> Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1 > by MasterKen1803 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode 1: A New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rises at the horizon of Equestria. Camera shows the varieties of locations of the Northern Mountains. Second it shows the Crystal Empire. Third, the camera scrolls away Canterlot and even shows a beautiful shot the the waterfall. Finally the camera show a path which leads to Ponyville. Then a ball of amber with a front end of a Tyrannosaurus skeleton in it with title labeled ”Jurassic Equestria” appeared then disappeared. “Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash flies around in the skies in a aerodynamic ways. While she flies around in the sky, two big male Apatosaurs raised their heads and watched her fly. Then Rainbow Dash flew over a small herd of running Ankylosaurus in the field. She flew beside one of the Ankylos and even waved at it before flying off. The Ankylosaurus grunted at her in response. She then reaches over Ponyville and greeted everypony on the way. She then passed Twilight's castle as the castle zooms inside the glass window. <> Twilight & Spike were inside the library while Twilight writes a letter. Dear, Claire How's life treating for ya? Things have been quiet since the Lockwood Estate incident and the dinosaurs...well...it's been pretty hard getting use to them but we're eventually find a way to coexist one another. But until then we'll keep Equestria from any threats. I really hope you'll be okay and stay well. And I'll see you again really soon. Your cousin, Twilight Sparkle P.S: Spike says hello & say hi to Maisie & Owen for us "Is that it, Twi?" asked Spike. "Yep", confirmed Twilight. "You may send it to her now, Spike." "Alright." Spike picked the letter and magically deliver letter to Claire with his fire breath. "Ya think she'll receive it", Spike asked, hopefully. "She will, Spike", replied Twilight. "Think she, Owen, & Maisie's safe?" asked Spike. "Don't worry. They're in a safe place for now. We'll see them again", reassured Twilight. She planted a small kiss on Spike's forehead. Then Applejack slammed in the library, alerting Twilight & Spike. "Twilight!" "What is it?" asked Twilight. "We have a problem." <> At the Main Street, ponies screamed and run around as a huge wild bull Triceratops with red colorings on its frill smashed a lamp post before piercing through a post sign with his horns before letting out a mighty cry on its back legs. Somewhere, the Mane 6 & Spike watched in both amazed and shock as the ceratopsian rampages till Rainbow asked "So...uh...any ideas on what that thing is?" "A Triceratops. A male", Spike answered. "Yeah & clearly pissed off, no doubt", added Applejack. "What do we do now?" asked Rarity in her red sweater. "We need to find a way to contain it then calm it down", said Twilight. "How can we even contain it? I mean how can we find something that big to contain it?" asked Pinkie Pie. Twilight putted her hoof on her chin and looked around before seeing a huge cargo truck. "That truck! We can lure it in it and transport it somewhere else", answered Twilight. "Spike, you, Flutters, & Pinkie get the truck started. Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack & I will lure it in." "Alright, on it. Just be careful." Spike's group head off while Twilights group gallops to the Trike. "I swear to Celestia, if my new sweater gets ruined..." grumbled Rarity. The Trike smashed a ice cream stand angrily and wildly. It even chased off a few ponies by charging at them. Twilight's group got there. "Alright, Twi. What's the plan?" asked AJ. "We just need to lure it to the truck", replied Twilight. "How can we lure that thing?! Have ya seen its horns?" Rainbow asked. Then the Triceratops turns to them angrily. It snorts when glaring at them. Twilight's group froze in terror. "Uh...might I suggest one thing we can do, dears?" Rarity asked, trembling. The Triceratops bellowed loudly. "Scatter!!!" screamed Rarity as they turned tail and run. The Triceratops charged at them with full speed. <> Meanwhile, Spike's team got to the truck. "Alright, can we turn it on?" asked Spike. "I don't know", said Fluttershy. "PRESS EVERYTHING!" suggested Pinkie as the three randomly started pressing buttons til they find the right one. <> The ceratopsian chased Twilight's team, smashing everything in its way. "Hey horned-face!" yelled Rainbow. The Trike turned to her. "Take this!" Rainbow flew to it & threw punches the Trike right in the face. "Ha! How do ya like that?" Then the Trike headbutts her. She was thrown to a glass-window, crashing it. A lasso tied on its right-side horn. "That's enough now." Applejack said, pulling the lasso. The Triceratops yanks the lasso and Applejack was also thrown into the air. Rainbow groaned as she got up. She saw Applejack flying towards her. "Oh sh....". Applejack crashed onto her. Then Twilight shoots the Triceratops with her magic in the air. Enraged, the Triceratops pierced a mailbox and threw it at her. Twilight dodged. She flew toward it and shoots laser at it. The Triceratops tried to fight back but Twilight kept dodging his attacks. Then it swung its tail at Twilight & she was thrown to the ground hard. The Triceratops turned to Rarity. It charged at her. Rarity screamed as she ran as quickly as she can. <> Spike's team were still struggling with the truck til Spike heard Rarity's scream. He looked out the window and saw Rarity in trouble. Spike gasped as he climbed out the truck but he was stopped by Pinkie & Fluttershy. "Hey let go! I gotta help Rarity!" Spike said. "Don't, Spike!" Fluttershy screamed, holding his arm. Spike shoved her hoof away and climbed out the truck. "Spike!" Fluttershy called out. "Don't go! We love you!" Pinkie also called out. The Triceratops was gaining on Rarity. "Help! Somepony help!" Spike stood in the way, letting Rarity pass. Twilight regains conscience and see what Spike's doing. "Spike!" Twilight leaped into the air & pushed Spike outta the way. "What were you doing, Spike?" asked Twilight. "Saving Rarity", answered Spike. "Well it's still chasing her", Twilight pointed out. Twilight looked closely at the Triceratops and saw the red colorings on its frill and Rarity's sweater also red. Then she realized why it's chasing her. "It's the red", she whispered. "Huh?" asked Spike curiously. "It's the red", Twilight repeated loudly, realizing the situation. "Rarity!" "What?" Rarity looked back while running. "Take off your sweater!" "What?! No way?!" Rarity refused. "Why?" "It thinks you're a rival!" Twilight explained. "Take it off & throw it to me!" "But it's my new sweater!" Rarity tried refuses. "Rarity, just do it!" Spike yelled. Rarity took off her sweater and threw it to Twilight. Twilight caught it with her magic. "Hey!" Twilight yelled, getting the Triceratops' attention. The Triceratops immediately stopped chasing Rarity and looked back. Rarity take cover by hiding behind a lamp post. "Check out this sweater", Twilight waved the sweater around with magic. The Trike snorted as it growled at Twilight. "What's the plan exactly?" Spike whispered. "We're gonna use this and lead it to the truck", Twilight said. The Triceratops bellowed once more and charged at them. "Run!" Twilight yelled as she and Spike run in different directions. The Trike however followed the same direction Twilight took. Meanwhile Applejack groaned as she regains conscience, laying on the floor of the building and Rainbow was nowhere to be found. "Rainbow?" Applejack heard a groan. "Rainbow Dash?" "Get off me!" muffled Rainbow as she was actually underneath Applejack as she rolled over, getting off Rainbow. Rainbow coughed. "You okay?" asked Applejack as she helped her up. "Yeah I'm good", replied Rainbow. The two looked outside the shattered window and saw Twilight carrying the sweater while being chased by the Triceratops. "What in tarnation?" Applejack said. "Is it just me or is Twilight luring the dino with Rarity's sweater?"asked Rainbow, confused. "Sure looks that way. C'mon!", Applejack said as the two jumped off the building. Twilight panted as she see Rainbow & Applejack running towards her. "Twilight, threw it to me!" Applejack said as Twilight threw the sweater. Applejack caught it. "Applejack, you & Rainbow distract the Triceratops. Me, Spike, & Rarity will get the truck", Twilight said. "On it, Twilight!" Rainbow called out as Twilight ran back to Twilight. "Hey you horn-faced moron!" Rainbow called the Triceratops as she make weird faces at it. https://derpibooru.org/images/1395398 The Triceratops gets irritated and charged at them. "Okay now we've made it angry. Now run!" Applejack said. The two scattered as the dinosaur chases them. <> Meanwhile, Twilight, Spike, & Rarity got back to Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie, trying struggling with the truck. "What's the situation?" asked Twilight. "We still don't know which button it is", said Fluttershy. "It's this one", Twilight pushed one of the button and the cargo door started opening. "Wow, it's a lot easier she do it", commented Pinkie Pie, receiving some grumpy faces. "What?" <> Rainbow Dash waved the sweater while the Triceratops gains on her. "Pass, Dash!" called Applejack. "Go along!" Rainbow threw the sweater to Applejack, which she caught just in time. Applejack runs to the truck as the Triceratops follows her. "Get outta the way!" Applejack alerting everypony. She threw the sweater inside the cargo container which Triceratops runs inside. "Pinkie, close it!" Twilight said as Pinkie pressed the button which the cargo door closed. Twilight panted happily as the other cheered. "We got it. We've caught a Triceratops." Twilight said, relieved. "Yee-haw!" Applejack cheered. "Awww yeah!" Rainbow cheered. "Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie yelled. "Yay" Fluttershy cheered in a soft tone. "We did it....you all owe me a new sweater", Rarity frowned as the other laughed at her. OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with a baby Triceratops, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 2: Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight opened her eyes and she found herself in a forest. She looked around to see anypony was there. "Hello?" she asked. "Is anypony there?" "Pinkie Pie? Rarity? Spike?" Then she hears a strange rumbling sound and soon after a loud and unearthly cry. Twilight's eye widen as she made a run for it. She could hear a creature smashing through the foliage, trying to get her. Then she sees a wide-open glade of the forest right in front of her, which made her more comfortable. As she made it to the glade, she took the time to catch some air. "What's happening?" Twilight panted. The roar was heard again then it revealed to be non other then the Indominus Rex. Twilight stared at her with pure horror. "You can't be here. It's not possible!" Twilight said in shockness. "You died!" Indominus Rex approached as she began to speak with a deep hollow voice, which surprised Twilight too. "Come now, little girl. You and your little family think a lizard could just drown me and eat me later, did you?" Indominus Rex said. "Well you fools can never defeat me!" "You can talk?!" asked Twilight as the Indominus Rex didn't answer but slowly approach her. "Stay away from me. I'm warning you", Twilight said, trying to hide her fear. But the Indominus Rex chuckled. "You're warning me? Ha!" laughed Indominus. "No, I'm warning you. Please do watch your back because we're gonna chew on it." "We?" asked Twilight before a growl was heard behund her. She turned around to see a a huge dark-red Carnotaurus & a spiked Allosaurus staring hungrily at her. Then she turn to her right to see two Monolophosaurus glaring at her. Twilight tries to run back but to realized that she's cornered. "GET HER!" Indominus Rex yelled as all of the dinosaurs threw themselves to her. Twilight's screamed echoed as everything turned black. <> Twilight screamed as she woke up from her bed. She looked around and found herself in her own bedroom. Twilight panted heavily as she was even covered in cold sweat. Then Spike entered the room with worried look on his face. "Twilight, are you okay? I heard screaming", Spike said. Twilight panted heavily as she gaze upon Spike. "I'm okay, Spike", replied Twilight. "Are you sure?" asked Spike. "Yeah, just had a nightmare", reassured Twilight. Spike nodded as he was about to leave. "Spike?" Spike looked back. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" asked Twilight. "Umm...okay", answered Spike as Twilight scooted over and Spike laid on the bed with her. "Is this okay, Twi?" Spike asked. "Yes, it's fine", replied Twilight. "Well good night", Spike yawned as he shut his eyes. "Good night, Spike", Twilight said as she also closed her eyes, hoping the nightmare is over. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 2: FEAR <> (A NIGHT AFTER) Twilight & Spike were with their friends as they all dine in a bar. Rainbow was drunkly telling a joke. "... and so what do cows call their moms?" asked Rainbow as she hiccupped. "Dash, ah think you're drinking way too much cider", Applejack warned her. Rainbow ignored her as she tell the answer. "Moommy!" Rainbow started laughing madly as she drinks another cup. "(burp) Ah! C'mon, guys. It's pretty obvious." The group stood silently. "Errr...screw you all, you killjoys!" "I think it's a little funny", admitted Fluttershy, receiving "really" looks from everyone. Fluttershy sheepishly chuckled. Twilight sat quietly, barely touched her food. Then Spike noticed it. "You okay?" asked Spike. The group take notice of it too. "I'm fine really", Twilight said. The others aren't buying it while Rainbow kept drinking cider. "You're not fine, darling", Rarity said. "Yeah, you haven't even touched your food, Twi", Applejack said. "Why the long face, Twilight?" Pinkie clinged in and pulled her face to make her point. Twilight thinks for a second. "You all really wanna know, don't you?" Everybody nodded as Rainbow drunkly burped loudly again. The other scowled at her. "What?" Rainbow asked as she sipped other cider. Twilight signed as she begun. "Last night, I saw something in my dream." "You saw something?" Applejack repeated. "What exactly you saw?" asked Rarity. Twilight hesitated at first but she told them. "Indominus." Spike's heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach as he remembered what massacres Indominus Rex causes during his first visit to Jurassic Equestria. "You saw...Indominus Rex?" Spike asked, nervously. Twilight silently nodded. "You mean that evil dino-monster thingie that destroy the park during you, Spike, Shining Armor's first visit", asked Pinkie. "Yeah", confirmed Twilight. "She even spoke to me." "She spoke to you? How about that?" Applejack commented. "What did she say, Twi?" Fluttershy asked, shievering. "She said that we can never truly defeat her and then something else happened", Twilight explained her dream. "What happened?" Spike asked. "She ordered a group of dinosaurs and they all attacked me", Twilight continued. Then she started to cry. The other (except Rainbow) feeling sad for their friend as they came closer and embraced her. "Hey what you all sad for?! It's a night-out!" Rainbow shouted. <> At the remains of Lockwood Estate, a mysterious figure trotted around and found something on the ground. The broken case with what remains of the Indominus' rib bone stepped by Zeus. She levitated a piece of the rib bone and smiled evily. "Well this is an expecting turn of event", she said. "Don't worry, mighty beast. Soon you will rise again and help me take whats rightfully mine!" She started cackling evily. <> (NEXT MORNING) Twilight & Spike went out from breakfast. Twilight still stayed silently. "Still thinking about that dream?" asked Spike. Twilight nodded. "Well don't worry. Whatever you saw last night, it won't come true", reassured Spike. "What if it does, Spike?" asked Twilight, feeling uncomfortable. "C'mon Twi. That time we saw the Indominus died, she couldn't possibly survived that, right?" Spike said. "I know but I'm kept getting the feeling that she's alive. Even though we saw her died in that lagoon", Twilight said, shakily. Spike sighed, not knowing what to do or say. <> (NEAR BY THE MARKETPLACE) In the forest not far from the marketplace, a Carnotaurus, which looks a lot like the one from Twilight's nightmare woke up from his sleep. He yawned as he wonder through the trees and see a pony walking to the marketplace. Feeling hungry, he licks his mouth and following that pony. <> Twilight & Spike were heading back and all of a sudden heard a scream. "What was that?" asked Spike, trembling. Another scream was heard. "I don't know but let's go check it out", Twilight declared and the two ran ahead. Soon we were joined by the group (except Rainbow Dash) and saw what was happening. The Carnotaurus chomped on one of the ponies and slammed him to the building. Next he bite on a unicorn mare before devouring her whole. He then stomps on a earth stallion, breaking his leg while screaming in agonizing pain. The group watched the whole with a horrified looks on their face. Twilight hyperventilates as she remembered seeing that Carnotaurus in her dream. "A Carnotaurus, right Spike?" asked Applejack with the taser rifle strapped on her back. "Yep", confirmed Spike. "Well we gonna get rid of it before it could hurt anypony else", Rarity said. "Wait, where's Rainbow Dash?" asking Pinkie. "I'm here", a voice said. It was Rainbow Dash with a green color on her face. She gagged as she barely flied her way to them. The group were disgusted at her appearence. "Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed, covering her mouth. "What happened to you, Rainbow?" Rarity asked. "I'm fine. I'm..." Then she vomited, which disgusted Rarity. "Oh my...! Ah told you, you were drinking too much!" scolded Applejack. "Shut up! I'm fine. Let's deal with Zircon first", Rainbow declared, gesturing the Carnotaurus by naming it. "Zircon? You gave it a name?" Fluttershy asked. "Well I kinda like it. Fits him even", Pinkie smiled. "Nah, she just drunk", Applejack said before grabbing the rifle from her back and loaded it. "Let's rock, ponies." The group head off except Twilight and Spike noticed it. "Twilight?" asked Spike. Twilight didn't answered because she was too traumatized. "Snap outta it." Not knowing what to do he left her. Meanwhile , "Zircon" was about to eat a pegasi til Applejack shot three shots of electric to him. Zircon yelped in pain and he turned his attention to Applejack. "Here! Come & get me!" Applejack shouted. Zircon roared and rammed on Applejack. Applejack leaped onto his head and elbowed him on the head, making him yelp. Zircon smashed Applejack into a flower stand, knock her out. Right when he was about to chomp her, Rarity shoots her magic beams at him. "Leave her alone, you beast!" Rarity demanded. Zircon gets irritated and after Rarity. Soon a pie splatted on his face. He sees Pinkie with her party cannon. "Hey Zircon, like cranberry or raspberry pie?" joked Pinkie. Zircon snorts and charged at her. Pinkie shoots her party cannon but it was out of ammo. "Oh come on!" Zircon rammed Pinkie Pie and her cannon into the air and she fell into the river. Fluttershy flew to Zircon and give him "the Stare!" Zircon was confused at first but he growled furiously, making Fluttershy whimpered as she retreated. Then Rainbow drunkly rans to Zircon and started throw soft punches at his leg. "Take that, Zircon!" Then Zircon hits her with his tail. Spike leaped onto his head and pulled one of his horn. Then Zircon swung his head and Spike thrown to the ground hard. "Hey!" a voice yelled. It was Twilight probably snapped outta her trauma, carrying a sledgehammer with her magic. "Leave Spike alone!" She hits Zircon and even broke the sledgehammer. Zircon enrages and swing his tail to Twilight. She was thrown to the vegetable stand. "NO!" the group screamed ad they all charged at Zircon but also got swing away by his tail. They all crushed onto each other. "Is that all you got, Zircon?!" Rainbow drunkly asked. Zircon cornered them, as he hungrily stared at them. "Okay anymore bright ideas?" Rarity asked. "Got one", said Applejack as she points her rifle at Zircon but it was outta battery. "Ah sh*t!" "Well we can do this", Pinkie said as she & Fluttershy both screamed and huddle each other. Twilight groaned as she got up from the impact. She see Zircon preparing to eat her friends. "No!" she reached out. Then all of a sudden, her eyes glowed fiery purple as she growls in anger. Zircon and the group turned to see enraged Twilight with her purple powered hooves. "Am I just drunk or is Twilight actually on purple flame?" Rainbow asked. "What's going on with Twilight?!" Pinkie asked. "Ah dunno! Maybe it's a unicorn thing!" Applejack guessed. Then Twilight's mane became wavy and her body was on purple flame. "This is not a unicorn thing", Rarity said. "YOU THINK I WOULD JUST SIT HERE WHILE YOU HURT MY FRIENDS?! asked Twilight then to everyone's surprise, she disappeared. Zircon & the group looked around & Twilight reappeared next to Zircon's face then punched him right across the face, even breaking his horn. The group gasped. Enraged by his broken horn, Zircon tries to chomp Twilight but she teleported & reappeared above Zircon then flew towards him with a scream came outta her mouth. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Twilight fired a laser beam at Zircon's face. The Carnotaurus roared in agony and pain as he tries to shake off his pain. Twilight landed on the ground with a fury look on her face. I'LL WARNED YOU THIS ONE TIME: LEAVE & NEVER COME BACK!" Twilight ordered as Zircon retreated to the woods. The group stared in awe as Twilight's magic died out and she collapsed to the ground. "Twilight!" The group yelled as they ran to her. "Twilight, you okay?" asked Spike. "I can't feel my legs", Twilight said before shutting her eyes. "Twilight? Twilight?" Spike scream echoed. <> Twilight was resting at her castle while Princess Celestia & Luna checked on her. "It seems she had unlocked her true powers", Celestia begun. This made the group interested. "Powers?" Applejack said. "Yes. She got her powers by showing the truest part of herself. Not wanting all of you to get hurt", explained Celestia. "Oh", said everyone in unison. "Why did she collapsed?" asked Rarity. "Because she haven't learned to control it. Not yet at least", Luna answered. "So will we get those too?" Rainbow asked, properly, finally cured from her drunk. "Some day, yes. But you all should learn to control it too. Because if you don't, then too much of it might kill you", Celestia concluded. "Kill us?" asked Rainbow. "Yes. We know because it happened to us too. It almost caused us our own lives", explained Luna. "That's how we even we even came the princesses I've became today", added Celestia. "So if you all learned to control it, then you can do anything", said Luna. The group stared either in awe or in worry. "Then we won't let that happen. We'll control it, won't we girls?" Applejack said. as all the group agreed. "Good. Because the faith of all Equestria will be rest in your hooves when that happens", Celestia said. "Sounds like a piece of cake. We're faced some baddies before. What can go wrong?" Pinkie said with a big smile. <> (IN THE FOREST) Zircon was at the lake, washing his right side face. Then he revealed his burned right-sided face as he roared in anger. OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with a baby Triceratops, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 3: Lost Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun sets in the horizon as the Young-6 started setting their tents in the Everfree Forest. "Man, our first camp out for the weekends, that's all we need", Sandbar said. "Sure is, brother", agreed Gallus. "Yona is excited for this", Yona also agreed, making a mess with her tent. "We can eat s'mores, tell scary stories...", Silverstream cheered excitedly. "But not too scary", Ocellus reminded her as she helps Silverstream with her tent. "Ehhh...I'm more of a scary story one", Smolder said, setting her tent. Sandbar & Gallus noticed Yona not setting her tent right. "Uh...Yona, you sure you don't need help?" asked Gallus. "Nope", Yona answered. "Why Gallus asked?" "Because....your tent's all mess-up", Sandbar answered. "Oh...darn it", Yona realized they're right. "Don't worry. We'll help ya", Ocellus said. "Oh thanks", Yona said. <> Ocellus rubbed the fire with a stick but she stopped immediately. "I'm done." "Already?" Sandbar said. "I'll do it." Sandbar rubbed the faster. "You'll get tired. Slow down", Silverstream said. "The fire won't start if you go slowly", Ocellus said. "Alright do it faster. Faster, faster! C'mon, Sandbar! Rub it faster!" Silverstream yelled as Sandbar rubbed faster & faster til... "Ouch! Ah!" He stopped as if he hurted his hooves. "What is it? Ya got cramp?" asked Gallus. "My hooves. I can't do it", Sandbar said. "Yona'll do it. Get back", Yona volunteered as she rubbed the stick slowly & slowly. The other gave her confused looks. "Hey, what's she doing?" Gallus whispered to Sandbar but he shrugged. "Are ya praying?" Silverstream asked. "Stop praying. Just stop, I'm do it", Gallus said. "It's hard. Fire won't work", Yona said. Gallus sighed as he rubbed completely fast. Then it started to smoke. "Is that smoke?" Ocellus asked. "Gallus don't stop! Keep going." But the smoke died out. "Ah damn it", Gallus said. "I'll try again." As Gallus starts again, Smolder stepped forward. "Guys?" They ignored her. "Guys", Smolder called a little louder. They looked at her. "You know I'm a dragon, right?" "Right. Why we didn't think of that?" Sandbar said, receiving some scowling faces. <> Everybody sat over the fire while Smolder tells scary story. "...and behind her, was a monstrous demon-dragon! RAWR!!!" Smolder roared, raising her hands dramatically. "Ahh!" Ocellus squeaked as she transformed herself into a mouse and hides inside Yona's fur. "The end", Smolder concluded, proudly. "That was horrifying!" Silverstream shivered. "So that's it? Is that how it's ended?" Gallus asked. "Yep, pretty much", confirmed Smolder. "Is there...um...any happy endings for it?" asked Ocellus from Yona's fur. "Ehhh...none", Smolder answered. The other felt either nervous or scared at the same time. "Ah well, I'm off to bed", Smolder yawned as she entered her tent. "Good night." Then Sandbar, Gallus, & Yona also yawned. "We're off to bed too", Gallus said entering his tent. "Yona also need rest", Yona said, feeling a bit drowsy. "Good night, everyone", Sandbar said. Silverstream & Ocellus felt nervous to sleep and they heard a distant howl, which started them and they went into their tent. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 3: LOST FRIENDS <> A lightning clouds hit the forest as well as rumbling thunders were heard. A thundering sound alert Ocellus to wake up. Then she felt like she has to go. She unzipped her tent and went to Sandbar's. "Sandbar, you awake?" asked Ocellus, softly. "I am now", yawned Sandbar. "I need to go", Ocellus tries hold it. "Go what?" Sandbar tries to go back to sleep. "No I meant go. To pee", Ocellus clarified. "Now?!" Sandbar asked <> Sandbar stood at the forest while the thundering occurred. "Are ya almost done?" Sandbar called out. "Almost", replied Ocellus in the foliage. Then the cloud started to pour. "Ocellus, I think you should hurry up. It's about to rain", Sandbar said. Then Ocellus came out. "All done." "Great, can we go?" Sandbar asked. Then they both hear an rustle in the bush. Then Silverstream appeared. "Also done!" "Ahhh!" Sandbar & Ocellus both screamed as they held each other. "Silverstream, what are you doing here?" asked Ocellus. "I wanted to go too, obviously", replied Silverstream. "C'mon we should probably go back", Sandbar, which he received both nods from Silverstream & Ocellus. <> As they going to the camp, they heard a squeak from the underbrush. Then it revealed itself, a Compsognathus, a small 1 ft tall dinosaur. "Well hello there", Silverstream greeted as she kneeled down while Sandbar & Ocellus felt nervous about it. Then more of them slowly emerged outta the underbrush. "Silverstream, I think you should leave it alone", Sandbar warned her. "Why?" asked Silverstream, not aware of the situation. "Because it's not alone", Ocellus pointed out. Then Silverstream yelped and back up as more Compsognathuses showed up. They chirped & squeaked viciously at them and circled them. "What do we do?" Silverstream panicked. "I don't know! There's too many of them", Sandbar said. One of them pounced onto Ocellus & nips violently on her. "Ah get it off! Get it off!" Ocellus screamed. "Hold still! Hold still!" Silverstream tries to catch it but the Compsognathus nips her claws. "Ow! It bit me!" Then another Compsognathus jumped onto to Sandbar's head & pulled his mane, making him scream. "Ah! Get off me!" Sandbar pulled the dinosaur by the tail from his head. Silverstream tries to pull both of them but two of the dinosaurs hopped onto her head & leg. One of them yanked her hair while the other nips violently on her leg. The three struggled, trying to threw the Compsognathuses off them til they tumbled over a hill, rolling all the way to the bottom. Bouncing and rolling down, they slammed to a stop. The three groaned & panted & hoped they didn't injured any of their body. "Ah, you okay, Ocellus, Silverstream?" Sandbar asked, rubbing his head. "I'm okay", answered Ocellus. "Me too", Silverstream also said. Then they heard chipping & squeaks in the underbrush. "Guys, we need to run. This is gonna be bad", Silverstream said, intensely. The two stared at her confusely. Then a swarm of Compsognathuses bursted outta the bush & threw themselves onto the three and over took them again. Sandbar, Silverstream, & Ocellus screamed outta their lungs as the little dinosaurs bit, scratched and chew on any open piece of flesh they could get ahold of. "Smolder! Yona!" Ocellus screamed out while trying to threw the dinosaurs off her. "Help!" Silverstream screamed while the some of the Compsognathus either pulled her hair or bite and scratched all over her. "Gallus, Smolder!" Sandbar screamed and managed grab one and threw it off. One of the dinosaur bit Ocellus on her upper lip, causing it to bleed but she threw it off her. The Compsognathuses and the three fought til the swarm somewhere stopped and have a scared face on their face then scattered into the brush. Ocellus, Sandbar, & Silverstream were covered in small scratches and bite marks all over them. They make sure nothing else was seriously injured. Silverstream and Ocellus looked back and were shocked in pure terror. "That's right. You better run, you cowards!" Sandbar shouted, feeling a bit relieved. "S...S..S...Sandbar?", Silverstream stuttered in terror. "What?" Sandbar asked, turning around. "That's what scared them away", Ocellus pointed out. Sandbar looked at the direction & then he froze in terror as rain started to pour violently. Up the treeline, a massive green male T-Rex stood there, watching them. "Zeus", Sandbar whispered in terror. Zeus growled before letting out a thunderous roar and Sandbar, Ocellus, & Silverstream ran. <> (MEANWHILE) Gallus was looking inside Silverstream & Sandbar's tent but no one's there. "See anyone?" asked Smolder. Gallus shook his head. "Yona no find Changeling too", Yona came outta Ocellus' tent. "Where they go?" "Maybe they wondered off", Smolder guessed. "They couldn't just wonder off like this. It's starting to rain now. C'mon we gotta find them", Gallus said as he, Smolder, & Yona went down the trail, calling for them. (BACK TO SANDBAR'S GROUP) Sandbar, Ocellus, & Silverstream kept running through the forest in a heavy rain. They stopped behind a rock to catch their breath. "I can't run anymore", Silverstream panted. But Zeus caught up with them. "Awww...no good. Here he comes! Scatter!" Sandbar shouted as the three ran again. Zeus let out a bellow as he pursue them. "He's gaining!" Ocellus screamed til Sandbar suggested "Make a sharp left!" The three turn left as Zeus slipped down. Zeus got up and was furious for losing the three. He looked around and passed Sandbar, hiding behind the tree. Then Zeus passed Silverstream, hiding underneath a bush. Then the T.Rex stood above Ocellus, hiding underneath a fallen tree. Ocellus shaked in fear, hoping the dinosaur walked away. Then Zeus lifted the tree and threw it away. Ocellus gasped and dodged as the T.Rex tries to bite her. Ocellus ran but slipped down into a dry ravine. Ocellus tried to get up but soon realized that Zeus cornered her. Just when he was about to eat her, two stones were thrown onto him. Zeus turned to see Sandbar & Silverstream. "This was a horrible idea", Sandbar whimpered. "Yeah.....HORRIBLE!" Silverstream screamed as Zeus now chases them. Sandbar & Silverstream ran & ran til they see a nearby cave. Ocellus soon caught up with them and they ran inside the cave. Zeus' head was big enough to fit in the cave. The three laid their backs on the wall, trying not to get to his mouth. Zeus chomped & chomped til he stopped & heard a distant roar. He growled as he left the group alone. Sandbar, Silverstream, & Ocellus sighed in relief. (NEARBY) Gallus, Yona, & Smolder kept looking for their friends in the rain. "Gallus, I think we should go back", Smolder said. "But we can't. They gotta be here somewhere", Gallus protested. "But Yona's getting soaked & exhausted", Yona panted. Then they hear a rumbling sound. Then Gallus saw Zeus walking to them. Gallus' eye widen. "Guys, get down!" They hid under the bush while Zeus walked pass them. Zeus stopped as he bended down a & smelled the bush. Yona was shaking intensely & mumbling too loudly til Smolder & Gallus covered her mouth. Then Zeus lifted his head & walked away. The trio slowly emerged outta the bush, sighing in relief. "Was that....Zeus?" Smolder points out. "Yeah it was", Gallus nodded. "Yona felt terrified of dino-king Zeus now", Yona shivered. "He's probably gone now. I think we should..." said Gallus before hearing two familiar voices. "Guys!" They turned to see Sandbar & Ocellus waving at them. The three went to the cave and were relieved to see their missing friends. "Thank Celestia you guys are okay", Gallus saud before hugging Sandbar & Ocellus. Smolder and Yona came into the cave & Silverstream hugged them. "So what happened to you two?" Smolder asked. "Yona & friends were worried sick", Yona added. "Well Ocellus & Silverstream went for privacy til tiny dinos attacked us", Sandbar recapped the story. "Then we run for our very lives from Zeus", Silverstream added. "And we found this to take shelter from the storm so here we are", concluded Ocellus. "Well we can't go back to camp. The storm's getting worse and who know how many are those dinosaurs out there", Gallus said. "I say we stay here for the night til the storm's clear", Sandbar declared. "We can even build a fire", Ocellus added. "It'll keep the whatever's out there away." So the group build a fire & spent the night in the cave. (NEXT MORNING) Finally the storm had clear & one by one the group slowly awoke. "We should go back to camp. Let's go", Sandbar said. (GOING BACK TO CAMP) After walking back for hours, they managed to get back to their camp but the camp is destroyed. The group were shocked at this. "What happened here?" Sandbar asked. "Must have been the storm", Ocellus guessed. "Well we gonna pack it up because we'll leaving right now", Smolder said. (AFTER PACKING UP) The group stood on the road, waiting for any vehicles to take them home. Then to their surprise, a truck stopped. "You kids need a ride?" the driver stallion asked. Later the group sat in the truck while the driver drove them back. Gallus & Silverstream sat in front and the others sat at the back. The group stayed silent til Sandbar asked "So..uh..another campout next weekend?" The truck stopped and the group pushed Sandbar out. "Oof!" OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with a baby Triceratops, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 4: Princess & the Raptor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day in the Crystal Empire, a dinosaur was spotted near the castle. Shining Armor galloped to the throne room, telling Cadence what's going on. "A dinosaur is spotted near the castle!" Shining Armor informed Cadence before asking "Do ya have Flurry Heart?" "No. I don't," answered Cadence then she gasped, remembering where Flurry Heart is. Both she & Shining Armor raced to Flurry Heart's room, opening the door & then they froze. The dinosaur is already there but it wasn't attacking Flurry Heart. The animal appears to be nuzzling her. Flurry Heart, who is showing no signs of fear, giggle as she touched the dinosaur's clawed hand & pets its face. Shining Armor observed the dinosaur closely before remembering who it was. "Blue?" he asked. "Wait. You know this dinosaur," asked Cadence in confusion. "Yes. She saved me, Twily, & Spike before," Shining Armor explained to his wife. Then Blue turned to them then approached slowly. Cadence held Shining Armor's hoof tightly in fear as the Raptor closing in. Blue purred curiously at them. Then Cadence walked slowly to her. "Cadence, be careful," Shining Armor tells her but Cadence didn't listen. She walked toward the curious dinosaur & reached out her hoof, trying to touch her. Blue cautionly backed away, thinking it's a trap. "Shhh. It's okay. Easy", reassured Cadence with a soft tone. Blue immediately recognized that word "easy" so she brought her head closer. Blue hesitated a little, then brought her muzzle close to the hoof. Cadence gasped a little & chuckled softly when she felt the leathery scales of the dinosaur. The dinosaur didn’t know how, but she found it rather relaxing. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. "Oh wow. She did it", Shining Armor gasped. Then Blue pulls her face away from the hoof before chittering happily towards her. Then spear land between both of them. They turned to see a royal guard at the doorway. "GET IT!" yelled one guard as the other guards armed with weapons galloped in the room. "No! Guards, stop! It's okay!" Shining Armor tries to stop them but no one listen. Blue hiss & screeches at the guards before directing her attention to Flurry Heart, now crying. Mistakenly thinking she might be in danger, Blue picks up Flurry Heart from her bed and runs towards the opened window. Cadence saw this & tries to stop her. "No, no, no! Blue, don't go! It's okay," Cadence tries to reassured her but she didn't listen. Instead she jumps off and landed on tower to tower until she & the baby safely landed on the ground & ran in high speed. Cadence saw the dinosaur, running off with her daughter before calling out for her. "FLURRY HEART!!!!" <> (INTRO) Episode 4: The Princess & the Raptor <> While runnning in full speed, Blue stumble upon a small herd of Nasutoceratops. While thinking it's a risk to pass the herd without getting notice, Blue sneak walked the herd, quietly. While Blue sneaks through the herd, Flurry Heart started to crying loudly because of hunger. The cry alerted the herd & they started to stampede. Blue gasped and started run while carrying the baby. Blue run as the herd almost catching up. One bull Nasutoceratops run passes Blue, nearly knocking her & the baby down. Finally Blue was caught up in the herd. One Nasutoceratops pushes her & another almost stepping on her. Then she sees a fallen tree on the left side of herd to take cover. Blue decided to crossed the herd but she & the baby were both knocked over by the weak Nasutoceratops, separating them in the process. Blue started to get scared as she calls for her by roaring. Then she heard her cries. She sees Flurry Heart in the center of the herd, crying while the herd run passes her. Then a huge bull Nasutoceratops closing in to her. Blue runs as fast as she can & jumps into the air & catches Flurry Heart before she gets impale by its horns. They reached to the fallen tree & take cover. Blue wraps her tail around the baby & hold her close. Even Flurry Heart held tightly to Blue. (After the herd passes) Blue emerges out of the tree & heard a train honk nearby. She again carries the baby & head to the sound. Then they see a train station, heading to Ponyville. "All aboard!" shouted the conductor as the train started to move. Blue follows the train then jumps on the roof. Blue & Flurry Heart both rested on the roof of the train as they headed to Ponyville. (Ponyville) After reaching Ponyville train station, Blue sees the Everfree Forest, just a few meters away. She was about to take off when suddenly.... "Aaaaaahhhh! Dinosaur!" A mare caught her & starts screaming. Blue immediately froze in terror and her eyes widen. "Help, police! Help!" screamed the mare as Blue quickly picks up Flurry Heart and runs to the forest. <> After the Mane 6 & Spike arrived, Cadence explained what happened. ".....and then she picked Flurry from her cradle and jumped out of the window," sobbed Cadence while Shining Armor comforts her. Our heroes either sobbed or saddened by the story until Twilight breaks the silence. "Don't worry, Cadence. We'll bring her back. We promise," reassured Twilight. "But how are we gonna find them?" Applejack asked. "Yeah, can't we call Owen or Claire to help us out?" added Rainbow Dash before all of our heroes agreed. "But Owen, Cousin Claire, and Maisie have disappeared after the Lockwood Estate incident, remember?" reminded Spike. "Oh...right," frowned Rainbow Dash, crossing her hooves. "They would have come help us by now." "So what do we do?" asked Fluttershy in fear. "Well looks like we'll have find Blue & Flurry Heart on our own," answered Twilight. "If we find Blue, we'll find Flurry Heart." "Oooh! A search party! I like it," Pinkie Pie cheered before Cadence & Shining Armor stepped in. "We coming too, Twily", Shining Armor said as our heroes' eyes widen. "What? Why" asked Twilight in confusion. "Because Flurry Heart is our daughter & we're both responsible for this. So we'll coming whether you like it or not, Twilight", Cadence answered as for our heroes' confusion. So the Mane 6 and Spike decided to let them come. "Alright, you can come", said Twilight with a smile. (LATER) After our heroes got off the train to Ponyville, they meet up with the same mare who saw Blue. "And the dinosaur picks up the filly and rushed to the Everfree Forest", the mare explained. "Thank you, kind ma'am", thanked Twilight. "Take care of yourself, okay? "I will and good luck, Princesses!" the mare wished them the best of luck as our heroes headed to the Everfree Forest. (MEANWHILE) Night has descend in the Everfree. Blue is still carrying Flurry Heart around and she's getting tired. She then sees a junky-old school bus. Once she gets inside, she built a nest from the trash inside the bus to takes shelter for the night. She puts Flurry Heart down and wraps her tail around her & they both slept. (NEXT MORNING) The sun shone through the window of the old school-bus next morning. Flurry Heart slowly opened her eyes, as she yawned cutely looking around. She sees Blue next to her sleeping while snoring out loud. She nudged her to wake up then Blue start to stirred and opened her eyes too. She yawn and sees the baby awaken. She nuzzle Flurry Heart as if she was greeting her, making the baby giggle and nuzzle her back. Few minutes later Blue exited herself out the bus to hunt but Flurry Heart nips her tail as if she was trying to make her stay. Blue lowered her head and licks the baby, reassuring her that she'll be back in a few minutes then Blue took off. (SOMEWHERE IN THE EVERFREE FOREST) Our heroes, Cadence, and Shining Armor were sleeping on the ground in the opening of the forest while a rumble was heard and Rainbow Dash was the first one to heard. "Twilight, wake up," Rainbow Dash wakes her. "What? What is it?" Twilight yawned while rubbing her eyes. "Shhhh!" shushed Rainbow and points out to the trees where the rumbling noises are coming. Twilight's eyes widen as she and Rainbow wakes the others. "Rarity, no time for beauty-sleep. Wake up!" Rainbow Dash shakes Rarity then she wake up and ask "What's going on?" One by one as our heroes slowly wake up, the rumbling gets louder & louder as if something huge was coming towards them. "Get ready", ordered Shining Armor. "We don't know what's coming". "Right", Twilight nodded, readying her magic. "I'm scared", said Fluttershy, trembling. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. Mama Pinkie will protect you", said Pinkie Pie, making Fluttershy rolled her eyes. Then it appears out of the treeline. A 7-ton bull Stegosaurus. Our heroes sighed in relief. "Don't worry, guys. It's just a Stegosaurus," explained Spike. "They're big but pretty much harmless." "Yeah, until they swing their tail on you", Rainbow Dash teases Spike, making him fold his arms and frown. "We better move on", said Shining Armor as he and the group resumed their journey, leaving the Stegosaurus in peace. (A FEW HOURS LATER) "Ugh. I feel like we're walking in circle", groaned Rainbow. "We should have call Owen for help." "Yes, darling", agreed Rarity. "He would have found Blue by now." The group kept walking forward while Cadence and Shining Armor stayed behind. Shining Armor sees how sad his wife is. "What's wrong, Cadence?" asked Shining Armor, worriedly. "We should done something", replied Cadence, making her husband raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Done what?" he asked. "We should have told the guards that this was all a misunderstanding," she replied, almost crying. "If we did, we wouldn't be in this situation right now and it's all our fault. It's our fault that our baby is taken." Shining Armor sees how sad his wife is so he putted his hoof around her, trying to ease things for her. "Hey, it isn't our fault. It's no one's fault", said Shining Armor with a smile. "I sure Blue's taking care of the baby right now." "Still, we should told the guards that Flurry Heart is safe or Blue is a friend or how I've tame Blue", said Cadence until Spike interrupted. "Wait. You tame Blue?" asked Spike, curiously. The group heard their conversation until Cadence nodded slowly. "Ooh! Now we have another dinosaur trainer", said Pinkie Pie with a big smile. "I'm sure Owen would like to meet her." "But how did ya done it?" asked Twilight while Rainbow Dash and Applejack found something on the ground. "Well I hold up my hoof and I said easy to her", Cadence explained her sister-in-law. "Just like that?" asked Rarity, rasing her eyebrow. "I...don't know", answered Cadence. "It's just a theory. Depends on whether she trust us or not." "I hope she trust us. She should", said Fluttershy then Rainbow Dash jumps in. "Hey guys. I hate to break up the conversation but Applejack found something", Rainbow Dash points at Applejack, still looking at the ground. "What is it, Applejack?" asked Twilight. "Ah found these two-toed tracks on the ground", Applejack answered, pointing at the footprints. "And they kinda fresh, Twi." "Could it be Blue?" asked Pinkie Pie. "It could be," Twilight answered. "C'mon, everypony." Our heroes followed the tracks until didn't notice they're being watched. 4 Pteranodons on the tree stalks them. They snickered mischievously then follow the group. Few minutes after our heroes following the tracks left by Blue. "Ah think we're almost there", Applejack told them. "We just need to..." Applejack was cut off when a Pteranodon jumped outta nowhere and tackles her on the ground. Our heroes gasped and turn to see three more Pteranodons flying towards them. "Go!" Applejack ordered. Our heroes run off, leaving Applejack and the Pteranodon behind. She kicks the Pteranodon off in the lower beak and tries to join the rest. Pteranodon regains and pin her down again. It squawked viciously at her before it starts pecking her. (MEANWHILE) The group continue to run until Fluttershy tripped herself. "Seriously?!" asked Rainbow Dash before helping her up. Twilight shoots a laser at them but they dodged. She sees a tree which they can hide. "Everypony, this way!" She leads them to the tree and they all hide under it. The Pteranodons try to get in by tearing the roots. Rainbow Dash grabs a rock and tries to smash them with it. Rarity and Spike both huddle together, screaming and Fluttershy covered her face with her mane. "Twilight, what are we gonna do?!" Pinkie Pie panicked. "They're gonna get through!" "I don't know!" answered Twilight. Then Shining Armor got an idea in mind. "Everypony, stay here", Shining Armor said. "I'm gonna lead them away." Before Shining Armor could go, Cadence grabbed his hoof. "Please don't go!" pleaded Cadence. "I'm be back." he reassured before kissing his wife in a cheek. He exited from the other side of the tree. He picks up a rock and starts yelling at the Pteranodons. "Hey! Over here!" he waves at them before throwing the rock at them. The rock managed to hit one in the face while the other two heard his yells. Enraged, they squawked angrily at him before chasing him. (BACK TO APPLEJACK) The Pteranodon squawked viciously at her before it starts pecking her. Luckily she dodged the attack and kicked the Pteranodon in the special part. The Pterandon groaned as Applejack yell "You stupid piece of....!" She kicks it for a short distance before putting it in a headlock. Then she mockingly sings a lullaby at it. "🎵Nice little birdie🎵" "🎵 So mean and vicious🎵" "🎵Time to put your claws away🎵" The Pterandon loses consciousness and Applejack let go of it. "That'll teach you to mess with me", Applejack growled before running to join the others. (BACK TO SHINING ARMOR) Shining Armor runs as the Pteranodons closing in. He climbs a hill and shoots magic or throw rocks at them. He managed to hit one with his magic and other one with a rock. But third one was not with them. "Where's the third?" he asked himself before hearing chittering sounds behind him. It was the third Pteranodon! Before Shining Armor could react, it pushes him off the hill and grabs him with its talons. It carried Shining Armor for a short distance and throws him on the tree that the others are hiding. Shining Armor breaks a branch and tries to hit it. Pterandon almost stab Shining Armor with its beak when a rope ties around its neck. Shining Armor looks back and see Applejack holding on the rope. "Ah thought ah missed the party", she said with a smile. She sees the other under the tree. "Are ya'll gonna help me or what?" The group immediately came out and help Applejack pulled the Pteranodon down. Then they tied up the Pteranodon with the rope. Shining Armor climbs down the tree and hugged Twilight. "Are ya okay, Twily", he asked his little sister. "Yeah, I'm okay", Twilight replied. "Where's Cadence?" asked Shining Armor. Twilight points under the tree. Cadence emerged outta the tree and hugged Shining Armor and kissed him on the lips. "Ugh!" gagged Rainbow Dash in disgust. "Awww!" Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike cooed. "Well there's something ya'll don't see everyday", Applejack smirked. Pinkie Pie was the last to get outta the tree. She sees a familiar dinosaur carrying an apple in its mouth. "Guys look", Pinkie Pie called. "Isn't that Blue running?" The group immediately look at the direction where Pinkie's looking. "It is her", confirmed Twilight. "C'mon!" Our heroes took off. Little did they know, the Pterandon that they tied up snaps the rope and follows them. Blue runs back the the bus while carrying a apple in her mouth. Flurry Heart sees her and immediately galloped out of the bus. Blue chitters lovingly before nuzzling her. Flurry Heart start eating the apple. Our heroes quietly followed Blue and finally found her. "Ugh what a dirty place for dinosaur like her", commented Rarity. "Shhh!" Twilight shushed her. Our heroes laid close attention to Blue and Flurry while hiding in the bushes. "Whoa!" Pinkie Pie accidentally falls down before Rainbow Dash grabbed her back. Then Rainbow Dash slapped her. "Ow!" Pinkie Pie winced. "What did ya do that for?" "Be careful next time", said Rainbow Dash. Blue looked up suspiciously before picking up Flurry Heart and putting her in bus. Then she runs off in the other direction. The ponies and Spike peered out of the bush, looking around for the Velociraptor. "Where did she go?" asked Spike. "I don't know", answered Twilight. Then Cadence trotted out the bush. "Cadence, what are ya doing? Come back!" Shining Armor called her but Cadence didn't listen. "Everypony just stay here. I'll go with her", Twilight followed her sister-in-law. Twilight and Cadence trotted to bus. "Cadence, you gotta be careful. Blue maybe friendly but she's also dangerous", Twilight informed her sister-in-law. "Only Owen can tame her." "I know, Twilight", replied Cadence. "I tamed her once, I can do it again." Flurry Heart heard the commotion and sees them from the bus and runs to them. Suddenly Blue jumps right between them, scaring all three of them before roaring viciously at Twilight and Cadence. "Uh..hey Blue", Twilight greeted her. "Trying outta trouble?" Blue hisses and walked slowly towards them. Twilight and Cadence backed away before Cadence stepped forward. "Cadence, get back!" Twilight tells her. "Hold on. I'll talk to her", Cadence reassures her. She trotted to Blue. "Do you remember me, Blue?" Blue stopped hissing and looked up curiously. "I'm so sorry about what happened back at the castle. It was just a misunderstanding", Cadence apologies before raising her hoof. Blue cautionly backed away before Cadence said the only word she understands. "Easy." "What is she doing?" asked Applejack worriedly. "Taming Blue", Shining Armor answered. "But she gotta get herself killed", Rainbow Dash said. "Blue, we know you're just looking out for our baby but you gotta give her back please", Cadence gets closer to Blue. "Oh my! I can't watch!" Fluttershy covered her eyes while Pinkie's biting her hooves fearfully. Then Cadence's hoof touches Blue in the muzzle. The ponies stared in awe. ''Oh wow!" Spike said. When Cadence's hoof departed from the Raptor, she looks back at Flurry Heart, whose playing with her tail. She thinks for a moment and then gently picks up Flurry Heart with her mouth & putted her right in front of Cadence. Cadence was so touched for Blue's decision but Flurry Heart stared sadly to the dinosaur. Blue lowered herself to her level and licks her goodbye. "Awww!" Rarity, Fluttershy, & Pinkie Pie cooed while Rainbow Dash gagged. But Applejack nudged her with her elbow. Cadence reach out for the baby and then the same Pteranodon that Applejack tied up grabbed Flurry Heart and flies away. Our heroes and Blue gasped before the Raptor starts running after the Pteranodon. "That vermin! It must have snapped my lasso!" Applejack growled. "Who cares about your damn lasso?!" yelled Rainbow Dash. "That thing got the baby!" "C'mon, everypony!" declared Twilight and our heroes chased after Blue and the Pteranodon. Blue and the ponies followed the Pteranodon as fast as they can. They can hear Flurry Heart's screaming in the distance while also hearing the Pteranodon's screeching. Blue alone follows the screams before finding Flurry Heart hiding in the hole of a tree while the Pteranodon ripping the hole, trying to get her. Thinking fast, Blue runs over and pounces on the Pteranodon, almost rolling off the edge of a cliff. Blue and the Pteranodon circle around each other before both of them started to brawl. Flurry Heart watches in horror. Blue grab hold of the Pteranodon's beak with her mouth but the Pteranodon pushed her off and tries to stab her with its beak. Luckily, Blue dodges and jumped on its back. Then she impale the Pteranodon with her sickle-shaped claw. It screeches in pain loudly before flying in the air. It tries to slam Blue by tree to tree until it managed to hit her in the arm with a tree Flurry Heart is hiding. Blue roars in pain. (MEANWHILE) The ponies ran through the forest, desperately looking for Flurry Heart or Blue. Rainbow Dash scouted ahead, searching for either of them. "Anything, Dash?" asked Twilight. "Nothing. I've lost them" Rainbow Dash answered. "Damnit!" cursed Applejack, stomping her hoof. "Now the damn bird's gonna finish them off!" "We can't give up!" yelled Cadence. "We have to find them!" "But they could be anywhere!" Shining Armor said. After that, the group heard Blue's roar. "Eep! What was that?" Fluttershy asked, trembling. "It's Blue!" Cadence said. "Wait Cadence!" called Shining Armor but Cadance running off ahead. "She's gonna be kidding us! Sh*t!" The ponies followed Cadence. <> Blue was thrown to the ground hard, making her groan. Flurry Heart watched helplessly before the Pteranodon landed to the ground, smiling even with its back bleeding heavily. It grabbed Blue's neck with its clawed-foot, strangling her tightly. "GET AWAY FROM BLUE!" Cadence roared before shooting a huge laser at it. The laser knocked the Pteranodon off Blue and it got hit by a tree. Cadence rushed to Blue, helping her up. "Are ya okay, Blue?" Asked Cadence worriedly. Blue chitters in respond. The Pteranodon swoop in and kicked to duo. It roared angrily toward them. Cadence and Blue picked themselves up before running over to the Pteranodon. Blue scratches the Pteranodon and Cadence threw a punch at it but Pteranodon gets the upperhand. It slaps Cadence with its wing, making her roll on the ground. Then it flew over to Blue and kicked her right in the face. Blue falls toward the cliff but she managed to hold on the edge. The Pteranodon walked over to her before it pecked her one hand, making her roar and lose grip on one hand. Flurry Heart whimpered fearfully from that. The Pteranodon prepare to do the same with Blue's other hand. Then Flurry Heart glared angrily toward the Pteranodon. Cadence gains conscience and saw what the Pteranodon's doing. "No!" Cadence reached out her hoof. Then Flurry Heart jumps on the Pteranodon and pulls its crest with her teeth. Pteranodon screamed painfully before Flurry Heart yanked its crest before hit its face with a tree. Cadence run over to Blue, helping her up. Then Flurry Heart levitates branch and repeatedly hitting it on the head. Then she jumps the Pteranodon and glares at it. Cadence and Blue joined in. Pteranodon whimpers and flies away. "And for good measure" Cadence levitates the same branch and throw it to the Pteranodon, hitting it directly in the face. It falls down dizzily somewhere in the Everfree Forest. Blue growls before letting out a victorious roar. After a battle between Cadence, Flurry, & Blue, the ponies & Spike finally showed up and couldn't help but stared in awe. "Oh wow!" Shining Armor said. "What happened?" "We won", panted Cadence before Flurry Heart jumped onto her, hugging. "Flurry Heart!" Shining Armor and the ponies run to Flurry Heart happily either hugging, kissing, or nuzzling her. Blue smiled from that before sadly walking away. Flurry Heart sees her before reaching her hoof to her, calling for her. Blue looks back. "Do you want to say goodbye to her?" asked Cadence Flurry Heart nodded in reply. "Alright. Go on baby", Cadence puts Flurry Heart down. Flurry Heart trotted towards the dinosaur. Blue walked toward the baby before picking her up with her hands. Blue & Flurry Heart hugged together then Blue shed a tear from her eyes. Flurry Heart cooed before wiping away Blue's tears. The Raptor chitters lovingly before putting her down and nudges her to go back to her real family. Then Blue runs off to the forest before stopping and turning around. She then let out a final roar before disappearing. Flurry Heart sniffed before the ponies approached. "Goodbye Blue", Cadence bid her. The ponies and Spike smiled before something else caught their attention. "Bye-bye, Blue." The ponies were shocked. Flurry Heart actually said her first words! The ponies either gasped or laughed excitedly while Pinkie Pie yelled "FLURRY SAID HER FIRST WORD!" The camera zooms out before showing the title labelled "THE END". OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with a baby Triceratops, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 5: Apple-Trike Against Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Schoolhouse bell rang as the fillies & colts ran out excitedly to go home. The CMCs walked out together. "Ah, finally! Two days away from school at last!" Scootaloo stretched her back. "And no homeworks as well", added Sweetie Belle. "Can't wait to hang out all weekend with him." "Oooh! Is it this certain colt?" Oh, what's his name?" Applebloom smirked. "Is it the sweet little Button Mash?" "What?! No, shut up!" said Sweetie Belle, blushing. "Awwwww!" Applebloom cooed. "Oh please....", Scootaloo rowed her eyes. After playing around at Ponyville playground, Apple Bloom decided to go back home. "Well gotta go y'all. See you tomorrow!" Apple Bloom waved at her friends. "G'night man", Scootaloo replied. "Sweet dreams", Sweetie Belle also replied. As Apple Bloom walked her way home, a figure watched her in the bush. Soon it followed her all the way. Apple Bloom hears a squeak on her right. "Huh?" "Hello? Whose there?" Apple Bloom called. Then he hear a growl. But it wasn't threatening, it sounds a bit childish. Then it revealed itself, a baby Triceratops & also a female. "Whoa!" Apple Bloom said in awe. "A Triceratops." The Triceratops snorted and sniffed her. "Hey, stop that. Ah ain't food", Apple Bloom tries to stop it but no avail. "You should really go back to your family. They're probably worried sick for you." The baby stopped sniffing her & sat down on her hunches, silently. She whimpered. Apple Bloom seemed a bit curious. "Do you have a ma or a pa?" she asked. The little Triceratops shook her head slowly & started to tear uncontrollably. "Oh...oh...oh! No, no, no. Don't cry. Come here", Apple Bloom pulled the baby for a hug. Apple Bloom seriously don't know how to handle this situation. She looked around see if she could ask somepony for help but no one's there. And to make matters worse, the sun is setting quickly. There's no way the baby could fend for herself, well especially at night where predators are always on a prowl. Then they heard a eerie howl. Then another howl was heard from their left. So Apple Bloom decided to do something that nopony's done before. "Hey, wanna come stay with me for now?" Apple Bloom asked. The little Triceratops looked at her, curiously. "You can stay as long as you want. Just until your family or somepony else come for you, okay?" Apple Bloom said with a motherly tone. The baby seems touched by her offer then threw herself to Apple Bloom, hugging & licking her. "Hey that tickled!" laughed Apple Bloom. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 5: APPLE-TRIKE AGAINST EQUESTRIA <> Apple Bloom & the Triceratops snuck into the backdoor. Apple Bloom peeked in and saw Applejack cooking in the kitchen. "Alright that's my big sister, Applejack. She's nice but she's strict with me bringing animals inside so just follow me quietly, okay", Apple Bloom instructed as the baby nodded. Apple Bloom looked inside, making sure nopony's coming. She gestured the baby to come in but the baby made creaking noises everytime she walk. Then baby accidentally tripped, causing a loud thud. Applejack heard that. "Apple Bloom, is that ya?" Applejack called. Apple Bloom quietly helped to baby up and pushed it upstairs. "Uh...yes, big sis. Ah'm back", she replied. "What's that thud ah just heard?" Applejack asked. "It was me. Ah tripped", Apple Bloom lied. "Well be careful next time & get ready cuz dinner's almost ready", Applejack said. "Coming", Apple Bloom called. Then she proceed to push the baby into her room. "Alright, baby. Just stay here & be quiet til ah finish dinner okay?" Apple Bloom asked as the baby nodded. "Okay, see ya." <> The Apple family sat around the table and have their dinner. All was quiet til Apple Bloom broke the silence. "Applejack?" "Hmmm?" "How do you raise children?" Apple Bloom asked. This caused the attention of Big Mac & Granny Smith. "Why?" Applejack asked suspiciously. "No reason. Just wanna know", Apple Bloom replied. "Have you kept a stray animal in your room right now?" Applejack asked, raising your eyebrow. "No. No ah didn't", Apple Bloom said, sweating. After seconds of intense glaring, Applejack let this aside. "Hmmmm...okay, sugarcube." She begun. "Alright first you need to....." (1 HOUR LATER) "....and that's how you look after your children", concluded Applejack but to her surprise, Apple Bloom was dozing off. "Hey!" Applejack nudged her. "Ah'm awake!" Apple Bloom snorted. "Did ya even heard what ah said the whole time?" Applejack asked. "Uh...ya said do this & do that & then this & then that to overlook your children right?" Apple Bloom replied, making her big sister glare at her. "So are we done cuz ah really need to go." "What are ya going?" Granny Smith asked. "Uh...homeworks", Apple Bloom lied. "Ah thought ya young'uns don't have homeworks this weekend", Applejack said. "Uh...well...some of us do because....uh...because..." Apple Bloom couldn't finish her sentence. "Because?" Granny Smith asked. "Because....we got a huge essay to work on til Monday", Apple Bloom lied. "Hmmmm....okay. Try finishing it today", Applejack ordered. "Heh...g'night, y'all", Apple Bloom ran to her room. Meanwhile the family stared suspiciously at her. "That little hooligan is sure mighty sus tonight", Granny said. "Eeyup", Big Mac agreed. "Don't worry, y'all. We'll find out soon enough", Applejack said. <> Apple Bloom locked her room. She sighed in relieved. "Alright, baby. They'll gone...." before Apple Bloom could continue, the baby Triceratops was asleep on her bed. The baby snored cutely as Apple Bloom smiled and covered the baby with her blanket. "Sleep tight, little one", she bid her before turning off the light and slept right beside her. <> (NEXT MORNING) At the park, Scootaloo & Rumble were hoof-wrestling while Rumble's friends cheered for him. "I'm gonna beat you, Scoots", Rumble smiled. "Ha! In your dream, you loser!" scoffed Scootaloo. Both equally were matched til... "Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom ran to her. As Scootaloo turned back, Rumble beats her. "He beat her", the blonde haired colt gasped before excitedly yelled "Oh! I knew he'll beat her. 10 bits, pay up." Rumble's friends each paid 10 bits to that colt. "Ah f*ck it", the unicorn colt sweared before paying the blonde haired. "Hey, Apple Bloom, you distracted me", Scootaloo said, defeated. "Ah'm sorry. Scoots, you need to come with me", Apple Bloom said. "What why?" Scootaloo asked. "Ah'll explain on the way", Apple Bloom said. (SWEETIE BELLE'S HOUSE) Sweetie Belle & Button Mash were in the room with a romantic music playing. Sweetie Belle blushed as she came closer and Button Mash did the same. They plucked their lips before.... "Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom & Scootaloo busted into her room then were shocked of the sight. Sweetie Belle & Button Mash both visibly blushed til Sweetie Belle said "It's not it looks like." <> The CMCs & Button Mash trotted to Sweet Apple Acres. Button Mash however appears to be smooching Sweetie Belle on the shoulder as she giggled & much to Scootaloo's disgust. "So what are you showing us again?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom. "Yeah, now that she mentioned it", Sweetie Belle said. "What we're about to see is pretty crazy", Apple Bloom told them. "But we do have to do it in mah room, okay?" "Sure", Scootaloo repiled. "Okay", Sweetie Belle agreed. "Oh boy", Button Mash winced. <> Soon the CMCs & Button Mash were in Apple Bloom's room and saw the baby Triceratops. "Crusaders & Button, this is the baby ah've told y'all about", explained Apple Bloom. The baby however appears to be nervous from the sight of the new ponies. "It's okay, little one. They're with us", Apple Bloom reassured the baby Triceratops. "You...you have a....." Sweetie Belle stuttered. "Deep breaths in", Apple Bloom instructed. "A baby dinosaur!" Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Button said in unison. "Yep", Apple Bloom smiled. "Apple Bloom, why would you bring a dinosaur in your house?" Scootaloo asked. "Because she was alone & scared when ah found her", Apple Bloom explained. And to Scootaloo's surprise, Sweetie Belle & Button were both petting the Triceratops. Scootaloo scratched her head. "I don't know, Apple Bloom. I have a bad feeling about this", Scootaloo felt uncomfortable. Then she heard footsteps. "Apple Bloom!" Applejack called. The Crusaders & Button immediately pushed the baby under the bed. "Just stay here & be quiet", Apple Bloom told the Triceratops before covering the bed sheet. "Apple Bloom, are ya here?" Applejack walked into the room and saw the children somehow chilling out. "What is going on here?" "Uh...we're chillaxing", Scootaloo nervously replied. "Uh-huh. And why's Button with y'all?" Applejack gestured the colt. "Well Sweetie Belle invited me over", Button said. "That's right", Sweetie Belle confirmed. "Hmmmm...okay. Apple Bloom, make sure ya done your essay, okay?" Applejack told her younger sister. "Absolutely, not a problem", responded Apple Bloom. As Applejack was about to leave, she heard a fart. The children's eye widen because we knew where it was coming from. Applejack fans the scent with her hat. "Oooh, excuse all of y'all!" Applejack scolded them before slamming the door. The children sighed in relieved as Apple Bloom lifted the bed sheet and glared at the baby Triceratops, whose smiling sheepishly. <> The children & the baby played all day til sunset. Then they all were called by Applejack for dinner. The baby Triceratops was remained hidden in Apple Bloom's room. The family & the crusaders ate their dinner til a squeaky roar was heard. The children's face immediately widen. "What was that?" Applejack asked. "Nothing!" The children answered in unsion. Then Applejack heard it again. "Is that sound coming upstairs or outside?" Applejack asked again. "Outside!"the children responded. "Hang on, ah think ah'm hearing something upstairs", Applejack went upstairs. The Crusaders & Button either lay their heads down on the table or sighed in defeated as they know they're in trouble. "OH NO!" Applejack screamed at what she just witnessed. Granny picked up a basket of roll and asked "Roll anypony?" <> Later the family & Crusaders gathered in the living room as they discussed about the baby Triceratops, whose now with the family. "No, no, no, no! Look, this is not just an animal. This is a Jurassic Equestrian dinosaur. Ah know she's cute but pretty soon she's gotta be monster", Applejack said, receiving some sad faces from the children. "Don't gimme those looks! The answer is no!" "Well was ah a lot of trouble when Ma & Pa have me?" Apple Bloom asked which Applejack couldn't answer. "No", Granny answered for her. "But you're our filly and this is a dinosaur", Applejack said. "This is our filly now too", Apple Bloom said. "Ah don't be responsible for that thing!" Applejack said. "You don't have to be responsible, Applejack. Ah've been responsible. Ah been through hell for this dinosaur. And if being responsible means that ah have to lose her now well then ah hate responsibility!" Apple Bloom said. "Applejack, ah kept her alive just like Ma & Pa kept all three of us alive. And you're not take her away from me." Everypony were touched by Apple Bloom. "Wow, in my head, I did not see that coming", Button said before getting shushed by Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo. "Augh!" Applejack groaned frustratedly. "Look..." "Applejack, ah think we should give the critter a chance. Apple Bloom is taking care of her", Granny said. "Eeyup, and imagine how helpful she might be to us too", Big Mac added. "Okay..." Applejack signed as Apple Bloom & friends cheered excitedly. Even bringing the baby toward Applejack. "No! Don't get her near me!" "Alright alright. Now that the critter's part of the family, we should have a name for her", Granny said. "Bessey?" Big Mac suggested. The baby Triceratops shook her head. "How about Maggie?" asked Sweetie Belle. "No that's too obvious", Apple Bloom disagreed. "Three-horned?" Scootaloo shugged. "Way too obvious!" Apple Bloom disagreed again. "Well how about Trike?" Button asked which the baby looked up curiously. "Trike, you like that?" She nodded. "Well Trike it is. Hello Trike!" Apple Bloom finally greeted her dino-friend for the first time. Trike squeaked cutely in response. <> Next morning, Trike climbed down the stairs before running outside the porch. Apple Bloom showed up and ran after Trike as they happily played together in the field. <> Big Mac was struggling with hammering the nail. Trike saw it and hit the nail with her paw. Big Mac's mouth dropped as he was amazed by Trike so he petted in appreciation. <> Apple Bloom was teaching Trike how to apple-buck the tree. Trike headbutted the tree so hard all of the apple fell. <> Granny Smith baked a pie and putted it on the table. Trike sneakily tries to eat but Granny caught her. Trike frowned. <> At the playground, the CMCs & Trike played roughly in the rain. Then when they came home, they're all muddy. Applejack gave a disappointed look at them. <> Applejack prepare to pull plow the field but it was too heavy. She sees Trike eating some vegetables & she got an idea. Trike pull the plow like its nothing while Applejack baits her with a piece of vegetable. <> At night, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Trike sat in the field, staring at the sky. "Ya know, maybe it won't be too bad if we kept Trike around", Applejack sighed. "Told ya", Apple Bloom smiled. Trike squeaked cutely. "Ma & Pa will be so proud with us, especially you, sugarcube", Applejack said. "Me?" Apple Bloom asked. Applejack nodded. "But why?" "Well you brought Trike to our lives, you took care of her like she's your little sister, she's fitting in just fine with us, and now she's more home here than ever. All thanks to you, Apple Bloom", Applejack explained. Apple Bloom stared at her and without warning, Apple Bloom embraced her. "Thank you, big sis!" Trike roared cutely before embracing both of them as well as Applejack & Apple Bloom laughed. "Welcome to the family, Apple-Trike." OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 6: Tarbo-Madness! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the night, a small herd of herbivorous dinosaurs gathered in a field to drink & graze. Then a juvenile Iguanodon wanders too far from its mother. Little did it know that a huge mysterious figure watched it in the tree line. Then the baby saw little dragonfly and chased it to the forest. By the time it caught up to it, dragonfly flew & landed on a tree trunk. The young Iguanodon looked up as a peculiar liquid dropped on the leaves. Then it heard clicking noises as it nervously looked up and saw the huge dinosaur with rows of razor-sharp teeth hungrily watching it with saliva dripping from its mouth. The young Iguanodon yelped fearfully as it alert the herd. All the dinosaurs looked up confusedly. Then a huge dinosaur bursted outta the tree line, revealing to be a Tarbosaurus , a large tyrannosaurid & a close relative to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Tarbosaurus growled as it chases the young Iguanodon but its eyes was caught on the herd so it run passed the Iguanodon and chases the herd. The young Iguanodon safely ran the other direction as the Tarbosaurus runs to the herd. The Tarbosaurus roars as it chases a tiring Nasutoceratops. The ceratopsian panted heavily then the Tarbosaurus pushed it down and bit its jugular, crushing its neck at ease. Then the Tarbo laid its foot on the carcass & roared victoriously. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 6: TARBO-MADNESS <> The next morning, Apple Bloom & Trike were in the field, playing tag. "Tag! You're it, Trike", Apple Bloom said as Trike begun to chase her. Then Trike tackles her to the ground & licked her playfully. "Hey! Stop, that tickle!" laughed Apple Bloom. Then Trike saw something and back away fearfully, which confuses Apple Bloom. "What is it, Trike?" asked Apple Bloom. Trike shakily pointed and Apple Bloom looked. Then eyes widen. It was a half-eaten Nasutoceratops carcass, covered in a cloud of flies and a swarm of Compsognathus feeding on it. Apple Bloom was repulsed by the smell as she covered her nose. Trike however looked like she's in the most intense fear of her life. <> Later Apple Bloom & Trike alerted the Mane-6 & Spike to investigate . As the Mane-6 & Spike went to the carcass. "It's not even a day-old, Twi", Applejack said, examining the carcass. "Looks like this here dino got killed few hours ago." "And the size of that, whatever killed this Nasutoceratops, it can kill a pony just as easily", Twilight said, also inspecting. "And whatever this thing was, it has no mercy as well", Rarity added, covering her nose with handkerchief. "Spike, you're our dino-expert. Can you tell us what could killed things like this?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I got nothing. Could be Zeus", Spike guessed. While inspecting the carcass, Applejack saw something inside the carcass. "Y'all?" The group looked up. "Might wanna see this", Applejack put her hoof in the carcass, disturbing Rarity, Pinkie, & Fluttershy. "Oh no..." Pinkie Pie groaned. Fluttershy covered her mouth. Rarity almost fainted til Spike caught her. Then Applejack pulled out a tooth from the carcass. The tooth was a D-shaped & almost 6 inches long. "What do ya think of this?" Applejack shows the tooth to Twilight. "Looks like a tooth", Spike looked at it. "Yeah but from what?" Rainbow asked. "Hmm...I'm not really sure but I think gonna have to examine it", Twilight replied. "Spike, you still have that book about Jurassic Equestria & all of its dinosaurs?" "Yeah, Twi. I still have it", Spike answered. <> (NEXT DAY) Twilight & Spike went in the castle's library, still examining the tooth. Spike was exhaustedly scrolling through the pages of his book to anaylsis what kind of dinosaur it was. Then he stumbled upon a certain tyrannosaurid which looks a bit like Zeus but with a spiked back & same tooth that they have. "Twilight? I think I found it", Spike called. Twilight immediately came to him. "What is it, Spike?" asked Twilight. Spike pointed the picture. "This thing." Then Twilight levitates the tooth and put it right in front of the picture. It matched. Then Spike begun to read the description: Tarbosaurus, meaning alarming lizard. A genus of tyrannosaurid dinosaurs that lived over Eastern Equestria, 72-68 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous Period. This menacing carnivore like its relative, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, probably dominated everything that lived with it. The Tarbosaurus is one of the most deadliest dinosaurs around. When threaten or attacking, Tarbosaurus always go for the prey's jugular and bites it with a force around 8,000 to 10,000 pounds per force. As Spike concluded, Twilight was staring in awe & fear. "Spike, do you think this thing killed that Nasutoceratops?" Twilight asked. "I don't know but yeah. Could be". Spike answered. "We should tell the girls now", Twilight declared. <> After meeting the group at the Town Square, Twilight & Spike explained them about the Tarbosaurus. "So this Tarbo-thingie is responsible for that carcass?" Rainbow asked. "Yes", Spike answered. "How big is this thing, Twi", Applejack asked. "Big enough. Uh...20-ft at least. The same size as Zeus", Twilight answered. "What else does the book say about this thing?" asked Rarity. "Well according the book, the Tarbosaurus is territorial & lived in humid criss-crossed by river channels", Spike replied. "And that's the same area where Apple Bloom & Trike found that carcass", Twilight added. "So that means that dino stumbled into its territory by mistake?" Applejack asked. "Looks like it", Twilight nodded. "So what do we do? What's the plan, Twi?" Rainbow asked. "I don't know, maybe we should let it be. It is its territory & we might be trespassing it", Twilight guessed. "And let all those innocent animals & dinosaurs suffered by that thing?! No, I'm not taking that chance!" Fluttershy argued. "I think we should confront it. Maybe convince it to leave like we've did to that dragon last time." "Well I'm not doing it!" Rarity protested. "Alright how about....we lured it...and we all ambush it, kick its ass?", Rainbow suggested. "That would drove it away, of course." "Ah think if we're gonna take that route, we're gonna need a better strategy so what do think, Twi?" Applejack & the group turned to Twilight. "Hmmmm....I think I have a plan. Pinkie, you still have your yovidaphone?" Twilight asked. "Why?" Pinkie asked. <> (LATER) Pinkie Pie with her yovidaphone & Fluttershy were in the open field. Twilight, Spike, & Rarity were hiding in the bush. AJ & Dash hid behind a huge rock. Applejack armed her electric rifle. "Alright, everypony in place?" asked Twilight. The group nodded in response. "Fluttershy, you tried to convince to Tarbosaurus to leave this place & if it doesn't work, shout plan B, okay?" asked Twilight. "Alright but don't hurt it too much, okay?" Fluttershy asked. "I won't. Trust us", Twilight reassured then turned to Pinkie. "Pinkie, blow away." "You got it, Twi. And a one...and a two...and a three!" Pinkie blew her yovidaphone as loud as she can. The group all covered their ears tightly. The music even scared a few Gallimimus away. <> Nearby, the Tarbosaurus was taking its nap til it heard Pinkie's yovidaphone. Disturbed by the commotion, it got up on its feet and went to investigate. <> Pinkie Pie blew & blew her yovidaphone til Fluttershy's ear twitched. "Stop!" Pinkie Pie immediately stopped. "What?" "Listen", Fluttershy told her. The group slowly emerged outta their hiding spots, trying to listen. "What is it, darling?" Rarity asked. "Ah don't hear anything", Applejack said. "Hold on", Twilight started to hear something as well. A perculiar clicking was heard. "What's that clicking?" Spike asked. "I don't know", Twilight answered. Then the group heard a loud roar. The group immediately stayed silence. "It's coming", Twilight whispered. "Keep going, Pinkie!" As the group went back to their hiding spots, Pinkie resumed her yovidaphone. She played as the ground suddenly begin to shook. Even the trees also begin to shook. While waiting patiently, the Tarbosaurus emerged from the treeline. The dinosaur sniffed around, making clicking noises, til it sees Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in the open. Pinkie stopped playing her yovidaphone. It slowly walked to them & bended down to their level. The black-flaring nostrils were just inches away from their faces. "Um...hi? Sorry for the loud music, mister but we've came to ask that you find another place for you to hunt or even marked as your territory," Fluttershy asked. "Because animals come here everyday to eat & drink in peace and everytime they came, you also came and hunt them down. So can you kindly move to a different area, please?" The Tarbosaurus raised its head up. "So is it a yes?" Pinkie asked hopefully. "I don't know", Fluttershy shugged. Then the Tarbosaurus roared angrily . Pinkie leaped onto Fluttershy's hoof in fear. "But you can't take this as your territory. Think about..." Fluttershy tries to reason with it but Tarbosaurus let out another roar. "Alright, that it! PLAN B!" Pinkie Pie called. Then the group burst outta their hiding spots and attacked the dinosaur. Twilight & Rarity shoot laser beams while Spike fires his flames at it. The Tarbosaurus swung its tail at them but misses. Then Applejack jumped out and aimed her rifle at it. "Take this, vermin!" Applejack shoots countless electrical bolts. The Tarbo yelped as it got zapped and tries to attack Applejack by biting her. Applejack dive-rolls the attack & continued shooting at the Tarbo. Then Rainbow Dash punched & kicked it on the rips. "C'mon, scaly!" The dinosaur fell on the ground. Then Pinkie pulled her party-bazooka. "Surprise attack!" she shots confetti at it on the face, blinding it. Then the Tarbosaurus got furious then it got up again and grabbed Applejack & Rainbow Dash in its mouth and threw them to the river. "AHHHHHHH!" Applejack & Rainbow Dash screamed as they hit the river. It swung its tail and hit Pinkie & Fluttershy. Rarity shoots her magic at it but the Tarbo headbutted her off as well. The dinosaur walked towards Twilight. She whimpered as she backed away in fear. Then Spike clinged onto its legs. "Get away from Twilight!" Spike shouted but he kicked off and crushed onto Rarity. The Tarbosaurus slowly walked to Twilight. Before Twilight could fight, it pinned its massive foot on Twilight, preventing her from moving. Twilight tries to move its foot away but no avail. The dinosaur slowly bended down with a drooling snout. Twilight saw a rock right beside her. Thinking fast, she grabbed it with her hoof and smashed its mouth, shattering some of it teeth. The Tarbosaurus roared in pain and shook its head. It seems confused by happened to it. Blood dripped freely from its mouth. It growled and bend down again with wide-open mouth. Twilight screamed in pure fear as the Tarbosaurus was about to bite her. Then they heard a loud familiar roar from the other side of the river. The Tarbosaurus turned back and see Zeus from the other side. Zeus seemed angry at the Tarbosaurus and lets out a bellow. The Tarbosaurus roared back and let Twilight go to confront Zeus. Twilight slipped away safely. The two dinosaurs walked towards to the river. After the group regains consciousness & AJ & Dash surfaced outta the river, Twilight silently gestured the group to come to her. With no hesitation, they obeyed. "What are they doing?" Applejack asked. "I think they're gonna fight", Twilight guessed. "A Tarbosaurus & a Tyrannosaurus Rex fight, how awesome!" Spike said excitedly. The group scowled at him. Once the dinosaurs walked to each other on the river, they circled around. Zeus let out athunderous roar before he & the Tarbosaurus both bite each other on the neck. But Zeus slammed the Tarbosaurus' head in the water. "Ooh my word!" Rarity exclaimed. Then the Tarbosaurus kicked Zeus in the stomach and threw itself to him. And then swung its tail at him. "Why are dinosaurs always so violent?!" Fluttershy said. Zeus chomped on the Tarbo's head & pulls it around then threw it into the water. Zeus approached it, thinking it's dead but the Tarbosaurus launched at him & grabbed Zeus in the head with its jaws and putted his head in the water. "The Tarbosaurus is trying to drown Zeus!" Spike gasped. Then Zeus swung his tail & slapped the Tarbosaurus in the head, making it loses its grip. Then Zeus kicked the Tarbosaurus a few meters away from him. "Wow! What an escape!" Pinkie Pie cheered. The Tarbosaurus got up & panted heavily. Zeus smirked in amusement before throwing himself at the Tarbosaurus. He tackles and shoved the Tarbosaurus off its feet again. Zeus growled and let out a thunderous roar. The Tarbosaurus got up, all wet & exhausted from the fight decided to walk away. The group cheered. "Yeah! Way to go, Zeus!" Pinkie clapped. "Whose the mightiest now, Tarbo-freak?" Rainbow mocked. "Never mess with your king!" Applejack added. The Tarbosaurus looked back and growl at Zeus & the group for one last time before walking away. Then Zeus turned to the group. The Mane-6 & Spike bowed in respect for his help "Thank you, Zeus...again for your help", Twilight thanked. "Your Majesty!" Pinkie Pie bowed energetically. Zeus however didn't understand but nodded in respect as well before walking away. <> Somewhere, the Tarbosaurus smashed the trees in angry. Then kicked a piece dirt away. And growl in frustration. Finally letting a hatred roar. OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 7: Dinky Doo the Dinosaur Whisperer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Dinky Doo. I'm 9 years old & I live in Ponyville with big sister Amethyst Star. Something extraordinary happened that will change my change forever. This is my story: It was recess time in the Ponyville Schoolhouse. All the fillies & colts were playing & having fun. But young unicorn, Dinky Doo, sees three huge Apatosaurs outside the schoolhouse playground, eating trees. Showing no signs of fear, she levitate a branch of leaves holding it to the Apatosaurus. It snatched onto the branch. The CMCs saw this & run towards her. "Dinky Doo, what are ya doing?" questioned Apple Bloom but Dinky didn't answer. Instead she smiled & kept on feeding the Apatosaurs. The CMCs stared in awe, even all the other fillies & colts also came and see. Dinky still no showing fear, approach one of the Apatosaur & reach out her hoof. The Apatosaurus, also shown no fear came closer. Dinky slowly extended her hoof, carefully touching on its snout. The friendly Apatosaur moaned quietly, liking the touch of the filly. The fillies & colts including the CMCs was speechless but still stared in awe. "Oh wow", Scootaloo said in awe. "Yeah", agreed Sweetie Belle. "Dinky, how did ya learn to tame a dinosaur?" asked Apple Bloom. "I've had no idea", replied Dinky. "I think I've just had in me." The CMCs nodded as they & the students procced to look at the filly still petting the friendly dinosaur. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 7: DINKY DOO THE DINOSAUR TAMER <> After school, Amethyst & Dinky had dinner. "Whatever you did, it was extraordinary. I mean nobody could get that close to a dinosaur before", Amethyst congratulated her. Dinky sat quietly on her chair. "Can you yell me how did you did that?" Amethyst asked her sister. But Dinky still sat quietly. "Okay then. It's fine." Dinky finally spoke. "I...I don't really know how." "Huh?" "I don't really know how but I feel that the Apatosaurs just wanted to make peace with ponies so I fed them", Dinky explained. "And I also feel it." "Feel what?" asked Amethyst. "When I touched the Apatosaur, I felt their pain, anger, happiness, sadness, & their heartbeat", Dinky answered. "And what do their heartbeat felt like?" Amethyst asked. ".......Mighty", Dinky answered. <> The following day, Dinky was sitting on a bench, watching three Compsognathus playing together. She couldn't help but smile at the sight. Then four foals approached her. One filly was a unicorn with a gothic makeup, other was a pegasus colt with a cap with a monster picture, the earth filly had braces, & a earth colt with a emo mane. "What is she doing?" asked the gothic unicorn filly. "I don't know. She's just watching those rats", replied the cap pegasus, causing the other foals to laugh. This caught Dinky's attention. "Huh, what did you say?" Dinky asked. "Well for starters, are you some kind of....freak?" the gothic filly asked. "She asked if you're a freak, freak", the braces filly said with a smile. "Um....no", Dinky tries to walk away but the foals blocked her way. "Awww...are you into those little pest?" the pegasus with a cap asked. "No I am not", Dinky answered. The emo colt laughed then pulled her hoof. "Ah c'mon, we just wanna see ya do it again." "Please stop", Dinky pleaded but it was no use. "Hey!" a voice called. Then the CMCs & Trike appeared. "You heard her. Stop it!" Scootaloo demanded. Even Trike squeaked angrily at them. "Check it out, fellas. Tiny-wings, crybaby, & blossom with her fat, reptilian pig too", the gothic filly mocked. "Her name is Trike", corrected Apple Bloom as Trike growled. "Uh we didn't ask, losers", the emo colt said as the gang continued to pick on them as well. "Please leave us alone!" Dinky shouted but no avail. Then Scootaloo shoved the gothic filly away & ordered her "Stop....it." The gothic filly finally stopped and gestured her friends to stop as well. "Smart move. Now get lost, all of you", Scootaloo commanded her. The cap pegasus blew raspberry at them. Dinky countered by sticking out her tongue at them. "C'mon, guys. Let's go", Scootaloo said. "Bye-bye!" The emo colt waved mockingly. Then Apple Bloom turned to them & got an idea. She gestured Trike to come with her. "Apple Bloom? Trike?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Don't worry, y'all, we got this", reassured Apple Bloom. She approached the bullies. "Okay, yes. Trike is a freak too. But she can do something really cool", Apple Bloom said to the bullies. "Oh? What can she do?" The braces filly asked. "Alright watch. First, Trike will bend down her head like this", Apple Bloom said as Trike bend down her head. "And then..." Then without warning, Trike headbutted the gothic filly down. "It's called a headbutt, b*tch!" Apple Bloom yelled. "Don't ever pick on us again!" The gothic filly got up on her feet & wiped away the blood dripping from her mouth. "Oh you're gonna get it!" She & Apple Bloom started roughhousing. Even Trike tries to help but she was tackled by the emo colt, braces filly, cap pegasus as they wrestled her as well. Apple Bloom either slapped & punched the gothic and she did the same. Scootaloo scratched her mane then shrugged. "Ah what the hell?" Scootaloo joined in & pull the cap pegasus away from Trike and punched him, knocking off his cap. Then the braces filly came to the colt's aid as she & Scootaloo fight as well. "Guys, stop it!" Sweetie Belle yelled. "So stupid!" added Dinky. The braces filly punched Scootaloo, making her nosebleed. Then Sweetie Belle joined in the fight. "Hey! Nopony does that to my friend!", Sweetie Belle pulled the braces filly and brawled with her. The gothic filly strangled Apple Bloom. Then Apple Bloom grabbed some dirt and smacked it on her face. Scootaloo headlocked the cap pegasus while he was elbowing her stomach repeatedly. The braces filly & Sweetie Belle pulled each other's mane as Sweetie Belle bit her hoof. Trike & the emo colt wrestled then the baby dinosaur graining the upperhand by yanking his mane with her mouth, revealing his eyes. "Ow! My mane! Let go!" Emo colt screamed but it was useless. Dinky couldn't help but giggled from the sight. <> The CMCs, Dinky, & Trike ran away, laughing. "Wow what a fight!" laughed Scootaloo with bruised eye. "That was insane, Apple Bloom!", cheered Sweetie Belle with a nosebleed before hoof-bumping Apple Bloom. "Whoo-hoo!" "Ow, my rips are broken. Don't make me laugh", Apple Bloom said, holding her rips but ended up laughing anyway. "Ah!" Trike roared victoriously even with her bleeding nose & bruised eye as well. "Guys, thanks", Dinky smiled. "For saving my life back there." "Don't sweat it, Dinky", Scootaloo replied. "They used to pick on us as well", Apple Bloom explained. "Still, thank you", Dinky thanked them. CMCs smiled. Trike approached & licked her face. "And you...you helped as well", Dinky thanked Trike before giving her a peck on the forehead. "Well after that's settled, we should probably clean ourselves", Sweetie Belle said. "Ah think ah know a perfect spot", Apple Bloom smiled. <> The CMCs & Trike jumped off the cliff to the lake to swim. Dinky was the last to jump but she stopped a moment to look how high she was. "C'mon! The water's perfect!" Sweetie Belle called. "Be right there!" Dinky replied. Then Dinky inhaled as she took few steps back then.... (0:28) Dinky galloped as jumped off the cliff. "Weeeeee!" She landed with a huge splash. "Yeah!" the CMCs cheered & Trike roared in praise as the the five swarm together in the lake. Two Gallimimus drinking at the lake, watched as the four fillies & a baby Triceratops played. Dinky rode on Scootaloo's back while Apple Bloom rode on Trike. Dinky & Apple Bloom played chicken-fight but Dinky ended up falling. Then four rode on Trike as the little Triceratops swarm around the lake. Then Trike tolled Apple Bloom in the air as Apple Bloom screamed cheerfully. <> After the lake, the five laid on the meadow, looking at the sky. "Wow that was fun", Dinky sighed. "Yeah", agreed Sweetie Belle. "Y'all, let's do this everytime somepony bothers us", Apple Bloom said, lying on Trike. Trike snorted in agreement. "Ooh, count me in", Scootaloo smiled. The five relaxed in the meadow while the breeze peacefully blown at them. Then... (SCREAM) A scream was heard in Ponyville as the five got up in alarm. "What the hell was that?" Scootaloo asked. Then a loud growl was also heard which startled all five of them. "That obviously. Let's go!" Apple Bloom ran ahead followed by Trike, Scoots, Sweetie Belle, & Dinky. <> In the townsquare, a huge male Ankylosaurus smashed the walls of the buildings with its clubed-tail, bellowing. The ponies were scattering as the Mane-6 & Spike appeared. "What is it again, Spikey-dear?" asked Rarity. "An Ankylosaurus", replied Spike. "Well let's get rid of it", Applejack loaded her taser rifle & aim at the Ankylo. "Easy shot." "Wait", Twilight stopped her, lowering the rifle with her hoof. "Why?" asked Applejack. "That armor is too thick, trust me", Twilight explained. They watched as the Ankylosaurus rampaged. "Alright so we do we with it?" Rainbow folded her hoof. "We need to find a way to lure it away", Twilight said. "Alright, here we go", Rainbow pushed Fluttershy forward. "Me?!" Fluttershy panicked. "Well you're our animal tamer. Try taming it", Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy gulped as she slowly walked towards the Ankylosaurus. "Good luck, Fluttershy", Rarity said. "Nice knowing you, Fluttershy", Rainbow waved, receiving some frowned faces. The dinosaur smashed a dumpster with its tail. "Uh...(clear throat)...excuse me, Mr. Ankylosaur?" Fluttershy called as the Ankylosaurus stared at her. "Uh..hi?" <> Then the CMCs, Trike, & Dinky arrived, hiding behind the wall of the building. "Oh my stars!" Sweetie Belle gasped. "An Ankylosaurus", Apple Bloom gasped. "Cool!" Scootaloo said. Dinky couldn't help but watched & saw Fluttershy. "Hey, what's that pegasi doing?" Dinky pointed out. "Oh, Fluttershy? She's gonna tame it", Apple Bloom explained. "Really? How?" asked Dinky. "Just watch", Scootaloo said. <> Fluttershy walked to the Ankylosaurus. The dinosaur stared at her back. "Um...could you be a kind sir &...?" Fluttershy was interrupted when the Ankylosaurus roared at her before lifting its tail. The both group stared in horror as Dinky got up and running. Just when the Ankylosaurus was about to swing its tail, Dinky jumped in front of Fluttershy,defending her. "STOP!" Then the impossible happened, the dinosaur stopped itself from swinging its tail. The dinosaur stared at Dinky. "Enough is enough!" Dinky glared. The Ankylosaurus snorted & glared right back at the filly. The dinosaur growled as Dinky kept glaring at it. Then the Ankylosaurus somehow lie down, grumbling in defeat. Both group stared in awe or amaze. "Oh wow!" Spike gasped. "How did she do that?" Rainbow Dash asked, receiving no answers. The CMCs & Trike's jaws hang opened as they couldn't believe what they just witnessed. "Now why don't you tell us what's the problem?" Dinky petted it gently. <> (FLASHBACK) The Ankylosaurus was gazing the field til two hikers encountered it. One of them accidentally make a flash from their camera, causing it to rampage (FLASHBACK ENDS) <> "Oh is that what happened?" Fluttershy asked, sitting by Dinky's side. the Ankylosaurus nodded. Dinky & Fluttershy looked at each other & sighed, "Ah....hikers." "We're so sorry about those hikers, Mr. Ankylo, sir", Fluttershy apologized. Dinky approached it & petted it. "How about this? You go back to whatever it is you're doing & we'll make sure nopony ever bothers you again, okay?" Dinky asked politely. The Ankylosaurus think of it & then started walk away to the field. "I'll take that as a yes." The group cheered & raced to Fluttershy & Dinky. "Way to go, Fluttershy", Rainbow said. "Yee-haw!" Applejack cheered. "Dinky, you were amazing!" Sweetie Belle cheered. "That was awesome!" Scootaloo cheered. "Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie cheered excitedly. Trike licked both Dinky & Fluttershy. "How in the world did you both pulled it off?" asked Rarity. "I guess all it took was calming down", Dinky started. "And talking to it politely", Fluttershy added. "Well you both do it together", Twilight said. They all cheered & laughed, praising the both of them. OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 8: Squeaks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Lalalala", Pinkie Pie sang as she took out some cookies from the oven. She sniffed the aroma and sighed from the scent. "Ah! I've done it again, Gummy!" Pinkie said to her alligator. "And they're perfectly crispy too!" In response, Gummy just licked his eyeball. She went to get some more ingredients & she saw one of the cookies from the tray, gone. She gasped. "Hey, where's the cookie?" She looked around & made a suspicious face. "Gummy, did you ate the cookie?" Pinkie asked suspiciously. Then she opened Gummy's mouth & somehow putted her whole head inside & look. "Oh, there's nothing but jellybeans & frostings inside", Pinkie echoed as she exited outta Gummy's mouth. ""But I still my eye on you, mister." As Pinkie went back to find more ingredients, the door from the cupboard slowly opened. Pinkie heard the creak and slowly picked up a frying pan. She slowly walked to the cupboard & opened it. She saw a little Compsognathus eating the cookie. The little dinosaur giggled & devoured the whole cookie. Then without warning, it jumped onto Pinkie's face. "Ah! Get it off!" Pinkie screamed and she tried to hit the dinosaur with the frying pan. The Compsognathus saw it and jumped off then Pinkie ended up hitting herself with a clank. Pinkie dizzily fell down. Then the Compsognathus took another cookie from the tray & ran to a hole on the wall. Pinkie got up & found one of her cookies missing again. "Ooooh! I hate that little pest!" Pinkie growled. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 8: SQUEAKS <> Then Pinkie Pie carefully placed one of her cookies on a mousetrap. Then she placed it near the hole. "Bon appetite." <> During at the middle of the night, the Compsognathus came outta its hole, sniffed the cookie & touched it then...... (SNAP!) In the bedroom, Pinkie smiled as she knew the Compy was caught in the mousetrap. <> (NEXT MORNING) Pinkie hummed as she was making pies. "Morning, Pinks!" Rainbow Dash appeared from the backdoor. "Oh Dashie, you're just in time. Can you get me a jar of chocolate chips please?" Pinkie Pie requested. "Sure, no probs." Then Pinkie remember the mousetrap snap last night. Then she grabbed a broom. Rainbow Dash saw her. "What are you doing, Pinkie?" "Well I setup a mousetrap last night. It snapped", Pinkie explained. "Mouse problems? Rats even?" Rainbow raised her eyebrow. "Mmmmm....I would say it's more of a Compy-problem", Pinkie Pie said. Rainbow nodded & followed Pinkie to the hole on the wall. Pinkie flipped the mousetrap. "Huh? Where did Squeaks go?" Pinkie asked also given it a name. "Squeaks? You named it?" Rainbow asked. "Why not?" Pinkie asked. "Well I don't know. Maybe the trap snapped by itself", Rainbow guessed. Pinkie saw something on the floor next to it. Pinkie picked it up. It was a chocolate chip. Then Pinkie gasped. "Rainbow, do you think that Squeak might have snapped the trap?" "Hey, I think you're giving him a little too much credit", Rainbow reassured. "The trap snapped itself, your bait flew off & so he ate it. So it's that simple." Rainbow continued, making Pinkie Pie smile in relieve. Rainbow opened the chocolate chip jar & poured into the bowl. "So I don't think you should about that little PEST!" Then without warning, Squeaks appeared outta the jar, eating one of the chocolate chips. Rainbow jumped back in surprise while Pinkie screamed outta her lungs. "SQUEAKS, SQUEAKS!" "You little..." Rainbow growled, trying to grab Squeaks but Pinkie gotta in the way & accidentally hit Rainbow with the broom, breaking off the tip. Squeak got off the table & scrammed. "Ow! What are you doing, you stupid...?! Gimme that!" Rainbow grabbed the broom & chased after Squeaks. Meanwhile Pinkie grabbed the frying pan again. Squeaks run through the living room as Rainbow chased it, cackling madly. "I'm coming for you, HAHAHA!" Then Pinkie appeared with the frying pan, letting out a bloodthirsty scream. Squeak ran back to the kitchen as Rainbow tries to hit him with the broom but kept missing, repeatedly. Squeak even climbed the broom & gave Rainbow a soft kick in the eye before jumping off. "Ow!" Rainbow yelped & tries to grab him with her hoof but Pinkie appeared & accidentally hit Rainbow again. Rainbow screamed as Pinkie gasped. She putted the pan down & tries to blow Rainbow's hoof. "What are ya?! Trying to kill me?!" Rainbow hit Pinkie in the stomach with the broom before strangling her. Squeak ran & slid into his hole. Pinkie chokingly pointed at the hole which Rainbow let her go & they both looked inside. "Get the crowbar", Rainbow ordered her. Pinkie came back with the crowbar & the two pried up the entire wall. Then Squeaks appeared with a hammer & hit Pinkie in the foot. "Ow! YEOW!" Pinkie screamed & jumped off then the wall fell crashed on the Rainbow hooves. Squeaks plays "Yankee Doodle" with the hammer, ending on a powerful press of two of them. "AAAAAAHHHH!" Rainbow screamed & released her hooves. Then both of her hooves turned red and popped out, letting out steam, making a train whistle sound. Then Rainbow grabbed a sledgehammer & gave it to Pinkie. "I'll chases him out & when he comes out, let him have it!" Rainbow instructed her. "Okie-dokie-lokie!" whispered Pinkie, saluting before readying herself in position. Rainbow snuck to a small grate & opened it. She looked inside & saw Squeaks. Then she flew inside in full speed, chasing Squeaks through walls of the entire Sugarcube Corner. Squeaks popped out of the hole and Pinkie swings as instructed, only to find Rainbow's head in her place & smashed her. Rainbow popped out of the resulting hole in the floor and a bump rises on her head. <> Next, Pinkie tries using an unbent metal coat hanger to get Squeaks while Rainbow sat beside her. However Squeaks hooked the hook to the live wire & pulled it to make sure Pinkie got movement on the hook "I got a bite. I got him!" Pinkie shouted excited & pulled the hook harder. "You got him? Don't let him get away!" Rainbow holded onto Pinkie waist & helped her pull. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Pinkie & Rainbow both pulled harder & harder before receiving an electric shock, showing their skeletons a few times & literally causing their fur to fry off. "Holy...", Pinkie wheezed. "Smokes...", Rainbow coughed before literally coughing a puff of smoke. <> Later, Rainbow & Pinkie putted a vacuum cleaner inside. Little did they know that Squeak appeared right behind them with the top part of the vacuum & putted it there. "Turn it on, Pinkie", Rainbow commanded her. Pinkie turned on the vacuum. "See you in hell, you little sh*t." Then Rainbow got sucked inside the vacuum & ended up in the bag of the vacuum. "Oh no!" Pinkie groaned as she was also sucked in. Both struggled in the bag. "Help, Gummy! Twilight, Spike!" Pinkie muffledly screamed. And Gummy was appeared, helping Squeaks sucking in the charcoals from the fireplace. The charcoals hit both of them in the flanks & screamed painfully. "That's it!" Rainbow had enough of Squeaks' games so she grabbed a golf club & blindly tries to hit him with it. Squeaks appeared smiling and taunting with them even more. Then Squeaks opened the door to the basement. Then Rainbow & Pinkie, along with the vacuum, tumbled blindly down the stairs with a crash. Then Squeaks retreated after seeing Rainbow & Pinkie got out of the vacuum bag. Having gone mad with revenge, Pinkie & Rainbow carried an armful of TNTs, gunpowders, dynamites, fireworks, and a massive blockbuster. "I've had enough of your games, you little bastard!" Rainbow growled as she & Pinkie both angrily stuffed the hole with explosives, forcing Squeaks' back to the wall. "Ready, Pinkie?" Pinkie snicked madly & nodded in reply. "FIRE!" Rainbow yelled as Pinkie ignited a piece of dynamite but it doesn't start the fuse enough. "What? LIGHT IT UP!" "I'm trying to light it up!" Pinkie snapped before so she blew on it too hard, causing the explosives to erupt. Half of Sugarcube Corner was blown up from the explosion as Rainbow & Pinkie somehow survived. "We did?" Rainbow asked before cheering,"We did it! We've killed him! Whoo-hoo!" "We did?" Pinkie asked, puzzled. Rainbow pulled Pinkie for a dance of celebration before both hearing a squeak. They stopped & look. Squeak somehow also survived to explosive, waved at them. Rainbow & Pinkie both let out a cry of frustration and fainted while Squeaks twirls his tail in amusement. He then turned to the fourth-wall & wrinked. <> OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 9: The Hunters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SOMEWHERE IN APPLELOOSA) Huge trucks with giant cages stopped at a huge abandoned warehouse. "On your hooves!" said the pony. Then ponies armed with taser spears & tranquilizer guns got out, surrounding the building. "Wing-Squad, to the roof", the pony gave the order. The pegasi squad armed with guns readied themselves. "Alright, ladies, let's bring the pain", the Russian pegasi with a Russian accent said as he & the squad flew up to the roof & watched through the windows. They saw a huge Iguanodon walking around. The Russian-accented pegasi pulled out his walkie-talkie. "Commander, we've spotted the dinosaur inside the building, shall we engage?" A unicorn with dark red coat & blond mane outside the building gave her order. "Do it.'' (0:21) The pegasi team crashed through the windows & started a fight with the Iguanodon. The Iguanodon swiped its huge paws at them, hitting everypony in sight. Then ponies with tranquillzer rifles shot a few rounds of darts at it but just made it more angrier. The dinosaur galloped toward them & kicked the ponies with both of its back legs. Then a huge gray earth stallion with a eye patch jumped onto the dinosaur's neck & headlocked it. The Iguanodon choked til it loses conscience. <> Later the Iguanodon, muzzled & strapped with chains, was dragged away by the hunters. They threw the Iguanodon into the cage & shutted the gate. The Iguanodon roared muffledly at them. <> (MANEHATTEN SUBWAYS) The Monolophosaurus was on top of the train then charged towards another earth pony with a elephant tusk as his cutie-mark. The pony cracked his neck then kicked off the dinosaur, knocking it out. <> (SOMNAMBULA) Two Pegasi strapped a chain around a Pteranodon's legs & pulled it down. The same unicorn mare came up to the Pteranodon & pointed her gun at it. <> The same Pteranodon was tried up with chains & was placed in the cage. Then the same Monolophosaurus from the subway was also placed in its cage. Then Stygimoloch, a juvenile Allosaurus, then a Carnotaurus were all putted into their cages. The unicorn mare walked passed the cages with a satisfied face. "Good work tonight, gentle-colts. These animals will worth a fortune", She congratulated her hench-ponies. "YEAH!!!" Her hench-ponies cheered. "Set course to our base camp. This round's on me", She delared as she & her hench-ponies started their vehicles then drove off, laughing triumphantly. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 9: THE HUNTERS <> Rainbow & Applejack entered a cafe. The customers & the waiters were shievering to their bones. "Where is it?" Rainbow asked. Everyone pointed towards the kitchen. "Alright y'all, we'll handle this", Applejack cracked her knuckles. She & Rainbow entered the kitchen & saw the whole mess. They heard rattling in the freezer. They both entered & saw it. It was a Moros Intrepidus, a tiny tyrannosaurid with feathered coating. "Oh? That's problem?" Applejack asked. "Applejack, be careful! That look like the one Pinkie & I fought", Rainbow warned her. Applejack chuckled. "It's tiny, Rainbow." "C'mon, little guy. Aren't you a cute little guy? Yes you are", Applejack cooed as she extended out her hoof. The Moros was busy, eating the contents of the freezer. Then it turned around & saw Applejack's hoof. Then without warning, the Moros jumped & bit Applejack's hoof. "Ahhhh! Get off me, you little monster!" Applejack screamed. Then the little dinosaur climbed onto Applejack's head & strangled her neck with its tail, choking her. Then it slammed Applejack's face repeatedly with fridge. Rainbow appeared with the broom & hit the Moros away, causing it flew outside the kitchen. "Now you believe me?" Rainbow asked. "Alright fine. Wow, that was different", Applejack admitted, rubbing her head. Then the Moros launched into the kitchen & jumped onto Rainbow's face. It threw small punches at her before slamming its head onto hers. "Get it off!" Rainbow screamed. Applejack tries to pull the dinosaur away but it wrapped its tail around her leg & pulled her down on the floor. It jumped onto her & shook her face. Then it swung its tail at her & threw a kick around her face "Get off!" Applejack pushed it off. The Moros landed on the fridge safely. Then Rainbow pushed down the fridge, intending to squished it. "Ha! Let's see him get through that!" Rainbow laughed. She spoke too soon. The Moros broke through the fridge & charged at Applejack. "C'mon!" Applejack grabbed two frying pans. Applejack swung one of pans but the Moros dodged the attack & crawled on Applejack's hooves. Then Applejack finally landed a hit on the dinosaur & smacked it away. The Moros landed on the floor & growled at the ponies. Applejack & Rainbow weren't scared from that. Then Rainbow pulled out a hot sauce bottle. "How about a snack, little fellow?" asked Rainbow as the Moros charged at them. "Catch!" Rainbow squirted the sauce right into the dinosaur's mouth. The Moros was confused at the taste til its face & mouth turned completely red as it shrieked. The dinosaur thrashed away in pain as it got outta the cafe. Rainbow & Applejack came outta kitchen. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, you little hermit chicken!" Rainbow mocked. "There's spicy onion rings on the house!" Applejack added. The customers & waiters clapped their hooves in appreciation. "Thank you! Thank you!" Rainbow thanked them while Applejack waved at them. Then they both exited themselves out. "Man, tonight was something else!" Rainbow commented. "Yah, ya said it", Applejack replied. "Hey ya know, ah wish something else more enjoyable happen." "Like what?" "Well robbery in banks wouldn't hurt. Or stopping a bunch of gangster or...." A loud squawk interrupted Applejack. Then a huge Quetzalcoatlus, a giant pterosaur, flew over them. "Or something like that!" Applejack finishes her sentence. "C'mon!" Rainbow & Applejack chased after it. They followed the giant pterosaur through the Everfree Forest. Then they lost track of it. "Hey where'd it go?" Applejack asked. "I don't know", Rainbow replied. "Can something that big just disappear?" Applejack asked. "I don't think so." Then up ahead, the Quetzalcoatlus bursted outta the trees while its neck & legs were tied with chains. Applejack & Rainbow lowered themselves down. The Quetzalcoatlus was pulled down. "What the hell?" Rainbow was speechless. "What was that?" Applejack asked. Rainbow didn't respond but gentured her to come. They followed slowly & quietly through the trees. Then they saw them. The Quetzalcoatlus was strapped with chains all around it while the ponies pulled it into the truck. The unicorn mare, presumely their leader, stood there. AJ & Dash paid close attention to them. "Be careful. We want him in good shape", The unicorn commander told her henchponies. "Who the hell are these guys?" Rainbow asked. "Ah don't know. What do think they are....Oop!" Applejack accidentally snapped a tree branch. The mare & the henchponies heard it. The mare saw Rainbow & Applejack. "Witnesses!" The henchponies openfired their tranquillzer rifles. "Watch out!" Rainbow was covering for Applejack but got hit by the dart on her wing. "Ah!" "Are you okay?" Applejack pulled out the dart from Rainbow. "Ah don't feel so good", Rainbow replied as the efforts of the dart are working on her wing. Then the mare whistled as two dinosaurs climbed out from the truck. The dinosaurs were 6ft tall carnivorous bipedal theropods with a sharp sickle-shaped claw on each foot, similar to a Velociraptor. They're known as Atrociraptors. One was white with black stripes & the other was brownish red with white makings. The Atrociraptors approached the mare as she gently stroke their necks. "Rip the flesh from their bones & show no mercy", the mare ordered them as the Atrociraptors ran towards AJ & Dash. "That can't be good...." Rainbow observed. "Scram!" Applejack called as she took off without Rainbow. Rainbow looked back & realized Applejack left her. Rainbow gasped as she ran after Applejack. "Hey wait up!" Rainbow chased her but gotten lost. "Applejack....!" Rainbow was grabbed by Applejack outta nowhere & they hid behind a large tree. "What?! You never know what scram means?!" Applejack scolded her. "Warn me next time." <> The Atrociraptors purred & sniffed for the ponies' scent. They looked around but the ponies are no way to be found. Then they saw a small shed. <> Inside the shed, Applejack & Rainbow barricaded the door with whatever they can find. "They'll never find us here", Applejack panted. Rainbow started to feel dizzy. "Ya okay?" "I don't know. I'm getting sleepy all of a sudden & my wing feels like spagetti", Rainbow groaned. "Stay with me now. We're gonna get outta this soon", Applejack reassured. (CRASH) The Atrociraptors bumped the door with their heads. The ponies hold the door. The one of the Atrociraptors' hand got inside, trying to reach for them. "No!" Rainbow pushed the door as hard as she can. Applejack grabbed a shovel & tried to hit the dinosaur. <> Meanwhile the hunters have already got the Quetzalcoatlus into the truck. Then a police helicopter flew about them. "Ponyville Police! You with the truck, put your hooves in the air!" "Uh-oh, the cops!" The Russian-accented pegasi yelped. "Viper, we need to get outta here!" the stallion with a elephant tusk told her. But Viper, the commander, didn't listen. "We're not going anyway while the witnesses are still alive, Thrust", Viper said. "But if we stay here, we'll be arrested! Do you want that, Commander", Thrust told. Viper thought about it then grunted in anger. "Fall back! Retreat!" Viper shouted as everypony mounted onto the truck. Viper also mounted on & whistled loudly. <> The Atrociraptors' head had got inside the shed & tries to bite the Applejack & Rainbow. Applejack swung the shovel at them. They stopped then they ran off. Unknowingly to Applejack, Rainbow passed out. "Yeah, you better run!" Applejack shouted after them. "Phew! Gotten admit, this was pretty fun, huh?" Applejack then realized Rainbow had passed out. "Rainbow? Aw no. Hang in there, Dash. Ah gotta get you somewhere safe." <> Later Rainbow was placed on Twilight's couch, still passed out. The group gathered around her. "So you said a group of ponies shot her?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. And that's not all. They were chaining up a dinosaur too. Ah think they're poachers or something", Applejack explained. "Poachers?! I don't think I like these ponies", said Fluttershy. "Do you think it's Wheatley again, Applejack?" Spike asked. "No, it was a mare. And she was merciless, ah tell ya", Applejack explained. "And she also had dinosaurs working for her. It was crazy!" "Dinosaurs? That doesn't make sense. I thought Owen's the only dinosaur trainer", Spike said. "Don't forget Cadence", Pinkie added, remember the time when they save Flurry from Blue. Twilight put her hoof on her chin & thought about it. "Show us where ya found them." <> Later they all went back to the forest. "This is where we've found them", Applejack pointed out. Twilight inpected & found truck trail on the ground. "Is this the one?" asked Twilight. "Yah." "Then that means they aren't far. C'mon, girls." <> The Mane-6 & Spike followed the trail. "What are we finding these guys again?" Pinkie asked. Applejack sighed. "Because we're gonna find out what these ponies are up to. This is the third time, Pinkie!" "Oh sorry", Pinkie finally understood. "And you don't think these ponies are animal-killers, do you?" Fluutershy asked, fearfully. "Ah don't know but yah, ah think they are." This made Fluttershy shook in fear. "Applejack, you told us this lady had dinosaurs of her own. What do they look like exactly?" Spike curiously asked. "Well for what me & RD can tell, they kinda look like Blue", Applejack explained to Spike. "Velociraptors?" guessed Spike. "No no, these guys were alot bulkier than her", Applejack corrected him. "Raptors on steroid?" joked Pinkie. "Haha, very funny, Pinkie", Rainbow replied sarcastically. The group continued following the trail til Twilight saw two ponies with rifles. "Everypony, get down!" Twilight alerted them as the group bend down under the bush. "This must be it." Twilight said. The group slowly peered from the foliage. "Hey, Twi, so what's the plan on getting us those guys?" Pinkie asked. But the group direct their attention to Rarity. "What?" asked Rarity, confusedly. <> The two ponies stand guarding til Rarity call them. "Oh boys!" The guards looked. Rarity came out from behind the tree and waved at them, flirtatiously. The unicorn-guard became lovestruck while pegasi-guard stared at her confusedly. Rarity walked towards one of the guards. "Hey guys, I'm seem to be lost. Can you help me?" Rarity asked seducedly the unicorn-guard, making him blush harder. "Ay caramba...." The unicorn said in a Spanish-accent. "Comrade? Comrade!" Russian-accented pegasi called out but unicorn was too lovestrucked. "Perhaps one of you can help me & we could get a little naughty", Rarity stroked the unicorn's small goatee. "Senorita, let's get naughty right now!" The unicorn tries to grab Rarity but she dodged & went back to the tree. The unicorn followed her. Rarity gave him flirtatious smile and struted away. This really made the unicorn wild and followed with Applejack, hidden behind the tree & with a large rock in her hooves. "Yoo-hoo!" the unicorn appeared as Applejack smashed the rock on his head. "She loves me", the unicorn exclaimed before fainting. "Ugh, you need a mint", Rarity gagged. The pegasi heard the crash & went to check on his friend. Then a hoof tabbed hus shoulder. He turn around & saw Rainbow Dash with a wood. "Good night", Rainbow smashed him with the wood. <> Later, the group tried the unicorn & pegasi onto a tree & gagged them. "There. That'll hold them", Applejack said proudly. "C'mon, guys." The group moved on but Pinkie however pulled out a marker from her mane & drew "BUTTS" on the pegasi's forehead. Pinkie giggled & joined the group. <> The hunters were running around the base-camp, loading & unloading the cages from their vehicles. The Mane-6 & Spike watched the hunters from the foliage. "What are they doing to those dinosaurs?" Fluttershy asked. "Probably selling them or skining their hides off, who know?" Applejack replied, making Fluttershy shiever in fear. "Yeah, I thought Wheatley was bad enough", Spike said. "So what the next plan, Twi?" Rainbow asked. "We gotta distract all of them at once", Twilight replied. "But how? I'm certainly not flirting again", Rarity told her. Twilight eyed at Pinkie. <> Pinkie walked up to the hunters and cleared her throat. All the hunters watched her. "Hey everypony, wanna sing along?" asked Pinkie as the hunters mumbled among each other. "🎵Uh...smooth like butter, like a criminal undermine?🎵" Pinkie sang in off-key & confusedly. This made the hunters confused. "What is she doing?" one of the hunter asked. The other hunters shrugged. "🎵Uh...poping like....um....dangers, breaking into your brain like that?🎵" "Uh...that's not how the lyrics go!" a female hunter shouted but Pinkie kept singing, awfully. "🎵Cool shade summer, yeah, I owe it all to my daddy?🎵" "Just grab her!" a huge stallion with an eye-patch shouted as everypony charged at her. Pinkie screamed as she turntail & ran. Pinkie galloped away as all the hunters chased her through the forest. The group peered outta bush. "Ya think we should help her?" Spike asked. "She'll be fine, c'mon", Applejack replied. Pinkie somehow appeared right beside them. "What's going on?" asked Pinkie, scaring the life outta them. "Pinkie...how..how...how?" Rainbow stuttered. "What?" asked Pinkie. "Uh...never mind. Let's go." Twilight said. <> They entered into the middle of the camp, surrounded by huge cages with dinosaurs big & small. They went a cage with a Triceratops inside it. The Trike stared at them & bellowed loudly. "Shhh", Twilight shushed it before unlocking the cage with her magic. "Here ya go, partner", Applejack released an Iguanodon & its calf. Spike opened a large cage & he gasped. "A giant Quetzalcoatlus!" Spike squeed excitedly. "I never get to see you in the park." Rainbow unlocked a tiny cage. "Ah! You again! The same Moros from the cafe ran outta cage, shouting in gibberish, angrily. "Still mad about the hot sauce?" Rainbow asked, receiving a hard-kick on her knee. "Ow!" Fluttershy unlocked & opened a cage, revealing a Carnotaurus with a muzzle on its snout. The Carno growled muffledly at her but Fluttershy tried calming it down & reached out her hoof. "Shhh, I'm trying to help you", Fluttershy calmed it down & took off the muzzle. The Carnotaurus walked outta the cage. The pack of three Monolophosaurs watched as Rarity shakily opened the cage. "There....you're free", Rarity stuttered in fear as the Monolophos walked out. One even licked her in appreciation, disgusting her. "You're welcome." Pinkie opened a cage then two Lystrosaurus came out. Pinkie was confused at their appearance. "Man, you're one funky-looking dinos." Offended, one of the Lytrosaur kicked some dirt at her. "Ah, pfffttt! Sorry!" <> Later, the Mane-6 & Spike regrouped. "We got them all", Applejack reported. "All of them?" Twilight asked. "All of them", Fluttershy confirmed. "Right, we should get outta here before they come back", Twilight declared. They started to made their way outta the camp then a bright beam of light shined at them. The group froze. Then Thrust & the other hunters surrounded them. "What's the rush, Princess?" a voice asked, revealing to be Viper. Twilight reconized her. "Viper Fang?" Twilight gasped. "Wait, you know her?" Rarity asked. "She used to bully me & Shining Armor when we were in Canterlot", Twilight explained. "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Twilight?" Viper climbed down from her buggy & walked slowly towards them. "In fact, I haven't seen you since the day you humiliated me infront of Celestia. That was 6 years." "What did she do, Twi?" Pinkie whispered. "She was killing rare animals & sold them off to traffickers. And after that she sentenced two years in prison", Twilight explained. "You killed animals?! How could you do that?" Fluttershy exclamed. Viper was shameless as she lighted her cigarette. "So tell me, Twilight. What made you all the way here & release all of our bounties?" asked Viper. "Because I know selling or killing endangered animals like this is wrong!" Twilight shouted. "It's not wrong, it's just business", Viper retorted while smoking. "It's not! Killing innocent creatures for money is not business! They're our friends" Fluttershy shouted angrily. Viper puff a smoke & shook her head. "Naive little Fluttershy, what do you know about business? All you do is cuddle & hug animals. What a weakling!" Viper mocked Flutershy, offending her. "Why that little....", Rainbow was ready to launch at Viper but she was hold back by Applejack. "No Dash! It's not worth it." "Go ahead. Let her go & let's see what she's got", Viper challenged. Twilight couldn't stand that insult on her friends any longer. "Stop it, Viper. We're leaving now." "Oh? I don't think so", Viper threw her cigarette down & tapped her hoof as all hunters, heavily armed, surrounded them. Then two of the Atrociraptors from early appeared but this time two more Atrociraptors were with them. One was tiger-striped & the other was orange with a cream underbelly and brown striped. Rainbow & Applejack gasped. "Spike, that's them. Velociraptors, right?", Rainbow pointed at the Raptors. "No, they're Atrociraptors", Spike corrected. "Ghost, Tiger, Red, Panthera, ya like pony-cakes with a side of a baby lizard?" Viper asked her Atrociraptors. "I'm a dragon!" Spike corrected her. The group stood strongly as the hunters pointed their weapons at them. "Attack!" Viper shouted as she & the hunters opened fire. The Mane-6 & Spike ran in different direction. Fluttershy hid behind the crates & curled up like a ball, chanting "find a happy place" repectedly in fear. Applejack came face-to-face with the eye-patched pony. Applejack stood in a fighting position. "Oh this is gonna be fun!" said the stallion. Applejack threw a hard punch across his face but it was futile. The stallion stood like he couldn't feel anything. "Hey are we even fighting, partner?" Applejack tries reasoning him. In respond, the stallion punched her in the face. <> Rainbow Dash was flying from above, avoiding the gunfires til a blue pegasi with short mane with purple tips & arrows strapped on her back blocked her way. "Hello", she greeted. "Yeah, hello to ya too!" Rainbow threw a punch but the pegasi caught her hoof & kicked her in the ribs. "Cheap shot but let me show ya mine!" Rainbow tries to kick her but the pegasi blocked her leg with her hoof as they both engaged. <> Twilight was busy fighting the Atrociraptors by firing laser-beam at them. She fought them off til Viper fired her laser-beam at her. Twilight quickly conjured a shield. "You don't know me anymore, Viper", said Twilight. "I'm the only one here who knows you, Twilight", Viper pulled out knife & begun her attack. Twilight dodged as Viper swung her knife at her. Eventually Twilight punched Viper in the face. "Very good, brat." Viper whisted as the Atrociraptors appeared beside her. <> Then a purple unicorn appeared before Rarity with a taser spear. The unicorn giggled sinisterly. Rarity picked a chain & used it like a nunchuck. She blocked the unicorn's attack. "Hoo-hoo, girlie", the unicorn mocked. Offended, Rarity kicked her in the knee. "Ahhhh!" the purple unicorn groaned in pain. "How dare you!" Rarity shouted. Then the unicorn & Rarity fought. <> Thust jumped before Spike. "Hi?" Spike gulped. "I almost feel bad for this runt", Thrust pulled out his machete & ready to kill him. Spike grabbed a iron bar & blocked the attack. He & Thrust started a fight. <> Pinkie peered from one of the truck to see what's happening. "Pinkie, start the car!" Spike shouted while fighting Thrust. Pinkie looked around in the seat. "But there's no keys!" Pinkie called. "Try hotwiring!" suggested Twilight, fighting off Viper & the Atrociraptors. "But I don't know how to hotwire!", Pinkie shouted. "Pinkie, just do it!" Rarity shouted while defending herself from the purple unicorn. Pinkie bit her hooves in terror. She pulled out two wires under the stering wheel & tried hotwiring. "C'mon, c'mon please!" <> In the air, Rainbow & the pegasi fought & fought then they both became tire. "Give up?" Rainbow asked. "Never!" The pegasi shouted back. Then she pulled out her bow & arrow & shot at Rainbow. Luckily Rainbow dodged the arrow & it hit the tree. "Ha! You missed", Rainbow joked. "I wasn't aiming for you", The pegasi pull out a detonator. Then Rainbow looked back & saw the arrow with a bomb strapped onto it. The pegasi pushed the detonator, causing the arrow to explode. The impact caused Rainbow to fall to the ground. Rainbow lied unconcious. <> Thrust & Spike both clanged each other til they struggled. "You're no match for me, runt!" Thrust said. Spike grunted. Then Thrust swung his machete & clanged Spike's iron bar away. Spike gasped as he backed away in fear. Thrust appoached him with a vicious grin. "I gonna chop off your tail & make a new belt, my good son", Thrust raised his machete to strike but Spike dodged. Thrust got his machete struck to a tree. "Curses!" Spike took the opportunity & ran. <> Applejack grabbed a huge wrench & swung it at the eye-patched pony. The stallion felt no pain & grabbed Applejack by the throat & lifted her up. Spike appeared & Applejack in trouble. He saw forklift car. The eye-patched pony was about to punch Applejack then suddenly Spike appeared driving the forklift & crashed onto him, pinning him to a tree. The pony struggled as Spike climbed down from the truck & helped Applejack up. "You okay?" Spike asked. " Yah, ah'm fine, let’s get outta here." <> Rainbow finally gained consciousness as she saw everypony in trouble. Then her mane started to glow bright rainbow colors. Everypony stopped fighting & watched Rainbow in disbelief. Her entire body was on fiery blue but her mane was glowing, wavy rainbow. "Oh no, ah think unlocked her powers as well", Applejack said. "IF IT IS A FIGHT YOU WANT, YOU ALL GOT IT!" Rainbow said with her powered voice. Her hooves started to sparked blue electricity. Viper Fang grunted in frustration. "Rip her to pieces!" Viper commanded her Atrociraptors as the dinosaurs charged at Rainbow. Using her electric powers, Rainbow zapped the tiger-striped Atrociraptor away. Then she levitated the red Atrociraptor & threw it at the brown-stripped Atrociraptor. Finally the white Atrociraptor launched into the air but Rainbow blasted it away with her electricity. Viper & the hunters stared in confusion & disbelief. "Levitation & electric powers! What more she can do?!" Pinkie shouted excitedly. Then using her super-speed as the time went incredibly slow, Rainbow gathered the ponies together in one place. Then she used her super energy & teleported the group to her safe place. The time went back to normal as Viper & the hunters looked around for them. "Where?" Viper asked, receiving no answers. "NO!" Then she cries out in frustration & defeat. <> The group reappeared in Twilight’s castle. "Where are we?" Pinkie asked. "I think we’re in my home. You did it Rainbow! You saved us all!" Twilight praised her along with the others. "Nice going, Rainbow!" "Truly marvelous!" "THANKS. I REALLY…I…really…appreciate….” Rainbow powered down as she fell down to the ground. "Rainbow? Rainbow! Twilight, is she okay?" Spike asked. Twilight touched her forehead. The group waited tensely for a moment then Twilight formed a smile. "I think she’s gonna be okay." The group sighed in relief. <> Later, Rainbow slowly opened her eyes as she found herself on Twilight’s bed. "Wake up, sleeping beauty! Rise & shine!" Pinkie literally kissed Rainbow on the lips. The group stared at them in disgust or disbelief. As Pinkie & Rainbow separated, Rainbow exclaimed & gagged in disgust. "Yuck!" Rainbow wiped her mouth. Then Pinkie hugged her tightly, choking her. "We’re so glad you’re okay", Pinkie said. "Hey Pinkie, let her go. Give her some air", Applejack told her. "Oops, sorry." Rainbow gasped for air. "Are you sure she gonna be alright?" Fluttershy asked. "She’s gonna be fine. Just give her some time", Twilight reassured. "Hey guys, what happened? I’ve blacked out for a moment there." "You went all Super Saiyan mode like Twilight, Rainbow!" Pinkie excited responded. "You went all kaboom & ssss & zap-zap those Atroci-thingies away." "Atrociraptors", Spike corrected her. "That’s what I said, then you went all boom-boom & teleported all of us here. It was awesome", Pinkie concluded. "It was. I wish I…I…." Rainbow fell asleep. "Rainbow?" Fluttershy was about to wake her but Twilight stopped her. "It’s okay, just let her sleep." Then the group exited themselves outta the room. "Hey, Twilight, are we done with her?" Applejack asked. "Hmmm?" "Viper.” "No", Twilight shook her head. "It maybe fine now but she definitely not done with us yet. Especially me." "I don’t think I like her or her dinosaurs", Fluttershy whimpered. "Especially she kept them as her minions", Rarity added. "And she’s probably really mad at us for releasing the Dino’s she captured", Pinkie said. "So what do you she’s planning now?” Spike asked. "I don’t know but whatever she’s planning, we’ll deal with her together", Twilight answered. <> Back in the hunters’ camp, Viper was in her tent, sitting on her chair. She stared at stove while sharpening her knife with a oil stone. "You & filthy little friends may have won this time, Twilight, but I’m just begun. Vengeance will be sweet once I’ve got your head on my wall", Viper said before throw her knife at the picture of Twilight on the wall. "Your blood will soon be on my hooves." <> OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 10: Creature of the Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female broadcaster: There's a creature or demon that lurks at night in the Everfree Forest. Camera image a picture of a black silhouette figure running in the woods. Witness: My friends & I were hiking in the woods at night & we heard a loud-ass shriek Video footage of the creature shrieking. Female witness: I've seen that thing. It was unbelievable! Another video footage from the same witness showed the creature standing behind a flickering lamppost, smiling devilishly at the witness. "Hello! Who are you? What do you want?" the witness called out. "Hello? Hey! Get outta here!" The creature slowly disappeared into the wood as the footage ended. Witness 2: The creature was...um...I don't know...black & have some sort of a lizard-like body. Witness 3: It's skin was slimy or wet with some kind of substance. Female witness 2: Its claws were long & jagged. Witness 4: Its body looked & smell like decaying body. Female witness 3: Its eyes were bright yellow kinda resembling highlights or something. Female broadcaster: Based on the descriptions, here is the artist rendering of what the beast might have looked like. What is this creature, where did it came from, is it one of the creatures from Jurassic Equestria? Only one thing is certain: wherever it is out there, it is completely isolated & alone & what will it do next? <> In the night, a small herd of Parasaurolophus graze outside of Ponyville . One of the Parasaurolophus wandered too close to the treeline of Everfree Forest. Then it saw two pairs of yellow eyes in the darkness. Before the Parasaurolophus could react, something grabbed the dinosaur in the face and yanked it into the forest, alarming the other Parasaurolophus. Some moments later, the same Parasaurolophus came out of the forest all covered in blood, making the herd nervous then it collapsed. Then the body was yanked back again and herd could hear the sounds of bone-crunching & flesh-ripping. Then the creature emerged. The herd froze in shock as the creature smiled at them with a blood stain teeth then launched at them. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 10: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT <> The next morning, the Ponyville police went to the site of the massacre. The Parasaurs were teared to pieces, their heads were decapitated, huge claw & bite marks are shown, and even their guts & intestines were spilled on the grounds. The police took photos, collecting samples, & finding any evidences of who or what could caused this much massacre. "I cannot believe this. And to think one creature could cause this much massacre", the police groaned, taking off his sunglasses. Nearby, the Mane-6 walked to the site. "Princess Twilight, we need you to step back", the pegasus police stopped the group. "Pardon me, officer but me & my friends might need to investigate so could you spare us some time, please?" Twilight asked. "And we'll be gone before you even know it", added Pinkie. The police scratched his head & sighed. "Alright, I'll give you all five minutes." "Thank you, officer. Thank you. Me & my friends will take it from here for now." The group passed the officer & went to the site. <> The group watched at the scene & were horrified. "Oh wow!" Rainbow gasped. "Aye-yi-yi!" Pinkie Pie yelped. "What could have done this much massacre?!" Fluttershy asked, horrified. "Think it's Viper & her unruly gang?" Rarity began with a handkerchief over her nose. "I don't think so", Twilight shook her head. "Fluttershy, what do you think happened?" Rainbow asked but Fluttershy was too horrified to answer. Applejack stood silently. "Applejack?" Rainbow called but she didn't respond. "Applejack?" Rainbow called a little louder. Applejack shot back to reality. "What?" "Are you okay there?" asked Rainbow. "Um...yah. Ah'm fine." Applejack looked away. "Are you sure? It seems you've awfully quiet today", Pinkie said, worriedly. "Care to explain?" Rarity raised her eyebrow. Applejack hesitated to answer but reassured them to calm the situation. "Y'all, don't worry. Ah'll be fine. Let's just focus on our investigation and get the hell outta here, alright?" The others felt uneasy about her response & became more worried. "Okay, you're right, Applejack. C'mon, girls", Twilight put it aside for now. The group went to the site. <> Rainbow & Applejack went in pair, looking for any evidences. Rainbow couldn't help but noticed Applejack was feeling uneasy. "AJ, there's something you're not telling us", Rainbow asked, suspiciously. "What? Why would you think that?" "Because you've silenced ever since we've paired up, are you okay?" "Ah told you before ah'm fine!" Applejack finally snapped. "Well I'm buying it! What's going on?!" Rainbow started shouting. "Ah don't know, okay?!" AJ shouted back. The duo stared at each other furiously. "Hey guys, come here, come here! Twilight's found something", Pinkie appeared & called them. Rainbow flew off. "We're coming back to this later." "Rainbow, ah..." Applejack couldn't finished because Rainbow flew off. Applejack grunted frustratedly. <> The group gathered around Twilight. They found a black liquid on the ground next to the Parasaur's carcass. The group covered their noses from the scent. Twilight examined it then putted her hoof into it. The group except Applejack exclaimed in disgust then backed away from the liquid. "Oh I'm gonna throw-up!" Rarity holded onto her stomach. "What is that?!" Spike asked. Twilight didn't answer but sniffed it then groaned, "Oh!" "Well what is it?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know but whatever this substance is, I'm gonna take this to my castle", Twilight pull out a vial from her bag & put the liquid in the vial. <> The following night, a small herd of Sinoceratops were walking through the Everfree. Little did they know that the creature was stalking them. One Sinoceratops was dragged by the tail, causing the other Sinoceratops to watch. They heard their friend roaring in pain as well as strange shrieking noises in the foliage. At last the creature emerged & revealed itself, causing the Sinoceratops to roar and flee in panic. The herd ran as fast as they can til they reached open clearing then formed a defensive ring. They roared & grunted to intimidate their attacker. The creature breaks the ring by literally shredding one of them. The natural defense is in ruins. The rest of the herd roared in terror & started to flee only to be pick off one by one. <> Twilight was in her library, examining the substance. Spike appeared with a cup of coffee. "Here's your coffee, Twi", Spike handed the cup. "Thank you Spike." Spike looked at the liquid in the vial. "Any luck?" "Non so far", Twilight shook her head. "Nothing about animals covered in black goop." "Could it be another dinosaur?" Spike asked. "I don't think it's a dinosaur too", Twilight answered. Then Pinkie bursted into the library, panting. "Pinkie, what happened? What's going on?" asked Twilight in alarm. Pinkie looked up. "We have a lead." <> A female Sinoceratops from the night before shuddered uncontrollably while Fluttershy tried calming her down. The ponies gathered around. "Okay okay, ma'am, deep breaths", Fluttershy instructed. Then Pinkie then showed the dinosaur a funny face which only scared her even more. "Pinkie stop that! Can't you see you're gonna give her a heart-attack?!" scolded Rarity. "Oops, my bad. Proceed." "Alright, ma'am, tell us what happened last night?" Fluttershy asked gently. "And also tell her to give us all the details & the exact description & leave none of the crap out!" Applejack added sternly. The ponies watched in confusion, never seeing this side of Applejack before. "What's your problem?" Rainbow asked. "Nothing", Applejack looked away. The Sinoceratops started snorting, grunting, puffing while the group paid closed attention. "What's she saying?" Spike asked. "She said something mutilated my friends & family mercilessly", Fluttershy translated. "What does it look like though?" Twilight asked. The Sinoceratops grunted in response. "She said she doesn't know & she never seen anything like it", Fluttershy translated. The Sinoceratops started grunting again. "She also said it was covered in black tar", translated Fluttershy. "Black tar? So it does belong to that creature", Twilight confirmed. "But what does it's face look like?" Rarity asked. The Sinoceratops shook her head & snorted darkly. "Something sadistic & outta this world", translated Fluttershy. This made the group's spine shiever. <> Back at the library, Twilight read over hundreds of books in her library but finds nothing. Afterwards, she gets frustrated for not finding it yet. "Where are you?!" she yelled as she threw a book which hits an another pile of book, causing them to collapse. One black book with a strange symbol landed in front of her "Huh?" she question as she picks up that and inspected it. The book had monster-like skull on its cover. "Dark Creatures? Of course!" Twilight said, starting to enlighten. "Why didn't I look at this before?" As she open the book & turned to the first page which is about dragons. Then she turned to the next page which talks about Hydras. She turned pages by pages, she sees Tatzlwurm, Changelings, Basilisks, zombies, wyverns, Manticore, trolls, Ursa Major, Rocs, & even Umbrums while reading throughout the book. Then finally in the last page, her eye widens as she sees a black lizard-like creature with bipedal legs & long sharp claws on each hand, which matched the exact description the Sinoceratops described. She grabbed the book & ran out. <> The Mane-6 & Spike were in Sugarcube Corner as Twilight explained what she's discovered. "Alright, girls, the situation is worse than we thought", Twilight slammed the book on the table, showing them the creature. The girls were repulsed or scared by its appearance. "Creepy", Rainbow gasped. "Looks disgusting", Rarity commented. Twilight started reading. With the many fearsome beasts that roamed Equestria but none's more feared & deadly than the Nightfeeder. Unfortunately very little was known about this creature but it is said that it was created by Grogar & it's capable of living over hundreds of years. Instant death awaits any who meet this creature in the night. All ponies & creatures flee before it. "Girls, this is it. The monster that attack the dinosaurs is the Nightfeeder", Twilight explained. "It's demonic entity created by Grogar." "So the Parasaurs & the Sinos that were slaughtered during the night, that was this creature", asked Fluttershy, uneasily. Twilight nodded. Applejack grabbed the book from Twilight. "You've gotta be kidding me. You really think this creature existed?" Applejack asked. Twilight nodded. Then Applejack bursted into laughter, confusing the group. "Good one, Twilight! This creature existed? Gimme a break!" "Applejack, are you okay?" Spike asked, concerned. "Me? Of course, ah'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" "Darling, because you're starting worry us slightly a bit", Rarity answered. "More like lot", Rainbow crossed her hooves. "Is there something you're not telling us?" "No, of course not. Honest." The group doesn't seen convinced. "Well if that's outta the way, ah'll be heading back to the farm. Got a lotta chores to do. Good luck with your monster-hunting!" Applejack excused herself. The others stared silently. "Hey is it just me or was Applejack acting super sus for days?" Pinkie started. "Mmhm", Fluttershy nodded "I couldn't agree more", Spike answered. "Indubitably", Rarity agreed. "Ha! For sure. But I'm on to her", Rainbow said. Then she turned to Twilight. "So any more intel about this creature, Twi?" "Uh, yes, there is", Twilight opened the book. "It says here that the Nightfeeder is most seen in the darkest areas of the Everfree Forest. Even beyond it." "Great. That means we know where to start", said Spike. "But how would we know it's safe there?'' asked Fluttershy. "The book said all creatures flee from it, meaning all creatures might not go there", answered Twilight. "So I think tonight we all should go there & find out what this thing is up too." "Why does it have to be in the night?" Fluttershy groaned. <> After a long hike from Ponyville to the dark areas of the Everfree, the ponies felt the uneasiness of fear on their way. "Guys, I don't wanna brag or anything but I feel like something's following us right now", Pinkie shuddered. "I thought I was the only one..." agreed Fluttershy. "C'mon you guys, it's probably just some animal or some dino walking by", Rainbow reassured them. "I don't know, Rainbow. I mean the sun is going down fast so anytime might happen", said Twilight. Then nearby, a Carnotaurus with a burnt right-sided face & broken horn watched them. <> They walked as the Carnotaurus bursted outta nowhere & almost bite Twilight but luckily she dodged. The Carnotaurus roared at them. The group gasped. "Ugh, him again!" groaned Rainbow. "Ahhh, Zircon!" Pinkie screamed outta her lungs, pointing at him. Zircon charged at the group but they all divided. "Don't remember what happened last time?!" mocked Rainbow from a tree. "Twilight is gonna go all sonic on you again, right, Twi?" "I don't know how to control it, remember?" Twilight reminded her. "Oh right…crap…" "What do we do with him now?" Fluttershy asked. "ATTACK!" yelled Twilight. Zircon roared as he tried chomping Rainbow. She flew around him, throwing hard punches on his face. Twilight & Rarity blasted him with laser beams. Spike, Pinkie, & Fluttershy clutched onto his legs, making sure he doesn't move. Then Rainbow jumped onto Zircon's neck & pulled one of his horn. "Had enough, burnt-face?" mocked Rainbow, yanking his horn. Then Zircon bunked Rainbow in the face with the back of his head. He then chomped her on the leg & hurled her to Twilight & Rarity. He threw off Spike & Pinkie off his left leg. He grabbed Fluttershy by the tail & threw her off as well. Zircon pinned Fluttershy down & lowered his head for a bite. Fluttershy covered her face then a familiar voice was heard. "YEEEE-HAWWW! Suddenly Applejack appeared outta nowhere & grabbed Fluttershy off Zircon's foot just on time. Zircon growled at them. "Go Fluttershy", she ordered as Fluttershy flee. "Twilight, Rainbow! Catch!" Applejack tossed a lasso to them. Twilight begun tying one of Zircon's legs while Rainbow flew & tied his snout closed. Rarity & Fluttershy tied his other leg while almost getting stomped. Applejack tied his arms to his legs. "Through the hole, over Ponyville, & one more loop", Pinkie was cheerfully tying the lasso into a knot against a tree. Rainbow flew around Zircon & yelled "C' mon, girl! Heave...!" "Ho!" Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, Rarity, & Applejack pulled the rope, strapped to a tree altogether. This made Zircon lost his footing & fell in front of Rainbow. The Carnotaurus groaned from the impact. Rainbow calmly approached. "Better luck next time, burnt-face", Rainbow patted his snout. "This isn't gonna hold him long. Let's go!" called Applejack. The ponies rushed off as Zircon struggled to break lose. <> The group ran deeper to the forest. They panted for a moment. "Applejack, what are you going here?" Twilight panted. "Well followed y'all, of course!" answered Applejack. "I couldn't help but eavesdropped your plan back in Sugarcube Corner earlier." "Well you could have told us you were coming with us", reminded Rainbow, brushing herself. Then Applejack breathed deeply. "Y'all, ah need to tell you something: the truth." This made the group stared in confusion & suspicious. "Ya see…" Then a loud screech interrupted Applejack. The group jumped from the sound & looked around. "What…was…that?" Fluttershy whimpered. "It's here", Applejack whispered intensely. "Huh?" the group were confused. "What-what's here?" stammered Spike, nervously. Then a figure ran at them at incredible speed. "INCOMING!" called Rainbow. The group barely escaped the attack. But creature sliced off a tree. "TIMBER!" screamed Pinkie as the falling tree divided the group. Twilight was with Applejack, Rainbow on the other side of the tree while Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, & Spike were on the opposite. "It split us apart! What do we do?" asked AJ. Twilight thought then had a idea. "Hey!" The group from the opposite side heard Twilight. "You guys go! We'll tried to distract it!" Twilight instructed the other. "Be careful, Twilight!" Spike called out. Him & his group flee. Meanwhile Rainbow & AJ were unsure of the plan. "Are ya sure about this, Twi?" asked Applejack. "I don't know. But it's the best I've got…", answered Twilight. Then she started yelling. "Hey! Over here! Come & get us!" The creature was on one of the trees & turned to Twilight's group. It jumped on one tree to another. The group ran as the creature pursued them. <> Meanwhile Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, & Pinkie ran as fast as their legs could carried them. Rarity stop as she had stumbled upon a hill. "Girls, I think we should…" Before Rarity could say anything, the others bunked into her & they all fell down the hill. To make matters worse, they even got separated during the fall. <> Meanwhile, Twilight, Rainbow, & Applejack ran as the creature screeched & slashing off obstacles like trees & rocks like its just nothing while chasing after the ponies. Twilight fired a laser beam at it but the creature handled it like it was nothing. "Ah, screw this!" Rainbow decided to face it head on. "Rainbow, what are you doing?!" yelled Applejack. "I'll hold it off, go!" Rainbow flied to it & then slamming her entire body to it, knocking it off its legs. Unfortunately Rainbow got spattered by the tar-like substance from it. The creature got up & ran the other way. "Ah! Ugh! It's in my mouth! What is this?!" she exclaimed in disgust, trying to remove it. She ran around & accidentally got leaves & spider webs all over her. Then she ran to a tree, making it fall on her. "OH NO! NO!" (CRASHED) <> Rarity was wandering around, fearfully. "Fluttershy? Spike? Pinkie?" she whimpered. Then a muddy figure emerged right behind her. "Don't worry, Rarity. I got you", reassured the muddy figure, touching her shoulders. Rarity screamed & karate-kicked the figure multiple time then she ran off. The muddy figure was revealed to be Pinkie Pie. "I think she knocked out my favorite teeth…" Pinkie groaned dizzily before fainting. <> Fluttershy stopped & panted for air. Something peered from the bush. Fluttershy saw it. She quietly picked up a log & smashed it. (BONK!) "Oh!" "I got it", Fluttershy went to the bush to check it out but to realize…she just hit Spike! "Spike? Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I thought you were the creature." Fluttershy helped him up. "I'm okay…" Spike answered, dizzily. A terrifying screech scared both of them. Fluttershy grabbed Spike's arm & they both ran. <> Twilight & Applejack stood together defensively. The creak on the left made them jump. Then a loud hurl on the right too. "C'mon, c'mon. Show yourself, son of a b*tch", challenged Applejack. Then a leafy & webby figure emerged. Without reaction, Applejack grabbed it by the arm & slammed it left to right repeatedly. Twilight saw who it was! "Stop Applejack stop!" "Huh?" Applejack gasped. It was Rainbow Dash! "Mah gosh, Dash! Ah'm sorry, ah didn't mean to. Say something, anything!" Applejack helped. Rainbow shook head. "Numbskull!" Rainbow bonked Applejack on the head. "Oh!" groaned Applejack. Then Spike & Fluttershy appeared. "Ah!" shrieked Fluttershy before punching the air. "Chill out, Fluttershy", reassured Spike. "It's just the others." "Oh", Fluttershy sighed in relief. Then something tabbed her shoulder. Fluttershy yelped & slapped it on the face. But it was just Pinkie. "Oh! I'm sorry!" "It's okay, Shy", Pinkie rubbed her cheek. "Wait! Where's Rarity?" asked Spike. This alerted everyone. "Rarity!" Twilight called. "Where are you?!" Pinkie shouted. Then Rarity came out from the darkness with tears in her eyes. She tackled Spike & hugged him tightly. She whimpered uncontrollably. "Rarity, what happened?" Rainbow asked. "It's there...", Rarity pointed to the darkness. "What?" Spike didn't understood. "What's there?" asked Twilight. Then an eerie chitter was heard. The ponies looked at saw the creature standing at the trees. It was approximately 10 feet tall with a slimy body, armed with jagged teeth and long blade-like claws, and a tail with small sharp barbs all around. "The Nightfeeder..." Twilight said softly. The group froze in shock & fear. Applejack however charged towards it alone. "APPLEJACK NO!" the ponies screamed. Applejack & the Nightfeeder charged at each other but the Nightfeeder pinned her down and strangled her. "APPLEJACK!" the group screamed. Applejack started to choke as the Nightfeeder slowly squeezed her neck tighter. Then Rarity holded the Nightfeeder's arm but it grabbed her then hurled her off. "Rarity!" Spike hollered as he ran to her. Rainbow Dash kicked the Nightfeeder off Applejack. The Nightfeeder tried to slash Rainbow Dash but she dodged and grabbed onto its waist, trying to push it down the hill. While the group helped Applejack up, the Nightfeeder hit Rainbow in the back with both of its hand then kicked her away. "Dashie!" Pinkie yelled as she ran to help Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, are ya okay?" In respond, Rainbow only coughed out blood at her face. The Nightfeeder & the group ended up in standoff but the Nightfeeder only focused on Applejack. It grinned evilly before ran over to Applejack, grabbing her by the shoulders while the others tried to retain it. "Move!" called Pinkie then hit the Nightfeeder with a branch. But the creature kicked Pinkie Pie & she hit her back with a tree, making her groan in pain. Then it bit Fluttershy's wing & threw her to Twilight, slapped Spike in the face, scratched Rarity in her back even making her scream, & punched Rainbow Dash in the stomach. Applejack threw a hard punch on the Nightfeeder's face & the Nightfeeder punched her back and kicked her away. Then Rainbow tried to hit the Nightfeeder with the branch but the Nightfeeder caught it & threw it away. Then it grabbed Rainbow by the throat. Rainbow bucked the creature's face, making the black blood finally bleed from its mouth. Rainbow punched it & tried kicking but the beast grabbed her leg & proceed to choke her. Twilight grabbed the branch & hit it on the back. The Nightfeeder threw Rainbow & slapped Twilight. Twilight crawled & stabbed the branch through its leg. The Nightfeeder screeched in pain & pulled a piece of the branch. It tried to stab Twilight but Twilight holded its hand. Then it kicked her in the hind leg and swung her around. Then the beast stepped on her hoof, making her lose grip from the wood. It pulled Twilight's mane, making her look at it. It licked her in the face, much to Twilight's disgust. ''Hey!'' yelled Spike, holding a rock. ''Leave Twilight alone, you....!'' The Nightfeeder hit him. Then it turns to Twilight & opens its mouth, revealing it secondary row of teeth. Then Rainbow & Applejack both bucked the Nightfeeder off her. Applejack ran in full speed & pushed it off, sending it rolling down the hill. Applejack looks down from the top of the hill to see what happen but instead she don't see it anymore, thinking it might have retreated. ''Where it go?'' asked Rainbow Dash, also looking down. ''Ah don't know'', replied Applejack. ''Maybe it got away.'' ''Let's get outta here, y'all'', declared Applejack & everybody agreed as they & Applejack headed straight to Twilight's castle. Little did they that the Nightfeeder was watching them in the darkness. It snorted in anger as it disappeared into the foliage. <> Back in Twilight's castle, the group cleaning or applying their wounds. Twilight's got a bruise on her face & hoof, Rarity's got a huge scratch on her back, Fluttershy's wing was bitten, Pinkie Pie's got a huge bruise on her back, Rainbow Dash got a bruise in the eye and stomach, Spike's eye been bruise too, & Applejack got bump on her cheek. "Twilight, what was that thing?" Pinkie started. "Nightfeeder", answered Twilight. "Is it responsible for all those massacre?" asked Rarity. "I think so. Looks like we're dealing with something totally different." ''Guys, I don't think it can die'', added Spike while cleaning Rarity's wound. "What if it comes back for us again?" Fluttershy asked in fear after bandaging her wing. "If it does comes back, it'll only go after her," said Rainbow Dash as she wiping blood from her mouth and points at Applejack. "What are ya talking about?" Spike asked in concern. Rainbow didn't answer but approached Applejack. "You knew that thing, don't you?" Applejack sighed & nodded slowly. "I knew it all along..." "Rainbow, leave her alone", ordered Rarity. "No, she lied to us. All of us!" Rainbow shouted. "Rainbow, ah didn't…" "No! All you have to do was tell us the truth but instead you made ran around like headless chickens!" "Rainbow…" Applejack tried to explain. "Why did you lied to us, AJ?! Why why why?!" "BECAUSE THAT THING KILLED MAH PARENTS!" Applejack finally snapped. This made everyone gasped. "Now leave me alone", Applejack looked away. Rainbow suddenly felt bad for yelling. "Applejack, I..I'm...sorry. I had no idea", apologized Rainbow. Applejack breathed deeply. "It all started many years ago..." <> (FLASHBACK) The scene showed Bright Mac holding an ax, looking around while the family were hiding in the cellar. The Nightfeeder appeared on the roof of a shed. Thinking fast, Bright Mac was about swung the axe but the creature whipped him with its barbed tail. "PA!" Applejack & Big Mac screamed. The Nightfeeder heard them. It charged to the cellar but Bright Mac grabbed it by the tail, preventing from reaching the cellar. The Nightfeeder launched onto him & began mauling him. Pear Butter gasped. "Granny, hold Apple Bloom!" Pear Butter gave Granny the baby. ''Ma, please. Don't go! Not you too!'' Applejack begged, holding her hoof as Big Mac & Granny Smith pull her inside while baby Apple Bloom cried. ''I'll be right back. Just stay here'', Pear Butter said before shutting the door locked & faced the monster herself. The monster leaped into the air. Then Applejack opened the cellar door a little bit & watch. Watched as the monster slaughtered her mother too. <> (FLASHBACK ENDED) "Oh my", Fluttershy gasped as she covers her mouth in horror while Spike was comforting teary Rarity even with his eyes filled with tears, Pinkie sobbed uncontrollably, while Twilight & Rainbow Dash remains silent. "So after that mah family & I made a pact of never speaking about that creature or what happened that night", concluded Applejack. "Applejack, I'm sorry. We didn't have any idea", apologized Twilight. "Sorry for being pushy or suspicious at you", added Rainbow with guilt & regret. "But one thing's certain", Applejack stood up. "Ah vowed to avenge mah parents! Even die trying!" The group looked at each at other then nodded. "I'll help", Rainbow stood up. "You are not alone, Applejack", Twilight added. "Count me in", Spike stood up. "I don't my friends to die so I'm helping,", Fluttershy added. "It may be a cake-walk but I know we'll pull through", said Pinkie, confidently. But Rarity was the last. "C'mon Rarity." "We are all gonna die...", sighed Rarity but also stood up. "No matter what happens, we'll be here & we'll help you anyway I can", said Twilight. Applejack smiled in approval their decision then she and the group stared out the window & into the night. <> At the creepy old mansion in the Forest, the Nightfeeder cut out its own black blood & began to draw on the wall. First it drew Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy's picture. After that it also drew Rarity, Spike, Pinkie Pie. And finally it drew a picture of Applejack. It takes a moment to look the painting and then it howled thunderously in anger and scratched at the picture. <> OURTRO > Epidode 11: Life of the King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose at the horizon. The light shined to a certain Tyrannosaurus Rex from his slumber, Zeus. Zeus slowly opened his eyes & yawned. Zeus walked into field, stretching his small arms out. Then he walked under a huge waterfall to take his shower. Later a Pteranodon carrying a deer carcass flew by a dropped it to him. Zeus bend down, sniffing it before eating it whole. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 11: LIFE OF THE KING <> Later, Zeus walked to the lake to drink. The other dinosaurs looked & bowed down at his presences. Zeus sipped the water as the other dinosaurs did the same. On the other side of the lake, Zeus saw the same Tarbosaurus he fought before. The Tarbo glared at Zeus but Zeus gave a warning-growl. The Tarbosaurus backed down as him & Zeus procced to drink water. Then he heard some commotion. He looked & saw two juvenile Allosaurs cornering a female Kentrosaurus. The Kentrosaurus wailed fearfully as the two carnivores stared hungrily. Then Zeus stood in front of the Kentrosaurus & blocked the Allosaurs’ way. The Allosaurs snarled confidently at the Tyrannosaurus but Zeus gave a small growl. Suddenly Allosaurs whimpered & bowed down in submission. Zeus gestured them to leave & they obeyed, whimpering like dogs. Zeus turned to the Kentrosaurus, huffing at it. The Kentrosaurus huffed in response. Then Zeus raised his tail & petted the Kentrosaurus on the head. The stegosaurid blushed & swooned then she bowed down in respect. <> Zeus was at the clearing if forest, sunbathing before the same Pteranodon from earlier landed. Zeus stood up & asked what's going on. The Pteranodon chittered the report. Zeus gasped in horror & asked the Pteranodon to show him something. <> Zeus reached a half-eaten Triceratops carcass. Zeus sniffed the carcass, investigating it. Zeus looked & saw three set of footprints leading west. Zeus grunted & followed the tracks. <> Zeus made it to the huge clearing near the edge of a cliff. He looked & saw two small Baryonyx feasting on a dead Iguanodon. Zeus bursted out from hiding & bellowed loudly at them. The two Baryonyx looked up & growled at him without fear. Then behind the T. Rex, third large male Baryonyx appeared behind him. Then something dawned to Zeus. It was a trap! The carcasses were just bait & the three Baryonyx were planning to take him down. But that doesn't scare him. Because he dealt worse. The smaller Baryonyx pair jumped to attack but Zeus easily dodged & grabbed the second with his mouth & threw it to the large male. Zeus grabbed the previous Baryonyx's tail with his mouth & swung it in circle in the air. Zeus slammed it hard on the ground and stomped its head, killing it. The two remaining Baryonyx roared & Zeus did the same. The large male Baryonyx & Zeus both slammed their body at each other. The spinosaurid then bit Zeus' hand while smaller Baryonyx chomped his leg. Zeus roared in pain. Then Zeus chomped the smaller Baryonyx by the back & hurled it away. Zeus shook off the larger Baryonyx. He grabbed it then chomped onto its shoulder. The Baryonyx shrieked painfully & both the Tyrannosaurus & the Baryonyx lost their footings & slipped down the slide of the cliff. Zeus kicked the Baryonyx off him & tried clawing the ground with his foot. The Baryonyx bit his tail, making the T.Rex lose his grip. Then Zeus bit onto roots from the cliff. But the weight of both dinosaurs were too much for the roots so they snapped as Zeus & the Baryonyx fell. They both fell into a shallow lake with huge splash. Even after the fall, they stood up & clashed each other to death. Zeus got the upper hand & pinned the Baryonyx onto a rock wall. Zeus chomped its shoulder again. The Baryonyx bit & scratched Zeus’ back but the Tyrannosaur was able to withstand its attacks. Then the Baryonyx stabbed its toe claws into Zeus’ belly. The Tyrannosaurus wailed in pain. Then the Baryonyx shoved him away. Zeus groaned in pain but he tried not given up. He got up & looked to see his belly heavily bleeding. But he left it that way for now. (Play music at 3:50) Both dinosaurs stood & stared at each other, menacingly. The Baryonyx growled at Zeus. Zeus bellowed back. The two dinosaurs charged at each other. The Baryonyx snapped its jaws but Zeus dodged & chomped on the Baryonyx’s neck. The Baryonyx roared in pain & tried to break free. Its neck slowly bled as Zeus bit deeper. Then the Baryonyx scratched a piece of Zeus’ lips, making him winced in pain. However Zeus still haven’t lose his grip. Then the Tyrannosaurus pinned the Baryonyx down on the water. The Baryonyx tried to kick him but Zeus stomped its body down with his foot. The Baryonyx whimpered painfully then Zeus’ entire teeth cut deep into the Baryonyx’s neck. The Baryonyx screamed in agony & pain then the T. Rex snapped its neck. Zeus finally let out as the Baryonyx laid down lifeless. Zeus nudged the body to test if it’s still alive. The dead Baryonyx didn’t move or respond. Zeus grunted in satisfaction before laying his foot on the body & let out a victory cry. Zeus panted in exhaustion as he limped away to the forest. Unknowingly, the remaining Baryonyx watched from the cliff as it dragged the Iguanodon carcass away. <> Later that night, Zeus was sleeping soundly & peacefully back at his own territory. Then a haunting howl from the distance woke him up. Zeus looked to see what it was but heard nothing. He waited & heard it again. It sounded presumedly like his. Then he decide to give a response. He waited a moment then heard the howl again. Then the realization slowly dawned to Zeus: He’s not alone & certainly not the last Tyrannosaurus after all. <> OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 12: Maisie goes to School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a top of a apartment in Ponyville, Maisie stared in wonder as colts & fillies walking to school while singing "ABCs". Claire & Owen watched their adopted filly in curiosity. "What do you think she's staring at?" Owen asked Claire. "I think she staring at those fillies. She's been doing that for two days", Claire responded. "Think maybe she wants to go?", Owen asked. "I mean it won't be such a bad idea if she learn a little bit of something, right?" Claire thought about it. "Maisie, can you come here, sweetie", Claire called the filly. "Yes, Claire, do you need something?", Maisie asked politely. "Maisie honey, do you want to go to school?", Claire asked. Maisie gasped softly. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 12: MAISIE GOES TO SCHOOL <> The next day, Owen, Maisie, & Claire went to the department store for school supplies. "So what do have on our list?" Owen asked as Claire opened her list. "Well there are a tons of things we should get", Claire answered. "We should start with basic stuff. I've heard there's new store opened at the corner. We should go there", said Owen. <> The store was packed with parents & their children buying school supply. "Feel free to whatever you wanna buy", Claire gave her permission. "Thank you!" Maisie ran excitedly. "Not too expensive, okay?" Owen called out. "I won't!" Maisie replied. Owen & Claire watched proudly as their adopted daughter picked supplies for her school. <> Later, the family walked home with a hoof full of supplies. Maisie hummed cheerfully as she trotted. "Looks like somepony's in a good mood", Claire started a conversation. "You sure look confident about school, right kid?" Owen asked. "Mmmhmmm!" Maisie nodded cheerfully. <> Later that night, Claire woke up to use the bathroom. As she was about to enter, she saw Maisie on the toilet seat, sobbing. "Maisie, sweetie what’s wrong?" asked Claire, concernedly. "I changed my mind, I don’t wanna go to school", sobbed Maisie. "Why not?" "What if the others doesn’t like me? What if everypony hate me or even bully me? And what if I have bad grades too?" asked Maisie anxiously as she continued to cry. Claire took a deep breath & patted her adopted daughter on the head. "When I first started my school, I was more nervous like you. Eventually you'll discover things you find fulfilling about it." Maisie smiled a little bit. "Okay, I think I feel a little bit better now", Maisie smiled a little bit. "So Maisie no matter what you face, make the best of it, okay?" concluded Claire. "Okay." <> (NEXT MORNING) "I OVERSLEPT ON MY FIRST DAY!!!" screamed Maisie as she shoved her breakfast down her throat. "Whoa, kiddo, take it easy. You still have plenty of time", reassured Owen. "But we have no time to spare!" Maisie drank her milk & ran to the front door but Claire stopped her. "Maisie wait!" "Yes, Mommy?" "You forget your backpack, sweetie", reminded Claire, levitating the backpack. "Oh I forgot. Thank you", Maisie took the backpack & ran down the stairway of the apartment. Owen & Claire watched proudly from the balcony as their adopted filly ran to school. "Look at her go", smiled Claire. "Just like my first day", said Owen. "Ya think she'll be okay?" asked Claire. "Of course she'll be", replied Owen. "Your cousin and her friends are in town." <> Maisie ran to school. She passed a lot fillies & colts on her way. "Just on time", she sighed. "Ah can't believe it. Maisie?" a voice asked. Maisie turned back. It was Apple Bloom & Trike! "Hey I know you, you're Applejack's little sister, aren't ya?", asked Maisie. "Yeah & how are ya? Ah haven't seen ya seen since you released the…", Apple Bloom stopped herself, remembering what happened back at the Lockwood Estate incident. "Oh ah'm sorry." "I know", Maisie sighed, almost feeling sad. "Uh..hey, no ponies blames ya. Ya did do the right thing", Apple Bloom tried to smooth things. "I guess…" shrugged Maisie then she saw Trike. "Oh whose this?" "Maisie, this is Trike, mah dino-friend", Apple Bloom introduced the baby Triceratops. "Trike, this is Maisie. The one we've told ya about." Trike approached her & happily squeaked. "Aw, the pleasure's all mine." Then the school bell rang. "Oh! We're late. We should go", said Maisie. "Right, Trike go home now", Apple Bloom told Trike as the little Triceratops obeyed. Maisie & Apple Bloom ran to the school. Maisie caught a glimpse of a little filly, feeding some crackers to a Moros on her lap. <> The kids were seated in Ms. Cheerilee's class. "Class, we have an new student joining our school today. Maisie, would you like to introduce yourself please?" "Yes, Ms. Cheerilee. Thank you." Maisie walked pass the gothic unicorn filly & a earth filly with braces on. "Good morning, everypony. My name is Maisie Lockwood. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you", Maisie introduced herself. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile proudly. "Hey, Lockwood!" the gothic unicorn called. "Are you sure your name is Maisie but not Messy?" The filly with braces & the pegasi colt with a cap started to laugh. "Messy Lockwood", joked the emo earth colt. "Martha, Chloe, & Ace! Detention, after school!" Cheerilee scolded them. "Oh c'mon, Ms. C!" the braces filly named Chloe complained. "And you too, Mooch", Cheerilee concluded. "But what did I do?" asked the emo colt named Mooch. Gothic filly named Martha grunted frustratedly. "You're dead, Lockwood. Mark my words." <> Later at recess, Maisie sat on the swing all alone. Glooming after what happened at the morning. Then she looked and saw the same filly from earlier. The filly was feeding a Lytrosaurus. "Hey, Maisie, wassup?" Scootaloo appeared behind her. The filly yelped in surprise. "Oh Scootaloo, you scared me." Scootaloo chuckled as both Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom appeared. Scootaloo sat beside her. "Hey about this morning, you should really watch out for Martha & her friends", advised Apple Bloom. "Yeah, she & her friends will pick on anypony they see", Sweetie Belle added. "Hey guys, who is that?" Maisie pointed at the filly. "Hmmm? Oh that's Dinky Doo", replied Scootaloo. "Why is she alone?" "We don't really know. Ah guess she likes it that way", Apple Bloom scratched her head. "Plus she had this weird connection with dinosaurs." "Really?!" Maisie was stunned. "Yeah, but it was pretty cool what happened last time", Scootaloo said. "What happened last time?" asked Maisie. The CMCs had a flashback. (FLASHBACK) The Ankylosaurus smashing everything (FLASHBACK ENDED) "Ya don't wanna know", replied Apple Bloom. "Hmmmmm." Maisie resumed to watch Dinky. <> Later, Maisie & the CMCs were walking back to the class. Then they heard a scream. The four went to investigate then saw Martha & her gang picking on some of foals. "Give us all of your comic books right now or we'll kick your your weak little flanks off!" Martha shoved one of filly in the face. "Ow! Cut it out!" shouted the filly. "Yeah, back off, Martha!" one colt tried to be brave. "Or else what, maggot? Wanna die?" the pegasi colt named Ace grabbed his face. Maisie & the CMCs watched helplessly. "We should get outta here before things get worse", said Sweetie Belle. But Maisie bravely marched up to them. "Maisie, come back!" Scootaloo reached out. "Maisie, no!" pleaded Apple Bloom. "They're gonna kill her!" whimpered Sweetie Belle. "Oh for Celestia's sake, just grabbed the comics already!" Chloe grabbed the comics. "Hey! You heard them. Stop it!" demanded Maisie. "Oh lookie here, fellas. Messy over here is trying to protect the little weaklings", mocked Martha. "Kindly return the books right now", said Maisie. "You want them? Come & get them, Lockwood", challenged Martha. Maisie tried to grab them but Martha swiftly get outta the way, making Maisie tripped. Martha & her gang laughed. Then Maisie threw dirt at her face. The CMCs & the children gasped. Martha calmly wiped the dirt off her face. "Oh you don't know when to quit, do you? Grab her!" ordered Martha. Ace & Mooch grabbed Maisie by the arms & pinned her to the wall. Martha approached her. "I want you to remember this moment: the next time you pick a fight with us, it'll be your last!" warned Martha & slapped Maisie hard in the face. Mooch & Ace let her go. "Just give a up already, Messy", joked Ace. "Bye, Loser-Lockwood!" Mooch mocked. "Keep your little childish comics. We're too old for this anyway", Martha & Chloe threw the comics down on the ground. The gang walked away, laughing arrogantly. "C'mon, let's get some ice creams. My treat!" "Whoo-hoo!" the gang cheered. The CMCs & the foals ran to Maisie. "Oh that looks bad", Scootaloo observed the slap-mark on Maisie's face. "Are you okay, Maisie?" one of the foals asked. "Don't worry, guys. I'm okay", reassured Maisie, trying to get up on her legs. "Ah told ya not to pick a fight with them! They could have killed you!" Apple Bloom scolded her. "One more word & Martha could have skin you alive", said Scootaloo, grimly. "Maisie, next time please pick a fight with them ever", said Apple Bloom. "But..." "Maisie, please", Sweetie Belle asked. "Ah, alright", Maisie sighed. <> After school, Maisie was walking back to home. Then she bunked into someone. "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" Maisie desperately apologized. "No it's okay. I wasn't paying attention", someone reassured. "Really I'm sorry...." Maisie gasped as she got a good look at the filly. "Dinky Doo?" "Yes, you're Maisie Lockwood, right?" asked Dinky. "Uh...yes", Maisie nodded. "How delightful! I'm looking forward to attend the school with you", Dinky shook her hoof. "Uh...thanks. I guess." "Dinky!" "Oh my sister is calling. See ya tomorrow!" Dinky ran off & waved back at her. "Uh...bye..." Maisie waved back. "She really is sometime else." <> OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END) > Episode 13: The Sino-Clan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack yawned as she stretched her back. She walked out on the front door. "Good morning, Ponyville!" she greeted but soon found out that the farm was full of Sinoceratops. The ceratopsians eating the apples from the trees, scaring off livestock, & even destroying the barn. "What in tarnation is going on?" Applejack asked herself. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 13: THE SINO-CLAN <> Applejack walked around the herd. "Hey!" She tabbed one of the Sinoceratops, getting its attention. "What's going on here? Why are you all in my farm?" In response, Sinoceratops shoved her down & laughed. Applejack grunted in frustration. "Nope!" "Big Mac?" Applejack pushed through the herd to get to her brother. Applejack saw Big Mac was on the tractor, trying to scare of the herd. He honked the horn & making loud noises from the engine. But one Sinoceratops charged the tractor & flipped it over. The other Sinoceratops roared in praise to that Sino. "Are ya okay, Mac?" called Applejack, desperately. "Nope", replied Big Mac. Then she heard a scream. "Granny?" <> Applejack entered the kitchen & saw Granny Smith defending herself from the Sinoceratops calves. The babies brayed & roar loudly, they destroyed furnitures, they ate everything from the fridge, their muddy footprints were everywhere, and they even fought among themselves. "What a nightmare!" Applejack exclaimed in disbelief. Then another scream was heard. "Apple Bloom & Trike!" she gasped. She ran & saw the filly & the little Triceratops being bullied by a bunch of Sinoceratops. Sinos laughed as they taunted the children. One of the Sino even squeezed an apple on Trike. Trike roar & charged at them. But one of the Sino pushed her down hard. "Trike! Are you okay?" asked Apple Bloom. The adult Sinos laughed at them in amusement. "Why did ya do that?! She's just a kid!" In response, the Sinos laughed even more. Then Applejack hit one of the Sinoceratops in the face with a shovel. The shovel even broke in half. The herd immediately went silent. Applejack panted as she threw the shovel down. "Get outta here, all of you now!" ordered Applejack. The herd didn't react but only watched. Then huge bull Sinoceratops walked through the herd as they cleared a path for him. This Sinoceratops had huge scars & wounds covered almost his body. Broken-off spikes are shown on his frill. His right eye was scarred & pure white. The horn on his nose was the biggest among the herd, measuring approximately 6ft long. The giant bull roared. Applejack, Apple Bloom, Trike were intimidated by his appearance. "Ah think this one is in charge", observed Applejack. "Yeah, and this one is really buff", added Apple Bloom as Trike hid behind her. The giant Sinoceratops snorted. "Ahem, are you the one charge?" asked Applejack. The Sinoceratops just exhaled sharply. "Ah'll take that as a yes. Right, can ya asked your herd to leave. Because this is our farm & we've been here all our lives so could you called off your herd & give us back our farm?" The Sinoceratops looked at his herd & thought about it. He started chortling as the herd did the same. Two Sinos even headbutted each other hard in amusement. "What's so funny?" asked Applejack before two Sinos grabbed Apple Bloom & Trike. "Hey! Pick them down!" Then the leader grabbed Applejack by the back with his paw. Big Mac & Granny Smith were dragged by the herd. They escorted the Apples out of the farm & threw them all. The leader & his followers laughed as they went back. "Hey you can't kick us out! This is our home" Apple Bloom shouted. Then a baby Sinoceratops appeared. "Oh-oh-oh!" the calf mocked Apple-Bloom, followed by his friends doing the same. <> Later the family settled at Twilight's castle & Applejack told everyone what happened. "...and then they all kicked us outta the farm, Twi." "That one-eyed bully is such a jerk!" cried Apple Bloom. "Eeyup", Big Mac agreed. Trike also growled in agreement. "That old wandering-critter thinks he's master just because we're smaller than him", complained Granny. "Well ah got one word for him…" Then Granny hawked & spitted at the ground. The group paid close attention. "First the Night-Demon & now this, man…" Rainbow groaned. "Well according to all of the every dinosaur encyclopedias, ceratopsians like those are extremely & fiercely territorial", Twilight guessed. "And they intentionally steal other animal's territory as well", added Spike, petting Trike on the head. "Hmmm! Well I say that swine of a leader is such a brute!" Rarity scoffed. "C'mon, y'all, is there anywhere we can deal with this?" asked Applejack. "Well there is one way we can deal with this", suggested Fluttershy. "Peace-offering?" guessed Pinkie, holding a plate of cupcakes. "No, a leadership duel." "What?!" everypony exclaimed. "Ya mean hoof-to-hoof combat sorta thing?" asked Rainbow. Fluttershy nodded. The group became silent. Then Twilight spoke "Uh...I'm sure there are other ways we can get the..." "Ah'll do it", Applejack spoke up. "WHAT?!" Everybody exclaimed in surprise & shock. "Applejack, you can't be serious", said Rarity. "Sis, have ya seen that thing? How big it is?!" Apple Bloom tried reasoning. "Yeah, how about the peace-offering?" Pinkie asked her plan. Applejack stood up & walking towards the exit. "No more peace-offerings. No more mecy. Ah'll going back." "Applejack, be reasonable. You're gonna get killed with that bull", even Big Mac tried to stop her. Trike squeaked as if she was trying too. "Killed or not killed, ah don't care!" Applejack shouted back. "Ah'm getting these pea-brained lizard-sh*ts outta the farm if it's the last thing ah do!" Everybody was completely stunned by Applejack's stubbornness & decision. Finally Twilight let out a sigh. "I'm going with her." "Wait for me. I'm coming too", Fluttershy volunteered. "Count me in too. Just in case AJ need backup!" Rainbow followed too. Twilight turned to Spike & the others. "Spike, girls, watch Granny & the others while we deal with this... disaster, okay?" "You got it, Twi", Spike showed his thump up. "Good-luck!" Pinkie waved. "I really hope things went well", Rarity hoped. <> Back at the farm, the giant bull Sinoceratops was arm-wrestling one of his companions. Eventually the bull beats them. The bull roar triumphantly . "Hey!" Applejack yelled, getting the bull's attention. They saw Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, & Fluttershy walking towards them. The bull scoffed as he marched towards them. "You got a lot of nerves kicking me and mah family out", Applejack glared fearlessly. The Sino-bull growled in response. "Okay, okay! Enough!" Twilight tried to ease things up. "Let's not start this way." Twilight cleared her throat. "Hello, sir. My name is Princess Twilight..." The Sino roar loudly at all of them. "...Sparkle." "Hey, nopony does that to my friends!" Rainbow scowled at the Sinoceratops' face as both of them glared with murderous attempts. "STOP!" Fluttershy intervened. "Girls, sir, fighting isn't gonna solve anything." Then the Sinoceratops flicked Fluttershy away with his paw. The flick sent the pegasus a few meters away as she hit face first on one of the trees. "Fluttershy!" Rainbow, Twilight, & Applejack shouted & ran to her. "Ah-ha! HAHAHAHA!" the Sinoceratops chief cackled as his herd did the same. The girls helped Fluttershy. They were shocked to see her forehead was bleeding little. "Fluttershy, are you okay?" Twilight asked desperately. "Ah...." Fluttershy rubbed her head. "I think so." Then Applejack grew even madder than before. "HEY!" The herd became dead-silent. The Sino-chief turned to face her. "Why don't you pick on somepony your size!" challenged Applejack before galloping towards him. "Applejack, wait!" Twilight stopped her but it was too late. Applejack jumped & landed a punch across the Sino's face. The Sino-chief groaned as he rubbed his face. The herd gasped in shock. The Sino-chief growled in anger. Applejack stood in the fighting position. The Sino-chief charged at her. "Aw, finally! Big CGI fight, coming up!" cheered Rainbow while hold dizzy Fluttershy. Applejack dodged the Sino's charge. She threw her hoof but the Sino caught it with his paw & squeezed it hard. Applejack screamed in pain then punched him multiple times in the face. "C'mon on, AJ! He's just a big bull, show him what ya got!" cheered Rainbow while Twilight watched in uneasiness. "Tell me when the fight's over", Fluttershy dizzily requested. The Sino threw Applejack off. Applejack crashed through the briar patch. She sneakily grabbed one of the briar branch. Unknowingly the Sino-chief chuckled and approached her. Then Applejack stabbed the briar onto his face. The Sinoceratops roared in pain. Then Applejack grabbed his paw, making him fell down while delivering a powerful elbow. "She's doing fine", reassured Rainbow. Then Sino-chief bit Applejack's arm with his beak. "AAAAAAHHHHH!" Applejack wailed as the dinosaur literally carried her with his beak & crashed her through a tree! He tossed Applejack like a toy in the air while laughing & swung his tail at her like a baseball. Applejack crashed to the tractor, shattered the window in the process. "APPLEJACK!" shouted Rainbow, Twilight, & Fluttershy as they ran to her. "AH-HA! Hahahaha!" The Sino-chief laughed as his herd roared in praise. Applejack groaned while blood dripped from her mouth. The three tried helping her up but it's no use. "Applejack!" Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Trike, & Granny along with Spike, Pinkie, & Rarity appeared. "Oh dear..." Rarity gasped. "That looks bad", Spike pointed at the wounds on Applejack. "I gotcha," Pinkie took out a handkerchief & wiped out the blood. "Applejack, you gotta & keep fighting," Rainbow said. "Yah, this guy is a pushover. Just look at him", Apple Bloom tried helping her up while Trike just squeaked. "Ah can't do it anymore..." The group were confused. "What do you mean you can't?" asked Pinkie "Ah couldn't save mah parents, ah couldn't beat the Night-Beast, and now ah can't even protect the farm. Ah'm..ah'm nothing", Applejack's on the brink of giving up as she teared. "Who are you?!" Asked Granny. "Are you the weakling? Are you willing to give that easily?" "Granny, I don't think that's gonna..." "Shh", Big Mac held Twilight's shoulder. "We believe in you, we have faith in you so have faith in yourself. Remember the pony ya are now. Remember the deeds ya accompanied." Applejack eyes begun to glow. Apple Bloom & Spike were the first ones to saw it. "Granny, whatever ya're doing, don't stop!" Apple Bloom told her. "Keep it going, Granny", Spike cheered. Granny ignored their requests & kept prep-talking. "Now tell me, who are you?!" Applejack was on fiery light-orange as she screamed out, "AH AM APPLEJACK!!!" "Oooh, boy!" gasped Rarity. "Here we go again", said Fluttershy in awe. "Super-Sentai mode, baby! Woo-hoo!" cheered Pinkie in enthusiastically & excitedly. "Yah! Go get him, tiger!" cheered Rainbow. Applejack walked to the Sino-chief. "HEY! WE'RE NOT FINISHED YET!" said powered-up Applejack. The Sino-chief growled & charged at Applejack. Applejack held out her hoof & levitated him with her power. She threw him to a pig-sty. The Sino-chief, humiliated & got mud all over his face, roared as his herd charged at her. Powered-up Applejack grabbed one of Sino's tail & threw it to the herd. One of the Sinos tried to impale Applejack but ended shattering his horn. She grabbed that Sino & threw it all the way to Ponyville. <> Meanwhile, Lyra & Bon-Bon were playing chess on a picnic table. "Checkmate again, Bon-Bon!" Lyra beated Bon-Bon before the Sino crash-landed on the table. Luckily both Lyra & Bon-Bon weren't harmed from the impact. <> Powered-up Applejack galloped in full speed as the whole herd charged at her but she easily crashed through all of them. The herd were scattered everywhere. "That's it AJ! Don't stop what you're doing!" cheered Twilight. "We believe in you!" added Pinkie. Trike roared cutely in praise. The Sino-chief threw whatever he can at her but Applejack either dodged or punched through then she upper-cut him few meters back. The Sino-chief tried to crashed her with both of his paws but Applejack got onto his back & slammed him down. Then she grabbed his tail, spun him & threw him a hundred feet into the air. She super-jumped in the air & punched a powerful blow to the Sino-chief. Sino-chief was crashed into an old barn like a meteorite. The Sino-chief groaned from the impact. Applejack landed on the ground & walked slowly to him. The Sino looked up. "Get out & never come back or else ah won't be so merciful next time." ordered Applejack. The Sino-chief did nothing except getting up & called off his herd. The Sinoceratops herd got up & followed their chief's command. Finally the Sino-chief ran off in fear. Then Applejack's powers died out as she returned back to her normal self. The group cheered as they group-hugged Applejack. "Ya did it, AJ! You beat that douchebag!" Rainbow congratulated. "Super-Sentai mode too!" added Pinkie. "It was amazing, darling! Truly!" added Rarity. "yay", Fluttershy cheered softly. "Ya did it, big sis", Apple Bloom cheered with Trike cuddling cutely on Applejack's leg. "Your parents will be proud of you, Applejack", said Twilight, hugging her. "And so do we", added Spike. Applejack was touched by that. Granny didn't joined but nodded proudly at her. She nodded back then spoke "Is it just me or ah just can't feel mah arms & legs? Am ah even standing up?" This made the group laughed. <> Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END)