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Chapter 6: Pony Consequences (Equestria Side)

It was the day after when Pony Spike had actually gotten Sweetie Belle to be romantically interested in him. And now, said colt was off to hang out with Sweetie Belle for the day, as Twilight was expecting Princess Celestia soon.

"You didn't have to come all this way because of what happened." Twilight said.

"This was too important. I told the nobles that something has happened with Spike the dragon that warrents my full attention for the moment, since it involved a spell from Starswirl the Bearded. And the moment I mentioned that the nobles were instantly shut up." Princess Celestia said. "That honestly felt good."

"I guess dealing with them constantly would grate on you after so long." Twilight said.

"It does, trust me." Princess Celestia said. "But this couldn't wait for long. Not after what I've detected."

"...Our spike found romance in this alternate reality, didn't he?" Twilight said.

To say Princess Celestia was caught off guard, would be an understatement. "How did you know?"

"Seems the version of Spike that teleported here is a smart one. It's like he knew that our Spike would fall for someone and end up getting a romantic attachment just like the pony version would." Twilight said. "As soon as he mentioned that I was already prepared for the worst."

"...I know it's not going to be easy to accept, but for now, perhaps the best thing you can do, is help this new Spike feel welcomed in Ponyville. You and your friends. I will figure out a way for us to communicate soon. I just need a little time to think. And I wasn't going to get that dealing with nobles." Celestia said. "Would you mind joining me for some tea while I think?"

"Well, if it'll help you princess, then I don't see why I shouldn't." Twilight said.

Meanwhile, Pony Spike was with Sweetie Belle again, though this time, they were joined by an orange pegasus filly.

"So...whose the new guy exactly?" The pegasus filly asked.

"That's the strange thing, he said his name is Spike." Sweetie Belle said.

"There's enough ponies in the world for some pony to end up with the same name as the new dragon I heard about." The Pegasus filly said.

"...I guess I can get behind that. Haven't seen the dragon at all though. Maybe he's at the library." Sweetie Belle said.

"You really shouldn't do that." Spike said. "You'd be interrupting a meeting between Twilight and Princess Celestia that's happening right now."

"Yeah no. We're not going to do that." The Pegasus said. "Still, surprised you want to hang with a colt who already has a cutie mark." She said.

"He did basically stand up to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. So I'd say he's not like them." Sweetie Belle said, as Spike was touching his face.

"...Why are you touching your face?" The pegasus asked.

"Trying to find out where that facial feature you mentioned is at." Spike said.

"Again, with the cutie mark confusion. You did that yesterday too." Sweetie Belle said. "I'm talking about the symbol on your flanks. You know, the book that's emblazoned on them?"

"Oh that thing? That's what you're calling a cutie mark?" Spike said. "...I'll be honest, I only know that it's there, and I have no idea what it's called."

"...You're joking with me, yes? By the way, name's Scootaloo." The Pegasus filly said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Scootaloo, but I'm being honest: I don't know what the symbol on my flanks is called." Spike said.

"It's called a cutie mark. It basically is a symbol of your special talent." Sweetie Belle said.

"...Oh. Well, I don't think I have one. I have something that I do a lot of, but I don't think it's got anything with anything special I do that some pony else couldn't have done." Spike said.

"Oh really? And what exactly is it that you do?" Scootaloo asked.

"I chronicle history. It's sort of a thing I was raised to do." Spike said. "But I'll be honest, I've heard of other Chroniclers before me. So, I wouldn't say I'm special in that regard."

"Are you serious right now? You don't think chronicling history ISN'T some special talent? Dude, that's a BIG special talent." Scootaloo said.

"I don't follow your logic..." Spike said.

"...Wow. Just wow. This colt is mega weird." Scootaloo said.

"Well, given that he stuck up against Diamond Tiara yesterday, I'd say he can't be a bad colt." Sweetie Belle said.

"Well don't look now, but here come the two ponies in question." Scootaloo said.

"What, you want to hang out with Blank Flanks some more, new colt?" Diamond Tiara asked.

Spike did notice that neither Sweetie Belle nor Scootaloo had a mark on his flanks like Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and of course himself did. But hearing the term "Blank Flanks" triggered something in him. "...I'm sorry, what did you call them?" Spike said.

"Well I'm only stating the truth: Those two are Blank Flanks." Diamond Tiara said.

Without warning, suddenly it began to rain SOLEY on Diamond Tiara. "You shouldn't have made me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry." Spike said. "I hereby curse you, Diamond Tiara, with the curse of rain. From now on, whenever your outside, you'll be constantly rained upon by your own personal rain cloud. And it'll stay that way until you learn to be a better pony."

Diamond Tiara suddenly ran off crying. "...So um...I'm just going to say for the record: I was only putting up with her hijinks because well...you don't know this but...a few days ago...her mother died. So...I'm just going to go now." Silver Spoon said and then went after Diamond Tiara said.

"Her mother dying gives her no excuse to bully others!" Spike shouted at the two.

Scootaloo's jaw dropped. H-how did he do that?! She thought to herself.

"Wow. I've seen angry before, but nothing like that." Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, she made me angry. Ponies shouldn't bully other ponies. It's just not right." Spike said.

"I take back what I said earlier: How is magic not your special talent?" Scootaloo asked. "I mean, you just put a spell curse on Diamond Tiara."

"I told you: I don't think I have a special talent. At least, not yet." Spike said.

"Oh, this is going to be fun now." Scootaloo mentioned.

Later that day, Spike returned to the Library. "Spike I heard about what you did. That sort of curse was uncalled for." Twilight said.

"I just...I just reacted is all. I couldn't stand the idea of a pony bullying another pony all because their mother died." Spike said. "Silver Spoon mentioned it."

"...Well...Silver Spoon is only telling you half of the truth. According to what I found out from Filthy Rich; husband of Spoiled Rich; is that one day while in Manehatten, he and his wife were jumped by an unknown pony. This pony managed to keep their entire identity hidden, so no arrest was made. But regardless, what that pony did was unforgivable: They proceeded to not only steal much of the Rich's belongings, but he also stabbed Spoiled Rich several times, though Filthy Rich was injured in trying to protect his wife from a fatal stab wound. While Spoiled Rich's injuries were treatable, she has slipped into a coma for the past three years now. Ever since, Filthy Rich has done his best to raise his daughter by himself."

"Well, if Spoiled Rich is in a coma, why did Silver Spoon say Spoiled was dead?" Spike asked.

"Because despite being treated for her wounds, something seemed to have happened with Spoiled Rich's mind during the attack. Doctors say it was like her entire pyche shattered and broke apart. While she's not dead, she might as well be, as she is now in a vegetative state that she will never wake up from." Twilight said.

"But there's got to be something that can be done. I might be able to do something." Spike said.

"...You honestly think you can do something?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. I might be able to do something. The curse thing I put on diamond doesn't use magical power to cast. I can do something that'll really make sure Diamond Tiara stops bullying others." Spike said.

What Pony Spike ended up doing from there, was put a spell on Spoiled Rich & Diamond Tiara, where the more Diamond Tiara starts to become a better pony, the more likely it is that Spoiled Rich will finally wake up. It gives motivation for Diamond Tiara to become a better pony.

As Pony Spike & Twilight were leaving, they were stopped by Diamond Tiara. "You...really didn't have to do that you know. You really had no reason. So...I guess...I hope you stick around. And...I hope next time we see each other...we can hopefully be friends. I...I don't think I deserve anything more then you've already given me." Dimaond Tiara said.

"We'll see. Depends on if you take this to become a better pony by the next time we speak." Spike said.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll do that. I'll do my best. It's a promise." Diamond Tiara said and went back to the room.

"...That...was honestly good of her to offer that." Twilight said.

"See? It's working already." Spike said.

Author's Note:

So...initially I didn't put in the follow-up that I planned. Hence why this chapter was published, then unpublished, and then published again.