• Published 7th May 2023
  • 657 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The New Rewrite Movie - Arkogon

The new rebooted movie that’s been rewritten and better.

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Chapter 11: The Deep Sea rises

Tempest and the Cecaelia were fully wide-eyed seeing Neslia just took down two sub, and everyponies in Canterlot were cheering for their savior.

"What?!" She yelped. "How?!"

Twilight gasped and smiled as the purple alicorn remembered the only power strong enough to overcome any evil. “It's... It's the Magic of-"

"Yeah, yeah!" Cecaelia laughed as she pretended to hug the pair. "Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and bleh!" She stuck her tongue out in disgust before throwing the ponies aside. "I'm so totally over the cute land-pony thing. But I'm not letting the sea be controlled by their protector who does not restore the sea."

Then her sister toes in to take care. “Then let me take care of her. I will show her what magic I had." She lets out a spark from her new horn, but Cecaelia calms her.

“No need to." She pushed her aside. "She thinks she's the only one who can control the sea, well, let's see if she can deal with my big boy." Tempest was gonna ask who the big boy was, she raised her trident as the sea and waves started to move.

Everyone was startled as Neslia sensed a disturbance. "What's going on now?" Spike asked, as the Mane Six saw the whirlpool in the center.

"I don't know, but that is something we should be worrying about,” said Applejack.

Then the evil rising theme song begins to play, the hippogriffs sense the waves as something emerges from the sea, tentacles move around with crab claws, and a large creature emerges from the pool catching everyone's attention.

"It can't be...." Nova gasped as the creature revealed itself to the world and roared loudly revealing its true self.

"It's that...." Flash stuttered seeing with his own eyes, as the Queen announce.

"Lagriahu, Lord of the Deep Sea." She was scared and all the hippogriffs were terrified.

"They tame a Deep Sea creature?" Skystar was surprised and terrified.

“But that's impossible!" Rainbow Dash claims. "No one can't tame that creature! Can they?"

On the balcony, Twilight and Tempest were surprised when Lagriahu had risen from the sea, and Tempest did not know about him coming to the surface.

"You didn't tell me you control the Lord of the Deep Sea!" Furious, wanting an answer from her sister.

"Oh, right." She chuckled. "I never told you that I had him under my control." She reveals everything about how she controls Lagriahu. "Ever since I became a queen, well almost, I sent my scout to search for any trace of the Lord in the Deep Sea for a very long time. We trace it down to his resting place, and I use my trident to take control of it with a tap on his forehead while he was asleep."

Then Twilight quickly understand. "You mean... You weren't controlling the sea?"

And Cecaelia revealed her true color. "I control him, he controls the sea. That's why I hired some land-creatures to collect fish just to feed my pet to gain enough powers to control the sea. And with him under my control with this, I can restore Equestria to their rightful place." She turns and commands Lagriahu. "Destroy who sent you back to the depth! And take control of what rightfully yours!"

Lagriahu did what she commanded and face-to-face on Neslia who was furious seeing him return to the surface. Both of them roar and hiss at each other and engage into a battle, with a powerful sonic boom pushing everything from them. Their battles have caused the waves to drift, making the ocean out of control and surrounding Canterlot.

The storm waves drift the pirate ship towards Canterlot, and they brace for impact and crash through the crowds, meaning Atlantians. They jump off and battle more sea creatures, as Captain Celaeno kicks an Atlantians Guard away and slashes at another, locking weapons with it until Rainbow flew down and tackles it.

"Head for the castle!" She called out with a swing of her sword. "We'll hold them off!"

They agree and head to the castle as more Atlantians Guards chase after them until Skystar appears.

"Keep going!" They nodded and ran ahead, as she took out her googly eyed clams. "Shelly. Sheldon." She threw them at the closest guard and blinded him.

The others reached the end of the bridge and found several more Atlantians Guards, as Capper with the trident behind his back had an idea.

"Hey, ain't you a fire-breathin' dragon?" Spike turned and nodded knowing what he meant. With this, he uses Spike as a flamethrower and burns several Atlantians as they run from the heat because it's too hot for them. "It's Friday Fish Fry!!" He laughs as he continues flamethrowing every sea creature.

As this was happening, Tempest, Twilight, Cecaelia, Krad, and the Generals had been watching and learned they're coming.

"Barricade the door!" She commands the General as they leave, but Ray stays behind.

"You, too!" Tempest commands them, but he did not but responded.

"I insist on staying by your side, by my orders."

"I order you to-" She about to command him, until her sister tells her.

"It's not your order." She revealed. "It's my order."

"What?" She was confused about what she means.

"I gave orders to Ray when he was hired by me." She explained. "He was just following orders to protect you and to do what I say."

“You mean..." She realizes Ray only obeyed her command. "You didn't tell me that either!" As she said, and she came clear to her.

"You were supposed not to know about this. I just needed you to be more alive, to contain all that alicorn magic in you so I can rule the sea." And that's when Tempest now understand she was just a puppet to contain magic in her for her to take over Equestria.

Back with the Mane Six, they arrive at the castle door and try to get in but it is locked because the Generals have barricaded it behind.

"We're locked out!” Flash called. “We need to find another route."

“Well, you'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through those glass!" Rainbow Dash pointed at the stained glass at the castle, and Pinkie gasps, giving her an idea.

“Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash!" The others look at her seeing she has an idea for all of them to get in.

Back on the balcony, Tempest was now furious because her sister had been keeping another secret plan she was hiding.

"You use me!" She growled. "After all this time, we were sisters and you used your little sister to hold all the princesses magic?"

"Well....” She reveals. “I needed someone, or somepony, to hold them while I flooded Equestria. Can't have an alicorn interrupt my plans."

“And I thought you and I could rule together as sisters. But you just wanted it for yourself." She sees her sister’s true color of taking Equestria for herself.

"Ooh, so my little sister has finally figured it out all by herself.” Cecaelia figures and letting out all the truth. “True, true, I just really wanted for us to be the ruler but here's one thing, "There's Only Room for One Ruler," and that is me." She pointed at herself and walked away with her tentacles. This enraged Tempest as her horn began to spark, and Ray and the Atlantians were about to attack but stopped by Cecaelia commands. "Okay, sister." She turns around and lets herself open. "Take your best shot."

Tempest shot out her powerful magic at her, but it went in another direction. And they were all confused how she missed that shot from a few feet away.

"Hmph, guess that must be a little zappy magic?" The Octopus Queen guessed as Tempest did it again. "Hm, puny spell...." Then again. "No hesitation...." Then again. "Sloppy love...." Then again but moving the sun. "Sun...." Then the Moon. "Moon...." Again Sun. "Sun..." Again Moon. "Moon..." Then both. "Sun-Moon...." Then reversed. "Moon-Sun...." She was getting tired as Tempest can't do anything magic. "Are you done?"

She backs away not knowing what's going on with her horn. "I… I don't understand. My horn is fixed, why can't I....."

"Why can't you?" She explained. "It's because you are holding a very strong alicorn magic that you did not master. It will take more time to master it if only you were an Alicorn who can control such power. But you're not, you're just a young unicorn who can only do levitation magic. That was your first step you passed."

"Wait,” Twilight paused her. “How do you know all about Alicorn?"

"I'm a princess, my families a royal. They have tons of ancient land history books in their time, and I read 4,069,894,613 pages with each of my tentacles from the library." Then Twilight was total silence. "What? Do you think because we are living in the Deep Sea... we do not have access to books?"

"Well..." She concluded. "I also have been studying books too. And..." But she was interrupted because this is not a conversation about books.

"Okay, enough with the books!" Cecaelia looks at Ray. "Send them to the dungeon! And put that alicorn in the cage with the other princesses. But not my sister. She'll watch and learn until she behaves like a good princess." Ray nodded, and he and the Atlantians drag Twilight and Tempest. "And dump the princesses to the frenzy. I heard they eat alicorn for breakfast." As they head there, she orders Krad to do something. "Get my big weapon ready. It's time to take back the sea." Krad nodded and hurried to set up the weapon, as Cecaelia continued her control on Lagriahu and battled Neslia.

Meanwhile, Pinkie's plan came together with what they did not have in mind. “You sure about this?" Mullet asked, unsure seeing them inside Pinkie's Easy Bake Confetti Cannon.

"Just do it!" Pinkie’s voice echoed from inside the cannon. "Thank you!" She added politely. "I'm excited! Who's excited?! Aaah! I've never been so excited!" She asked from the inside of the cannon where they were all squished in.

Then Squabble squawks and pushes down on the detonator. Launching them into the air as they scream, while Pinkie laughed, fly towards the stained glass and crash through landing next to the Atlantians who were on break. "Bull's-eye!" She said weakly, when the Atlantians were about to point their trident but Spike managed to breathe fire putting them on fire and dive into pools. Then several Atlantians see what he can do and run away not wanting to get close to the fire-breathing dragon. But one was in the corner very afraid of the fire, as they interrogate it.

“Alrighty, now tell us we’re you put Twilight and the princesses?” Spike said, with a strong tone.

At the Frenzy Pool, Twilight was about to be put in the cage with the rest of the princesses. Tempest tries to command Ray and the Atlantians Guard to obey.

"I command you!" She commanded them. "Release me at once! I am your princess."

“We take orders from the Queen, princess.” He announced. “We will do it for our home."

Before they can, the battle outside Neslia blasts energy at Lagriahu but misses, only letting him have the chance to hit her, causing to crash near the castle. The dungeon shakes as an earthquake, giving Twilight the chance to escape, but Ray points his crossbow and tries to stun her but Tempest intervenes using her horn to zap him. The Atlantians blast her but only miss and shoot the chain holding the platform causing them to slip and the Atlantians fall to the frenzy pool. Ray fires multiple times but accident destroys the lever forcing the princesses cage down to the frenzy. Twilight used the trident and jammed the gears which stopped the cages from going down. But Tempest was slipping and holding on to the platform until she couldn't hold on.

"Tempest!" She ran to Tempest who was about to fall but she soon grabbed her left hoof with both hooves. "Hold on!" She cried before she could fall into the pool.

Then Tempest became confused. "Why are you saving me?" She asked in shock and saw the concern in Twilight's eyes.

"Because this is what friends do." She contemplated before smiling. Tempest was amazed this was true friendship, something she had forgotten over the years because of her childhood, she smiled warmly until the gear started to chew up the trident being jammed.

The princesses' cage was about to be lowered down to the frenzy, as Twilight can't save both Tempest and the Princesses. She can't choose between them to save as the trident soon breaks, releasing the gear to lower them down, but stops by a throw with another trident. The Mane Six, Flash, and Spike came just in time to save their friends. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Flash use the tridents they borrow and blast the cages freeing the princess before the cage falls into the pool, and Spike, Flutteryshy, Rarity, and Pinkie help Twilight pull Tempest onto the platform. And that's when they were finally united together.

"Pinkie! You all came back!" Twilight smiled, happiness overwhelming her. And they got in a group hug. "I'm so sorry! I was wrong to blame all of you girls. You're the bravest pair of friends a pony could ever ask for."

"I'm sorry, too." Pinkie had tears in her eyes. "Friends mess up sometimes, but we never should've blamed each other. We're just glad that you're okay!"

As they continue hugging, they notice Tempest with her horn restored and they are uneasy as Twilight reassure that she is now on their side. "Don't worry, she's on our side now." She told them trying to show she's not evil anymore.

"She's right." Cadance said, and she and the other princess believe her. "She did use her magic on the manta creature."

Soon, they trusted her, and Ray witnessed from hiding how Twilight just saved Tempest after what she had done for Atlantis. He walks away not letting them notice he was there.

"Twilight!" Flash hugs and twirl her around. "I should've never left you. I could have forgiven you, and...."

“It's okay." She understands his actions. "You didn't mean to hurt my feelings. I will always love you." This makes him smile, as they nuzzle for a few moments and look at each other. Then she now wanted to tell him. "Flash, I need to tell you now. And I need to."

He listened, as Twilight was about to tell him what she was hiding but interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, make up later!" She yelled, gaining their attention. "This isn't over!"

The dungeon shakes again as they know the battle isn't over yet, as Neslia is still trying to fight Lagriahu in the sea. "Oh dear,” Fluttershy worries, hearing the battle outside. “Our giant friend is in trouble."

"Well, she won't be." Twilight tells them. "The Atlantis Queen is controlling Lagriahu with her trident. If we take it from her, she won't be able to control him."

"Wait, wait!” Applejack paused her. “You're saying they didn't tame that creature?" Much to her surprise.

"It's what she told me. We have to reach the balcony before she's gonna do something to our protector." Her friends agree, and she turns to Flash. "Flash, get them out of here. We're gonna send the Queen back where she belongs."

"Understood, Princess." He saluted. "I mean, Twilight." He meant to say her name. "Be careful also."

Twilight smiles, as she and her friends head to the balcony to stop Cecaelia. And Flash leads the Princesses outside, but Tempest didn't follow and knowing Twilight and her friends might need help. So she follows to help them before it's too late.

Author's Note:

Wow, Rainbow Dash sure interrupts moment of what she’s about to say. But sooner, and later.