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Chapter 1

Far, far away, in another galaxy...

The knights of the Solstar Order, defenders of justice and truth, have been ambushed by the evil magicians, the Dire Wraiths. The Solstar Order has prevailed and is now seeking out their scattered enemies.

One of these knights as followed the trail of the Dire Wraiths all the way to Earth. This one, the Dire Wraiths fear more than all others. This one has hounded them and kept them underground for centuries. This one alone could wipe them off the face of creation:

He is Rom, Lord of the Solstar Order.

Rom, the Wraithslayer.

ROM, the Space Knight!

But he must be careful,

The Dire Wraiths can assume any form they wish...

"Can you believe this? Someone had the bright idea to write a Power Ponies crossover with a toy that had been discontinued for a long time with a comic book series that fans nowadays would have known about because the comic company lost the license to the toy!" ranted Daring Do superfan Quibble Pants on a bench near Canterlot Park; checking out this popular Power Ponies fanfiction website on his phone.

"Just in case you ever wondered if Sci-Twi and Rainbow Dash were exaggerating how he was like in the Daring Do Fan Club!" laughed Canterlot High student Lyra Heartstrings to her best friend Bon Bon.

"Sci-Twi?" Bon Bon questioned with a wide eyebrow as they were heading to the park.

"Oh; the name that I decided to give to Twilight... You know our new Twilight with the glasses to distinguish her with the first one whose a magical pony Princess. So it's a little less confusing and a bit easier if Princess Twilight ever comes back when the next magical crisis rears it's ugly head." Lyra explained and Bon Bon nodded in understanding.

"I for one am perfectly happy to have things resembling normal for the time being; no magical Pony Ups from Sunset and her group and no fear of being magically enslaved or magically being mean." Bon Bon replied and Lyra gave a nod.

"I get what you mean but I think it would be nice if we got to proper join in with their adventures for once! Especially if we get to actually go to Equestria for once; I would love to see what it would be like being a pony and how they can hold things without these lame hands!" Lyra replied putting up her hands as Bon Bon giggled, sometimes Bon Bon wondered if Lyra outright wished that she was some sort of magical species that didn't have hands; as if there was something about hands that bothered her.

But then they saw something fall from the sky and land at great speed in the park.

"Well that happened... I am sure that whatever that is the government will take care of it and pretend that it never happened or it will just end up be Sunset and her friends' problem... LYRA!" Bon Bon said but Lyra excited went to take a closer look along with some nearby people.

Bon Bon went to drag Lyra away but she along with Lyra stared at the figure standing in a small crater; a being in a simplistic metal armor with a small visor and red eyes, almost out of a really old science fiction B-movie.

"Wow; looks like it's aliens and not magic this time! Don't worry Lyra; I got this as I watch old movies with my dad..." Lyra said excitedly as she cleared her breath and took a closer step while holding out her hand. "Klaatu barada nikto!" Lyra said making Bon Bon slap her head in embarassment.

The figure then looked over them and looked at the civilians in the crowd with some taking out their phones; he then took out some handheld device at 2 panicking people who were starting to run away; he then fired upon them and Lyra and Bon Bon then closed their eyes and jumped at the screams of the victims. They opened their eyes and what was left was ashes of the people and then the figure then aimed for another before taking off with rocket thrusters in his pack.

"Lyra... I think this is not some magical adventure story, slice of life story or just an alien story... I think it's a horror story!" Bon Bon nervously told her equally terrified friend as they both then ran home. They could only hope that once people know that there was a killer alien robot that just flamed people alive that Sunset and her group could use their pony magic powers to take care of him.

Rom was one of the brave citizens of the planet of Galador who volunteered to be transformed into a cyborg Spaceknight for the Solstar Order that protects their peaceful world. He was considered to be the greatest of the Spaceknight warriors and was instrumental in ending the war against the evil Dire Wraiths.

However he knew that the Dire Wraiths could not be allowed to unleash their terror on other helpless planets and their worlds so he had spent 200 years hunting them down. It as taken him to this planet and it seems that the Dire Wraiths were already at work; using his Analyzer he was able to find disguised Dire Wraiths among the civilians of this world in the area where he had landed. Using his Neutraliser he was able to take care of them before they could run away or use their evil magic to harm the innocent civilians around.

The civilians never knew that among them were a couple of evil beings that used their magic to assume forms that resembled those of their species.

He found someplace to hide from any other people while he got to work activating his Universal Translator so he could better communicate with the population of this world.

He wondered if the people of this world knew of the other life in the universe or have they not master space travel beyond their Solar System? It would be more comforting to sleep without the threats that existed in the universe; the warlike group of Cybertronians who called themselves the Decepticons, the Quintessons who sought to use their self bestowed authority to judge and sentence the races that they come across and off course most species would sleep much better if they didn't know of the infamous Chaos Bringer known as Unicron.

However the people of this world should feel safe and secure once they find out that the one who was nicknamed 'the Wraith Slayer' is here to save them from the threat of the Dire Wraiths...

Author's Note:

I'm a big fan of Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall and I recommend his retrospectives including the one on Marvel's Rom the Spaceknight comic. This is something that I wanted to try out and I might continue depending on the feedback. If you want to check out more of Rom check out that retrospective or the IDW comic series that tied into the IDW Hasbro universe that they did in the comics.

Comments ( 1 )

Interesting story. Added to read list. :twilightsmile:

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