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End of the Corruption Part 2

*Twilight's POV*

A voice spoke "So, you found me."

Roll growls "Who the cuss are you?"

They turned around and saw Metal Sonic.

Metal Sonic scoffs "But I am not alone."

Another Metal Sonic appeared, but it was corrupted and glitching.

Danyelle snarls "So... you went rogue after Eggman redeemed himself huh?"

Metal Sonic spoke "He became useless the moment he had his change of heart. But I found somebot I could work with. Myself. And one without the restraint of biological life, thanks to the corruption."

Metal Sonic and his corrupted counterpart started floating sideways towards each other, before they both flashed in a blinding dark light. When it faded, in their place was Neo Metal Sonic, but his color tone was darker.

Neo Metal Sonic spoke "Behold, Neo Metal Sonic.EXE!"


MegaDanyelle Dialga Soul soon appears in the same spot Danyelle was.

MegaDanyelle scoffs "I've fought the corruption before! This is NOTHING!!!"

MegaDanyelle lunged at Neo Metal Sonic.EXE, but then he suddenly glitched as she passed right through him.

Neo Metal Sonic.EXE scoffs "Predictable."

A powerful howl hits Neo Metal.EXE.

Tsuki spoke "Like I always say!"

Bass spoke "Fight data with data!"

MegaDanyelle spoke "CHAOS BUSTER!!!"

A blast of chaos energy hits Neo Metal.EXE.

Neo Metal.EXE spoke "That is quite strong, I’ll admit."

But then the fused machine healed itself, before MegaDanyelle’s head started shaking uncontrollably.

MegaDanyelle roars loud, the shockwave alone causes the two robots to unfuse.

Metal Sonic gasps "Impossible!"

MegaDanyelle spoke "That was the power of the CyBeast, Gregar!"

MegaDanyelle roars again, causing the glitchy Metal Sonic to explode.

MegaDanyelle growls "As long as I have this power, you don't belong on Mobius OR in Equestria!"

MegaDanyelle roars once more, causing Metal Sonic to explode.

MegaDanyelle spoke "Now there’s only one problem left."

Moonshadow spoke "Hevi kabisa...."

MegaDanyelle chuckles "You sound like Kion."

Moonshadow spoke "I guess the roar never truly left you either, you have mastered it."

*Meanwhile at the Tree of Life*

Kion sneezes.

Kion groans "I think that blue hairball was talking about me..."

*Back with Moonshadow's group*

MegaDanyelle spoke "I think we should meet up with Twilight's group."

Moonshadow spoke "Agreed."

MegaDanyelle heads off to Meggy's world with Moonshadow's group but little did they know, a non Mobian lioness was holding a corrupted core with her tail as she watched them leave.

The lioness thinks "{So that two tailed furball's got the Roar again... This is going be trouble for me if she meets up with the other three that also have the Roar... I need a new plan.}"

*In Meggy's world*

I spoke "That should be the last of the corruption here..."

Appletank spoke "Hopefully."

Sunbold spoke "Agreed."

Appletank asks "So how’s it goin’ Sunbold?"

Sunbold spoke "All good, Appletank. And I inspirited some angels we came across, turning them into super scaredy-cats."

MegaDanyelle spoke "I wiped out about 20 with a blackhole."

My ears twitch before I started snarling.

MegaDanyelle was also growling since something wasn't right.

I ask "Does anyone smell lion?"

Appletank’s wheels retracted as her brought out claw weapons for her front hooves and spike weapons for her hind hooves, but the bases were shaped like canine heads, with the claw and spike parts shaped like fangs.

MegaDanyelle growls "Whoever is hiding, SHOW YOURSELF!!"

As the cannon retracted back into Appletank’s body, a lioness showed herself.

MegaDanyelle growls "So we finally meet... Zira..."

Zira spoke "So you’re Danyelle."

MegaDanyelle growls "So what of it?"

MegaDanyelle growls as she kept her eyes on Zira while the others stayed out of the way due to the fact that the ponies were an easier target for a carnivore.

But then Zira’s eyes flashed white.

MegaDanyelle's claws catch fire as she leaps at Zira, clawing at the lioness's face.

But then Zira laughed strangely as she shrugged off that attack like it never happened.

The others and I sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXGbhniTBrU as MegaDanyelle bit Zira's left ear.

But Zira kept laughing as she strikes back at MegaDanyelle with strange pitch black claws and fangs.

MegaDanyelle knocks Zira away with a Chaos Blast.

I was in my kyubi form as I snarl.

But still Zira laughs strangely.

MegaDanyelle suddenly Beasts Out before roaring loud.

But then Zira’s head turned upside down!

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode clamps down on Zira's left foreleg before slamming the psychotic lioness on the ground several times.

But somehow, Zira wasn’t fazed one bit as her head started to twitch.

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode flew high into the sky while holding onto Zira before diving down as she corkscrewed down, slamming Zira hard on the ground.

But Zira laughed again, unaffected by it at all.

But suddenly, the orb that Zira had was gone!

I had the corrupted orb in my magic.

But then I felt something wrong with me!

Sumarda spoke "Twilight! Catch!"

Sumarda tossed the anti-virus program, and I caught it.

I injected the anti-virus program into the corrupted core, purifying it and thus taking away any power Zira had.

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode spoke "It's over Zira! Any power you had is now gone!"

But then Zira stood still…

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode growls.

A lioness spoke "Mother, Kiara helped me figure out that we are one."

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode spoke "She won't listen to reason Vitani, the orb ended up poisoning Zira's mind badly thus turning the lioness into a monster."

A voice spoke "I don’t know about that."

A red and black portal appeared, with Joker and the phantom thieves emerging from it.

Sumarda spoke "You gotta admit, Joker has a point. If the core is purified, then all corruption in anyone should be long-gone too."

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode spoke "Zira was corrupt before she got her paws on the orb though."

Joker spoke "That’s why we got this."

Joker brought out a jewel that resembled Scar’s eye.

Mona spoke "Zira definitely had a palace, and this gem was the treasure that corrupted her before she got that orb."

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode spoke "Hate to break it to you but Zira wasn't royalty."

Joker facepalmed. “No. We went into the Metaverse. Her desires were twisted enough for Zira to have a palace.”

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode spoke "Kion told me everything about Scar though...."

Zira asks "Ugh… Wha…? What happened…? Where am I…?

Pibby spoke "But HOW?!? That slam should have killed her!"

Sumarda spoke "Once that core was purified, everything and everyone affected was purified and healed as well."

Zira asks "What have I…?"

But then Zira’s eyes widened before she covered her face with her paws as she was heard sobbing.

Zira spoke "I must… atone…"

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode snarls "ENOUGH SUMARDA! Zira's skull was shattered when I had slammed her head first on the concrete!"

Sumarda spoke "Hey! Don’t get made at me! I wasn’t expecting this to happen either! I’m just as surprised as everyone!"


Sumarda and MegaDanyelle froze at that.

I spoke "No matter how we look at it, that slam should have killed the lioness!"

Pibby spoke "But we didn’t know what could happen with the corruption involved."

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode asks "What should we do with her?"

“I think we should leave that to Simba and Nala.” I noted.

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode spoke "They think Zira is dead though. Lions only live for about 16 years though."

Pibby spoke "Wait… something’s wrong!"

A red and black portal appeared below Zira before black demon arms grabbed her and grabbed her down as the portal closed, leaving a familiar symbol.

MegaDanyelle asks "Stolas?"

Sunbold spoke "I guess she was about at death’s door."

Appletank spoke "So Inferno decided to finish the job and take her ta Hell."

Vitani spoke "This'll make one hell of a story back home but I doubt anylion would believe me."

MegaDanyelle spoke "I bet the Mobian lions would though."

I ask "But I thought you only knew one Mobian lion though Dany?"

Ears flatten, Roll spoke "She does but he's basically the Mobian version of Blueblood..."

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not talk about him though."

Vitani spoke "Somehow, I’ll take your word for it."

I spoke "With the corruption gone for good, all of the worlds are finally at peace."

Pibby spoke "Definitely."

A portal then opened, revealing Pibby’s Bugs, purified. “Ehh… What’s up, Pib?”

I spoke "Though I am impressed with you Dany, controlling a strong power like that is no easy feat."

Megaman and Danyelle spoke "We don’t doubt it."

Pibby spoke "Bugs!"

With the corruption gone for good, folks across the multiverse could live in peace.

Moonshadow had gone back to his realm while Pibby, Bunbun, Libby, Daisy, Danyelle, the NetNavis, Cam, Ashley and I returned to our home realm.

Soon enough, Pinkie and Cheese had thrown a party to celebrate the freedom.
