• Published 7th May 2023
  • 656 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The New Rewrite Movie - Arkogon

The new rebooted movie that’s been rewritten and better.

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Chapter 14: The Sea and the Land

The sea calmed by Neslia's control as she then swam to Canterlot where everyone was waiting on the cliffside, except Ray as he hid not wanting to be seen by her. She lowered her head letting Twilight and Tempest climb down from her, then Twilight's friends came to hug her happily.

"Twilight!" Spike said with a relief as Pinkie follows with a happily and hugged tightly.

"You're okay!"

"We were all worried!" Fluttershy said lightly.

"We thought you were gone." Rarity said, got worried almost a minute.

"Next time, never jump into the sea before telling us," said Applejack.

"And you rode on Neslia!" Rainbow Dash recalled. "That was awesome!"

"And the best, nopony never rode a Guardian for a long time." Skystar recalled that an alicorn just rode the sea dragon.

"Well, I had help..." Twilight said as she looked at Tempest who was afraid, and everypony and hippogriffs including their friends don't trust her. "Tempest was the one who saved Neslia. We couldn't have done it without her."

Soon, they all trusted her which made Tempest smile, and then Neslia nudged her on the back for something.

"I think she is thanking you for saving her, and all of us." Flash said, thinking that what she meant.

"It's not that..." Nova explained what she meant. "She senses Tempest has one last task she must do. She will have to give the alicorn magic back to their original ruler to restore Equestria." Tempest looks at Neslia who wanted her to give back the magic she stole from but was afraid of losing her horn again.

Then Twilight came forward. "I know how it feels of losing a horn again." She said understanding. "But it wasn't the horn you're afraid of losing, it was the magic you were afraid to lose. It's why you needed our magic."

"I was no magic." She said looking away sadness. "I thought if I got my horn back my magic would come back. But not expect this to happen. If I do return them, then I'll be back to where I started."

"Magic will always be part of you. Because magic will always be friendships." As she said, Neslia agrees as she nudges Tempest, letting her know she still has the good heart in her.

So Tempest sparked her horn and transferred four alicorn magic back to Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight. Soon, the four princesses have their magic back, as Tempest's horn faded leaving her with no horn anymore but she smiled warmly. Then Neslia looks at the rising sunset hearing the sea calling for her, as it catches Spike's attention.

"What is it now?" He said, wanting to know.

"The sea... it's calling for her. She has to return to the sea to protect Equestria. That means she will have to leave." Nova worried about not wanting her to go, but Skystar comforted her.

"Mom, she deserves the freedom." She pleaded. "Please, don't put her back in the cave."

Nova sees she was right and must let Neslia be free. With that, Neslia then lowered her head letting Nova touch her for one last time.

"I'm sorry for keeping you in our home. But now you are free. We will keep believing in you whenever you are in the sea." As she said, every creature will keep on believing her.

Neslia raises her head and turns to dive back into the sea. As everyone was watching, Ray heard everything and then left, letting none of them notice he's returning back to the sea. Neslia swam through the flooded Equestria and used her powers to restore everything back. The sea started to level back to normal, as every land was restored. And Neslia returns to the oceans as she emerges one last time by leaping into the air, letting them all see she's happy to be free, and back into the oceans.

"Goodbye, friend." Twilight said farewell. "Enjoy your freedom." Every creature watches Neslia disappear into the sunset as they now do not know what to do next.

"Now what?" Fluttershy asked curiously, as everyone shared the same sentiments as they weren't sure what to do next.

"Now..." Tempest said. "We fix everything."

Later on, the festival was restored as Spike stood on the stage, breathed into the microphone to make an announcement.

"Ponies of Equestria... thank you for coming and I'd like to welcome you all to the Canterlot's annual Friendship Festival!" The ponies cheered for her motivational speech, then Spike continued. "Now, let's celebrate with a little features from Twilight Sparkle!"

The spotlight shines on Twilight, as she was on stage. She looked around seeing everyone was here, and at Flash and knew it's time.

"Everyponies, I have a big announcement that I am ready to tell. And ready to tell, my husband Flash Sentry." Everyponies and hippogriffs were excited as Flash wanted to know. "Flash Sentry, I wanted to tell you and my friends, something that I have been wanting to tell you all. But I only wanted my husband to know first." The crowd goes quiet, as Flash comes forward to her.

"So, what is it you want to tell me now?" As he said, Twilight whispered to his ear and his eyes grew wide with a big surprising moment smile. "You mean...." He said surprisingly.

Twilight nodded, as Flash flew to the air fast cheering and laughing. Twilight's friends wanted to know what got him so excited, as Twilight tells them and her friends. "Everyponies, Flash and I are having a foal!"

Then the crowds grew excited and applauding, as her friends cheered for their best friends. "I'm gonna be a father!!!!" He said loudly and looping around.

"Eeeee! Congratulations, Twilight!!" Pinkie said, then shoots confetti, balloons, and streamers in the air from her party cannons.

"Now that's what she was hiding. You go girl, Yee-haw!" She flies her hat up in the air and catches it.

"Very beautiful, darling." Rarity said.

And Fluttershy smiled with a happy tone. "Yay..."

"Way it go!" Rainbow Dash said and flew in the air creating a trail of clouds.

Then Flash flies down and happily hugs Twilight, as they both fly in the air happily and share a kiss moment. And then rejoin their friends.

"So happy for you two!" Pinkie hugs them both. "Flashlight Forever!" Twilight and Flash do not understand what she means. "It's the name of the shipping from both of you. Everypony knows that."

They both stare at each other a moment and smile, then Spike makes another announcement. "And now, Ladies and Gentlecolts! Give it up for a little..." The spotlight soon shine at the end of the stage where the white pegasus in flashy black clothing known as Songbird Serenade was. "Songbird Serenade!"

Everyone cheers, including Twilight along with her friends, Capper, the pirates, and Skystar.

"And now, to celebrate the fact that we're all still here in one piece, give it up for Princess Twilight and her friends!" She said happily as a spotlight pointed at Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and even Flash. Twilight began hearing praises and cheers from everyone around the festival, but soon she saw all three princesses bow in respect in which she did the same. Suddenly the spotlight turned off and Songbird Serenade started singing.

Songbird Serenade:

"I know you, you're a special one

Some see crazy where I see love"

I only just did write some lyrics, but not gonna do the whole lyrics. Let's just continue on with Twilight's and her friends, as the song continues on. Twilight looked to then see Celeano and Rainbow Dash share a fist bump, Rarity giving Capper a new top hat and black cape, and finally Pinkie Pie and Skystar sharing a laugh. Soon Skystar flew in with her mom and gave a hug.

"So, since those sea creatures are gone into the Deep Sea? Does that mean I get to see the outside world?" She asked nicely.

"For one thing..." Nova said to her daughter. "You are so grounded." But laughed much to Skystar's shock. "Until the next twelve moons."

Songbird Serenade sang as she flew over Twilight, and she smiled before looking behind her to see Tempest at the very back of the crowd, so she decided to check up on her and flew over to Tempest who was looking longingly into the distance, she seemed to know Twilight was here.

"Well, that's one thing that never changes around here. The party." Tempest said.

"Well, I hope you'll stay. More friends are definitely merrier." She smiled softly.

And Tempest sighed. "But, um... my horn."

Twilight notes and think of her horn. "You know, your horn is pretty powerful, just like the pony it belongs to." She smiled reassuringly.

Tempest smiled softly too as she began heading towards the edge of Canterlot. “I did tell you I wanted to show everypony in Equestria what I could do, right?" She soon charged up her horn and shot out a lightning bolt which began fireworks shooting everywhere.

Everyone was amazed by the fireworks, as Flash, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity also walked to Twilight and Tempest, and amaze by her potential. And Twilight and Flash cross foreleg together as they're life has just begun.

"Nice touch, Tempest!" Pinkie said, surprising and loving her power.

"Actually, that's not my real name." She replied as Pinkie leaned next to her.

"Ooh. What is it?"

She lean and whispered with a smile. "It's "Fizzlepop Berrytwist."

And Pinkie gasped, "Okay! That is the most awesome name EVER!" She yelled happily.

(End Credits, with a song)

Not really... scenes zoom out from the show with our Directors....

"Now that's what I called, the greatest movie ever." Troid said, letting Red know their movie more better than the original.

"Wow." He said surprisingly. "Guess you do love Mlp."

"Not true, I only did this for you, kid." He recalled that he only did it for him, and Red accepted.

"Aw, that's sweet of you, partner. Can we watch it again?"

"Red, we already saw it." He then thinks about it. "Maybe tomorrow."

Before they could end, Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere. "Hey, Troid! Hey, Red! Whatcha doing?" She gasped when she saw the movie. "You guys were watching the Mlp Movie without us?"

"Actually, this is a new movie that Troid remade." He said, revealing everything.

"Red, no...!" But she already now knew.

"You made a new movie? That's so cool!! Let's watch it!" She then grabs the remote and reverses the movie.

He try to stop her. "Pinkie! We already watched it! You can't-" But it was too late, as it reversed.

Then she calls for her friends. "Hey, Girls! Come here! Troid made a movie about us!"

"Wait, they're here too?" He said, wondering how they know as Red tells him.

"I called them."

"You, what?!" he said with a surprising tone.

"Twilight ask me to check on you so I can tell her how you're doing," said Red. Then Pinkie's friends arrive and are likely to watch the movie he made.

"Well, didn't know you have it in you." Twilight said, seeing he have learn friendship.

"Yeah, gotta say, you really do care about us." Applejack said as she joined, and Rainbow Dash swoops in.

"Guess that makes you an awesome pony, or a machine."

"Lovely, you are the best," said Rarity who appreciate his work.

Then Flutterhy speak nicely, "And nice."

"No, I don't! I still hate ponies! Not everything is true!" As he try to convince them he still do not like them.

"But you remake the movie cool... with ponies, huh?" Spike said, giving him an elbow bump.

Troid thought it was only just them, then the Cutie Mark Crusader came. "What the shell?" He said surprisingly, then other ponies came. "Who the heck invented them?!"

"I did!" Pinkie replied. "I invite everyponies and creatures to come see the rewrite movie you made!"

"No, no! No one needs to know!" He said, not wanting everyone know. But it was too late, more creatures, and those from the movie, came and sat around. The whole audience were whispering and speaking about Troid's remake movie that he made in his GuardianShip.

"So, Troid...." He asked believing he was right. "Am I right?"

Troid heavily sighed that he have to agreed lesson of Friendship. “Fine, you were right. I have to admit maybe their show did have something I need to learn. "That if you really wanted to watch it again, you gotta have friends."

"Well, now you're learning. Seems like you like us even more." Twilight claimed as he disagreed.

"Don't push me too far, Twilight. Besides, I'm still going back my way."

Twilight accepts what he means, as the movie starts from the beginning with an entertainment logo.

"Gotta say, Troid." Red added. "You really did a pretty good job making friends."

And Troid rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get this over with." He said, not wanting to talk. As the movie was about to begin, he spoke loudly. "Twilight's pregnant at the end!!"

Then the audience of the creatures, including the Mane Six, became angry and furious because Troid just spoiled the movie.

"Troid! Really?!" He said not understanding why he spoils the movie as he claimed the reason.

"Hey, this proves I still hate ponies!!"

(End Credits)

Author's Note:

Gotta say, Troid knows how to make everyone angry. Just a tiny spoiler to the movie. And Twilight finally told Flash and her friends, and everyone. Hope you all enjoy this story.