• Published 1st Sep 2011
  • 1,640 Views, 17 Comments

Chips Brothers' Archive - JavaChips

open ended archive of stories centered around two brothers in a new enviroment

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Micro Management

Winter was in it's deepest cold of the season, a harsh chill descended on the entirety of Ponyville. Nonetheless, the residents of the small town continued their daily routines. The ponies dressed warmly as they walked the streets, getting their chores done as quickly as possible. None, however, were warmer than Java Chips. His body temperature was on level with the birth of a star as he laid back in bed, his covers pulled up. Micro shook his head, putting an ice pack on his sick brother's head. “You'd think you would learn your lesson by now, this happens every year Java.”
Java shook his head, sitting up a bit. “What can I say? The cold doesn't bother me? I really don't like heavy clothing? You're starting to sound just like Mom.”
The tan gamer pony shook his head, smirking at his brother as he handed Java some water mixed with cold medicine. “Well one of us has to be the mature one here. And I do not sound like Mom. If I wanted to sound like Mom I would have said, 'Javani Beta Chips, If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times not to go out without your insulated saddle on!'”
Java shook his head, glaring at his brother. “Hey, I thought we talked about the full name thing.”
Micro couldn't help but chuckle, adjusting his glasses. “Sorry bro, you asked for it with that parents comment. Anyway you get your rest, I'll take care of the repair orders today.”
“Are you sure you can handle it? I know you've come on jobs with me in the past but it's the coldest day of winter so far, and you've never been out on your own.”
“Of course I can handle it. It's mostly heater problems, and I've seen you fix tons of them. Trust me, I'll be fine on my own.”
Java was a little worried, but sighed as he sipped his water. “Alright, you know where the tools are, just be careful alright.”
Micro nodded and trotted out of the room, making his way to the workshop. He looked at house call clipboard and sighed at the twice filled reservation sheet. It was going to be a long day.
Twilight made her way through the Ponyville's streets, helping the town's citizen safety service make sure everypony was careful in the cold weather. As she was making her rounds, she noticed a spot of brown walking amongst the unending white of the snow. “Micro!” she called out, approaching the young colt. “Is this really the best day to be visiting Clickspring? You should probably go home.”
Micro shook his head, showing her the tools in his saddlebags. “Actually Twilight, Java's got a cold, so I'm running the shop today. I've got a lot of requests so I need to get going.”
Twilight nodded, happy to see the young colt taking strong initiative. “That's very mature of you Micro, be careful out there.”
Micro nodded and waved as he made his way down the road, leaving the purple unicorn to her thoughts and her minor worries of the sick programmer pony.
With a knock on her cottage's door, Fluttershy made her way over to see who it was. Any other season of the month, the house would have been filled with sick and hurt animals she cared for. In the winter months, however, most animals were hibernating or in other parts of Equestria. The only critter that could be seen as she passed his bed by was her close bunny friend, Angel. Opening the door, she saw a timid gamer pony standing on the porch. “Oh, good morning Micro Chips, what can I do for you?” she asked in her usual kindhearted tone.
Micro smiled and showed her the tools in his saddlebags just as he had done with Twilight. “Morning Fluttershy, I'm here to fix your heater for you. May I come in?”
With a bit of confusion, the butter yellow pony moved aside and let him in. “Oh, I see. Forgive me for saying so, I mean you no offence, but doesn't Java usually handle the house calls? I mean, I'm sure you're capable but it's kind of a surprise.”
Micro smiled as Fluttershy addressed her concern, dancing her words around in a considerate waltz as she tried to avoid hurting the tan pony's feelings. “I know, but Java's sick today, so I've taken over. Don't worry, I'm just as capable as Java.”
Fluttershy nodded, leading him over to the heater. “Well, I hope Java is going to be alright.” she told him as he removed the front panel.
He was already deep into his work as he looked around the internal wiring. “I'm sure he'll be fine, it's just a cold.”
Fluttershy nodded as she watched Micro at work, the caring gears in her mind beginning to turn.
As the morning wore on, Java began to feel better and got out of bed. As he made his way downstairs, head still spinning a bit, he got himself something to eat and relaxed in the living room. Just before he could start enjoying his daffodil sandwich, a knock came at the door. He sighed, trying to decide between the door and his snack. As the second set of knocks came to the door, he set his hunger aside and got up to answer the door. Twilight Sparkle was standing in the doorway, carrying fully packed bags across her back. “Good morning Java,” she began, “I heard you were feeling a bit under the weather, so I thought I'd come by and help. Look, I brought by a book on the subject of colds.”
She levitated a book from her left saddlebag, holding it in front of him. The title on the front read, “Colds, Congestion, and Contagions: A Complete Guide to Common Winter Sickness.” Java shook his head, a bit irritated that Micro had let word slip to the know-it-all unicorn. “It has more than a hundred common sicknesses and cures for all of them. I brought everything we'll need, so all we'll have to do is try them until you start feeling better.”
Twilight stepped in while she read the book, looking it over and beginning to analyze her “patient.” The turquoise pony sighed and shut the door to keep the cold out, following the purple magician. “I appreciate the help Twilight, but really I'm feeling-”
His words fell on deaf ears, his guest was way too into her work for anypony to get to her at the moment. She read parts of her book aloud as she unloaded a group of seemingly random items onto the table. “Now, let's get started.”
Micro's spirit had lowered since he began that morning. He wasn't aware of just how much work the house calls were. Aside from the work itself, the endless walking was enough to make anypony tired. Now Micro found himself working on Rarity's spinning platform. The boutique's spinning platform had been there since it's start, and from the looks of the inside, that was the last time it saw maintenance. Amongst the frayed wires, electrical panels, and even the internal battery, it was a wonder the entire thing hadn't burst to flames. Rarity and Sweetie Belle were watching as Micro worked, keeping a close eye on his work. “So Java is out sick?” Rarity asked him. “The poor dear, I bet he's feeling just awful. Well it's a good thing he has such a responsible and mature brother like you to take his place Micro, I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job.”
Sweetie Belle looked up at her sister, feeling a bit useless. “I bet I could've fixed it.”
“Don't be silly Sweetie Belle,” she told the young filly, “You're far too young to deal with such intricate electronics.”
Sweetie Belle couldn't help but feel bad as she stared down at the floor, drawing circles with her hoof. Micro looked over and smiled softly. Walking over, he led her back toward the maintenance panel. “Actually, I could use your help.” he told her, watching her face light up. “Do you see that copper wire at the back there? I can't reach it, I need your small hooves to pull it out for me. Can you do that Sweetie Belle?”
With an excited nod she got to work reaching in and feeling around for the wire. Rarity shook her head and let out a sigh. “I really wish you wouldn't encourage her, it'll only put bad ideas in her head.”
Micro smiled, looking around for a replacement wire. “Why not? If Java hadn't encouraged me, I don't think I'd have ever found my cutie mark. But I found it because he pushed me forward, that's what you're supposed to do.”
Rarity was surprised for a minute at the young colt's statement, and a bright and admiring smile couldn't keep itself from appearing on her face. With the final wire in place, Micro flipped the switch and the platform came to life once again. “My my Micro, you are quite wise beyond your years.”
Micro blushed and smiled, packing up his tools and heading for the door. “Thanks a lot Rarity, I'll tell Java you told him get well soon.”
With that, he left toward the next job, leaving behind a smiling Rarity, and an excited Sweetie Belle.
Java took in a deep breath before blowing out the last of the aromatherapy candles Twilight had brought with her. It had taken a while, but the colt was able to bring the violet unicorn out of her trance and convince her he was fine. With all the candles out, Java returned to his sandwich. As he prepared to take a bite, another knock came to the door. With a sigh, the programmer pony got up once again and went over to the door. Waiting there was Fluttershy, carrying a thermos in her mouth. Java invited her in and she put down the thermos, sounding a bit timid and cold. “Um...hello Java. I heard you were under the weather and I figured you could use some nice, warm soup. I made it myself.”
Java smiled, enjoying the sound of soup over his cold sandwich. “Alright, thanks Fluttershy. Hold on, I'll get a bowl.”
Fluttershy nodded and took a quick look around as she waited for Java. When he returned, she opened the thermos and emptied the contents into the bowl. The soup looked absolutely delicious as it rippled in the bowl, Java's mouth nearly watering as he stared down at the warm soup, breathing in the sweet scent carried on the steam coming off it. As he began sipping it, his look of delight turned to disgust as he swallowed. “Um Fluttershy, what kind of soup is it?”
Fluttershy looked a bit nervous as she looked away timidly. “Oh well...um...It's my special blend that I give to the sick critters I take care of. When Twilight was over and saw it she said it looked delicious, I'm sorry if you don't like it.”
Java sighed as he saw the upset looks on the pegasus' face. “No, not at all. It's delicious.” he told her, sipping more of the soup.
Fluttershy smiled and watched him drink it. “Really? Well enjoy it, there's enough for three more bowls. Maybe I should have made more.”
Java couldn't help but let out a quiet groan as he kept drinking the soup, not wanting to upset his timid yellow friend.
As the day wore on into mid afternoon, Micro found himself at Sugarcube Corner. The famous sweets store had been closed after the cocoa machines broke down. In the winter, Sugarcube Cocoa was one of the most popular and asked for beverages. Without it on the menu, winter sales had dropped exponentially in just a single day. Mrs. Cake watched as Micro worked on repairing the machines, working carefully. “I can't thank you enough Micro, you're such a sweet young colt coming out here on such a cold day to fix our machines.”
Micro smiled, a peppy Pinkie Pie watching him closely while she bantered on about what she thought the inside of cocoa machines looked like. “It's no problem Mrs. Cake. If Java weren't sick today he would be out here doing it.”
The baker mare nodded, smiling as she watched him. “And then after the little pixies squeezed all the chocolate out of those tiny chocolate powder crystals, it'd go up this winding tube like a reverse slide and....” Pinkie pulled herself out of her own rant as she processed the conversation going on around her. “Wait, Java's sick? Oh no, he could use some Pinkie hospitality, that'll clear his sinuses right up!”
Without waiting for a response from anypony, she hopped her way out of Sugarcube Corner, making his way toward the Chips' house. “Oh dear, should we stop her?” Mrs. Cake asked.
Micro chuckled a bit, closing the back of the screen. “Nah, just let Pinkie be Pinkie. Java's probably over his cold by now anyway.”
After four bowls of Fluttershy's soup for sick critters, Java was ready for some pony food. He once again sat down at the couch, ready to eat, when the door was knocked on once again. With an angry groan, he got up once again to see who was at the door. When he opened the door, Rarity was waiting there, and she didn't look happy. “Java Chips what, pray tell, are you doing answering the door in your condition?”
Java looked at her confused. “What? But I....you...what?”
Rarity pushed him toward the stairs. “Come on, get going. Your brother is working very hard for you today, the least you can do is get your rest and try and improve your condition.”
Java shook his head. “Rarity I'm fine, will you relax. I don't have a fever, I'm breathing fine, I'm over my cold, alright?”
Rarity sighed and shook her head. “I suppose. My apologies Java but poor Micro is working so hard I just had to make sure you were doing your part.”
Java nodded and walked toward the door. “Your ability to see beyond people's faces never ceases to surprise me Rarity. Thanks for worrying, but I'm just-”
Suddenly, the front door slammed into Java, knocking him into the wall. Pinkie Pie hopped a couple steps in, smiling. “Hiya Rarity,” Pinkie said, waving a hoof, “You might wanna be careful, I just had a floppy ears, eye flutter, knee twitch combo. Watch the door on your way out.”
“Oh, I don't think that'll be an issue dear.” she told her, pointing to the door as it swung back, a flattened Java against the wall.
“Oh hi there Java, I heard you were feeling under the weather, so I decided I'd come by and give you some of Pinkie's patented cold curing playfulness!”
Java groaned as he fell from the wall and tried to get to his senses. As he was getting up, another knock came to the door. Pinkie answered and saw Fluttershy standing there. “O-oh, hello Pinkie Pie. Is Java still here? I brought him more soup.”
Before Java could answer, another pony came to the door, a book in front of her as she was walking. “Alright Java, I think I've figured out which of the common household sicknesses you have. Now, I'll require some-”
“Enough!” Java screamed, standing up. “Everypony stop, I'm fine! I've been fine! The only thing not gone is my headache, and that's only because everypony keeps coming by to see if I'm okay! Well I am! So please, just leave!”
The four girls hung their heads, feeling a bit guilty as they shuffled out one by one. As he stared at their backs walking away, he began to regret his own words. Shutting the door, he returned to the couch. The sandwich he had made that morning still sat on the plate. Leaning his head down, he finally took the first bite of the sandwich. It was stale.
Micro got home as the sun was going down, tired from a long day of work. Java smiled as he saw his brother step in the door. “Hi, how're you feeling?”
Micro looked up and smiled. “Shouldn't I be asking you that?”
Java shrugged and patted the couch next to him, offering his brother a seat. Micro happily accepted, laying down on the soft cushion. Before he could get comfortable though, a knock came from the door. Micro got up and answered it, while Java sat back on the couch. As Micro returned, he brought four guilty ponies with him. The four looked over at Java, and he looked back, staying silent for some time. Finally, they all spoke at once, “I'm sorry.”
breaking the silence with an even chorus, the six sitting there couldn't help but laugh. “Really, I'm sorry. I overreacted, you guys were just trying to help.”
Twilight shook her head, smiling. “No, it's our fault, we overdid it.”
“We forced our own methods upon you.” Fluttershy added.
“We were blinded by our own belief that we were helping.” Rarity continued.
“And we took it way way WAY too far.” Pinkie finished.
Java nodded, laying back against the back of the couch. “I guess we all made mistakes. Well, I guess this'll make a good letter to the princess, won't it Twilight?”
Twilight smiled and nodded, shutting her eyes as she recited the would-be letter, “Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that you need to be careful about helping a friend, even if you have good intentions at heart. Just because you think you're doing what's right, doesn't mean you aren't overdoing it, and that can lead to arguments you'll both regret. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”
Java nodded, smiling. “Well said. As long as you're here, how about a round of cocoa?”
The entire group gave enthusiastic agreements, and soon they were once again enjoying each other's company. The tense air had lifted, and made way for kind spirits, a group of friends, a round of cocoa, and a friendship repaired.