• Published 28th Sep 2012
  • 5,089 Views, 37 Comments

Showdown - Slingshot619

Prototype vs InFAMOUS

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Chapter 1: So Far Away

The sequel to The Ponytype is out!
If all goes well i will continue.

It was a stormy night, it was raining cats and dogs, but Alex didn't mind. He'd been through worse. As Alex scanned the outskirts of Ponyville for a sign of life. James landed next to him soon after.

"Got anything?"

"I got a couple of Juggernauts and a few brawlers, gonna need some help."

"Alright, let's get this over with."

As Alex left his post, he hadn't noticed something in the woods, a portal. Someone was coming over.

The next morning, everypony was talking about a mysterious colt that was seen roaming through the woods, they claimed that he had his hooves encased in lightning, and he would zap any animal that came by.

Alex claimed he didn't see anything like that while he was guarding, but the locals were not convinced.

Later in the day, the locals were complaining about the same electricity weilding pony they saw last night. Alex was sent to investigate. While walking there, Rainbow Dash flew overhead and followed him.

"Go home Rainbow."

"I just wanna watch, besides, i'll be in the clouds, it's not like i'm gonna interfere."

"*sigh* I guess you're right.

As Alex continued searching, Rainbow Dash flew ahead to make sure there weren't any surprises. While searching, Rainbow Dash got zapped by red electricity, sending her falling. Alex made his way to where she landed.

The Good News? Rainbow Dash landed in an open area.

The Bad News? She wasn't alone.

Alex stood there, dumbfounded, he stared at the pony, he was a pegasus pony, he had yellow fur, black mane and a black tail, his Cutie Mark was lightning, he had blades made of pure electricity encasing his hooves, the weirdest thing was, the electricity was red.

The pony just stood there, with a smirk on his face, ready to do battle, Alex had equipped his claws. The two ponies had a stare down, waiting for the other to strike first.

Alex was expecting a fight, but the pony just hoisted Rainbow Dash on his back and took off, leaving Alex in the dust. Alex was quick to react and in the blink of an eye, had his Whipfist. He lashed out at the kidnapper, but Alex's target saw it coming, he turned and grabbed the Whipfist in his hooves and sent jolts of electricity down it. Alex couldn't react in time and was struck by the red lightning, causing him to pass out.

When Rainbow Dash finally woke up, she saw her kidnapper standing, with an evil grin on his face. She dashed over ready to kick that annoying smile off his face, but halfway there, she felt something on her neck pull her back. She was chained.

"Not so fast now are you?"

"What do you want?"

"Well, if i'm going to take over this world i'll need a servant, wont I?"

By now Rainbow Dash was furious, she kicked and bucked and bit at the chain.

"My name is Cole Macgrath, but you will call me "Master" and you will follow my orders."

"Or else what?" Rainbow challenged.

Then, her kidnapper had electricity running down his arms, slowly forming two red blades of electricity.

"You really wanna find out?"

Now Rainbow Dash was scared. She knew that if she didn't listen, this guy could do much more than just knock her out.


"No what?"

"No, master."

"That's a good pony."

Rainbow was steaming, but she had to wait, only Alex could take him on.

"Beautiful aren't they?" Cole said while examining his blades.

"They're called Gigawatt Blades......" Cole continued to ramble on.

As Cole continued telling her about his powers, Rainbow Dash had only one thing in mind.

Rainbow Dash sat there listening with boredom, she wanted to escape from Cole, so she brought out the Puppy Eyes.

"It's not going to work."

Rainbow Dash didn't give up and continued her onslaught of adorable.

"Still not going to work."

"I'm not giving in."

"Not gonna work."


As Cole went up to his room, he turned off the lights. Rainbow just sat there in the dark, crying, knowing that her once eternal freedom was gone.

Somewhere in the woods, Alex finally woke up. He scanned around for Rainbow Dash and his attacker. It was late at night, Alex decided to go back to Ponyville to get some help. He spotted Twilight Sparkle heading back for her home.

"Where's James?" Alex asked

"James? He and Altaïr were needed to take out some infected dragon or something."

"Where is he now?"

"Somewhere in Fillydelphia."

Alex cursed, Fillydelphia was way to far for Alex to reach in time.

"Why? is something wrong?"

"Rainbow Dash has been kidnapped."

"I'll help you find her."

"No, her kidnapper is very dangerous, i'll take care of this."

"Well, fine. Just be careful."

Alex searched for hours and hours, he finally saw the sunrise. Things should be easier.

"Dammit James, hurry up and come back, i need your Hunting ability."

Alex continued searching, he didn't give up. Finally, he saw an old cottage.

"That must be where the damn bastard is keeping Rainbow."

Meanwhile at Cole's secret hideout, Rainbow Dash had just woken up. The first thing she saw was a giant hamster wheel.

"A hamster wheel?"

"That's right my minion. You see, your master here needs to recharge his batteries every once in a while. I couldn't find hamsters large enough, soooo......" Cole smugly said.

"I'm not going to be your little guinea pig." Rainbow Dash protested

"Are you sure?" Cole asked daringly

Rainbow Dash was scared, she didn't want to get on the hamster wheel, but she didn't want to get herself killed either.

Before Rainbow could respond, she heard a loud bang, smoke and dust filled the room, when the smoke cleared, she found out that Alex had just smashed a hole in the wall, Alex looked mad, he was growling at Cole, he already had his Hammerfist ready for action. Cole already prepared, he had his Gigawatt Blades at the ready.

Alex rushed forward, leaped in to the air and tried to smash Cole to pieces, Cole had summoned a shield made of electricity, stopping Alex just in time. Cole kicked Alex back out into the open woods where they would have more space to battle.

Cole put his Gigawatt Blades to good use and sliced Alex, Alex doubled over in pain, he had survived bullets, bombs and missiles, but never electricity. He didn't know what would work best against Cole.

Cole was taking his time, he was standing there, waiting with a smirk. Alex roared with outrage and charged at him with his claws. Alex was much too quick for Cole, Alex managed to get a few cuts on Cole before Cole could fire rocket-like electrical blasts at him.

Alex shook it off and charged again, Cole was done playing, Cole calls down from the sky a storm of lightning that showers Alex with lightning, Although Rainbow Dash couldn't see anything, she clearly heard Alex's screams of pain. After a while, the lightning stops. All Rainbow Dash can see is a huge crater caused by Cole's lightning.

Cole looks back at his now ruined hideout, he knew he had to run...... again.

"C'mon Skittles, we gotta go." Cole says with authority.

Rainbow Dash was shocked, she couldn't believe, Alex gone, just like that. She didn't want to make Cole any angrier than he already was, so she listened to him, and of they went again.

When they were gone, something in the crater was stirring, it planted one hoof outside the crater as a clap of thunder was heard in the background.

Hope you liked it.

Just in case some of you still don't know who Cole is, Cole is the main character of InFAMOUS, i decided that a showdown between Alex and Cole needed to happen.