• Published 7th May 2023
  • 657 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The New Rewrite Movie - Arkogon

The new rebooted movie that’s been rewritten and better.

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Chapter 6: Falling Down

In the distance, a Megla-Sub was on the surface as Znappy sees a rainbow in the sky in the sea. "Oh wow, pretty rainbow. Hark! Come see!"

The big hammerhead shark come and see what she's staring. "Hark sees it." Seeing it. "Pretty rainbow."

"What rainbow?" As Tempest now staring at the color now filling the dark and dim skies.

And Znappy said, "I never knew they'd be a rainbow in these dark clouds. Did someone had any weather report?"

"Yeah. Of them to alert us. Funny, though." Tempest slowly turned to Capper. "They don't seem to be heading to Black Skull Island."

Capper gulped as he adjusted his coat. "Like "ha ha" funny or... ha ha..."

"That's it! Hark, chew him!" The red lobster tells, and Hark opened his jaws and was about to eat him, but Tempest stopped him with her electricity.

"Enough! I get to say when you chew him. I'm still your leader." Hark obeyed her commands and settled on not eating the orange cat.

"What's your command when we get there?" Ray asked.

And Tempest replied, "Let's see just how far they're willing to hold out. If they give the pony up, I'll be willing to forgive."

Back on the airship, the pirates and the Mane Six were still having fun until Squabble spotted something in the ocean and knew it was the Atalntians coming, and squawked and rang the bell alerting them and Celaeno as they all turned to see an Megla-Sub. "Atlantians! Looks like they found you!"

"Tempest!" Twilight cried, as Celaeno pulled out her cutlass.

"Secure the rigging! Lock down the cargo! Everyone, prepare to be boarded!" As she said, Boyle rushed over to trap down and pulled it open, gesturing for the ponies to hide.

And Rainbow Dash asked, "Ya think she saw my sonic rainboom?"

"Are you kidding me?!" She said, frustrated. Then the ship was struck by something, as the pirates looked, seeing a harpoon struck through their ship and being pulled back by the Megla-Sub. The Generals climb on the chain and onboard their ship with Tempest on Hark's back, and Capper being tossed over on the ship by Ray.

"Where is the Pony Princess?" Tempest asked, demanding where she is.

They all flinched at hearing Tempest's voice. They heard Celaeno moving around the deck, her peg leg patting against the wood. "Princess?" She said, "Prin-Cess, Prin-Cess... Nope. All we're hauling is Atlantis Queen merchandise."

The Generals start to believe them until Ray believes they are hiding, as Tempest notices. "You do realize that if you were to shelter fugitives, the Atlantis Queen would be quite... explosive."

That made the pirates flinch, Twilight looking petrified as she turned to the others. "We have to get off this ship before they tell Tempest we're here!" Twilight whispered loudly.

But Rainbow Dash then added, "We helped them get their mojo back! They're not gonna give us up!" Then they heard the smash by Hark's anchor.

Twilight then got an idea. "I've got this!" She stared at the cargo bay they were in.

Then Tempest started to have enough of waiting. "Now, I'm gonna count to three, and if you don't tell me where they are, your ship is going down. One..." As she counted, Twilight grabbed a large piece of fabric with the Atlantis logo on it along with a load of rope.

"Hold this!" She gave Rainbow the cloth and Fluttershy the rope.

"What are you doing?" Rainbow Dash asked as Twilight magically pulled them all to a section of the ship before grabbing a lever.

"...two ..." As Tempest counted, Celaeno was ready to draw her sword.

"Ooh, this is gonna be zappy." The green ell twitched, and the Generals were ready to draw their weapons just as Tempest counted to three.

"Three!" Then a screams, as the Generals and Tempest heard it but confused what that was, as Celaeno relief.

"Oh, for Celestia's sake!!!" Rarity screamed, as they continued to scream, or laugh in Pinkie's case, as they and several items from the cargo bay continued to fall.

"This was your plan?" Flash asked while they're in the air falling. But Twilight had other ideas and used her magic to grab all of them and turned the empty crate right side up. She stuffed her friends inside and grab the cloth and the rope.

"What in the hay is she up to?" Applejack asked as the alicorn got to work and within seconds, she had created a makeshift hot air balloon.

Twilight leapt into the balloon and grabbed Spike. "Light it up!" She squeezed the Spike's stomach and he unleashed a burst of fire into the balloon. It filled with hot air and after a few seconds, as they were in the air and sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness." Rarity sighed.

Applejack added as she saw how close they were to hitting the ground. "Phee-yew! Quick thinkin', Twilight!"

"That was fun!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Can we do it again?" Twilight rolled her eyes at this as Rainbow leapt out of the balloon.

"Next stop, Mount Aris!" The pair pushed the balloon at the mountain, everypony smiling as they saw the mountain wasn't too far now.

Back at the ship, the Generals were ripping the place apart, only to find nothing. But Hark found something he smelled.

"Hark is hungry...." Finding fish and ready to eat.

"What?" Sir Claw stopping him. "After we came back from the hot desert and you haven't eaten anything?"

"Hark was doing weight." He said, while being hungry. "Must be strong, can't be weak." As they argue, Capper and the pirates were all being interrogated by a rather annoyed Tempest.

"I told you." The captain growled. "We don't have any ponies on board. And even if we did, we would have thrown them overboard the second we found them."

"Huh..." Tempest raised an eyebrow at this. "Now see... why don't I believe you?!" The pirates backpedaled at this, only to find themselves close to the edge of their ship. "You had better start talking now, or I will turn this ship into a fireball with roasted parrot cooking inside."

The pirates all gulped as Ray stepped up. "Tempest Shadow, we found something that you might want to see." He holds a golden armor plate. Tempest looks at it and recognizes the suite of armor.

"So they were here." As she looks at the Celaeno and her pirates. "Care to explain?"

"We did found them onboard," She noted. "But we thrown them overboard. And stole that golden plate."

Tempest knows they're lying until Znappy found something. "Hey, this looks something." Znappy examined it. "It's like it was drawn by a 4-year old land-creature. It also has a cupcake as well. Whoever made this is has a great sweet-land taste." And she ate it tasting the frosting.

"Let me see that." Tempest demanded, as she held up a piece of folded paper before unfurling it, Tempest raising an eyebrow at this. "Looks like they're heading to Mount Aris."

She turned to Capper, who started sweating. "Really?" He stammered out before slowly laughing. "Mou... Mount Aris? I... well, that's my mis- I didn't know that... mount Ari... my bad, I didn't... that's my... I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry." Tempest gave the map to Sir Claw, as the rest of the Generals were glaring at him for tricking them. "So?" He asked as Tempest strode across the gangplank. "We good? You can just leave me here. I'm sure helping out with the deliveries of this vessel will appease the great Atlantis Queen."

Sir Claw was about to send Hark to chew him again but stopped when Tempest ordered them to return to the sub. "Actually, there's a special delivery I wish for you to make." She added. "I need you to ship something to the bottom of the ocean." They all went wide eyed before her horn sparked with energy. "Your betrayal!" With that, she fired sparks from her horn that shot up to the ship's balloon and exploded like a massive firework, causing a massive hole to appear within it. Capper and the pirates gasped as the ship began to lose altitude, Tempest laughing as she fired more sparks at the ship, causing fireworks to destroy the place. They all cried out as the ship was set alight, the flames causing the hull to rip apart and do even more damage.

Down in the ocean below the ship, near the forest shore, pieces of the ship hit the water. Feathers from the display, cargo and treasure the pirates had painstakingly protected, and of course, the large bird figurehead that had once proudly adorned the front of the airship. The rest of the airship quickly followed suit, crashing into the ocean and sinking below the waves with its occupants still aboard. Tempest watched the ship sink before turning to Sir Claw.

"Set a course for Mount Aris." Sir Claw nodded and commanded the Atlantians to set course, as the Megla-Sub started to dive in the sea. Then Ray steps in requesting her demands. "What is it?"

"Tempest, the sub will take 2-hours to travel there." He announce they will travel. "I request you to send me and Hark there to scout ahead. I can lead us to where they're looking for. I am your command."

Tempest will not let him to scout because he might fail but she wanted her horn to be whole again, as she requested. "Request granted. But if you let her get away, you will be punished for your failures." Ray nodded and left, and headed to the cargo hold where every sea-creatures was stored for battle.

Ray released his pet, Manta, and rode on, as Hark was ready to join in. "Hark doesn't know why Hark is needed?"

"You have the greatest scent from a far away sea." As he then held a golden armor. "Track it down through the sea." Hark takes a scent from the armor plate and dive in the sea, as Ray follows with his ride. And Tempest watches them swim to track down the ponies through the sea and she entrusted him not to fail.

Author's Note:

Seems like they have the lead. Wonder what’s gonna happen next.