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Epilogue: Changes on the Pony Side (Equestria Side)

Since both versions of Spike had ended up getting a romantic attachment, it meant that the effects of "The Big Switcharoo" were permanent. Leaving Pony Spike stuck in Equestria. His involvement with Equestria, ended up effecting things quite drastically, admittedly. For starters, it made Celestia have to come up with an alternative of using dragon magic to send scrolls back and forth. Which admittedly worked. So not much had to be worried about. Especially when it came to needing to send Twilight's friendship reports back to her in order to deal with Discord.

Pony Spike was able to quickly find out that Queen Chrysalis had impersonated Princess Cadence very quickly, since his super advanced magic dispelled her disguise right in front of the main six and Shining Armor and Princess Celestia right before any wedding plans were even made. Which led to a whole situation where Celestia was easily able to gain an upper hand against the Changeling Queen as she hadn't had as big of a love boost in the original version of events.

This did lead to her entire hive turning on her and deciding to follow Celestia's lead from then on. Effectively turning turncoat right away since Chrysalis's plans went sideways in such a drastic fashion, that they were against their former queen right from the get-go. Even Pharynx turned against Chrysalis, as he had seen firsthand how easily ponies were able to defuse her plan.

With Pony Spike by her side, it was so easy to find the Crystal Heart for Twilight that it made things way too easy. So, Pony Spike dug deep, and discovered the truth. With his advanced magic, he freed Sombra from his curse, defeated the Umbra, and saved Radiant Hope from the realm of the Umbra. All within two hours of finding the crystal heart and just before the crystal heart put the nail in the coffin for the Umbra for good.

Sombra and Hope did go off together away from the empire. While it did bug Princess Celestia that Sombra was being forgiven for his time as a pony cursed by the Umbra, she ultimately accepted the outcome, as she at least knew her first student was alive and well.

...The less said about when Twilight became an Alicorn the better. Trust me on that one. It led to some very awkward moments in the human version of Equestria. Very, very awkward moments. Moments better left unsaid then actually said. Trust me, your minds would not comprehend what happened.

Not much changed with Lord Tirek. Starlight did find that she could not remove Spike's cutie mark no matter how much she tried. Which led to an early discover that she still had her cutie mark. Though she did still try to prevent Twilight & her friends from meeting up by going back in time. Which led to things playing out there more or less the same. Not even Spike complained there.

However, it's the dragon stuff that was really interesting. Despite Dragon Spike not getting involved, Ember still managed to get the Dragon Sceptor in the end. Which led to her wanting to get to know pony culture, as she was quite interested in learning more about ponies. Safe to say, relationships with the dragons were going great despite Dragon Spike not being involved.

Everything else though, was more or less the same, just that Pony Spike & Sweetie Belle would end up getting married and having kids. Three to be exact.

But as for Dragon Spike; the one that we all know and love?

Well, his new story has only just begun...

Witness Dragon Spike's adventures in the alternate world of "My Little Dragon" in the sequel story...

My Little Pony:
My Little Dragon

Author's Note:

Since some pony mentioned it, I added in a Discord mention. Go blame the guy who mentioned it down in the comments as to why this chapter had to be unpublished then republished. They know who they are. And they should be shamed for it.

Comments ( 4 )

REALLY loved the detail on the changes to Equestria concerning Spike's increased involvement and how the differences between the two Spikes making such significant differences in the events. ESPECIALLY the nods to the comics concerning Sombra.

REALLY looking forward to the sequel story.

You responded pretty quickly.
So not interested in my idea then?

Mostly because what I'm doing with the sequel story isn't some "alternate history" of MLP:FiM. It's a fully different universe known as "My Little Dragon".

...The less said about when Twilight became an Alicorn the better. Trust me on that one. It led to some very awkward moments in the human version of Equestria. Very, very awkward moments. Moments better left unsaid then actually said. Trust me, your minds would not comprehend what happened.

Okay, now I do wanna know about the Alicorn Transformation and Human world stuff, lol

Also, what happened with Discord? Celestia returning letters thru Spike was key there, so how did it happen here?

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