• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 1,778 Views, 34 Comments

Dance in My Moonlight - Sirius Starshine

Twilight Sparkle had always loved dancing. However, she was never very good at it, so she contented

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Chapter 1: "45"

Dance in My Moonlight

Chapter One: “45”

Twilight woke up the next morning, last night’s recent failure still fresh in the unicorn mare’s mind. She sighed as she dug herself out from under the blankets. She stood and stretched her limbs then made her way to the bathroom adjacent to her bedroom. She took care of her morning routine and then walked downstairs to the central room in her tree-house. She looked around for the objects of her frustration. She saw the phonograph sitting on its table, but couldn’t find the record or book anywhere.

“Morning Twilight,” greeted her number one assistant. She looked around for the baby dragon and saw him coming from the kitchen wearing a white apron. “Don’t worry about the library Twi, I cleaned it up this morning for ya!” He noticed the look of depression on the purple unicorn’s face and asked. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Twilight debated telling him it was nothing and to not worry about it, but sighed in resignation and said. “Oh, it’s just; no matter how many times I try and how much I practice I still can’t seem to get even the most basic dance steps down.” Her ears drooped as she lowered her head in disappointment.

The green and purple dragon felt a pang of sympathy for his oldest friend and walked up to her and placed a claw on her shoulder. “It’s okay Twilight, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it at some point!” The reptile said, trying to console the unicorn mare.

“Oh, it’s hopeless Spike.” Twilight said as she pulled away from Spike’s claw and walked over to the phonograph and stared at it forlornly.

Spike walked and stood next to Twilight. A few seconds later the baby dragon picked up the record and turned to the unicorn mare. “Remember what you used to tell me when I felt like I couldn’t get something right and it felt impossible for me?” He asked. Twilight turned to him and shook her head. Spike then put on a comforting smile and said. “You told me that I was just trying too hard and that all I needed to do was to change my perspective.” He then flipped the record over in his claws and continued talking. “You said, ‘sometimes you just need to turn the record over, and see things from the other side.’” He then placed the record back on the phonograph with the other side facing up.

A small smile formed on Twilight’s muzzle and she hugged her number one assistant. “Thanks, Spike, I needed that.”

“Aw shucks, it was nothing.” Spike said with a blush. After a few moments Twilight released her grasp around Spike and he said. “Now come on, I’ve got breakfast waiting for us!” He then zipped back into the kitchen. Twilight giggled and followed him. Spike made them a simple breakfast of pancakes with maple syrup for Twilight and ruby syrup for himself. After they were done eating Twilight remembered she had some errands she needed to run that day so she left Spike in charge of the library and went into town. On her way out Spike called out to her. “Later Twilight, see ya on the flip side!”

She turned back and replied. “Thanks Spike, I appreciate it!” With that she continued on her way thinking to herself. I should really get him something for helping me out this morning. She pulled out a scroll and added ‘go to the jewelry store’ to her list of errands.

A couple hours later she walked out of the jewelry shop with a big emerald held in magic as she was putting it away in her saddle bags. Hmm, what was the last thing on my list? Oh yeah the post office! She thought to herself and she trotted down the road towards the building. When she pushed the door open and walked through she heard the ting of a bell and a pony walked up from the back to right behind the counter.

“Good morning, Derpy, how are you today?” Twilight greeted with a smile.

“Hey Twilight, I’m good! How’re you?” The grey pegasus replied in her usual cheerful manner. “What can I do for ya today?”

The purple unicorn walked up right in front of the counter and said. “I’m here to see if a couple packages I’m expecting have come in yet.”

Derpy smiled and nodded and she said. “No problem, gimmie just one sec to check the back.”

“Sure, take your time.” Twilight said returning the smile as the yellow maned pegasus walked into the back of the building. After a couple minutes of waiting with the sounds of occasional crash accompanied by and ‘oops’ Derpy returned to the counter with two packages on her back, and a hoof rubbing the top of her head.

“Here ya go Twilight. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Derpy asked, recovering from her apparent injury quickly as she hoofed the two packages over to the purple unicorn.

Twilight would’ve normally asked if the grey pegasus was alright, but after the 10th such incident she found it was normal and Derpy was very hearty and would recover from such injuries in no time at all. “No that’s all for today Derpy, thanks!” The unicorn said and she started out the door.

“No problem Twilight! Thank you for the business.” The grey mare replied.

Twilight hurried back to her house as she needed to take care of the last thing on her list of errands on that day’s agenda. She got to the front door of her house and reached out for the doorknob with her magic. As she started to turn the knob she felt something zap her on the back. Twilight let out a frightened scream as she leaped up into the air. She hovered for half a second, flailing her legs and her hair standing on end, until she came crashing to the ground, her legs sprawled out and her eyes rolling. She recovered a beat later and jumped back up to her hooves, scanning for her assailant. That’s when she noticed the hysterical laughter coming from above her. She looked up and saw a small, dark grey cloud, with a rainbow colored tail and sky blue legs flailing as the laughter continued.

Twilight scowled up at the cloud and said in a scolding tone. “Rainbow Dash, I should’ve known.”

The mare in question poked her head though the cloud and gave the disgruntled unicorn a look of pure mirth as she continued to chuckle at her friend’s expense. “Hehehe, you shoulda seen the look on your face Twi, priceless!” The blue pegasus busted into another laughing fit at the purple unicorn’s irritation.

Twilight’s face drew into a devious grin as she came up with an idea. Her horn and Rainbow’s cloud suddenly glowed with violet magic as the unicorn formed her spell. She couldn’t make the cloud zap her friend with lightning, that kind of magic was reserved for pegasai, but she could use the cloud for something else. Rainbow didn’t know what was going on until it was too late.

The unicorn condensed the cloud into a band around Rainbow’s midsection, pinning her wings to her side. Then she simply released her magic and let the pegasus drop. Taken completely off guard, all Rainbow had time for was to let out a startled cry of surprise as she dropped out of the sky, and landed hard with a grunt of pain. It was now her turn to lie dazed on the ground. Twilight giggled with her hoof held over her mouth. When the cyan pegasus came to, she glared at the purple unicorn as she stood up and broke up the cloud band around her. Her glare served nothing but to make the unicorn breakdown in full laughter. After a couple seconds the pegasus’ face contorted and eventually she started laughing along with Twilight.

“Hehehehaha, that was a good one Twi, you really got me.” Rainbow Dash said as she wiped a tear from her eye with the back of her hoof.

“Well, being pranked by you so many times I’ve picked up a few things.” Twilight replied getting her breathing back under control.

“Hehe, yeah, I am a pretty awesome teacher aren’t I?” Rainbow Dash chuckled as she wiped a forehoof on her chest.

The purple unicorn just rolled her eyes at the pegasus’ antics. “Well, while you’re here would you like to come inside for a bit?”

“Hmm, I dunno, I do have a busy schedule to keep you know.” Rainbow Dash said as she cast her eyes around as if looking at her alleged obligations in the air. Twilight sighed and tapped her hoof at the pegasus’ antics. “Yeah, I suppose I can hang out for a bit.” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

Twilight Sparkle chuckled while she opened the library’s door with her magic. “After you.” She said, holding the door open for her friend.

“Thank you.” Rainbow Dash said with a mock bow as she walked through the doorway.

Twilight giggled as she followed the rainbow pegasus into the tree house, closing the door behind her. She then proceeded to magically levitate the packages from her back to the coffee table in front of the room’s fireplace.

The rainbow maned pegasus’ attention was now fixed on the two packages held in Twilight’s magical grasp. “Are those?...” Rainbow Dash asked, a smile starting to spread across her face.

Twilight rolled her eyes, a small amused smile across her muzzle now too. “Yes, Rainbow, they’re copies of the new Daring Do book. Derpy was kind enough to give me yours as well.”

Rainbow Dash’s smile grew huge and her wings fluttered, bringing her up to the tips of her hooves in her excitement. “Awesome! It’s been forever since the last Daring Do book! Can we go ahead and read it?” She asked, her eyes eager to read the treasured tome.

Twilight giggled again at her friend’s enthusiasm at the prospect of reading a book; remembering how the brash pegasus used to despise the activity as one meant for ‘eggheads’. “Of course Rainbow, have a seat.” The unicorn said, indicating the couch and chairs surrounding the coffee table. “I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna go get us some stuff to snack on while we read.”

Twilight used her magic to rip open the brown paper wrapping the books. She levitated the ripped paper into a nearby trashcan. Then she walked into her kitchen. She was about to grab a large tray to put snacks on when she saw a note sitting on the table. The unicorn walked over to the table and saw that the note was left to her by Spike.

Dear Twilight,

Went to Rarity’s to help her look for some gems. I’ll be back sometime tonight. I prepared a vegetable loaf for you in the fridge. Just put it in the oven when you get hungry. The instructions are on top of it.


Twilight shook her head with a smirk. “That dragon, I should be mad at him for leaving the library unattended, but he doesn’t always think everything through when it comes to Rarity.” She whispered to herself in an amused tone. It was late afternoon so she figured she’d cook the meal Spike prepared and share it with Rainbow Dash. She opened the fridge, read the instructions on top of the vegetable loaf, and popped it in the oven after setting it to the proper temperature.

Twilight pulled out two glasses from a cupboard and filled them with grape juice. She then carried them in her magic back out into the main room where she found Rainbow Dash sprawled on her back on the couch, holding one of the books above her while she read. The purple unicorn set the glasses on the table, one next to Rainbow, and cleared her throat. After a couple seconds the cyan pegasus set the open book down on her chest and turned her head to Twilight. “What’s up Twilight?”

“Well, Spike is helping Rarity this afternoon but he left me a whole vegetable loaf so I was wondering if you would like to stay for dinner?”

“Sounds good to me! Thanks Twilight!”

“Anytime, Rainbow.” Twilight said and she went over to the chair closer to Rainbow’s head and sat down, pulling her book towards her, and she began to read.

A short while later Twilight went back into the kitchen and pulled out the loaf. After she served it up for both her and Rainbow Dash they talked about what they’ve read of the story so far. After they ate the two went back to reading for a while, until the cyan pegasus realized what time it was.

“Wow it’s getting pretty late, I should get going.” Rainbow Dash said as she glanced at the clock on the library’s wall. “Thanks for having me over and getting my book for me Twilight.” The cyan pegasus said as she got up and headed for the door.

“Anytime Rainbow.” Twilight said as she followed Rainbow Dash to the door.

Rainbow Dash jumped into the air and flapped her powerful wings; taking off into the air. “Catch ya later, thanks again!” She called back to the purple unicorn as she banked and headed towards her cloud home.

Twilight walked back into the library and closed the door behind her. She walked over to her phonograph and placed the ‘Dancing for Beginners’ record back on the spindle and placed the needle on the outer edge. Alright, I feel like this will be the best attempt yet; I’ll get if for sure this time! She clicked the ‘on’ switch on the record player and took the starting position. Her optimism lasted for about an hour.


“AUGH!” The unicorn cried in frustration as she tripped over herself for what felt like the hundredth time that night. She wrapped her magic in around the record, stomped over to the nearest window and slammed it open with her hoof. “RAAAH!” The purple mare yelled as she launched the record through her window with her magic. After a few minutes of heavy breathing she finally calmed down and realized what she’d just done.

“I can’t believe I lost control like that, stupid Twilight, there’s no reason for you to’ve flipped out like that.” The unicorn mare sighed to herself. She walked out of her home into the night and towards the direction where she threw the record. After a couple minutes of searching, and berating herself under her breath, she found the vinyl disc laying several dozen yards from her house. She picked it up with her magic and held it up to her face so she could examine it. After looking it over and not seeing any cracks or scratches she sighed to herself in relief.

She turned around and started heading back towards her tree house, but halfway through her turn she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. She turned towards the distraction and saw a beam of moonlight piercing through the clouds. She stared at the beam for a couple seconds and noticed that there was a dark shape weaving all around within the silver light. Her curiosity piqued, she cantered over to inspect.

As she got closer she could hear somepony singing, though she couldn’t make out the words. Recognizing the movements as a pegasus dance, she continued to approach the moonbeam as she watched the graceful pegasus. The elegant moves the winged performed made simply dazzled Twilight. They looked far more spectacular and beautiful than any of the films the unicorn had on dancing, they didn’t even come close. The was the pegasus swooped around, the way they twirled, looped, spun, and rolled completely enraptured the purple mare with their sheer beauty and grace.

As she steadily drew closer she was suddenly able to make out who the dancer was; this caused her to stop dead in her tracks. The record dropped to the ground, no longer held in the unicorn’s magic grasp, and her jaw fell open in shock as she muttered. “Rainbow Dash?”

Comments ( 14 )


But actually, I do like the story. The ending of the chapter was well played out.

Keep going, dammit. :rainbowkiss:

@Sirius Starshine... Well you have a solid premise for a romance story. Hopefully this will be more of a "My Fair Lady" kind of dancing & learning story rather than "Dancing with the Stars" competition & "reality" show story ;) .

Insta-win!! And chapter title? We see what thou hast performed here :raritywink:

brilliant! simply marvelous! now, on to the next chapter!

Holy cow, I was just looking at this last night wondering if it would update soon....I should try that with all the other unfinished stories.

Horray for Twilight and Spike interaction. :twilightsmile::moustache:

Huh, I'd have expected a record thrown by Twilight's magic to slice through a whole house:rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh:

UGH!!! Why can't I favorite this!!??!?!!?

Stupid bugs...:unsuresweetie:

Edit: Okay, now it worked:raritywink:

how do you make ruby syrup?:rainbowhuh:

Damn, just update already. does it take that long for you to type?:rainbowhuh:

Okay, DUDE. At least tell us you're busy or sth. Way too long since you last updated.:flutterrage::rainbowhuh:

Is this story dead? :ajbemused:

I love this story!

Really should continue this story, it's a great start! Awesome even! :rainbowdetermined2:

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