• Published 7th May 2023
  • 657 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The New Rewrite Movie - Arkogon

The new rebooted movie that’s been rewritten and better.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Celaeno and the pirates

On the airship, the ponies were now doing their best to stay hidden. Applejack and Rainbow were glancing out between the boxes and saw that the ship was being run by a bunch of humanoid bird creatures. One of them scratched their butt while burping, Rainbow flinching at this.

Applejack turned to Twilight, who was still looking at the map. "Whadaya think, Twilight? Should we just... ask 'em to take us?"

"Last time we trusted somepony, he tried to sell us!" Twilight said, reminding about trusting the orange cat.

Then Rarity starts to sniff and notice the stinky smell from one of each crates. "My goodness..." As she covered her snout. "These crates smell like they have been rotten inside."

All of them smell and start to cover their snout. But one of the crates hiding them was suddenly lifted out of the way, allowing those on deck to see them as they all gasped. "Hey, guys!" He yelled. "Come check this out!"

As another parrot, wearing an eye-patch, stepped up and smirked at them. "Looks like a pack of stowaways."

"What are we s'posed to do with 'em?" The other parrot said. And the other just squawks.

"I think we tie 'em up!"

"We clip their wings!"

"Nah. We scar 'em... motionally!"

The Manes six gasped as the parrots decided what to do with them. "Wai-wai-wai-wait." Said the one with the eye-patch. "What say the book, Captain Celaeno?"

Then another member of the crew stomped over. She had a prosthetic leg and clanked loudly when she walked who opened up a huge book she was carrying. "Atlantis Queen's rule book says, "Throw them overboard."

Before they could, Flash leapt and defended the Mane six from the pirates. "Back off!" He yelled.

Then she asked. "And who you might be?"

"Flash Sentry! Royal Guard of Princess of Friendship." He said with courage.

Moment of silence, and all the pirates laughed. "Royal Guard of Princess of Friendship?!" While laughing and stopped. "Well, that suited armor is surely made of gold. Let's say we take it, and then throw you all overboard!" But before they could do it, a loud train whistle sound filled the air. The parrots all stopped in place, Celaeno lowering her sword. "All right! That's lunch!"

Then cutscene showing all of them at the table, and the ponies unwittingly join the parrots for a gruel lunch. "Uh, weren't we in the middle of something?" The orange pegasus asked, not knowing what just happened.

"You freeloaders can have something to eat if you want." She replied. "If you're gonna get thrown overboard, you might as well not die on an empty stomach."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Rainbow Dash paused. "So you were about to toss us overboard and you stopped for a lunch break?"

"The Atlantis Queen only allows one break a day for meals." The bird replied. "Then it's back to hauling goods."

"So...you're delivery guys?" Spike asked.

"And gals." The captain responded. "These uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors."

"Then can you deliver us to Mount Aris?" Twilight asked, showing her the map.

"Sorry." She took a binder with the Atlantis' logo on it from under the table. "We do what the Atlantis Queen orders, or we suffer her wrath."

"Right." Twilight sighed. "Still going overboard."

"Eh, it's nothing personal." The pink parrot shrugged. "Pudding?"

"There's pudding?" But Rarity got her answer when more goop was thrown down onto her bowl, making her frown and slump back. "Oh."

"You all do seem like nice birds." Flash chimed in, then glanced at the Atlantians uniform. "So she forced you all to wear those uniforms?"

"Pretty much," she responded. "She rewarded us treasure for delivering those fishes we collected from the market."

"Guess that explains the smell." Applejack figures.

Then Spike asked, "What with these fish she wanted for?"

And Celaeno tells him. "She says it's none of our business. If we ask that question, she'll drown us in the ocean."

"Why are all of you afraid of her? Is she something more than a queen?" The alicorn asked, and she replied.

"Yeah." She nodded. "That's how it goes for everyone. No one knows where the Queen and the Atlantians came from. Some have heard rumors that they live in the Deep Sea where no creatures has gone before. They said they once had a King who ruled Atlantis until his daughter took over and became the queen who wields a magical trident that can control the sea."

"And that's what you all are afraid of? Her controlling the sea?" Flash question.

They all nodded, as Rainbow stared at the parrots, then at the room around them. "You weren't always delivery birds, were you?" She said. "What about before the Atlantis Queen?"

"Yeah," Celaeno reached over to a poster with the Atlantis' Logo on it. "We used to be much more adventurous." She pulled the banner aside, revealing a large black flag with a bird skull and crossbones on it.

"Ooh!" Pinkie smiled. "I met that guy in the desert!"

"Whoa!" As the blue pegasus started putting the pieces together. "You used to be... pirates?!"

"Um.." The eye-patch spoke up. "We prefer the term swashbuckling treasure hunters."

Then Rainbow Dash stood up. "So... pirates." She replied, "You birds have a choice to make." Everypony turned to her at this. "You could let some eight arm-tentacles Atlantis Queen tell you how to live your lives, or..." She ran over and grabbed the poster before ripping it off the wall, uncovering the flag. "...you could be awesome again!"

"Rainbow Dash, this really isn't a good time for a-" She didn't get to finish as the pegasus landed on the table.

Rainbow Dash:

"I know the world can get you down."

".... song."

We're not gonna start the whole lyrics again. Just got to YouTube and watched it. Yeesh, why does everything have to go with the lyrics? Celaeno leapt over to the steering wheel as the others began working the ship. Dancing around and laughing up a storm, the only one not enjoying herself being Twilight.

"Come on!" Celaeno exclaimed as she spun the wheel. "Let's show these little ponies how it's done!" Her crew ran over to some ropes and started pulling them, the metal bird's wings beginning to unfurl. And as they did this, giant feathers of every known color began to furl outward. They grew larger as the sun broke through the dark clouds around them and illuminated the wings.

Flash who no longer wearing his armor due from the song then noticed Twilight not looking, too focused on the map. "You're really missing a sight here." He said, but Twilight was too busy.

"No time to look at pretty stuff." She replied. "We've wasted enough time already."

But she stopped when hearing Rainbow Dash saying she's gonna do something awesomeness. "Awesome! I knew you had it in ya! And now for the finishing touch!" She said, and Pinkie cheered.

"Rainboom! Rainboom! Rainboom! Rainboom!"

"No no no no no! No!" Twilight cried, but it was too late.

Rainbow dived toward the ship, picking up more speed with every second as the wind funneled around her. As she did this, lights of every color flashed around her before a rainbow sonic boom exploded in the sky, Rainbow leaving a rainbow colored trail behind her as she spiraled around the ship again and again. All of them cheered, Twilight now letting out a sigh. "No..." Twilight facehoofed.

Then Flash added. "Hey, at least nopony sees it far from here."