• Published 1st Sep 2011
  • 1,641 Views, 17 Comments

Chips Brothers' Archive - JavaChips

open ended archive of stories centered around two brothers in a new enviroment

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Welcome (Back) To Ponyville

The summer sun was high above the growing town of Ponyville, it's streets busy with the comings and goings of the local ponies. Chips Electronics stood where it always had, it's dusty closed sign sitting on it's nail, as it had traditionally sat every Sunday. Inside the workshop, a young earth pony colt was looking over all the different tools on the table. His coat was an aquamarine, his mane deep blue. “Romeo?” came a feminine voice from the other room.
The young colt gasped, pulling his curious hooves away from the screwdriver he was reaching for. “Uhh...I'm in here Mom.” he said, putting his hooves behind his back.
Following the sound of the voice, Alpha stepped into the workshop, looking suspiciously at the the young colt. A foal girl was curled up on her back, resting. “You weren't playing with your father's tools again were you Rom?”
“Uh.” he stuttered, looking at the tools on the table. “No.”
“Whatever,” she said, shaking her head, “Where's your sister?”
“Ram? She's in the same place she always is, in her room doing her mane.”
With a nod, she turned around and made her way to the living room, stepping toward the stairs. As she reached the top floor, she made a right turn to the hallway where the children's rooms were. She stopped in front of a very flowery door, a large poster of Harmonic Pipes, a popular singer, covered half the door. “Ram,” she said as she knocked, “Come out of there, your father is going to be home soon with your uncle.”
“Hang on Mom.” came a young female voice from the other side. “My mane isn't ready yet!”
Alpha sighed as she opened the door, looking over to the young filly in front of the vanity mirror, looking over her mane, similar in color to Rom's. “Your mane looks fine.” she told her. “Honestly, if you spent less time worrying about what your mane looks like and prioritized better you'd have gotten a better grade last year. Now come downstairs.”
“Uncle Micro and Aunt Shimmer visit every year.” Ram said, following Alpha downstairs. “Why do we have to make such a big deal out of it?”
“Ramona Chips, watch your mouth.” Alpha warned. “Even if you're indifferent to your uncle's visits, it means a lot to your father.”
Ram sighed, stepping down the stairs. “Alright, sorry.” she said, brushing her mane away from her face.
Alpha sighed and started back down the hallway, stopping at another door, this one blank aside from a picture of a gear. “Gizmo!” she said, knocking. “Your father is going to be back soon with your uncle, come downstairs.”
It wasn't long before the door opened. A cyan unicorn with a green mane stepped out, a gear on his flank. “Sure thing Mom.” he said, sliding his goggles above his horn.
Alpha took a step back, trying to look over his shoulder. “What are you working on this time?” she asked, concern in her voice.
“I was just upgrading the memory on my computer.” he explained.
“Alright.” she said, still suspicious. “Come on.”
The teenage colt nodded, following her downstairs.
Java stood alone at the Ponyville Train Station, looking over at the clock. He let out a groan, the train was running late again. After a few moments, the sound of a train whistle came to his ears. Looking down the tracks, he saw the train roaring down the tracks. As it got close, it began to slow to a stop in the station. Java braced himself, trying to hold his ground as a group of ponies pushed past him, making their way into Ponyville, but ended up getting knocked aside by the group. Getting up, he rubbed his sore head. “These pickups get more and more painful every year.” he said.
“Well, that's what happens when you get celebrities in the neighborhood.” came a familiar voice.
Java stood up and smiled, looking over at his brother across from him. Micro stood tall, as tall as his brother now. The two stared at each other for a while before they wrapped hooves around each others necks. “Good to see you again, bro.” Java told him.
“Yeah, you too.”
“You two haven't forgotten about me, have you?” asked a feminine voice.
The two colts looked over as Shimmer stepped carefully off the train. Micro rushed to her side, helping her down the big step. She took his hoof, placing the other on her enlarged belly as she winced. “What's wrong?” Micro asked.
“Nothing, just a kick.”
The two smiled at each other and stepped over to join with Java. “It's nice to see you both again.” Java said with a smile.
“Thanks, let's get going.” Shimmer said. “It was a long train ride.”
Java nodded and the three got ready to leave the station. “Micro wait!” came a voice from behind them.
Micro stopped, an annoyed look on his face. “Hold on a second.” he told them, recognizing the voice.
He turned around and stepped up to a unicorn colt with a dollar sign on his flank. “I already told you no Cash.” Micro said.
The colt, Cash Money, took a moment to catch his breath. “Micro listen to me.” he told the gamer colt. “You signed me on as your manager right? You know I'm looking out for you. I'm telling you this tour is going to be big, you'll be touring with Flash Step, One Up, and Quicktime. This could bring your career up to a whole new level!”
“I've been through this with you enough times,” Micro said, standing firm, “I'm changing my tour schedule to mid-spring to mid-summer, I don't care who's on this tour, I'm not joining. I'm taking a year off for the foal starting now.”
Cash gritted his teeth at the stubborn colt and walked away, making his way back onto the train. Shimmer smiled, kissing him softly on the cheek. “You've become such a strong colt.” she told him.
Micro blushed, rubbing the back of his mane. “W-well he...he has to understand...y'know...I mean you can't travel now....a-and we are having a baby after all.....L-let's go.”
He galloped up to join Java, and the three began walking toward home. “There's my shy young colt.” Shimmer said quietly to herself, giggling.
“So it's true then?” Java asked, looking over at Micro.
“Yeah, it's true,” he replied with a nod. “I'll only be touring for a couple of months each year. I figured since Ponyville is growing, and so is my family, I might open up an arcade or something.”
It wasn't long before the three made it to Java's home. As they stepped in the door, they were met with the whole family welcoming them in. Alpha stepped up first, smiling. “It's good to see you again, how have you been?”
Micro smiled and shook her hoof. “It's been alright, I could use a new manager though.” he joked, turning his attention to the foal on her back. “And I take it this is the new foal?”
“Yep, meet Sonata Chips.” she told him, nuzzling the small bundle.
Micro smiled, looking at the tiny foal. “I bet Mom was happy about that.”
“She should be, she picked out the name.” Alpha told him, stepping away toward Shimmer. “Speaking of foals, how are you feeling? Would you like to sit down?”
Shimmer nodded, smiling as Alpha led her to the couch. “I could use a glass of water, too.” she said.
Alpha nodded and made her way to the kitchen. The two brothers made their way over to the couch, sitting on either side of the kids. “So how are my favorite niece and nephews?” Micro asked.
The group answered with a chorus of “Fine.”
“Gizmo, you're looking a lot like your dad.” Micro told the teenage unicorn. “Following in your father's footsteps?”
“Sort of.” he said with a shrug. “I'm more interested in the creating than the repairing, but if I can make a few bits helping out, why not?”
“Well, hopefully you don't blow up the house with one of those inventions of yours.” he joked, turning his attention to the two younger ponies. “And how are the twins? Ram, you're mane is looking lovely as always.”
Ram smiled, running a hoof through her mane. “Thank you Uncle Micro. Miss Rarity gave me some new styling products.”
“Yeah, scent of gross.” Rom said, turning his nose away.
“It is not! It's from Sapphire Shores' choice selection.”
Micro chuckled, getting up from his seat. “Still can't stop arguing huh? Well, I'd better get us unpacked, I have some chores to do around town.”
Shimmer nodded, sipping the water Alpha had brought as she passed her bags to Micro. Java got up and followed, helping to unpack.
Sweet Apple Acres stood where it always had, and it continued to stand tall. Micro looked at the barn in the distance, smiling as he reminisced about the times he had helped with the harvests. As he reached the gates, he took a moment to look around. “Well I'll be! There's a sight for sore eyes.” Came a mature feminine voice.
Micro followed the sound to see Applejack approaching, baskets of apples at her sides. “Micro Chips, what brings you 'round these parts?”
“Nice to see you again Applejack, it's been a while.” he said. “Is Applebloom around?”
With a nod, she pointed him toward a structure in the making. “She's over there, working on the new barn with Big Macintosh.”
“Thanks. Oh, and my condolences for your loss.” Micro told her, giving a reassuring look.
“Well, it had to happen some time.” Applejack said, staring back at the rocking chair on the porch. “I'm just glad she went peacefully. Now get going, I'm sure you've got a lot more places to visit.”
He nodded, adjusting his glasses as he made his way toward the barn. As he approached, he saw Big Macintosh, holding a rope tightly in his teeth. Following the rope up, he saw a grown Applebloom suspended, nailing a support beam in place. She bore an apple with a saw cutting through it proudly on her flank. “Alright Big Mac,” she said, looking down to her brother. “Lower me down.”
“Eeyup.” he replied through the rope, taking care to bring his little sister down.
“It's looking good.” Micro said, walking up.
Applebloom turned around and smiled at the sight. “Micro!” she said happily, walking up to him. “Nice to see ya again, how have ya been?”
“I've been fine, what about you? Still running around with the other crusaders?”
“Well every once in a while.” she replied. “But we haven't found much time lately, what with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both on tours.”
“Yeah, touring can make it hard to spend time with friends.” Micro nodded. “Anyway, I just wanted to know if you and Mr. Woodstock had finished or not.”
“Almost, I want to add a bit more support” she told him. “I want to make sure a hurricane couldn't destroy that thing if it tried. It'll be ready at the end of the week.”
“Good to hear.” Micro said with a smile. “Alright, I'll let you get back to work.”
“Bye,” Applebloom waved as he made his way out. “Don't be a stranger.”
Rarity sighed as she cycled through the available fabrics with her magic, shaking her head at each one that passed by, trying to decide what would be best for the half finished outfit behind her. “Oh dear, none of these are quite right.”
“Really? I think that last one looked pretty good.”
Rarity jumped, turning around to see Micro standing there next to her mannequin. “Oh Micro, darling, it's you. It's been too long.” she said, trotting up to hug the colt. “My, you're looking lovely. How is Shimmer?”
“She's fine.” Micro said with a smile. “The foal started kicking recently, so she's been a bit hindered at times.”
“Oh that's right, you're having a foal. Oh well I'm so happy for the both of you. I remember when Alpha was having her first foal Java was in such a panic, how are you doing?”
“Well, I'm not freaking out.” Micro joked, chuckling. “But I can't say it doesn't have me a little worried.”
Rarity smiled and gave him a friendly pat on the back. “Oh Micro, you're shy, timid, friendly, fun, and you care greatly for the people around you. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be a wonderful father. Now, what can I do for you?”
Micro smiled, a blush on his face. “W-well I came by to make sure that the delivery made it in.”
“Oh right, your delivery.” Rarity said with a smile, cycling through the fabrics again. “It arrived just a couple days ago, I made sure it got forwarded and organized.”
“Thanks, I'll see you around.”
“Oh, before you go,” Rarity halted him, floating over a box of chocolates, “Give these to Shimmer, they're top quality chocolates from Manehattan.”
Micro nodded, setting them in his saddlebags. “I'll be sure to pass it along, see ya.”
“Take care.” she said, waving him out.
Once he was gone, she returned to the fabrics and stopped for a moment at one in particular. “He's right, it's the best one in the bunch.”
She brought it over to the outfit and began sewing it into place.
The old tree that held the Ponyville Library had grown tall, flourishing in the summer sun. Inside, a tall, purple dragon was stacking books, reaching his arms to the top shelf. “Jeez, why do they have to have so many books in libraries?” Spike griped, making his way to the next shelf.
His attention was drawn to the door as the bell rang. “Well well, long time no see.” Spike said, walking over to the tan colt that had walked in.
Micro smiled as he bro hoofed the dragon. “Hey Spike, you're looking tall. You haven't been...you know...”
“Stealing?” Spike asked with a smirk. “Nah, natural growth. I learned my lesson before.”
“Good to hear, is Twilight in?”
“Yeah, hold on a second.” Spike said, walking over to the stairs. “Twilight, you have a guest.”
It wasn't long before the violet unicorn made her way down the stairs. Twilight smiled, adjusting the thin framed glasses on her nose as she looked at the colt in her company. “Micro Chips, it's good to see you again.” She said, approaching him. “Can I get you some tea?”
“No thanks,” Micro said, shaking his head, “I'm not going to be here long. I just came to pick up that book I asked for.”
Twilight nodded, walking over to her book shelf. “'The Last Knight' by Silver Pen.” she read aloud. “You're lucky you came when you did, I was going to mail it tomorrow.”
Micro nodded, setting it in his saddlebags. “Thanks, glad I got to you then. It's Shimmer's favorite book, I wanted to get it for her.”
“Oh right, I heard about you two, how are you doing?” Twilight asked.
“We're doing alright, Shimmer's healthy, and the foal should be coming in the next couple of months.”
“That's wonderful, I'm happy for you two. Do you know the gender?”
“Yeah,” Micro nodded, “But we're not telling anypony.”
Twilight nodded, walking him to the door. “Well, I can't wait. Take care.”
Micro nodded, making his way out. Twilight smiled as she shut the door, and took a sigh of nostalgia. “Alright Spike, back to work.” she told her assistant.
Spike sighed as he picked the books back up, returning to stacking the shelves.
As Micro approached Fluttershy's cottage, he picked up the soft scents of nature in his nostrils. As he got closer, angelic tones filled the air. Fluttershy was in the yard, flapping around to feed all of her avian friends. As she usually did when she was alone, she was singing a tune. Micro took a second to lean against the tree and listen before he approached. “You've still got an amazing singing voice.” he complimented.
Fluttershy gasped and dove into a nearby tree. After taking a moment to see who it was, she smiled and fluttered down to the ground. “Oh, it's just you Micro.” she said with a smile. “You startled me.”
“Sorry about that,” he apologized, “I just came by to get the flowers.”
“Oh right, from the letter. Follow me.”
The two made their way up to the cottage, stepping inside. “Make yourself at home.” she said, going upstairs.
Micro took a seat on the couch, looking around. The cottage hadn't changed in the slightest. It wasn't long before Fluttershy came back down, carrying a bouquet of lilies in her mouth. Micro took them, setting them in his saddlebags. “Thanks Fluttershy, I can't imagine these were easy to find.”
“Oh, it wasn't too much trouble.” she reassured. “I'm sure Shimmer is going to love them.”
“Thanks, she's been having a hard time lately, I figured these would be a nice gift.”
“Well, I'm glad I could be of help, take care.”
Fluttershy waved goodbye as Micro made his way out. Taking a list out of his bags, he checked off the flowers. “Alright,” he told himself. “Just one more stop.”
It was getting late in the day as Micro made his way toward Sugarcube Corner, standing where it always had. The small bell above the door rung as he stepped inside. He approached the empty counter, ringing the bell. It wasn't long before a brown maned pegasus poked his head out of the kitchen. “Oh, hi Micro, long time no see.”
“Yeah, it's good to see you, too, Pound.” he replied, smiling. “Is Pinkie Pie around?”
“Right here.” Came a reply from behind him.
Turning around, he wasn't surprised to see Pinkie standing there, a big smile on her face. Micro smiled, holding out his hoof to shake. “Nice to see you again Pinkie Pie, how have you been?”
“Oh, not too bad. Just being my usual Pinkie self.”
“Yeah, I figured. Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something for me.”
Pinkie Pie smiled and held up a cupcake. “Make one of my super special blueberry batter raspberry icing cupcakes?”
Micro was silent for a moment before he broke out into a laugh, taking the cupcake carefully. “Yeah, thanks. You always seem to know what's on my mind Pinkie.”
“It's a talent I have. Oh, and I almost forgot, Rainbow Dash sent me a letter. I told her about Shimmer and she wanted me to tell you congratulations on her behalf.”
“Thanks.” he replied with a nod. “I'll be sure to send her a reply letter. Where is she performing next?”
“She's got her last performance for the season coming up, Baltimare.”
Micro nodded, waving goodbye as he stepped out of the bakery. He took out the checklist one last time and checked off the final note as he made his way toward home.
The day had become late, the sky painted a delicate orange as the sun began to tuck itself beneath the horizon. Micro was leading a blindfolded Shimmer through the streets of Ponyville, a smile on his face. “Micro, are we almost there?” Shimmer asked. “I wish you would just tell me where we're going.”
“We're getting there, it won't be much longer now.” he told her. “I promise you're going to love it.”
She smiled, holding his hoof tightly as she followed behind him, wondering what it could be. He had gone to all the trouble of delivering her favorite sweet to her, along with her favorite book, it must be something amazing. Feeling every twist and turn, she couldn't be sure in what part of Ponyville they were. They finally stopped for a moment, and she heard the sound of a door opening. After a few more steps, she was on a wooden surface. “Alright, you can look now.”
As she took off the blindfold, she was awe struck at what she saw in front of her. Opening out from the doorway was a large, fully furnished living room. Against the back wall was a book shelf, a bouquet of lilies sitting in a vase on the table. “O-oh my Micro....this....it's beautiful.”
“I thought you'd like it.” Micro smiled. “Come on, let me give you the grand tour.”
He led her through each room of the house, from the kitchen to the bathroom. Only two rooms remained. As Shimmer went to open one of the doors, he stopped her. “Hold on.” he told her. “I want to show you this one first.”
Opening the other door, the space unfolded into a beautiful nursery, fully stocked and supplied. “Oh my...Micro...you did all this?”
“Well, not me personally.” he admitted. “I was on the road with you, but I did get some help from a few old friends.”
She smiled, kissing his cheek softly. “You're going to make a wonderful father.”
Micro blushed, a big smile on his face. “Yeah...Come on, there's one more thing I want to show you.”
He took her hoof carefully, leading her to the final room. As the two stepped in, a master bedroom surrounded them. Shimmer didn't have much time to look around before Micro led her to a pair of doors, helping her out onto the balcony. Shimmer was speechless as she looked out at the scenery of Ponyville in the setting sun, a picture perfect image. Micro took her hoof carefully, smiling down at her. She smiled back up, and the two shared a soft kiss. As the kiss broke, they leaned their heads against one another and sat there, staring at the sunset as it began to disappear. “What are you thinking?” Shimmer eventually asked, breaking the silence.
Micro took a brief pause, and then looked down at his lover. “I'm thinking she's going to like Ponyville.”

Chips Brothers' Archive
The End

Author's note: If there's one thing I like in a series, be it of books, movies, or television shows, it's that it knows when to end. When something pushes past it's limits, be it for any reason, it starts to move downhill. I've enjoyed writing about the adventures of Java and Micro Chips, and I've really enjoyed hearing the feedback about it. I feel like they've reached their peak, and I'm happy with the way it's gone. Thanks to all of you who have followed these two ponies in their adventures, their twists and turns. I'll continue writing fanfiction, both pony and nonpony, so I hope you'll continue to enjoy. So, in closing, as cliche as it may be, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

Comments ( 2 )

:fluttercry: *sniff, twas a nice while it lasted. A nice rounded ending for this collection.

Hggggggg:ajsmug: Great chapter

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