• Published 4th Feb 2023
  • 1,001 Views, 15 Comments

Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1 - MasterKen1803

Equestria is now filled with Jurassic Equestria dinosaurs. Will ponies & dinosaurs coexist together?

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Episode 2: Fear

Twilight opened her eyes and she found herself in a forest. She looked around to see anypony was there.

"Hello?" she asked. "Is anypony there?"

"Pinkie Pie? Rarity? Spike?"

Then she hears a strange rumbling sound and soon after a loud and unearthly cry.

Twilight's eye widen as she made a run for it. She could hear a creature smashing through the foliage, trying to get her. Then she sees a wide-open glade of the forest right in front of her, which made her more comfortable. As she made it to the glade, she took the time to catch some air.

"What's happening?" Twilight panted. The roar was heard again then it revealed to be non other then the Indominus Rex.

Twilight stared at her with pure horror.

"You can't be here. It's not possible!" Twilight said in shockness. "You died!"

Indominus Rex approached as she began to speak with a deep hollow voice, which surprised Twilight too.

"Come now, little girl. You and your little family think a lizard could just drown me and eat me later, did you?" Indominus Rex said. "Well you fools can never defeat me!"

"You can talk?!" asked Twilight as the Indominus Rex didn't answer but slowly approach her.

"Stay away from me. I'm warning you", Twilight said, trying to hide her fear. But the Indominus Rex chuckled.

"You're warning me? Ha!" laughed Indominus. "No, I'm warning you. Please do watch your back because we're gonna chew on it."

"We?" asked Twilight before a growl was heard behund her. She turned around to see a a huge dark-red Carnotaurus & a spiked Allosaurus staring hungrily at her. Then she turn to her right to see two Monolophosaurus glaring at her. Twilight tries to run back but to realized that she's cornered.

"GET HER!" Indominus Rex yelled as all of the dinosaurs threw themselves to her. Twilight's screamed echoed as everything turned black.


Twilight screamed as she woke up from her bed. She looked around and found herself in her own bedroom. Twilight panted heavily as she was even covered in cold sweat. Then Spike entered the room with worried look on his face.

"Twilight, are you okay? I heard screaming", Spike said. Twilight panted heavily as she gaze upon Spike.

"I'm okay, Spike", replied Twilight.

"Are you sure?" asked Spike.

"Yeah, just had a nightmare", reassured Twilight. Spike nodded as he was about to leave. "Spike?"

Spike looked back.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" asked Twilight.

"Umm...okay", answered Spike as Twilight scooted over and Spike laid on the bed with her.

"Is this okay, Twi?" Spike asked.

"Yes, it's fine", replied Twilight.

"Well good night", Spike yawned as he shut his eyes.

"Good night, Spike", Twilight said as she also closed her eyes, hoping the nightmare is over.






Twilight & Spike were with their friends as they all dine in a bar. Rainbow was drunkly telling a joke.

"... and so what do cows call their moms?" asked Rainbow as she hiccupped.

"Dash, ah think you're drinking way too much cider", Applejack warned her. Rainbow ignored her as she tell the answer. "Moommy!"

Rainbow started laughing madly as she drinks another cup. "(burp) Ah! C'mon, guys. It's pretty obvious."

The group stood silently.

"Errr...screw you all, you killjoys!"

"I think it's a little funny", admitted Fluttershy, receiving "really" looks from everyone. Fluttershy sheepishly chuckled.

Twilight sat quietly, barely touched her food. Then Spike noticed it.

"You okay?" asked Spike. The group take notice of it too.

"I'm fine really", Twilight said. The others aren't buying it while Rainbow kept drinking cider.

"You're not fine, darling", Rarity said.

"Yeah, you haven't even touched your food, Twi", Applejack said.

"Why the long face, Twilight?" Pinkie clinged in and pulled her face to make her point. Twilight thinks for a second.

"You all really wanna know, don't you?"

Everybody nodded as Rainbow drunkly burped loudly again. The other scowled at her.

"What?" Rainbow asked as she sipped other cider.

Twilight signed as she begun. "Last night, I saw something in my dream."

"You saw something?" Applejack repeated.

"What exactly you saw?" asked Rarity.

Twilight hesitated at first but she told them.


Spike's heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach as he remembered what massacres Indominus Rex causes during his first visit to Jurassic Equestria.

"You saw...Indominus Rex?" Spike asked, nervously. Twilight silently nodded.

"You mean that evil dino-monster thingie that destroy the park during you, Spike, Shining Armor's first visit", asked Pinkie.

"Yeah", confirmed Twilight. "She even spoke to me."

"She spoke to you? How about that?" Applejack commented.

"What did she say, Twi?" Fluttershy asked, shievering.

"She said that we can never truly defeat her and then something else happened", Twilight explained her dream.

"What happened?" Spike asked.

"She ordered a group of dinosaurs and they all attacked me", Twilight continued. Then she started to cry. The other (except Rainbow) feeling sad for their friend as they came closer and embraced her.

"Hey what you all sad for?! It's a night-out!" Rainbow shouted.


At the remains of Lockwood Estate, a mysterious figure trotted around and found something on the ground. The broken case with what remains of the Indominus' rib bone stepped by Zeus. She levitated a piece of the rib bone and smiled evily.

"Well this is an expecting turn of event", she said. "Don't worry, mighty beast. Soon you will rise again and help me take whats rightfully mine!"

She started cackling evily.



Twilight & Spike went out from breakfast. Twilight still stayed silently.

"Still thinking about that dream?" asked Spike. Twilight nodded.

"Well don't worry. Whatever you saw last night, it won't come true", reassured Spike.

"What if it does, Spike?" asked Twilight, feeling uncomfortable.

"C'mon Twi. That time we saw the Indominus died, she couldn't possibly survived that, right?" Spike said.

"I know but I'm kept getting the feeling that she's alive. Even though we saw her died in that lagoon", Twilight said, shakily. Spike sighed, not knowing what to do or say.



In the forest not far from the marketplace, a Carnotaurus, which looks a lot like the one from Twilight's nightmare woke up from his sleep. He yawned as he wonder through the trees and see a pony walking to the marketplace. Feeling hungry, he licks his mouth and following that pony.


Twilight & Spike were heading back and all of a sudden heard a scream.

"What was that?" asked Spike, trembling. Another scream was heard.

"I don't know but let's go check it out", Twilight declared and the two ran ahead. Soon we were joined by the group (except Rainbow Dash) and saw what was happening.

The Carnotaurus chomped on one of the ponies and slammed him to the building. Next he bite on a unicorn mare before devouring her whole. He then stomps on a earth stallion, breaking his leg while screaming in agonizing pain. The group watched the whole with a horrified looks on their face. Twilight hyperventilates as she remembered seeing that Carnotaurus in her dream.

"A Carnotaurus, right Spike?" asked Applejack with the taser rifle strapped on her back.

"Yep", confirmed Spike.

"Well we gonna get rid of it before it could hurt anypony else", Rarity said.

"Wait, where's Rainbow Dash?" asking Pinkie.

"I'm here", a voice said.

It was Rainbow Dash with a green color on her face. She gagged as she barely flied her way to them. The group were disgusted at her appearence.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed, covering her mouth.

"What happened to you, Rainbow?" Rarity asked.

"I'm fine. I'm..."

Then she vomited, which disgusted Rarity.

"Oh my...! Ah told you, you were drinking too much!" scolded Applejack.

"Shut up! I'm fine. Let's deal with Zircon first", Rainbow declared, gesturing the Carnotaurus by naming it.

"Zircon? You gave it a name?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well I kinda like it. Fits him even", Pinkie smiled.

"Nah, she just drunk", Applejack said before grabbing the rifle from her back and loaded it. "Let's rock, ponies."

The group head off except Twilight and Spike noticed it.

"Twilight?" asked Spike. Twilight didn't answered because she was too traumatized. "Snap outta it."

Not knowing what to do he left her.

Meanwhile , "Zircon" was about to eat a pegasi til Applejack shot three shots of electric to him. Zircon yelped in pain and he turned his attention to Applejack.

"Here! Come & get me!" Applejack shouted. Zircon roared and rammed on Applejack. Applejack leaped onto his head and elbowed him on the head, making him yelp. Zircon smashed Applejack into a flower stand, knock her out. Right when he was about to chomp her, Rarity shoots her magic beams at him.

"Leave her alone, you beast!" Rarity demanded. Zircon gets irritated and after Rarity. Soon a pie splatted on his face. He sees Pinkie with her party cannon.

"Hey Zircon, like cranberry or raspberry pie?" joked Pinkie. Zircon snorts and charged at her. Pinkie shoots her party cannon but it was out of ammo. "Oh come on!"

Zircon rammed Pinkie Pie and her cannon into the air and she fell into the river.

Fluttershy flew to Zircon and give him "the Stare!" Zircon was confused at first but he growled furiously, making Fluttershy whimpered as she retreated. Then Rainbow drunkly rans to Zircon and started throw soft punches at his leg. "Take that, Zircon!"

Then Zircon hits her with his tail. Spike leaped onto his head and pulled one of his horn. Then Zircon swung his head and Spike thrown to the ground hard.

"Hey!" a voice yelled. It was Twilight probably snapped outta her trauma, carrying a sledgehammer with her magic. "Leave Spike alone!"

She hits Zircon and even broke the sledgehammer. Zircon enrages and swing his tail to Twilight. She was thrown to the vegetable stand.

"NO!" the group screamed ad they all charged at Zircon but also got swing away by his tail. They all crushed onto each other.

"Is that all you got, Zircon?!" Rainbow drunkly asked. Zircon cornered them, as he hungrily stared at them.

"Okay anymore bright ideas?" Rarity asked.

"Got one", said Applejack as she points her rifle at Zircon but it was outta battery. "Ah sh*t!"

"Well we can do this", Pinkie said as she & Fluttershy both screamed and huddle each other.

Twilight groaned as she got up from the impact. She see Zircon preparing to eat her friends.

"No!" she reached out. Then all of a sudden, her eyes glowed fiery purple as she growls in anger. Zircon and the group turned to see enraged Twilight with her purple powered hooves.

"Am I just drunk or is Twilight actually on purple flame?" Rainbow asked.

"What's going on with Twilight?!" Pinkie asked.

"Ah dunno! Maybe it's a unicorn thing!" Applejack guessed. Then Twilight's mane became wavy and her body was on purple flame.

"This is not a unicorn thing", Rarity said.

"YOU THINK I WOULD JUST SIT HERE WHILE YOU HURT MY FRIENDS?! asked Twilight then to everyone's surprise, she disappeared.

Zircon & the group looked around & Twilight reappeared next to Zircon's face then punched him right across the face, even breaking his horn. The group gasped. Enraged by his broken horn, Zircon tries to chomp Twilight but she teleported & reappeared above Zircon then flew towards him with a scream came outta her mouth.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Twilight fired a laser beam at Zircon's face. The Carnotaurus roared in agony and pain as he tries to shake off his pain. Twilight landed on the ground with a fury look on her face.

I'LL WARNED YOU THIS ONE TIME: LEAVE & NEVER COME BACK!" Twilight ordered as Zircon retreated to the woods. The group stared in awe as Twilight's magic died out and she collapsed to the ground.

"Twilight!" The group yelled as they ran to her.

"Twilight, you okay?" asked Spike.

"I can't feel my legs", Twilight said before shutting her eyes.

"Twilight? Twilight?" Spike scream echoed.


Twilight was resting at her castle while Princess Celestia & Luna checked on her.

"It seems she had unlocked her true powers", Celestia begun. This made the group interested.

"Powers?" Applejack said.

"Yes. She got her powers by showing the truest part of herself. Not wanting all of you to get hurt", explained Celestia.

"Oh", said everyone in unison.

"Why did she collapsed?" asked Rarity.

"Because she haven't learned to control it. Not yet at least", Luna answered.

"So will we get those too?" Rainbow asked, properly, finally cured from her drunk.

"Some day, yes. But you all should learn to control it too. Because if you don't, then too much of it might kill you", Celestia concluded.

"Kill us?" asked Rainbow.

"Yes. We know because it happened to us too. It almost caused us our own lives", explained Luna.

"That's how we even we even came the princesses I've became today", added Celestia.

"So if you all learned to control it, then you can do anything", said Luna. The group stared either in awe or in worry.

"Then we won't let that happen. We'll control it, won't we girls?" Applejack said. as all the group agreed.

"Good. Because the faith of all Equestria will be rest in your hooves when that happens", Celestia said.

"Sounds like a piece of cake. We're faced some baddies before. What can go wrong?" Pinkie said with a big smile.



Zircon was at the lake, washing his right side face. Then he revealed his burned right-sided face as he roared in anger.


Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle.

Twilight: Hahaha

Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air


The CMCs run happily with a baby Triceratops, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck.

Blue looked up curiously.

The Young-6 stand dramatically.

And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop.


Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

Rainbow: Whoo-hoo!

Applejack: Yee-haw!

Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha

Fluttershy: yay

Pinkie: Ha!

Rarity: Darling

Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab

Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what

The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close.


Author's Note:

The mysterious figure was actually Opaline. And yes there two T-Rexes in this version of the series. A male & a female.