• Published 4th Feb 2023
  • 1,001 Views, 15 Comments

Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1 - MasterKen1803

Equestria is now filled with Jurassic Equestria dinosaurs. Will ponies & dinosaurs coexist together?

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Episode 5: Apple-Trike Against Equestria

Ponyville Schoolhouse bell rang as the fillies & colts ran out excitedly to go home. The CMCs walked out together.

"Ah, finally! Two days away from school at last!" Scootaloo stretched her back.

"And no homeworks as well", added Sweetie Belle. "Can't wait to hang out all weekend with him."

"Oooh! Is it this certain colt?" Oh, what's his name?" Applebloom smirked. "Is it the sweet little Button Mash?"

"What?! No, shut up!" said Sweetie Belle, blushing.

"Awwwww!" Applebloom cooed.

"Oh please....", Scootaloo rowed her eyes.

After playing around at Ponyville playground, Apple Bloom decided to go back home.

"Well gotta go y'all. See you tomorrow!" Apple Bloom waved at her friends.

"G'night man", Scootaloo replied.

"Sweet dreams", Sweetie Belle also replied. As Apple Bloom walked her way home, a figure watched her in the bush. Soon it followed her all the way.

Apple Bloom hears a squeak on her right. "Huh?"

"Hello? Whose there?" Apple Bloom called. Then he hear a growl. But it wasn't threatening, it sounds a bit childish. Then it revealed itself, a baby Triceratops & also a female.

"Whoa!" Apple Bloom said in awe. "A Triceratops."

The Triceratops snorted and sniffed her.

"Hey, stop that. Ah ain't food", Apple Bloom tries to stop it but no avail. "You should really go back to your family. They're probably worried sick for you."

The baby stopped sniffing her & sat down on her hunches, silently. She whimpered. Apple Bloom seemed a bit curious.

"Do you have a ma or a pa?" she asked. The little Triceratops shook her head slowly & started to tear uncontrollably.

"Oh...oh...oh! No, no, no. Don't cry. Come here", Apple Bloom pulled the baby for a hug. Apple Bloom seriously don't know how to handle this situation. She looked around see if she could ask somepony for help but no one's there. And to make matters worse, the sun is setting quickly. There's no way the baby could fend for herself, well especially at night where predators are always on a prowl. Then they heard a eerie howl. Then another howl was heard from their left. So Apple Bloom decided to do something that nopony's done before.

"Hey, wanna come stay with me for now?" Apple Bloom asked. The little Triceratops looked at her, curiously.

"You can stay as long as you want. Just until your family or somepony else come for you, okay?" Apple Bloom said with a motherly tone. The baby seems touched by her offer then threw herself to Apple Bloom, hugging & licking her.

"Hey that tickled!" laughed Apple Bloom.





Apple Bloom & the Triceratops snuck into the backdoor. Apple Bloom peeked in and saw Applejack cooking in the kitchen.

"Alright that's my big sister, Applejack. She's nice but she's strict with me bringing animals inside so just follow me quietly, okay", Apple Bloom instructed as the baby nodded.

Apple Bloom looked inside, making sure nopony's coming. She gestured the baby to come in but the baby made creaking noises everytime she walk. Then baby accidentally tripped, causing a loud thud. Applejack heard that.

"Apple Bloom, is that ya?" Applejack called. Apple Bloom quietly helped to baby up and pushed it upstairs.

"Uh...yes, big sis. Ah'm back", she replied.

"What's that thud ah just heard?" Applejack asked.

"It was me. Ah tripped", Apple Bloom lied.

"Well be careful next time & get ready cuz dinner's almost ready", Applejack said.

"Coming", Apple Bloom called. Then she proceed to push the baby into her room.

"Alright, baby. Just stay here & be quiet til ah finish dinner okay?" Apple Bloom asked as the baby nodded. "Okay, see ya."


The Apple family sat around the table and have their dinner. All was quiet til Apple Bloom broke the silence. "Applejack?"


"How do you raise children?" Apple Bloom asked. This caused the attention of Big Mac & Granny Smith.

"Why?" Applejack asked suspiciously.

"No reason. Just wanna know", Apple Bloom replied.

"Have you kept a stray animal in your room right now?" Applejack asked, raising your eyebrow.

"No. No ah didn't", Apple Bloom said, sweating. After seconds of intense glaring, Applejack let this aside. "Hmmmm...okay, sugarcube."

She begun.

"Alright first you need to....."


"....and that's how you look after your children", concluded Applejack but to her surprise, Apple Bloom was dozing off.

"Hey!" Applejack nudged her.

"Ah'm awake!" Apple Bloom snorted.

"Did ya even heard what ah said the whole time?" Applejack asked.

"Uh...ya said do this & do that & then this & then that to overlook your children right?" Apple Bloom replied, making her big sister glare at her. "So are we done cuz ah really need to go."

"What are ya going?" Granny Smith asked.

"Uh...homeworks", Apple Bloom lied.

"Ah thought ya young'uns don't have homeworks this weekend", Applejack said.

"Uh...well...some of us do because....uh...because..." Apple Bloom couldn't finish her sentence.

"Because?" Granny Smith asked.

"Because....we got a huge essay to work on til Monday", Apple Bloom lied.

"Hmmmm....okay. Try finishing it today", Applejack ordered.

"Heh...g'night, y'all", Apple Bloom ran to her room. Meanwhile the family stared suspiciously at her.

"That little hooligan is sure mighty sus tonight", Granny said.

"Eeyup", Big Mac agreed.

"Don't worry, y'all. We'll find out soon enough", Applejack said.


Apple Bloom locked her room. She sighed in relieved.

"Alright, baby. They'll gone...." before Apple Bloom could continue, the baby Triceratops was asleep on her bed. The baby snored cutely as Apple Bloom smiled and covered the baby with her blanket.

"Sleep tight, little one", she bid her before turning off the light and slept right beside her.



At the park, Scootaloo & Rumble were hoof-wrestling while Rumble's friends cheered for him.

"I'm gonna beat you, Scoots", Rumble smiled.

"Ha! In your dream, you loser!" scoffed Scootaloo. Both equally were matched til...

"Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom ran to her. As Scootaloo turned back, Rumble beats her.

"He beat her", the blonde haired colt gasped before excitedly yelled "Oh! I knew he'll beat her. 10 bits, pay up."

Rumble's friends each paid 10 bits to that colt.

"Ah f*ck it", the unicorn colt sweared before paying the blonde haired.

"Hey, Apple Bloom, you distracted me", Scootaloo said, defeated.

"Ah'm sorry. Scoots, you need to come with me", Apple Bloom said.

"What why?" Scootaloo asked.

"Ah'll explain on the way", Apple Bloom said.


Sweetie Belle & Button Mash were in the room with a romantic music playing.

Sweetie Belle blushed as she came closer and Button Mash did the same. They plucked their lips before....

"Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom & Scootaloo busted into her room then were shocked of the sight. Sweetie Belle & Button Mash both visibly blushed til Sweetie Belle said "It's not it looks like."


The CMCs & Button Mash trotted to Sweet Apple Acres. Button Mash however appears to be smooching Sweetie Belle on the shoulder as she giggled & much to Scootaloo's disgust.

"So what are you showing us again?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, now that she mentioned it", Sweetie Belle said.

"What we're about to see is pretty crazy", Apple Bloom told them. "But we do have to do it in mah room, okay?"

"Sure", Scootaloo repiled.

"Okay", Sweetie Belle agreed.

"Oh boy", Button Mash winced.


Soon the CMCs & Button Mash were in Apple Bloom's room and saw the baby Triceratops.

"Crusaders & Button, this is the baby ah've told y'all about", explained Apple Bloom. The baby however appears to be nervous from the sight of the new ponies.

"It's okay, little one. They're with us", Apple Bloom reassured the baby Triceratops.

"You...you have a....." Sweetie Belle stuttered.

"Deep breaths in", Apple Bloom instructed.

"A baby dinosaur!" Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Button said in unison.

"Yep", Apple Bloom smiled.

"Apple Bloom, why would you bring a dinosaur in your house?" Scootaloo asked.

"Because she was alone & scared when ah found her", Apple Bloom explained. And to Scootaloo's surprise, Sweetie Belle & Button were both petting the Triceratops. Scootaloo scratched her head.

"I don't know, Apple Bloom. I have a bad feeling about this", Scootaloo felt uncomfortable. Then she heard footsteps.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack called. The Crusaders & Button immediately pushed the baby under the bed.

"Just stay here & be quiet", Apple Bloom told the Triceratops before covering the bed sheet.

"Apple Bloom, are ya here?" Applejack walked into the room and saw the children somehow chilling out. "What is going on here?"

"Uh...we're chillaxing", Scootaloo nervously replied.

"Uh-huh. And why's Button with y'all?" Applejack gestured the colt.

"Well Sweetie Belle invited me over", Button said.

"That's right", Sweetie Belle confirmed.

"Hmmmm...okay. Apple Bloom, make sure ya done your essay, okay?" Applejack told her younger sister.

"Absolutely, not a problem", responded Apple Bloom. As Applejack was about to leave, she heard a fart. The children's eye widen because we knew where it was coming from. Applejack fans the scent with her hat.

"Oooh, excuse all of y'all!" Applejack scolded them before slamming the door. The children sighed in relieved as Apple Bloom lifted the bed sheet and glared at the baby Triceratops, whose smiling sheepishly.


The children & the baby played all day til sunset. Then they all were called by Applejack for dinner. The baby Triceratops was remained hidden in Apple Bloom's room. The family & the crusaders ate their dinner til a squeaky roar was heard. The children's face immediately widen.

"What was that?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing!" The children answered in unsion. Then Applejack heard it again.

"Is that sound coming upstairs or outside?" Applejack asked again.

"Outside!"the children responded.

"Hang on, ah think ah'm hearing something upstairs", Applejack went upstairs. The Crusaders & Button either lay their heads down on the table or sighed in defeated as they know they're in trouble.

"OH NO!" Applejack screamed at what she just witnessed.

Granny picked up a basket of roll and asked "Roll anypony?"


Later the family & Crusaders gathered in the living room as they discussed about the baby Triceratops, whose now with the family.

"No, no, no, no! Look, this is not just an animal. This is a Jurassic Equestrian dinosaur. Ah know she's cute but pretty soon she's gotta be monster", Applejack said, receiving some sad faces from the children. "Don't gimme those looks! The answer is no!"

"Well was ah a lot of trouble when Ma & Pa have me?" Apple Bloom asked which Applejack couldn't answer.

"No", Granny answered for her.

"But you're our filly and this is a dinosaur", Applejack said.

"This is our filly now too", Apple Bloom said.

"Ah don't be responsible for that thing!" Applejack said.

"You don't have to be responsible, Applejack. Ah've been responsible. Ah been through hell for this dinosaur. And if being responsible means that ah have to lose her now well then ah hate responsibility!" Apple Bloom said. "Applejack, ah kept her alive just like Ma & Pa kept all three of us alive. And you're not take her away from me."

Everypony were touched by Apple Bloom.

"Wow, in my head, I did not see that coming", Button said before getting shushed by Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo.

"Augh!" Applejack groaned frustratedly. "Look..."

"Applejack, ah think we should give the critter a chance. Apple Bloom is taking care of her", Granny said.

"Eeyup, and imagine how helpful she might be to us too", Big Mac added.

"Okay..." Applejack signed as Apple Bloom & friends cheered excitedly. Even bringing the baby toward Applejack. "No! Don't get her near me!"

"Alright alright. Now that the critter's part of the family, we should have a name for her", Granny said.

"Bessey?" Big Mac suggested. The baby Triceratops shook her head.

"How about Maggie?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"No that's too obvious", Apple Bloom disagreed.

"Three-horned?" Scootaloo shugged.

"Way too obvious!" Apple Bloom disagreed again.

"Well how about Trike?" Button asked which the baby looked up curiously. "Trike, you like that?"

She nodded.

"Well Trike it is. Hello Trike!" Apple Bloom finally greeted her dino-friend for the first time. Trike squeaked cutely in response.


Next morning, Trike climbed down the stairs before running outside the porch. Apple Bloom showed up and ran after Trike as they happily played together in the field.


Big Mac was struggling with hammering the nail. Trike saw it and hit the nail with her paw. Big Mac's mouth dropped as he was amazed by Trike so he petted in appreciation.


Apple Bloom was teaching Trike how to apple-buck the tree. Trike headbutted the tree so hard all of the apple fell.


Granny Smith baked a pie and putted it on the table. Trike sneakily tries to eat but Granny caught her. Trike frowned.


At the playground, the CMCs & Trike played roughly in the rain. Then when they came home, they're all muddy. Applejack gave a disappointed look at them.


Applejack prepare to pull plow the field but it was too heavy. She sees Trike eating some vegetables & she got an idea. Trike pull the plow like its nothing while Applejack baits her with a piece of vegetable.


At night, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Trike sat in the field, staring at the sky.

"Ya know, maybe it won't be too bad if we kept Trike around", Applejack sighed.

"Told ya", Apple Bloom smiled. Trike squeaked cutely.

"Ma & Pa will be so proud with us, especially you, sugarcube", Applejack said.

"Me?" Apple Bloom asked. Applejack nodded. "But why?"

"Well you brought Trike to our lives, you took care of her like she's your little sister, she's fitting in just fine with us, and now she's more home here than ever. All thanks to you, Apple Bloom", Applejack explained. Apple Bloom stared at her and without warning, Apple Bloom embraced her. "Thank you, big sis!"

Trike roared cutely before embracing both of them as well as Applejack & Apple Bloom laughed.

"Welcome to the family, Apple-Trike."


Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle.

Twilight: Hahaha

Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air


The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck.

Blue looked up curiously.

The Young-6 stand dramatically.

And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop.


Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

Rainbow: Whoo-hoo!

Applejack: Yee-haw!

Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha

Fluttershy: yay

Pinkie: Ha!

Rarity: Darling

Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab

Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what

The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close.