• Published 7th May 2023
  • 657 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Pony: The New Rewrite Movie - Arkogon

The new rebooted movie that’s been rewritten and better.

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Chapter 9: Return to Equestria

Twilight regains her consciousness and sees herself in the cage surrounded in the pool of sharks as she looks around and sees the outside through a glass window knowing they're under the sea inside the sub. She tries to use her magic to break free but nothing makes a dent.

"Keep trying all you want, they're made of Atlantis Vibranium." Tempest appears from the shadows, including with Ray. "You did an excellent job, Ray. I misjudged your actions. I guess my sister did chose you for a reason."

"It was my honor to serve you, Tempest." He bowed to serve her will.

"Leave us." She commands him as he understood and left, leaving her and Twilight alone face-to-face. "Aww, the "Princess of Friendship. With no friends!" She chuckled. "And no way out." She corrected as she circled around the cage.

Then Twilight asked, "I don't understand. Why are you doing this? You're a pony, just like us! Why serve them?"

"I'm not serving them." Tempest added. "I am the Daughter of the Atlantis King, and the Sister of the Atlantis Queen. I was raised by the royal family who showed me everything about our home. Land never existed when the sea was once our home. We have all lived in harmony from the beginning of our past. But now, we live in pitiful land with no oceans or seas. Our real home will be restored the way it used to be."

"Restore the sea by flooding Equestria?" Twilight said with a frightened tone. "You can't do that. Equestria is the home for all creatures who live on land. Flooding it will not restore anything. Why help them? Why do you live with them if you're not even one of them?"

"Because they saved my life!!!" She shot up and slammed her broken horn onto the bars. It unleashed a stream of blue electricity, illuminating the bar and sent a few rogue bolts into the cage that made Twilight gasp. "My father gave me a home, a life where I finally found. I was never been home to the surface. This is my real home."

Then music starts to play, which every villain has their time to sing. Even evil ponies still had the need to sing their feelings at appropriate times. Just already go on YouTube, if you really want to listen.

And as she sang, Tempest told her a tale. A tale of a little unicorn filly with many friends that she loved to play with since she could use her magic with incredible skill in their games. But then one day, those friends lost their ball in a forest cave outside their hometown. And when that filly bravely ventured in to retrieve it, she found that the cave was home to an Ursa Minor. The beast, with a single swipe of its claws, broke the filly's horn from her head and left a large scar over her eye. The child was barely able to escape and spent months recuperating, but there were some things that just couldn't be healed. This included her horn, which she could no longer use properly. When she returned to her friends and attempted to use her broken horn to play, all she could do was unleash sparks of raw magic that scared them. The friends quickly abandoned her, finding another unicorn that had a lot of skill with her horn, leaving the filly lost and alone. As she was alone on the shore at night, she was found by an Atlantians sea creature who was actually the King of Atlantis. She was frightened, as he saw the sadness of her lost horn and offered her to live in his city as she then accepted leaving Equestria behind. Soon, she arrives in Atlantis City in the Deep Sea where all sea creatures notice she does not belong in their home, as the King accepts her to their home. He introduces his daughter Cecaelia who also has no friends to play with. They both meet and she shows her lost two tentacles from playing with the other friends, and was torn off from a wild shark. They haven't grown back, letting her to be cripple with six tentacles. This made Tempest find someone who was just like her, as they became best friends. And the Atlantis King adopted her as his second daughter. Time passed, they both became royals and studied books of their history of the land and the sea, as their father saw between the two of them and interest they could change the world for both land and sea as he grew old and passed away leaving the two sisters alone and heartbroken. But Cecaelia became the Queen and now in charge of their kingdom. She then took notice her sister hasn't got anything but a promise she can restore her horn if they need powerful magic from the surface. With this, they began their plan and announced they will restore their home and live in harmony.

She turned to glare at Twilight as she began to ascend a staircase leading up to the cage controls. Sending her to the top, as the hatches open with a bright light, showing the outside world. In the not too far off distance, the mountain that held the city of Canterlot could be seen surrounded by water. Equestria was now flooded in the sea, leaving nothing but all the Atlantians with sea creatures with them in the sea at the command of the Atlantis Queen. But despite this, she also felt pity for Tempest as she let the story she told sink in.

"I'm so sorry you felt so alone." She said, understand.

But Tempest rolled her eyes at this. "I saw the truth. My friends abandoned me when times got tough." She glanced back at her. "Looks like I'm not the only one." Twilight grimaced at this. "Face it princess, friendship has failed you too. Because the surface failed you." She walked off, leaving the alicorn to dwell on those words.

"Friendship didn't fail me." The princess whimpered out. "I failed friendship." She looked down in shame.

Back near Mount Aris, the ponies were all laying about on the beach. Despair had overtaken them all, the hurt of what Twilight had said stinging greatly. Fluttershy let out a sigh as she ran her hooves through her mane.

"This whole journey was such a mistake." She sighed as she fought back tears, slowly shrinking down to mouse size. "All we wanted was somepony to help us."

Then Applejack sighs, "Ya think maybe it's time we talk to Twilight?" They don't really know if they should as they all look at Flash.

"Flash, darling," Rarity asked. "Maybe you could talk to her?"

"I can't." He added. "She's not my wife I remember."

Then Fluttershy added why Twilight didn't mean to hurt them. "Perhaps, maybe she was just carried away. She didn't really mean to hurt us, even Pinkie." As they all look behind, seeing Pinkie being quiet. "Twilight never hurt our feelings. Her stress got into her because of how the Atlantians took over Canterlot and captured the princesses, it separated her friendship from us. Maybe we could all talk to her together, maybe our friendship might grow back again?"

They think maybe she's right. If they talk to Twilight together, then their friendship can be reconnected. So they all went to find Twilight but she was nowhere to be found, but found Spike on the ground.

"Spike!" Rarity cried, as they hurried and woke him up. Spike starts to wake up and see them worried. "Spikey, what happened? Where's Twilight?"

"I..." As he tries to remember what happened. "Twilight..." He recalled. "They got Twilight!"

"What?!" Rainbow Dash yelped.

"Twilight! They got her!" He tells them, as Flash asked.

"Who got her?"

"Tempest! They're taking her back to Canterlot!" This caused them all to gasp and go wide-eyed.

"We gotta get her back!" The blue pegasus told the others.

"How?" Fluttershy asked as she grew back to normal. "We'll never catch up to Canterlot!"

"And we got no way to defeat those creatures." Applejack added. "They're immune to any magic. Nothing can defeat them."

As they do not know what to do. "Anything can defeat them." The Mane Six turn around and see who it was. "No need to blast me." Capper replied. "And you're in luck, cuz I happen to know of a group of mighty heroes that could handle this easily!"

"Well!" Rarity growled. "Look what the cat dragged in! Himself!"

Then orange cat chuckled. "These heroes have faced the Atlantians and escaped! I've seen them tackle the streets of the roughest towns, break out of the tightest situations, and inspire others to join their cause!"

Mane Six & Spike but Applejack became very invested in his words until she spoke up. "Now don't get too excited. He's just talkin' about us."

They all moaned as Capper chuckled and leapt off the rock. "They even escaped certain doom at the hooves of Commander Tempest!"

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash added, "That was pretty great."

"Are you kidding me?!" Another voice called out, making them look up to see Captain Celaeno and her crew atop the cliff above them. "That was awesome!" She exclaimed as they leapt down and landed next to them, one of the pirates letting out a might squawk.

"Figured you could use a claw!" He laughed, holding up his clawed metal hand.

"We're on board to help you fight the Atlantians!" She told them before looking sheepish. "Just not on board our... actual ship."

"That crazy unicorn sunk it." He growled before pointing at Rainbow. "But you got back our argh! And we're ready to kick some booty."

The other pirates all laughed in agreement as Celaeno drew her sword, the others smiling at this. But before they could say anything, a new sound caught their attention. It was coming from the ocean, the group turning to see a large circle of bubbles. They all yelped as something flew out of the water that was covered in sparkling light. It was a brilliant cocoon that burst open, shattering to reveal a young half bird half pony creature with a light blue mane and tail.

"Is that what I think it is?" Capper asked, the others simply standing there with their eyes wide.

Princess Skystar glided down and landed on a rock in the middle of the water. "Hellooooooo!!" She sang. "Me again!" She let out a series of giggles. "I'm gonna get so grounded, but I talked things over with Shelly and Sheldon and they pointed out that you were just trying to help your friends." Pinkie's smile grew huge as she walked up to her. "So I wanna help too." She flew onto the beach and smiled at the party pony, then held up the magic pearl from her claw tipped front legs. "Cause I know where Neslia is."

"You know where she is?" Spike asked with a happy tone.

"Mm-hm." She nodded. "Follow me, everyone!" As she leads them, and they follow her. They travel through Mount Aris and arrive at the waterfall flowing with water through the river. "Here we are, the Protector's home." She reveal Neslia's resting place.

"Let me guess..." Rainbow Dash added. "You mean, she was on the surface the whole time, behind that waterfall?"

"It was the only place where no creature could not find her." She tells them. "Now, let's wake her before my mom finds out."

Before she could awaken her, they were found by the Hippogriffs. "Skystar!" The Queen growled. "You should've never revealed her resting place to the outsiders."

"But mother-" But was stopped by the shout of her mother.

“Enough!" She yelled. "Give me the pearl!" She demanded, as Skystar looked back at her new friends.

"No, mom!" Nova was shocked, "I am gonna help my new friends." As she gave a speech. "Look at us, we've been hiding like a coward while our Protector of the sea defends us all because she gave her life to save Equestria. And I'm tired of staying as a seapony collecting seashells for no reasons, no offense Shelly and Sheldon, and wanted go out to the real world. Right now, we need her help to save Equestria again and their friends. So do this for me, our hippogriffs, and for our Protector."

Nova sees how Skystar wants to help her new friends from the surface and wants to awaken Neslia. She walks up to her daughter and takes the pearl.

"I...." As she speaks. "I was afraid of what would happen if we lost her. But it's not her I'm afraid to lose, it's you." She patted Skystar's shoulder. "My dear, daughter. I've been a fool for letting my fear take me. But I will not." As she turns to the other hippogriffs. "It's time we awaken our Protector."

All the hippogriffs were surprised and knew they must awaken Neslia once and for all. So the Mane Six and their friends watch as the hippogriffs start to worship Neslia.

"Neslia, our Protector, and our Guardian of the Sea. I was promised not to awaken you from your slumber but our surface is in great danger. The Atlantians have returned to the surface to flood Equestria into the sea. Please, help us defend our home. Let the pearl give you the strength to save our home." She held the pearl in the air, as it started to magically beam straight through the waterfall and to a mysterious creature.

The magic starts to give her all the energy as her eyes open wide with full energy. She soon appears behind the waterfall as the Mane Six and their friends, their eyes wide open seeing Neslia coming out behind the waterfall.

"She's..... She's real," Applejack said in a surprising tone.

"She's amazing," Fluttershy amazed.

"She's beautiful," Rarity said in a beautiful tone.

"She's awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"She's the Real Amazing Beautiful Awesomeness Legendary Coolest Sea Dragons!!!!!" She screams, as everyone looks at her. "Sorry, but she is."

As the dragon rises glory, Flash and Spike then asked for her help. "Neslia, our friend Twilight has been captured by the Atlantis Queen who controls the sea."

"He's right, we don't really know what they're gonna do to her and the princesses. Please, help us." Spike pleaded.

Then Neslia roars as she will help them save their friends and stop the Atlantis Queen.

"I'll take that as a yes." He commented.

"Ya'll ready to do this thing!?" The others nodded with a smirk as Pinkie turned in the direction of home. "We're coming Twilight!" The others nodded, cheering loudly while Rainbow and Skystar took to the air. "As soon as we bake up a plan!"

Author's Note:

The time for the Kaiju to rise again and come out to the world.

(Hope you like Temepst’s story I made few changes.)