
by Slingshot619

First published

Prototype vs InFAMOUS

It's been 2 years since Alex and James crossed over to My Little Pony universe, they had earned the respect of the ponies and each other within that time span, but when a new pony with powers just as strong as Alex comes to town, will Alex be able to stop him?

Chapter 1: So Far Away

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The sequel to The Ponytype is out!
If all goes well i will continue.

It was a stormy night, it was raining cats and dogs, but Alex didn't mind. He'd been through worse. As Alex scanned the outskirts of Ponyville for a sign of life. James landed next to him soon after.

"Got anything?"

"I got a couple of Juggernauts and a few brawlers, gonna need some help."

"Alright, let's get this over with."

As Alex left his post, he hadn't noticed something in the woods, a portal. Someone was coming over.

The next morning, everypony was talking about a mysterious colt that was seen roaming through the woods, they claimed that he had his hooves encased in lightning, and he would zap any animal that came by.

Alex claimed he didn't see anything like that while he was guarding, but the locals were not convinced.

Later in the day, the locals were complaining about the same electricity weilding pony they saw last night. Alex was sent to investigate. While walking there, Rainbow Dash flew overhead and followed him.

"Go home Rainbow."

"I just wanna watch, besides, i'll be in the clouds, it's not like i'm gonna interfere."

"*sigh* I guess you're right.

As Alex continued searching, Rainbow Dash flew ahead to make sure there weren't any surprises. While searching, Rainbow Dash got zapped by red electricity, sending her falling. Alex made his way to where she landed.

The Good News? Rainbow Dash landed in an open area.

The Bad News? She wasn't alone.

Alex stood there, dumbfounded, he stared at the pony, he was a pegasus pony, he had yellow fur, black mane and a black tail, his Cutie Mark was lightning, he had blades made of pure electricity encasing his hooves, the weirdest thing was, the electricity was red.

The pony just stood there, with a smirk on his face, ready to do battle, Alex had equipped his claws. The two ponies had a stare down, waiting for the other to strike first.

Alex was expecting a fight, but the pony just hoisted Rainbow Dash on his back and took off, leaving Alex in the dust. Alex was quick to react and in the blink of an eye, had his Whipfist. He lashed out at the kidnapper, but Alex's target saw it coming, he turned and grabbed the Whipfist in his hooves and sent jolts of electricity down it. Alex couldn't react in time and was struck by the red lightning, causing him to pass out.

When Rainbow Dash finally woke up, she saw her kidnapper standing, with an evil grin on his face. She dashed over ready to kick that annoying smile off his face, but halfway there, she felt something on her neck pull her back. She was chained.

"Not so fast now are you?"

"What do you want?"

"Well, if i'm going to take over this world i'll need a servant, wont I?"

By now Rainbow Dash was furious, she kicked and bucked and bit at the chain.

"My name is Cole Macgrath, but you will call me "Master" and you will follow my orders."

"Or else what?" Rainbow challenged.

Then, her kidnapper had electricity running down his arms, slowly forming two red blades of electricity.

"You really wanna find out?"

Now Rainbow Dash was scared. She knew that if she didn't listen, this guy could do much more than just knock her out.


"No what?"

"No, master."

"That's a good pony."

Rainbow was steaming, but she had to wait, only Alex could take him on.

"Beautiful aren't they?" Cole said while examining his blades.

"They're called Gigawatt Blades......" Cole continued to ramble on.

As Cole continued telling her about his powers, Rainbow Dash had only one thing in mind.

Rainbow Dash sat there listening with boredom, she wanted to escape from Cole, so she brought out the Puppy Eyes.

"It's not going to work."

Rainbow Dash didn't give up and continued her onslaught of adorable.

"Still not going to work."

"I'm not giving in."

"Not gonna work."


As Cole went up to his room, he turned off the lights. Rainbow just sat there in the dark, crying, knowing that her once eternal freedom was gone.

Somewhere in the woods, Alex finally woke up. He scanned around for Rainbow Dash and his attacker. It was late at night, Alex decided to go back to Ponyville to get some help. He spotted Twilight Sparkle heading back for her home.

"Where's James?" Alex asked

"James? He and Altaïr were needed to take out some infected dragon or something."

"Where is he now?"

"Somewhere in Fillydelphia."

Alex cursed, Fillydelphia was way to far for Alex to reach in time.

"Why? is something wrong?"

"Rainbow Dash has been kidnapped."

"I'll help you find her."

"No, her kidnapper is very dangerous, i'll take care of this."

"Well, fine. Just be careful."

Alex searched for hours and hours, he finally saw the sunrise. Things should be easier.

"Dammit James, hurry up and come back, i need your Hunting ability."

Alex continued searching, he didn't give up. Finally, he saw an old cottage.

"That must be where the damn bastard is keeping Rainbow."

Meanwhile at Cole's secret hideout, Rainbow Dash had just woken up. The first thing she saw was a giant hamster wheel.

"A hamster wheel?"

"That's right my minion. You see, your master here needs to recharge his batteries every once in a while. I couldn't find hamsters large enough, soooo......" Cole smugly said.

"I'm not going to be your little guinea pig." Rainbow Dash protested

"Are you sure?" Cole asked daringly

Rainbow Dash was scared, she didn't want to get on the hamster wheel, but she didn't want to get herself killed either.

Before Rainbow could respond, she heard a loud bang, smoke and dust filled the room, when the smoke cleared, she found out that Alex had just smashed a hole in the wall, Alex looked mad, he was growling at Cole, he already had his Hammerfist ready for action. Cole already prepared, he had his Gigawatt Blades at the ready.

Alex rushed forward, leaped in to the air and tried to smash Cole to pieces, Cole had summoned a shield made of electricity, stopping Alex just in time. Cole kicked Alex back out into the open woods where they would have more space to battle.

Cole put his Gigawatt Blades to good use and sliced Alex, Alex doubled over in pain, he had survived bullets, bombs and missiles, but never electricity. He didn't know what would work best against Cole.

Cole was taking his time, he was standing there, waiting with a smirk. Alex roared with outrage and charged at him with his claws. Alex was much too quick for Cole, Alex managed to get a few cuts on Cole before Cole could fire rocket-like electrical blasts at him.

Alex shook it off and charged again, Cole was done playing, Cole calls down from the sky a storm of lightning that showers Alex with lightning, Although Rainbow Dash couldn't see anything, she clearly heard Alex's screams of pain. After a while, the lightning stops. All Rainbow Dash can see is a huge crater caused by Cole's lightning.

Cole looks back at his now ruined hideout, he knew he had to run...... again.

"C'mon Skittles, we gotta go." Cole says with authority.

Rainbow Dash was shocked, she couldn't believe, Alex gone, just like that. She didn't want to make Cole any angrier than he already was, so she listened to him, and of they went again.

When they were gone, something in the crater was stirring, it planted one hoof outside the crater as a clap of thunder was heard in the background.

Hope you liked it.

Just in case some of you still don't know who Cole is, Cole is the main character of InFAMOUS, i decided that a showdown between Alex and Cole needed to happen.

Chapter 2:Freedom

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Rainbow Dash was sad. Not only was she sad, she was broken, mentally and emotionally. Mixed feelings stirred in her as she stared at the huge crater that Alex once stood in.

"C'mon Skittles, we gotta go." Cole says with authority.

Rainbow Dash doesn't complain or fight, she just followed Cole's orders, whether it was running in a hamster wheel or finding the TV remote, Cole would order Rainbow Dash to do just about everything. Rainbow would cry herself to sleep everynight, knowing that she'll never be free. Eventually, she didn't care, she followed orders without any feeling, she didn't feel anger, she didn't feel happiness, she didn't feel sadness either. The emotional meltdown that she got from Alex's death seemed to turn her emotions off.

Meanwhile, back at Cole's former hideout......

Alex had just woken up, and climbed out of the crater, it was nightfall, Alex decides to go back to his home and rest, his body needed to regenerate after such a tiring battle, upon entering the city, most ponies looked in shock at him, he didn't know why. He met Applejack on the way back home, and asked her.

"Hey there."

Applejack turns to face him, when Applejack does turn around, she gasps.

"Y-y-you should be dead!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Why would you think that?"

"You haven't come back from the woods for so long, we just thought that you'd be dead."

"I've only been gone for a few hours."

"A few hours? Really? You've been gone for almost a month!"

Alex struggled to realize what he just heard, he didn't think that he would be gone for so long, as he struggles to remember what happened he remembered something.

"Rainbow Dash! She's still with Cole!"

Alex runs off into the woods again, he had to find Rainbow Dash, that poor pony was probably driven insane by now. Alex searched the whole forest, and found nothing. He yelled in frustration and punched a tree to smithereens.

"I failed...... again." Alex says to himself.

Then, a thought came into mind, Cole could be hiding in a cave. Alex searched every cave he saw and found nothing. He was about to give up, the sun had rised hours earlier, Alex had spent the whole night searching and came up with nothing.

Somewhere in the forest, Alex spotted a cottage shimmer to existence, then fade again.

"What the......?"

Alex goes closer and manages to get a closer look. Cole had used his electricity to turn his hideout invisible. Alex had healed during the night and was ready to take Cole on once more.

"Your done now you electric eel."

Alex smashes through the door, Hammerfist ready. He glares at the surprised Cole.


Before Cole could finish, Alex punched him out the house, and they prepared to do battle again.

"I'm gonna make sure you die this time."

Cole ran at Alex with his Gigawatt Blades, Alex was prepared, he had his claws ready for action and manages to leave a gash on Cole's stomach.

"You'll pay for that!"

Cole flew up in the sky and Alex saw his whole body light up with electricity, he saw Cole falling and upon making impact with the ground, sending a shockwave of energy in all directions. Alex was caught in the radius and was paralyzed, he couldn't move, Cole was preparing to use another Lightning Storm.

Once again, Alex was encased in lightning, and screams of pain were heard. When the lightning finally died down, Cole had a triumphant smile on his face.

But Cole's feelings turned from gloat to shock, Alex was climbing out of the crater.


Alex stood up, he had his blade, ready, he looks up and gives an evil grin at Cole.

"My turn."

Cole had no electricity left, and so he fled.

Alex had no intention of chasing him, he had other things in mind.

"Now, to find Rainbow."

Alex went to the back of the house and found Rainbow Dash, sad and lonely.

"Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow looks up, and in less than a second, she's hugging Alex, she was shaking uncontrollably, Alex could feel the warmth of her cheeks. He also felt tears run down his back.

Rainbow Dash was crying.

Alex held her as she continued to sob, Alex finally held her by the shoulders at arms length and brushed aside a stray hair that was on Rainbow's face.

"It's okay, i'm here now."

Rainbow nodded, she still had the collar Cole made her wear, and she gave Alex simply the most adorable look in the world.

Alex brought Rainbow back to Ponyville hospital to have her checked on.

"There seems to be no signs of physical damage." the doctor said.

As the doctor left, Twilight sparkle came in with Spike in tow.

"I heard you were back in Ponyville, so i decided to come by and visit.

Rainbow nodded. She hadn't been quite the same since returning.

"Is she okay?" Twilight asked

"Physically, yes. But mentally, she's scarred, traumatized. It'll take her a few days to recover." Alex said.

"Why don't you go home, you'll need the rest."

As Alex left for home, Spike decided to follow him back.

"So, you ever thought about having a marefriend?" Spike asked.


"If you could choose one pony to be your marefriend, who would you pick?"

He thought for a moment, and answered.

"Rainbow Dash."


"Because, she reminds me of my sister. She was good at manipulating people and, she’s narcissistic and evasive. She was disrespectful, foul-mouthed, and not afraid of a fight, just like Rainbow Dash."

Alex ended the conversation by entering his home and shutting the door, silencing Spike. Alex wanted some rest, he had just gone through another grueling battle with Cole and his body needed to regenerate.

Alex put his head on his pillow and slept. the next morning, Alex opened his eyes and found this.

"Good morning Rainbow, you mind telling me why you're here?"

"I just want to thank you, for you know, saving me."

"No problem."

"And this is for your hard work."

Rainbow Dash leans in and pecks Alex on the cheek, she hops off his bed and exits his home. All the while, Alex just stayed there, his mouth agape, as he struggled to cope with what just happened.

Chapter 3: Seek And Destroy

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Alex finally managed to drag himself off his bed. He still couldn't wrap his mind over what happened, Rainbow Dash had just given him a kiss on the cheek.

"She's probably still a little crazy from being with Cole so long."

Alex walks out the door and spots a grinning James standing outside his house.

"Good morning lover boy." James said with a chuckle

"And where were you when i was battling Cole the electric wielding rapist?"

James kept silent, he felt guilty knowing that while he was away Alex had risked his life to save another pony.

"By the way, i'm gonna be patroling in Manehattan for a while." James said

"Great, looks like Cole's gonna kick my ass...... again." Alex grumbled

As they neared the train station, they wished each other luck as James climbed aboard the train. When James left, Alex headed back to go look for Altaïr as backup. When Alex reached his doorstep, Altaïr agreed to help and they both headed to the woods. Rainbow Dash followed close behind.

"Go home Rainbow, i mean it." Alex said

"Hey, he was the one that chained me and treated me like crap. I'm going to watch him get killed."

Alex couldn't help but notice how Rainbow's face turned red whenever he was with her. Altaïr had noticed this too. He would jokingly mention this now and then.


"Yes Alex?"

"Shut up."

Altaïr howled with laughter. Alex rolled his eyes in annoyance as Rainbow Dash flew above. They finally managed to find an house that looked so unstable, even so much as a touch might've sent it crashing. But it had electricity flowing everywhere, and the occasional evil laugh.

"This is the place."

Alex kicked the door open only to get blasted by a wave of lightning, he tumbled back out and stared at his attacker. Cole stood there brushing splinters off him.

"Back so soon?" Cole teased

Altaïr drew his hidden knife and charged, managing to get a stab or two before getting kicked through a tree, knocking him out. Cole noticed Rainbow Dash flying in the clouds.

"Ah, I see you've brought my minion back."

Cole shot a lightning bolt at Rainbow Dash sending her falling.

Not again.

Alex couldn't help but do a facehoof. As Rainbow Dash was seized by Cole.

"So long!" Cole shouts as he takes off with Rainbow Dash.

"Oh no you don't!" Alex yells

Alex jumps and grabs Cole by the leg, he punches Cole in the face, sending him and Rainbow Dash falling. When Alex landed, he got back up and searched for Cole, he was nowhere to be found, but Rainbow Dash was still lying on the ground. When she woke up, she was face to face with Alex.

"My hero." Rainbow Dash says

Rainbow locks lips with Alex, She pushes her tongue in, Alex can taste the hint of wild berries in her mouth. When they were done, Alex stood up and brushed grass off his jacket.

"See you around, hero." Rainbow says before taking to the skies.

Alex trekked back to Altaïr, who had woken up and was waiting.

"Some help you were." Alex grumbles.

"Whatever."Altaïr said

Alex and Altaïr headed back to the village, ready for some rest, he couldn't hunt for Cole everyday, so he decided to take tomorrow off. Alex ran into Rainbow Dash on the way back to his home. As Alex stood there unsure of what to say, Rainbow Dash was blushing and staring at the ground, Alex kicked a stone.

"So, did you like your kiss?" Rainbow Dash asked

"It was okay, i guess." Alex said

"Come on, be honest."

Alex stared in Rainbow's eyes, those rose red eyes seemed to put Alex in a trance. Alex pulled Rainbow Dash's head closer to his, and they locked lips once more, it felt good, Alex didn't have time to establish a relationship before.

"Goodnight Alex" Rainbow said before flying off into the dark skies.

Alex walked into his house, ready to go to sleep. As soon as he put his head on his pillow he fell asleep. The next morning, he spent his time going about town asking for leads about Cole. Alex would spot Rainbow Dash in the skies from time to time. At one point, Alex was at a quiet cafe, when Rainbow dropped out of nowhere and joined him. The rest of the gang joined them later.

"So, how are you Rainbow my dear?" Rarity asked

"I'm fine." Rainbow Dash replied

They continued chatting while Alex stayed there, listening, unsure if he should leave or not. At one point, Rainbow Dash slipped her hoof into Alex's, Pinkie Pie was the first to notice.

"Dashie! You didn't tell us you and Alex got together!"

Everyone stopped talking and stared at Alex and Rainbow Dash. Alex felt uncomfortable, awkward even, as everyone continued staring at them.

"Is this true?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow blushed and stared at the ground. Alex couldn't take anymore of this and excused himself. Glad that he was free from their interrogation. Alex walked to the woods, not to find Cole, but to relax. Somewhere along the way, he saw a pony, with blood all over him, he had a white cloak and a crossbow.

"What the?"

Alex walks over and examines the pony. It was Altaïr. He had found Cole and thought he could take him on.

"Altaïr, what happened?"

"He was too powerful, overpowered me."

Alex stared at the dying Altaïr, unsure of what to do. Here was his friend, dying and covered in blood.

"I'm gonna get you to a hospital."

"Not enough time, won't make it." Altaïr mumbled

"You are not going to die."

"My ship is sinking, but it's all good and i can go down."

With those final words, Altaïr's body went slack. Alex got up, he looked at the dead body of Altaïr. Alex was mad. He was going to find Cole, and play soccer with his head.

Alex walked back to his house and sat on his bed, how was he going to find Cole? How was he going to defeat Cole once he found him?

"Nevermind that, i'll find him and kill him, plain and simple."

Alex stayed in his house the whole time. Thinking of the best way to kill Cole. Eventually, sunset came and Alex went to sleep.

The next few days were uneventful, Cole never showed up, which got Alex worried.

"Where is Cole?" Alex asked

"Who cares? As long as we have you to protect us." Rainbow Dash said.

Alex nudged her playfully. They continued their walk through town.

Chapter 4: Showdown

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Alex had returned back to his home. He was certainly doing well, Cole was nowhere to be seen, he had found himself a marefriend to match. It looked like things were going his way, until one morning, Alex woke up and found it awfully quiet.

"Seems kinda quiet, wonder what's going on."

Alex gazed out onto the outside, he found a brown pony lying there, he had an hourglass as his Cutie Mark. It was Doctor Whoof. Alex dashed out and felt his pulse, it was fairly weak, barely noticeable, but definitely there.

"Who did this?" Alex asked the Doctor.

"Him." Doctor raised a hoof, pointing to a trail of destruction, ponies were everywhere, some were hiding, shaking in fear.

Alex got up, he knew exactly who caused this.

Cole, that slimy bastard.

Alex mutated his arm into his signature blade and walked down the streets, ready to murder Cole. Altair's death was still fresh in his mind, Alex got mad remembering the death of his friend. Alex saw many ponies, some were cowering, some were crying, the rest were either dead or out cold. Alex saw Derpy Hooves stuck on a wall, her limbs held by restraints made of pure lightning.

"Cole is gonna pay for all of this."

Alex continued walking, the sight got even more gruesome the further he walked, he saw a pony who was sliced in half, blood poured out of his body. Another one was simply dead, he didn't have any bruises or scratches on him, he had no pulse either, Cole had simply drained his life force. Alex got angrier. Fueled by rage, Alex continued walking down the road of destruction. Alex finally saw Cole. Cole had somepony in his hooves, Cole tossed the pony aside.

"Wait a minute, that pony looks familiar." Alex mused

Alex approached the pony and found out that she had a cyan blue body and a rainbow mane. Alex stared at disbelief as he stared at the body of Rainbow Dash. Alex dropped down and felt her pulse, she was still breathing which meant that she was alive, but she was pretty banged up, she had a broken wing and a black eye among various other injuries.

"Did'ya miss me?"

Alex turned and saw Cole standing in the middle of the streets, a triumphant grin on his face. Alex stood up, his blade still beside him, as he stared daggers with Cole. Malicious thoughts ran in his head.

"So, you decided to stop playing hide 'n' seek." Alex snarled

Cole's smile faded, he wore a blank expression, Alex was mad, his facial expressions couldn't express the sheer amount of rage he felt. But as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Alex charged at Cole and attempted to cut Cole in half, Cole sidestepped easily, causing Alex to barrel right past him, smashing a cart to bits.

"C'mon Alex! You can't possibly expect to kill me with that type of performance." Cole laughed.

Alex growled, Cole was still laughing, he hadn't noticed that Alex's fists were mutating, shifting and forming fists the size of boulders. Cole stopped laughing and turned around. Alex had caught him with a punch right to the face. Cole flew quite some distance before crashing into a house, causing it's walls to crumble and fall apart.

"You're head will look good above my fireplace." Cole snarled.

Alex's hooves sprouted his famous claws, Cole summoned his Gigawatt Blades, they both ran and leaped, striking each other in mid air. Alex had a gash on his arm, he felt electricity flow through his body paralyzing him. But Alex wasn't the only one who got hurt, Cole had two large gashes on his torso that were bleeding profusely. Alex was tired, his body felt numb but he knew that he was the only one that could stop Cole, if he failed, Equestria would be in serious trouble.

"You can give up anytime you want Alexander!" Cole yelled, he had blood pouring out the side of is mouth.

Alex felt enraged at hearing Cole call him by his full name. The numbness in his body went away, the pain seemed to ease, Alex's breathing was heavy, Cole was no better, he too was panting heavily, he was using his left arm to cover the gash left in his torso. Suddenly, large charges of electricity were surging through Cole's arms, he was prepping for a Lightning Storm. Alex prepared to do his most powerful move, the CRITICAL PAIN DEVASTATOR, Alex fired a hard mass of tissue at Cole, but it was too late, the lightning strike was dialed in as both ponies felt pain shoot through their bodies.

"Your time has come you sick bastard." Alex said while panting.

"I don't think so."

Alex stared at Cole, he was hungry, both of them were hungry, Cole could use his Bio Leech ability and drain Alex's bio electricity. Or Alex could Consume him, by absorbing the biomass and DNA of Cole. Both ponies charged and locked up in a grapple, Cole tried his Bio Leech while Alex Consumed. Alex could feel his life force draining, Cole was being consumed in the same time. They stood there for minutes before yelling in pain and finally collapsing. Most of the ponies came out of hiding and stared at the two ponies, they didn't move, everybody looked at them with concern. Rainbow Dash had tears streaming down her cheeks, even Pinkie Pie just stood there, looking on in concern.

"Ar-Ar- Are they dead?" Pinkie manages to ask.

All of a sudden, one of the ponies stood upright, everyone gasped, they stared at the pony that had just stood up. It wasn't possible, but it was happening. Electricity encased Cole's hooves as he stood there, grinning, he had won. Alex still didn't move, Cole took noticed of this and grabbed Alex's dead body by the neck. He held it there and gave a speech.

"Citizens of Ponyville! Say hello to your new ruler!" Cole said before tossing Alex's body into the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow Dash was sobbing uncontrollably, her friends were trying to comfort her, but it was no good. They knew that Dark Times were ahead of them.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Everfree Forest lied the body of Alex Mercer. Thunder struck as Alex's eyelids flew open.

Chapter 5: City In Dust

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Everypony was miserable, except Cole. He was the king of the world, or Ponyville to be exact. He had defeated Alex, proving that he was definitely a force to be reckoned with. He had turned Rainbow Dash and the other ponies into his slaves.

"Somebody will stop you someday!" Rainbow Dash scolded

"Like who? your dead boyfriend?"

Rainbow Dash was suddenly filled with depression after that remark, she continued following orders. One day, Rainbow Dash decided not to follow Cole's orders.

"I swear, if you don't obey you will be sorry." Cole snapped

"I'm not budging." Rainbow Dash said defiantly.

Cole delivered a kick and sent Rainbow Dash flying into the forest. black spots danced around her eyes. She felt somepony drag her in to a cottage. She passed out before she could see who had saved her. When she woke up, she could see a familiar pony, he had grey fur and a black mane, he wore a black jacket and looked surprisingly familiar. Rainbow Dash finally recognized him. It was Alex. She rushed over and gave him a hug, she had tears streaming down her face.

"Alex i missed you!" Rainbow Dash said

Alex managed a faint smile. He had secluded himself from Ponyville after the showdown, he simply could not face them after what happened.

"I missed you too Dashie."

Alex sat on the couch closest to her and they began chatting. Eventually, Rainbow Dash asked the one question he dreaded hearing.

"So, are you going back to face Cole?"

Alex tensed, he felt the scar on his left arm, Cole had managed to pierce it with his Gigawatt Blades.

"No, no i will not."

Rainbow Dash had a look of disappointment.

"Why not?" Rainbow asked

"I simply can't face them, not after i failed."

"But we need you."

"I'm sorry, but i can't help you, Cole is unstoppable."

"But you could just try one more time!"

Alex stared into the ground, he was ashamed to have had so many ponies trust him only to fail them.

"It won't work."

Rainbow stared at him, tears starting to form.

"I thought i fell in love with a brave, unstoppable, badass pony. Not a coward who runs away from his problems."

And with those final words, Rainbow Dash slammed the door and stormed back to Ponyville. Alex sat on his couch, staring at the ground in depression. Rainbow Dash was right, Alex was a coward, he was hiding from Cole, he didn't dare face him again. Alex stared at the mirror and instead of seeing his old confident self, he saw a kid, a kid that ran away from his problems instead of confronting them.

Back in the city, Rainbow Dash trudged back to Cole's side. She had no hope of rescue, no one could stop Cole. Her freedom was gone, all hope was lost, even Alex was scared. She let out a quiet sob, she was so close, yet so far. She wanted to go back to Ponyville, not Cole's Ponyville but the real Ponyville.

"Alright you lazy slackers. If you don't hurry up and build the new Empire City, i'll leech you all and hang your heads above my fireplace!" Cole said

The ponies panicked and went in to hyperdrive mode, they worked furiously, Rainbow Dash was not one of them, she was Cole's plaything. A toy for when he got bored. Rainbow Dash looked at the train station and saw a train coming in. She was surprised that there was a train coming in. This place had become no mare's land after Cole took over.

Who would be stupid enough to come now?

The pony that stepped out the train had a black jacket, brown fur, and his right arm was a blade. It was James, and boy did he look mad.

"Cole!" James shouted.

Cole heard and came down, quite surprised that James was back.

"So, you came back AFTER i'm done. You're quite the hero."

"Did i say i was a fucking hero?"

James charged. He had never taken on Cole, but he knew that Cole was plenty dangerous. James slashed at Cole and misses wildly. He swings again, another miss.

"My, my, do all prototypes suck this bad?"

James stared at him, enraged. He mutated his arms into Hammerfists and tried to punch Cole, Cole sidesteps easily abd stabs James in the back with his Gigawatt Blades. This routine continued on for hours until James finally collapsed. He was tired, he was mad, he wanted to kill Cole, but he was too weak, nothing could stop this bastard.

"When will you ignorant fools finally get it? i am unstoppable, no one comes close to my power.

Thunder appeared in the sky, followed by a boom and raindrops. Cole had failed to notice the dark figure that stood on the mountain top. Lightning struck again as the figure came into view, he wore a black jacket, his fist had claws sprouting out of them, he looked quite mad.

"It can't be...... I KILLED HIM!" Cole exclaims

Alex leaped down from the cliff. Rainbow Dash's heart was racing, Alex did come back.

"Nice to see you too Cole."Alex says

Cole took a few more minutes for it to settle in before encasing his hooves in his signature Gigawatt Blades again. They stood and stared daggers at each other. Cole struck first, trying to stab Alex with his blades. Alex dodged it easily.

"Wow Cole you really let yourself go." Alex said with a smirk

Cole growled and charged again, Alex dodges and puts a gash or two in Alex's back.

"I know you can do better Cole."

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!" Cole yelled in frustration

Cole blasted a wave of electricity at Alex. Alex stood there and looked at his imaginary watch.

"Anytime today Cole."

Cole screamed and brought down the Lightning Storm, Alex had learned to counter every attack Cole could throw at him, except the Lightning Storm. Alex wailed in pain as lightning swirled around him, he still couldn't get used to the pain. When it stopped, Alex saw a smug Cole standing before him.

"You thought you could defeat me? You honestly thought you could beat me?"

Alex was dazed, he had found the best way to withstand the Lightning Strike, but it wasn't enough. Cole had his Gigawatt Blades ready.

"I should've done this a long time ago."

Cole stabs Alex in the stomach, he doubles over in pain, electricity flowed through his body. Pain was present all over him as he collapsed to the floor.

"There's a reason why i'm the king of Ponyville."

As Cole turned around to tell the citizens of Ponyville how awesome he was yada, yada. Alex stood up and made a mad dash for Cole, Cole turned just in time for Alex to decapitate him, before Cole's head could hit the ground, Alex kicked it so hard, brain bits flew everywhere. When everyone realized what happened, they came out of hiding and cheered Alex. Happy that they're days with Cole as king were over.

Few days later, Ponyville was back to normal. Alex and Rainbow Dash sat on the top of a hill.

"So, you worried about anypony coming over and taking over Ponyville again."

"No way, as long as we have you i feel safe." Rainbow said

And with that, they watched the sunset.

Well what do you think? Granted, Rainbow Dash and Alex are an unlikely couple, but hey, i couldn't think of anyone else.

Should i make a sequel? Tell me in the comments. But for now, i will be working on my new TF2 crossover Blur So don't expect me to post a sequel soon.