I actually like.

Well, lesson taken, put emotions in stories and be cryptic, :rainbowlaugh:.
Then I'll just have to plant a tree I guess :P.

What game? I lost all the time, so I don't really mind, but I didn't know that there was a game of some kind. Can I play again? Seems fun.

I'm not saying this story is terrible, it was just... incredibly dull.

It is not a terrible story. You have to understand that. It was a little dull. It would have helped, in my opinion, to hear the joke that pinkie pie was telling to everyone. I was OK, but not the best I have read. :pinkiesmile:

Well... you've heard the joke since the very beginning.
The joke just needs the listener to understand how the joke works.
"This is a joke". It's a joke (obviously, it says it is), but it isn't. It works the same way (in way less subtle) as the "this is a pipe" thing.

I know, strange humor. That's why nopony liked Pinkie Pie's joke and some got upset that they didn't figure it out and Fluttershy never understood it (she waited for Pinkie Pie to actually tell a joke, not seing that it was the joke).

But I can see why the story is dull. I understand it. Since then, I've tried to always give some sort of "big thing happening" behind to make things epic enough to satisfy the attention.

1945846 That joke does not make much sense to me. Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie makes me laugh, though. Random craziness for the win! :pinkiehappy:

I guess the Zebra's joke doesn't work better either :twilightsmile:. It's normal, I understand. Everybody has his own sense of humor. I don't expect others to like mine.
The argument can be made that I shouldn't have used a joke that was so bad for the story, but, for once, I actually wrote the story only for the sake of that joke (none of my friends really speak english, so I couldn't tell them directly).

So what was the joke?

Which one? One I heard was in french, and it was a play on words, so pretty hard to translate:
"Deux tueurs se rencontrent dans la rue et commencent à parler. L'un dit à l'autre:
- Est-ce que ça te dérange si je te tutoies?" (=> tue - toi, pour le cas où)
(Raymond Devos if my memory is correct => yup, that's him).

That story isn't a joke, it's about the concept of jokes.

The Zebra joke:
"Oh, the zebra joke is that the tree was a dead tree fallen on the ground, so the zebra was on the tree, but also on the ground, so unprotected."
Once again, not self explanatory.

Sorry I wasted your time, I put a warning to make sure nobody would anymore. (should have from the very beginning).

I just figured this out but... please tell me you actually meant to say:
=> so "what" was the joke ? (like in "the word what and the question what" was the actual joke).
I would have used a lot of time to get it, but I would love it, as the comment from Satyr403 is "wat".

Probably not what you meant, but one can dream...

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