• Published 7th May 2023
  • 657 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The New Rewrite Movie - Arkogon

The new rebooted movie that’s been rewritten and better.

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Chapter 8: Guardian of the Sea

In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, the Mane Six wanna know who's the Protector, and what they're hiding. "What Protector?" Twilight asked. "Who is she?"

Nova did not want to speak of their Protector but her daughter was going to tell them who's their Protector, so she tells them the beginning of the image of their Protector.

"Long before the Sister of the Equestria, the land and the sea were once lived in harmony by our greatest protector of Equestria. Our protectors were the Sea Dragons, Guardians of the Sea, to protect and give peace to creatures in the land or the sea. We worship them as our protector, our guardian, and our savior. But the land was in danger, because the Atlantians from the Deep Sea came to the surface to flood Equestria to restore their home. But our Guardians fled them back to where they came. We thought we were safe, until they summoned the danger of the sea. They thought they could control, but they didn't. A kraken with no love but hate with destruction of everything. Lagriahu, Lord of the Deep Sea. He has the power to control the storm and the sea, flooding Equestria and the surface, as every surface dweller has no land to survive. Our Guardians turned to stopping him but they were slaughtered and beaten, as none of them did not survive from his wrath. But one did, Neslia. She had outrun the destruction of the slaughter but wounded from the battle, as she was washed into our shore and saved her. We worship her and use the magical pearl to restore her strength, as she becomes full of energy and again battles Lagriahu. And soon, Lagriahu was beaten and sent back to the Deep Sea, never again returning to the surface. For the surface, Neslia uses all her strength to restore the land and the sea, but costs her the loss of her powers and the sea. So we hid her in a safe place where she can rest, as we promised not to awaken her to return to the sea. Even though any creatures who learn about her existed could hunt or hurt her, as our last Guardian of the Sea."

She finished her story. "I promise not to awaken her and cannot release her to the outside world. We all must not awaken her. Our last Protector must be hidden."

"But you can't just hide her or hide down here!" Twilight added. "Trapped forever! There's so much you're missing! Including your Protector."

"Our Protector will not leave this place." The queen added. "She will be hidden for her safety, as we did. We are one hundred percent okay with that!" She barked as a small octopus creature swam up to her and gargled something. "Yes, Jamal?" Jamal gargled again. "Ooh! Time for my seaweed wrap." The octopus gargled a third time. "Yes, a massage, too. Mama needs her deep tissue."

With that, she swam out of the room with the octopus. The guards also left, leaving their guests alone in the throne room. "So that's it?" Applejack asked. "We left home for nothin'?"

"Well..." Flash responded, "I guess I can understand where she's coming from." The others turning to him with wide eyes. "What?"

"Oh my gosh! Best...idea!" Skystar smiled. "You can stay with us! FOREVER!" She cheered before laughing. "There are so many things we can do!" She started swimming around the room, showing the ponies a bunch of objects. "We can make friendship bracelets out of shells and... picture frames outta shells and... decorative wastebaskets out of shells."

"You got anything to do down here that doesn't involve shells?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well...no," Skystar shook her head. "But now I have someone new to share them with! I mean, aside from my friends, Shelly and Sheldon." As she said that, she pulled a pair of clams from behind her back. The shells had googly eyes stuck onto them, the clams jiggling open and closed. "Right? Shelly and Sheldon." She chuckled as Pinkie gasped in amazement. "Get it?"

Pinkie's smile grew three times the size, but Rarity swam up to the princess before the earth made seapony could say anything. "That sounds lovely darling," Rarity said. "But you must realize, we can't stay."

"We've gotta get back to our families." Applejack reminded her.

"And friends, don't forget about that." Spike added.

"Oh no..." Skystar whimpered before forcing a smile. "Of course. Of course. Heh. Of course you have your own friends back home. It's fine. It's fine. Heh..." She then held the clams away from her before whispering. "Shelly and Sheldon would get jealous anyways." She began to swim away. "Heh. It's probably for the best. Yeah, I'll just, um..." She put the clams down as she added. "I'll get Mom to, uh, turn you back so you can go home." With that, she left and Pinkie swam after her for a second before stopping.

"I know we have to go, but you girls saw how disappointed Princess Skystar was. Couldn't we stay for just a little longer?" She asked.

"Pinkie," said Applejack. "We just don't have time for-"

But was stopped when Twilight thought about it. "Oh, no." They turned to her. "No no. Pinkie's right."

"Say what now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, we still need to come up with a plan to get back." Twilight began pushing Pinkie in the direction Skystar swam. "A few minutes won't make a huge difference. And if there's anypony who can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie cheered at this, a massive smile appearing on her face. "So, go ahead and show Skystar the best time ever!"

"I won't let you down!" Pinkie nodded before saluting, swam off and everyone except Flash followed her out of the room.

"I'm counting on it." As she said that, Twilight looked back up at the chandelier holding the pearl.

"Twilight, what are you doing?" He asked, not knowing what she's up to.

"Nothing, Flash. Just go with my friends and help them."

"Whatever your gonna do, is not-" But was cut-off by her fin.

"Just do as I said, that's an order from your princess." She swam away, leaving Flash not liking what she had in her mind as he swam to join the friends.

Pinkie approaches the sad Skystar and starts singing One Small Thing, offering to have some fun with her before they leave. Other note, you already know the answer. Their games together slowly turn into a celebration, and the rest of the seaponies join in. Even Queen Novo gets swept up in the friendship party and decides to trust the outsiders. Pinkie smiled as her friends hugged her, the party pony having fulfilled her promise and gotten a ton of fun condensed into the short amount of time they had.

"Well," Novo told them all, "I guess there is one small thing we can do."

Everypony smiled, thinking Novo might actually be willing to help them, only for a strange noise to fill the sea. "The pearl alarm! Oh, no, the pearl alarm!" The seapony alarm.

This quickly spotted Novo giving Skystar a glare before turning to swim off. The others followed after her, arriving at the throne room, only to gasp at a certain sight. Twilight, who was tied up in the chandelier's jellyfish tendrils, attempted to escape the cords that had trapped her and were pulling her away from the pearl that she had attempted to steal. Novo growled and swam towards Twilight so fast that he knew he couldn't get to her in time. But all she did was grab the pearl away from Twilight.

"No!" She cried as Novo turned to her. "Please!"

"All of this so you could sneak in and take the pearl, and awaken our Protector?!" The Queen growled protecting the pearl.

"Wait!" Flash called out. "Twilight made a mistake. She's just worried about our kingdom."

But Novo furious as she grabbed Skystar and pulled her away from her new friends. "This is why we don't bring strangers into our home!" Skystar looked down at this, Novo turning to Twilight and the others. "You don't deserve to be one of us."

Before she could transform them back, they were alerted by another alarm as the guard with a terrified news. "My Queen, something just entered through the city."

"Who has entered?" The Queen asked.

Before he could say it, an explosion blew through the kingdom. A shark appeared behind the cloud smoke with Atlantians holding on, and more came through with more sea creatures.

Then they started attacking every seapony they saw, as Sir Claw ordered them. "Destroy everything! Leave no trace of the Hippogriff. Even if they were once before." The Atlantians start firing everything, as Nova has seen the devastation of their home and turns to Twilight and her friends.

Then Nova angrily looks at Twilight and her friends. "What evil have you brought here?"

"No, we didn't bring them here. We didn't know-" She tried to explain but a water-bomb was thrown and exploded separating them. Flash and Spike carried her as they rejoined their friends.

"Is everypony okay?" Spike asked.

"We are. How the hay did they find this place?" As Applejack asked, a green eel showed up with electricity pulsed.

"I can tell you...." They turn and see her with a shocking smile. "We found a map with a cupcake leading us straight here. And a scent of a golden armor that our big boy Hark smelled led us here to this amazing secret place." They all look at Pinkie and Flash because they accidently led the Atlantians straight to the Hippogriff's hidden kingdom. "And since we found them, thanks to you, we can finally have some shocking to do! Haha! Now, we shall take the Alicorn and give her to Tempest. But I think I should shock you all so you remember a thing. Say, goodbye, land-pony. Or shall I say, goodbye, seapony. See how I said that, because you all now seapony, not land-pony. Anyway, bye-bye!" She fully charged her gauntlet and let out an electric blast towards them with bright light. As the light dimmed, they were gone. "Hey, where y'all go?" She asked, not knowing they hid behind the large clams.

"We are so much trouble." Applejack added.

Then the Atlantians was about to shoot her, but Rainbow Dash managed to swoop in and hit the Atlantians and grab a trident. The two Atlantians saw her and were ready to fire, as she was about to use it. "Oh yeah, two can play this game." As she pointed the trident at them but nothing happened. "Huh? How do you work with this thing?" Shaking it.

The Atlantians look at each other then start firing at her, as she flees returning to her friends. "We need to escape! These Atlantians will still find us." Twilight added, but the group were more worried of other seaponies.

"But what about the seaponies, they need our help." Fluttershy reminded, but Twilight doesn't mind them.

"We can't help them! We need to leave."

"How?" Spike recalled, "We're still fishes!" As he puffs showing he's still a pufferfish. They look around and see the pearl in Skystar's fin from the explosion, as Flash swims towards her but she swims backward, afraid he will try to take it.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna take it from you. You just needed to transform me and my friend back into a regular pony." He asked but Skystar still does not believe, as he pleases her. "Please...." Skystar looks at his friends if she believes him. So she held out the pearl and unleashed a brilliant light. In the blink of an eye, they all reverted back to their regular forms as the bubble suddenly popped. They found themselves back into their form but soon realized they needed air, as Skystar gave them an air bubble encasing their head. But she didn't give them the pearl but told them the way out.

"The way out is through that tunnel. It will lead you to the surface." As she swam away, leaving them as Flash tried to come but stopped by Twilight.

"We have to go! There's nothing we can't do!" She told him. Flash does not want to listen but follows her order, as they escape, leaving the Sequestria as the Alantians still continue destroying everything.

Sir Claw watches the kingdom being destroyed as the Atlantians Shrimp inform him. "We have done what you instructed. Everything is place and set."

"Good," he said. "It's time to leave everything buried." He uses his sonic calls, as they follow and leave the kingdom and crumbles the exit behind.

The seaponies were trapped as they heard a noise and noticed the water-bomb were placed everywhere ready to set off. "Bombs!!!"

Queen Nova noticed and knew they didn't have time, as the bomb set off destroying the Seaquestria and everything. The Mane Six swim through the tunnel as the sonic explosion creates a current blasting them.

But they barely managed to break their heads through the water before they all took massive gulps of air, some coughing a bit due to swallowing so much seawater. Once they had their bearings, they looked up and saw Mount Aris a short ways off. But as they began to swim towards the shore, they all realized what had happened.

"Everypony, okay?" Flash asked as he saw the miserable looks on everyone's faces.

Spike looked ready to keel over from the cold, a cold-blooded dragon like him not doing so well. Applejack, after squeezing the water from her hat, turned to Twilight, who had walked a short distance from them to dry her mane. "What were you thinkin'? I mean, stealin' their pearl?"

Twilight sighed. "It was the only way to find Neslia. She was our last hope."

"Cept it wasn't!" Pinkie yelled. "The Queen was going to say yes! We did what you told us and that's what made her realize we were ponies worth saving!" But as soon as she said that, she gasped with a shocked. "Unless... you didn't really want us to show her the best time ever! You just wanted us to distract her!"

The others gasped at this, Twilight standing up before slowly turning to the pink pony. "I never would have done it, but this isn't Equestria! We can't just dance around with con artists, make rainbooms in the sky and expect everything to work out! It's not enough! We are not enough!"

"No, Twilight!" Pinkie glared her down. "We stuck together! We were gonna get the help we needed! The only thing that stopped us... was you!"

This made Twilight more furious. "Well, I'm doing the best I can!" She yelled back, turning away from Pinkie. "It's all on me. I'm the one Tempest wants. I'm the last Princess!"

"Twilight, maybe she's right." Flash agrees with Pinkie.

"What?" Twilight surprised as Flash explained.

"Well, right about everything." He claimed.

"Are you saying you don't agree with me?" As she was about to be furious.

"Well...." As he try to explain but stopped.

"You my husband Flash, you always be my side!" She said, reminding him.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "But you just...."

"Flash, I order you to stand by my side!" Demanding Flash to join her side with her horn sparking as if she was about to blast.

"No, he won't, because he doesn't trust you as a friend!" Pinkie added made her upset.

"I am a Princess, I give orders. I say whenever you do something you do it! And I order you to be QUIET!!!!!"

Those words echoed along the beach, everypony's eyes going wide. Twilight, having just realized what she had said, cut the power to her horn as her own eyes went wide. She saw Pinkie's brokenhearted expression before turning to the others, Rarity and Fluttershy looking upset while Rainbow and Applejack glared at her. Flash jerk back seeing what she just said while Spike just gulped at her words. Pinkie then began to walk away, the alicorn staring at her.

"Pinkie, I-" But she couldn't get the words out, and Pinkie's sniffles didn't make it any easier.

"I can't talk to you right now. I will be quiet, just like you wanted." She continued, the others slowly following, passing by Twilight with different expressions on their faces.

Rarity had her head and nose turned up at Twilight while Fluttershy stared down at the sand. Rainbow looked rightfully ticked and Applejack, though taking a moment to glance back at Twilight, shared her expression.

Finally, Flash look at her then look away, as she tries to apologize. "Flash, please. I can-"

"Just..." He stops her. "Just don't. Even my wife would never said that in front of her friends." As he said in a hurtful way then walked away not wanting to talk to her anymore.

Twilight tried to tell him something she had been keeping but couldn't, knowing he never wanted to speak to her again. Spike ran up to Twilight, staring at his retreating friends. He then felt motion and turned back to Twilight, seeing she was now walking the other way. She just kept walking until she reached the very end of the beach, where a large cliff was waiting for her. She dropped on her flank onto the stone.

"Twilight?" Spike calms her. "It's okay. You'll figure it out."

"No!" She told him tearfully with a sob. "I can't! I ruined everything!" She continued crying. "There's no chance to save Equestria now." She whimpers. "It's all my fault!" As she continued crying, she didn't hear Spike reply. "Spike?" She turns around, seeing Spike with his tongue sticking out drooling. "Spike?"

Before she could find out, she was stung by something. She looks and sees a sting dart on her foreleg as she feels herself dizzying, as Spike drops down first, and she drops last. Before she passes out, an Atlantian Stingray walks up to her and speaks.

"Let the sting flow through your vein, young pony. Tempest does not like patience." As he said, Twilight passed out unconscious.

Author's Note:

Sting by a ray. Ray seems to be the smartest and best hunter than the other Generals. He’ll be improved of being in the story.