• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 2,936 Views, 36 Comments

The CMC Adventures - Tangerine Blast

Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Applejack must do everything they can to get their cutie marks. Even if it get's them into trouble.

  • ...

Hearts and Hooves Day

It was that day of the year. That horrible and wonderful day. That special day of sunshine and rainclouds all in one. That day treasured by some and feared by others. That day of pain and happiness. That day of love and heartbreak. That day of-

“Rarity! If you keep daydreaming we’re never going to get there!”

Rarity humphed and shot a look at her pink friend. “I’m simply going over some details of my plan darling.”

Basicly, it was Hearts and Hooves Day and Rarity had come up with the greatest matchmaking scheme of the year. The decade. The century! The milleni-

“Does she often stop to dramatically pose?” Twilight, one of Applejack’s friends they had recruited for the plan, asked Pinkie. Interrupting Rarity’s internal monologue again.

Fluttershy nodded to Twilight. “Yes. I think she said it added dramatic flair.”

“It looks silly.” Pinkie giggled.

Rarity humphed and again and continued walking. Choosing to ignore her friends’ comments.

The Plan (Rarity decided that, yes, it should be capitalized) started to form this morning as, just like every other Hearts and Hooves Day, Rarity’s mailbox had been overflowing with cards, chocolate, and flowers all of various shapes and sizes. And all for Sweetie Belle.

Rarity wasn’t jealous of her sister’s ability to attract every stallion she came across of course. Nope. Not a bit. She was happy for her. So happy. Brimming with happiness.

“Rarity…” Fluttershy spoke softly, “You’re grinding your teeth again.”

“Thank you darling.” Rarity replied, trying to unclench her jaw.

The Plan, unlike other years, was not really about Rarity getting a date at all but about helping her sister find her special somepony.

Or somebody.

For you see, as Sweetie Belle was sorting through her many cards, a certain dragon was writing something very important of his own.


“No no no!” What started as a mutter rose into a scream as Spike crumpled the 32nd paper of the hour and lit it on fire. He ruffly took a fresh sheet from a prepared stack and took a deep breath. He was stressed, yes, but he could easily write a simple letter. Couldn’t he?

He started again:

“What are you doing?” A young voice asked, causing Spike to jump and send a big ink stain scratching against the parchment.

Spike growled as he lit that paper up too.

Twilight blinked at the new ash pile. “Was that a letter?”

The thought of lying to Twilight briefly flashed in Spike’s mind. But he quickly banished that away. Even if it was something really worth lying about Twilight would find out eventually.

“Yeah,” Spike sighed, grabbing a new paper. “It’s a...special letter I’m writing.”

“For Hearts and Hooves Day?” Twilight asked innocently.

Spike blushed but nodded, “Yep...for Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“Who’s it for?” Apparently Twilight could not take Spike’s subtle gestures to drop the subject.

“Sweetie Belle.” Spike mumbled, barely loud enough for Twilight to hear.

Twilight nodded understandably. “That makes sense. She’s gotten one from almost everyone in town. Statistically, it’s very likely you’d be writing one too.”

“What?” Spike stared at the filly. “Did you just say she’s gotten a letter from everyone in town?”

Twilight nodded happily. “Just about.”

Spike groaned and, even though he hadn’t written anything yet, burned his current paper.


Later, Twilight had told Applejack about the whole experience, who then told Rarity, who then decided that it was her duty to get the young drake and her sister together before the day was through!

“You know,” Twilight spoke up again, “I don’t think you’ve ever actually told me what the plan is, Rarity.”

Suddenly, Rarity found two pairs of bright blue eyes staring at her and giving the same message: please don’t.

But Rarity did.

For the sixth time.

“I’m so glad you asked, darling! Pinkie, chalkboard.” Pinkie sighed but did as her friend requested and pulled out a chalkboard from nowhere in particular. Rarity took it gleefully and started scribbling The Plan all over it.

“First off,” Rarity started, “You convince Spike to finish that love letter.” She drew a note and something that looked like it could be a dragon. “Then, Fluttershy and I will lure Sweetie away from all the cards she has now.” She drew a basic interpretation of that. “Then, we get the two to meet in the park for a romantic picnic and when they fall madly in love we feast on the discarded chocolate!” The last drawing was of four happy fillies stuffing their faces.

Twilight frowned, “That doesn’t seem like a very solid plan. I can see a lot of things going wrong.”

Rarity stuck up her nose and handed the chalkboard back to Pinkie. “Well, nothing’s going to go wrong. My plan is flawless. Spike and Sweetie will be happy together and we get to eat chocolate. It’s perfect!”

Twilight frowned harder, “Well, the end goal is perfect but how are we suppose to get there? For example: How am I going to get Spike to finish the letter?”

Rarity waved her hoof dismissively. “You know him best, you’ll figure something out.”

Twilight’s face was almost falling off from how hard she was frowning. “But how…”

“No time!” Rarity interrupted. “We must begin phase one immediately! Now go!”

Twilight let out a weak grumble as she was ushered away, unsure of everything at this point.


“Spike?” Twilight called out as she entered the library that was also her home. The only thing that greeted her was muffled sounds coming from the kitchen.

When she walked into the cooking area she saw Spike leaning over the table, stuffing ice cream into his mouth.

“Spike!” She cried, rushing over. “You can’t have that much ice cream.”

Spike waved a claw in the air. “It’s fine. Dragons don’t get brain freezes.”

“But you can still get stomach aches.” She protested, prying the tub of deliciousness from him.

Spike just grumbled and put his head on the table.

“Soooo…” Twilight asked, her eyes darting around, “Did you happen to finish that letter you were writing?”

Spike gave her and ‘are you kidding’ look, “Of course I didn’t finish it. There’s no point if Sweetie’s already gotten so many.”

Twilight bit her lip, “Well, maybe if you just right down your feelings it will make you feel better. At least better than this ice cream can.”

“But ice cream tastes better!” Spike whined, feebly reaching for the tub of frozen goodness.

Twilight yanked it away with her magic and stomped her hoof. “Spike, I demand you write that letter right now!”

Spike recoiled from the shouting filly and blinked rapidly, “Why do you care so much about this anyway?”

Twilight lost her fierce face and replaced it by a sputtering one, “I...I’m just concerned about you. You can’t beat yourself up over this and I think actually writing the thing will help.

The dragon rested his head in his claw, giving Twilight an odd look. “You really think writing to someone I have no chance with will make me feel better?”

Twilight shuffled her hooves. “Well, I’ve read some books that said the best way to deal with your feelings is to express them.”

Spike sighed but gave Twilight a small smile. “Well if you really think it will help me feel better who am I to argue? Get me some parchment, maybe you can help this time.”


Rarity nonchalantly entered her sister’s house. A smile of pure innocence adorned her face as she carefully approached the kitchen table where stacks upon stacks of candies and cards rested. The Prize.

Fluttershy followed directly behind Rarity, looking more pensive than innocent, unfortunately, but she did look pensive most of the time so Rarity presumed it wouldn’t be that big of a hinder to her plan.

The two, totally innocently, walked directly up to Sweetie Belle. The older Unicorn was currently staring at the card pile with distaste, munching on some leftover pizza as she read one of the hundreds of cards.

“Sweetie Belle?” Rarity called sweetly, trying to look as lovely as possible. Sweetie glanced at her over her pizza and gave a half smile.

“Hi, Rarity, did you have fun with your friends?”

Rarity nodded and glanced at Fluttershy, “Oh yes, we certainly did. We aren’t done yet but it’s just…” Rarity stuck out her lip in a faux pout, “There’s just this commotion happening at the park and we can’t play there anymore. We were wondering if you would do something about it?”

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity for a few moments before squinting suspiciously, “The park where all the couples are at? The park that, if anything happened to it today, someone would probably get fired? Or possibly mobbed? That park?”

Rarity started to get uncomfortable. Had her sister figured out what they were up to? How could she? They had been so clever so cunning! Nothing could have possibly hinted at what they were doing. Rarity, trying to save the situation, gave the most intelligent answer she could, “Uh hu. That’s the one alright.”

Nailed it.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh and a soft chuckle. “Alright, I’ll come with you to see what this commotion is. Whatever you have cooked up is probably more interesting than this anyway.”

Rarity grinned, it seemed her cunny was impenetrable as always, “Oh thank you Sweetie, you wont regret this. I promise.”

Sweetie sighed as she stood up. “I certainly hope not.”


“So what do you think?” Spike asked his assistant, pushing the finished letter towards her. “Is it bad enough to be good? Or good enough to be bad?”

Twilight giggled and looked over his handy work, “I think a few more hearts in the margins would really hit the point home.”

Spike rolled his eyes and gave a good natured laugh, “You know I think it’s done.” He held out his hand towards Twilight. “I think I can burn it now.”

“NO!” Twilight screamed, clutching the paper to her chest and catching Spike off guard, “I mean...don’t you want to save it? It’s good, why would you burn it?”

Spike shot her a suspicious look, “Because I only wrote it to get my feelings off my chest. I don’t want anyone to actually read it.”

“Well...maybe you should let them.”

Spike was almost to a full on glare, “No. I’m not going to let anyone read it. Hand it over Twilight.”

Twilight stared at him for a few tense seconds before she suddenly screamed, “LIGHT SCREEN!” And flashed a brilliant bright light out of her horn.

“GAH!” Spike yelled as he was suddenly blinded and could hear the clip clop of little hooves running away, “Twilight Sparkle, you get back here now!”


Rarity noted to herself as she and Fluttershy lead Sweetie Belle to the assigned picnic spot. A plush, checkered blanket was laid out under some beautiful apple trees. A small picnic of sandwiches, fruit, and cupcakes was arranged in a deliberate pattern with a vase full of flowers resting in the middle. Candle’s would have made it perfect but considering it was still day Rarity decided to let that one slide.

Rarity was very impressed with her hyperactive friend’s understanding of ‘romantic’. The cupcakes even had little hearts on them.

“Is this the commotion you were talking about?” Sweetie asked, looking a the display with amusement. “You’re right, it’s very distracting to your play time.”

“Oh no, this isn’t it.” Rarity said quickly. Where was Twilight? She should have been here already. “It seemed to have left. But I know it will come back. Maybe you should stay until it does?”

Sweetie let out a sigh but nodded, “I guess I have nothing better to do than go along with,” She gestured towards the picnic, “whatever it is your planning.” She took a sandwich from the stack and popped it into her mouth, “Mhmmm. This is really good. Who made these?”

“I did!” A high pitched voice called out as Pinkie exploded from the bushes. Rarity facehoofed. Sweetie just waved.

“Hi Pinkie Pie. Are you in on this little scheme too?”

Pinkie nodded and hopped out of the bush, “Yep! I set up the whole picnic and made all the food and picked the flowers and arranged the plates and a whole bunch of other stuff!”

“I have no idea what she’s talking about.” Rarity’s voice was shrill, “We aren’t planning anything, are we Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy blinked, startled that she was being spoken to, “Um...no? I don’t think we are.”

Sweetie frowned playfully, “So I can’t eat these sandwiches?”

Rarity back peddled, “Oh no, of course you can. That was for us but you can eat it, if you’d like, while we wait for the como-”


Rarity whirled around at the sound of her name just in time to see Twilight Sparkle rushing at her, a piece of parchment clasped firmly in her magic.

“Twilight!” Rarity called, waving, “I’m so glad you’re here. What took so-”

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!” A very enraged dragon ran right up behind Twilight, literal smoke coming out of his ears.

Twilight yelped and ran faster but was no match for Spike’s longer, two legged stride. He quickly caught up and tackled the filly to the ground. The letter she had been carrying flying out of her grip to land softly in front of a watching Sweetie Belle.

“Twilight, what do you think you’re doing?” Spike demanded, releasing his grip on the filly, “Why did you run away with that le…” His sentence died as he finally witnessed the romantic picnic sitting before them, the three other fillies, and Sweetie Bell, reading his letter. “Sweetie, I didn’t...I....that’s.”

Sweetie got up and walk towards Spike, coming so close that she was nose to nose with him, “Did you write this Spike?” She asked calmly, her expression blank.

Spike’s face was beat red and he stuttered out an affirmative, “I-I did but it’s...it’s not what it looks like! Twilight was just helping me...uh...I don’t really-”

The young drake was interrupted by white lips pressing against his own.

Rarity squealed, Pinkie dawwed, Twilight blushed and Fluttershy hid behind her wings at the sign of affection.

After a few seconds the two’s lips parted. Both were blushing profusely but Spike looked like he might faint at any moment.

“I um...uh…” Sweetie stuttered, fighting her hooves. “That was uh...I have to go now.” And with that she took off in a full sprint away from the park and its occupants.

“Wait. What?” Rarity exclaimed as the words sunk in, “Sweetie Belle! Spike, aren’t you going to go after her?”

“...Cotton Candy…”

“I really don’t think he’ll be going anywhere for awhile.” Twilight remarked, tapping on Spike’s side.

Rarity groaned, “Well now I can’t tell if this was a success or a disaster.”

“Look on the bright side,” Pinkie said, biting into a sandwich, “They probably wont be eating the rest of this picnic. So it’s all for us!”

Author's Note:

This story isn't dead!

I have no excuse for why it's so late except that I'm a lazy jerk. Hate me all you wish.

Comments ( 10 )

LOL! Great job on this latest chapter. :-D The humor and emotional content are BOTH well done. :-D I'll definitely be looking forward to more stories in this series as soon as you can think of them. :-D

Awesome chapter

Twilight wins with the best escape ever "LIGHT SCREEN"!! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
waiting for more!!!

Wooh. It's updated. I missed it, but it did. Now it seems like there might be some awkwardness between Spike and Sweetie.

great story so great

Tangerine Blast i like it and i don't hate you

I really like this story so far hope to read more soon

Twilight needs to be Rarity

I was hoping for Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack for that

Really good story, really hope it's not dead :twilightsmile:

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