• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 369 Views, 6 Comments

Trixie’s flight - Lulamoon-Crystal

Trixie goes for a fly over Ponyville. Which wasn’t a great idea

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One day, Twilight walked out her castle, Starlight was out with Sunburst. Attending some sort of family member’s birthday party. Likely to be gone the entire day. She wasn’t invited but didn’t mind.

Heya Twilight!” A familiar voice called out.“Look who’s flying higher right now!”

She was confused on hearing this. ”Wha?” she said as looked up. Seeing Trixie up into the air, floating away slowly. “Trixie!?” She screamed in surprise on what she was doing. Seeing her with two blue wings made out of paper or cardboard or something. With a bunch of balloons tied around her waist, as she floated away.

She stared in confusion as Trixie blew a raspberry and waved. Wondering what on earth she was trying to do? More concerned about her safety to care. She hoped she knew what she was doing as she floated further towards Ponyville. “Oh dear…” She sighed to herself. “What is she up to?”

Trixie lifted her hooves happily, as if she was on a ride. “Woo! Prepare for the flight of The great and powerful Trixie Lula- ACK” she exclaimed in shock as a duck flew right into her face. It quacked angrily as she flapped wildly, seemingly stuck as she tried her best to pull it off. She threw it off angrily. It was quacking angrily as it flew away from her. She angrily spat out a few feathers.

“Well, flappy flap to you too!” She shouted, raising a hoof. “Hmmmph!” She looked forward, with a smug expression. Not admitting she had no idea where she was heading.

A breeze sent her slightly to the side, towards Rarity's fancy building. Her boutique. She was heading right towards it. She grabbed onto the roof to stop her self from floating any further as she snickered. Knowing that the inhabitants were unaware of her. Slowly she took a peek at the window. Listerning tp Rarity’s talk with someone. Presumably Sweetie Belle. She could only see part of the room due to one curtain being closed.

“Now, Sweetie. Unicorns can’t exactly fly like pegasi. I know you want to do it like Starlight did. But it took her years of practice to master that. Now image if you were up high and the spell failed or something?”

Then there was a pause.

”I meant helping my friend, Scootaloo to fly! I mean… I want her to achieve that, and I want to help her!”

“Oh… Well… That’d be pretty hard too. I advise even thinking about trying to learn that spell Twilight use that gave me those fairy wings to use on her.”

Then the voices quieted down a bit. Trixie grumbled as she peeked through the window to see they left the room they were in. Much to her dismay. She held onto the roof for a bit longer until she noticed Rarity walk out the front door.

”Hey Rarity! Behold the flight of the Great and Powerful Trixie Lul-“ Then she was interrupted by Rarity’s shout.

”Trixie?! Are you sure that’s safe, darling?” She asked. Worried that one of the balloons might pop. “Also, those wings aren’t really that fashionable…”

“That looks fun!” Was Sweetie Belle’s reaction.

”It’s fine. Trixie has every idea on what she’s doing. She’s a magician. You forgot?” Then suddenly a balloon popped, she didn’t fall but she did descend about an inch.“That was a decoy ballon…”She fibbed before allowing herself to float away. She proceeded to try use her magic to duplicate one of the balloons, she groaned in pain. It was a hard spell. Her horn hit up and a ballon glowed. But then she gasped when her horn stopped suddenly. With nothing happening to any of the balloons.

”Ugh…” She put a hoof on her head. Her horn felt a bit warm. She needed some practice before attempting a tricky spell like such. Lucky for her. She was hidden by a tree so no one noticed.

She sighed a bit as she was moved through the sky by the breeze. Heading towards more buildings.

As she floated over Sugarcube Corner. She moved her hooves in a prancing position. To look majestic and like she knew exactly what she was doing. Even if she wasn’t so keen on it anymore. Luckily she was yet to crash into any buildings. She was humming slightly but was interrupted by Pinkie’s exclamation.

“Oooh! Trixie! That looks so much fun! Oh! I did something like that too, once! Hey I can join you!”She said quickly before running into Sugarcube Corner. Presumably getting something. Trixie couldn’t wait for her, even if she wanted to. She shook her hooves a bit, looking down to the ground. As if she was trying to reach for the ground. Her heart was berating fast was the wind picked up.

Trixie looked below her again before being struck with fear. Too high up, but she tried her best to not show it at all. The wind changed direction, and she pulled a happy face. Acting like she knew exactly where she was going. But inside, she was actually pretty scared of how high up she was. The drop down would hurt, really hurt. The clouds looked lower than normal but she tried to ignore it.

She wanted this to end already!

She groaned as she floated over trees. Slowly getting lower again, as a ballon was slowly deflating. Secretly wanting this lil balloon trip to end. She felt that she was powerless against the wind. It picked up and she went a bit faster. She was just about to complain.

”The great and powerful Trixie Lu-“ She managed to say before yelping on pain as her butt brushed against a tree. The sharp branches hurt. “Ow!”

After hitting a few more trees on her way up the hill. Giving her a few mouthfuls of leaves. She found herself grabbing onto a branch for dear life. “Aaah!” She groaned. Then she heard some hooves running towards her direction. There was a sound of apples falling after a tree was bucked. That’s when she realised where she was.

“Oh no…”

Soon enough, Applejack came to the tree she was hanging to. She noticed her immediately, not knowing what to say as a result of her getup.

”Heya Trixie! What’s up? Uh- besides you, of course.” She snickered slightly.

She put on a smug smile, hanging onto the branch as she boasted. “The great and powerful Trixie L-“

”Ah said besides you,” Applejack said before smiling and rolling her eyes.“Ah suppose this is some sort of trick for ya next magic show. Huh?”

Trixie grabbed onto more of the branch as the balloons tried to tug her away. Not knowing her paper wings were torn and detoriating already. “Actually… Trixie wanted to… Test something!”

Applejack smirked. “Like for your next show?”


“Alrighty then. You also seem a bit suck in the tree” She said. At her angle, it seemed to be the case.

“Trixie is certainly not stuck!”

“It looks the case to me, seems a balloon is stuck between some branches. Don’t worry, a buck will get you free!” She positioned herself to buck the apples from the tree. Trixie refrained to warn her that would be a bad idea. Because she didn’t want to admit this wasn’t a good idea… She made a gasp as she almost lost her grip from the tree when she bucked it.

Then Applejack realised. “Oh! You’re not stuck. You’re hanging on! You scared or somethin’?”

“No! T-Trixie’s just taking a break…”


“Hey sis-“ Much to Trixie’s dismay. Applebloom joined her and looked up at the tree. “Uh… Hey Trixie! What are you doing?”

Applejack answered with a smirk. “According to her, she’s taking a break.”

Trixie tried to not shriek when an angrily squirrel jumped in her face from the tree. Trying to attack her, she had let go on surprise. The squirrel realising too late and ran across her back in fear. Holding onto the balloon strings

”See ya, Trixie!” Applejack waved happily.

To not be rude, she waved back before floating away in the distance.

“Dammit Apple…” She groaned when she was far enough away. The squirrel angrily started hitting her on the head. Blaming her for her letting go.

“Hey! Quit it!” Trixie shouted.“Get off!”

She moved her hooves in a running position, really wanting to get down, she was getting more and more scared. She swished her tail, soon getting the courage to try and pop a ballon, but stopped when she almost crashed into a tall tree. There was nothing to grab onto and pull herself back down. She had to go down! She was up for like two hours already!

The squirrel hung tight to her horn and started to bite it. As soon as it started, she angrily pulled it down by its tail and held it on her hooves. The poor thing was clearly terrified.

Would you quit it!” She shouted loudly.

The small thing sat in her hooves, ready to go for another pounce at her face. Trixie kept it down using levitation, so it couldn’t pounce. It tried but just couldn’t as it made angrily noises. But that all soon ended when there was a screech in the distance. The squirrel cowered in fear, trying to get away and hide somehow.

Then Tricia yelped as an eagle quickly soared by, hitting Tricia with a wing and grabbing the squirrel in its claws. All she could do was watch in horror as the eagle flew away with the screaming squirrel. She shuddered as a chill went down her spine. She was not expecting to witness a predator catching a meal today.

This was a bad idea…

Eventually. Trixie found herself floating right above a pond, she looked down to see a few ducks swimming around happily. She sighed as a result. She tried to use her magic to pop a balloon. But soon felt a baby bird sit on her head.

“Oi!” Trixie shouted, using a spell to keep herself still. Trying to scare it away with her hooves, with no result. Two more decided to join it. They started to sing a song and bounce around. Much to her annoyance.

She waved her hooves angrily “Stop bouncing and singing on the great and powerful Trixie-“ She said before being interrupted. This time by a baby bird falling from her head and the other two flew away and hitting her muzzle. She quickly caught it in her hooves. She felt strange. Kinda felt bad for this poor bird. Why didn’t it just fly? Was it okay?

Soon enough, Fluttershy flew over. Making a sigh of relief, followed by two other baby birds and a grown up. “Oh dear, there, you are.”

The baby birds, except for the fallen one. Hurried to her, flying around her, singing. Then she noticed the one in Trixie’s hooves, it was tweeting sadly. She didn’t react as she gently took it into her own hooves.

“Thank you, Trixie.” She thanked, knowing she had saved the baby bird from falling any further. She then looked at it. “Oh dear. Have you been pushing yourself again? You really should rest that injured wing…” She said softly to the small bird. Not questioning Trixie at all. Who decided to take this as her chance. She used her magic towards a balloon, levitating it in her magic. Hoping to get it to slowly deflate. Preferably without a noise.

But then Trixie’s horn began to heat up, she gasped in horror as her horn flashed its usual magic colour. All balloons popped in one go and her paper wings fell off completely. Sending her falling into the water.


Seeing this, Twilight ran to the shore with concern as Trixie swam towards it. She sat on the sand, sobbing wet and growling.

“Trixie! Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked. Hurrying over to sit next to her.

She knew she wasn’t alright, she actually noticed that she was holding her hoof and smoke was coming from her horn. Reminding her of something. Twilight stayed a distance away and just listened.

“Didn’t the doctors tell you to rest your horn for a week after you hurt it trying to do that really hard spell?”

”No!” Trixie responded. “So what. They are underestimating my power. My horn is fine!”

Fluttershy didn’t take this as an answer. Knowing that it wasn’t true. She looked worriedly at the small crack in her horn.

”The doctors said if you use too much magic and don’t rest it until the crack goes away. It might get bigger and bad stuff might happen!”

Trixie crossed her hooves and looked away. “How do you know this stuff, anyway? You’re a doctor for critters, not ponies.

”True. But I was there when you woke up in hospital after that explosion in the library after you tried that horrible spell. Twilight was the one who found you in the library with a crackling horn after you tried that time freeze spell.”

There was no response as Tricia grumbled. Only remembering a part of the incident. Like her horn glowing brighter than usual, then everything vanished in a flash of pink. With her waking up in hospital a while later. She didn’t want a broken horn, but she didn’t want to stop using it. It’s what she used to make magic.

Fluttershy noticed that she sniffled. “If you keep trying to push yourself and your hone. You don’t know what might happen. You might not be able to use magic ever again.” She warned softly.

Trixie started to cry a bit.

”I have to learn it! I’m… I’m not powerful enough overwise…”

”What?” Fluttershy stared, heart dropping in sadness. “That’s not true.”

There was a pause as Trixie looked down at the sand, then she sighed a bit. “My dad sure thinks so…”

“Your dad?”

She nodded. “He does performances in Las Pegasus. He goes by the name of Jackpot…”

”Jackpot?” Fluttershy asked, she had heard of them. She even saw him when she went to Las Pegasus with Applejack for a friendship quest. He sure did not a bit like her, with blue fur and purple eyes. Even his mane resembled hers. With just a few differences in tone. But she never thought much of hit. Now it makes sense. “He really thinks that?”

“He said I was a loosey trailing magician and I’m a disappointment to the family… Guess he left when I was just a filly for that reason…”

Her heart hurt as she heard Trixie's backstory. Wondering why Jackpot was so mean to his own daughter.

“Well… I think he’s just a meanie.”

”But… He said my acts were cheap and lazy. Not scary or dangerous enough and I should scam my audience… Most of Trixie’s shows are free to watch! Most the time, and scamming is kinda… Over the top, Trixie’s trying to redeem herself!” She grumbled. Some shows she did in theatres in Manhattern and Canterlot did cost money. She would also sell autographs and a few other things from time to time. So she did have money.

Fluttershy responded. “Well… I think he’s just jealous of you. He’s just another neigh-sayer in the audience, trying to get into your head.” She smiled a bit.“If I was him, I’d be absolutely proud of you.”


She then revealed something that Trixie never thought would be the case. Ever. “Some of my animal friends really enjoy your shows. I have a few that get excited whenever they see a poster for an upcoming show. A few actually asked if they could be part of it. But that’d be your choice, not mine.”

Trixie noticed the birds chirping as they hopped around on the sand. “I suppose that wouldn’t be a terrible thing…”

“Really!? I’m sure Poppy would love to hear that!” She said with a slight smile.

Before they knew it. Twilight ran over. “Trixie, is everything okay!?”

Trixie grumbled a bit before nodding. “Yes. Trixie is just fine.” She got up and dusted some sand from herself.

”Oh! Well, okay then! But what was up with those balloon things?”

”Just wanted to know how it felt to fly…” She said softly. Then grunted, “Because I’m not a pegasus and that’s the only reason. I swear!”

Twilight and Fluttershy and nodded. Agreeing to just leave her be for the moment.

“I wonder what she’ll get up to, next!”

Comments ( 6 )

Why isn’t there a comedy tag?

“”Hey Rarity! Behind the flight of the Great and Powerful Trixie Lul-“ Then she was interrupted by Rarity’s shout.

IMO you mean "Behold"


“Dammit Apple…” She groaned when she was far enough away. The squirrel angrily started hitting her on the head. Blaming her for her letting how.

.....letting go.


”I meant helping my friend, Scootaloo to fly! I mean… I want her to achieve that, and I want to help her!”

“Oh… Well… That’d be pretty hard too. I advise trying to learn that spell Twilight use that gave me those fairy wings to use on her.”

I would think that would be even harder than self-levitation - Twilight looked like she was about to pass out when she cast the spell, and that was when she could teleport all over the place without breaking a sweat.

This story was cute.

Nice of them to acknowledge Trixie's stuntmare, Tricia, in this story.:ajsmug:

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