• Published 4th Feb 2023
  • 996 Views, 15 Comments

Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1 - MasterKen1803

Equestria is now filled with Jurassic Equestria dinosaurs. Will ponies & dinosaurs coexist together?

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Episode 3: Lost Friends

The sun sets in the horizon as the Young-6 started setting their tents in the Everfree Forest.

"Man, our first camp out for the weekends, that's all we need", Sandbar said.

"Sure is, brother", agreed Gallus.

"Yona is excited for this", Yona also agreed, making a mess with her tent.

"We can eat s'mores, tell scary stories...", Silverstream cheered excitedly.

"But not too scary", Ocellus reminded her as she helps Silverstream with her tent.

"Ehhh...I'm more of a scary story one", Smolder said, setting her tent. Sandbar & Gallus noticed Yona not setting her tent right.

"Uh...Yona, you sure you don't need help?" asked Gallus.

"Nope", Yona answered. "Why Gallus asked?"

"Because....your tent's all mess-up", Sandbar answered.

"Oh...darn it", Yona realized they're right.

"Don't worry. We'll help ya", Ocellus said.

"Oh thanks", Yona said.


Ocellus rubbed the fire with a stick but she stopped immediately. "I'm done."

"Already?" Sandbar said. "I'll do it."

Sandbar rubbed the faster.

"You'll get tired. Slow down", Silverstream said.

"The fire won't start if you go slowly", Ocellus said.

"Alright do it faster. Faster, faster! C'mon, Sandbar! Rub it faster!" Silverstream yelled as Sandbar rubbed faster & faster til...

"Ouch! Ah!"

He stopped as if he hurted his hooves.

"What is it? Ya got cramp?" asked Gallus.

"My hooves. I can't do it", Sandbar said.

"Yona'll do it. Get back", Yona volunteered as she rubbed the stick slowly & slowly. The other gave her confused looks.

"Hey, what's she doing?" Gallus whispered to Sandbar but he shrugged.

"Are ya praying?" Silverstream asked.

"Stop praying. Just stop, I'm do it", Gallus said.

"It's hard. Fire won't work", Yona said.

Gallus sighed as he rubbed completely fast. Then it started to smoke.

"Is that smoke?" Ocellus asked. "Gallus don't stop! Keep going."

But the smoke died out.

"Ah damn it", Gallus said. "I'll try again."

As Gallus starts again, Smolder stepped forward. "Guys?"

They ignored her.

"Guys", Smolder called a little louder. They looked at her. "You know I'm a dragon, right?"

"Right. Why we didn't think of that?" Sandbar said, receiving some scowling faces.


Everybody sat over the fire while Smolder tells scary story.

"...and behind her, was a monstrous demon-dragon! RAWR!!!" Smolder roared, raising her hands dramatically.

"Ahh!" Ocellus squeaked as she transformed herself into a mouse and hides inside Yona's fur.

"The end", Smolder concluded, proudly.

"That was horrifying!" Silverstream shivered.

"So that's it? Is that how it's ended?" Gallus asked.

"Yep, pretty much", confirmed Smolder.

"Is there...um...any happy endings for it?" asked Ocellus from Yona's fur.

"Ehhh...none", Smolder answered. The other felt either nervous or scared at the same time.

"Ah well, I'm off to bed", Smolder yawned as she entered her tent. "Good night."

Then Sandbar, Gallus, & Yona also yawned.

"We're off to bed too", Gallus said entering his tent.

"Yona also need rest", Yona said, feeling a bit drowsy.

"Good night, everyone", Sandbar said.

Silverstream & Ocellus felt nervous to sleep and they heard a distant howl, which started them and they went into their tent.





A lightning clouds hit the forest as well as rumbling thunders were heard.

A thundering sound alert Ocellus to wake up. Then she felt like she has to go. She unzipped her tent and went to Sandbar's.

"Sandbar, you awake?" asked Ocellus, softly.

"I am now", yawned Sandbar.

"I need to go", Ocellus tries hold it.

"Go what?" Sandbar tries to go back to sleep.

"No I meant go. To pee", Ocellus clarified.

"Now?!" Sandbar asked


Sandbar stood at the forest while the thundering occurred.

"Are ya almost done?" Sandbar called out.

"Almost", replied Ocellus in the foliage. Then the cloud started to pour.

"Ocellus, I think you should hurry up. It's about to rain", Sandbar said. Then Ocellus came out.

"All done."

"Great, can we go?" Sandbar asked. Then they both hear an rustle in the bush. Then Silverstream appeared. "Also done!"

"Ahhh!" Sandbar & Ocellus both screamed as they held each other.

"Silverstream, what are you doing here?" asked Ocellus.

"I wanted to go too, obviously", replied Silverstream.

"C'mon we should probably go back", Sandbar, which he received both nods from Silverstream & Ocellus.


As they going to the camp, they heard a squeak from the underbrush. Then it revealed itself, a Compsognathus, a small 1 ft tall dinosaur.

"Well hello there", Silverstream greeted as she kneeled down while Sandbar & Ocellus felt nervous about it. Then more of them slowly emerged outta the underbrush.

"Silverstream, I think you should leave it alone", Sandbar warned her.

"Why?" asked Silverstream, not aware of the situation.

"Because it's not alone", Ocellus pointed out. Then Silverstream yelped and back up as more Compsognathuses showed up. They chirped & squeaked viciously at them and circled them.

"What do we do?" Silverstream panicked.

"I don't know! There's too many of them", Sandbar said. One of them pounced onto Ocellus & nips violently on her.

"Ah get it off! Get it off!" Ocellus screamed.

"Hold still! Hold still!" Silverstream tries to catch it but the Compsognathus nips her claws. "Ow! It bit me!"

Then another Compsognathus jumped onto to Sandbar's head & pulled his mane, making him scream.

"Ah! Get off me!" Sandbar pulled the dinosaur by the tail from his head. Silverstream tries to pull both of them but two of the dinosaurs hopped onto her head & leg. One of them yanked her hair while the other nips violently on her leg. The three struggled, trying to threw the Compsognathuses off them til they tumbled over a hill, rolling all the way to the bottom. Bouncing and rolling down, they slammed to a stop. The three groaned & panted & hoped they didn't injured any of their body.

"Ah, you okay, Ocellus, Silverstream?" Sandbar asked, rubbing his head.

"I'm okay", answered Ocellus.

"Me too", Silverstream also said. Then they heard chipping & squeaks in the underbrush.

"Guys, we need to run. This is gonna be bad", Silverstream said, intensely. The two stared at her confusely. Then a swarm of Compsognathuses bursted outta the bush & threw themselves onto the three and over took them again. Sandbar, Silverstream, & Ocellus screamed outta their lungs as the little dinosaurs bit, scratched and chew on any open piece of flesh they could get ahold of.

"Smolder! Yona!" Ocellus screamed out while trying to threw the dinosaurs off her.

"Help!" Silverstream screamed while the some of the Compsognathus either pulled her hair or bite and scratched all over her.

"Gallus, Smolder!" Sandbar screamed and managed grab one and threw it off. One of the dinosaur bit Ocellus on her upper lip, causing it to bleed but she threw it off her. The Compsognathuses and the three fought til the swarm somewhere stopped and have a scared face on their face then scattered into the brush. Ocellus, Sandbar, & Silverstream were covered in small scratches and bite marks all over them. They make sure nothing else was seriously injured. Silverstream and Ocellus looked back and were shocked in pure terror.

"That's right. You better run, you cowards!" Sandbar shouted, feeling a bit relieved.

"S...S..S...Sandbar?", Silverstream stuttered in terror.

"What?" Sandbar asked, turning around.

"That's what scared them away", Ocellus pointed out. Sandbar looked at the direction & then he froze in terror as rain started to pour violently. Up the treeline, a massive green male T-Rex stood there, watching them.

"Zeus", Sandbar whispered in terror. Zeus growled before letting out a thunderous roar and Sandbar, Ocellus, & Silverstream ran.



Gallus was looking inside Silverstream & Sandbar's tent but no one's there.

"See anyone?" asked Smolder. Gallus shook his head.

"Yona no find Changeling too", Yona came outta Ocellus' tent. "Where they go?"

"Maybe they wondered off", Smolder guessed.

"They couldn't just wonder off like this. It's starting to rain now. C'mon we gotta find them", Gallus said as he, Smolder, & Yona went down the trail, calling for them.


Sandbar, Ocellus, & Silverstream kept running through the forest in a heavy rain. They stopped behind a rock to catch their breath.

"I can't run anymore", Silverstream panted. But Zeus caught up with them.

"Awww...no good. Here he comes! Scatter!" Sandbar shouted as the three ran again. Zeus let out a bellow as he pursue them.

"He's gaining!" Ocellus screamed til Sandbar suggested "Make a sharp left!"

The three turn left as Zeus slipped down. Zeus got up and was furious for losing the three. He looked around and passed Sandbar, hiding behind the tree. Then Zeus passed Silverstream, hiding underneath a bush. Then the T.Rex stood above Ocellus, hiding underneath a fallen tree. Ocellus shaked in fear, hoping the dinosaur walked away. Then Zeus lifted the tree and threw it away. Ocellus gasped and dodged as the T.Rex tries to bite her. Ocellus ran but slipped down into a dry ravine. Ocellus tried to get up but soon realized that Zeus cornered her. Just when he was about to eat her, two stones were thrown onto him. Zeus turned to see Sandbar & Silverstream.

"This was a horrible idea", Sandbar whimpered.

"Yeah.....HORRIBLE!" Silverstream screamed as Zeus now chases them. Sandbar & Silverstream ran & ran til they see a nearby cave. Ocellus soon caught up with them and they ran inside the cave. Zeus' head was big enough to fit in the cave. The three laid their backs on the wall, trying not to get to his mouth. Zeus chomped & chomped til he stopped & heard a distant roar. He growled as he left the group alone. Sandbar, Silverstream, & Ocellus sighed in relief.


Gallus, Yona, & Smolder kept looking for their friends in the rain.

"Gallus, I think we should go back", Smolder said.

"But we can't. They gotta be here somewhere", Gallus protested.

"But Yona's getting soaked & exhausted", Yona panted. Then they hear a rumbling sound. Then Gallus saw Zeus walking to them. Gallus' eye widen.

"Guys, get down!"

They hid under the bush while Zeus walked pass them. Zeus stopped as he bended down a & smelled the bush. Yona was shaking intensely & mumbling too loudly til Smolder & Gallus covered her mouth. Then Zeus lifted his head & walked away. The trio slowly emerged outta the bush, sighing in relief.

"Was that....Zeus?" Smolder points out.

"Yeah it was", Gallus nodded.

"Yona felt terrified of dino-king Zeus now", Yona shivered.

"He's probably gone now. I think we should..." said Gallus before hearing two familiar voices.


They turned to see Sandbar & Ocellus waving at them. The three went to the cave and were relieved to see their missing friends.

"Thank Celestia you guys are okay", Gallus saud before hugging Sandbar & Ocellus. Smolder and Yona came into the cave & Silverstream hugged them.

"So what happened to you two?" Smolder asked.

"Yona & friends were worried sick", Yona added.

"Well Ocellus & Silverstream went for privacy til tiny dinos attacked us", Sandbar recapped the story.

"Then we run for our very lives from Zeus", Silverstream added.

"And we found this to take shelter from the storm so here we are", concluded Ocellus.

"Well we can't go back to camp. The storm's getting worse and who know how many are those dinosaurs out there", Gallus said.

"I say we stay here for the night til the storm's clear", Sandbar declared.

"We can even build a fire", Ocellus added. "It'll keep the whatever's out there away."

So the group build a fire & spent the night in the cave.


Finally the storm had clear & one by one the group slowly awoke.

"We should go back to camp. Let's go", Sandbar said.


After walking back for hours, they managed to get back to their camp but the camp is destroyed. The group were shocked at this.

"What happened here?" Sandbar asked.

"Must have been the storm", Ocellus guessed.

"Well we gonna pack it up because we'll leaving right now", Smolder said.


The group stood on the road, waiting for any vehicles to take them home. Then to their surprise, a truck stopped.

"You kids need a ride?" the driver stallion asked.

Later the group sat in the truck while the driver drove them back. Gallus & Silverstream sat in front and the others sat at the back. The group stayed silent til Sandbar asked "So..uh..another campout next weekend?"

The truck stopped and the group pushed Sandbar out. "Oof!"


Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle.

Twilight: Hahaha

Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air


The CMCs run happily with a baby Triceratops, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck.

Blue looked up curiously.

The Young-6 stand dramatically.

And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop.


Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

Rainbow: Whoo-hoo!

Applejack: Yee-haw!

Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha

Fluttershy: yay

Pinkie: Ha!

Rarity: Darling

Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab

Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what

The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close.


Author's Note:

The Compy encounter is based on TLW: JP.

And the T.Rex chase was inspired by Camp Cretaceous.

The fire-making part was refered to All Of Us Are Dead too.