• Published 1st Sep 2011
  • 1,642 Views, 17 Comments

Chips Brothers' Archive - JavaChips

open ended archive of stories centered around two brothers in a new enviroment

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Alpha and Beta

With the sun reaching the peak of the Equestrian sky, it was turning out to be a particularly warm summer day. The Canterlot Train Station was in it's usual hustle and bustle as yet another train pulled into the station. As the doors opened, Rarity made her way out, wearing a very flowery sun hat, her horn sticking out of a small hole surrounded by lillies. As she looked out on Canterlot, she smiled. Her trips to Canterlot were always her favorite treats. She didn't have much time to enjoy the scenery before she found herself turning around and frowning at the colt behind her. “Hurry along Java, I can't be late to the studio. Fancy Pants said we need to be set up by tonight for the photo shoot tomorrow.”
Coming out of the train behind her, barely making it out the door with thirty or so different outfits and luggage laying across his back, was Java, taking slow steps under the weight across his back. “I'm coming already, can't you carry a couple of outfits?”
Rarity sighed, stepping up to her bushy maned friend. “And risk a sore slouch during my photo shoot? Oh don't be silly. Besides, you're a big, strong colt, I think you can handle it.”
“Aren't you supposed to be the Element of Generosity?” Java asked.
“Well I'd say it was fairly generous of me to offer my spare ticket to Canterlot.” Rarity said, raising her head in a dramatic fashion as she began walking.
Java followed weakly behind, doing his best not to tip over the stack. “Yeah, but I think you balanced that out when you had me pay for your three course gourmet-”
“Oh my, is it noon already?” Rarity asked, breaking the conversation as she stared at the clock. “We simply must hurry.”
Seeing he wasn't going to get through, Java sighed and began following behind the fashionable unicorn.
It was around twilight when the studio was finally set up for the photo shoot. Java was setting up one of the last outfits on a mannequin, happy to have the weight off his back. “Well, it looks like everything is set up for tomorrow.” Fancy Pants said as he stepped into the studio.
Accompanying him was his usual tag along, Fleur De Lis. Rarity smiled and approached the regal unicorn, putting on her best manners. “Yes, it's all ready Fancy Pants, I made sure there wasn't a single fabric out of place.”
Java made his way up to the group, standing next to Rarity. “Yeah, it looks like you'll be all set for tomorrow, the fashions are organized by season around the room so you can move from spring to winter.”
“Oh, sorry chap I didn't see you there.” Fancy Pants said, offering his hoof. “You must be a friend of Rarity's from Ponyville, I'm Fancy Pants. Tell me dear boy, is there anything we can do to thank you for your help?”
“Well could you get me my own room?” Java asked, shaking the upperclassman's hand. “Right now we're in a two bed room, could you switch that to two one bed rooms?”
“Consider it done.” he told him, turning to leave. “Come, I'll walk you to the hotel and help you set it up.”
Java smiled, following behind the kind unicorn. “Thanks a lot, you're a real brony.”
“Oh I hardly think it's all that generous.” Fancy Pants chuckled. “I expected one of Rarity's filly friends to come along, I hardly expect a colt to share a room with a filly he isn't involved with. You two aren't involved are you?”
Java and Rarity looked over at each other and turned away, giving a combined “No” in response.
“I could never be with someone with such a ratty mane.” Rarity protested.
“There's no way I could deal with her stuck up personality.” Java complained.
“Excuse me? I am not stuck up. I am cultured, something you could use a lesson in.”
“Well at least I don't recoil at the sight of a little mud.”
The two continued back and forth all the way to the hotel. They finally managed to calm down and quit arguing as Fancy Pants gave them their room keys. The two made their way together up the stairway until they split ways at their rooms. Java was happy to lay down, exhausted after a long day of work. He stared out the window next to his bed at the city outside, strewn in lights and entertainment. He didn't take long to stare before he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep, resting up for the day ahead.
Alpha Tester sighed as she took a look around her empty shop, before turning back to her computer, refreshing the page with her unicorn magic. Running a computer store had it's ups and downs, and there would always be times when she would succumb to boredom and start browsing. As she refreshed again, she heard the bell on the door tingle. “Welcome to Alpha Computers,” she said, turning away from the screen, “How can I...well look who it is.”
Java stepped up to the counter, a box on his back as he smile at the filly. “Surprised to see me?”
“Well you didn't mention anything about a visit in your last letter.” she told him.
Java rubbed the back of his head, a goofy grin on his face. “It was kind of an impulsive trip, I got lucky and hitched a ride with a friend. Besides, your letters always said something about wanting to hang out more right?”
Alpha made her way around the counter and gave the colt a soft peck on the cheek. “Well, it's good to know you read my letters. So what's in the box?”
Java spaced out for a minute, a blush forming on his cheek from the kiss. “What? Oh right the box.” he remembered, setting it on the counter. “I brought you one of Granny Smith's famous cinnamon apple pies.”
Alpha smiled and sighed, setting it back on his back. “Thanks, but I'm allergic to cinnamon.”
“Oh, sorry I didn't know. I guess I'll hold onto it then. Anyway, I'm only in town for the one day so I figured we could hang out.”
Alpha looked around her shop and smiled. “Yeah, I think I can close down for the day, but you'll have to explain it to all these customers.”
“I think I can do that.” Java told her, giving a sly wink.
The two laughed as they stepped out of the computer store, locking up behind them. “So what did you have planned? Something sappy and romantic?” Alpha asked.
Java shook his head, rubbing the back of his head. “Actually I didn't get very far on plans.” he told her. “I guess we could start by sitting and talking. Know any good cafes in the area?”
Alpha made a spitting sound with her tongue, taking the colt's hoof. “That's boring, I've got a much better idea. Follow me.”
Before he knew it, Alpha was galloping down the street. Java tried to keep up as the green unicorn led him down back streets and alleyways toward the gaming district, doing his best not to trip as he did. Finally, the two stopped in front of Thunderhoof Arena. “Here we are.” Alpha told him, smiling at the out of breath colt. “Come on, you're gonna like this.”
Alpha led him in toward one of the arena areas. After Java attempted to make himself look good by paying for the two of them, followed by some playful teasing from Alpha, the two took their seats. The arena was dark, save for an elevated field of concrete covered by a dome that had lights surrounding in. “So, what exactly is this?” Java asked.
“You'll see.” Alpha told him, watching intently.
Java leaned back, watching as two groups of ponies each set their own electronic contraption inside the dome. The realization clicked in his head as a pony from each team stepped up to a dock, placing their remotes in them and getting their hooves ready. He leaned forward intently as the two robots' buzz saws began revving up. The two went at each other as the crowd cheered, watching the two enter one-on-one combat. Java raised his hooves high in the air, cheering as the two machines began fighting. As he began lowering his hooves, he looked over at Alpha, who was smiling at him. “What is it?” he asked, smiling.
Alpha blushed and turned her attention toward the arena, adjusting her glasses. “Oh, nothing.” she replied timidly.
Java smirked and leaned in, kissing her cheek softly. “Yeah, you look cute, too.” he told her.
Alpha's cheeks turned a deep red, her glasses sliding back down her nose. “I...I don't know what you're talking about.” she said shyly.
It had reached mid afternoon before the couple came out from Thunderhoof Arena. “You were right, that was amazing. I haven't seen machines like that since my high school metal shop class.” Java told her.
Alpha raised an eyebrow at her turquoise friend. “You used to make stuff like that?” she asked.
“Well, on occasion.” Java shrugged. “Me and a group of buddies used to talk about joining one of those sort of tournaments, but we were always too busy to really put some work into a robot.”
Alpha nodded, remembering his letters. “Yeah, it must have been hard supporting your mom and brother like that.”
“Yeah.” Java said, remembering back. “Anyway, what should we do next? We've still got a few hours until nightfall.”
Alpha took his hoof, leading him toward one of the city gates. “Come on, there's a place I like to go to unwind at the end of the day.”
Java followed behind her, watching as they passed through the gate. “Hey, we're leaving the city.” he told her.
“Yeah, trust me it's worth it.” she told him.
Though Canterlot took most of the space on the cliff where it sat, there were beautiful pastures surrounding the city. In one of these pastures sat a lovely lake, partly shaded by a cave. Alpha led Java up the slope of a hill nearby that broke off at the edge of the lake. The sun began to paint the sky orange, leaving a glistening beauty over the still water of the lake. Java smiled as he looked out on it. “So you just sit here and watch the lake?” he asked.
“Of course not.” Alpha told him, shaking her head. “We're gonna go swimming. There's still a good hour until the sun goes down.”
Java looked over the edge of the cliff a bit worriedly. Though it was probably no more than five feet or so above the water level, staring over the edge of the cliff it seemed like an eternity to the bottom. As he was debating whether or not to jump, Alpha had already set her glasses on the hill and jumped over the edge. She made a mighty splash in the water, taking in a deep breath as she resurfaced. “Come on scaredy cat,” she teased, “Just jump.”
Java looked down again, took a deep breath, and stepped back. After a minute of preparing himself mentally, he made a mighty leap over the cliff and landed in the water with a large splash. It didn't take him long to resurface, his mane matted down against his neck. “Well, that wasn't so bad.” he said, catching his breath as he looked around. “Alpha?”
As he looked around, the sneaky unicorn dove on him from behind, pulling him under the water. Java struggled for a moment, coming back up to the surface with a deep breath. As his head emerged, he was met with the giggling filly who had pulled him under. “What did you do that for?” Java asked, catching his breath.
“That was for calling me cute.” Alpha said with a playful splash.
Java smirked and splashed her back. It wasn't long before the two were splashing each other back and forth, chasing each other around the lake. As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, and the moon reared it's head, the two swam out of the lake and went back up the top of the cliff. Alpha located her glasses, and the two sat down to stare at the stars and dry off. “This was a great day.” Java told her, leaning his head against hers. “It's too bad I have to go back to Ponyville tomorrow, I had fun.”
Alpha nodded, adjusting her glasses. “Yeah, too bad.” she said, her mind deep in thought. “Hey, what if....no, nevermind.”
Java turned to look at the blushing filly. “What if what?” he asked.
“It's nothing.”
“Come on, you can tell me.”
Alpha looked up at him and sighed, taking a deep breath. “What if...I moved to Ponyville with you?”
Java was a bit shocked. Of all the things that she could have said, he certainly wasn't expecting that. “Move to Ponyville? What about your computer store?”
Alpha shook her head, sighing. “Come on Java, you know the story. Too many shops, not enough business. There are four other computer shops on that street alone. The way you saw the shop today, the lack of customers, that's how it usually is.” Alpha rested her head on his chin. “I might go belly up at this point, so I'd really prefer to just sell it off, hold the money, and move on.”
Java watched her as she rested her head. “Wow, That's a lot to take in.” Java said, relating himself to her situation. “Could you really just leave Canterlot like that though?”
“I don't know, I mean yeah I have friends here, but if I don't have a business, I don't really have a living do I?”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Java told her. He had gone through the same thing during his own debate to leave Fillydelphia.
Alpha raised her head, looking at him. “I'm not going to force you of course. It's your house, your life. I'll let you decide.”
Java stared up at the sky while his mind raced, going back and forth on the subject in his head. While it was true that he could relate to the situation, it was also true that the implications were different. He sat there for a while, but looking over at Alpha, he kept coming to the same conclusion.
As the train pulled into the station at Ponyville, Rarity made her way out, smiling at the familiar scenery in front of her. “Oh I do so love Canterlot, but it's nice to be back on familiar ground. Come along now, I want to get back to the boutique before they start today's scheduled storm.”
She got out of the way of the door as Java shuffled out of the train, his head hanging as he carried the luggage out, along with some added baggage Rarity had picked up at the stores. “Oh quit sulking, it isn't that heavy.” Rarity said as Alpha Tester followed behind him, carrying the other half of the load. “That goes for the both of you. Now come along.”
“You know, I'm starting to think you only said yes so you didn't have to carry all of this yourself.” Alpha told Java, doing her best not to drop the baggage.
“You got me.” Java said jokingly. “That and going half and half on the train meal.”
Alpha smiled as she shuffled up next to the colt, kissing his cheek. “Well, I think I'll forgive you this time.”
Java blushed and smiled, shuffling a bit closer as the two walked.