• Published 4th Feb 2023
  • 996 Views, 15 Comments

Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1 - MasterKen1803

Equestria is now filled with Jurassic Equestria dinosaurs. Will ponies & dinosaurs coexist together?

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Episode 6: Tarbo-Madness!

In the night, a small herd of herbivorous dinosaurs gathered in a field to drink & graze. Then a juvenile Iguanodon wanders too far from its mother. Little did it know that a huge mysterious figure watched it in the tree line.

Then the baby saw little dragonfly and chased it to the forest. By the time it caught up to it, dragonfly flew & landed on a tree trunk. The young Iguanodon looked up as a peculiar liquid dropped on the leaves. Then it heard clicking noises as it nervously looked up and saw the huge dinosaur with rows of razor-sharp teeth hungrily watching it with saliva dripping from its mouth.

The young Iguanodon yelped fearfully as it alert the herd. All the dinosaurs looked up confusedly. Then a huge dinosaur bursted outta the tree line, revealing to be a Tarbosaurus , a large tyrannosaurid & a close relative to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The Tarbosaurus growled as it chases the young Iguanodon but its eyes was caught on the herd so it run passed the Iguanodon and chases the herd. The young Iguanodon safely ran the other direction as the Tarbosaurus runs to the herd. The Tarbosaurus roars as it chases a tiring Nasutoceratops. The ceratopsian panted heavily then the Tarbosaurus pushed it down and bit its jugular, crushing its neck at ease. Then the Tarbo laid its foot on the carcass & roared victoriously.





The next morning, Apple Bloom & Trike were in the field, playing tag.

"Tag! You're it, Trike", Apple Bloom said as Trike begun to chase her. Then Trike tackles her to the ground & licked her playfully.

"Hey! Stop, that tickle!" laughed Apple Bloom. Then Trike saw something and back away fearfully, which confuses Apple Bloom.

"What is it, Trike?" asked Apple Bloom. Trike shakily pointed and Apple Bloom looked. Then eyes widen.

It was a half-eaten Nasutoceratops carcass, covered in a cloud of flies and a swarm of Compsognathus feeding on it. Apple Bloom was repulsed by the smell as she covered her nose. Trike however looked like she's in the most intense fear of her life.


Later Apple Bloom & Trike alerted the Mane-6 & Spike to investigate . As the Mane-6 & Spike went to the carcass.

"It's not even a day-old, Twi", Applejack said, examining the carcass. "Looks like this here dino got killed few hours ago."

"And the size of that, whatever killed this Nasutoceratops, it can kill a pony just as easily", Twilight said, also inspecting.

"And whatever this thing was, it has no mercy as well", Rarity added, covering her nose with handkerchief.

"Spike, you're our dino-expert. Can you tell us what could killed things like this?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I got nothing. Could be Zeus", Spike guessed. While inspecting the carcass, Applejack saw something inside the carcass.


The group looked up.

"Might wanna see this", Applejack put her hoof in the carcass, disturbing Rarity, Pinkie, & Fluttershy.

"Oh no..." Pinkie Pie groaned. Fluttershy covered her mouth. Rarity almost fainted til Spike caught her. Then Applejack pulled out a tooth from the carcass. The tooth was a D-shaped & almost 6 inches long.

"What do ya think of this?" Applejack shows the tooth to Twilight.

"Looks like a tooth", Spike looked at it.

"Yeah but from what?" Rainbow asked.

"Hmm...I'm not really sure but I think gonna have to examine it", Twilight replied. "Spike, you still have that book about Jurassic Equestria & all of its dinosaurs?"

"Yeah, Twi. I still have it", Spike answered.



Twilight & Spike went in the castle's library, still examining the tooth.

Spike was exhaustedly scrolling through the pages of his book to anaylsis what kind of dinosaur it was. Then he stumbled upon a certain tyrannosaurid which looks a bit like Zeus but with a spiked back & same tooth that they have.

"Twilight? I think I found it", Spike called. Twilight immediately came to him.

"What is it, Spike?" asked Twilight. Spike pointed the picture.

"This thing."

Then Twilight levitates the tooth and put it right in front of the picture. It matched. Then Spike begun to read the description:

Tarbosaurus, meaning alarming lizard. A genus of tyrannosaurid dinosaurs that lived over Eastern Equestria, 72-68 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous Period. This menacing carnivore like its relative, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, probably dominated everything that lived with it. The Tarbosaurus is one of the most deadliest dinosaurs around. When threaten or attacking, Tarbosaurus always go for the prey's jugular and bites it with a force around 8,000 to 10,000 pounds per force.

As Spike concluded, Twilight was staring in awe & fear.

"Spike, do you think this thing killed that Nasutoceratops?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know but yeah. Could be". Spike answered.

"We should tell the girls now", Twilight declared.


After meeting the group at the Town Square, Twilight & Spike explained them about the Tarbosaurus.

"So this Tarbo-thingie is responsible for that carcass?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes", Spike answered.

"How big is this thing, Twi", Applejack asked.

"Big enough. Uh...20-ft at least. The same size as Zeus", Twilight answered.

"What else does the book say about this thing?" asked Rarity.

"Well according the book, the Tarbosaurus is territorial & lived in humid criss-crossed by river channels", Spike replied.

"And that's the same area where Apple Bloom & Trike found that carcass", Twilight added.

"So that means that dino stumbled into its territory by mistake?" Applejack asked.

"Looks like it", Twilight nodded.

"So what do we do? What's the plan, Twi?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should let it be. It is its territory & we might be trespassing it", Twilight guessed.

"And let all those innocent animals & dinosaurs suffered by that thing?! No, I'm not taking that chance!" Fluttershy argued. "I think we should confront it. Maybe convince it to leave like we've did to that dragon last time."

"Well I'm not doing it!" Rarity protested.

"Alright how about....we lured it...and we all ambush it, kick its ass?", Rainbow suggested. "That would drove it away, of course."

"Ah think if we're gonna take that route, we're gonna need a better strategy so what do think, Twi?" Applejack & the group turned to Twilight.

"Hmmmm....I think I have a plan. Pinkie, you still have your yovidaphone?" Twilight asked.

"Why?" Pinkie asked.



Pinkie Pie with her yovidaphone & Fluttershy were in the open field. Twilight, Spike, & Rarity were hiding in the bush. AJ & Dash hid behind a huge rock. Applejack armed her electric rifle.

"Alright, everypony in place?" asked Twilight. The group nodded in response.

"Fluttershy, you tried to convince to Tarbosaurus to leave this place & if it doesn't work, shout plan B, okay?" asked Twilight.

"Alright but don't hurt it too much, okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"I won't. Trust us", Twilight reassured then turned to Pinkie. "Pinkie, blow away."

"You got it, Twi. And a one...and a two...and a three!" Pinkie blew her yovidaphone as loud as she can. The group all covered their ears tightly. The music even scared a few Gallimimus away.


Nearby, the Tarbosaurus was taking its nap til it heard Pinkie's yovidaphone. Disturbed by the commotion, it got up on its feet and went to investigate.


Pinkie Pie blew & blew her yovidaphone til Fluttershy's ear twitched. "Stop!"

Pinkie Pie immediately stopped. "What?"

"Listen", Fluttershy told her. The group slowly emerged outta their hiding spots, trying to listen.

"What is it, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Ah don't hear anything", Applejack said.

"Hold on", Twilight started to hear something as well. A perculiar clicking was heard.

"What's that clicking?" Spike asked.

"I don't know", Twilight answered. Then the group heard a loud roar.

The group immediately stayed silence.

"It's coming", Twilight whispered. "Keep going, Pinkie!"

As the group went back to their hiding spots, Pinkie resumed her yovidaphone. She played as the ground suddenly begin to shook. Even the trees also begin to shook. While waiting patiently, the Tarbosaurus emerged from the treeline. The dinosaur sniffed around, making clicking noises, til it sees Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in the open. Pinkie stopped playing her yovidaphone. It slowly walked to them & bended down to their level. The black-flaring nostrils were just inches away from their faces.

"Um...hi? Sorry for the loud music, mister but we've came to ask that you find another place for you to hunt or even marked as your territory," Fluttershy asked. "Because animals come here everyday to eat & drink in peace and everytime they came, you also came and hunt them down. So can you kindly move to a different area, please?"

The Tarbosaurus raised its head up.

"So is it a yes?" Pinkie asked hopefully.

"I don't know", Fluttershy shugged. Then the Tarbosaurus roared angrily . Pinkie leaped onto Fluttershy's hoof in fear.

"But you can't take this as your territory. Think about..." Fluttershy tries to reason with it but Tarbosaurus let out another roar.

"Alright, that it! PLAN B!" Pinkie Pie called. Then the group burst outta their hiding spots and attacked the dinosaur. Twilight & Rarity shoot laser beams while Spike fires his flames at it. The Tarbosaurus swung its tail at them but misses. Then Applejack jumped out and aimed her rifle at it.

"Take this, vermin!" Applejack shoots countless electrical bolts. The Tarbo yelped as it got zapped and tries to attack Applejack by biting her. Applejack dive-rolls the attack & continued shooting at the Tarbo. Then Rainbow Dash punched & kicked it on the rips. "C'mon, scaly!"

The dinosaur fell on the ground. Then Pinkie pulled her party-bazooka.

"Surprise attack!" she shots confetti at it on the face, blinding it. Then the Tarbosaurus got furious then it got up again and grabbed Applejack & Rainbow Dash in its mouth and threw them to the river.

"AHHHHHHH!" Applejack & Rainbow Dash screamed as they hit the river.

It swung its tail and hit Pinkie & Fluttershy. Rarity shoots her magic at it but the Tarbo headbutted her off as well. The dinosaur walked towards Twilight. She whimpered as she backed away in fear. Then Spike clinged onto its legs.

"Get away from Twilight!" Spike shouted but he kicked off and crushed onto Rarity. The Tarbosaurus slowly walked to Twilight. Before Twilight could fight, it pinned its massive foot on Twilight, preventing her from moving. Twilight tries to move its foot away but no avail. The dinosaur slowly bended down with a drooling snout. Twilight saw a rock right beside her. Thinking fast, she grabbed it with her hoof and smashed its mouth, shattering some of it teeth. The Tarbosaurus roared in pain and shook its head. It seems confused by happened to it. Blood dripped freely from its mouth. It growled and bend down again with wide-open mouth. Twilight screamed in pure fear as the Tarbosaurus was about to bite her.

Then they heard a loud familiar roar from the other side of the river. The Tarbosaurus turned back and see Zeus from the other side. Zeus seemed angry at the Tarbosaurus and lets out a bellow. The Tarbosaurus roared back and let Twilight go to confront Zeus. Twilight slipped away safely. The two dinosaurs walked towards to the river. After the group regains consciousness & AJ & Dash surfaced outta the river, Twilight silently gestured the group to come to her. With no hesitation, they obeyed.

"What are they doing?" Applejack asked.

"I think they're gonna fight", Twilight guessed.

"A Tarbosaurus & a Tyrannosaurus Rex fight, how awesome!" Spike said excitedly. The group scowled at him.

Once the dinosaurs walked to each other on the river, they circled around. Zeus let out athunderous roar before he & the Tarbosaurus both bite each other on the neck. But Zeus slammed the Tarbosaurus' head in the water.

"Ooh my word!" Rarity exclaimed.

Then the Tarbosaurus kicked Zeus in the stomach and threw itself to him. And then swung its tail at him.

"Why are dinosaurs always so violent?!" Fluttershy said.

Zeus chomped on the Tarbo's head & pulls it around then threw it into the water. Zeus approached it, thinking it's dead but the Tarbosaurus launched at him & grabbed Zeus in the head with its jaws and putted his head in the water.

"The Tarbosaurus is trying to drown Zeus!" Spike gasped. Then Zeus swung his tail & slapped the Tarbosaurus in the head, making it loses its grip. Then Zeus kicked the Tarbosaurus a few meters away from him.

"Wow! What an escape!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

The Tarbosaurus got up & panted heavily. Zeus smirked in amusement before throwing himself at the Tarbosaurus. He tackles and shoved the Tarbosaurus off its feet again. Zeus growled and let out a thunderous roar. The Tarbosaurus got up, all wet & exhausted from the fight decided to walk away. The group cheered.

"Yeah! Way to go, Zeus!" Pinkie clapped.

"Whose the mightiest now, Tarbo-freak?" Rainbow mocked.

"Never mess with your king!" Applejack added.

The Tarbosaurus looked back and growl at Zeus & the group for one last time before walking away. Then Zeus turned to the group. The Mane-6 & Spike bowed in respect for his help

"Thank you, Zeus...again for your help", Twilight thanked.

"Your Majesty!" Pinkie Pie bowed energetically. Zeus however didn't understand but nodded in respect as well before walking away.


Somewhere, the Tarbosaurus smashed the trees in angry. Then kicked a piece dirt away. And growl in frustration. Finally letting a hatred roar.


Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle.

Twilight: Hahaha

Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air


The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck.

Blue looked up curiously.

The Young-6 stand dramatically.

And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop.


Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

Rainbow: Whoo-hoo!

Applejack: Yee-haw!

Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha

Fluttershy: yay

Pinkie: Ha!

Rarity: Darling

Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab

Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what

The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close.


Author's Note:

The opening was based on Disney's Dinosaur (2000).

Iguanodons will be featured in the series.