• Published 28th Sep 2012
  • 5,091 Views, 37 Comments

Showdown - Slingshot619

Prototype vs InFAMOUS

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Chapter 5: City In Dust

Everypony was miserable, except Cole. He was the king of the world, or Ponyville to be exact. He had defeated Alex, proving that he was definitely a force to be reckoned with. He had turned Rainbow Dash and the other ponies into his slaves.

"Somebody will stop you someday!" Rainbow Dash scolded

"Like who? your dead boyfriend?"

Rainbow Dash was suddenly filled with depression after that remark, she continued following orders. One day, Rainbow Dash decided not to follow Cole's orders.

"I swear, if you don't obey you will be sorry." Cole snapped

"I'm not budging." Rainbow Dash said defiantly.

Cole delivered a kick and sent Rainbow Dash flying into the forest. black spots danced around her eyes. She felt somepony drag her in to a cottage. She passed out before she could see who had saved her. When she woke up, she could see a familiar pony, he had grey fur and a black mane, he wore a black jacket and looked surprisingly familiar. Rainbow Dash finally recognized him. It was Alex. She rushed over and gave him a hug, she had tears streaming down her face.

"Alex i missed you!" Rainbow Dash said

Alex managed a faint smile. He had secluded himself from Ponyville after the showdown, he simply could not face them after what happened.

"I missed you too Dashie."

Alex sat on the couch closest to her and they began chatting. Eventually, Rainbow Dash asked the one question he dreaded hearing.

"So, are you going back to face Cole?"

Alex tensed, he felt the scar on his left arm, Cole had managed to pierce it with his Gigawatt Blades.

"No, no i will not."

Rainbow Dash had a look of disappointment.

"Why not?" Rainbow asked

"I simply can't face them, not after i failed."

"But we need you."

"I'm sorry, but i can't help you, Cole is unstoppable."

"But you could just try one more time!"

Alex stared into the ground, he was ashamed to have had so many ponies trust him only to fail them.

"It won't work."

Rainbow stared at him, tears starting to form.

"I thought i fell in love with a brave, unstoppable, badass pony. Not a coward who runs away from his problems."

And with those final words, Rainbow Dash slammed the door and stormed back to Ponyville. Alex sat on his couch, staring at the ground in depression. Rainbow Dash was right, Alex was a coward, he was hiding from Cole, he didn't dare face him again. Alex stared at the mirror and instead of seeing his old confident self, he saw a kid, a kid that ran away from his problems instead of confronting them.

Back in the city, Rainbow Dash trudged back to Cole's side. She had no hope of rescue, no one could stop Cole. Her freedom was gone, all hope was lost, even Alex was scared. She let out a quiet sob, she was so close, yet so far. She wanted to go back to Ponyville, not Cole's Ponyville but the real Ponyville.

"Alright you lazy slackers. If you don't hurry up and build the new Empire City, i'll leech you all and hang your heads above my fireplace!" Cole said

The ponies panicked and went in to hyperdrive mode, they worked furiously, Rainbow Dash was not one of them, she was Cole's plaything. A toy for when he got bored. Rainbow Dash looked at the train station and saw a train coming in. She was surprised that there was a train coming in. This place had become no mare's land after Cole took over.

Who would be stupid enough to come now?

The pony that stepped out the train had a black jacket, brown fur, and his right arm was a blade. It was James, and boy did he look mad.

"Cole!" James shouted.

Cole heard and came down, quite surprised that James was back.

"So, you came back AFTER i'm done. You're quite the hero."

"Did i say i was a fucking hero?"

James charged. He had never taken on Cole, but he knew that Cole was plenty dangerous. James slashed at Cole and misses wildly. He swings again, another miss.

"My, my, do all prototypes suck this bad?"

James stared at him, enraged. He mutated his arms into Hammerfists and tried to punch Cole, Cole sidesteps easily abd stabs James in the back with his Gigawatt Blades. This routine continued on for hours until James finally collapsed. He was tired, he was mad, he wanted to kill Cole, but he was too weak, nothing could stop this bastard.

"When will you ignorant fools finally get it? i am unstoppable, no one comes close to my power.

Thunder appeared in the sky, followed by a boom and raindrops. Cole had failed to notice the dark figure that stood on the mountain top. Lightning struck again as the figure came into view, he wore a black jacket, his fist had claws sprouting out of them, he looked quite mad.

"It can't be...... I KILLED HIM!" Cole exclaims

Alex leaped down from the cliff. Rainbow Dash's heart was racing, Alex did come back.

"Nice to see you too Cole."Alex says

Cole took a few more minutes for it to settle in before encasing his hooves in his signature Gigawatt Blades again. They stood and stared daggers at each other. Cole struck first, trying to stab Alex with his blades. Alex dodged it easily.

"Wow Cole you really let yourself go." Alex said with a smirk

Cole growled and charged again, Alex dodges and puts a gash or two in Alex's back.

"I know you can do better Cole."

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!" Cole yelled in frustration

Cole blasted a wave of electricity at Alex. Alex stood there and looked at his imaginary watch.

"Anytime today Cole."

Cole screamed and brought down the Lightning Storm, Alex had learned to counter every attack Cole could throw at him, except the Lightning Storm. Alex wailed in pain as lightning swirled around him, he still couldn't get used to the pain. When it stopped, Alex saw a smug Cole standing before him.

"You thought you could defeat me? You honestly thought you could beat me?"

Alex was dazed, he had found the best way to withstand the Lightning Strike, but it wasn't enough. Cole had his Gigawatt Blades ready.

"I should've done this a long time ago."

Cole stabs Alex in the stomach, he doubles over in pain, electricity flowed through his body. Pain was present all over him as he collapsed to the floor.

"There's a reason why i'm the king of Ponyville."

As Cole turned around to tell the citizens of Ponyville how awesome he was yada, yada. Alex stood up and made a mad dash for Cole, Cole turned just in time for Alex to decapitate him, before Cole's head could hit the ground, Alex kicked it so hard, brain bits flew everywhere. When everyone realized what happened, they came out of hiding and cheered Alex. Happy that they're days with Cole as king were over.

Few days later, Ponyville was back to normal. Alex and Rainbow Dash sat on the top of a hill.

"So, you worried about anypony coming over and taking over Ponyville again."

"No way, as long as we have you i feel safe." Rainbow said

And with that, they watched the sunset.

Well what do you think? Granted, Rainbow Dash and Alex are an unlikely couple, but hey, i couldn't think of anyone else.

Should i make a sequel? Tell me in the comments. But for now, i will be working on my new TF2 crossover Blur So don't expect me to post a sequel soon.

Comments ( 12 )

The fight should've been longer. Usually fights in those types of games last longer than a few thousand words

1369506 I know, but i couldn't think of anything else. I personally would prefer to make the fight more longer, but i ran out of ideas.

1369532 you could have them bio-leech/consume each other again, but have the consumer be faster than the bio-leech

1369546 I was thinking about it, but decided that it would be weird if Alex had electricity powers, plus i wasn't sure if the others would be tired of this again.


sequel sounds good just work on fight scenes the story all in all was great

Than come out BEN form the game Fort Zombie to kick some Zombie ass

could use a singularity (the game) crossover maybe a zek that helps out mercer or cole or both that be awesome

maybe a alternate like good cole gets there but is misunderstood or something because i think a good cole would help+ EVERYONE WINS!!

1369551 Make good Cole appear, and everyone thinks it's evil Cole.
After a while, Alex realized the difference (and the fact that he decapped evil Cole).

Is this a trollfic?

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